Sweet potato - what is it? Recipes for making Sweet Potatoes Sweet Potatoes. Sweet Potato Sweet Potato - Growing Rules What kind of vegetable is it?

23.08.2024 Tools

Recently, people have actively begun to ask the question - what is a sweet potato? Either you heard about it somewhere or read about it. Next we will answer this question and tell you everything we know about it.

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), also known as “sweet potato” in the Arawak language (Indian people of South America) is a plant that has nothing in common with potatoes.

But either because it also grows in the ground, or because it is somewhat reminiscent of potato tubers, or because of its high starch content, it is often called potato.

Well, sweet - because sweet potatoes taste really sweet, especially their dessert varieties. Sweet potatoes are sweet due to their high glucose content.

What kind of plant is this?

This is a climbing plant (herbaceous perennial vine), the stems of which line the ground for a distance of up to 5 m and take root at the nodes. The height of the sweet potato bush is from 15 cm. The leaves are medium-sized, usually heart-shaped, on fairly long petioles.

Most sweet potato varieties flower. The “funnel-shaped” inflorescences are large, located in the axils of the leaves, and are often pink, white or slightly lilac in color.

Cross-pollination is carried out by insects, often bees. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a seed box containing small, black (from 3 to 5 mm) seeds in the amount of 4 pieces.

Sweet potato tubers are compacted and thickened lateral roots, which, depending on the place of growth and the variety, can reach a weight of up to 10 kg. But the average is from 0.2 to 3 kg.

The pulp of the sweet potato is also pink, white or even purple, depending on the variety. The tubers have an elongated, round (less commonly) or ribbed shape, and the skin can be of different colors and is smooth.

What does sweet potato taste like?

The taste of sweet potatoes depends on the variety, where it was grown, and the conditions. Thus, according to taste characteristics, it is divided into dessert (very sweet and tasty), unsweetened (fodder) and vegetable (sweet or sweetish) varieties.

The pulp of sweet potato varieties is soft and juicy, while for fodder varieties it can be drier and tougher.

Its taste is very reminiscent of frozen boiled or fried potatoes. But there are varieties that are very reminiscent of fruits, more precisely - melon, banana, some pumpkin or even chestnut. This is probably why so many people love him so much.

Plant varieties

There are many varieties of sweet potatoes; China grows more than a hundred varieties. But since there is no official classification, their names are unknown.

They are divided into three main types (vegetable, dessert, feed). In Japan there is a sweet potato that does not form tubers, but only grows an aboveground stem with leaves and flowers.

All varieties of sweet potatoes differ from each other in taste, color of pulp and skin, shape of tubers, yield or shape of leaves and flowers. Here are a few of the most famous: Salmon, Caramel, Pumpkin, Chestnut (Hedong), Hua-bei.

Useful properties

The calorie content of sweet potatoes is one and a half times higher than that of potatoes. It contains starch, protein, mineral salts, carbohydrates, many different vitamins (group B, PP, A), minerals, organic acids (ascorbic acid, folic acid), starch and disaccharides. Their quantity and composition differ depending on the variety, location and conditions in which the plant was grown.

Some varieties are rich in beta-carotene (much more than in carrots), they differ in the color of the pulp, most often it is yellow or orange.

Other varieties, those with purple flesh, contain anthocyanins (antioxidants). They are used in nutrition to prevent various diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and vision. It is worth mentioning that these varieties of sweet potatoes are much richer in carbohydrates, calcium, fiber and iron.

Who will benefit and how?

  • Sweet potato, as a food product, is very useful for people with heart and vascular diseases. Vitamin B6, which is found in large quantities in vegetables, improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. And a large amount of another, no less important vitamin C helps the body stay young longer and stimulates the immune system;
  • Anyone who wants to lose weight can safely eat sweet potatoes; they are rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the intestinal walls and thereby speed up metabolism and regulate metabolic processes. It also saturates the body well for a long time, since it contains complex (very necessary and healthy) carbohydrates. Sweet potato is useful for people who want to improve their gastrointestinal tract health, but unless it is contraindicated in a particular case (see contraindications below);
  • Potassium, which is contained in the fruit, has a good effect on the entire human nervous system. Therefore, everyone who suffers from insomnia, neuroses and chronic fatigue can take a closer look at this miracle vegetable. It also helps to relax the muscular system and restore it;
  • The plant contains a large amount of vitamin A, which is a godsend for anyone concerned about age-related changes in vision. Varieties with bright yellow and orange flesh are rich in it.

You can learn more about the properties of sweet potatoes in the video:


Although sweet potatoes are very healthy, they may be contraindicated for people:

  • With ulcerative colitis;
  • With different types of stomach ulcers or other parts of the digestive system;
  • With individual intolerance to some components (starch, glucose);
  • With gastrointestinal diseases;
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

Growing unusual potatoes

Under natural conditions, the plant grows in tropical and subtropical climates, less often in temperate ones. Colombia and Peru are considered the birthplace of the sweet potato. It was brought to Eurasia by Spanish sailors.

Today it is grown only as a cultivated plant in Mediterranean and Eastern countries. It is possible to grow it in our latitudes, although the yield will be significantly lower.

But countries such as India, China and Indonesia are considered leaders in the cultivation, consumption and export of sweet potatoes. In New Guinea, Uganda, and Rwanda, it is considered one of the most important food products.

Sweet potatoes are also common in many states of North America. There, in local stores you can see sweet potatoes called “yams” (tubers of plants of the genus Dioscorea). Although in reality it is not him.

Sweet potatoes are a rare product here. Although here it can also be grown in more southern areas in open ground. It is possible that over time the number of its cultivation in these areas will increase significantly.

In order to grow sweet potatoes in our latitudes, you need to take 1 or 2 tubers (buy at the supermarket) and plant them in a seedling box in January. To do this, take and mix soil, sand and humus in equal proportions.

After planting, the tubers need regular watering. Later, when the sprouts appear (after 3 weeks), you need to wait until about 5 internodes are formed on them, then they need to be cut off and planted in a growing pot. You can grow up to 7 sprouts from one tuber.

Plants can be planted in open ground only when there is no longer frost. Plants are planted in beds with a distance of approximately one meter from each other. After this, it is better to cover them overnight with film or other suitable materials.

Subsequent care consists of moderate watering of the soil. If the temperature is low and there is not enough watering, then the size of the tubers will be small. And vice versa.

In the fall, it is advisable to stop watering two weeks before harvest so that the sweet potatoes are dry and can be stored for a long time. It is dug out of the ground when the stems and leaves dry out.

We invite you to watch a video that will tell you about growing sweet potato seedlings:

Eating sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes, unlike real potatoes, cook much faster. Often it is even eaten raw, just like that or as a salad ingredient. It is even considered a dietary product, which is why its popularity is only increasing.

It can be boiled, dried, fried, added to various dishes (soup, porridge, desserts, casseroles, purees). Citrus zest and juice, pepper and curry are often used as seasonings.

Delicious recipes for new dishes

Healthy chips

These chips are much healthier than store-bought ones, and their taste is in no way inferior to them. For those who want to pamper their family and themselves, of course, they should definitely try to cook them.


  • Sweet potato - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Curry;
  • Dried herbs;
  • Red and black pepper;
  • Sour cream.


  1. First you need to wash and peel the sweet potato tubers;
  2. Dry them with a paper towel;
  3. Cut into fairly thin round pieces (slices);
  4. Mix together with salt, pepper and curry. Make sure that the amount of spices does not spoil the entire taste;
  5. Place the deco with the slices in a preheated oven at 230°. Don't forget to lubricate the deco with oil before doing this;
  6. Drizzle oil over top of slices;
  7. Bake until crusty on both sides (about 20-25 minutes);
  8. Place the finished chips on a plate and sprinkle with dried herbs;
  9. You can serve with sour cream or any sauce you like.

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Unusual puree

This is a very healthy and beautiful dish, children eat it with pleasure.

Therefore, it will now be easier to feed them healthy and tasty food.


  • Sweet potato – 1 kg;
  • Butter - about 50 g;
  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • Curry;
  • Dried herbs;
  • Salt.


  1. Peel the tubers;
  2. Rinse well and cut into pieces;
  3. Boil in water (can be salted) for about 15-20 minutes until tender;
  4. Drain the water and mash thoroughly (blender, meat grinder, pusher);
  5. Season the resulting pureed mass with butter and heated milk;
  6. Add a little curry or other spices to taste;
  7. Serve in a plate, sprinkle with herbs on top and pour over melted butter.

The video recipe for this puree is below:

Bright puree soup

Just like other dishes made from this vegetable, the soup is extremely healthy.

In addition, it has a very beautiful rich color and a soft, pleasant taste.


  • Sweet potato - 5 pcs. (small sizes);
  • Meat broth - about 1-1.5 cups;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Nutmeg;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt;
  • Ginger.


  1. Pour the peeled sweet potatoes with water (cold) and put on the fire to boil;
  2. Bring to a boil, drain;
  3. Pour in warm meat (prepared) broth;
  4. Boil and add all ingredients except milk;
  5. Bring to readiness and beat everything with a blender;
  6. Dilute the pureed mixture with milk and bring to a boil;
  7. Boil for another 10 minutes;
  8. Serve hot in portions.

Hearty salad

Any familiar salad with boiled potatoes can be “updated”. To do this, just replace regular potatoes with sweet ones and you will get an old-new salad that everyone will definitely like.


  • Sweet potato - 4 pcs. medium size;
  • Green onions (stems) - 1 bunch;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Oil (olive, but can be replaced) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon zest;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.


  1. Boil the sweet potato (do not cut it) in salted water until tender;
  2. Cool and peel;
  3. Cut into cubes (straws);
  4. Chop onion stems;
  5. Mix lemon juice, oil, zest, salt and pepper;
  6. Grease the sweet potatoes and onions with the resulting dressing, mix everything well;
  7. Serve the dish cold as an appetizer.

You can make many more delicious dishes from sweet potatoes. In the video we offer you another one of them - potato pancakes:

In the treatise of Thomas Muffet (1595), it was stated that sweet potatoes can increase sexual desire. Today, scientists explain this fact by the fact that it contains the natural hormone progesterone (female hormone). Therefore, this product is strongly recommended for use by women after menopause.

In different countries, the preferences of residents were divided. Thus, Americans choose fruits with yellow or orange flesh, and residents of Asian countries choose purple or white ones.

The plant can be used completely and without waste. Even stems and leaves, after boiling and soaking, can serve as one of the components of the salad. And the seeds are sometimes used as raw material for “coffee”.

Very large tubers (10 kg or more), which are inconvenient to cook, are processed into molasses, sugar, flour or alcohol.

Not so long ago, exotic appeared in the CIS. Its homeland is South America, it was originally used by the Indians, who gave it its name. It became known to European conquerors as "sweet". In our article we will answer the question of what it is, what it is eaten with and whether it is useful for people.

Calorie content and chemical composition

AND have nothing in common, except, perhaps, for tubers and a slightly similar appearance. However, residents of South America very often eat it, just like Europeans. This comes in yellow, purple and orange varieties, which differ in softness and sweetness.
On average, sweet potatoes have calories 61 kcal per 100 g pulp.

It is rich in many substances, for example, like in, it contains a lot of starch. At the same time, sweet potatoes contain much more sugar than sweet potatoes, which is why they got their alternative name - “sweet potatoes.” The tuber also contains proteins, carbohydrates, B vitamins, vitamins C, PP, A, calcium, carotene, phosphorus, and ascorbic acid. Riboflavin, thiamine, iron, niacin are present in huge quantities.

There is much more calcium and carbohydrates in the tuber than in, not to mention the delicate fiber, the source of which is this tropical.

Benefits and medicinal properties

Let's look at the benefits of sweet potatoes. Thanks to the content of vitamin B6, it promotes strengthening blood vessels. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, eat it in large quantities.

Since it contains vitamin C, sweet potatoes are antioxidant. Ascorbic acid is included in sweet potatoes in much larger quantities than in and. Accordingly, the vegetable protects the body from free radicals that cause cellular corrosion, which leads to the formation of cancer cells.

Potassium in the tuber has an incredible effect positive effect on the nervous system. The trace element affects muscle contractions and the functioning of nerve endings in the body. If you are affected by chronic fatigue, stress, insomnia, neuroses - increase the amount of the plant in your diet.

Excluding what is indicated in contraindications, the beneficial properties of sweet potatoes significantly contribute to strengthening the walls, which is an excellent prevention against ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
There are cases where sweet potatoes were very beneficial for women during menopause due to the content of female hormones. It is also used for low immunity and eye diseases.

In China, this vegetable is considered very useful and healing; it is used as a general tonic.

Application in dietetics

Thanks to the fiber, sweet potatoes are very filling, but not fattening. This occurs as a result of the processing of complex carbohydrates into sugar and its further absorption into the blood. Thus, a person remains full for a long time and receives a small amount of calories, which is successfully used in diets.

Important!Despite its sweetness, the vegetable is considered an excellent diabetic product, as it lowers glucose levels and stabilizes the amount of insulin in diabetic patients.

Nutritionists say that sweet potatoes have a good effect on the prevention of cancer and also restore the hematopoietic system.

Sweet potato in cooking around the world

Sweet potatoes are used in various cuisines around the world. It is consumed raw, boiled, baked, in the form of porridge, pastille, soufflé and even chips. They also make molasses and alcohol from it.

In French cuisine, a famous sweet potato dish is mini flan with vanilla and fricassee.
This tuber can be used to prepare a popular Indo-Chinese dish - sweet potato gratin with coconut sauce.
In Uganda, dried yam is popular and consumed with.
In Japan, sweet potatoes are eaten whole baked.
In China, soup is made from the tuber.
In Korea, it is used to make clear noodles.

Use in folk medicine

Although the tubers of this plant are not used in official medicine, they are widely used in folk medicine of many cultures around the world.

Sweet potato starch is used as a softening and enveloping agent. This substance is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as in cases of suspected cancer. Medical research has revealed the ability of this tuber, which has a low glycemic index, to stabilize blood glucose levels and reduce insulin dependence.

The antioxidant effect that the tuber has greatly helps with nervous system disorders, depression, stress, chronic fatigue and insomnia. It is also used to remove heavy metals, for menopausal disorders and to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

At climacteric disorders use this recipe: pour 40 g of dried vegetable leaves with a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain. Take half a glass four times a day half an hour before meals for hot flashes. The course of treatment lasts 28 days.
Another version of the recipe is also possible: grate 200 g of tubers on a coarse grater along with the peel, add two teaspoons and a teaspoon of zest. Should be taken several times a day if hot flashes or dizziness occur. Treatment should last three weeks.

Important! Tubers must be stored at a temperature of 16° C, permissible humidity - from 50 to 90%.

When preventing exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers, the following recipes are used:

  1. 30 g of dried sweet potato leaves, 10 g of grass and 5 g of flowers, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then strain. Take half a glass twice a day an hour before meals. The course of preventive treatment should be completed twice a year for two weeks.
  2. Mix 100 g of grated sweet potato with skin with some. Take a tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals. The course of preventive treatment should be completed twice a year for three weeks.

Did you know? Since the end of the 16th century, it has been known that sweet potatoes increase libido (sexual desire), this was revealed in the scientific treatise of Thomas Muffet “On Improving Health.”

For hypertension and nervous disorders, eat 200 g of boiled sweet potato with fresh fruit twice a week.

The sweet potato (Latin: Ipomoéa batátas) is not a direct relative of the potato, but due to the similar appearance of the tubers, it is often called the sweet potato. The taste of the fruits of this crop is really sweet, which indicates the presence of a large amount of sugars in it. This vegetable has a number of beneficial properties that allow it to be used as a valuable food product.

What is a sweet potato and what does it look like?

Sweet potatoes are a herbaceous plant with vine-like creeping stems up to 5 m in length. Lying on the soil surface, they take root in internodes, which makes it difficult to understand where the center of the bush is at the end of the growing season. The total height of the plants is about 18 cm above the soil surface.

Sweet potato leaf blades, depending on the variety, can be heart-shaped or ivy-shaped (finger-lobed). They are attached to the stem on long thin petioles. Sweet potatoes bloom with beautiful funnel-shaped flowers of purple, pink, pale lilac or white. They are located in the axils of the leaves. Some plant varieties do not have flowers.

The root system of sweet potato is branched and superficial. The lateral shoots of the roots grow, forming tubers covered with thin grayish, pink, red or orange skin (depending on the variety) and the same bright-colored pulp. The mass of tubers under favorable conditions can reach 3 kg.

Nutritional value of sweet potato and its benefits

Sweet potato tubers are a real storehouse of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other chemical compounds beneficial to the human body. In addition to ascorbic acid, thiamine, carotene, riboflavin and iron, tubers contain proteins, starches and sugars. It also contains the following components:

  • fiber, beneficial for the digestive and circulatory systems (reduces cholesterol);
  • an analogue of the hormone progesterone, which the body of women needs during menopause;
  • calcium, necessary to strengthen bone tissue;
  • cryptoxanthins, which have a positive effect on the condition of bone and cartilage tissue in arthritis.

In terms of calorie content and content of vitamins and microelements, sweet potato tubers are superior to potatoes. Another advantage is the ability to use tubers both raw and boiled.

Sweet potato: sweet potato (video)

Harm of sweet potato

Despite the high rates of benefit, sweet potatoes may be harmful to people suffering from oxalate kidney stones. Often, eating its tubers, even by healthy people, can cause the formation of kidney stones. But the high content of starches and sugars has virtually no effect on the glycemic index of dishes, so this vegetable is not harmful for patients with diabetes.

Popular sweet potato varieties

Conventionally, all varieties of sweet potatoes can be divided into three groups:

  • feed,
  • dessert,
  • vegetable.

The first group includes plants whose tubers have a slightly watery structure and a weakly expressed sweetness. The pulp of these varieties is white or cream-colored. Dessert sweet potato varieties are the sweetest and most aromatic(reminiscent of melon or bananas in taste and smell). Their flesh is red or orange. The vegetable sweet potato is sweet and its flesh is pink or yellow in color.

The following popular varieties of this crop are most often grown on plots.

Variety name Group Description of tubers Note
White bouquet Stern The skin on the tubers is light, most often creamy, and the flesh is white. The taste is reminiscent of raw chestnut. A high-yielding variety, the weight of one tuber often exceeds 4 kg.
Brazilian Stern The skin and pulp of root vegetables are white, the taste is unexpressed, slightly watery, the texture is dense. Productivity is high and depends little on weather conditions. The average weight of a tuber is 2-4 kg.
Amish Red Dessert The skin is red or intensely pink, the flesh is orange-red, intensely sweet with a melon aroma. High-yielding variety. The average weight of one tuber is 1.5 kg.
Beuregarde Vegetable The skin is red or orange, the flesh is intense orange. The texture is slightly watery, the aroma and taste are weak. High-yielding resistant variety. The average weight of root crops is 4-6 kg.
California Gold Vegetable The skin and flesh are intense orange. The taste is sweet, the aroma is weak. The productivity of the variety is high. The tubers are long, weighing up to 2 kg each.
Japanese Vegetable The peel and pulp of the tubers are pale orange, the taste and aroma are moderately pronounced. A very early productive variety. The mass of tubers does not exceed 2 kg.
Korean purple Dessert The skin is dark purple, the flesh is white, very sweet and aromatic. The yield is average, the average weight of tubers is 1-3 kg.
Old Fashioned Southern Queen Vegetable The skin is light gray or white, the flesh is creamy pink. The yield is average, the weight of the tubers is small, does not exceed 1.5 kg.

Almost all varieties of sweet potatoes can be grown in the middle zone. Even with ripening periods above average, they manage to form fairly strong tubers that can be stored for 6 months.

Features of cultivation

Sweet potatoes are very thermophilic, and their growing season exceeds those of potatoes. That is why in Russia this crop is grown in seedlings. To do this, in mid-February or late January, healthy tubers are selected and placed closer to the light, providing them with moisture (you can use jars or other containers for this, according to the same principle as for forcing onions).

After the sprouts appear and grow 10-15 cm, you can carefully separate the planting material from the tubers and plant them in separate peat pots with a sand-humus mixture. The height of the containers for planting should be large - at least 15 cm. At the same time, the tuber is capable of producing new shoots for reproduction, so it is left in a jar of water.

Young sweet potato plants are planted in the ground when the soil temperature reaches 18-20 degrees. In this case, the rooted cuttings are buried into the ground at 2 internodes. The distance between each plant should be at least 30 cm, and between rows - at least 70 cm.

When the air temperature drops below 20 degrees, it is recommended to cover the plantings with film or non-woven material. Otherwise, there is a risk of reduced yield or its complete absence. Watering is carried out regularly, 2-3 times a month. 10-14 days before harvesting, it is important to stop harvesting completely so as not to cause damage to the tubers.

Throughout the summer, it is important to constantly keep the soil around the sweet potatoes loose. To do this, 2-3 times a week you need to go through the rows with a hoe or a special ripper. Along the way, you can remove weeds, which often inhibit the growth of sweet potatoes.

How to cook sweet potato

Sweet potato is a more versatile plant than potatoes. It is used for preparing desserts, first and second courses, and also as a snack. You can use it to make candied fruits, jams, purees and even pies.


For example, to prepare delicious sweet potato donuts (a traditional Korean dish), you will need 350 g of boiled, peeled and mashed plant tubers, a third of a glass of wheat flour and 2 cups of rice, a third of a glass of sugar and a glass of milk (hot). For this dish you will need salt, in the amount of a teaspoon, and half a spoon of baking powder, oil for frying and cinnamon powder for sprinkling the finished donuts.

The products are mixed and the resulting dough is formed into balls, which are deep-fried until golden brown. The donuts are then allowed to dry off the oil before being rolled in a mixture of powder and cinnamon.

Sweet boats

An equally interesting dessert is made from fried sweet potatoes, which are first steamed and then cut in half lengthwise, some of the pulp is removed, pureed and mixed with egg yolks, honey, a small amount of milk and butter. The mixture is then placed back into the sweet potato boats and baked in a very hot oven for 15 minutes.

Vitamin snack

An excellent snack is made from raw sweet potatoes, seasoned with chopped garlic or onions, chili peppers and herbs, vegetable oil or a sour sauce made from sour cream or mayonnaise with lemon juice.

Spicy soup

Soups are also prepared from sweet potatoes based on vegetable or chicken broth, adding tubers instead of potatoes. It is important to choose vegetable varieties of sweet potatoes without a pronounced sweet taste. If there is none, then you can add more spices and herbs to the soup, including basil, hot curry, nutmeg, celery and ground pepper.

How to grow sweet potatoes (video)

Sweet potato is a very valuable plant that has not yet been fully appreciated in many countries. However, its nutritional value far exceeds that of potatoes and other vegetables, and cultivation does not require much effort.

Exotic fruits are gradually filling store shelves, so everyone has already become familiar with many of them. But there are also not quite ordinary and unknown vegetables, for example, sweet potato.

What kind of vegetable is this?

Sweet potatoes are sweet potatoes. This plant belongs to the root crops of the Ipomoea species and the Convolvulaceae family. In general, this is a rather long herbaceous vine that has roots at the nodes. The roots of the sweet potato in some places become very thick and form tubers, which are used as food. The flesh of these tubers can be orange, yellow, white, cream and even pink, red and purple. The weight of one tuber can vary from 200-300 grams to 2-3 kilograms.

Colombia and Peru are considered the birthplace of the plant. From there it gradually spread to Polynesia, Spain, New Zealand, the Philippines and other countries. Today, sweet potatoes are found only in cultivated form and are grown in subtropical and tropical latitudes, as they love warmth. In regions with temperate climates, the plant is also grown, but as an annual plant. In addition, the harvests are not very large.

There are different varieties of sweet potatoes, there are about 100 of them in total, although they do not have names, because there is no official classification. But still, all varieties are conventionally divided into vegetable, fodder and dessert, depending on the taste and degree of sweetness. Also, different varieties differ in the shape and color of the pulp and peel. Sweet potatoes can be round, long, or oval. The color of the skin varies from white to yellow and even orange.

The taste of such a vegetable is similar to the taste of regular potatoes, but sweeter and may taste like banana, chestnut, nuts, melon, zucchini or pumpkin.


The composition of sweet potatoes includes carbohydrates (much more of them than in ordinary potatoes), proteins, starch, ash, water, carotene, various organic acids, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, pyridoxine, folic acid, choline, PP vitamins, C, A, B6, B2, B1 and many other useful substances. And the calorie content of sweet potatoes is only 60-65 calories per 100 grams, so this vegetable can safely be called dietary.

Are sweet potatoes healthy?

Useful properties of sweet potato:

  • Due to the high content of vitamin C, sweet potato can be called an excellent means of preventing atherosclerosis (this vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels). In addition, this vegetable helps strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to infections.
  • The substances included in the composition protect body tissues from the destructive and extremely dangerous effects of free radicals, which trigger the aging process of cells and can also provoke the development of cancer.
  • The benefits of this vegetable for the digestive tract are invaluable. The fiber contained in the composition normalizes the digestion process and also removes waste and toxins from the intestines.
  • Magnesium is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, so regular consumption of sweet potatoes will help prevent the negative effects of stress.
  • The vegetable contains potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Sweet potato improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Sweet potatoes contain substances similar to female hormones, so this vegetable is recommended for women during menopause, as well as for hormonal disorders.
  • The vegetable contains calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bones, teeth, nails and hair.


Contraindications include some diseases of the digestive system, such as gastritis and ulcers. The fact is that sweet potatoes can irritate the mucous walls of the stomach. In addition, you should exercise caution during lactation, as well as during pregnancy. Individual intolerance is possible, but it is rare.

How to grow?

As already written above, sweet potatoes can be grown in temperate latitudes, but only as an annual plant. In addition, you should not expect large harvests. Tubers, as when growing regular potatoes, are not used; they almost do not produce viable seedlings.

The cutting method is used. To prepare cuttings, either sprouted shoots of tubers or parts of the stems of adult plants are used. The optimal temperature for growing is 18-27 degrees. Lower temperatures are detrimental. Regular watering is required (especially important during the rooting period of cuttings), as well as cutting off shoots. The period from planting to harvest can range from 90-150 days and will depend on growing conditions.

How to use?

How to cook sweet potato? This vegetable can safely be called universal, as it is added to fruit and vegetable salads, desserts and other dishes, and used as a side dish. This vegetable can be eaten raw, baked, boiled, fried, steamed. We offer several dish options.

Sweet Potato and Green Bean Salad

To prepare you will need:

  • 2-3 sweet potato tubers;
  • 200 grams of green beans;
  • 1 head of red onion;
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley;
  • ½ teaspoon sweet mustard;
  • 2-3 teaspoons lemon juice;
  • olive oil;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the sweet potato well and boil without peeling. You can also steam it.
  2. Green beans should also be boiled, or better yet steamed.
  3. Peel the red onion and cut into half rings. Finely chop the parsley with a knife.
  4. Cut the sweet potato into strips. Mix it with onion, parsley and beans.
  5. Prepare the dressing. To do this, mix lemon juice, mustard and olive oil.
  6. Season the salad, add salt and mix it well.

Sweet potato baked with cheese


  • 2-3 sweet potato tubers;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the sweet potato, wash and cut into slices.
  2. Cover the bottom of the baking dish with parchment, after soaking it with olive oil.
  3. Place sweet potato wedges in pan.
  4. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the sweet potatoes.
  5. Place the form in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30-40 minutes.

Sweet Potato Casserole with Apples

You will need:

  • 500 grams of sweet potato;
  • 3 apples;
  • 100 grams of sour cream;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • butter;
  • raisin.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the sweet potato and cut into thin slices. Do the same with apples.
  2. Soak the raisins in hot water for half an hour to soften them.
  3. Prepare the sauce: mix sour cream, cream and eggs, beat everything well.
  4. Grease the bottom of a baking dish and layer the sweet potatoes and apples, alternating between them. Add raisins.
  5. Pour the sauce over everything.
  6. Place the mold in an oven preheated to 170-180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Prepare original and delicious sweet potato dishes using different recipes!

Sweet potato, or sweet potato It is quite rare in our country and is considered by many to be truly exotic, but the beneficial properties of this vegetable are undeniable. If you love a varied and healthy diet, this article is for you!

There is no clear information about the origin and distribution of sweet potatoes. There are still debates about this. Most likely, sweet potatoes were first cultivated in what is now Peru and Colombia. The main producing countries for sweet potatoes are China, India and Indonesia.

Called sweet potato sweet potatoes for a reason - raw they resemble carrots, both in color and taste, but cooked they taste like a cross between potatoes, only sweeter due to the glucose content.

Tubers of different varieties can vary greatly in shape - round, ribbed, spindle-shaped; according to the color of the pulp - white, yellow, orange, cream, red, purple; to taste - from bland to very sweet; by texture - from soft and juicy to dry and hard; by the color of the peel - almost all the colors of the rainbow.

Despite the fact that sweet yams are called potatoes, to be objective, they are much healthier than our favorite root vegetable.

What are the benefits of sweet yam?

If we talk about the benefits of sweet potatoes, you must first clarify what vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances they contain:

Due to the presence of a sufficiently large amount of vitamin B6, regular consumption of sweet potatoes can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

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As you may have noticed, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene - not to be confused with) which is simply necessary for the health of our eyes. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and plays a major role in stimulating collagen production and maintaining youthful skin.

If you are considering sweet potato specifically as a source of vitamin A, then do not forget that this vitamin is fat-soluble, so add oil to sweet potato dishes, otherwise vitamin A simply will not be absorbed.


Purple sweet potato

Considering the fact that sweet potatoes also contain a fairly large amount of vitamin C, this is another fact in favor of sometimes replacing the usual potatoes with them. 100 grams of sweet potatoes contain as much as 37% of the daily value of vitamin C.

The fiber contained in sweet potatoes is especially useful for those on a diet, as it has the ability to cleanse the body of toxins. Another good thing about sweet potatoes for weight loss is that they keep you feeling full for a long time. If you eat a 200 gram portion of baked sweet potato, you won’t be hungry until the evening.

Read also:

Sweet potatoes are also good for the nervous system and brain - a large amount of potassium is indispensable for stress, insomnia, and chronic fatigue.

Sweet potatoes have anti-inflammatory properties, all thanks to the content of anthocyanins and polyphenols. And phytonutrients reduce the damage caused to the body by heavy metals and free radicals.

Interesting facts about sweet potatoes:

  • Sweet potato tubers are used to make sugar, flour, molasses and alcohol. A milky juice is obtained from the stems and leaves, which is used as a dressing for salads, and a drink is made from the seeds that replaces coffee, like we do from chicory.
  • It is believed that sweet potatoes can improve your sex life. It is especially useful for women, as it contains an analogue of the female hormone progesterone.
  • In different countries, they like different varieties of sweet potatoes. In the USA, orange is popular; in Asia, root vegetables with purple flesh are preferred.
  • More than 100 varieties of sweet potatoes are grown in China alone.
  • Sweet potatoes have no official varietal classification.

Sweet potatoes - contraindications and harm

Sweet potatoes contain a small amount of oxalic acid - 30 milligrams per 100 grams of cooked product. Despite the fact that the amount of this acid is not as large as, for example, in, for this reason, sweet potato is not recommended for people with diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. If there is too much oxalic acid in the blood, it begins to crystallize, and the task of purifying the blood is performed by the kidneys, and sick kidneys will not be able to fully cope with this task.

According to some resources, sweet potatoes can also be harmful to pregnant women who have stomach or duodenal ulcers.

How to select and store sweet potatoes?

You should choose medium-sized sweet potatoes; they must be firm, without soft spots, without dents. If the name of the variety contains the words gold or red, then usually these fruits have yellow-orange flesh.

Varieties with orange flesh: California gold, California ruby, Covington, Evangeline, Gold Nudget

Varieties with purple flesh: Agena, Japanese purple, Korean purple, Mokuau, Okinawa purple.

White-fleshed varieties: Batas, Brazilian, O'Henry, Dingess

Deep fried sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are stored in a cool, well-ventilated place. They should not be placed in plastic bags; it is better to use paper ones.

The ideal place to store sweet potatoes is in the cellar, but since not everyone has one, the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or balcony is also suitable.

How to cook and eat sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes cook a little faster than potatoes. If you don’t know the recipes, then you can simply peel it and eat it fresh, just like carrots. They also make mashed potatoes from sweet potatoes - the recipe is no different from mashed potatoes from regular potatoes; butter and milk are added if desired.

Video recipe: Sweet potatoes baked in the oven

Like carrots, sweet potatoes have an interesting property - they become even healthier when cooked, so this is one of the few products that nutritionists recommend eating not only raw.

Important! Sweet potatoes should be cooked immediately after they have been peeled, just like potatoes, sweet potatoes turn black after contact with air. Another option is to keep the peeled root vegetables in cold water until you start cooking them.

More about benefits of sweet potatoes from Elena Malysheva’s program: