Homemade protein-carbohydrate cocktail recipe. How to make a protein shake at home? Protein-carbohydrate cocktail: the best recipes

27.09.2020 Electrics

If you train a lot and for a long time, but your muscles are not growing fast enough, this will help you carbohydrate cocktail , consumed immediately after sports. Among experts, opinions on the duration of the “carbohydrate window” vary significantly: from twenty minutes to an hour.

Therefore, in order not to make a mistake, try to replenish the energy deficit as quickly as possible after classes. Pre-prepared ones are perfect for this.

The composition of such a mixture consists of a ratio of liquid and carbohydrate parts of approximately one and a half to one. In addition, the recipe for a carbohydrate cocktail must include some kind of flavoring additive: fruit, dried fruit, chopped nuts or cocoa.

How to make a carbohydrate shake as healthy as possible without harming yourself with excess calories? One serving of a homemade shake should contain from fifty to one hundred grams of carbohydrates and from thirty to fifty grams of protein.

This optimal ratio, in which you replenish the energy deficit, your muscles will begin to recover and grow faster. At the same time, adjust the amount of carbohydrates in the carbohydrate cocktail recipe depending on the percentage of fat tissue you have - the higher the percentage, the less carbon and more protein you need.

For people involved in professional bodybuilding, experts recommend including additional chemical components: the pharmaceutical preparation “Asparkam” (consists of potassium and magnesium), minerals and trace elements in powder, glucose, creatine monohydrate and others.

However, at first they will suit you simple options carbohydrate cocktail at home, and it is better to discuss the need to introduce additional supplements with a sports doctor or trainer.

Below you will find several universal recipes, how to make your own carbohydrate shake.

Kefir-cinnamon carbohydrate cocktail

You will need:

  • one large banana
  • two teaspoons oatmeal
  • one and a half glasses of low-fat (preferably zero, but you can take one percent) kefir
  • cinnamon to taste

Pour kefir into a blender, add chopped banana and oatmeal, blend for one or two minutes at high speed. Sprinkle your homemade carbohydrate smoothie with cinnamon before drinking.

How to make such a carbohydrate cocktail, watch this video:

Banana Chocolate Carbohydrate Shake

You will need:

  • one and a half glasses of skim milk (you can take up to one and a half percent fat content if it is not possible to purchase low-fat lactose-free milk)
  • one large banana, one teaspoon cocoa powder (no sugar, so Nesquik won't work)
  • two teaspoons of grated dark dark chocolate (the higher the percentage of cocoa contained in chocolate, the better)

Pour milk into a blender, add cocoa and chopped banana. Beat for a couple of minutes at high speed. Before use, add a couple of teaspoons of finely grated dark dark chocolate.

Containing a lot of cocoa, you can add a few drops of natural orange essence - you get an unforgettably tasty and nutritious drink.

This cocktail is delicious both cold and warm. There is also a recipe on how to prepare a carbohydrate cocktail for women.

Remember Herbalife protein shake? Don't be afraid, this is not an advertisement! Many of my friends actually lost weight on it. But!
To maintain weight, you need to constantly buy these cocktails, and this is an extra expense, plus it’s all the same hsomething like that an artificial, unnatural and, in addition, unpleasant feeling of affection (as if you are being held on a hook).
I offer an absolutely natural, 100% healthy alternative. Do it yourself protein shakes in at home for weight loss. Although it would be more accurate to call them protein-carbohydrate cocktails for weight loss.

I have already lost 3 kg in a week! Hooray!
It's very easy and fast. The main thing is to always have the necessary products in the refrigerator.
Moreover, they will be very tasty and different.
So, first First of all, our task is to purchase products for protein shake.
The basis of all protein shake recipes fermented milk product. Any! The main thing is that it is natural, with a short shelf life (from 3 to 10 days maximum).
And it was made by a local manufacturer, that is, in the area where you live.
This can be kefir, biokefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without additives, and milk (although this is not a lactic acid product, it is also suitable for variety)

A huge plus is that in a homemade protein shake for weight loss includes a dairy product, and this is calcium!

Scientists have found that the more calcium a person consumes, those He has less body fat. The fact is that if there is a lack of it in the body, hormones begin to be produced that stimulate the formation of fat and prevent its breakdown.
And if enough calcium is supplied, this triggers the reverse process. And as it turned out, the best way to reduce the percentage of body fat is calcium, which is found specifically in dairy products.

It is most effective to consume 1200-1600 mg of calcium per day.

Try to drink less coffee. Coffee is a diuretic, and all diuretics remove calcium from the body. True, one small cup in the morning will not harm you.

Benefit protein-vitamin cocktail:

Avocado is incredible healthy fruit. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, potassium, copper, iron, vitamin B 12, vitamin E. Protects against heart attack, smoothes the skin (incredibly popular among Hollywood stars), helps cope with stress (and this is very important when losing weight).

Fermented milk products. Fermented milk products contain many beneficial living bifidobacteria. Regulates intestinal function, increases metabolism, due to this a person loses weight faster. Well, don’t forget about the benefits of calcium. It was mentioned above.
Banana contains potassium, magnesium, group vitamins IN, iron, natural sugar. After eating bananas, the body produces a happiness hormone that quickly energizes you.
Flower pollen- is a natural concentrate of amino acids, restores tissue proteins. Pollen contains potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, chromium, iodine, copper and cobalt, vitamins A, E, WITH, D, P, PP, TO, Q. In short, it is easier to list what pollen is not rich in. So try not to ignore this ingredient.
Natural peanut butter- contains vitamins E, P, phosphorus, healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Improves motor activity, improves muscle tone. Very useful for those who are intensely involved in sports. It also promotes accelerated weight loss.
Honey is a storehouse of potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, and other vitamins IN, S. There is no point in talking about all the properties of honey; the entire article could be spent on this. Because it is an irreplaceable, most natural and healthy sweetener.
Berries are only beneficial for beauty and health. Lots of vitamins and microelements.
Tofu (bean curd) is versatile and economical protein product. Tofu is rich in high-quality vegetable protein, it contains essential amino acids, a source of iron and calcium. Does not contain cholesterol. Very low calorie. Soft tofu is good for us.
Ginger is a well-known fat burner.

What can be included in a protein-carbohydrate cocktail for weight loss:

Main product: fermented milk (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt, milk)
Additives (can vary according to your taste):

  • tofu (50g)
  • cottage cheese (50g)
  • avocado (1/4 part)
  • banana (1 piece)
  • pollen (several grains)
  • natural peanut or sesame (high in calcium) oil (1 tbsp)
  • berries (raspberries, blueberries, pitted cherries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, strawberries, blueberries) (2 to 5 tablespoons)
  • persimmon without skin (1/2 part)
  • cinnamon (on the tip of a knife)
  • ground ginger (on the tip of a knife)
  • vanilla (on the tip of a knife)
  • natural cocoa (not Not squick!) (1-2 tablespoons)
  • 1 cube dark chocolate (Over 70%)
  • natural coconut milk (1/2 cup)

Natural sweeteners of your choice (1 tablespoon) (honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, crushed).

God forbid you from sugar! All your efforts will be in vain! . A cocktail that is too sweet will cause a surge of glucose in the blood and goodbye weight loss!
Now show your imagination, mix in a blender until smooth in different variations.

Recipes for protein shakes for weight loss:

If you add banana or honey, then it's already protein-carbohydrate cocktails for weight loss.

Kefir + avocado + banana + pollen + strawberries - a very tasty strawberry smoothie.
Milk + tofu + banana + cocoa + honey + 1 cube of dark chocolate - an awesome chocolate shake.
And also blueberry, raspberry, cherry, vanilla, coconut...

I'm just drooling. What space for imagination and creativity!

How to make a protein shake for weight loss:

Select ingredients, beat everything with a blender. Drink immediately. If left for later, it may darken, especially if banana is included. Drink slowly, savoring every sip. Feel free to replace homemade protein shake any meal. After it you don’t feel like eating for a very long time.

Benefits of homemade protein shakes for weight loss:

  1. Fast preparation. 5 - 10 minutes and you're done.
  2. No need to stand at the stove.
  3. As nutritionists advise, a cocktail contains 200-300 calories.
  4. It’s impossible to overeat, we drink 0.5 liters of cocktail and our stomach is full.
  5. Feeling completely full.
  6. A feeling of satisfaction, because it’s really tasty.
  7. This is very useful (remember how many vitamins and minerals it contains).

Well, where else can you find such an amazing combination of healthy proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, polyunsaturated fats and lactic acid bacteria?
Not in store-bought powder, really?
If you find some amazing flavor combination of your own, write in the comments, I will be glad.

I've already drunk mine, and you?

Every person needs correct and healthy eating . However, unfortunately, in modern world It’s not easy to choose products that meet the necessary quality standards and do not harm the body. Homemade protein shakes help fight deficiency nutrients. Not only are they a complete source of protein, but they also provide the body with many beneficial vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, fiber, vitamin C, and so on. Protein shakes are indispensable during intense physical activity.

The importance of proteins

Squirrels- these are the building elements of a living organism, they play an important role in all processes of human life support. There is a huge number in which it is provided mainly protein nutrition. This is due to the fact that proteins are the main building elements for muscle tissue. In addition, they speed up metabolism and control feeling hungry. Among other things, proteins control sugar levels in the blood and help avoid its sudden changes.

Thanks to a balanced diet with enough protein, you will be able to , put your body in order, improve your health.

Why is it important to take protein shakes before and after workouts?

If you regularly exercise in gym, then you need to know that to increase the effectiveness of strength training, you need to take protein shakes before and after training.

Why is it important to drink a protein shake? before training? The point is that during physical exercise, your body is under stress. Thanks to the timely intake of protein (about one hour before training), you will provide yourself with the necessary amino acid reserve for productive training. In addition, if the cocktail is based on milk or juice, this will give you extra energy. In this case, you don't have to worry about fatigue.

After training The timely intake of protein nutrition is also very important. It is at this time that the so-called protein-carbohydrate window(about half an hour after physical activity), when the body most needs a certain amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Protein shake recipes for weight loss

If you want to get rid of excess weight, then you need to increase the amount in your daily diet proteins and balance the content fats and carbohydrates. This can be done no additional costs for a special sports nutrition, at home. Protein shakes will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. In addition, liquid food better and faster digestible, . Proteins prevent the body from losing muscle mass when losing weight, which is very important if you want to achieve beautiful and harmonious shapes. With such cocktails you can replace meals(for example, a snack or dinner), or arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week.

The following are best for weight loss: protein shake recipes:


  • 400 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • - 400 g of fruit (except high-calorie bananas and plums)

How to make baked milk at home:

Because this cocktail is best suitedFor fasting days , then the approximate amount of products is indicated for the whole day.
Mix the ingredients and grind them using a blender. If you takedifferent fruits, then this will make your cocktail even more healthy and fortified. The best fruits for preparing Sybarite are: apples, cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries, kiwis, peaches, oranges, grapefruits. You can add a littlejuiceor low calorieyogurt(no sugar).
It is better to divide the indicated amount into 5 doses during the day. Cocktail "Sybarite" contains daily norm protein needed female body, as well as fiber and vitamins.

"Chocolate protein shake"

  • 2 tablespoons cottage cheese
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon natural cocoa (stir in a little hot water)
  • 150 ml. reduced fat milk
  • optional: cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate or coconut flakes

This cocktail is perfect as adessert.

"Oat protein shake"

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (finely ground)
  • pour them with a glass of warm milk with a fat content of no more than 2.5%
  • 0.5 grated apple
  • 1 tablespoon low-fat cottage cheese
  • If desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey, but the calorie content of the cocktail will increase slightly.

Mix everything well, you can beat it with a blender. This cocktail is perfectfor breakfast– tasty, satisfying and good for digestion.

Protein shake recipes for weight gain

Some people also dream of coping underweight- it's not always easy. Special cocktails that help with the necessary nutrients can come to their aid. It promotes weight gain quality, otherwise a large number of buns and fatty meat can only lead to an increase in fat. Muscle mass builds up well combination of protein and “correct” carbohydrates. Healthy carbohydrates are found, for example, in bananas, honey, dried fruits, cottage cheese, nuts, and cereal flakes.

"Banana cocktail"

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 50 grams of cottage cheese
  • 1 glass of milk

"Chocolate cocktail"

  • 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 glass of warm milk
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa
  • 20 grams of grated chocolate
  • chopped nuts

Protein shake recipes for intense physical activity

During intense physical activity the need to obtain complete protein and for the body increases significantly. After all, it’s protein helps muscles recover faster. Its deficiency may not have the best effect on the quality and effectiveness of your training. Before training It's better to take a cocktail with high content carbohydrates, for example, “Banana”, as this will help you recharge your batteries and fight fatigue. After training It is best to prepare yourself a light protein shake, with low-fat cottage cheese or milk, and low-calorie fruits. For such cocktails you can also use low-fat powdered milk. It will enrich its composition with proteins without excess carbohydrates and fats.

“Light protein shake based on milk powder”

  • 2 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese
  • 150 ml. reduced fat milk
  • 100 grams of fruit or berries
  • 2-3 tablespoons milk powder

We have considered options ready-made recipes for making protein shakes. However, here a huge space for culinary creativity, you can create your own drinks by knowing the basic principles of their preparation.

  1. So, first you need to select cocktail base. The most common, healthy and delicious basics:
    - skim milk
    - unsweetened low-fat yogurt
    - homemade yogurt with skim milk (Narine or Evitalia starter cultures)
    - soy or almond milk (their advantage is lower cholesterol content)
  2. Then select second major proteiningredient. It could be:
    - cottage cheese (low-fat and unsalted)
    - raw egg (it must be thoroughly washed before preparing the cocktail)
    - nut or almond butter
    - skimmed milk powder
    - protein powder (sports nutrition)
  3. Then add your favorites to the cocktail.fruits or berries, they will enrich it with vitamins, microelements and fiber:
    - bananas
    - citrus fruits
    - apricots
    - strawberry
    - blueberry
    - cherry
    - kiwi
    - watermelon

Protein shakes are an effective and tasty way to gain weight. muscle mass. They are sold as sports supplements and can be prepared by the athlete himself. The latter option requires knowledge of recipes for the correct balanced ratio of all ingredients of a nutritious drink.

For athletes who prefer ready-made solutions, you should carefully consider the choice of product. It is necessary to purchase cocktails for muscle growth only from trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves on the positive side. The best foreign companies are considered to be companies such as Optimum Nutrition, MusclePharm and Weider. Among domestic manufacturers, the brands King Protein and Pure Protein deserve attention. They are much cheaper than their foreign counterparts and are of good quality.

Store-bought protein shakes, especially foreign ones, are a perfectly balanced product with carefully selected ingredients. In contrast, homemade drinks for weight gain must be prepared independently, choosing the right ingredients and standards.

The basis of homemade protein shakes is kefir or milk with a medium fat content. Cottage cheese or eggs are used as a source of protein, and carbohydrates with sweeteners - sugar, honey, ice cream, jam, fruit.

It is best to purchase fresh ingredients for each new serving of drink. After preparation, you should drink the cocktail within the first two hours. To obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency, you must use a blender. Without this household appliance, achieving such a result will be quite labor-intensive and difficult.

Protein shake recipes for mass gain


  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • milk - 250 ml (1 glass);
  • strawberries with sugar - 150 g.

All components are placed in a blender and mixed thoroughly. The sweetener, which is used as sugar, should be added at your discretion.


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • cocoa powder.

Cocoa should be taken in the amount that suits your taste the most. Finding the optimal ratio will allow you to prepare several servings with different amounts of this component. The main thing to remember is that a mass-gaining drink should contain the maximum amount of calories, achieved by adding sugar or honey.


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • banana - 1 or 1.5;
  • jam - 2-3 tsp.

Bananas and chocolate are two of the most popular ingredients for making shakes, the taste of which is very popular among bodybuilders. Regarding this drink, it is banana and jam that provide high-calorie nutrition for muscle mass. Their ratio in the cocktail can be changed up or down to provide the required amount of energy value and improve taste.

Store-bought sports supplements or homemade shakes?

Ready-made supplements allow the athlete to have a complete understanding of the composition of the product, the number of calories, proteins and carbohydrates in each serving. The athlete does not need to spend time purchasing components and preparation. This option also has a drawback. If you purchase a supplement with a flavor you don’t like, you won’t be able to return the product. And if we take into account the fairly high cost of ready-made ones, homemade protein shakes are much more attractive in this regard.

The time spent making your own cocktails pays off in significant savings. cash. In addition, the athlete has a chance to experiment with taste and the ratio of various components in order to increase energy value drink If you try hard enough, you can always have your favorite protein drink freshly prepared.

When and how to drink protein shakes?

The daily intake of a protein shake to increase muscle mass ranges from 250 to 300 milliliters. It is recommended to drink one serving approximately 60 or 70 minutes before training, and the other half an hour after training.

Proteins give impetus to muscle growth and protect muscle tissue from catabolic processes. The cocktail should also be drunk an hour before bedtime. This technique involves reducing the calorie content of the drink to a minimum. Otherwise, there is a risk of gaining excess fat.

Video recipe

Anyone can make their body beautiful, sculpted, muscles more noticeable, and reduce subcutaneous fat. To make your dreams come true, you only need two things: strength training and proper nutrition.

Any workout will force the muscles to work harder, so they receive a signal from the brain that it is time to begin the muscle building process. If you drink a protein-carbohydrate shake after a workout, you will create a favorable microclimate for muscle growth. The optimal time to take cocktails is 40 minutes before training or 30 minutes after it.

The mixture must be treated carefully, the temperature of the finished drink must be correct, and the ingredients must be well absorbed by the body. To speed up the work of the stomach, make sure that the temperature of the drink is 37 degrees, and the volume is no more than 300 grams. At first, it’s difficult to get used to drinking a smoothie right away, but over time, the feeling of hunger will instinctively come after training.

Rules for preparing a protein-carbohydrate cocktail

To prepare a protein-carbohydrate cocktail at home, you need to know some rules:

1. If the body does not tolerate milk well, then you can replace it with juice or kefir.

2. Eggs can be added along with the yolk. But if you are negative about cholesterol, use only proteins.

3. If you want to replace a meal with a shake, then make it fat-containing. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of linseed oil.

All prepared cocktails are consumed warm, since cold foods are not easily digestible. The thickness of the drink is the consistency of sour cream. One dose will require no more than 100 g of protein, 15 g of carbohydrates, and no more than one teaspoon of fat, but this is not a necessary component.

Protein-carbohydrate cocktail: the best recipes

This cocktail is well suited during the drying period, which for some reason occurred during summer period. Dissolve 12 sweetener tablets in hot water, add the curd mixture and pour skim milk. Place in the freezer for 2-3 hours, then enjoy the cocktail as ice cream. You shouldn’t keep it in the freezer for longer, otherwise eating it will be problematic.

To prepare cocktails use:

Proteins in the form of cottage cheese, milk powder, eggs.

Fast carbohydrates: bananas, berries, jam or honey.

Milk, yoghurt or sour juice are used as a base.

Take one ingredient from each category and mix them with a mixer. There are also recipes for protein-carbohydrate cocktails. Mix 150 ml of milk, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, the juice of half a lemon and half a banana, add a tablespoon of honey. It is possible to replace honey with sugar or jam.

For the next cocktail, mix 200 ml of milk with 50 g of cottage cheese, the white of one boiled egg, add 40 g of berries and a tablespoon of honey or sugar.

It is better to consume the cocktail immediately after preparation, but if there is any excess left, it should be poured into a tightly sealed container and stored in the refrigerator. Be sure to shake well before use as some ingredients will separate over time.

Video on the topic of the article