Burgundy color of the walls in the bedroom. A bedroom in burgundy tones is a fashionable solution. Basic methods for combining burgundy shades in bedroom design

22.07.2023 Carpentry

Do you dream of an unusual bedroom, but cozy and comfortable? Today, fashion allows you to create an interior to suit any needs and the most demanding taste.

And such things as comfort and aesthetics, ease of use and a healthy atmosphere are always out of fashion because they are undeniable requirements for any interior. And especially to the bedroom. The color scheme plays a big role in creating a room with these qualities plus fashionable and stylish. Therefore, in this article we will talk about such a color scheme as a burgundy bedroom.

A burgundy bedroom is fashionable and sophisticated

The fact is that this color itself has a noble origin if we consider it as an interior color. It was preferred by aristocrats and people aspiring to high society. It became widespread during the Gothic style (Middle Ages) and was considered a royal color.

And today, burgundy color is still perceived as a color for an intelligent interior with a special chic, but sophisticated and refined.

Burgundy color in the bedroom and its effect on the human psyche

Many people believe that burgundy, as a derivative of red, is an irritant and can quickly become boring, and is completely forbidden for the bedroom. But this color has not inherited such qualities as causing irritation. And all he got from red was a warming effect.

It is believed that this color calms, balances thoughts, at the same time promotes love of life, and relieves depression. If you combine burgundy color in the bedroom with other color accents wisely, then the burgundy room will be a great place to relax and recuperate. When we talk about this bedroom here, we mean that this color is the main one. The one that dominates the bedroom interior.

Burgundy and yellow in the bedroom

For those who like the atmosphere in the bedroom to be truly homely and warm, it is good to include soft yellow (slightly muted, sandy golden) in the bedroom in burgundy tones. For example, if there is burgundy wallpaper on the walls, then the ornamental design should contain small yellow details, and the bed should be locally yellow, all with burgundy pillows.

The curtains are also burgundy. Cabinets and other furniture will look good in this combination if they are made of dark wood with a reddish tint. Accessories and decor are suitable with gilding or glossy surfaces.

Let's add shades of pink

A very complex combination, but quite real. This color mix of a predominant burgundy and several pink shades of very delicate tones will look very sophisticated in bed. Therefore, it will most likely be preferred by romantic and sensitive people, perhaps young spouses or a young girl for her bedroom. Again, combine burgundy like this:

  • burgundy walls,
  • light pink curtains,
  • bed with dark pink bedspread,
  • and upholstered furniture can be either pinkish or burgundy.

Let's add green

This combination is perhaps the most daring and is almost never chosen by anyone, but with careful selection of pieces of furniture and accessories it may well sparkle and give an unexpected effect.

If courage and creativity are your motto, then combine and don’t be afraid. For the optimal combination of these contrasting colors, you need to carefully select shades. Only burgundy, a dark, complex shade, and ruby ​​green, bordering on blue, which is also called aqua, are possible.

In no case should we forget that burgundy still remains the main and primary color, and green is only an addition. It is enough to include a few green “specks” in the wall decor, throw one or two small decorative green pillows on the bed and place a ficus or other plant with rich dark foliage color in the corner.


As for the light in such a bedroom, it should have a very warm spectrum, in no case bluish shades. Since burgundy color can visually conceal space, the room should be well lit and have a wide light scenario, that is, have multi-level lighting (floor, wall, table and ceiling lamps).

If the bedroom has a combination of burgundy and green, then a classic floor lamp with a green lampshade fits in perfectly.

Bedroom interior styles

As described above about the origin of this color, burgundy is a very complex color, so the most suitable style may be classic with a historical twist. But options are possible.

Burgundy Art Deco

A very interesting interior can be made in this style, as it involves a lot of decor, ornaments and a variety of textures (glass, gilding, marble, silver).

Burgundy minimalism

If the styles of the past do not satisfy your needs and you want something modern and fashionable, then the minimalist style is quite suitable. In this case, it is better to paint the walls locally burgundy (without a pattern), but you can add texture using decorative plaster, and the furniture is made of almost black wood. To prevent it from getting gloomy, you can dilute such an interior with silver details and accessories.

Bedroom decor and details

The decor in such a bedroom can be very numerous, as the following look great against the background of burgundy walls:

  • academic paintings,
  • tapestries,
  • weapon,
  • painted vases,
  • porcelain figurines,
  • gilded fittings on furniture,
  • and etc.

Be sure to dilute the atmosphere of the burgundy bedroom with fresh bouquets of flowers or indoor plants - they will significantly enliven the space.


Remember the last time you decided to experiment, did something unusual, exciting, rebellious? Isn't it time to refresh your life with bright, rich colors? Usually, when making renovations, people strive for change and novelty. But, often, they choose an interior that differs little from the previous one; they use the same light pastel colors, which are considered universal in the interior.

Great color combination

Of course, not everyone can afford the services of a professional design specialist, and in order to come up with and implement an interior in rich colors yourself, you need to have impeccable taste and a sense of style, and not all of us have these qualities.

But how can you resist the splendor and majesty of the color of red wine or juicy ripe cherries and not include them in the decoration of the walls of your room?

In which rooms should you hang burgundy wallpaper?

Burgundy color is a wonderful combination of red and chestnut. This is a warm and incredibly deep shade of red, which has been used for wall decoration for decades. It can easily give the most ordinary room an atmosphere of solemnity and wealth. But, if you still decide to choose this magnificent shade of wallpaper to decorate your apartment, remember two simple rules:

  1. Abundance of space. Since the color we are considering, although warm, is at the same time dark, you should not decorate small rooms with it. It will simply visually “eat up” the space without ever fully playing.
  2. Abundance of light. For rooms with walls the color of red wine, you need to select lighting very carefully and wisely. Moreover, both electric and natural. In a room with burgundy wallpaper there should be a lot of light, and as for artificial lighting, it is advisable to make several equivalent light sources throughout the room.

The room should be bright and spacious

You should also remember that the color of the flooring will also play an important role in the design of the room. If you have chosen a cherry tone for the decoration of the walls, then the best color option for the floor will be light, natural shades and materials.

How does this shade affect a person’s emotions and mood?

Burgundy is usually associated with palace luxury and chic. Premises properly decorated in this color have their own specific aura, which seems to remind us of the crackling of firewood in a huge fireplace, the warmth, wealth and abundance of noble estates. The main thing is to choose the right shades and their quantity, and as a result you will get a cozy aristocratic interior in an ordinary city apartment.

Most psychologists are unanimous in their opinion that the design of a room with burgundy wallpaper is absolutely not suitable for rest and relaxation. Experts advise using this rich and rich tone to decorate work rooms or living rooms.

Since this dark shade of red promotes high concentration of attention, allows you to direct thoughts in the right direction, thereby increasing a person’s ability to work. And if we take into account the influence of red notes, then we will also receive a charge of vivacity and proper stimulation while in such a room.

Some psychologists are sure that dark burgundy is the color of the elite, people who are strong in spirit, have good taste and developed charisma.

Burgundy wallpaper is the ideal solution for the living room

Photo: a great combination for the living room, along with framed photographs

Burgundy is a strong, rich and self-sufficient color that can create an atmosphere of celebration and solemnity. Based on this, the color of wine and cherries is considered optimal for the living room (hall):

  • Firstly, the living room is often the largest and brightest room in the entire apartment, and as we said above, burgundy needs both space and light.
  • Secondly, the hall is a place of constant concentration of people, both guests and household members. Agree, it’s nice to spend time with loved ones in a solemn, elevated atmosphere.
  • Third. The living room is the visiting card of the owners of the house. By decorating it with combinations of burgundy and chocolate, and, in particular, with golden-burgundy wallpaper with the addition of white in interior items, you will boldly tell your friends about your impeccable taste and talent as a designer.

In addition, we can mention that burgundy wallpaper is often used in such areas and rooms of the apartment as:

  • kitchen;
  • bedroom;
  • hallway.

Curtains for burgundy wallpaper

Many people have questions about choosing the right combinations. Let's say you have dark burgundy wallpaper in your room. What curtains should you choose? As many interior design experts correctly say, the main thing in this matter is the principle of contrast.

Photo: when choosing curtains, it is better to be guided by the principle of contrast

In other words, it is advisable not to choose the same tone in order to avoid monotony in the interior. So, in our case, the best solution would be to choose curtains in delicate pastel colors, such as light gray, striped coffee, beige, cream, etc. This design option will look harmonious, and the interior and household elements will perfectly complement each other.

Classic burgundy wallpaper

The presence of dark, rich colors in the room indicates the severity of the room, as well as the fact that the owner of the house knows how to experiment with such a palette. But, unfortunately, due to their own inability, many refuse rich shades, although they can add special dynamics to the interior. One of these tones is burgundy.

Visual perception

Interior use for kitchen and living room

This classic tone belongs to the deep shades of red, and to achieve it you need to mix bright red (3 parts), dark blue (1 part) and yellow (a few drops). This color scheme symbolizes solemnity and dynamism, but in order to use it correctly in the interior, you must definitely follow simple rules.

  1. First of all, it requires a large amount of space, and it is unacceptable to use it as the main one in small rooms.
  2. In addition, the room where there is burgundy-colored wallpaper must have very good lighting, and this applies not only to artificial, but also natural, i.e. daylight as well as solar lighting. And so that the room does not lose its volume, it is worth using a light floor covering.
  3. Psychologists do not recommend using such a background in rooms intended for rest and relaxation, since, on the contrary, it stimulates active mental activity.

Use in the living room

The right combination with olive

The living room is exactly the room in which you can safely experiment with a palette of shades. Our “hero” himself is quite strong and self-sufficient, but requires special attention to design in order to eliminate gloom and limited space in the room. As a rule, designers recommend taking into account two or three other tones that will also be present in the room.

Different combinations are allowed in the living room. When combining it with black, you can only achieve gloominess, so in contrast you need to use rich white, which will give the dark shades richness. By turning to the classic combination with brown, you can make the interior more comfortable. To do this, you need to combine light furniture and curtains with burgundy wallpaper, as well as minor details of a milky or chocolate shade.

Application in the bedroom

Majestic bedroom

This majestic and dynamic color can be used in the bedroom, but in this case you need to use the right combination (white, pink). As the main wallpaper, you should use burgundy color wallpaper. Floor coverings should also be preferred in dark colors (rich wood). But for minor details you need to choose light milky and pink shades.

If the bedroom is in an oriental style, then you can combine burgundy and gold, but in this case there will be some pomp.

How does it look in the kitchen

This shade is also allowed in the kitchen, and it is also credited with the ability to have a beneficial effect on the digestive process. If such dark, expressive shades are used for the walls, then it is best to select a furniture set in brown tones. However, other interior details should be selected in green and milky tones. Particular attention should be paid to lighting, since the main color is too dark.

A good combination with bright accents

The use of burgundy color in a nursery can be extremely limited, since this room should be lighter and lighter. Its limited use is allowed, and only on small accessories.

Various combination options

For this color you can find a lot of harmonious and well-combined companions, but most of them belong to contrasting tones: milky, white, ivory, olive, gray, pink, ultramarine, cream. More rich combinations are also possible, where burgundy wallpaper is adjacent to hunting green, blue, red and brown shades.

The use of burgundy in interior solutions is associated with certain difficulties. This is a complex color, active, with its own wayward character. In order for it to look harmonious in the design of the bedroom, it must be used wisely.

The meaning and advantages of burgundy color

Why is this capricious shade still added to the design of a sleeping room? There are several possible motivations:

  1. The intention is to create a truly luxurious interior. Dark, cool tones of red-brown are perfect for palace-style rooms. With the right approach, they look expensive and chic.
  2. The desire to add sensuality to the bedroom space. Red and its shades are very emotional colors with transparent sensual overtones. Their abundance can even lead to a feeling of vulgarity and excessive frankness. Burgundy in this sense is relatively safe. This dark shade looks relatively discreet.
  3. Desire to follow current fashion trends. Red-brown is currently experiencing a new wave of popularity. This is noticeable even in catalogs of building materials - many well-known companies have recently significantly expanded the section of items with burgundy shades.

ATTENTION! Pink is also experiencing a similar surge in popularity; until now, it has been undeservedly avoided by designers for many years. In combination with burgundy, some types of pink look stylish.

In short, this color has objective and subjective advantages that must be taken into account.

It is possible and, in some cases, even necessary to include it in the color palette when decorating your living space.

Burgundy color in the bedroom interior with photo

The way this deep color “works” in a room for relaxation and sleep has its own specifics. It must be taken into account.

It goes well with many shades - both cold and warm. There are several promising combinations you can use:

  1. Shades of blue-green. This refers to muted, restrained tones of turquoise, sea green, and dark emerald. They balance the emotionality of burgundy well, adding depth and nobility to it.
  2. Variations of beige. A good “partner” for burgundy is beige. Moreover, they can interact very differently, depending on the tone of these two colors. In a warm combination they become gentle and feminine. The cool version of this pair looks fresh and modern.
  3. Grey, white, black. The combination of these colors will make the burgundy bedroom more formal and formal. This is a good basis to introduce a large pattern, print, or mirror elements into the design of a room.
  4. Light shades of pink. The main thing here is to find balance and not introduce too intense colors. Then pink will complement burgundy and enhance its depth. If you place a rich coral color next to red-brown, they will argue with each other.

ATTENTION! The combination of dark blue-green walls and red-brown textiles is especially impressive. True, so that it doesn’t look too heavy, it’s worth adding some light colors here.

Burgundy is quite capricious in terms of tones with which it can be used. Therefore, it is relatively difficult to work with him. But if you show patience and still choose the right shades, the result will be very expressive.

Bedroom style in burgundy tones

Burgundy suits different styles:

  1. Modern classic. This style, replete with architectural details, takes well to burgundy as both a primary and secondary color. In the traditions of this trend, it can and should be combined with dark shades of blue or green, white, beige, and gold.
  2. Art Deco. The strict geometric nature of this direction also works great with red-brown. The hidden sensuality of this dark color is unobtrusively emphasized within the Art Deco framework with floral motifs, gold, and black accents.
  3. Ecostyle. Light shades of gray, the texture of natural wood, an abundance of plants - these are the attributes of eco-style that contrast very interestingly with burgundy. If there is not too much of it in the room, this combination looks very impressive.
  4. High tech. Cool dark shades of red-brown would look appropriate here, complementing laconic black, white, and chrome elements.
  5. Minimalism. The emphasized simplicity of the forms of this style is usually compensated by subtle work with color. Only two or three colors are taken, but they are selected in such a way as to make the strongest possible impression. A laconic burgundy plane in combination, for example, with light gray fits this description well.

These are just the most common style trends, where designers often use red-brown shades. There are also country, ethnic motifs, rococo and many, many other trends.

ATTENTION! As part of the classic style, it is important to create good bright lighting in the burgundy bedroom, otherwise it will turn out to be too bulky.

Lighting and decoration

The perception of burgundy changes greatly depending on the lighting. The bright warm light makes this paint seem to light up, like the flame of a fire. Cold enhances its heaviness and uncompromisingness. Therefore, it is better to choose lamps with warm light for the bedroom.

ATTENTION! Bedroom lighting is built on at least two levels - local lamps next to the bed, which can be sconces, floor lamps or table lamps. And general lighting, which for this room is best solved in the form of a chandelier in the center.

There may be more levels of light. For example, in the style of modern classics, multi-level ceilings with LED lighting along the contour are often used.

Using the same lighting, you can highlight the head of the bed. This is especially true in cases where it has a complex, interesting shape.

  • Other designer tools that allow you to adjust the final interior are accessories:
  • vases;
  • paintings;
  • flowers;
  • plants;
  • posters;
  • decorative dishes;

figurines, etc.

In moderation, such things add coziness to the room. However, be careful not to have too many of them. And so that different decorative elements are combined with each other and with the overall style of the room.

Other subtleties of burgundy interior design

When you get carried away by playing with color, don’t forget about the possibilities of texture. Coarse weave textiles, relief plaster, thick pile carpets - all this will fill the room with stylish details and make it more interesting. They can be used for finishing the floor or for furniture - beds, bedside tables, wardrobes.

A burgundy bedroom is a solution that will transform the space of any home.

Luxurious and mature are suitable adjectives for an interior decorated in burgundy. The task of implementing an interior in this color is not easy and at the same time interesting. It can be used for living room, kitchen, bedroom or office. It wouldn’t hurt to study successful combinations and rules for using burgundy colors in different rooms. Decorating in burgundy will give you moments of amazement from the successful finds of color combinations.

Bordeaux in the interior - the choice of strong personalities

The burgundy color is for strong-willed and thoughtful people who know the value of words and take theirs from life. It is not surprising that the wine color in the interior looks stable and deep - you want to look at it for a long time.

Burgundy is made from a mixture of blue and red, and for a warmer shade you need to add yellow. Thus, the burgundy palette has many of the qualities of the red palette, but it is calmer and less provocative. It is ideal for mature and stable people; it improves tone and concentration well, without producing the effect of overstimulation. This range is much softer and more delicate than purple, which is also a mixture of red and blue, but in a different proportion.

This is not a suitable color for ultra-modern modern and avant-garde styles, but ideal for classic and baroque. Elements of burgundy color can be present in country styles for the kitchen, as well as in the living room, decorated in minimalism or hi-tech.

If you choose this unique color, you will get a luxurious and representative interior. You just need to choose the right shade of burgundy, combine it with suitable colors and choose accessories. From a wide palette from raspberry to dark wine, you can create an interesting design for the living room, kitchen and bedroom.

Combination with other shades

Burgundy color in the interior, in addition to moderation, requires a basic understanding of which color goes best with the burgundy palette. Everything here is a little non-standard - standard approaches may not work.

Bright and rich, the wine color is interesting in itself, which means it should be in the foreground. In the background:

  • White is a classic and universal companion color that makes such an interior overly elegant. A room in burgundy and white colors will look formal and solemn, which is not at all appropriate for a bedroom or kitchen.
  • Light tones of beige, cream and light gray, in contrast to the company with white, the combination of these colors creates a cozy and warm atmosphere. Burgundy accessories together with upholstered furniture look cute and casual.
  • Black sets accents perfectly, but it must be dosed, otherwise the overweight and gloomy mood of the room cannot be avoided.

Gold has a unique effect on a burgundy interior, making it royally rich, wherever it is present - on wallpaper, furniture or curtains. Note that such interiors require large spacious rooms.

Bedroom interior

When decorating with rich wine tones, you need to know when to stop, especially for the bedroom. You don’t want to feel like you’re at a reception with the Prime Minister in your bedroom, do you? Then leave the burgundy wallpaper for the living room, and for the bedroom choose accessories of this range. You can afford rich burgundy curtains in the interior of a bedroom decorated in milky cream tones. Such curtains look very elegant together with delicate snow-white curtains made from the finest materials.

To balance the room, use some dark accents, such as mahogany in furniture details. If you add a few gold accents, the atmosphere of the bedroom will immediately acquire sublimity and nobility.

Living room interior

The living room is a room that can be decorated a little more formally than other rooms. The burgundy color in the living room interior will cope with this perfectly, no matter what shade you prefer. For heavily rich living rooms in Baroque and Venetian styles, you can dare to use burgundy wallpaper with gold patterns. This wallpaper looks regal, chic and sophisticated - a success guaranteed for this living room.

Keeping in mind the combination of other colors, choose the options:

  • Formal living room - burgundy wallpaper with gold patterns, white ceiling and furniture, crystal chandelier.
  • Muted luxury - painting the walls in a burgundy tone, the ceiling and curtains in champagne color.

But burgundy striped wallpaper looks too strict, however, it is good for an office or corridor. Burgundy color in the interior requires dazzling white dishes and carts, silver appliances and other luxury elements.

Kitchen interier

The burgundy color in the kitchen will help to play up the recently fashionable design trend - country or Provence. In such interiors, the burgundy shade goes well with an abundance of natural wood-colored furniture.

In this design, you can use the design of facades in burgundy tones, linen curtains and all kinds of accessories. Use yellow as a wall decoration, and your country kitchen will be very warm and pleasant.

For a Provence-style kitchen, use natural materials such as linen and cotton, which transform proud burgundy into a modest and pleasant shade. This amazing transformation from royal to western-rural is perfect for a spacious country-style kitchen.

Office decoration

Burgundy wallpaper with stripes or a regular pattern is ideal for an English-style office. This will allow you to create an impressive office that promotes mental activity.

Bathroom a la Bordeaux

Burgundy color in the bathroom interior is a privilege of exclusively stylish apartments. This color cannot be cheapened by low-quality plumbing fixtures. Great combination: muted burgundy tiles, a beautiful countertop sink and console with white wooden legs, a huge mirror and an olive rug. An olive shade will dilute the thickness of the colors, and if you want something extraordinary, then use a contrasting black and white duet.

For a children's room, such shades are too heavy, and therefore are not used for decoration.

The burgundy color is interesting and deep, just like the taste of aged wine; in the same way, too much of them will lead to a headache. Moderate use of burgundy along with light neutral tones will create a beautiful and stylish design for any room. For connoisseurs of luxurious rooms in the Baroque style, royal wallpaper in burgundy tones is suitable. Decorating in burgundy color will force you to work hard in selecting successful combinations, but the resulting result will be beautiful.

Burgundy wallpaper and color combinations in the interior (3 videos)

Burgundy color is a beautiful, rich combination of red and brown. Today it is one of the most popular and is often called “Marsala”, “Bordeaux”, “Burgundy”, so it is used not only in the creation of fashionable and stylish clothes, but also in interior design.

The burgundy color is characterized by a rich and luxurious look, so it is perfect for those who prefer expensive and high-quality things.

A room using these colors has all the qualities of red, but looks somewhat muted, and therefore does not have a negative effect on the human nervous system.

Burgundy color gives the room a festive feel, adds solidity and luxury.

Burgundy wallpaper in the interior, photo

However, in addition to such significant advantages, this color also has disadvantages. It must be used with caution and the right shades must be found that will go well with it.

Burgundy color is too versatile, and therefore requires proper coordination of the entire palette of the room. For this reason, you should study the photo and figure out what you can expect from using burgundy color in the interior and what color combinations should be avoided.

Depending on your preferences and goals, you can choose the best options.

Features of burgundy

Bordeaux-colored kitchens, photo

Burgundy itself is a warm shade, so the ideal and win-win option is to combine it with cream, light gray and beige.

Advice! You should give preference to such options if you are not sure that you want to see other, more saturated colors.

For those who want to add a touch of luxury, it is better to combine burgundy not only with neutral beige shades, but also with gold and metallic silver elements.

Black in combination with burgundy will help you create a business style. Of course, for such a combination, the homeowner needs to have some courage, since in this case it is necessary not to overdo it and create an interior in which the room will have a solid, but not gloomy appearance.

Keep in mind that the black and burgundy option is not suitable for every room. For a relaxation room, it is better to give preference to light colors and use shades of red only to divide the room into zones.

Burgundy can be combined with dark green and olive. However, this combination can be tiring, so it is better to use it in those rooms in which a person spends little time, that is, in the toilet and bathroom.

The main condition that must be observed when using burgundy color is measured use, with a sense of faith. You can select it for all rooms, but use it with special care in the nursery and hallway.

You can not only paint the walls in this shade, but also purchase various interior elements, for example, poufs, a sofa. Be careful: Excessive consumption of burgundy color can destabilize the emotional state. In order for the psychological state to be stable, burgundy should be combined with calmer colors.

How to use burgundy in different rooms


First of all, when a person enters home, he finds himself in the hallway. An unobtrusive solution would be to purchase a burgundy-colored pouf or a small rug. Basically, the layouts do not provide for a window in this part of the apartment. Therefore, it is better not to paint the walls burgundy, so as not to create a feeling of oppressive atmosphere in the cramped space of the hallway and corridor.

Living room

This room is a room where you can relax and receive your guests. The hall or living room can be made colorful and bright, which will cause admiration, and burgundy color in the interior of the living room will be very useful.

Burgundy curtains in the interior photo

You can use both certain elements in this shade and decorate walls with it. To ensure that the space is not too dark, you should give preference to decorating only one wall with burgundy and maintaining this color with small decorative elements or certain large objects.

Burgundy curtains will look great in the interior; a fluffy carpet in this shade will also highlight the owners’ sense of taste. In any case, such a color accent will attract attention and make the room design stylish, so a living room interior in burgundy is a good solution for a modern, colorful design.

Advice! A burgundy sofa or armchairs will add special luxury to the interior. In this case, the pillows on the furniture should be of opposite, but compatible colors from a light palette.

Children's room

As mentioned above, using burgundy color in the interior of a children's room, even with a combination of a lighter palette, is undesirable if you are not sure that you will not overdo it.

When the desire is great, you can use stains in burgundy color, then the interior will not seem gloomy, and the combination of different colors will look more bright and unusual.

It is worth paying attention to the purchase of the following children's interior items in a shade of dark red: table lamp, armchairs, poufs, beanbags.

It is not worth making burgundy walls in the interior of this room, as this can depress the child’s psyche. It is best to choose beige, milky, or ivory if you intend to combine them in the future with other burgundy elements.

Bordeaux in the bedroom

As you know, the bedroom is a relaxation room for the owners. Here you can relax both soul and body, so everything should contribute to this. You should also select paints for interior decoration in this room with care, as in the nursery.

Burgundy color in the bedroom will look acceptable if used in separate elements. Burgundy furniture should be limited only to the head of the bed. You can add burgundy by purchasing a bedspread in the recommended color. As for the material, to maintain the pomp of the interior in textiles, it is better to give preference to silk with gold embroidery.

Burgundy color in the bedroom interior, photo

As decoration, you can use stylish curtains, which can have light patterns. You already know what colors burgundy goes with in the interior, so choosing the appropriate accessories will not be difficult.

Kitchen room decoration

A kitchen in burgundy color looks very luxurious. Considering that most housewives spend a long time here, this color will be conducive to creating real culinary masterpieces and royal dishes.

For this room you can safely purchase the entire furniture set in these colors: they will be more appropriate here than ever. In addition, you can use different combinations of colors with burgundy. You can use both dark and light colors: it all depends on what you like best.

Burgundy kitchen in the interior photo

Remember! If the kitchen is not very large, it is better to give preference to a combination of burgundy with light shades, as otherwise the room may become too dark and depressing.

The width of the windows should also be taken into account. If natural light regularly enters the kitchen, you can safely combine burgundy with black or brown. Such a kitchen will look pompous and luxurious.


Burgundy color in the bathroom interior, photo

In the bathroom you can combine burgundy with other colors. The priority is a combination of snow-white and milky with a dark red or beetroot shade.

Considering that each person is not in this room as often as, for example, in the bedroom, you can use this color duet of burgundy and white when laying tiles.

You can look at different patterns and dilute the dark color with a sandy, mint shade. If you only want to add burgundy accessories to the design, you should purchase a burgundy rug, towels and curtains, and leave everything else in neutral white.

Burgundy compositions in the interior

A universal option is a combination of burgundy and gray. It looks great when creating strict decors.

The following composition is also popular: expensive furniture, elaborate decorative items and antiques. If these items are present in the room, you can safely add burgundy paints. It is advisable to combine burgundy exclusively with brown.

Despite the fact that the use of burgundy in the interior is luxury on the verge of foul, it introduces notes of wealth and elegance. It is no wonder that many people love this shade as it is the epitome of elegance and splendor.

Remember: Burgundy must be used and combined with other colors very carefully, then the result will be exactly as you expect.

If you cannot do it yourself, it is better to turn to professional designers who can combine different colors in the design of the room, which will make the interior flawless.

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