There should be fruits and cottage cheese. How to make dessert from cottage cheese. Making delicious pear casserole at home

30.08.2024 Design

This time I prepared a fruit salad with cottage cheese from the autumn set: apples, nectarines, plums. Perhaps this assortment will not seem very harmonious to you, but we really liked the taste of the resulting salad.

Of course, for any dish you need to select only the best products, then a delicious result will not be long in coming. But I admit that I am not embarrassed by apples with a dented side or a black spot on the skin, irregularly shaped plums or nectarines of undisplayed beauty. After all, we will definitely cut all the fruits for the salad, which means we will be able to trim off all the unnecessary parts well.

I prefer not to peel apples, remembering that the skin of autumn apples contains many nutrients. But if your family treats unpeeled apples poorly, then, of course, it is better to peel them.

It is better to cut the apple into four parts at once, carefully remove the core and cut the fruit into cubes that are convenient for you.

All fruit salad ingredients should be cut into approximately equal pieces. So I split the nectarine in half, removed the pit, trimmed off the seed bed (it can produce a slight bitter taste) and cut it into small cubes (similar in size to apple cubes).

Now it's time for the plums. The plums I had were very easily divided into halves, so the pit was easily removed, and the fruit itself was cut without difficulty. But this is an important nuance that needs to be taken into account when buying plums for fruit salad. Be sure to ask the seller how the pit is separated (or better yet, ask permission to break one plum in half to see for yourself).

All chopped fruits need to be combined in a bowl, mixing them carefully.

Let's prepare cottage cheese for the salad. I took some cottage cheese with a fat content of 5% and added 1 tablespoon of sugar to it, but this amount is completely individual. If you don't want to add sugar at all, then leave it out - the fruit's own sweetness may be quite enough.

To prevent the cottage cheese from being dry, I poured a little peach yogurt into it. I think that you can successfully use yogurt with any flavor or even without fruit additives at all.

Mix the contents of the bowl, obtaining a granular homemade curd mass.

With fruit, tender, light, jelly-like (gelatin is used in preparation), can be made with various fruits and berries, great in the summer at the dacha (but generally good at any time of the year and anywhere), a good alternative to ice cream.

This curd dessert can be made more or less sweet depending on your preferences (and this is due not only to the amount of sugar, but also to what fruits and berries you put there). Please note that fruits and berries can be placed not only fresh (as in our photographs), but also canned ones. Canned peaches or apricots work very well, and pineapple slices are also good. Do you make preparations in the form of compotes? Great! Cherries, plums, apples, pears from homemade canned compotes are wonderful in this dessert. In general, here you can get creative and use in this fruit dessert everything that suits your taste with cottage cheese and with each other. Since the dessert is prepared in portions, you will need bowls or bowls, or at least wide glasses (in transparent glass forms, dessert with fruit looks very tempting!).

Need to:

  • Cottage cheese (soft, fat content at your discretion, or even low-fat) – 350 grams
  • Sour cream – 200 grams
  • Granulated sugar - 3 heaped tablespoons (if you want to make the dessert sweeter, you can use 4-5 tablespoons)
  • Gelatin – 12-15 grams (about 1 tablespoon), if you want your dessert with gelatin to look like a very dense and “steep” jelly, you can add up to 20 grams of gelatin
  • Boiled cooled water – 100 ml (0.5 cups)
  • Fruits and berries of your choice (we have: 1 banana, 1 kiwi, 5-6 strawberries, a small handful of black and green seedless grapes)


Fruits and berries must first be washed, dried and peeled. If you use oranges or tangerines, peel them to the pulp, that is, remove the thin skin that covers each slice. Pour gelatin into a small bowl with cold boiled water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

While the gelatin is soaking, cut the fruits (and berries if necessary) into thin slices or small pieces. Set aside a few of the cutest pieces to decorate the top of the curd dessert.

The cottage cheese should be free of lumps, so if you bought non-soft paste-like cottage cheese, first use a blender. Cottage cheese should be mixed with sour cream and sugar and lightly beat.

Melt the gelatin at a minimum heat level or in a “water bath,” stirring constantly, until liquid.

The melted gelatin needs to be poured into the curd mass and mixed until smooth (faster, of course, with a mixer).

Now we begin to lay out the dessert into molds (cremens, glasses). First, a small layer of curd mass, then fruits and berries “in artistic disorder,” then again a layer of curd mass and again fruits and berries. And so 3-4 times ( watch our video recipe!).

We decorate the last top curd layer with the same fruits. You can use chocolate chips or ready-made cake decorations instead of fruit (or together with them) for decoration. Portioned and decorated cottage cheese dessert place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour (more is possible). Then we serve it on the table at the right time and enjoy it slowly!

Cottage cheese is very good for the health of children. But the trouble is that in its pure form children don’t really like it. Therefore, mothers have to be sophisticated, every time trying to surprise their little ones with something. One such way to feed a child cottage cheese is to prepare a cottage cheese dessert with fruit or. You can also use fresh berries, which will further saturate the dish with vitamins and make it even more healthy.

To prepare you will need:

- cottage cheese – 300 gr.,
- sour cream 15% fat – 150 gr.,
- sugar – 2 tbsp. l.,
- water – 100 ml,
- gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.,
- strawberries, kiwi, banana and mulberry - as a filler.

How to cook with photos step by step

Mix the cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar and beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained without lumps or grains.

We boil water, after which we dissolve gelatin in it. Stir well. Combine water with gelatin and curd mass and beat with a blender again.

Peel the kiwi and cut into rings.

We wash the rest of the fruits, if necessary, peel and remove the tails, cut them into pieces.

In portioned cups, place the first layer of fruits and berries on the bottom.

Next, fill them with a small amount of curd mass.

Next, alternate layers until the cup is completely filled. On top we decorate the dessert with strawberry slices, kiwi and mulberries. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, letting it cool.

Now the most delicious and delicate dessert for your kids is ready.

Bon appetit!

With fruit. There are several options for preparing it. We will look at three of the most interesting.

Delicious and aromatic cake without baking

Fruit cheesecake is a delicious dessert made from cottage cheese with fruits, prepared without baking. Canned peaches or mangoes are used for decoration. If you wish, you can decorate the dessert with other fruits.

This cooking option is classic.

To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  • 400 grams of cottage cheese (fat content at your discretion);
  • 200 grams of cookies;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • one hundred grams of butter;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 450 grams of canned peaches, tropical fruits.

Preparing dessert with exotic fruits at home

  1. First, pour twenty grams of gelatin with water (100 ml), leave to swell for half an hour.
  2. Pour the second half of the gelatin powder with 100 ml of syrup from canned fruits. Leave it to swell for thirty minutes too.
  3. Next, crumble the cookies. Then mix it with butter (melted) until smooth.
  4. Press the dough well into a pan lined with paper.
  5. Next, beat the cream, sugar, and vanilla using a mixer until soft peaks form. Then add cottage cheese. Then stir until smooth.
  6. Next, boil the swollen gelatin, which is filled with water. Then cool it, mix it with the cottage cheese mixture.
  7. Then fill the mold with the cookies with the resulting cream and place in the refrigerator. Let the dessert sit there for about sixty minutes.
  8. After the time has passed, place peach slices on it in a circle.
  9. Place (canned) in the center of the dessert.
  10. Boil gelatin with syrup, cool.
  11. Next, pour it over the cheesecake. Then place the dessert in the refrigerator for about three hours until completely set. Bon appetit!

Delicious casserole with pears

What other dessert can you make from cottage cheese with fruit? For example, a casserole. This dessert is not only tasty, but also healthy.

It can be a great light dinner or a hearty breakfast. Our recipe calls for a fruit like pear, but you can use apples or peaches. If you take juicy fruits, you must first blanch them in oil to remove excess liquid.

To prepare a dessert of cottage cheese with fruit, you will need:

  • 100 ml water;
  • 8 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 0.75 cups sugar, semolina;
  • vanilla (2 tsp + 1 tbsp);
  • 1 tsp. soda, vinegar;
  • three eggs;
  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • half a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • four pears (thinly sliced)

Making delicious pear casserole at home

with pineapples

This is a very tasty curd dessert that is prepared in a matter of minutes. The recipe states that pineapple is used, but you can add kiwi, banana or strawberries to it.

To prepare a simple dessert you will need:

  • half a pineapple;
  • two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Making a quick pineapple recipe at home

  1. First, peel the pineapple, then remove the core.
  2. Then cut the pulp into cubes.
  3. Next, using a blender, puree the pineapple in a measuring cup until smooth.
  4. Then add cottage cheese. Next, grind all the ingredients in a glass again.
  5. That's all, you're ready with exotic fruits. All that remains is to divide it into portions and decorate with pieces of kiwi and banana. Bon appetit!

A little conclusion

Now you know how to prepare a dessert from cottage cheese with fruits. The recipe for this delicious delicacy will help everyone prepare it at home. We wish you good luck in creating the dessert, and bon appetit.


Cottage cheese dessert with fruit or curd mousse- one of my favorite breakfasts, to be honest. I really like to eat something tasty and sweet, but very often I have to limit myself, that’s why I like to have a sweet breakfast, because carbohydrates for breakfast do not harm my figure. About 3-4 years ago I could eat anything, at any time of the day, and not gain weight at all. But she matured a little and didn’t even notice how she started to get fat. I woke up only when I saw obvious changes in the reflection of the mirror, and my skinny jeans began to squeeze my sides! I bought scales for home and was horrified 😀 Since then, I have come a long way of external and internal changes, tried different diets until I came to my real healthy lifestyle and developed a strategy for maintaining a comfortable weight for myself. I won’t name it, because it’s different for everyone, of course. But for some reason I started talking... Someday, I think, I’ll write a big article about what principles of healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition help me keep myself in the right shape, but for now I’ll return to the topic.

So, curd and strawberry mousse. Or curd-berry mousse, curd-banana mousse, curd-blueberry mousse, curd-chocolate mousse, curd-cream mousse, call it what you want, and I will give you a basic recipe for a cottage cheese dessert, to which you can add your favorite toppings. Yes, absolutely any! And, of course, I’ll show you a photo of curd mousse and its many variations.

Why did I start talking about staying fit? Because it’s summer and all the beauties and many handsome men are thinking about it! And low-calorie desserts made from cottage cheese will help us with this, especially if it dietary dessert of cottage cheese with fruit or curd mousse and it’s especially special if you eat it for breakfast and not for dinner :) And it doesn’t take much time at all, delicious no-bake cottage cheese desserts are prepared very quickly and very simply! By the way, if you are looking for dessert-baking, especially a pie with cottage cheese that needs to be baked, I really recommend going to the page with the recipe , which I have already prepared for quite recently. And, by the way, I even cooked it more than once (^^,). Of course, in order to post the perfect recipe or just to find a reason to gorge on shortbread pie with blueberries and cottage cheese one more time :) I’m generally crazy about cottage cheese desserts, because cottage cheese recipes are so varied that dishes prepared using them are impossible not to love!

By the way, after a big update on the site, you can now find by selecting the desired ingredient in the search! It is very convenient, tested on myself. So, cottage cheese dessert with fruit or curd mousse, recipe!


  • for curd mousse:
  • - 400 gr
  • - 75 g (you don’t have to add)
  • - 100 g (low-fat, but can be replaced, if desired, with cream, then the mousse dessert will be more liquid, but also higher in calories)
  • - powder - 100 g (for those losing weight, can be replaced with a natural sweetener, for example, stevia)
  • for berry sauce:
  • - to choose from - 100 g
  • - powder - 30 g
  • to choose from:
  • - handful
  • - handful
  • - strawberries or blueberries
  • - banana and peach
  • - for chocolate-curd mousse - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

Cottage cheese with fruit, the recipe for which I will now tell you, is incredibly quick and easy to make. We take homemade cottage cheese (this is important, such cottage cheese is much tastier, healthier and not so crumbly, which is good in this case!) Add sour cream or cream to the homemade cottage cheese and grate the butter. Of course, don't add butter if you are losing weight, but if you are just keeping fit, but that's okay, it tastes much better with it!

You can, in fact, use store-bought baby cottage cheese, but I like to make it myself; it’s not at all difficult, as you can see, and it’s definitely much tastier. Tested personally 😉 By the way, curd mousse for children who do not recognize cottage cheese (I was like that once)) is a lifesaver! They won't even understand that curd cream mousse is made from cottage cheese! And they will definitely appreciate my ! They are truly perfect, I’m not lying or bragging, I just, after a long search for perfection, came up with a magical recipe for cheesecakes in which the cottage cheese looks like a piece of heavenly cloud 😀 Fill everything with powdered sugar or natural sweeteners of your choice and take out the blender.
Curd mousse is prepared in a blender in a minute; I personally use an immersion blender, which results in much less dirty dishes in the end. We put the immersion blender into the bowl and grind everything very well until completely homogeneous.
Depending on how much sour cream or cream you add, the consistency of the curd cream will change from more liquid to more solid. Very soon I will use such a delicate curd and sour cream for another incredibly tasty dessert - for cottage cheese cake or cheesecake. This curd mousse is great for cake! But more on that a little later. Now is the time to add the toppings. The first thing you can put in is nuts. I love cashews, but you can use any. Walnuts, for example, are healthier, but for some reason I can’t eat them. We put them in some kind of bag and hit them, for example, with the bottom of a glass.
Pour in and mix. If you want to get chocolate mousse, add cocoa brewed in a glass of hot water (just let it cool first!).
Now it's time for serving. I'll show you several options. In the first one you need to prepare berry sauce. I'll make lingonberry sauce, but now you can make both strawberry and raspberry sauce. Berries that are in season are perfect, but frozen berries will do just fine. Place them in a chopper, sprinkle with powdered sugar and grind thoroughly.
Now we take ordinary glasses and start laying out the beauty. You can put all the curd cream mousse at once, and then top it with berry sauce, or you can make it a little prettier. Add a couple of tablespoons of a delicious dessert made from cottage cheese and nuts.
Spread a couple more tablespoons of berry sauce on top, and then curd mousse again.
Add another spoonful of berry sauce.
And sprinkle with chopped nuts.

The first version of a dessert made from cottage cheese with fruit or curd mousse with berry sauce is ready. The second option is to put these same berries in the curd mousse with berries initially. I chose blueberries for this because, firstly, they are very tasty, and secondly, their ability to color is amazing. Mix the blueberries well with the curd mass, it will become a very beautiful lilac color!
The third option, my favorite, is curd mousse with strawberries, bananas and peaches. In general, cottage cheese and banana are a magical combination. However, as with other fruits and berries. Just a strawberry dessert with cottage cheese is also gorgeous. Again, take the required number of glasses and add 1 tablespoon of curd mousse to each.
Wash the fruit and cut the strawberries into halves and the banana into slices. Place a layer of banana, then a layer of strawberries.
I personally sprinkle flax seeds on top, because they are very healthy and rich in omega-3, and flax seeds in desserts are generally delicious!
Place another spoonful of sweet curd on top.
Cut the sweet peach or nectarine into pieces and add another layer of fruit.
Sprinkle with flax seeds, add another spoonful of sweet curd and decorate the top of the creation with three pieces of fruit and seeds.

Dessert of cottage cheese and fruit is ready. You can do without any one ingredient.

The main thing is to maintain proportions. Dessert of cottage cheese and strawberries with bananas is also ready! Now you know how to make curd mousse! I think the recipe with the photo helped you understand everything 😉 Now let’s sum it up...

Dessert made from cottage cheese with fruit or curd mousse. The recipe is short

  1. Prepare the curd mass: put the cottage cheese in a bowl, grate the butter, add sour cream or cream, add powdered sugar or use stevia and grind everything well with a blender until the curd mousse is smooth.
  2. Now we begin to experiment with options: at this stage, you can add chopped nuts, blueberries or a couple of spoons of cocoa to the curd mousse.
  3. For the berry sauce, place the berries with powdered sugar in a chopper and beat well until smooth.
  4. For sweet cottage cheese with fruits and berries, cut strawberries in half, bananas and peaches into slices.
  5. For a beautiful serving, take a transparent glass and lay out the prepared ingredients in layers: sweet cottage cheese / berry sauce / cottage cheese / berries with sugar / crushed nuts; curd mousse/bananas/strawberries/flaxseeds/sweet curd/peaches/flaxseeds/cottage cheese/decorate the top with pieces of strawberries, peach, banana and flaxseeds.
  6. Now you know how to make curd mousse with berry sauce and more!

Remember that preparing beautiful and delicious desserts is much easier than it seems! Enjoy your meal!

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