Target technique: well-forgotten old. What documents are needed for admission to a higher education institution or university as a full-time or part-time student? Sample application for a target direction

How to get targeted directionto a higher educational institution, worries those for whom it is important to acquire education for free. Knowing how to get a targeted referral to an educational institution that interests you, you get a chance to enroll there under a preferential scheme and not have to worry about finding a job in the future.

The very fact of targeted training makes it possible to eliminate the shortage of personnel in important sectors (education, medicine, agriculture) and pre-distribute future specialists in certain areas.

It is important to worry about submitting documents to receive a targeted referral in advance, even in the last school year. For help, you can contact the person responsible for career guidance for graduates at the school, the class teacher or the director, or you can act independently.

  1. First of all, the future student needs to decide on the specialty in which he will study and choose the appropriate university.
  2. Then you need to find an enterprise (in accordance with the direction of future study) that is willing to pay for your studies, and take an application from its management. Sometimes the determining factor in choosing an enterprise is the place of work of the parents: the organization can accommodate conscientious employees and pay for their child’s education.

    If a future student has difficulties choosing an enterprise, then the local administration can help in this case: there are always several organizations that cooperate on training and employment issues with city or district leadership.

  3. Submit an application to the local municipal authority (administration) indicating the direction in which you would like to study. If the applicant was able to independently determine the organization that wished to pay for the studies and submit an application there, it must be attached to the application.

After the target direction has been received, all that remains is to contact the chosen university. You must have with you:

  • certificate (original);
  • certificate of Unified State Examination results and other documents required by the university;
  • agreement on targeted training;

Next, the applicant needs to pass a competition, which is held based on the results of the Unified State Exam. At the same time, the passing score for “target students” is lower than for regular applicants, and accordingly, the probability of admission is higher.

Don't know your rights?

How to get a targeted referral to a medical school

Many people who want to get a higher education want to get a targeted direction specifically to medical universities, because the passing score is always high there and therefore it is more difficult to enroll. At the same time, the shortage of personnel in this area makes it easy to find a job after studying.

The need for targeted specialists and training parameters here are determined by the Ministry of Health, however, the procedure for obtaining a targeted referral in this case is no different from taking a referral to other universities.

The nuances of receiving a target referral

The most important point when receiving a referral is the conclusion of an agreement:

  • with the administration that sent the applicant for training (in this case, he is allocated a budget place or a scholarship);
  • organization that wishes to cover the cost of training.

In the latter case, it is extremely important to carefully study the terms before signing. It is necessary, in particular, to clarify how much tuition will be paid (full or partial) and whether a scholarship will be paid. In addition, some future employers even provide temporary housing for their employees.

It's safe to say that the benefits of targeted training are significant:

  • opportunity to study for free,
  • admission on more favorable terms,
  • no need to worry about your future job.

However, when choosing this type of training, you need to remember that after graduation you will need to work in the chosen organization for 3 years. In this regard, it is important to take the choice of an enterprise seriously.


The procedure for admission to higher education institutions in 2017 is determined by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 (as amended on July 29, 2016) “On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialty programs, master's programs.”

Important changes were made to it by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 29, 2016 No. 921, which are applied for admission to educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs starting from the 2017/18 academic year.

Who can enter the university?

According to these documents, higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation admit citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, foreign citizens and stateless persons living on its territory, as well as compatriots from neighboring countries. These citizens have the right to receive, on a competitive basis, free higher professional education in state higher educational institutions, if education at this level is obtained for the first time.

What is needed to enter a university?

To enter the university you need the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • Document on complete general education (original or copy);
  • Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;
  • 6 photographs measuring 3x4 cm (black and white or color photograph on matte paper, taken in 2015);
  • Applicants who have special rights for admission to higher educational institutions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, provide at their discretion the original or photocopy of the relevant documents.
  • Medical certificate in form 086-U or 026-U
  • from young men, a military ID or registration certificate.

Document on secondary general or special education (certificate - for school graduates; certificate of educational results - for those who decided to interrupt their studies at a technical school/college and get a higher education; diploma with an appendix (grade sheet) and its copy - when documents are submitted to university after college).

A certificate of passing the Unified State Exam is issued after passing the unified state exam in the subjects chosen by the applicant, indicating the points received. (copies are submitted to the commission of several universities, the original is provided to the university where the actual admission was made).

In addition to a medical certificate in form 026-U or 086-U, some universities provide additional medical examination in certain specialties.

The necessary list of specialties for which this certificate is required for admission is given on the official website of the selected higher educational institution.

Persons with disabilities, in addition to the above documents, must submit: the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission; a certificate of disability issued by the federal institution of medical and social examination. Children with disabilities of groups I and II provide an original and a photocopy of a certificate of disability and a conclusion on the absence of contraindications for studying at a university, issued by the federal institution of medical and social examination.

What documents are needed for absentee admission?

Similar documents are submitted to the correspondence department. In case of receiving a second and subsequent higher education, instead of a document confirming secondary education, a diploma of higher education with an extract attached to it is provided.

What are the features and advantages of distance learning?

The advantages of this form of training include the following:

  • curricula are individual (some specialized subjects can be completed in an in-depth program);
  • lower entrance score;
  • after the first successful session there is an opportunity to transfer to the full-time department;
  • you can provide for yourself and your family at the same time while working;
  • the ability to attend lectures remotely;
  • fees for the correspondence department are usually lower;
  • You can learn science at absolutely any age
  • communication with new people united by common goals.

Foreign citizens submit along with original documents and their translations into Russian. A foreign citizen submits to the admissions committee of a Russian university:

  • application in Russian;
  • originals and duly certified copies of educational documents;
  • its certified translation into Russian;
  • identification document;
  • a copy of the entry visa, if the foreigner entered the Russian Federation through it;
  • 6 pieces of photographs 4x6;
  • for foreign citizens of Russian nationality - documents confirming their nationality.

How to get a targeted direction to a university?

A targeted direction for studying at a university is a feature of obtaining higher education, in which the training is paid for by a state budgetary or commercial organization. After graduating from a university, according to the contract on targeted training, the graduate is obliged to work at the enterprise or organization that gave him the targeted direction for the time specified in the contract (usually 3 years). In case of failure to fulfill the agreement on the part of the student or graduate, the latter undertakes to return to the organization the funds spent on his training.

Target students, like everyone else, take the exam and participate in the competition, but with special advantages.

To get the target direction you need:

  • choose a specialty and place of study;
  • contact an institution, an enterprise that issues targeted referrals to this university.
  • submit an application to the municipal government authority.

Sample application for target direction to a university

The application must indicate the form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time).

The direction (specialty) code must correspond to the 2017 direction (specialty) code.

In information about parents, it is necessary to indicate the full last name, first name, patronymic of the parents with whom the child lives, their place of work (full name of the organization and position).

A copy of the child's passport is not certified.

The reference letter from the school must be signed by the director of the educational institution.

How to write an application for admission to a university?

Typically, application forms are provided by the selected university (admissions committee); it can be downloaded from the website of the selected university. The application contains a request to enroll the applicant in a specific direction, specialty, faculty, department, indicating personal and contact information.

Sample application for admission to a university

(On the example of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen)

When are documents accepted and applicants enrolled?

In 2017, for full-time and part-time forms of study, the start date for accepting documents is no later than June 20. The deadline for accepting documents from applicants based on the results of additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation is no earlier than July 7, and from applicants based on the results of other entrance tests conducted by the organization independently - no earlier than July 10.

For correspondence courses, there are no deadlines for submitting documents; everything depends on the decision of the management of each specific university.

The deadline for completing entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently, and completing the acceptance of documents from applicants without passing the specified entrance examinations is July 26.

Profile and additional exams for applicants to universities in 2017

In addition to changes in the deadlines for submitting documents, specialized and additional exams for applicants were introduced in 2017.

Universities have introduced certain specialized subjects into the test. The Ministry of Education adopted this innovation, and already in 2017, new rules and requirements affected 64 specialties, which include not only creative, but also medical areas. Future teachers and philologists will also have to take additional courses.

Additional exams are conducted in the form usual for passing individual disciplines, but may also consist of interviews conducted individually with each applicant. Universities have the right to independently decide what form the test will take and change it annually.

Features of entering a university

Admission to university! Enrollment, submission of documents, etc.

Arrival algorithm

Life after the Unified State Exam: admission and admissions committee

In RTF format

Agreement on targeted training (standard form) in PDF format

agreements on targeted training

(place of conclusion of the contract)
"___"_____________ 20__
(date of conclusion of the agreement)

(full name of the federal government body, government body
subject of the Russian Federation, local government, state (municipal)
institution, unitary enterprise, state corporation, state company or business entity,
in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian
Federation or municipality)
hereinafter referred to as the Organization, represented by ___________________
(job title, last name, first name, patronymic (if available)
acting on the basis of ___________________
(name of document)
on the one hand, and ___________________
(last name, first name, patronymic (if available)
represented by ___________________
(last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the legal representative of the minor,
if the citizen is a minor)
hereinafter referred to as the citizen, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the parties, have entered into this agreement as follows.

I. Subject of the agreement

1. In accordance with this agreement, the citizen undertakes to master the educational program on ___________________,

sold in ___________________
(name of the organization carrying out educational activities)
successfully pass the state final certification for the specified educational program and conclude an employment agreement (contract) with the organization specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of this agreement, and the Organization undertakes to provide the citizen with social support measures and organize internships in accordance with the curriculum.

II. Rights and obligations of the parties

2. The organization has the right:
a) request from a citizen information about the results of passing intermediate certifications in accordance with the curriculum and fulfilling the duties provided for by the charter and internal regulations of students;
b) recommend to the citizen the topic of the final qualifying work (if available);
V) ___________________.
(other rights of the Organization)

3. The organization is obliged:
a) provide the citizen with the following social support measures during his studies*:
(material incentive measures (scholarships and other cash payments, payment for food and (or) travel and other measures)
(payment of paid educational services (if necessary)
(provision for use and (or) payment for residential premises)
b) organize the citizen’s internship in accordance with the curriculum;
c) ensure, in accordance with the qualifications obtained, the citizen’s employment in ___________________
(name of the organization, its main
state registration number (if available)

d) in case of failure to fulfill obligations to employ a citizen within _____ months, pay the citizen compensation in the amount of double the costs associated with providing him with social support measures;
e) notify the citizen of a change in location, bank details (if any) or other information relevant to the execution of this agreement within 10 calendar days from the date of occurrence of these changes;
e) ___________________
(other responsibilities of the Organization)

4. A citizen has the right:
a) receive from the Organization measures of social support provided for in subparagraph “a” of paragraph 3 of this agreement;
b) if necessary, receive information about the activities of the organization in which the internship is organized in accordance with the curriculum;
V) ___________________
(other rights of a citizen)

5. A citizen is obliged:
a) master the educational program on ___________________
(code, name of profession, area of ​​training (specialty), level of education)
b) provide, at the request of the Organization, information on the results of passing intermediate certifications in accordance with the curriculum and the fulfillment of duties provided for by the charter and internal rules of students;
c) undergo an internship organized by the Organization in accordance with the curriculum;
d) comply with the regulations of the organization in which the internship is organized in accordance with the curriculum;
e) conclude an employment agreement (contract) with the organization specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of this agreement no later than ___ months from the date of receipt of the relevant document on education and qualifications;
f) reimburse the Organization within ___ months for the costs associated with providing him with social support measures, and also pay a fine equal to twice the costs associated with providing him with social support measures in the event of failure to fulfill the employment obligations provided for in this agreement;
g) notify the Organization of changes in the last name, first name, patronymic (if any), passport data, bank details (if any) and other information relevant to the execution of this agreement within 10 calendar days from the date of occurrence of these changes;
h) ___________________
(other duties of a citizen)

III. Responsibility of the parties

6. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7. The grounds for releasing a citizen from fulfilling employment obligations are**:
a) the presence of diseases that prevent employment in the organization specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of this agreement, and confirmed by the conclusions of the authorized bodies;
b) recognition in the established order of one of the parents, spouse (wife) as a disabled person of group I or II, establishment of a citizen’s child in the category “disabled child”, if work under an employment agreement (contract) is provided not at the place of permanent residence of the parents, spouse (spouse) or child;
c) recognition of a citizen in the prescribed manner as a disabled person of group I or II;
d) a citizen is the spouse of a military personnel, with the exception of persons undergoing military service upon conscription, if the work under an employment agreement (contract) is provided not at the place of service of the spouse;
d) ___________________
(other grounds for releasing a citizen from fulfilling employment obligations)

IV. Duration of the contract, grounds for its early termination

8. This agreement comes into force on ___________________ and is valid until the conclusion of the employment agreement (contract).
9. The grounds for early termination of this agreement are:
a) refusal of an organization carrying out educational activities to admit a citizen to a target place, including if the citizen did not pass the competition held within the framework of the target admission quota by the organization carrying out educational activities;
b) the citizen’s failure to receive social support measures from the Organization within ___ months;
c) expulsion of a citizen from an organization carrying out educational activities before the end of the period for mastering the educational program;
d) the occurrence and (or) detection of circumstances (medical or other indications) that impede the citizen’s employment in the organization specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 3 of this agreement;
d) ___________________.
(other grounds for termination of this agreement)

V. Final provisions

10. Changes made to this agreement are formalized by additional agreements to it.
11. This agreement is drawn up in ____ copies of equal force, one copy for each of the parties.
12. ___________________.
(other conditions)

VI. Addresses and payment details of the parties


* When concluding this agreement, the parties independently determine the list of social support measures provided to the citizen, indicating the procedure, timing and amount of their provision.
** When concluding this agreement, the parties independently determine the list of grounds for releasing a citizen from fulfilling employment obligations.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076
“On the procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training”

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 56 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training;

standard form of agreement on targeted reception;

standard form of agreement on targeted training.

2. The rules approved by this resolution do not apply to relations related to the conclusion of contracts on targeted training, which provide for obligations to subsequently perform public service or municipal service after completion of training.

3. Recognize as invalid the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1995 No. 942 “On targeted contract training of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 39, Art. 3777).

These Rules do not apply to relations related to the conclusion of agreements on targeted training, which provide for obligations of subsequent public service or municipal service after completion of training.

concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076)

1. These Rules determine the procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training.

2. An agreement on targeted admission is concluded by an organization carrying out educational activities under educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization), with a federal government body, a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local government body, a state (municipal) institution, a unitary enterprise, a state a corporation, state company or business entity, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity (hereinafter referred to as bodies or organizations), which have entered into an agreement on targeted training with a citizen.

3. The agreement on targeted reception is concluded in simple written form in 2 copies, one copy for each of the parties.

4. The body or organization sends to the educational organization a proposal in writing to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, containing information about the number of citizens whose training must be carried out in areas of training and specialties within the framework of targeted training for the body or organization, as well as information about the areas of activity body or organization.

5. The educational organization, within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of a proposal in writing to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, informs the body or organization in writing of its consent to conclude an agreement on targeted admission and informs the body or organization about the number of citizens who may be accepted by an educational organization within the framework of targeted admission, or refusal to conclude an agreement on targeted admission due to the lack of target numbers for the admission of citizens to study in the relevant specialty or area of ​​training at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

6. Upon receiving consent from an educational organization to conclude an agreement on targeted admission, the body or organization, within 5 calendar days from the date of its receipt, sends to the educational organization a signed draft agreement on targeted admission and a list of citizens who have expressed a desire to participate in targeted admission, determined by the body or organization independently (hereinafter referred to as citizens).

7. The educational organization signs the draft agreement on targeted admission within 5 calendar days from the date of its receipt. After signing the draft agreement on targeted admission, 1 copy of the agreement on targeted admission remains with the educational organization.

8. An agreement on targeted training is concluded by a body or organization and a citizen or student.

9. The agreement on targeted training is concluded in simple written form in 2 copies (one copy for each of the parties).

10. An agreement on targeted training is concluded with a citizen before the start of targeted admission. Before the start of targeted admission, the body or organization informs in writing the educational organization that has entered into an agreement on targeted admission about the number of citizens with whom agreements on targeted education have been concluded, with copies of these agreements attached.

11. An agreement on targeted training with a student is concluded at any stage of his mastering an educational program in an educational organization.

12. Minor citizens and students enter into an agreement on targeted training with the written consent of their parents (legal representatives).

13. The agreement on targeted admission and the agreement on targeted training are terminated by agreement of the parties (including in connection with the expulsion of a citizen from an educational organization), due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen and the educational organization, including in connection with the liquidation of the educational institution organization, body or organization, the death of a citizen, as well as in court.

14. Agreements to terminate the contract for targeted admission and the contract for targeted training are made in simple written form.

Going to university is a real chance to get higher education for free.

If we analyze the current situation, it will be most likely to issue a similar document in such sectors as education, medicine and agriculture, since these are the areas where there is a significant personnel shortage. Therefore, receiving a targeted referral to a university of any of the specified profiles is an opportunity for an applicant to enroll. In the future, the state will receive good specialists in the right field.

There are many advantages to this method of admission.

Firstly, applicants will not have to endure tough competition, as when entering the general stream. Therefore, many of them strive to get a targeted referral to a medical university, where it is very difficult to become a student.

Secondly, the problem of employment after receiving a diploma will be solved. This is currently very important.

But be sure to keep in mind that such training is usually provided at the expense of the organization or enterprise. Therefore, if the target direction to a university is received, the student graduates and receives a diploma, he must work in the structure for three years, but no less. Such an educational strategy makes an invaluable contribution to the development of areas that are problematic, from a personnel point of view.

Let’s take a closer look at how to get a targeted referral to a university.

But such active actions must be taken as early as possible. A statement of desire to study with a referral to the municipality must be written no later than winter. This document must be accompanied by a petition from the school where the child studied, as well as from the organization that will allocate funds for the education of the future student.

The local administration collects all applications for the next academic year. Next, she sends this data to universities that collaborate with her on the program. Universities determine the number of such places based on their capabilities and the expected total number of applicants.

A targeted referral to a university will be provided for one single specialty in a specific educational institution. The application for admission must be accompanied by a target agreement. It is concluded between the Customer (the enterprise to which the student will return after receiving the diploma), the Contractor (the university that will train the specialist) and the applicant.

This document must be read very carefully, since educational institutions do not always want to teach a target student absolutely free of charge. Or there are some nuances with the payment of scholarships and other things. Therefore, to begin with, it is very good to study the contract and sign only the option that suits you.

The university must provide confirmation of the availability of target places before the admissions committee begins its work. Moreover, information should be provided on the number of target places for each specialty or direction.

Subsequently, there will be a competition for each place, but only among the target audience.

This issue has its own subtleties. The fact is that every university
independently establishes the minimum that will be necessary for the competition. So, in one institution it may be two people per place, and in another - one and a half.

In recent years, there has been a steady decline in target places. The main reason for this is the increasing over the next five years, this situation will only get worse.

Studying in a targeted area is always a free higher education with a guarantee of a job for several years after graduation.

For those applicants who want to study on a budget basis and subsequently work in their specialty, obtaining such a direction is a cherished dream, a ticket to the future, a road to career prospects.

Who has the right to issue a target referral, how can an applicant to a university receive it, what may be the grounds for refusing to issue it - we will consider all these issues in this article.

Study with a job guarantee

The targeted training scheme has been familiar in Russia for a long time. Previously, in Soviet times, all universities distributed graduates to different regions of the country, where the newly minted specialist had to begin his career. Currently, there is no mandatory distribution, but the state remains interested in ensuring that the shortage of personnel in the country is filled evenly.

Against the backdrop of hundreds of thousands of certified lawyers, economists and managers, many applicants find such professions as veterinarian, ecologist, and historian not quite prestigious - the problem of employment in their specialty remains quite acute. Many have a calling, but due to low salaries they do not become teachers or doctors.

Training in targeted areas to a certain extent solves the problem of personnel: its essence is that the state or private enterprise pays for the student’s education. After completing the training, the young specialist is obliged to find a job in the organization from which he received the recommendation and work in it for 3-5 years.

If a graduate refuses to “work off”, he will have to return the entire amount spent on his professional training.

Obtaining an education in this way can be called preferential, since it is easier to enter the desired faculty - the passing score according to the Unified State Examination results is lower. In rare cases (if we are talking about a popular specialty), the requirements for competitors can be quite strict. One referral is issued only to one specific person, it cannot be transferred to another applicant, and it is prohibited to use it for admission to several universities.

Targeted admission involves training on the basis of agreements drawn up between a representative of a higher education institution and:

  • federal government body (for example, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation);
  • a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for example, with a municipal body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the allocation of targeted places for training in medical universities);
  • state municipal institution (referral from schools, gymnasiums to pedagogical universities);
  • a state-owned company or enterprise where the authorized capital contains a share of state funds (Rosneft, Gazprom);
  • a commercial enterprise that has the means to pay for the education of its future personnel.

Basically, referrals are received from the state: these can be law enforcement agencies (prosecutor's office), medical institutions, educational institutions that count on the interest of young graduate teachers, etc. Large enterprises can also pay for student education. The procedure for obtaining the opportunity to study at the expense of a state or other organization is different in each specific case, since the general provisions are adjusted taking into account the profile of the chosen specialty and the rules of the educational institution.

By the way, the legislation on education allows targeted enrollment in education for those who graduated from school not in the current year, but earlier. For such citizens, in addition to the list of required documents, it is necessary to provide data on work or study for the period from the moment of receiving secondary education until admission.

Institute of Prosecutor's Office

Over the past twenty years, the prosecutor's office has actively used recruitment through targeted referrals. Joining the ranks of prosecutors is not so easy - you need to pass a number of special tests and meet certain requirements that apply to civil servants. In addition, work in law enforcement requires resistance to stress, dedication to one's work, high moral principles and excellent knowledge of the Russian language, history, etc. If you meet the listed criteria, you can receive a referral to study at a university from the prosecutor's office.

To do this, you need to contact the regional prosecutor's office or a specialized department (transport, environmental protection) and submit an application for a referral within the deadline indicated on the official website (usually before June 20, 2016, where you plan to enroll in the institute).

The following documents must be submitted with the application:

  • certificate (if it has not yet been received, then a transcript of academic performance for the first half of the year);
  • your consent to work in the prosecutor's office;
  • autobiography, personal personnel record sheet;
  • copy of the passport (all completed pages are copied);
  • characteristics from school or lyceum;
  • a copy of the military ID;
  • medical certificate (form 086).

Additionally, it is necessary to undergo psychological diagnostics (testing) to determine suitability for the profession.

After consideration, the documents are sent to the Main Directorate of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, where the number of places allocated for study is determined.

If there are enough places, a written referral is issued by the personnel department of the regional prosecutor's office.

Various circumstances may result in refusal of extradition. Thus, a criminal record of the candidate, as well as close relatives, will not allow him to become an employee of this department. In addition, psychological character traits identified during testing can also become an obstacle to employment.

When deciding on the issue of targeted admission, the health status of the future prosecutor's employee will be taken into account - there is a list that indicates the types of diseases that exclude the possibility of employment in government agencies (for example, severe diseases of the nervous system, visual impairment, cancer, etc. ).

If you have passed the tests and your health is fine, you will be given a direction, training in which takes place only at the Faculty of the Institute of Prosecutor's Office on a full-time basis. This faculty is not available in all legal educational institutions. There are several such universities in the country - in Saratov, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Practice shows that referrals are given to the university closest to the location, as well as to its branches, which are located in many cities.

Even if you have the treasured document on budget education in your hands, no one canceled excellent knowledge upon admission:

  • The Unified State Examination must have high scores in history, Russian language and literature.
  • The average admission score is slightly lower than for regular applicants, but it also needs to be overcome. Otherwise, enrollment is out of the question, even if you are a “target student.” Typically, the average score in three disciplines for applicants on a target basis is 230.
  • If several applicants score the same number of points, then the question of admission is decided on the basis of additional information:
    • presence of a gold (silver) medal,
    • certificates of honor,
    • victories in the Olympics, etc.

After completing the training, the graduate, according to the contract, one copy of which is kept in the personnel department, is obliged to find a job in the prosecutor's office from which he was sent. In some cases, by agreement with the employer (represented by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation), it is possible to stay and work in another region. If it turns out that for some reason a graduate cannot become an employee of the prosecutor’s office or has worked in the position for less than five years, the full cost of training will be collected from him.

Medical Universities

Targeted training of future doctors is regulated by adopted regulations at the federal level: the state is especially interested in qualified personnel in the medical field; large sums from the country’s budget are spent on this every year.

To issue targeted referrals to a medical university, a decision must be made by a special commission of the regional municipal authority. Careful monitoring of the labor market is carried out, conclusions are drawn about the shortage of specialists of a certain category in numerical terms.

An applicant who wishes to receive a targeted direction to study in a medical specialty must present to the municipal authority a certificate of completed secondary education, as well as score the required number of “passing” points. In addition, only those who receive free higher education for the first time can undergo targeted training.

It is important to know the period when applications for referrals are accepted - if you miss the deadline, a new opportunity will appear only next year. Information of this kind can be obtained on the municipality website or directly from the medical university. So, in 2016, the application could be submitted as early as March, the last possible submission deadline was June 10.

The educational institution can find out what documents need to be submitted in order for the application to be accepted for consideration. Basically these are:

  • application for the issuance of a targeted direction - drawn up in an approved form, the form can be obtained from the Ministry of Education, municipality or university;
  • photocopy of the general passport (sheets with the applicant’s full name and registration);
  • all kinds of certificates, documents confirming participation in Olympiads, competitions, etc.

After receiving applications, a list is formed from which the best students are selected based on the Unified State Examination results, and they will be enrolled in the first year.

Become a teacher in the field

How to get a targeted referral to a pedagogical university? Directly at the university you can find out a list of those schools and lyceums with which agreements have been concluded. After that, you need to go through an interview with the director of the selected school and bring to his attention your desire to work in this particular institution. If your candidacy is approved, you will easily receive a referral.

Pedagogical institutes and universities are quite willing to accept for training those who will then be guaranteed to be employed in schools - because in this way the problem of teacher shortage is solved. They are especially loyal to those who want to work as teachers in remote areas, villages, towns. There are few such people, so passing the competition is not difficult for them.

In some Moscow universities, places are specially created for the targeted recruitment of only graduates of the capital.

For example, the Moscow Pedagogical University allocates over 100 places for graduates of schools in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. This institution has long been practicing training under the direction of Moscow district education departments, while the applicant can simultaneously participate in the general competition. After graduation, the young teacher will work in one of the schools in the district, from which he received a preferential opportunity for free education.

How to find an employer

Contact the university

To find the company that will pay for your studies, you need to contact the university directly, since there may be lists of those companies with which there are contractual relations for the targeted enrollment of students.

  • For example, you can become a “target student” for studying at the Moscow University of Railways through JSC Russian Railways, Moscow Metro.
  • RUDN University annually creates places for training future employees of Mosenergo and Gidrospetsproekt.
Contact the Ministry of Education

You can also contact the regional municipality through the school management or yourself, where you can find out which employers have received applications for concluding a targeted contract. Such information can be provided by the Ministry of Education of the region, as well as directly by the selected university. You need to address this issue in the winter, on the eve of the year of admission.

You can also find a company yourself - it’s no secret that large enterprises are also in dire need of specialists who are willing to pay for their studies.

What to do when an employer is found

If your application was responded to and the question was resolved positively, then you will need to bring a tripartite agreement to the admissions committee of the selected educational institution, which will indicate the details of your future employer and the number of years during which you will be required to work. A careful reading of the contract will help you avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of strict terms of payment or work (for example, there have been cases where the contract on the target direction from the enterprise included both 10 and 12 years of compulsory work).

In addition, you should carefully study the clauses of the agreement on the rights of the applicant:

  • will he be provided with social support (scholarship, medical care),
  • how it is proposed to resolve the issue of providing housing (will a hostel be provided).
  • Pay attention to the date of appearance after graduation - in practice, there have been cases when a graduate, out of forgetfulness, did not appear at the organization for employment on the appointed date, which subsequently became the reason for a legal dispute regarding the recovery of expenses for his education.

The contract must also indicate valid reasons for the graduate’s failure to fulfill the employment obligation: his or her disability or the disability of loved ones (one parent, spouse, child), special circumstances (liquidation, bankruptcy of the enterprise, etc.).