Celosia comb: growing from seeds. Celosia indoor Celosia cockscomb

16.08.2023 Landscape design

Paths and shape. Without exaggeration, this one is just a godsend for.

Cockerel flowers

To plant bearded species, it is necessary to do a good job, since stagnant water can cause great harm. Before planting, the soil must be loosened well and everything removed. Fertile, rich ones will be ideal for planting.

Did you know? In ancient times, iris seeds were considered a delicacy; they were fried and prepared into a drink vaguely reminiscent of coffee.

Planting irises

There is no specific guide on when to plant irises; this can be done both in spring and autumn, taking into account certain nuances.

in spring

Pre-plant preparation should not be neglected. You should carefully inspect and, if necessary, remove the roots on which rot has formed, and trim the roots that are too long.

Then it would be a good idea to disinfect it in a solution of potassium permanganate; to do this, mix the preparation with water until it turns pale pink and soak the planting material in it for 30-40 minutes.

This simple procedure will help to avoid further problems with the development of the plant. Another secret to successful planting is that the root can be kept in solution for 30 minutes, due to this it will create a stable immunity to. The depth of the planting hole for bearded species should be proportional to the tuber; it should not be deepened too much; the top should rise above the ground.

When planting non-bearded irises, the root should be carefully covered with soil. If you plan to plant several nearby, you must maintain a distance of at least 60 cm between them.

in autumn

In fact, autumn planting is not much different from spring planting. It is also recommended to disinfect the roots and remove rotting areas. Let's call these hygiene procedures that will protect in the future.

As for the depth and interval of planting irises, almost everything coincides with the spring one. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the tubers should be planted mainly at the end of summer and maximum in the first week of September, this way the plant will take root well before the cold weather and we will get the desired result.

How to care for flowers

It seems impossible, looking at the charming bettas in the photo, that planting and caring for them will not be difficult, but this is true.

Plants need regular application only in very dry weather during the period of bud formation. In the further process, you can enjoy the decorative effect of the leaves and not carry out water procedures.
The plant is not very demanding regarding feeding. You can apply phosphorus in the spring if the soil, in your opinion, is not saturated enough.

It wouldn’t hurt to add a comprehensive one in the fall. But during the flowering period, any feeding is strictly not recommended for irises.

Plant diseases and pests

Cockerels are quite strong and resilient, but it happens that they can be damaged by diseases or. Problems may arise due to excessive moisture; the roots may begin to rot.

In this case, you should immediately dig up the plant and use a knife to remove the rotten parts, disinfect and dry the root in the sun. Often gardeners are faced with a disease of irises such as spotting.

In order for the leaves to remain healthy and not be overtaken by this disease, it is advisable to spray them with a 1% solution.

November 21st, 2014

And again, hello, my dear readers! I, like many gardeners, try to have ornamental plants and flowers in my flowerbed every summer. I have already written about some of them on the blog pages, for example and. This year I again grew flowers from seeds that were new to me, for example. And today I want to tell you more about scallops, flowers unusual and very decorative. I also planted them for the first time and was very pleased with the result!

Celosia begins to bloom

Celosia comb - what kind of plant?

I have previously seen photographs of these flowers on the Internet. Very bright, interestingly shaped caps of inflorescences! People called them simply and lovingly - combs, although the correct name is comb celosia. Therefore, when I saw celosia seeds on sale, I immediately bought them: I have to try them! The seeds were in inexpensive packages, without a color image of the plant, the variety “Coral Garden” was indicated. And to find out what would actually grow from these bags, all that was left was to sow and wait patiently.

Celosia comb at the beginning of flowering

Celosia flowers: growing from seeds

I sowed celosia seeds in early May in a shallow box. Having read that the plant is heat-loving, I was afraid to do this before. The box was placed on a rack Vhomemade , initially covering the crops from above with covering material. Warmed by the spring sun through the glass walls of the greenhouse, the shoots appeared together and gradually grew. I didn’t pick the plants, I just waited until the beginning of June, when summer had irrevocably come into its own, and planted the celosias directly in the flowerbed, as well as in pots to place them closer to the porch.

Celosia comb of various colors

Flowers that look like cockscombs

Celosias in a permanent place quickly gained strength, especially those that grew freely in a sunny flowerbed, the stem became thicker and thicker, there were fears that the plants would become fattened. But soon inflorescences began to form on the tops of the celosias, first small, and then increasingly larger. To our joy, the plants bloomed in different colors: burgundy, pink, yellow. Gradually, the colorful inflorescences grew larger and gathered in waves into gorgeous “ridges.” Here it has already become clearly visible why celosia is called cockscombs. The “ridges” turned out to be soft and tender to the touch. And plants are not at all interested in decorativeness!

Pink celosia

Can celosia grow at home?

I read on the Internet that celosia can also be grown as a houseplant. Therefore, in September I transplanted one flowering plant into a pot so that my celosia could grow at home. Now it is already the third ten days of November, there is snow outside the window, and this pink “comb” is still pleasing with its flowering on the window.

Bright crimson celosia flower

Universal celosia

So, I draw my conclusions about the ornamental plant - comb celosia. The plant certainly deserves the attention of gardeners. It seems to me that by combining planting “combs” of different colors in a certain order, you can create the pattern you have in mind in your flower beds.

The beautiful celosia will successfully decorate not only your yard, but also the windowsill of your apartment. And its dried flowers do not lose their bright color at all, which means they can be used to create unfading winter bouquets and compositions.

The only unpleasant thing about growing scallops is their greenhouse nature. At the first light frost, the heat-loving plant dies.

Now I have already collected my seeds from these wonderful flowers and will definitely sow them again next year.

Yellow celosia

And you can read my impressions about another heat-loving ornamental plant - Camellia balsam.

Celosia or cellosia (from the Latin Celosia) belongs to the genus of the Amaranthaceae family. The culture got its name from the Greek Kelos, which means “flaming” or “burning”. This word describes both the color and shape of the inflorescences, which form like multi-colored flames. In nature, cellosia is found in Africa, South America and Asia. Today, more than 60 species of this beautiful plant are known, but only a few of them are grown in gardens and at home.

Celosia - description and characteristics of the flower

In nature, celosia is presented in several forms - as a shrub and an annual plant. In our climatic conditions, mostly annuals are grown, since they are very capricious and practically cannot tolerate sub-zero temperatures.

The plant has straight, elongated and fairly branched stems. The leaves are ovoid in shape and arranged alternately. Flowers are collected in comb-shaped, spike-shaped or paniculate inflorescences, which can have a wide variety of shades - from yellow and golden to scarlet or bright orange. The fruit is represented by a small box with seeds, from which you can grow a new flower if they are collected, stored and planted correctly.

Three of the known species of this beautiful plant are most often grown in the garden or at home, namely Spikelet, Combate or Pinnate. These varieties are relatively tolerant of winter temperatures and bloom well indoors if cared for properly.

Due to its variegated and varied colors, this plant is often used in landscape design to create bright compositions, decorate entrances, paths, fences, etc.

Review of popular varieties for home cultivation

Celosia Comb, Silver (“Cockscomb”). One of the most popular and beautiful varieties of garden flowers, which can reach a height of up to 45 centimeters. Depending on the specific subspecies, the plant has green or green-burgundy leaves with a golden tint, especially in autumn. The small flowers are collected in massive inflorescences that resemble the shape of cockscombs and can take on shades of purple, red or orange.

Flowering time is usually from mid-summer to late September. The most preferred varieties for growing in our climatic conditions include:

  • Impress with burgundy leaves and bright red flowers;
  • Atropurpurea. It has a pinkish stem, green leaves and very beautiful flower “combs”;
  • Imperialis is the shortest type of celosia with reddish foliage and burgundy-red inflorescences.

Also popular are such hybrid varieties as Malyutka, Kimono, Corals or Coral Garden, Giant, whose inflorescences look like a huge comb, and others. They differ in color and size of buds, as well as the period of active flowering. But most of the varieties presented are capable of growing in open ground only in tropical or near-tropical conditions, since they cannot tolerate sub-zero temperatures even under cover and with proper mulching of the ground.

Celosia Cirrus or Paniculate. A fairly tall-growing plant variety, which also has low-growing, almost dwarf forms. At the tops of straight, strictly elongated stems, beautiful panicle inflorescences grow, acquiring a wide variety of colors - from orange to all types of red. The leaves are usually lush green in color, and the flowering period is from early July to mid-October.

Among the most hardy and beautiful species of paniculate celosia are the following:

  • Goldfeder. A low-growing variety (up to 35 cm in height) with bright, red flowers with a golden tint;
  • Tomsoni Magnific. A taller species with light green foliage and massive, burgundy “panicles”;
  • New Look. A beautiful variety with purple-violet flowers and bright green leaves, reaching 70 cm in height.

Celosia Huttona or Koloskovaya. A less common plant variety for growing in our climatic conditions. However, interest in it is growing every year, especially among professional designers. The stem is from 25 to 85 centimeters high, the leaves are medium-sized, with rich colors.

The inflorescences resemble small spikelets in shape, which are painted in red, orange, purple, yellow and even white tones. The most striking representative of this subspecies is Coral cellosia with very beautiful “spikelet” flowers of bright color.

Growing cellosia from seeds at home

The seed method is practically the only way to propagate and plant this flower at home. The seeds are collected in the fall, for which several already withered inflorescences are cut off and placed in a glass vase or other suitable container and stored in a dark and dry room. When they are dry enough, they are shaken over a newspaper or napkin, thereby releasing the necessary material, which is placed in boxes and stored in the refrigerator.

Before planting, it is recommended to soak the finished seeds in a solution of biostimulants Epin or Zircon in the proportion of 1 drop of each drug per liter of clean, warm water. This will allow you to soak the too dense shell and saturate the material with nutrients that stimulate growth and development.

Sow the material in the spring, in mid-March or early April. The optimal composition of the soil is humus soil and vermiculite mixed in equal parts; adding a small amount of fresh sand is also acceptable. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil in pots, gently and lightly pressed down on top with your fingers, then immediately sprinkled with water using a spray bottle without powder.

The top of the container with the planted seeds is covered with transparent plastic film or glass and placed on the brightest windowsill in the southern part of the apartment or house.

The room temperature is maintained at +23-25 ​​degrees, the seedlings are protected from direct sunlight, the seedlings are periodically watered and ventilated under the covering material, while preventing condensation from occurring.

The first shoots will appear 8-12 days after planting. If you planted seeds in one container, they must be planted in different pots, without changing the composition of the soil. The first transplant is carried out after the first 2 leaves appear in compact but spacious containers.

When the new seedlings take root and take root properly, they are once again transplanted together with a ball of earth into larger pots (peat-humus can be used) and the young plant is fed with a special complex of mineral fertilizers for indoor flowers.

Planting in open ground - following the basic rules

The plant is planted in open ground exclusively in warm weather, when the time for night frosts has already passed, and the average air temperature during the day fluctuates between +15-20 degrees. The ideal time to plant cellosia in your garden is mid to late May.

The area should be sunny, well ventilated, and the soil must have a drainage layer. Too acidic soils are additionally deacidified using conventional liming. It is also not recommended to introduce or mix soil on the planting area with fresh organic fertilizers, mullein, chicken droppings, etc.

When all conditions are met, planting begins. It is best to do this by transshipment, so as not to damage the still fragile and tender young roots of the plant.

If the seedlings were planted in peat pots, the flower is planted in open ground along with them at a distance of 15-20 cm in the case of low-growing varieties and 25-30 cm for taller types of celosia.

Care after planting is the most important stage of plant development

In general, caring for this flower at home or in the garden is not particularly difficult. There are 2 main weaknesses of cellosium to remember. In open ground, it practically does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures. Therefore, a plant planted too early will simply die after the first frost.

This flower does not like very wet soil, so it is necessary to strictly control the quantity and quality of watering. Liquid is applied only on the hottest and hottest days, or when the top layer of soil is completely dry. The soil around the plantings is periodically loosened, and weeds are immediately removed.

You should not get carried away with fertilizing. In the second month of growth, you can apply a small amount of mineral fertilizers high in phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. You should be careful with the latter - too much nitrogen will turn the plant into a lush green shrub, and flowers may not appear at all.

In order not to leave it for the winter, after flowering in the open air it is destroyed, storing the seeds for subsequent spring planting. Cellosia is very well preserved in dry form, so it is often used as a basis for fragrant home bouquets.

Cut several large branches with flower stalks, tie them into a bunch and let them brew at room temperature in a vase without water for 2-3 weeks. Then they are combined with other colors or used as a spectacular, independent decoration in the house.

Control of diseases and pests in the garden

This plant is classified as resistant, despite its rather capricious “character”. Diseases most often affect cellosia at a tender, seedling age. The main enemy of the flower is the black leg, which appears as a result of waterlogging of the soil or excessive air humidity indoors or in an open area.

Often garden aphids grow on celosia, which spoils the leaves and flowers of the plant. To eliminate it, special double-action preparations are used - insecticides or folk remedies. One of these is a solution based on liquid soap and vegetable oil, which are mixed with warm water. Treatment is carried out in the evenings, 2-3 times within one week. This remedy is also good to use as a preventative against other harmful insects and diseases.

If you follow basic standards, correct planting, timely fertilizing, monitoring watering and caring for cellosia at home or in the garden, you will get a bright, beautiful plant with lush flowers of a wide variety of shades and shapes.

Celosia indoors is grown by gardeners not only as a garden plant, but also as a houseplant. The flower has a very bright color of flowers, which captivates many gardeners. The flower also attracts with its long flowering; at home, the plant can bloom for up to two months. Most often, the comb, popularly cockscomb, or pinnate is grown as a houseplant.

Care and cultivation of indoor celosia

Flower pots are placed in a room where the plant will have access to sunlight. But direct sunlight is harmful to the plant, so the light must be diffused. The optimal air temperature for room celosia is 14-18 degrees. When the air temperature rises to more than 25 degrees, the room is ventilated. Water the flower with water at room temperature. When watering, it is advisable to prevent water from getting on the flowers of the plant. The soil in the pot should always be moist, but the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. From time to time, the leaves of indoor celosia are sprayed with water. Indoor celosia is fed once every two weeks with mineral fertilizers (not nitrogen). Yellowed and damaged leaves of the plant are promptly removed. After flowering, the plant is thrown away, but some gardeners grow the flower as a perennial houseplant.


Celosia is propagated by seeds. Seeds can be collected from a faded plant, usually in the fall. Sowing of seeds is carried out in February or March. Seeds are sown in a mixture of soil and peat. After emergence, the seedlings are planted in separate pots with substrate. In this case, the seedlings must be provided with good drainage. Water the plant periodically.

Diseases and pests

Celosia is susceptible to a disease called blackleg. The pest is aphids.

Indoor celosia in photographs