Edward is the name of kings and nobles. Name for a boy Edward: meaning, character and fate History of the name

24.08.2024 Plumbing 

Edward is an active and practical man who can be relied on in any situation. Dreams and romantic moods are not his style; he prefers to act. A flexible mind allows him to quickly assess the situation and make the right decision. At the same time, the name Edward is distinguished by coldness and some disgust towards others.

Let us consider in detail the name Edward, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the owner in different periods of life.

There are two versions of the origin of the name Edward: one of them is associated with England, and the other with the culture of ancient Germany.

Name meaning

If we consider the English version of the origin of the name Edward, then it is translated as “rich”, “happy”; translated from ancient German it means “guardian of the treasury”. One way or another, the name was assigned to the descendants of royal and noble blood.


Let's consider the meaning of the name Edik (Eduard) for different periods of the life of its owner. The meaning of the name Edward for a child gives him excessive activity and emotionality. He loves to play and be naughty, showing ingenuity that any adult would envy. Parents should send the boy to a section so that his energy can be used for peaceful purposes and does not endanger him. Edik grows up inquisitive, studies well and tries not to upset his mother, to whom he is very attached. He easily fits into a group of peers and becomes a leader; his calm character allows him to solve problems without fights and loud quarrels.

The meaning of the name Edward for a teenage boy brings him self-confidence and decisiveness in his actions. He already knows the goal he will go to and will definitely achieve it. The main thing is that Eduard’s studies or future profession are interesting, then he can become the best in his field.

Ed knows how to understand a situation, see the roots of a problem and find a solution. Problems and obstacles do not cause him inner fear, but the guy is inert by nature and will not show effort where it is not required. Ed has an inner instinct for people, which works from the first seconds and never fails, so in his environment there are only those people whom he can trust unconditionally. He has a creative hobby related to painting or music.

What does the name Edward mean for a man? It gives him courage, prudence, strength and the ability to achieve what he wants. He has developed intuition, artistry and the ability to quickly get used to changing circumstances. Edward knows how to control people, but he will not allow himself to be manipulated. He plans all his actions in advance, is very practical and thorough.

He will prefer material gain to a dream, if his pride is not hurt, then he can forget about money for a while in order to restore the image of a good guy. If he can challenge his own inertia, he can achieve whatever he strives for.

By nature, a man is phlegmatic, knows how to appreciate what he has, and does not build castles in the air. Depression, stress and soul-searching are absent in his life. Edward has many hobbies, but he prefers not to delve into them too deeply.

In love, Edward is quite temperamental and sensual, but will not show obsessive attention to the girl he likes. His charisma and charm are easy to win over, the man knows how to care, and speaks beautifully with compliments; he spares no expense on gifts.

Edward does not make vain promises and for a long time prefers an open relationship, evading responsibility. But this state of affairs does not mean that he does not know how to love. It’s just that a man has been searching for his own ideal for a long time and does not agree to exchange for less. He will choose a self-sufficient, beautiful woman with a good-natured and easy-going character.

He will definitely take an interest in her financial situation, since he is not inspired by the relationship with Cinderella. Often Edward enters into a marriage based on calculation, and not on love attraction. Edward's wife is forced to live with his jealousy and suspicion, although he himself can hardly be called a standard of fidelity. Edward often has two marriages. In the family, he takes upon himself security issues, believing that household chores and raising children are a woman’s responsibility.


The meaning of the name Edward, character by zodiac sign:

  • Aries – active and passionate, can move mountains. Ambition pushes him to take justifiable risks. He is lucky in any of the undertakings he begins. His wife will be a calm woman who knows how to create an atmosphere of comfort in the house.
  • Taurus – strong-willed, optimistic, ambitious, always strives for the best. Increased sexuality can destroy his family.
  • Twins – charming and cheerful, loves noisy companies and cannot stand monotonous work. He lives for today and does not struggle too much to achieve his goal.
  • Cancer – frankness, care and devotion are his main features. Family will always come first for him.
  • Lion - honest, straightforward, but slightly frivolous, because luck often falls into his hands. He doesn’t try too hard to reach his intended goal, but when necessary, he knows how to be decisive and strong-willed.
  • Virgo - a frivolous man who is afraid of change, prefers reading to company and will be able to build a relationship with a girl who values ​​family and home comfort most of all.
  • Scales – kind, sympathetic and vulnerable, in a relationship he is afraid of betrayal, but he can be happy with a girl who is kind and decisive in character.
  • Scorpion – passionate, sociable, self-confident. He is used to achieving everything through hard work, he remains faithful to his wife, but demands the same in return.
  • Sagittarius – spectacular and gallant, knows how to please girls, but is terribly impractical in everyday life. Doesn't know how to achieve goals.
  • Capricorn – prudent and hardworking, strives for career growth. He always wants to achieve more and is capable of intrigue for the sake of his career. In love, he prefers the absence of obligations.
  • Aquarius – kind, sociable, tactful, smart. Girls adore him, but he will make a choice in favor of the one who will support him in any, even the craziest undertakings.
  • Fish – cheerful and calm. Love for all women without exception leads him to late marriage.

Name day

Edward does not celebrate his name day.

Name color

Edward's colors are gray and purple. Gray expresses distrust and dual character. The “grays” see deception and betrayal in everything and are vindictive.

The “Violet” name gives the owner a philosophical mindset, developed extrasensory abilities and intuition. Such a personality attracts others with an aura of mystery.

Name flower

Edward's talisman plant is the daisy. It symbolizes love, material well-being and nobility. In European countries, it is often used when telling fortunes about a man’s love.

Church name

The Orthodox name Edward is missing from the calendar.

Translation of name in different languages

The name Edward in other languages ​​of the world:

  • Belarusian and Ukrainian versions are similar to Russian;
  • English, Spanish, Polish and Slovenian version – Edward.

Full name, shortened, affectionate

Forms of the name Edward:

  • Dusha;
  • Edyusha;
  • Edik;
  • Edechka.

Middle names

The patronymic of the name Eduard for a boy is Eduardovich. Names for son:

  • Valentine;
  • Valery;
  • Stanislav;
  • Daniel;
  • Rostislav;
  • Novel;
  • Ruslan;
  • Konstantin.

The middle name for a girl is Eduardovna. Names for daughter:

  • Isolde;
  • Elsa;
  • Isabel;
  • Stella;
  • Anastasia;
  • Valentina;
  • Antonina;
  • Camilla;
  • Margarita;
  • Maryana.


Compatibility of the name Edward with female names:

  • With Anastasia - an ideal couple and love from the first minutes. She is creative and supports him in everything, and he is her faithful protector.
  • If Edward can overcome his craving for romantic adventures, he will build a harmonious relationship with him. The woman will not be able to forgive the betrayal and will leave.
  • A storm of emotions awaits Eduard with Olga, but after the passion fades away, the couple breaks up.
  • Irina likes Edward’s courtesy, and he likes his chosen one’s sense of humor, but the girl is frightened by the man’s excessive sociability. As a result, the union may not take place.
  • Edward and Julia will be able to build an almost ideal, but very emotional union. Quarrels happen here, but this does not interfere with the development of relationships.

Edward is not particularly lucky in his personal life. He is extremely closed, distrustful and not used to sharing his experiences and emotions. Edward is afraid of betrayal and constantly doubts that he is worthy of his beloved. Although quite successful in the professional sphere, he can be truly unhappy in his personal life, suffering from loneliness. Edward’s complexes and insecurities prevent him from having a strong relationship. making his life significantly more difficult. He is convinced that his beloved can leave him at any moment for someone who is much better than himself. Edward would like to find his other half, the one who could accept him for who he is. But it is difficult for him to admit his feelings, so loneliness often becomes his lot. If Edward marries, it will be quite late, to the girl whom he considers his only love. Edward's wife will have to be patient and understanding of her husband's character. Edward's marriage may well turn out happily, because he is a loving husband and a caring father.

He is confident that he has knowledge of the future, that he alone knows the truth, to achieve which he has everything necessary: ​​energy, willpower, knowledge and interest. He needs such leadership in order to have the strength to search for new interests and knowledge.

He has an overloaded character, which leads to simultaneous overload and complete uncertainty of three important qualities: self-esteem, the ability to set goals and spirituality. From all that has been said, it follows that he does not have a clear understanding of his abilities, his goals and the spirituality that he would like to take as a basis. To escape humiliation, questions and advice, he withdraws into himself, outwardly becoming calm, patient, quiet, but essentially indifferent, detached from the problems of this world, in which nothing attracts or occupies him. He is a logician, an analyst, and does not tolerate lies, humiliation and threats if they concern him specifically. An insolent person, a boor, a liar and a rude person will face a serious rebuff, or rather, retribution, especially since he himself does not feel any fear at all. He could become a good rescuer, military man, intelligence officer, astronaut, tester of any technology; in general, he loves risk and overcoming it. He can take on absolutely any job, since for him work, everyday life, money, stability and even intimate relationships are of little significance. He has delicate taste and likes to dress well to feel comfortable. He needs a family to show a sense of duty, to prove to himself that he can become the support of the family. The wife should be smart, strong, patient in character, straightforward, honest, beautiful, but not very temperamental, so as not to cause jealousy, especially since for him spirituality is above all. He is above greed, envy, resentment, and cannot stand begging, humiliating himself and being petty.

The most important thing to know when raising or training him is that he does not allow humiliation and suppression. He cannot be forced to do anything, as it is enough to ask. He is a patriot and a hero at heart, everyday life and the pettiness of life are unbearable for him, he needs a place for heroism, heroism, overcoming risks and extreme difficulties, he needs danger, since he knows no fear at all. He would have made a stuntman, a saboteur or a lone intelligence officer, a tester of anything. He does not need competition, since he is unable to humiliate another - this is dishonest, and he is a man of his word and honor: if he promised, he will always fulfill his promise, even if he has to get hurt or die.


He never complains about illness or pain. His small intestine, heart and kidneys are weak. To strengthen these organs, you should take fish oil (omega-3), calcium, oat infusion (infuse 1/5 cup of oats and 1/2 liter of boiled milk in a thermos for 6-8 hours, drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes after eating), food enzymes. It is useful to include rice, oatmeal for breakfast, cottage cheese, fish and fermented milk products in your diet.

Lyubov and Edward form a strong and loving couple. The woman attracts this man with her mystery. She opens up a new world of emotions and sensations for him, where there is room for his conservatism and desire for privacy. The touchiness and sensitivity to criticism inherent in both is not felt in their novel. They forgive each other's shortcomings and see only their strengths.

There are no problems or difficulties in the family life of these people. Mutual feelings only intensify under the pressure of everyday worries. They are not burdened by repairs, financial problems and raising children. Joint recreation contributes to the harmonization of marital relations.

Compatibility in friendship 91%

Lyubov and Edward become great friends. A woman finds in this man a person who can guide her in the right direction. Thanks to him, she becomes more purposeful and sociable. A man is attracted to the complex nature of this woman. A girlfriend broadens his horizons and gives him a rich imagination. Respecting each other's personal space helps strengthen friendship.

Work compatibility 94%

The cooperation between Lyubov and Eduard is mutually beneficial. The woman takes on the functions of both an ideological inspirer and a performer. She takes on the most difficult work. A man, despite his determination, is not able to generate creative ideas. Therefore, he draws them from his partner and always brings them to life. The cooperation of these people is most effective in politics, art and music.

Names: origin and forms

Edward, Edward- (from ancient German) guardian of wealth.

Derivatives: Eduardik, Edik, Edya, Edunya.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Edward- guardian of wealth, keeper of possessions (Old English).
In the middle of the 20th century, the name was fashionable; now boys are rarely called it.
Zodiac name: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: ash gray.
Talisman stone: onyx.
Auspicious plant: oak, daisy.
Patron name: falcon.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: practicality, coldness.


The name does not appear in the calendar.


Edik is usually a very nice boy, even too cute. Mom’s friends simply torment him with their caresses and kisses. Most often, he grows up to be soft-bodied, he has a slow reaction, but he can accurately determine who needs to be respected and who can be pushed aside. Edik is a sporty boy, he STUDIES well, but he does not need targeted knowledge. The choice of profession is usually influenced by relatives or circumstances.

Edward's intelligence is high. He has both a synthetic and analytical mind, allowing him to assess the situation as a whole and in detail. However, his way of thinking leads to the fact that Edward becomes arrogant and looks down on others.

Edward is very perceptive, he has an innate knowledge of psychology, one might say that he has an excellent sense of smell. He knows who he can manipulate, who he can leave alone, so as not to regret it later.

Edward is endowed with a vivid imagination, amazing memory and a sense of humor. He can be harsh in his statements, impudent, but indecisive.

He works only for himself. Higher education means nothing to him; he learns from life itself the activities that lead to success.

He is interested in the profession of lawyer, investigator, psychologist. Sometimes he becomes a trainer or stuntman. He is fascinated by acting and fine arts. Edward manages to realize his talents.

Edward is very sexy, I am sure that we love him. He is a beautiful groomer, helpful and generous. But don’t delude yourself, if he doesn’t like something, right before your eyes he turns into a tough, ungracious person. Edward considers himself the master of life and nothing, not even love, can be a burden to him.

Edward has been married several times. All the wives are beautiful, having married the next one, he seeks to break off relations with the previous one, evades paying alimony, and does not even adhere to generally accepted moral standards.

He is despotic in the family and takes strict control of financial expenses. He perceives a woman only outside his home, but finds one who fulfills his whims and indulges his desires. Most often these are Alevtina, Angela, Daria, Lydia, Lily, Lyubov, Natalya, Raisa, Tamara.

Surname: Eduardovich, Eduardovna.


Edouard Manet (1832-1883) is a major artist. At the beginning of his creative career, he found French art at the time of the struggle to affirm the naturalness of man and nature in his works. Manet gave his color and light increased sharpness and transparency, threw out dull colors, freed himself from the dry outline of the image, and knew how to easily and freely sculpt the plasticity of form and the depth of space with precise and few strokes of the brush or large planes of pure color. The public frantically rejected Edouard Manet. She was worried not so much because of the artist’s pictorial innovations, but because of the master’s irreverence towards bourgeois tastes, bourgeois morality, and bourgeois ideas about man. Edouard Manet believed in the power of art and in his own abilities, believing that it was possible to re-educate the artistic tastes of the public and achieve recognition.

Edouard Manet’s creative quests were embodied with the greatest strength and depth in one of his last paintings, “The Bar at the Folies Bergere.” A beautiful barmaid stands behind the counter against a backdrop of mirrors reflecting the space of the bar filled with a flickering crowd, flooded with light, sparkling chandeliers, and the roar of voices. She hears nothing, does not see the gentleman addressed to her with obviously unpleasant speeches, her thoughts are far from here. It is clear that being in such an establishment does not mean a noble and calm life, but Manet argues that this saleswoman in the bar is good exactly the way she is, and no one has the right to judge her. The painting is beautiful with its spectacular composition, remarkable rendering of the various shapes of objects, and the finest depiction of the vibration of light and color.

The name of Edouard Manet is associated with a group of impressionist artists who considered him their predecessor and inspirer of the struggle against the dominance and pressure of bad bourgeois tastes.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.