An effective and strong effect on the love of a particular man for a girl. What is the difference between a love spell and a love spell? How to understand that a love spell has worked?

29.11.2023 Carpentry

Having properly prepared for the ritual and uttered the right words, even a minor schoolgirl can dry. Moreover, young energy is much more powerful than that of a middle-aged woman, who is dying out of impotence to make her life happy without the intervention of magic, using a love spell. The consequences of drying have already been discussed in this article, and they are the same for everyone. The universe does not choose age and intentions. She sees the essence of what was done and everyone will be equally responsible for their actions, regardless of gender and age.
Prisushka is correctly chosen words, a love spell, energetically directed at the object of desire in order to bind it to oneself on a subconscious level. Is drying harmful - such an action is ambiguous and the question is controversial. Sucking at a distance gives confidence that a young man or a beautiful lady will definitely not go “to the left” of his other half.

How does it work?

In its action, each dryness works according to the following principle: just as, for example, an apple will dry, so the enchanted person will dry according to the order of the drying. Simply put, the energy of ongoing events is transferred from one object to another object. When performing drying, special care, responsibility and high concentration are required. In another case, the conventional line that exists between ordinary and love damage is not observed.

Dryness is, in a sense, also a love spell, but with a milder effect. For example, a ritual can help if there is discord in a relationship, if the feelings of a loved one have cooled. Drying will strengthen feelings and can rekindle the former fire, passion will return to the relationship, and an irresistible desire to be close to each other will appear. We must not forget that the effect cannot be one hundred percent and weakens over time.

You can bewitch someone once and for all; it is almost impossible to get rid of the effect of a love spell; there is no return. Therefore, it is not easy to carry out a love spell, and it is almost impossible to do it at home. A love spell controls a person completely and completely; the victim not only misses and yearns for the one who ordered the love spell, the longing dries him up like dryness. All his senses become heightened, he experiences incredible sexual desire, and loses his mind during a long separation.
Both the drying ritual and the love spell are all products of black magic, as if reprogramming a person and loading his brain with new files. Even having achieved the desired effect, your lover will never be the same again. Dryness changes the psyche of the victim, he becomes impulsive and nervous. A love spell, in addition to changing the psyche, entails suppression of the victim’s will, worsens the general state of health, and changes a person in all areas of life. Even runic magic rejects prisushki, love spells, conspiracies and lapels, as particularly dangerous and unacceptable types of influence.

Drying work. Incorrect execution of influence

For example, a person wants to bind his loved one to himself, found the text of the conspiracy on the Internet and read it. Will this influence work? The action of drying will be effective if the person performing it has the following qualities:

personal strength;
the ability to control energy flows.

For people who have never practiced magic, such an explanation will not be clear, so they should understand how these qualities relate to the performance of drying.
The will of the person performing the dry spell and the dry spell of love are connected. When performing this influence, a person must be aware of what he is doing, to whom this influence is addressed, and the reason why he is drawing the person to himself. It is also important to know about the obligatory condition of dryness, that it is performed for a loved one, that such an effect speaks of pure feelings for him, and not of revenge.

What are the known symptoms of dryness?

If a person is addicted, he changes greatly in his behavior, this happens to everyone. He needs to be with the one who dried him up. Tell your every step. Communication with the opposite sex almost disgusts him. I want to lock myself at home with the object of desire, turn off all phones and not let anyone into the house, hide. However, if in the real world before the drying, this person was indifferent, the craving disappears as soon as the dried one approached the one who made the love spell. Scandals, irritation, anger, and a desire to urgently leave the premises begin. But as soon as the dried-up person leaves the threshold, he begins to regret that he quarreled with his loved one and wants to go back.

Another symptom of drying, how a love spell works: frequent sexual dreams with the person who dried you. If you had never thought about such a connection before, but now you are increasingly beginning to gravitate towards the person with whom you were connected only by fleeting communication, then this is probably one of the additives at work. This is not difficult to check. It is enough to remember your first love or your last. If your heart no longer skips a beat, and it’s impossible to remember good memories, because you think that the person you think about now is the best, then this is a dry spell.

How can you dry a person?

You can dry a person or cast a love spell on him in different and sophisticated ways. Drying agents affect people both at a distance and in close contact:

Through a gift;
Through food and drink;
Remotely by photograph;
Through a code word spoken into your eyes;
Attachment for personal belongings;
Drying for embroidery on clothes.

So that the guy thinks and doesn’t sleep without his betrothed

“I, servant of God (name), will rise and go from door to door, from door to gate, into an open field. Fire and flames and a violent wind are coming towards me. I will stand up and bow to them low and say this: “Hey art thou, fire and flame! Do not burn the green meadows, but the wind is violent, do not fan the flames, but perform a faithful, great service; take out of me (name) the melancholy and weeping dryness; carry her across the seas and rivers, do not drown, but put her in the servant of God (name), in the white chest, in the zealous heart and in the lungs, and in the liver, so that she yearns and grieves for me, the servant of God (name), , night and midnight; I wouldn’t overeat on sweet foods; I didn’t drink it in mead, beer or wine. May you, my words, be strong and sculpted from now on and forever. I put a strong lock and the key in the water.”

The oldest and most proven drying plot. Read on the water before taking a photo

“I, (name), will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from the yard to the gate. I’ll go to an open field, towards the east. On the sub-eastern side there is a hut, among the hut there is a board. There is melancholy under the board. Melancholy cries, melancholy sobs, waits for the white light, waits for the white light, the red sun, rejoices and has fun. So, (name), waited for me, rejoiced and had fun, could not live without me, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, neither at dawn nor at evening, like a fish without water, like a baby without mother’s milk, without the mother’s womb cannot live, so (name) without (name) could not live, neither be, nor eat, neither at dawn, nor at evening, nor at ordinary times, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, not on a day with the sun, not on a night with the moon. Dig in, melancholy, eat up, melancholy, into the chest, into the heart, into (name)’s whole belly, grow and give birth through all the veins, through all the bones with aching and dryness in (name).”

How to rid yourself of dryness and protect yourself from it

If you feel that you have been dried out, you need to take a photograph of that person, light a candle in front of it and say the following words:

“Just as a candle burned in front of you, so all your words and slander addressed to me will burn without a trace. So be it."

Go to church if it pleases your heart. Every day before going to bed, take a shower from head to toe and say:

“Just as water flows and changes everything in its path, so misfortunes and slander flow away from me. Just as one cannot swim against the current, one cannot return to conspiracies.”

Are families with married people happy?

If you are going to build your family on dry land, this is not good. A husband or wife who is covered in sugar will change in character and will soon stop liking you. In a family where a person is forcibly immobilized, there is no peace and quiet. He is always drawn to adventure and has an inherent desire to free himself from your shackles.

Gypsy onion drying

Gypsy drying is one of the most effective and fastest options for drying, which helps to take even a married man away from the family, and with his help eliminate his wife as a rival. All you need is an onion, a pot of soil, three candles and a clean white sheet. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon or a waxing moon. Write your loved one's name on the bow and place it on the sheet.
Place candles in the shape of a triangle around the bulb. Say the following words like a prayer:

“Let him come, let dear (man’s name) come to the threshold, let him desire me, let him be exhausted without me.”

Then bury the used leaf in the pot and plant the bulb in the ground. If the onion begins to sprout, you know that the ceremony was successful.

Drying to the wind

This ritual must be carried out during the wind, in an open space; moreover, the stronger the wind, the longer the dryness will last. The wind in this case plays the role of a conductor between you and your victim. In the text that is read during the ritual, they ask that the victim bend the way you need, just as the wind bends trees with ease, so that there is no life without your presence, but only sadness and melancholy. A ritual in which the forces of nature are involved is a fairly strong dryness.

Drying on socks

Give your lover socks, you can never have too many of them. Be sure to choose a plain pair, without a pattern, and say the phrase “I dress the legs, I weave the darling” during the purchase. Then turn the product inside out and quietly embroider a small cross on each sock with a thread and a needle. Then take the socks in your hands and read the spell. Now a seemingly ordinary item of clothing is endowed with a magical meaning, and every day it will make your victim think about you.

Drying on a coin

First of all, you need to find a silver coin. This precious metal is very often used in black magic rituals due to its high magical conductivity. Place the coin in a transparent glass of blessed water and say the text of the drying exactly nine times. Ask your chosen one to drink all the charmed water, and hide the coin under the carpet in the corner.

There are many more options for dryers - for eggs, for milk, for rope, for hair, for a mirror and even for thunder.

Examples of successful drying

The magical effect definitely deserves respect. There are many known cases where dryness helped and did not have any negative consequences. Such reviews can often be found on the Internet. A similar case was described on the online forum of the magician Natalia Stepanova, accessible to everyone. The mother turned to her for help because her son had a desire for same-sex relationships, which is unacceptable for a Muslim man. The situation was solved by the dry spell of Egelet, which uses the famous Alatyr stone. The guy has been married for three years, the couple are raising a wonderful daughter.

The second example of a positive result of dryness is described on the same forum. The guy didn’t know how to win the attention of a girl who everyone liked but didn’t reciprocate. He called the psychic using a video link, where she immediately performed a string-drying ritual. Their relationship is developing rapidly, they have been living together for two months. In this case, payment should be made only upon the fact of the service provided.

How to determine whether a love spell is on you or a love spell

Usually, if a person has any magical effect, he does not even have the thought of checking whether his fears are true. If such thoughts come to your mind, you can remember your behavior and thoughts, analyze your thoughts and actions. If you began to behave rudely towards a previously loved one, do not listen to him and quarrel all the time, and your thoughts are occupied with a completely different person - you are probably influenced by magic.

A love spell is on you if:

you suddenly developed a crush on someone you hadn’t even noticed before;
as you already know, you have become irritable;
you don’t want to be close to someone you previously loved;
disagreements have appeared in your family, the former understanding has disappeared;
in the end, you divorced your loved one and left for someone else.

You have been dried out if you notice:

the person who previously attracted you is of no interest to you;
you want to be close to the person who attracts you physiologically all the time;
you are literally drying up, you have lost sleep and appetite;
Features of rituals for drying and love spells

Love magic is very relevant these days. This is explained by the desire of every person to be happy and loved. Sometimes problems associated with love relationships are so serious that an ordinary person cannot solve them on his own. In such hopeless situations, magic comes to the aid of people. Sorcerers and magicians who conduct honest, professional activities for the benefit of people are ready to help everyone in need and solve any difficult situation successfully, without negative consequences. If you are faced with love problems or family difficulties, do not despair. Magic can help you!

Consequences of love addiction

Before using magic, it is necessary to understand and realize what it is, how it works and what consequences may arise. The method of love drying is extremely popular among women and men who want to improve their love sphere through magic. Do you want to know what drying is and what its consequences are?

Drying is a form of magical influence on the feelings of the heart. The purpose of such a ritual is to harmonize the love sphere of a person’s life. The drying of a loved one, being a type of love magic, is used in the following cases:

  • To preserve marriage (family relationships);
  • To eliminate a rival;
  • To return a loved one;
  • Attract the attention of the desired man (the woman you like).

Love drying is a ritual that has a magical effect exclusively on the love sphere, without affecting other areas of life. Strong love suction should be performed exclusively by practicing professional magicians.

An incompetent approach, along with a lack of proper magical knowledge and experience, can cause negative consequences for all participants in the ritual. In order to protect yourself and your loved ones from unwanted magical consequences, you must stop trying to practice witchcraft independently and entrust the solution to your problem to an experienced sorcerer.

The principle of drying is to cast a spell on a product or some object, thereby tying it to the object of drying. The enchanted object shares with the object the necessary energy and power - this is how the ritual works. Among the current varieties of drying:

  1. Drying according to photo;
  2. Drying for food (drinks);
  3. Drying on things, items of clothing and others.

Consequences of a love ritual

It must be remembered that the drying ritual should be performed exclusively with good intentions, without feelings of revenge or resentment. The guide to carrying out such a love ritual should be true love feelings. The most effective and powerful love sugars are made during the Christmas holidays. You should refrain from carrying out independent heavy suctions like black sexual attachment - such complex rituals should be performed exclusively by experienced magicians.

The use of the ritual of love drying, like any other magical ritual, always entails various side effects and consequences, from which I would like to warn all amateur magicians. The love spell acts instantly - the destinies of two people are linked forever.

Working on Destiny is a very serious process. It is difficult for a simple person to assess the consequences of such a love spell, because he can be blinded by love and tries to connect himself with a person who is not destined for him by Fate itself. It will be very difficult to return the situation to its previous course. You may not like the consequences of correctional rituals.

Love magic involves working in a spectrum of energy channels through which the performer transfers part of his love energy to the chosen one.

If the ritual violates the will of Fate or the desire of the person performing it is a momentary impulse, then the drying will not work, and the consequences in the form of aggressiveness and irritation in the object of the love spell will not be long in coming.

The effectiveness of the drying ritual is directly affected by the strength of the performer. If you (a non-professional) succeeded, then its consequences and results will soon appear: your chosen one will strive for you with all his soul, want to touch you and be very sad if he does not have the opportunity to enjoy your presence.

In order to protect yourself and your loved ones from any magical consequences, you need to take a balanced approach to the issue of the need to perform a particular ritual and choose its performer. Only a real magician or a qualified sorcerer will perform a competent ritual and the customer of the love spell will not have to worry about the possible consequences.

Love pie from photo

There is certainly a type of drying that you can try to do at home - on your own. If you want to try to solve your love problem without resorting to the help of a magician, you can use a simple but effective ritual - photo drying. This easy version of magical influence can be used by both boys and girls. The attributes for performing the ritual will be:

  • Photo with the drying object;
  • Photo with your own image;
  • 2 red candles;
  • Red silk thread;
  • A blossoming bud of a red rose;
  • Gypsy needle (new);
  • Rose oil;
  • Thick book bound in cardboard.

The ritual is recommended to be performed during the new moon. Candles are placed on the table and lit, and photographs of the ritual participants are placed facing each other. There should be a rose flower between the photographs. The prepared thread is threaded into a needle, and then the tip of the needle is moistened in rose oil. Next, the two photographs are stitched together along the edges, without touching the images in the photo. The flower bud remains sewn into the photographs. The stitched photographs are hidden in a book, which should then be well hidden from prying eyes. The flower bud sewn into the photo will gradually fade and dry out, which will serve the process of magical drying.

A love affair with a beloved man is a ritual that must be carried out by the performer alone. A quiet and comfortable environment must be created in order to be able to concentrate your thoughts as much as possible and accurately perform the ritual. A girl who wants to dry a man must perform the ritual with her hair down, taking off all her jewelry.

The ritual is very simple to perform, but requires a competent approach from the performer. If you are not sure about the correctness of the ritual, then you should seek help from an experienced sorcerer.

Love sugar on an apple

The apple is a fruit endowed with the strongest energy. That is why it is often used in magic as an attribute for magical effects. Drying an apple, performed by an experienced professional, is the key to a successful solution to the problem. In this way it is easy to return a husband who has left the family, eliminate a mistress and resolve many other issues of the heart.

Love sugar on an apple is very effective. Beginners in magic and just amateurs have access to an easy version of a love spell, which they can try to perform at any time of the day, regardless of the lunar phase. The performer needs to be armed with a photograph of his beloved, a ripe red apple and a new knife. The apple needs to be cut into two equal parts (halves) and a photo of your loved one placed between them. Then the two halves of the apple are folded into one and the words of the conspiracy are read: “My beloved (name), come back to me forever! Forget about your past girls. Let my rival wash herself with her tears, and you and I will be together forever!” The charmed apple must be buried in the ground along with a knife. The ritual begins to take effect when the apple from the photo is susceptible to being eaten by the first earthworms.

If a girl performs a love kiss on a guy, she should know that after the ritual there must be a physical meeting between the performer and the object of the kiss. The absence of a meeting threatens irreversible negative consequences for the participants in the love spell.

Performing the ritual of drying is much easier than performing the ritual of removing it. Therefore, before deciding to perform this love ritual, you need to weigh the pros and cons. To avoid mistakes in the technique of performing a magic ritual and not provoke the risk of negative consequences, it will be better if an experienced professional magician becomes your assistant in solving a love problem.

Magician's help with a love problem

Usually severe dryness manifests itself very quickly. Of course, if the object of drying has enormous willpower and very powerful energy, the results of the love ritual may appear a little later. The reason for the lack of results may be the incorrect technique of performing the ritual and any error in the plot. In the hands of an inexperienced magic master or a simple person, magic most often turns out to be an ineffective tool for solving a particular problem. That is why it is necessary to seek help from real sorcerers and magicians, who can correct any life situation through higher magical powers.

If the ritual is performed correctly, then the drying gives the desired effect: the object begins to develop feelings for his new beloved, strives for her and dreams of always being there. Feelings of tenderness and sympathy are so sincere that no one can doubt their veracity and truth.

Not only the fairer sex wants to be happy and deeply loved. Modern men do not neglect the effective help of magic in matters of love and often turn to magicians to perform a ritual of lovemaking on a girl. Men are always determined to achieve quick results, so most often they make the right choice - they turn to help. Drinking from a qualified magician is a sure and quick way to solve a problem in the love sphere.

Our modern life is full of problems and troubles. Sometimes a series of negative events leads a person to disappointment and deep despair. In this case, the help of a magician is the only effective way to change your life for the better. You need to stop trying to deal with problems on your own. Believe me, living in love and harmony is a reality. Don't neglect the help of magic. This is a chance to start a successful life from scratch!

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Carried away by a great desire to know great love, girls and women, as well as representatives of the stronger sex, often turn to magicians with a request to help bewitch their chosen one. Often they choose the drying ceremony. But they don’t always fully understand what it is, and how a sugar spell differs from a love spell.

The difference between a love spell and a love spell

What is the difference between a dry spell and a love spell? The most important difference is the strength of the binding. During a love spell, it is stronger and affects a person, overshadowing his consciousness. And drying only causes a feeling of falling in love, without suppressing the will of a person. A person who has been bewitched may look lost, be under the weight of dark thoughts, and may be rude. And a person who is under the influence of drying, on the contrary, will be inspired, cheerful - this is similar to the state of true love. But this behavior occurs only when the dried one is close to the object of his desire - then he, literally, blossoms. And in the case when the “beloved” person is not around, he begins to yearn and dry up.

A love spell works in a completely different way - the victim of a love spell is drawn to his love object, then this attraction is not like falling in love, but like a severe addiction. And when the bewitched person is near the object, he feels uncomfortable and wants to leave. Another difference between a dry spell and a love spell is that it cannot be done when you are not in a relationship and cannot see each other. In this case, the dryness will not have any effect; its strength will be depleted in a few days. Dryness is often used not only to tie or make a person fall in love with you, but also, for example, to take revenge on him. Often girls and women who are abandoned by their loved one do this in order to take revenge on him, to cause the same pain that they themselves experienced.

Thus, it should be noted that a love spell is a stronger and harsher magical effect on a person than a love spell. This is the main and main difference.

What are the symptoms and signs of dryness?

Some symptoms of a dried-up person may coincide with love spells, but there are significant differences:

The sudden appearance of a feeling of love for a person who previously did not arouse any feelings;

When a person is far from his love object, he experiences melancholy, sadness - he dries up. You may get sick or catch a cold;

When it comes to his object of love, he literally comes to life, blossoms, begins to praise and exalt him;

An unnaturally strong feeling of love, which immediately catches the eye of close people and others;

Frequent dreams in which a person sees the one who dried him up, these dreams are usually of an erotic nature;

Frequent mood changes during the day, sadness and sadness can unexpectedly quickly change to joy and vice versa;

Fatigue quickly, by the end of the day, a person literally falls off his feet;

There may be other symptoms, depending on the energy and character of the person. To accurately identify that you or your loved one has a love addiction, you need to turn to a master - an experienced shaman.

What types of dryness are there?

In fact, there are quite a lot of ways to dry a person. All of them can be effective. If an experienced magician does this, he always selects the most appropriate method, taking into account the current situation and the individual characteristics of the people who need to be dried. There are several most popular varieties, which I will now tell you about in detail.

Dryness from photographs

The photo-drying ritual must be carried out in the dark, at night or in the evening, on the waxing Moon. You will need photographs - a photograph of yourself and the person you want to dry, two wax or paraffin candles, a thick book, a needle, red thread and a fresh red rose petal.

To perform the ceremony, turn off the lights, draw the curtains and light both candles. Take the photographs, put them together, facing each other, after placing a rose petal between them. Then you need to take a thread and a needle and carefully sew the photos around the perimeter. In this case, you need to pronounce this spell: “I’m stitching together photographs, calling on my dear friend (person’s name). Just as a petal will dry in the darkness, so you will dry for me.” You need to read this spell all the time while you are stitching photos. After this, you need to put them in the middle of the book, slam the book and say: “So be it!”.

When you're done, put out the candles and put the book in a secluded place so that no one can take it and take out the photographs. If you do everything correctly, as the petal dries, your loved one will begin to pay attention to you and will miss you.

Dryness with an apple

Another commonly used type of icing is the icing using an apple. I would like to note that in this ritual you can use not only this fruit, but also any other food or even drinks. It could be meat, candy, cookies - anything. The only and main condition is that this product must be eaten by the person you want to dry. For this, it is best to choose some favorite product of this person so that he eats it with pleasure. Or choose some neutral food, for example, bread, salt, potatoes, which everyone eats, so that it works for sure. And, of course, you need to do this carefully, making sure that the food is eaten by the person you want. Otherwise, through negligence, you can attach to yourself a person or even several that you absolutely do not need.

So, for an apple or other product, make a special whisper. To do this, take an apple, bring it to the left side of your chest, closer to your heart and say these words: “As soon as you take this food into your mouth, you will begin to pine for me. Both in reality and in dreams, you will be drawn to me.”

After this, be sure to spit over your left shoulder three times. If you do everything right, a few days after eating this apple (or other product) a person will begin to miss you.

Dryness on the broom

Drying using a broom is done as follows. It is best to carry out this ritual at the end of the week - on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. You need to purchase a new broom in advance, which no one has ever used. A birch or oak broom is best suited.

You need to invite the person you want to dry to your place. First, you need to pull out one rod from the broom and place it under the threshold or under a rug near the threshold. Try to make this rod invisible. Your guest must definitely step over it. As soon as he steps over it, quietly remove this rod and hide it. After your loved one leaves, take the rod and cast this spell on him: “As a twig dries in the warmth, so my beloved (name) dries for me. Be that way!”

After this, remove the twig to a warm, dry place, and the rest of the broom should be burned. If suddenly for some reason you want to remove the drying, you will need to take this rod and throw it into the water - into any natural body of water, into a river, sea or lake.

Strong drying in the wind

Of course, the most powerful dryings are made by shamans using external sources of strength - the elements. In this case, we will talk about dryness using the element Air, or, as it is also called, dryness with the wind. This ritual should be performed in nature, preferably in the steppe or in a field, where there is room for the wind to blow freely. It is best to choose a day when the wind is strong. To perform this ritual you will need a piece of bread and some wheat cereal.

So, early in the morning, go out into the field or steppe, stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides and, turning to the wind, say: “Wind, wind, you touch everyone in the world, touch my chosen one (name), flutter into his heart like a bird. Make him yearn and grieve, pine for me, and suffer. Make his heart beat faster, torment him with love for me. Let his feet carry him to me and he won’t know any other way.” After this, in the place where you stood you need to leave a treat - a piece of bread, and throw the cereal into the wind.

If this ritual is performed by an experienced master, it will give results almost immediately. If you do not have experience working with external sources of strength, try to perform this ritual with maximum awareness and, if necessary, repeat several more times. Or ask a shaman for help.

Dryness on the rope

The drying ritual using a rope is also a fairly well-known method. And, despite its simplicity, it is very effective. For this ritual you do not need special knowledge and skills, you only need an ordinary clothesline, about a meter long, and you also need to be able to approach the door of the house where your chosen one lives.

So, to carry out the ceremony, choose the evening time, so that no one will disturb or distract you, turn off the phone and take the rope in your hands. Start thinking about your lover in a positive way, draw pictures in your head where you are together, that you feel good and are happy. At this time, without looking at the rope, tie knots on it approximately every five centimeters until the rope runs out. Do this completely abstractedly and slowly, without counting how many knots you have tied. Then, when you're done, count the knots. If there is an odd number, you need to repeat this ritual the next day. If it turns out to be an even number, then it’s good. Take this rope in your hands and read this plot: “The rope twisted for a long time, but I turned out to be dexterous, I tied the knots on it (name) and tied it to myself. As soon as he steps over the rope, he will immediately come to me. Let sadness and melancholy gnaw at him, but he won’t be able to live without me.”

Then you need to place this rope under this person’s door so that when leaving the house or apartment, he must step over it. As soon as this happens, the drying will begin to act.

What you need to pay attention to before drying

Many girls, and guys too, try to make a conspiracy on their own, without thinking about the consequences. After all, what is drying and how does it work? These rituals can be classified as will-suppressing. Therefore, they may have a number of side effects and consequences.

Before taking such a step, weigh all the pros and cons of such an action:

  • remember that instant drying, like other love rituals, tightly binds destinies. This leads to the fact that breaking a new connection will not be very easy;
  • any magical action greatly influences human destiny, which is why you can greatly change it both for your chosen one and for yourself;
  • making a lapel and getting rid of the person you have bewitched is not easy, so be very careful about your choice, even if you know how to remove the consequences of the ritual.

How does effective drying work?

Aimed at connecting two lines of fate at the level of energetic relationship. At the same time, during the ritual, the person performing it or turning to a specialist shares his love with the object for which the ritual is intended. Therefore, be prepared that if the relationship with your chosen one is based only on a whim, then such an attachment will not have power over the person. And if the ritual is also dark, then be prepared for a sharp change in the character of the chosen one, his drunkenness and mood swings, anger, hatred and much more.

Do not forget that the power of the drying is directly proportional to the power of the magician. Therefore, it is difficult to call it advisable to conduct an independent ritual.

How to relieve dryness

When the drying begins to take effect, you can notice in a person not just interest, but also a real need to see and touch the object of adoration. A person begins to waste away, truly dry up from this need. The light becomes unfavorable to the object. This is what most often alarms wives if the attachment is made to a married man. When the first signs appear, you must immediately contact a specialist if you do not want to lose your other half. Even if the situation is already tense to the limit, do not panic and do not give free rein to your emotions, this will only make everything worse. Calmly and carefully weigh and evaluate everything, and then you will be able to make the right decision - either solve the situation yourself or seek help. There are no hopeless situations. is guaranteed to remove drying and eliminate all the consequences of this effect.

Not a single person can live without love, because it is one of the most beautiful feelings that exist on earth. And in order to be with a loved one, some are ready to do a lot. In particular, girls use magic to achieve what they want and rekindle love in the heart of their lover. Love spells, love spells and sugar spells help to establish a connection between people. And if you are ready to use witchcraft to take over the thoughts of a young man and really want to tie him to you forever, we will tell you how love magic works, what suction is, and how you can use it to achieve what you want.

Like any other magical method for tying a guy/girl, dryness is far from harmless. Having decided to dry a specific person, it is necessary to carefully study the recommendations regarding the ritual in order to minimize possible consequences, and also to be fully aware of the reality of the actions.

Before using love magic, it is not enough to know what a love spell is. After all, this action causes an effect different from a love spell. In general, both sugar spells and love spells influence a person, changing his behavior and perception of the world around him. However, if love spells can be divided into light and dark, then sugaring rituals belong to a special type.

Prisushka is a type of ritual for the love of a person, which belongs to the arsenal of black magic, which is used in practice only by warlocks and witches. Strong drying agents, both previously and now, can be used for different purposes. If the customer wants to punish a specific person, he can use dryness, which belongs to the category of damage. In this case, the method acts like a curse. As a result of such a ritual, the victim will gradually dry out, suffer from diseases and other negative consequences.

If the drying refers to love magic, then it will have the corresponding effect. However, the object of this influence will feel not only love for the customer. An independently performed ritual using drying makes the victim feel a strong longing for the author of the ritual. As a result of this behavior, the addicted person becomes very restless, depressed and upset.

For each case, different means are provided. And practical magic is known for strong drying and light effects. The first type acts “seriously”, causing strong consequences:

  • dependence of the victim in relation to the author;
  • depression against the backdrop of the resulting distance between the customer and the drying object.

At the same time, light drying is characterized by the fact that it has a weaker effect. The one who was decided to be dried (a girl or a guy) begins to think a lot about the person who performed the ritual. Light drying, after the ritual, acts as a kind of attraction. And only by being close to the customer, the victim of the drought calms down.

And if you have learned what love drought is, but still want to perform the ritual yourself, below you can find several options for rituals. Each dryness given below is designed to evoke love in the heart of the victim and tie the guy (girl) to himself.

Sweets will help you capture your lover's heart

There is a fairly simple to perform, but very effective ritual. To try for yourself the effect this drying has, you need to purchase sweets. It is better to buy the victim’s favorite candies so that the person will not restrain himself and eat the charmed treats in front of you.

It is at the very moment when your lover is enjoying the taste of sweets that you should pronounce the dry spell. Her words should sound like this:

“As you (the name of the object) like the candy (the name of another treat) is tasty, pleasant and sweet, then let me (my own name) like you too, I will become the sweetest of all. Amen".

This ritual is simple and does not have a very long-lasting effect. Therefore, repeat the ritual as soon as you notice that love is fading.

Win a person's heart through blood-drying

There are other, stronger dryings that are performed using drops of your own blood. A similar love dossier is suggested below. It works by allowing the victim to be dried through menstrual blood. This material is an effective conductor of energy, providing a strong effect.

To carry out a ritual involving drying, you will need to purchase a ripe, juicy red apple. The purchase should be made on the first day the discharge begins. The ritual is also recommended to be done on this day.

When you buy fruit, bring it home. Having retired, you need to cover the fetus with your menstrual blood. In this case, you cannot use any foreign objects. Once the apple peel is completely covered with secretions, place the fruit in a secluded place. When the surface is dry, the fruit should be wiped very carefully with a paper napkin. After this, in order to dry a specific person, you will need to treat him with an apple. The victim must eat the fruit in front of you so that you can enhance the effect by whispering the words of the drying:

“Liquid apple, magical, kindle love in the heart of your beloved (boyfriend’s name). Let his soul open to my feelings and words, so that our destinies will be connected from now on.”

This dryness acts very quickly. The author of the ceremony will be able to notice the first signs in the coming days. The effect caused by this ritual remains for a long time. Therefore, if you decide to use this option for love, be sure of your feelings for the victim. Otherwise, the consequences may backfire on the customer.

A powerful ritual through photos

If you want to ignite the flame of passion in a person and do not want to hesitate, this ritual will help you. To help drying help you achieve what you want, prepare the following for the ritual:

  • a spool of red silk thread and a needle;
  • photo of the victim;
  • your photo;
  • 2 red wax candles;
  • red rose;
  • old thick novel.

This is a strong drying and is carried out alone in the evening. After sitting down at the table, light the candles and place photographs on the table. First - a photo of the victim, face up, with a flower on it, and on top - your own photo. Sew the cards with the rose between them, being careful not to damage the images depicted in the pictures. Then break the thread and insert the resulting product into the middle of the book.

The entire time you perform the ritual, think about your lover.

In order for a positive effect to appear as a result of the ritual, visualize only positive aspects.

After the ritual, the book with attached photos must be removed away from prying eyes. Then wait for the candles to burn out before burying the remains under the tree. At this point the ritual is considered completed.

Prisushka is one of the types of love spells. What is drying?

Prisushka is a very common ritual in love magic, one of the types of love spells. Let's figure out what drying is, how it is made, what it is, and in what cases drying is used.

Drying is a powerful magical effect on the desired object. With the aim of “drying”, “bewitching”, “bewitching”. Don't let him go to another (another), hold him, don't let him go.

Dryness rituals make the person you bewitch think about you every minute. To yearn and want you. In other words, dryness rituals make the desired object fall in love with a person against his will. Therefore, drying does not in any way relate to white magic rituals. There are drying rituals aimed only at sexual attraction - sexual drying. But we’ll talk about the methods and rituals of drying themselves later.

As a result of drying, a violent effect occurs on the person being bewitched. Against his will. This means that drying always has certain consequences for the one who does it. If you decide to use drying rituals, you need to be prepared in advance. That you will have to pay for it.

Unlike ordinary love spells, the black suffix has enormous powerful witchcraft powers. And it has virtually no analogues in the world of magic. I usually do not recommend resorting to such rituals. If only in extremely rare situations. When other rituals do not help and there is nothing to replace the drying with.

Symptoms of dryness. How to determine dryness?

The symptoms of drying are very similar to the symptoms of a love spell, some even confuse these rituals. But the effects and symptoms of these rituals are different. An ordinary love spell only allows you to attract attention to yourself. Cause lovesickness, awaken fading feelings. But it does not cause strong painful dependence. And properly done drying can be a difficult ordeal for both. Prisushka completely paralyzes a person’s will, acting on the karmic and physical level. A person can be said to become a zombie.

If a person has a dry patch, then his behavior changes greatly, it is impossible not to notice. It should always be close to the person who dried it. He needs an object of adoration every minute, every second. He simply begins to rave about this person. He develops a painful addiction. Doesn't look at the opposite sex. Moreover, all other representatives of the opposite sex are disgusting.

It happens that the person on whom the drying was done did not have any feelings for the customer before. And attachment disappears when the one who did the dryness approaches.
Scandals, strong quarrels and even fights may break out. And when the dried one is away from his loved one, he begins to feel very sad. And regret the quarrels. Immediately wanting to make peace.

Dryness - main symptoms:

  • Very frequent sexual dreams involving the person who did the drying
  • You are inexplicably drawn to a person with whom you had no mutual sympathy before.
  • You want to lock yourself in an apartment with the object of your passion and not let him go anywhere. All thoughts are occupied only with the beloved, everything else becomes unimportant.
  • Suddenly it becomes unbearably bad. Or you suffer, suffer from panic attacks. Overcome by depression and insomnia. When you can't be with your loved one. Longing for your loved one becomes unbearable, it literally eats you up.
  • You constantly call and write messages. Look for meetings whenever possible. With a person who previously had absolutely no attraction for you and was indifferent.
  • When there is a particularly strong dry spell, you may lose your appetite. Apathy towards life appears. The person becomes impulsive and nervous. It starts to hurt a lot and literally fades before our eyes. Such dryness can even end in the death of the patient. Or an incurable disease.
  • Incredible sexual attraction to the object of one's passion

How to make drying? Strong drying.

You can make a strong dryness once and for all, but getting rid of it will be quite difficult. Sometimes it is almost impossible to remove witchcraft spells. It is quite difficult to carry out drying rituals on your own; it is better to entrust this matter to hereditary witches, sorcerers and magicians. Rituals of strong drying are carried out using black magic. They completely change a person’s karma and reprogram his brain. They need to be treated very carefully. But it happens when there are no other options other than to severely dry out a person.

If the love for the object of attachment is very great, the person begins to torment himself with unrequited feelings. As a result, his nervous system suffers. And there is a real threat to health. In this case, you can decide to go dry. Or in situations where the family and children suffer with the departure of their beloved father. To a young insidious mistress. Indeed, different events happen in life. And there is nothing left to do but turn to the forces of darkness and dry out your loved one forever. So, you have decided to dry it. Now all that remains is to choose a good sorcerer or try to perform the rituals yourself. First, let's look at the types of dryers.

Drying - varieties. How can you dry a person?

Many dryings are carried out using special objects that act as conductors. As I wrote earlier, drying is always a resort to black rituals. They are usually held at night, often in a cemetery, on the waning moon. When performing black drying rituals, time and place are very important. Depending on its effect, drying can act as a love spell. According to the force of impact, it can be divided into strong drying and simple drying. Depending on who the dryness is being applied to. Or who becomes the object of magical rituals: a woman or a man.

Drying a person can be done in different ways. This can be drying at a distance, with close contact, with the help of various conductive objects.

Drying yourself at home.

Independent dryness rituals can be performed at home. How to directly come into contact with the person being bewitched. Same without his presence. Let's first consider dryness from a distance. Despite the fact that love spell rituals are carried out remotely, they have a powerful energetic force. The use of which is recommended only in exceptional cases. After all, independent magical love spell rituals can have unpredictable consequences.

You must always remember that with such conspiracies you are addressing the powerful forces of evil and demonic witchcraft. And these forces are constantly in search of weak and unprotected souls. Remember one thing! For any fulfillment of your requests and desires. No matter what forces carry them out. You'll have to pay. And the fee that you can be charged for witchcraft rituals of dryness can be very high! Before you decide on rituals, think carefully about everything again!

Drying at a distance. We do the drying.

Let's look at independent, effective and simple drying at a distance. They are used in cases where your loved one is far from you. And personal contact with the bewitched man is not possible. There are various methods of drying at a distance. Drying at a distance differs in methods of influence, power, timing and purpose.

Drying from a photo at a distance.

For this attachment you will need a photo of you and the object of the love spell.
Black silk thread.
Red piece of paper.
Black felt-tip pen.
Red tulip bud.
Black or red candle.
The dryness ritual is performed on the full moon after sunset. The room should be dark. Close all windows, doors, curtains. Turn off all electrical appliances and mobile phones. Nothing should distract you from magical actions. Light a candle and write a spell on a red piece of paper with a black felt-tip pen. At the same time, you also pronounce it out loud in a whisper.
The text of the incantation is:

“Imodero cari brovan, zavinero tronto doro. Parineta jarizen, shagerento boriven. And then write your name and his name.”

After this, wait until the candle burns halfway. At the end you take photographs. Place a tulip bud between them. And you wrap the photo and bud in the paper on which you wrote the spell. Sew along the edges with black silk thread. At the same time, reciting the written spell again. Seal it all with candle wax. Place the resulting package in a secluded place. The bud will dry and the drying object will dry on you.

Moon drying.

A very simple ritual of drying on your loved one on the outgoing moon. You need to wait for the full moon and you can start reading the plot. For this you only need some object or thing. Which was given by the person being bewitched. Or a thing that is associated with it. It is very important to fully visualize his image in front of you. Imagine the object of your passion. And you can start reading the drying plot. The thing must be in your hands.
The plot is like this:

“The moon is omnipotent, omnipotent and strong, controlling the forces of darkness. Help me this night with your charms. You will forever bewitch, bind the slave (name) to me with witchcraft powers. How you rule everything around you in the night. So I will control the heart, soul and body of the slave (name of the one being bewitched). Amen."

After reading the plot, put the thing in your bed and sleep with it. Until the drying takes effect.

Sucking on love.

To carry out this love drying, you need to collect clean spring water. Pour into a black mug. Then put a photo of your loved one next to it and at midnight read the spell over the water:

“Let the slave (name)’s heart open to passion, for me, my body, my soul. Let him adore me, desire me forever! Let it be so! Amen."

After reading the love letter, go to bed. Wash your face with water in the morning and wait for the result.

Blood drying.

Blood drying can be performed on both women and men. This is a very simple drying ritual that can be easily performed at home. Take a photo of your loved one. And at sunset, ignite your finger. You drip blood onto the photo of the person being bewitched, saying:

“As this blood dries up, so will my beloved (name) dry up for me day and night. Sprinkle my blood on slave (name). Let him burn with love and passion for me, only dream about me. About me, slave (your name) forever and ever! My word is strong! Key. Lock. Amen."

After you drip the blood, smear it onto the photo with your finger. Wait until the blood dries and remove the photo of the person being bewitched away from your eyes. Your loved one will soon begin to miss you.

Prey on a man and woman through food and drinks.

Drying on an apple.

Love spells and food spells have been very popular since ancient times. This can be any food that the target of the love spell will have to eat. It is advisable to select products that your loved one loves. If he has a sweet tooth, then something sweet is fine: candy, cookies, pastries, cake. If your chosen one does not like sweets, then choose another food. For example dried fruits. Dried fruits have a long shelf life. This means he won’t throw them away. Based on this, the person being bewitched will consume the “treat”.

In a word, try to choose foods to be completely sure that the subject will accept them for food. And of course, carefully ensure that the food you have spoken is eaten by the person for whom it was intended. One of these rituals is drying on an apple. You first take the apple to the grave with the name of the person being bewitched. You leave it there for three days and three nights. Then you take the apple and at midnight read the plot:

“Apple, help me turn slave (name) towards me. So that slave (your name) will dry for me and suffer for me. He thought about me in the bright dawn and in the dark night. How can the deceased (name) no longer see bright light and warmth? So the living (name of the person being bewitched) does not know warmth and light without me, slaves (your name). From now on and forever and ever. My conspiracy is strong, strong, cannot be broken, cannot be returned. How to eat slave (name) my charmed apple. So from that very moment you will be attached to me (your name). Forever and ever. Key. Lock. Demonic cross."

After reading the plot, give the apple to the object of your love to eat within three days, no later. It is important!

This dry spell has a very strong effect on the object of the love spell. She drains her loved one sexually and emotionally. or blood drying in magic are considered the most powerful, but also the most dangerous. Blood energy itself has enormous potential. It also creates an incredibly strong connection. As a result, on the karmic and physical level between a woman and a bewitched man. Such rituals, as I already wrote, belong to the types of love damage. A person’s will is completely broken and the person becomes dependent on you. Period drying is very easy to do. This drying agent begins to act on a man almost immediately after entering the body. The effect appears within a few hours or days. To cast a love spell on menstrual blood, you will need to add three drops of blood to wine. Or you can add them to juice or food. Collect blood on the third day of your period. The words of the conspiracy are:

“Enter my blood into (name), awaken passion in him! Spread over his body, flare up with the fire of love. Let my beloved (name) desire me (your name), miss me day and night. Wishes love, only with me, and with no other! Let his passion be eternal, and his love for me endless! I want it that way, so be it. Amen."

After this, you should give the man the charmed potion to drink as quickly as possible.

Bread for a man.

To feed a man on bread or pie, you will also need menstrual blood. When mixing the dough for baking, add 5 drops of monthly blood, be sure to use fresh blood! When removing the pie from the oven or oven, say the following spell:

“Eat my pie slave (name), consume my blood, recognize my insatiable passion. My blood is strong, your love for me will soon be seen. I am your mistress, forever for you, you will have no others, only I am a slave (your name)! Let it be so!"

After this, put the pie back in the oven for 10 minutes. With this bread, this pie, you treat the desired man whom you want to dry up. No matter how much he eats, one piece will be enough. Throw away everything else.

Dryness for sex is also very popular. Those who have spontaneous sex and liked it want sexual dryness. But the partner, for some reason, does not want to repeat it. Then sexual addiction is what you need.
After the ritual of drying up for sex, your partner will, not only want, but lust for you.

Why doesn’t the “drinking” spell work?

Negative consequences are possible after drying.
How to remove dryness?

To be continued….

Order when dry

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