Staffing table form t 3. What is the organization’s staffing table? Document requirements

06.09.2024 Construction

Hello! Have you ever heard of such a document as the “Staffing Schedule of an Organization”? But this is a document on the basis of which wages are calculated, as well as employees are hired and fired. Now we will try to talk in detail about what functions the SR performs and how to compose it correctly.

What is “Staffing Schedule”

Each of you has been to the HR department of some enterprise at least once in your life. You've probably seen countless folders and personal files of employees. Surely many were interested in how the employees of this department collect and remember information about all positions, employees, etc.

And everything is quite simple. They have a document called a staffing table.

Staffing table (SH)- this is a regulatory document that provides information about all positions of the enterprise, the number of full-time employees, the size of their tariff rates and the amount of allowances.

In other words, this is a document that contains generalized information about the number of employees of the enterprise and available positions. In addition, the staffing table indicates the salary for each position, taking into account all applicable allowances.
Very often, this document helps enterprise managers during legal proceedings. For example, due to a forced reduction in staff, a worker was fired and he sued the former managers. In this case, the ShR is direct evidence of the legality of the defendant’s actions.

Due to the importance of this document, all pages are numbered, laced and sealed.

  • Download a sample order for approval of the staffing table
  • Download Staffing Form N T-3

Staffing functions

Like any document, the ShR performs a number of functions. The main ones are:

  • Possibility of organizing staff working hours;
  • Calculation of monthly salaries for employees;
  • Official registration of newly hired employees;
  • Remaining the rules of the internal daily routine;
  • Transfer of registered employees from one position to another, etc.

Staffing table is a mandatory document

Every enterprise has a large amount of documentation. There are documents that are maintained without fail, and there are those that are created out of necessity. To the question “Is the ShR a mandatory document?” it is impossible to give a definite answer.

This is due to the fact that the labor code does not require the presence of a labor force at an enterprise. But if we consider this issue based on the requirements of Roskomstat, it turns out that this document is necessary, because it is the primary documentation for accounting for wage payments.

Although the legislation does not stipulate clear rules anywhere, most organizations maintain this type of documentation. After all, the main part of government inspections begins with the study of SR.

In fact, the presence of this document makes life easier not only for inspectors, but also for managers, human resources and accounting departments.

What is the validity period of the staffing table?

No official document indicates the exact validity period of the ShR. The manager himself has the right to indicate the period at which this document is drawn up. Most often, it is redone every year and put into effect on January 1. When drawing up the ShR, the date of its validity is indicated. But if you do not specify a date, then the document is considered unlimited and does not need to be redone.

How much and where is the staffing table stored?

Based on the decree of the Federal Archive, ShR, after expiration, must be stored at the enterprise for 3 years. And the shelf life of staff arrangements is 75 years.

Staffing arrangement– an optional document for each enterprise, which is created on the basis of the staffing table. It is a mobile version of the HR and includes more detailed information about the company’s employees (the workers’ full names, disability group, etc. are indicated).

Who makes up

Before starting to create a document, the manager issues an order to change the staffing table, where he appoints an employee who will draw it up.

This can be absolutely any employee of the organization. But most often such work is entrusted to employees of the personnel department, accounting department or labor standards engineer.

How many copies of ShR should be in production?

When compiling a SR, one copy is made. Thus, the original and a copy must be kept in the HR and accounting department.

Change of staffing

Sometimes changes have to be made to the existing SR. This is done in several cases:

  1. If there is a reorganization of the company;
  2. If it is necessary to optimize and improve the work activity of the management apparatus;
  3. If changes made to legislation require mandatory amendments to the ShR;
  4. In case of changes in staffing positions ;
  5. Changes in position in the staffing table;
  6. Changes in salary in the staffing table.

If the changes are minor and do not require the creation of a new HR, then the manager issues an order to amend the staffing table. After which the responsible employee makes amendments to the current document.

When making changes to the staffing table, management is not required to notify employees in writing.

The second way to make amendments is to create a new ShR.

For any changes to the SR, amendments must be made to the work books and personal cards of employees. Before doing this, you must obtain written permission for this action from employees.

For example, if the wording of a job title changes slightly, the employee must be notified in writing. Only after this are changes made to his work book.

If changes concern the amount of salaries, in this case the employee is notified in writing 2 months in advance. These amendments are simultaneously made to the employment contract.

Is there a mandatory staffing form?

To compile the SR, the unified one is most often used. It is a form - a table into which you need to enter data.

Most organizations take the T-3 form as a basis and “customize” it to fit their enterprise. This is permitted, i.e. the unified form of this document is not mandatory.

In cases where the enterprise has a state form of management, then the staffing table is drawn up according to all the rules.

Structure of the organization's staffing table

The SR consists of a “header”, a table and data of the people who signed this document.

The first part of the documents contains the following information:

  • Name of the organization, according to the constituent documents;
  • The start date of the ShR, its number and validity period. Numbering can be assigned arbitrarily.
  • Date and number of the order approving the staffing table;
  • Total staff.

The second part is a collection of data for all positions. We'll look at it a little later.

The third part contains the names and positions of the people who signed this document. Most often this is the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant.

How to create a staffing schedule

We hope that no one had any questions when filling out the “header”, so let’s move on to filling out the table itself.

1 column . Name of the structural unit. They should be listed in order of subordination. For example, administration, secretariat, financial department, accounting, etc.;

2 counts. Department code. We number the divisions from top to bottom (01,02,03, etc.);

3 counts. Job title. Data must be entered in the nominative case without abbreviations, in the singular, guided by qualification and tariff directories;

4 counts . Number of staff units. This column indicates how many people of one position the enterprise needs. This value can be either an integer or a fraction. For example, 2.5 could mean that 2 employees will work full time and one part time;

5th Earl . The amount of salary, tariff rate or bonuses. Indicated in rubles for each position. If, for example, there are 2 accountants working, but the manager pays them different salaries, then a single salary is indicated in the staffing table, and additional payments are indicated in the allowance column. That is, the salary of workers in the same position should be the same;

6, 7, 8 columns . Allowances for special working conditions. They may not exist, then dashes are placed in the columns. But if an employee works at night, on holidays, or cleans the bathroom. knots, etc., then by law he must be paid certain compensation;

9th Earl. In just a month. The data in columns 5,6,7,8 is summed up, and then multiplied by the number of staff units for each position;

10th Earl . Note. A local regulatory act may be indicated on the basis of which wages are paid;

After entering the data, you need to summarize the results 4 And 9 column. Thus, we find out the number of staff units in the staffing table and the monthly wage fund.

Approval of staffing

According to the rules for approving the staffing table, after compiling and checking all the data, the HR is signed by the manager, chief accountant and head of the personnel department. After which the head of the enterprise issues an order to put this document into effect.


SR is not mandatory, but a very important document for any organization. Based on it, you can either accept a new one. In addition, with its help, wages are calculated for the company's employees.

This document is not strictly regulated, so it can be “customized” for each organization and altered if necessary. This is a lifesaver for a manager during inspections by government agencies.

Staffing table (sample 2017) for LLC

Russian employers maintain documentation related to the need to systematize and record the work activities of hired employees. An example of such a document is the staffing table (hereinafter also referred to as SH). The specified document is a local act of the employer. Approved by the ShR by order of the employer. Each employee must be familiarized with this document at the time of employment. There is a normatively established unified form for this document, but it is not mandatory. The staffing table for LLC (sample 2017) can be downloaded from the link below.

The concept of staffing

The staffing table is a necessary document for every employer, because... it should collect information about the existing division of labor between workers.

The importance of the staffing table for the employer, in particular, is evidenced by the departmental position specified in the Letter of Rostrud dated January 21, 2014 N PG/13229-6-1.

From this letter, in particular, it follows:

  • ShR is a mandatory local regulatory act for the employer;
  • There are no legally established rules for drawing up the SR;
  • The position in the contract must be indicated in accordance with the ShR.

Previously, the mandatory primary documentation forms approved by the State Statistics Committee included the staffing table. Until 2013, the use of independent forms of such documentation was not allowed. However, at present, the mandatory use of the corresponding unified form for commercial organizations has lost its relevance.

Today, these organizations have the right to independently determine which form of this document to use:

  • unified (form No. T-3);
  • independently developed and approved.

As an example of the document in question, we suggest downloading the staffing schedule of a construction organization (sample at the link below).

Sample staffing schedule

The deadline, periods, and cases of approval of the staffing table are not established by law. Therefore, it is the employer's prerogative to resolve these issues.

The staffing table is recognized as a local regulatory act of the employer, which directly affects his work activities. Therefore, there is an obligation for employees to familiarize themselves with this document against signature upon employment before signing an employment contract.

Registration of the staffing table

The staffing table, in particular, should include:

  • structure of the organization indicating positions, professions and (or) specialties, specific types of work;
  • staffing levels;
  • wages.

Employment contracts with employees are concluded in accordance with the information contained in the SR.

In order to correctly reflect a specific type of work in the ShR, we recommend that you follow the Procedure, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 N 20.

The schedule in question is approved by an administrative document, which is signed by the head of the organization or another person with appropriate authority.

The unified form contains details indicating the need for the staffing table to be signed by the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant.

If there are no corresponding positions in the organization, both of these functions are performed by its head.

The staffing table is an internal regulatory act of an organization that significantly simplifies the maintenance of personnel records. Although current legislation does not oblige employers to fill out this document, it is usually approved at the stage of company creation. After all, it is in it that the entire personnel structure of the organization, the composition and number of employees, as well as the monthly payroll are recorded. You will learn how to draw up this form and what a unified example of a staffing table looks like in this article. Below you will find a completed sample form, and you can also download a blank form and fill it out yourself.

The staffing table (SH) according to the Labor Code is not at all mandatory. If desired, the employer can work without this sample form, including the names of positions and salary amounts in employment contracts and orders for hiring employees. Such documents will be full-fledged internal regulations, and no inspectors will have questions about this. However, not everything is so simple with this document. After all, from the content Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and parts two Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it follows that if the terms of the employment contract determine that the employee’s labor function is to perform work in a certain position, such position must correspond to the staffing table. Therefore, there must be a schedule in the organization, and it is necessary to study its sample. According to lawyers, the assumption of a position by an employee in the absence of a staffing table can be considered a violation of labor legislation, for which administrative liability is imposed under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation RF. Therefore, let’s spend quite a bit of time on this material and look at a sample staffing table for 2019 in more detail.

Why do you need staffing?

Primarily for planning. At its core, HR structures the entire company and the hierarchy within it. By looking at it, you can immediately understand how many departments there are in the organization, what governing bodies are provided and what direction is a priority. Having the schedule form at hand, anyone can easily form an opinion about the average number of employees, the monthly payroll and the type of activity of the company.

Based on this local act, it is very convenient to form a wage fund, confirm the validity of expenses for the Federal Tax Service, as well as draw up statistical reports and applications to the employment service and recruitment agencies. By the way, it is important to remember that if a position is indicated in the staffing table, then it must be filled. If there is a vacancy, but there is no employee, the employment service should know about it. Otherwise they may be punished. This follows from the norms Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 on employment.

In practice, HR is necessary in the work not only of personnel officers, but also of accountants. It is one of the forms most often required during tax audits. ШР is a primary accounting document.

When is the SR developed and what information does it contain?

It is advisable to develop and approve the SR form at the very beginning of the company’s activities. But if you forgot to approve the schedule, this can be done at any time during the existence of the business. In addition, it can be approved again at least every month. Or make the necessary changes to an already existing sample on the basis of a special order.

Unified form T-3 approved Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1. Although since 2013 this resolution has lost force and all samples from it have become recommended rather than mandatory, the SR is usually drawn up on the basis of this form. However, the company can change this form based on its needs. In any case, the list of mandatory information that this local act must contain is small:

  • structural divisions;
  • positions;
  • information on the number of staff units;
  • official salaries;
  • monthly payroll.

If the company decides to develop its own schedule form, then it should not contradict the requirements of part two of Article 9 Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ"About accounting". After all, as already mentioned, this is a primary document. A form developed independently may not at all correspond to the sample given below.

This internal act of the organization is always impersonal. It does not indicate the names and surnames of persons holding certain positions. Therefore, when hiring and dismissing employees, the SR sample does not change in any way. However, there is a document subordinate to it - the staffing arrangement. It is approved at the level of structural units and may include specific individuals. There are no standardized forms or samples for filling out the arrangement, so each manager can draw up (or not draw up) it at his own discretion. We will look at how to correctly draw up a staffing table (sample 2019) for LLCs and other organizational forms of legal entities below.

Procedure for accepting the ShR

The staffing table is compiled by any official of the organization to whom such powers are delegated (manager, accountant, human resources specialist). When drawing it up, it is necessary to rely on labor legislation and internal regulations of the company. In particular, these may be:

  • Charter;
  • enterprise structure (if any);
  • accounting policy;
  • professional standards;
  • calculations of monthly official salaries;
  • other legal and regulatory technical documents.

Sometimes, before drawing up the HR, another personnel normative act is drawn up - the structure of the organization: a diagram of all divisions, their relationship and subordination. This form is also not mandatory, but it is easier to draw up a sample SR based on it.

The staffing table can only be approved by an order signed by the head of the organization or another authorized person. Moreover, the right to issue such orders must be initially secured in the constituent documents. A round seal is not placed on this document, even if the organization uses it. The ShR form must be signed by the one who compiled it, and in the upper column it is necessary to enter the details of the relevant order and certify them with the signature of the manager.

Important nuances

When defining professions and positions, you cannot take their names, as they say, “out of thin air.” You should adhere to the names contained in qualification reference books or approved professional standards. Moreover, in some cases this is mandatory: in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it has been determined that if any positions, specialties or professions are related to the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of contraindications, then their names must strictly coincide with the names and requirements from regulatory documents, i.e. professional standards and reference books. Similar requirements apply to specialists who have the right to early retirement. In this case, you should also be guided by lists 1 and 2 of industries, works, professions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision ( Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 N 10 And Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 22, 1956 N 1173). If these requirements are neglected, then an employee whose work book will indicate an actually fictitious profession may have problems when applying for a pension. And entries in the labor record can only be made in accordance with the staffing table and the employment order. In addition, for failure to comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an administrative fine may be imposed on the employer.

Another difficulty may arise when in the SR form you need to indicate not a profession or position, but a specific type of work. This issue is not regulated by law, but in practice, employers are often forced to indicate exactly the type of work in order to avoid problems when confirming a reduction in staff or number of employees. This is necessary when there are also positions in the organization. In this case, you can use the Procedure for using unified forms of primary accounting documentation, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 N 20. This document states that the management of the organization can issue an order (instruction) and indicate all additional details to be entered into the form T-3. If the organization uses only types of work and the number of employees is small, the ShR may not be compiled.

Freelance employees

Another difficulty that personnel officers encounter when drawing up a staffing table based on the T-3 form is related to freelance employees. Such employees can be considered persons who cooperate with the organization on the basis of civil contracts. on them in force Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation neither labor legislation nor other acts containing labor law norms apply. Therefore, they have nothing to do with ShR, because they perform one-time jobs. However, in practice, freelancers sometimes include workers employed on the basis of an employment contract and performing a specific type of work. If the employer has not issued an order and has not included such work in the SR, a peculiar situation arises: there is no position, but there is an employee. It is advisable to avoid such situations.

Procedure for making changes

Changes in SR always occur on the basis of an order. Such amendments may be related to:

  • with the exclusion of vacancies due to organizational changes in the company’s work;
  • introduction of new staffing positions if business expansion is necessary;
  • reduction of staffing units associated with a reduction in numbers or staff;
  • changes in salaries;
  • renaming departments, names of structural units, etc.

Changes can be made to the current ShR form or simply approve a new document based on the old sample. In both cases, documentation will be required, as well as related documents. In addition, legal requirements must be strictly observed. For example, when reducing the number of employees, it is necessary to issue an order to exclude certain positions from the staffing table, as well as to introduce a new schedule, observing the requirements Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article defines the employer's obligation to provide notice of layoffs at least two months in advance. Therefore, the date of entry into force of the updated SR with occupied positions cannot occur earlier than two months after the issuance of the order to make changes (for example, the date of issue of the order to make changes is 02/15/2019, and changes must be put into effect no earlier than 04/16/2019 ). If the changes concern vacancies, this deadline may not be met.

Likewise, when changing salaries, you must comply with the requirements Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which a change in the terms of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer is allowed only if it is a consequence of a change in organizational or technological working conditions. It is also necessary to notify all employees whose salaries are to change about this no later than two months in advance.

Sample of filling out the staffing table (form T-3)

Let's consider a sample staffing table for a construction organization with 10 staff units. The sample is compiled according to the unified form T-3.

The example staffing table is approximate; the document may include separate divisions, branches and other structural units of the company.

It was decided to draw up a staffing table. An electronic form would be very helpful. It is clear that it is better to start preparing the document with a completed sample in front of your eyes. After all, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. However, after reading the example, you will need an up-to-date form to prepare your staffing schedule. You can download a free excel form prepared by our specialists in the article.

No obligation

Labor legislation does not contain a direct requirement for employers to draw up a staffing table. However, despite this, it is better to draw up a “staff”. After all, the staffing table contains complete information about the organization’s human resources and the monthly wage fund (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, section 1 of the instructions, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1). To do this, you need to download the staffing table (form).

Labor relations are an agreement between an employee and an employer (organization or individual entrepreneur) to perform work specified in the contract for payment. During work, the employee is under the management and control of the employer, obeys the internal labor regulations and works in the interests of the employer (Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Despite the fact that you need not just a staffing table, but a 2018 form. Having at your disposal a “staffing table”, you can clearly see the structure of the organization and calculate the required amount of money for staff maintenance. Company managers may need this information to make management decisions. This is why organizations need staffing. You can choose a Word or Excel form based on the preferences of the HR manager.

For identical positions on staff, the same wages must be provided. The fact is that for equal work, the law requires equal pay (Article 22, Part 2, Article 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is necessary to diversify the salaries of employees occupying the same positions, the safest thing would be to introduce the concepts “senior”, leading”, “assistant”, etc. into the T-3 form. For example, “senior cashier”. In addition, in employment contracts with employees, it is necessary to specify the various functions of employees in positions of the same name:

  • different rights and responsibilities;
  • different levels of responsibility.

Another way to protect yourself from claims from inspectors is to introduce a special bonus for employees who are supposed to be rewarded.

Choosing a format

There is a unified form of staffing. However, commercial organizations are not required to use this particular form.

At the employer's discretion, you can:

  • use the unified staffing form No. T-3, approved. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 (Form T-3 “Staffing table”: the form can be downloaded for free at the end of the article);
  • apply an independently developed form approved by the head (provided, of course, that it contains all the necessary details provided for in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

Only commercial sector organizations have the right to choose. Budgetary organizations must use exclusively a unified form in their work (Articles 7, 9 of the Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, letter of the Ministry of Finance dated December 4, 2012 No. PZ-10/2012).

Unified form T 3 is a unified form of staffing, that is, a document that determines the personnel structure of the organization, including the hierarchy and number of positions, as well as payment for each position. You can download the T 3 staffing form from this article.

Read in the article:

It will be useful to HR department employees who develop the “staff”, as well as accountants - to justify tax benefits and prove the validity of expenses.

Staffing: form T 3

The staffing table is a local act that presents in summary form the division of labor in the company. It is compiled by the HR department for the entire organization as a whole, taking into account the organization’s immediate plans for hiring personnel based on existing needs and production tasks.

The Labor Code does not oblige every company to draw up such a document. But it is still desirable to have a staffing table so that the organization and the accounting department always have up-to-date data on:

  • current number of employees and composition of vacant positions;
  • wage fund for any period of time;
  • compliance of the company's personnel structure with its strategy and development prospects.

Also, if there is a staffing table, it is easier for an accountant to confirm tax benefits and prove the validity of expenses for tax purposes.

As a rule, employees are hired after the approval of the company’s local documents. Therefore, in contracts, work books and other personnel documents, job titles and salary amounts must strictly correspond to the positions of the staffing table. Otherwise, employees will face difficulties in receiving government social, pension and medical payments.

Unified form T 3 staffing table

Since 2013, commercial firms and entrepreneurs have a choice when organizing document flow: use standardized forms or independently develop and approve their own forms. It is only important to include in them all the details required for the “primary” and provided for in Art. 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.
The problem of choice also affected personnel documentation. Now organizations have the right:

  • or use the staffing table form T-3, if it is approved by the manager separately or as part of the accounting policy;
  • or use a form developed independently and approved by the manager.

The unified staffing form looks like this:

Download the staffing schedule for free

Staffing form T-3 sample filling

There are not many staffing requirements. Firstly, in order to avoid violations of labor laws, the same salary is established for positions with labor tasks of the same complexity. After all, pay should be equal for work of equal value. Secondly, if within the same specialty there are different complexity and responsibilities of work, the scope of rights and responsibilities, then the job titles should reflect these differences. For example, you can use the words “senior”, “junior”, “leading”, etc.

The compiled “staff” is signed by the chief accountant and the HR employee. If the company is large and the document takes up several sheets, then the chief accountant can sign at the end of the document and on each sheet.

The head of the organization must approve the new staff by order. There is no unified form of the order; the company draws it up according to its own rules. A mandatory requirement is that the order must contain the date from which the staffing schedule is valid. The date may differ from the day on which the order was issued, or it may be the same.

Anything in the staffing table should be changed only as the personnel situation changes. If it is stable, there is no need to revise the document every year. The period of validity of the "staff" is not limited.

Structural divisions of companies do not need to draw up their own staffing schedule. An extract from the approved staffing table or a copy thereof is sent to divisions and branches.

It is not necessary to communicate the contents of the “staff” to employees, since the document does not regulate labor activities. Personnel information that concerns a specific employee is learned from his employment contract. But the obligation to familiarize staff with the staffing table may be established, for example, by a collective agreement