Warframe Guide: Riven Mods. Warframe rift mods. How to open and how much it costs Weapons and equipment

09.11.2020 Plumbing work

Warframe Frost

This guide to Warframe game is dedicated to the character Frost - a slow and heavily armored warframe capable of using both offensive and defensive abilities to help herself and her team.

Frost is a good defensive Warframe that performs well in defense, mobile defense and survival missions - in general, anywhere where you need to take a position and defend against waves of mobs. In other missions, he is significantly inferior in efficiency to faster characters.

Frost controls moisture and steam and is able to create both strong ice protection and direct deadly attacks. He specializes in freezing skills that slow down and paralyze the enemy.

Mods (skills)

Frost, like any Warframe, has four basic abilities:

Frost's mods

Freezing- a powerful ice blast that freezes enemies in place. deals damage and freezes the enemy for 10 seconds. Dealing damage to a frozen target will unfreeze it. Upgrading this skill will increase damage.

Ice wave- Sends out a wave of razor-sharp ice crystals, causing massive damage to enemies. It hits all nearby enemies with an ice wave. Improving this skill increases damage and wavelength.

Snow sphere- Frost creates a protective sphere. Enemies inside are slowed down, and those outside cannot shoot at those inside. In many ways, this is the same skill that makes Frost so prized for running in a group. Upgrading this skill increases the slowing power of enemies inside the sphere. It is impossible to penetrate the sphere at any level, except by throwing grenades at it.

Avalanche- Frost freezes all enemies around him for a short time, and then smashes them, causing good damage. Upgrading this skill increases the radius of action. The disadvantage of Avalanche is that it has a very small radius.

Let's list Frost's additional skills, which are mainly used to improve abilities.

  • Stretching- increases the range of all Frost's skills by 45%.
  • Flow And Streamlining- allow you to use more skills in a row.
  • Body type- speeds up the rise to your feet by 40% and the duration of Frost's ability by 28%. Increases the duration of the sphere, as well as redirection and survivability, which increases survivability.
  • Life Radiation (Aura)- Increases maximum life reserve by 15%.
  • Rejuvenation (Aura)- team health is regenerated +0.8.
  • Overstressed- adds 75% of the ability’s affected area. Reduces 50% of ability power.
  • Instant assessment- increases the energy efficiency of the ability by 60% and reduces the duration of the ability by 60%.
  • Quick reflection- Shield recovery has been accelerated by 90%.
  • Flow- increase in energy reserves by 160%.
  • Rush- adds 30% to speed. A very useful skill for Frost, who is naturally slow.
  • Focusing- increases ability power by 30%.
  • Blind fury- plus 72% ability power and minus 40% energy efficiency of the ability.
  • Duration- adds 30% ability duration.
  • Simplified thinking- increases the duration of the ability by 54% and reduces the affected area of ​​the ability by 36%.

Read the detailed build on Frost

Weapons and equipment

The choice of weapon for Frost is not important, but we can recommend a shotgun - it will help you quickly deal with enemies who have broken into your area.

The choice of helmet for Frost depends on whether you play defensively or offensively.

Helmet Squall- suitable for an attacking playstyle, increases ability power by 25%, but weakens shields by 5%.

Aurora Helmet- suitable for a defensive style, strengthens armor by 25%, but reduces health by 5%.

Frost Drawing

Blueprints in Warframe describe the set of components needed to create a weapon or the exo-suit (Warframe) itself. You can view the already assembled and other necessary components in the forge. The drawings look like cards, like mods, but are distinguished by their yellow color.

Where can I find Frost's blueprints? These drawings are obtained from a boss named Lieutenant Lakh Krill, who is located in the Exta location on the planet Ceres. This is where you can knock out Frost.

The blueprint for assembly costs 25,000 credits. Assembly lasts exactly three days. The impatient can pay 50 platinum for an instant build. Well, the lazy can buy a ready-made Frost for 375 platinum.

Frost prime

Frost Prime is not much different from normal. All differences come down to the additional polarity slot and appearance. Otherwise, Frost Prime has the same abilities as regular Frost. But its improvements open up wider modification possibilities.

Prime costs 15,000 credits. Assembly time 12 hours. Instant assembly can be done for 25 platinum.

Examples of videos from Warframe Frost

This completes the Frost guide. Read and watch other articles on Warframe on our website.

After the Warframe 19.0 update, so-called rift mods were added to the game, which are much more powerful than other mods. However, rift mods can only be installed on weapons to which they directly fit. Currently there is only support for secondary and primary weapons. If you want to get your first mod for any weapon, then you will need to complete a quest called The War Within.

In Warframe, the rift mod will be available along with other rewards. After this, you can only get rift mods if you engage in forays. Upon completion of either the above quest or some sortie, the mod will be in your inventory, but its stats will not be shown. In order to directly recognize them, you will need to fulfill several conditions. They will be directly indicated on the mod.

How to open the Warframe rift mod

There is currently some table that can be found on the internet that will show you many of the rift mod conditions, but there is some possibility that there will be a secondary condition missing. To find out the conditions of your rift mod, you will need to insert this mod directly into the weapon.

List of main conditions in the table under the corresponding numbers:

  1. Synthesize Simaris' target without using traps or abilities.
  2. Complete a clearing mission at level 30 or above without being detected.
  3. Complete a defense mission with level 30 or higher without taking damage to the protected object.
  4. Complete an interception mission at level 30 or higher with the Lame Dragon Key equipped.
  5. Complete a survival mission with level 30 or above without killing.
  6. Find several boxes.
  7. Find some rare syndicate medallions.
  8. Kill several enemies with finishing moves.
  9. Kill multiple enemies with headshots.
  10. Get multiple headshots in one controlled flight.
  11. Kill several enemies.
  12. Kill several Sentients.
  13. Kill multiple enemies while sliding.
  14. Get multiple kills in a row while holding onto a wall or running along it without touching the floor.
  15. Hold combo multiplier x3 for 30 seconds.

In order to begin fulfilling these conditions, the mod(s) that require the conditions must be inserted into the equipped Warframe weapon.

Rift mod effects

After you fulfill all the mod conditions specified to you, the mod will work and the effects of the mod will be shown in a certain window. The number of effects can vary from 2 to 4. There is a possibility that the mod will have a negative effect. If a mod has 3 effects, then there may not be a negative effect. However, if your mod has 4 effects, then in any case one of them will be negative.

There is also a certain compound word that is located next to the name of the mod and which will denote all the positive effects of this mod.

Prefix Suffix Meaning
arma tin Magazine size
manti tron Hull Damage
crita cron Critical Chance
acri tis Critical Damage
visi ata Damage
vexi tio Electrical Damage
igni pha Fire Damage
croni dra Rate of fire
Geli do Cold Damage
agri con Grineer Damage
magna ton Impact Damage
pura ada Damage to Infected
ampi bin Maximum ammo
sati can Multishot
deci des Duration of status
conci nak Airspeed
lexi nok Pierce right through
insi cak Piercing Damage
zeti mag Recoil
feva so Recharge speed
sci sus Slashing Damage
hexa dex Chance of status
toxic tox Toxin Damage
hera lis Approximation

Besides all of the above, there is a synergy. Its main task is to determine the performance coefficient. Synergy depends on your weapon. There are several types of synergy, namely: weak, neutral and strong. Synergy directly affects many weapons.

How much does a Warframe rift mod cost?

If for some reason you don’t like the standard effects of the mod, you can change them. This is done for Kuva points. After changing the obtained characteristics, you can leave or continue to change the characteristics, and in any case, the number of mod cycles will be increased by 1. After the characteristics change, the number of changes of a particular fault mode will automatically change.

It is very important that the level of the mod will not change in any way depending on the fact that the characteristics will directly change.

Cycle Price Total
1 900 900
2 1 000 1 900
3 1 200 3 100
4 1 400 4 500
5 1 700 6 200
6 2 000 8 200
7 2 350 10 550
8 2 750 13 300
9 3 200 16 500
10 onwards 3 500 20 000

Important Notes

If you need to find a certain number of boxes, this means that you need to find caches that can be found on some missions. In some cases, players are tasked with taking a number of headshots. If you have such a task, then know that you need to kill enemies with headshots, and not just hit them on the head without killing them. If your task is to shoot a certain number of shots in the head, and this must be done during a controlled flight, then for this you will need to use mods. For example, a mod called Patagay.

If you still cannot complete this task, then you should fly to Jupiter, where you will need to find some air currents, in fact, thanks to which you can easily complete this task. There is a task whose goal is to get some kills from the wall. This can be done thanks to some special mods. In addition to mods, you can use a character called Loki, since he has a very necessary skill with which you can complete this task in a matter of minutes.

Warframe has introduced unique items called Rift Mods. The difference from other mods lies primarily in their power, rarity and, of course, price.

Moreover, such a mod cannot be installed on any weapon you like - there is a certain list of guns that they are suitable for. To earn the first mod, you need to complete the "War Within" mission.

By successfully completing the quest, you will obtain the first Rift Mod. In the future, you will have to get them manually, going on forays. After completing all objectives during the operation, you can receive the mod.

But even then it cannot be installed immediately - first read the conditions that will certainly appear on the item itself, and fulfill them.

To open the Rift Mod, you need to perform some actions. Their list always varies, although there are various tables on the Internet that display the solution to certain sequences.

In any case, you will never find a perfect table, since they always lack secondary opening conditions, since they open only after installing the mod in the gun.

Here are the main quests, some of which you will have to face to unlock the Rift Mod:

- Determine the goal of Simaris without using traps and skills;

- Complete a clearing mission above level thirty without allowing yourself to be detected;
- Complete a defense mission above level thirty, making sure that no one hits your facility;

- Complete the interception mission above level thirty, taking with you the Lame Dragon Key;
- Complete a survival mission above level thirty without killing any enemies;
- Find a certain number of chests;

- Find a certain number of Syndicate medallions;
- Neutralize opponents using finishing moves;

- Neutralize opponents with a headshot;

- Perform a certain number of headshots during one flight:

- Neutralize so many opponents;

- Neutralize so many Mind Controllers;

- Neutralize so many opponents while gliding;

- Perform so many kills one after another while being on the wall or running along it;

Before you begin to fulfill the above conditions, you must insert the resulting module into your precious gun.

About the features of the rift mod

Having fulfilled any of the above conditions, you will launch the mod. In the features window you will see new effects that the mod adds (there can be from two to four).

Keep in mind that sometimes the mod adds a negative bonus. With three effects, the mod is guaranteed not to provide a negative bonus. With four, you will in any case receive one negative buff.

The effects themselves may vary. There are several dozen of them and they vary from the usual increase in clip capacity to an increase in fire damage. Increasing the speed of a bullet, the possibility of a double shot, reducing recoil and other improvements - all this can be given to you by Rift Mods.

In addition, Warframe also has a certain coefficient of characteristics, which is called Synergy. It can be low, medium and high, affecting the strength of the buff accordingly.


If the mod requires you to find chests, then in this case you will have to search for caches that are found during some quests.

If the matter concerns headshots, then in this case the condition will require from you not a simple hit in the head, but a kill with a shot to the head. Sometimes, of course, your task will be to simply hit the enemy's head, but then you will have to use a special Patagai mod.