State social programs - for whom they are intended and what is their essence. Who can benefit from housing programs Social housing programs

15.08.2024 Plumbing 

Stability today and prospects for the future are the most important components of well-being and quality of life. What is needed for this?

Get an education, find a job, get housing and start a family, provide guarantees for a comfortable old age and health support. In many ways, a person’s social sustainability depends on the conditions created by the state for the realization of rights and opportunities.

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Types of state support for citizens

Social policy in Russia covers all spheres of life.

This is the state's strategic action plan with large-scale tasks By:

  • development of social infrastructure;
  • creation of intellectual potential;
  • preservation of cultural and family values;
  • preserving the health of the nation.

Events are planned for years in advance through state social programs. Forward-looking statements are represented by legal documents adopted at the governmental level.

Program passports include:

The areas include housing, pension, educational programs, support and development of healthcare, agriculture, families with children and socially vulnerable citizens.

Let’s take a closer look at the social programs relevant in 2019.


The inaccessibility of housing and outdated communications pushed the Russian government to modernize the housing sector.

A pilot version was launched in 2011 federal program "Housing" valid until 2014. The impressive results left no doubt: special events will continue.

Federal Target Program (FTP) “Housing” for 2015-2020

Coordinates the M program Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

Tasks include:

Target Audience Federal Targeted Programs are citizens to whom the state has obligations to provide residential premises, the population not provided with housing. The program also addresses the interests of the executive authorities of the constituent entities (in terms of creating local housing stock) and representatives of the construction industry.

FTP includes 5 routines, 3 of which are aimed directly at citizens.

“Providing housing for young families”

The government will need five years to resolve the housing problem of citizens under 35 years of age. All of them, of course, need municipalities to improve living conditions.

Officially, unemployed citizens are provided with part of the cost of an “economy” apartment or the construction of a residential building.

Size financing:

Subsidy right confirms. It is issued by local executive authorities. Of course, you won’t be able to buy a penthouse with government money.

Desires are limited social standards for area:

  • 42 “squares” for a family of two;
  • 18 sq. meters for a family with a large composition.

An essential condition for obtaining a certificate is that the family has its own funds or is able to obtain a housing loan for the remaining value of the property. The state facilitates lending on preferential terms, including using funds.

Subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by law”

The state support segment is aimed at providing housing for the following persons:

  • retirees of military service, internal affairs units, registered as housing on the waiting list before 01/01/2005;
  • , law enforcement officers subject to dismissal for health reasons, in connection with staff changes or upon reaching the age limit. Their service life must be at least 10 years “calendar”;
  • persons affected by radiation during accidents at nuclear facilities;
  • forced migrants who are on special migration records;
  • people leaving the Far North and equivalent territories;
  • immigrants from ZATO.

Support is provided in the form of a cash grant. The confirmation is state housing certificate (GHS). An apartment, a house, its part, or a room are purchased both on the primary and secondary markets. The provision of the certificate is calculated taking into account the standards for the area and cost per square meter of housing in the region.

Installed the following standards:

  • 33 square meters for a single citizen;
  • 42 sq. m for a family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. m for a larger family.

Every six months, the Ministry of Economic Development sets the estimated cost per square meter for the regions and for the country as a whole. It is prohibited to purchase premises smaller than the standard size. If the subsidy is not enough, the use of credit or own funds is allowed.

The main condition is the absence of your own real estate or the free transfer of existing property to the municipality.

Subprogram “Providing housing for certain categories of citizens” – 2015 – 2020.

The social package is aimed at providing modern and comfortable housing representatives of the public sector:

  • employees of the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee of the Russian Federation;
  • rescuers of the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations;
  • scientific workers.

A separate area of ​​the program is the resettlement of the population of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) territories from emergency housing.

Support is provided through the acquisition/construction of residential real estate for renting out or as service housing, and by providing subsidies for the purchase of real estate ownership.

According to the developers, the implementation of the measures will attract qualified personnel to strategic areas of activity for the country. The BAM zone covers Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Amur and Irkutsk regions. During the years of development of these sites, young specialists were provided with temporary living quarters. To this day, 10 thousand families continue to live in completely unsuitable conditions. By 2020, all these citizens should acquire modern economy-class housing.

Programs to reduce unemployment and promote employment

Government measures to bring the Russian labor market out of the crisis are represented by the targeted federal program “Promoting Employment of the Population” for 2013-2020.

The project aims to and reducing social tension, improving labor relations, assisting in improving the qualifications of specialists in leading areas of the economy and social sphere. It is planned to eliminate the imbalance in the professional environment in some areas by attracting foreign labor. This is a separate direction of the project.

In total, the program includes three subroutines:

  • “Increasing employment of Russian citizens and reducing unemployment”;
  • “External labor migration”;
  • “Development of labor market institutions.”

The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Labor. The co-executors are the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FTS - at the time of approval), the Ministry of Finance and the State Employment Service.

Social sphere

Social tension in Russian society is high. The economic crisis, the turbulent political situation in the world and other factors cannot be discounted or eliminated at once.

But it is quite possible to take additional care measures for vulnerable citizens.

State program “Social support of citizens”

Started in January 2013. The set of measures is designed for a seven-year period.

Implementation will take place in the following areas:

  • expanding the targeted and targeted principle of providing social assistance measures to needy citizens;
  • granting powers to regional and local authorities to develop and distribute in-kind and cash forms of social assistance;
  • addressing the needs of citizens with disabilities, older people for third-party care from social service specialists and other structures;
  • popularization and creation of conditions for the transition to family forms of education for children and adolescents left without parental care.

The program does not bypass social workers: by 2019 it is planned to raise the salaries of social workers. structures up to 100% of regional average earnings.

"Accessible environment" for 2011-2020

The addressees are disabled people and non-mobile categories of the population (for example, the elderly).

By 2020 planned:

  • create comfortable conditions for the life of persons with limited functions, including for;
  • help them socialize optimally;
  • increase society's tolerance towards people with specific psycho-physiological characteristics.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure optimal access of recipients to services and life support facilities, provide the necessary amount of rehabilitation/habilitation, and reform the activities of medical and social examination institutions.

Sphere of education

A well-functioning healthcare system, quality education and a reliable pension system are the three pillars of the nation’s well-being.

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020 is aimed at creating conditions for increasing the accessibility of quality education at all levels: general, higher, professional and additional.

When implementing the program the following needs to be done:

  • Reorganize the higher education system: create a network of universities (about 60) focused on key segments of regional economies;
  • Develop and implement educational standards for specialized secondary and higher education that meet modern conditions;
  • Create a control system for professional and higher education at the regional and federal levels.
  • Attract investment funds for the construction of educational facilities and the creation of educational, laboratory, and economic infrastructure of educational institutions.

A separate area includes measures to improve the economics of education.

The state programs of Tatarstan are described in the following video:

Many of our readers know that you can buy real estate not only with your own money - today in our country there are special subsidy projects and a number of government programs. By attracting funds provided by the state, you can significantly improve your living conditions.

Subsidies and government programs for the purchase of housing– the topic of our material today. Who can count on subsidies when buying an apartment? What programs are in place today to help young families, military personnel and low-income categories? We will talk about this in detail below.

First, let's define the concepts of “subsidy” and “state program”.


By “subsidy” we mean a certain amount of money that the state allocates without the need for repayment to improve housing conditions. However, only certain categories of citizens have the right to receive a subsidy. The possibility of receiving a subsidy, as well as its size, directly depends on compliance with certain conditions. Housing subsidies are issued in accordance with priority exclusively to citizens classified in two categories: those in need of qualitative improvement of their living conditions or those requiring state assistance in purchasing their own housing. It is necessary to understand that a housing subsidy can be used to purchase both an apartment in a new building and real estate on the secondary market.

State programs

State programs differ from subsidies primarily in that they have restrictions regarding the duration of their validity, and they can have a priority or apply to all citizens without any priority. If a housing subsidy is exclusively material gratuitous assistance, then under state housing programs state support can be expressed not only in monetary terms, but, for example, in the form of providing certain preferential conditions when obtaining a housing loan.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common cash programs for the purchase of real estate.

Maternity capital

One of the most significant forms of support for families with children, aimed at stimulating an increase in the birth rate, is maternity capital. When the second and next child appears in the family (no matter whether he is born or adopted), the family receives the right to maternity capital. It should be noted that the state only supports responsible motherhood, i.e. State support measures are not provided to those mothers who are deprived of parental rights. One of the main conditions for obtaining maternity capital is the presence of Russian citizenship: the mother and children must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

Another condition for receiving state assistance is the birth of a child within a certain time period - starting from 01/01/2007.

The amount of money issued as maternity capital has been constantly increasing since its introduction into practice. If in 2007 (the beginning of the program) maternity capital was 250 thousand rubles, then in the current year 2018 its size increased to 453,026 rubles, due to taking into account inflation indicators.

The state very strictly defines the possible purposes for which the funds of the maternal certificate can be directed: housing, education, pension savings for the mother, and this money can also be used today for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child. In the vast majority of cases, as practice shows, families use a maternity capital certificate when purchasing housing or improving living conditions - to buy an apartment, build a private house, as a down payment for equity participation in the construction of a house, or to pay off a mortgage.

Who receives maternity capital today? The following are entitled to such state support:

  1. women who gave birth (adopted) a second child starting from 01/01/2007;
  2. women who gave birth (adopted) a third child or subsequent children starting from 01/01/2007, if they had not previously exercised the right to receive maternity capital;
  3. men who are the sole adoptive parents of the second, third child or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption entered into legal force starting from 01/01/2007.

It is possible to receive maternity capital only ONCE, and payments are exempt from income tax.

State program “Young Family”

“Young Family” is a program of real financial support for young families to acquire housing. The funds allocated under this state program can be used in different ways: spent on buying an apartment, spent on building your own home, or made as a down payment on a loan or to a housing cooperative.

Who has the right to count on subsidies allocated under the “Young Family” program? Today, families that meet the following conditions can take advantage of the program:

  • the age of the spouses or one of them (in a single-parent family) at the time of receiving assistance cannot be more than 35 years;
  • Russian citizenship plus official registration of a relationship for a period of at least 12 months;
  • the family must have the status of needing improved housing conditions;
  • the couple must show a regular income sufficient for monthly loan payments, as well as have accumulated funds in order to be able to pay for that part of the cost of the apartment that is not covered by the subsidy.
  • the spouses do not own any other home.

It is important to understand that in different regions of Russia the conditions for participation in the program may differ significantly. The advantage is that not only couples with children, but also childless families can count on state assistance within the framework of this program.

Military mortgage

For military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, there is a specially developed target program that allows them to obtain a mortgage loan with preferential terms. The mechanism of the program involves the use of a savings-mortgage system, which allows contract employees to become owners of their homes after a certain period of service.

Four categories of military can take advantage of the benefits of a military mortgage:

First– officers of the Armed Forces who entered into their first contract no earlier than 01/01/2005.

Second– midshipmen and warrant officers whose duration of service from 01/01/2005 under the contract is at least 3 years.

Third– soldiers, sailors, foremen and sergeants whose 2nd contract was concluded no earlier than 01/01/2005.

Fourth– graduates of universities after 01/01/2005, graduates who signed their first contract before 01/01. 2005

How does this program work? Funds will be transferred to the participant’s personal savings account monthly. You can subsequently use this accumulated amount for a down payment when purchasing an apartment - after the three-year period of participation in the program has expired.

To take advantage of the Military Mortgage program, we recommend that you obtain detailed, detailed advice from a specialist.

So, we figured out what the most common are subsidies and government programs for the purchase of housing. As you can see, today there is an opportunity, with the help of the state, to both improve your living conditions and become the owner of a new home with maximum benefit. We hope this information will be useful to you and allow you to find the most suitable option for yourself.

Certain categories of citizens cannot afford to purchase a home, nor can they obtain a mortgage loan. In such cases, the state is ready to provide assistance in purchasing square meters. Novostroy-M figured out what support programs are offered to Russians today and how to take advantage of them if there is no chance of purchasing an apartment on your own.

In Russia, two main government programs have now been approved, according to which citizens can receive benefits for the purchase of real estate: these are the “Housing” and “Housing for the Russian Family” programs.

The “Housing” program is divided into the subprograms “Young Family” and “Providing Housing for Certain Categories of Citizens.” According to the “Young Family” program, citizens are offered a social benefit of at least 30% of the cost of housing for young families without children and at least 35% of the cost for young families with one or more children. Since 2016, single-parent families with children can take part in the program (until 2016, in case of divorce, the family lost the right to receive a subsidy).

The subprogram “Providing housing for certain categories of citizens” involves assistance to extremely limited categories of buyers: military personnel, scientists, candidates and doctors of science, as well as those displaced due to emergency situations.

The “Housing for Russian Family” program implies the purchase of housing at a price of no more than 35,000 rubles per sq. m. meter (the limit is set by the state). Citizens aged 25-40 who need improved housing conditions and belong to the following categories can participate in the program: large families, military veterans, scientists, families living in apartments with less than 18 square meters per person. meters, as well as residents of emergency buildings.

Taking into account the fact that over the past two years there has been an increase in prices for building materials, it is increasingly difficult for developers to get closer to the cost of a “square” of 35,000 rubles. Therefore, the “Housing for Russian Family” program simply turns out to be unviable. The authorities are already talking about completing it ahead of schedule, notes Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group.

In addition to federal ones, there are also regional programs, including “Military Mortgage” (housing subsidy for military personnel) and “Maternal Family Capital”.

In the case of a military mortgage, you need to choose objects accredited by the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” (the scheme for selling apartments and the stage of readiness of the new building are taken into account). If we are talking about transactions with maternity capital, then in this case there are no restrictions on the stage of construction, comments Marina Komogorova, head of the new buildings department of the NDV-Real Estate company. Although the money arrives a little later - by transfer from the Pension Fund of Russia upon completion of the transaction - developers do not refuse to work with this tool.

Maternity capital and military mortgage are the most common programs, says Tatyana Vlasova. At the same time, maternity capital funds are not taxed and can be used in full when purchasing an apartment. To receive such a subsidy, the buyer will need to present a state certificate for maternity capital, as well as a certificate from the Pension Fund. Most often, the amount received covers only part of the cost of housing, so many banks offer suitable mortgage programs, where the down payment can be up to 10%, and in some cases, completely repaid with a subsidy. Based on the company's practice, many families seek to use funds provided by the state to fully or partially repay the down payment.

How to get a subsidy?

To participate in the state program, citizens must provide confirmation of the need to improve their living conditions, as well as prepare a package of documents with which they need to apply to local authorities. To be recognized as a person on the waiting list, you will need a passport, registration form No. 9, characteristics of the apartment according to form No. 7, birth certificates of all family members, certificates of marriage or divorce, copies of work records, a certificate from the passport office about family composition, as well as certificates about the official income of all family members. The documents are submitted to the housing department; within a month, the commission must decide to recognize the applicants as in need of improved housing conditions and issue an appropriate certificate.

In theory, everything looks very simple and accessible, but in practice, those in need often have to go through “bureaucratic circles of hell” in order to receive the coveted subsidy certificate, notes Maria Litinetskaya. Applications can take months to be processed, or you may be completely rejected due to an incomplete package of documents or non-compliance with program requirements.

“It’s no secret that in Russia a huge number of families need to improve their living conditions and want to receive help from the state. As a result, queues form in which people can “stand” for several years.”

Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group

Another problem is the validity period of certificates. Due to bureaucratic delays, families simply do not have time to buy housing. For example, because the developer increased the price several times. We have to look for a new object. As a result, many families no longer hope for government help and strive to save up for an apartment on their own. Some developers prefer not to work with subsidies at all, so the process of purchasing housing using government certificates in Russia has not yet been streamlined.

Please note that the certificates have a limited validity period of two to seven months; during this time it is necessary to select an object and complete a package of documents. If you were unable to use the certificate within this time period, you will have to receive the subsidy again.

You can dispose of maternity capital after the third birthday of the child, in connection with whose birth the right to receive this state support arose. The exception is obligations to the bank.

Today in the new building market it is possible to purchase an apartment with the help of a housing subsidy. But this opportunity can be realized if the object is sold according to the DDU during the construction process (readiness of at least 70%) or under a purchase and sale agreement, if property has been received, notes Marina Komogorova.

The subsidy under the “Young Family” program can be used to purchase an apartment in a completed building (to pay for the purchase and sale agreement or a down payment), to build a house, as well as to repay the principal debt of an already taken out loan. That is, new buildings under construction are not included in the program.

The Metrium Group company works with government programs to improve housing conditions, notes Maria Litinetskaya. To use a certificate received from the state under the Housing program, mandatory accreditation of the residential complex with a bank participating in the state program is required. However, it is not even this nuance that becomes a stumbling block.

The certificate for the “Young Family” program is not relevant for housing under construction. By the time of commissioning, about 10-15% of apartments remain unsold, and their prices by that time are at their maximum. For this reason, families cannot take advantage of the subsidy; they simply do not have the opportunity to take out a mortgage for such a large amount, even despite the fact that the state provides all possible assistance. As a result, over the past year, Metrium Group has not completed a single transaction under the Housing program.

The number of transactions using government subsidies cannot be called significant, says Marina Komogorova. The main volume of sales in the “economy” and “comfort” segments is carried out with the help of a mortgage, although there are buyers with the entire necessary amount on hand. To this we must add that the subsidy must be spent in the same city where the certificate was issued. In addition, the funds provided most often do not cover all the costs of purchasing real estate, so the family pays the rest of the amount itself. Similarly with maternity capital - the family must have sufficient funds to purchase real estate or the necessary financial situation to repay the mortgage.

“Subsidies are not very common, since the circle of citizens entitled to such assistance is limited and strictly regulated”

Marina Komogorova, head of the new buildings department at NDV-Real Estate

GC "Ingrad" works with certificates under the "Military Mortgage" program from PJSC JSCB "Svyaz-Bank", in the Moscow region microdistricts "Novoye Pushkino" and "Novoye Medvedkovo" it is available on the terms of an initial payment of 20%, loan amount up to 2 million 100 thousand rubles and a rate of 12%, reports Tatyana Vlasova

The Urban Group company takes part in a number of government programs: among them are “Housing”, “Military Mortgage”, “Maternity Capital”, says Yana Maksimova, director of information policy and PR of Urban Group. Clients can use the subsidy to purchase apartments in all of the company’s projects, including the Vidny Gorod residential complex, the Solnechnaya Sistema residential complex and the Opalikha O3 residential complex. However, there are certain restrictions on the Military Mortgage program and free subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing. In the first case, the degree of readiness of the house should be at least 30%, in the second - 70%. Purchases using maternity capital in Urban Group account for more than 10% of transactions.

For a developer, the procedure for working with government subsidies is not much different from selling an apartment for cash. The additional legal procedures required to obtain such subsidies are simple.

Publication date August 21, 2017

The Housing program was developed back in 2002, and it is still considered relevant and frequently used.

It is regularly modernized and changed by government agencies, which allows citizens to improve their living conditions.

This program was developed at the federal level and is also targeted.

The federal designation means that every city in the country is implementing the opportunities provided by this program.

Main purpose Its goal is to improve the lives of families who have certain difficulties with housing. Since such difficulties usually arise in young people, the main condition is the appropriate age of the applicants.

She has some subroutines, each of which has its own characteristics, purpose and rules for provision. Before citizens apply for a subsidy, it is recommended to carefully study all the nuances of government support in order to prepare the necessary documentation and perform other actions in advance.

What regulations is it regulated by?

The program is approved by Government Decree No. 1050.

It is this document that contains information about all the conditions under which assistance is provided to citizens to improve their lives.

In it there is information O:

  • applied measures;
  • sources of funds to finance the project;
  • describes all categories of citizens who can count on different types of subsidies.

Resolution No. 889 was released in 2015, and it indicates that the program is being extended until 2020.

The essence and purposes of state aid

The essence of this program is to create optimal conditions and provide support to socially vulnerable categories of the population, which will give them the opportunity to improve their living conditions. It is prescribed only for young families.

The implementation of the Housing program pursues several important goals at once. goals:

When studying the terms of this program, you can understand that not everyone can take advantage of it, since basic requirements must be met, so only young and needy families can receive a subsidy.

There are restrictions on quadrature, therefore, if a single citizen applies for residential real estate, then it will not exceed 33 square meters in size. m., but for a young family without children the maximum area is 42 square meters. m.

Action of the Housing program applies to absolutely all cities of Russia, therefore there will be no exceptions based on territoriality.

Every person considering pursuing this option should consider what he can get from the government.

TO main proposals applies:

  • some part of the cost of real estate will be paid from state funds;
  • the remaining part will be provided on credit, and it is offered on preferential terms, so the rate will not be higher than 12%, but life insurance for borrowers is certainly required.

At the expense of public funds Covered up to 35% of the cost of housing, but this percentage may decrease, and each situation is considered separately. This indicator is influenced by which category of citizens the applicants belong to, as well as what starting conditions they have.

Member of the Housing program must prove that he is a solvent person and will be able to cope with mortgage payments, since the entire cost of the apartment or house will not be paid for him.

The family is allowed to use it for.

Particularly much attention in such support from the state is paid to privileged categories of the population.

Have priority citizens whose age has not reached 35 years, as well as those who are:

  • police officers;
  • military personnel;
  • employees of the prosecutor's office;
  • scientists;
  • rescuers;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

This list can only be expanded by decision of the President.


During the implementation of this program it is expected that certain routines. These include:

The implementation of these subprograms is important for each region of the country, therefore “Housing” is a federal program applied in all cities of Russia.

Due to the above subprograms, the activities of the main program are significantly increased, and the coverage of a truly large number of young Russians is guaranteed. The work of many companies involved in the construction of residential buildings is intensifying. The demand for apartments and houses is increasing, as buyers have the opportunity to use government funds to partially pay for them.

Which categories of the population can participate?

Almost all citizens want to receive support from the state, so they are interested in the opportunity to participate in various unusual events. But not everyone can receive such help, as there are certain restrictions.

Take part in the Housing program Only citizens included in the categories:

Thus, only the above categories of the population have the opportunity to become participants in the Housing program. But, of course, they must have difficulties with their living conditions, which must be proven in various ways. They must register with government agencies.


It takes into account not only whether a potential program participant falls into the desired population category, but also whether he meets numerous other conditions. It is advisable to find out about them directly from regional authorities.

Basic requirements for all citizens included in the relevant categories are:

Thus, in order to receive government support through the Housing program, numerous requirements must be met.

Even single-parent families can receive significant subsidies from the government to purchase housing if they meet the requirements.

What documents will be required

To participate in the Housing program, you must prepare a complete package of documents.

They transferred to the local administration, and the authorities of different regions can change the list of documentation.

Standard required documents:

  • passport of the applicant and all members of his family;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • a certificate that will have to be obtained at the place of earnings, indicating the amount of the citizen’s income;
  • confirmation of the availability of funds in the bank account, which will be sufficient to make a down payment;
  • a certificate confirming that people need improved living conditions.

All documents are submitted to the local administration, but employees of this institution may require some other papers.

The procedure for providing state support

To receive a subsidy from the state under this program, you must: consistent actions:

Citizen receives a special certificate, which can only be used through a bank, and its validity period is 2 months , so you urgently need to find a suitable property and purchase it.

Thus, the “Housing” program is considered effective and significant for the state, as it implements many important subprograms. It gives people the opportunity to purchase housing on preferential terms with partial repayment of the cost of real estate from public funds. To do this, citizens must meet certain requirements and be solvent.

For information on the rules for providing state assistance to Russian citizens to improve their living conditions, see the following video: