Why do you dream a lot about white doves? Why do you dream of white doves: for the fulfillment of desires, meeting true love Seeing white doves in a dream

10.09.2024 Materials

His appearance in a dream symbolizes good news, a letter or completion, the end of some business or activity. Usually the old dream book writes about why white doves are dreamed of in great detail.

Usually their appearance symbolized purity, good news, the appearance of a guardian angel and his concern for your soul, or that the soul of a deceased relative or parent decided to visit your home. For a girl, such a dream usually promised the appearance of the groom and the speedy march of Mendelssohn in a beautiful wedding dress.

The modern dream book expands this interpretation. White predicts not only good news for you, but also a wonderful turn in life and a bright streak. This is what he dreams about most often.

Good News and Moral Support

The appearance of a white dove in a dream most often symbolizes a message or someone’s visit. At the same time, the news may turn out to be joyful and pleasant, kind and bright, dispelling your doubts and sorrows. Even after a long period of failures, unexpected good news awaits you, resolution of unpleasant circumstances, quarrels and conflicts. Sometimes a white dove in your home symbolizes the end of all friction and peace in the family, but often such a dream refers to some kind of sacrifice. It is possible that it will simply be necessary in a given situation, or that grief will mark the beginning of an ordinary relationship, that is, it will reconcile everyone.

Very often one dreams of a dove as a sign of a pure soul and good hope. In some cases, its appearance against the backdrop of frightening scenery, gloomy skies and blood predicts someone's death. It is she who will put an end to disagreements and conflicts. However, it is possible that someone will overestimate their strength and may cause the death of a person in reality.

The cause may be suicide due to a careless word that hurts a loved one, an unexpected illness or injury that is incompatible with life, an awkward movement from which a person, often a child, will fatally suffer. This is true if there is some dark element in the dream or a contrast between the white, beautiful dove and the environment in which it finds itself.

In other circumstances, he dreams of unexpected and bright news that has been awaited for so long. For a girl, such a dream can really portend a groom, news from a loved one, brother, friend whom she has not seen for a long time, or a marriage proposal. So in this context, the old dream book gives the correct forecast and view of the situation.

Why does a man or a married woman dream of a white dove? For the strong half of humanity, holding it in their hands means an imminent wedding in the house or among relatives. Such a dream can mean not only that an adult man will get married, but will also marry off his daughter or granddaughter.

A woman dreams of a white dove as a sign of good news, the birth of a child, or an imminent pregnancy, especially if you are holding it in your hands. But in some situations, the dream book writes that the person whom you accuse of all mortal sins is pure in soul and is not guilty of you.

If you dream of such a vision several times, then you should stop the conflict. The Dream Interpretation writes that by your actions you can cause great harm to an innocent person, which you will then worry about bitterly.

Herald of an imminent wedding

There is a sign in life - if the same dove often appears on the window, this means that a loved one is thinking about you. In a dream he dreams of the same thing. If a girl and a guy are in a quarrel, then he remembers her, thinks and worries. But with a good relationship, the appearance of a white dove in a dream means a quick marriage and a wonderful relationship with your husband. So, perhaps someone will make you a long-awaited proposal very soon.

Will inspire you.

Freud's Dream Book

Dreaming dove- indicates that in real life you have developed a warm and friendly relationship with a person of the opposite sex. A platonic relationship with you suits her quite well, and she is content with it. You look at her solely as an object of your desire and would not mind having sex with her. If you don’t want to lose communication with her, be patient and wait. Time will tell which of you is right.

Dream book of lovers

Pigeon- a symbol of peace, tranquility and family well-being. Seeing pigeons in a dream or hearing them cooing- promises joy and happiness. A dream like a girl- portends a happy marriage.

flying dove- marks news from a loved one. Dead dove- means loneliness and separation.

Aesop's Dream Book

Pigeon- a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate all the best with this bird: hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what two doves sitting next to each other mean. Since ancient times, people have trained and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore even now, when we see a pigeon near our window, we ask it about the news that it brought.

Seeing a dove with little chicks in a dream- a sign that long-awaited peace and harmony will soon be established in your family. Your spouse will make you happy, and your children will no longer upset you.

To dream of a dove carrying something- means that good news awaits you from an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Watching a pigeon drinking water in a dream- a sign that changes for the better await you soon, personal problems will be easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems to you that there is no one more unhappy than you in this world.

If you dreamed that a dove, trying to drink water, drowned in the river- in real life you will have a task that you will take on thoughtlessly, and therefore will fail in it.

Raise pigeons at home- evidence that in real life you are not entirely satisfied with the well-being of your family, and therefore your desire is to make sure that your household members are happy, healthy and do not need anything.

Ringing a dove in a dream in order to send some message with it- a prophecy of quick news that will surprise and at the same time greatly delight you. Perhaps such a dream means that you yourself will tell someone unexpected news.

Being in a dovecote in a dream- to unspeakable luck. Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win a large sum of money in the lottery.

Releasing pigeons from the dovecote- means that there are no barriers for you, you will succeed.

Climb the stairs to the dovecote- means that you are behaving carelessly, frivolously, you will become completely confused and tired.

Seeing pigeons rushing or fighting in a dovecote is for a man- means that indifference will fill his personal life; for women- this means that she will be filled with resentment and dissatisfaction.

Eastern women's dream book

Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing- a favorable dream, promises peace in the house and beautiful children. A young woman has such a dream- promises a quick and successful marriage.

You will see flying pigeons- you will soon receive news from absent friends.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Pigeon- to secret violation of marital duty.

Children's dream book

Shot pigeon- can also mean someone’s premature death.

A lover's dream about a dove- grants passionate mutual love, marriage to the chosen one and happiness with her for many years.

If in a dream you admire pigeons high in the sky- wait for important news that will change a lot for the better in your destiny.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See pigeons- to sadness. Keep pigeons- to sadness.
If a dove gets into the house- to death.

Italian dream book

Pigeon- an image of emotional diffusion, but without serious investment.

Dream book of lovers

Pigeon- such a dream foreshadows an ambiguous relationship with your sexual partner. You feel erotic desire for him (her) and hope for a closer relationship. However, he (she) sees you only as a girlfriend (friend) and, although he values ​​this affection, he does not agree to intimacy. Pressure on your part can ruin everything, so it’s better to wait and not rush. Time will put everything in its place, and if you have to be content with only a platonic relationship, you will have to come to terms with it.

Islamic dream book

Pigeon cooing- is a prototype of an educated, pious and pious woman.

Big dream book

Seeing a white dove in a dream- to a cold. Look out the window: if it’s raining, or snowing, or just getting cold, then it’s time to wear something warm or take an umbrella with you.

Gray dove seen in a dream- means you may become seriously ill. Take care of your health urgently if you do not want your dream to come true.

If you dreamed of a black dove- this is very bad, he may turn out to be a harbinger of death (however, not yours, but, quite possibly, someone completely strangers).

If you catch one or more pigeons in a dream- this means that big troubles await you soon.

You dreamed that you were watching someone catch a pigeon or pigeons- this means that one of your loved ones will have big troubles, and you, in connection with other people’s troubles, will have long, unpleasant troubles.

If you dreamed that you threw a stone at pigeons or saw someone else do it- this means that you are in danger of big troubles, but you can happily avoid them all if you take appropriate measures in time.

But to kill a dove in a dream, especially a black one- means good luck, which you will meet in the very near future.

If you dreamed that someone killed a pigeon or pigeons- know that your loved ones will always help you in difficult times.

If you dreamed that you were selling pigeons- be careful and careful: it may happen that in the near future you will break an arm or leg.

Buying pigeons- means that you may get consumption.

There is pigeon meat- a dream that means a quick separation from a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Pigeon- a symbol of peace, love and trust, but it can also shit on your head.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dove with dove, maiden- marriage, and single- marriage.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Pigeon- anime. Pigeons playing and kissing- children . The union of Anima and Animus.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Seeing pigeons in a dream- portends honor and pleasure in family life; catch a dove when idle- get married, and for a married man- birth of a daughter; catch a pigeon- the girl is getting married, and the married one- birth of a son; kill a pigeon- portends an insult to one of your friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Pigeon- disease; white- God's providence, spiritual revelation, for good, spiritual love (symbol of the Holy Spirit and peace).

Family pair of pigeons- happiness in love; successful marriage, marriage.

Modern universal dream book

Peace, harmony, love and devotion- these are the concepts that are associated with the dove. Relate this symbol to aspects of your life that need love and care.

Dream book of a gypsy

wild pigeon- fidelity in love, family happiness.

flock of pigeons- loss of love and happiness.

Two pigeons together- peace and harmony.

A flying dove, according to the interpretation of the Yorkshire gypsies- to the news in a letter.

If you see the ground- the news is definitely good.

If at the same time you do not see the earth, but only the sky- news can be both good and bad.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Pigeons- something connected with a woman and love / kisses, joy, someone’s fidelity.

White doves- luck / virtues of the soul / faith, hope, love.

Rock or black pigeons- darkness of a virtuous soul / despair, melancholy.

See pigeons in your home- family joys.

Feed- separation from a loved one.

Remove from the socket- profit.

See big pigeons- guests.

flying- a symbol of hope.

See a dove with a dove, see cooing doves- earthly and heavenly love / wedding.

No luck catching pigeons- trouble.

Catch- dating/marriage/matchmaking.

Kill- illness / melancholy / irritation.

Doves sit on your arms, sit on your shoulders, cling to you- a symbol of faith.

have a dovecote- quick fulfillment of desires.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Pigeon- wait for the groom, good, good luck, children (parents), couple; a lot of pigeons- for happiness, good news / illness; pecks- loss; catch- if you get a lot of money, there will be guests; catch- wedding, meeting with a friend, trouble; will arrive- matchmakers; miss- separation; fly away- death; remove from the socket- invite guests; kill- quarrel with a friend.

Esoteric dream book

White pigeons- hopes will come true.

Gray- to news, letters.

Ukrainian dream book

How do you dream about pigeons?- there will be some luck soon; good news.

Pigeons- adult children.

How a girl dreams of a dove- this is young, guy dove- betrothed.

Letting go of a dove or dove- separation from wife.

Remove pigeons from nests- call guests.

See pigeons- good news; pick up- trouble; flying in the sky - good news.

Pigeons fly away from you and run away- to death.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Pigeons- to illness; peck- to loss.

Collection of dream books

Pigeons- world; freedom Perhaps there is something where you would like to bring peace and quiet.

Pigeon- unpleasant acquaintance; release the dove into the wild- to break up with a loved one

Pigeons- to peace and joy in the family; a dream like this for a girl- promises a quick and happy marriage.

flock of pigeons- to meet old friends.

Pigeon- symbolize positive emotions and a good future; see a dove with a dove- to sexual dissatisfaction; to the needs of family relationships.

Seeing dead pigeons in a dream- unfortunately.

Pigeon- a happy incident, event.

Pigeon- symbolizes the spirit of life, soul,
When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The white dove is a generally accepted symbol of peace. Seen in a dream, it foretells good luck, peace and love.

General value

Doves in a dream are a favorable sign, foreshadowing peace, tranquility, and good news, and the white color of the bird’s plumage only enhances this meaning. The dream may mean that a kind person will visit you with news that will dispel your sorrows and bad thoughts.

But the interpretation may be different. Remember the details of the dream you saw, and you will be able to decipher the dream in more detail.

Meaning depending on the circumstances of the dream

  • Seeing one snow-white dove or a whole flock means peace in the home, health of children, good luck in new endeavors.
  • A pair of white doves means a meeting with a soul mate for unmarried people, and harmony in the family for married ones.
  • I dreamed of cooing doves - to conclude a happy marriage, the birth of children.
  • Birds swimming in a puddle means monetary profit and additional income.
  • The white dove walked along the ground very slowly - to achieve the goal you will have to spend a lot of effort, but the result will please you.
  • A dove in a nest with eggs or surrounded by chicks dreams of an imminent addition to the family.
  • If you witness a hunt for birds, your cruelty is asking to come out. Try to keep her in check.
  • Caught a white dove - for a romantic acquaintance.
  • Holding a bird in your hands means good luck in business.
  • Doves circled over the church and domes - God will help you solve your problems, trust him.
  • White birds flew high in the sky - to meet old friends or receive news from them.
  • A dove sat or fluttered near the window - a loving person is thinking about you and misses you.
  • A bird flying into the window indicates the imminent arrival of guests. You will be glad to see them.
  • Seeing birds in your own apartment means family well-being and joyful events in the family.
  • If the bird behaved restlessly, anxiously, this is a sign to take care of its health, perhaps the onset of an illness or its hidden course.
  • A dove sat on the shoulder - the health of the sleeping person or someone close to him requires close attention.
  • Birds pecked crumbs from the table - to financial losses.
  • If you fed pigeons on the street - do a good deed in reality.
  • If a pigeon drank water, this means pleasant changes in life, but if it, without getting drunk, fell into the water and drowned, you should not start new things and projects, they will fail.
  • A tame pigeon has flown away from you - to sad news.
  • If you kept a dovecote with white birds in your house - in reality, you are very concerned about the financial support of your family and spend a lot of effort so that your family does not need anything.
  • A sick, crippled or dead dove is an unlucky dream.
  • A wounded pigeon was grabbed by a cat - people you trust will turn out to be gossips. You will be disappointed.

Meaning for women:

  • For unmarried girls, the white bird promises a good groom and a quick wedding.
  • For married people, it portends a rich and calm life.

Meaning for men:

  • For men, a white dove is a sign of peace and harmony in the soul.
  • Holding it in your hands means a wedding in your home or in the family of close relatives.

Interpretation from various dream books

  • By Miller's dream book, white doves promise the dreamer good luck in all endeavors. It's time to get down to business, casting aside all doubts. A flock of these birds portends good news from an old friend, or a favorable solution to long-standing problems. Hunting and killing these birds in a dream is an unkind sign; beware of your own base instincts, you can offend the weak and defenseless.
  • According to Vange, white doves personify innocence, spiritual purity, and the divine. If in a dream white doves circled above you, your life will change for the better, to peace and quiet in your soul. But the meaning is reversed if one of the birds lands on your shoulder, or turns out to be crippled or dead.
  • U Freud A white dove is a symbol of platonic love. You may already be ready for intimacy, but you shouldn’t rush your partner into it. You need to give him time to come to a new stage in your relationship on his own.
  • IN Hasse's dream book if a pigeon was sitting on the roof of a house - good news. Birds flew - to joy.

The white plumage of doves signifies purity, tenderness and a certain solemnity. Most often they are dreamed of on the eve of a wedding or an important family event. Dreams about white doves give pleasant emotions, joy and also portend something good: good news, romantic acquaintances, good luck in business and in love. True, if the birds were sick, dirty, crippled, the meaning of the dream will change to the opposite. It’s good that such dreams occur less often.

A dove in a dream often symbolizes tranquility, family happiness, prosperity and peace. However, in order to obtain a more accurate prediction and correct interpretation of the dream, details are required. Remember all the little things, imagine the picture of the dream as clearly as possible and find out with the help of a dream book what the white doves were in your dream.

Why do you dream of white doves?

The dove itself is a favorable sign; the white color only enhances the occurrence of joyful events in the dreamer’s life. Dreaming of white doves has a positive meaning. The dreamer will have good luck in his professional activities, family and romantic relationships.

The energy and good mood that will overwhelm you will inspire you to new achievements, bold and courageous actions. Later, all the good that the dreamer has done for others will be rewarded doubly and will make him happier.

After such a favorable and bright sleep, they usually wake up with new strength, vigor and energy for an eventful day. People gain self-confidence and motivation to accomplish their plans. For the dreamer, a white dove promises great success in his career, the opportunity to show creative abilities that will be highly appreciated and rewarded.

Why do married couples dream of white doves?

For family people in a dream, white doves bring good news, foreshadowing calm and a warm atmosphere between family members. If you had previously quarreled with a relative, perhaps in the near future you or you will receive a proposal for peace.

Seeing cooing white doves in a dream is a symbol of strong and sincere love. Single people will find a person with whom they want to live in love for the rest of their lives, and dreamers in a romantic relationship will strengthen their feelings. If an unmarried girl saw the cooing of doves in a dream, in the near future you can expect a proposal from a loved one, marriage with whom will bring joy and happiness.

White doves flying across the sky tell the dreamer that now is the time to fulfill his dreams and plans. On the way to achieving the goal, the dreamer has a straight, unobstructed road, following which he will quickly achieve what he wants. In addition, a dove soaring in the sky brings news from a loved one, which will undoubtedly delight the dreamer.

White doves showing aggression towards others portend the dreamer a serious illness. It is worth visiting a doctor and getting examined in order to detect the disease in time and cure it in a short time. It is also important to avoid situations that may affect your condition or harm your health.

Why do you dream of dead pigeons?

Dead pigeons bring the dreamer a long and difficult separation. Perhaps he will spend a long time alone, away from a loved one, relatives or close friends.

If in a dream you see yourself feeding a white dove, it means that you are an open and friendly person. It is pleasant to talk with you, as evidenced by the large number of people around you. You are always ready to come to the rescue in an unkind hour, to help a person out with deeds or advice, for which you will receive great gratitude and universal respect and love.

Why do you dream about hunting pigeons?

If the dreamer watches or takes part in a pigeon hunt, cruelty may awaken in him from time to time, harming others and himself. You should be careful with your words and not take it out on your loved ones. If you give in to negative emotions, you may lose many friends by insulting them in a fit of anger.

The capture of a white dove leads unmarried girls and young men to their own imminent wedding. If a dove sits on the shoulder and sits in the dreamer’s hands without trying to fly away, he will believe in himself and objectively evaluate his strength.

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Why do you dream of white doves in a dream?

Seeing a dream about a dove is an extremely favorable sign: any dream book interprets a dream about a dove as a harbinger of some happy events. A dream in which a person sees a white dove is considered even better.

What does it mean to dream about a white dove? This is a dream that foretells good luck and pleasant events in the near future for the person who sees such a dream. If in a dream you saw white doves flying, then soon you can expect news from friends from afar.

If in your dream a white dove behaves restlessly, the dream may warn of a deterioration in your health, a cold - if you see a white dove in a dream, do not be careless about your health.

White doves in your dream bring good luck, love, and speak of virtue. If in a dream you saw a lot of white doves and you heard them cooing, then in reality the dream will bring joy, the birth of children and peace in the family.

According to the dream book, what do the white doves that a young girl dreams about mean? If an unmarried lady dreams of white doves, then in reality she will have a happy marriage in the near future. White doves in a dream also promise the fulfillment of plans and hopes.


Dove according to the dream book

A dove seen in a dream symbolizes spiritual purity, reconciliation with oneself and the world around us. In order to find out in more detail what these birds dream of, you should contact an interpreter. The dream book recommends first recalling the dream in detail: mood, semantic content, plot and its ending.

White and black feathers

A dreamed white dove symbolizes purity, innocence and warm, sincere feelings. For a woman, a white bird can be a messenger of good news about the imminent birth of a child.

A white dove in the hands of an unmarried girl means imminent marriage.

Grishina gives a description of why a bird dreams of black plumage. Grishina's dream book states that a black dove is a harbinger of problems and misfortunes.

Flew out the window

If in a dream you happened to see a dove fly into an open window, it means that soon people whom you respect and are glad to see will come to your house.

A dream in which a dove flew into a window also has a negative meaning. In cases where such a dream makes you feel fear and anxiety, it should be taken as a harbinger of receiving disturbing news related to family members.

Aesop also explains why such a plot is dreamed of. If a dove flew into a house, Aesop’s dream book interprets this as impending changes in a person’s life. If the bird behaved calmly, it means that the changes will be moderate and will not bring much discomfort. If she was restless or even aggressive, the dream book warns that changes may disrupt the rhythm for some period and cause some trouble.

If you dreamed that a dove flew into the apartment, flew a little and flew out without any problems, it means that the changes that will soon occur will not affect the dreamer and his family, and will not affect their well-being and family structure.

A dream in which you joyfully watch a dove fly into the window is interpreted as receiving a small and pleasant gift or surprise.

Dead dove

The modern dream book explains this plot as a sign that you should change your lifestyle or daily routine, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time restoring your health.

A similar plot is explained by the Small Velesov’s dream book. A dream in which you had to kill a dove suggests that you will cope with all the difficulties that arise. If the killed bird was black, this means overcoming the disease. If someone else killed the feathered creature, this means that relatives and friends will help in difficult times.

Did you dream that a wounded pigeon was dying before your eyes? This heralds the onset of the disease. In order to avoid an impending illness, you should take care of yourself and slightly slow down the pace at which you work. It is best to take a vacation for a few days and spend it with your loved ones and family.

Aesop gives a description of what a sick dove on the verge of death dreams of. A sick dove that recovers in a dream means that all family troubles and quarrels will be left behind - complete idyll and mutual understanding will come in the family.

Feeding the birds

A dream in which you have to feed pigeons is interpreted as the beginning of a new life, the end of a black streak. Feeding by hand means that in the dreamer’s life there is a person who will be there in goodness and joy.

The plot in which you feed ghouls together with your family and friends broadcasts that all disagreements and grievances between you and your family are left behind.

A whole flock

Aesop gives an explanation of what many doves dream about. Such a dream can signal a loss of love and happiness. Aesop's Dream Book recommends that in the near future you carefully monitor your words and thoughts, even if you are in an irritable and nervous state, otherwise you will lose your dearest and most beloved person.

The interpretation of the dream can also be found in the dream book of Seasons. Many doves circling over the house or over family and friends promise prosperity and honor.

Two little doves

If you dreamed of two doves at once, this promises a quick wedding celebration. A dream in which pigeons are sitting on the window means soon pleasant news from a loved one or an unexpected surprise.

If in a dream two doves anxiously beat on the window, it means that the news received will lead to confusion and a state of mild shock.

A modern interpreter explains why you dream about pigeons knocking on the window. This plot means receiving news from family and friends. Moreover, the news will be pleasant and joyful.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Hearing cooing in a dream means a new addition to the family. The dream book claims that the house will be filled with the joy of happy parents and the cries of a newborn baby.

For an unmarried girl, a dream plot may foretell a joyful and successful family union.

If you dreamed that a dove flew in and sat down not far from a person, this means that luck and success will accompany you.

Miller's dream book gives an answer to the question - what does hunting for birds mean? To hunt means to have business acumen and a tendency to go above and beyond to achieve your goals. For a young lady, such a dream means a subconscious desire to marry a man with power and a lot of money.

If a pigeon pecks, it means the loss of a friend or good acquaintance. A dream in which a dove pecked you promises impending disappointment in a person who was very nice. To prevent this from happening, Miller’s dream book recommends keeping your opinion to yourself and not speaking harshly about people in the presence of a person you like.

Freud's opinion

Freud also gives a description of why a dove dreams. The dream of a feathered creature says that there is a person nearby who is a friend, but you would like a closer relationship with him. However, this friend (or girlfriend) sees the dreamer only in the role of a friend and is not in the mood for a serious relationship. Freud's dream book warns that you should not push a person, hinting at changes in the nature of the relationship - this can ruin everything. Only time will tell what kind of relationship will be between you and your friend.

Various dream explanations

Why do you dream of holding a dove in your hands, Grishina explains. For lovers, what they see in a dream means complete trust and mutual understanding. During separation, such a dream states that your lover or beloved remains faithful to you in body and soul. In work, this may indicate that the position you dream of will soon be in your hands.

If you dream that a dove is sitting calmly in the house, this is interpreted as a harbinger of prosperity, peace and harmony in the family.

If the bird is in a cage, it means that the dreamer feels constrained and insecure next to his soul mate. Also, this dream may indicate that the person next to you is deeply unhappy. The universal dream book advises to let this person go so as not to destroy him.

Vanga will help you find out why you dream about catching pigeons. Vanga's dream book reports that for people who are engaged in business, catching and catching a pigeon means an increase in income. For a young man, such a dream promises to win the heart of a girl he has liked for a long time. A woman is predicted to soon get married or have a serious relationship with the man she likes.

If you dreamed of a dove sitting on your shoulder, this indicates that a person will appear in the dreamer’s life who will become for him not only a friend, but a teacher and comrade-in-arms, initiated into all the secrets.

Did you dream that a dove sat on your head? This plot means peace and harmony in the soul. The 21st Century Dream Book predicts only good days ahead.


Why do you dream about Pigeons?

ABC of dream interpretation

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the dreamer, a symbol of good, joyful news.

To see cooing doves - fidelity in love, devotion are waiting for you.

Flying doves are good news, hope will inspire you.

American dream book

Doves - peace; freedom. Perhaps there is something where you would like to bring peace and quiet.

English dream book

Happiness and good luck await those who dream of pigeons - this dream promises respect and love from friends, peace and prosperity in the house. You will find great happiness in love.

But if in a dream you heard a turtledove crying, trouble will not take long to arrive. This dream foreshadows the death of a friend.

A shot dove can also mean someone's premature death.

For a lover, a dream about a dove gives passionate mutual love, marriage to his chosen one and happiness with her for many years.

If in a dream you admire pigeons high in the sky, expect important news that will change a lot for the better in your destiny.

Big online dream book

Seeing a white dove in a dream means a cold. Look out the window: if it’s raining, or snowing, or just getting cold, then it’s time to wear something warm or take an umbrella with you.

A gray dove seen in a dream means that you may become seriously ill. Take care of your health urgently if you do not want your dream to come true.

If you dreamed of a black dove, this is very bad, it may turn out to be a harbinger of death (not yours, however, but quite possibly someone else’s).

If you catch one or more pigeons in a dream, this means that big troubles await you soon.

You dreamed that you were watching someone catch a pigeon or pigeons - this means that one of your loved ones will have big troubles, and you, in connection with other people’s troubles, will have long, unpleasant troubles.

If you dreamed that you threw a stone at pigeons or saw someone else doing it, this means that you are in danger of big troubles, but you can happily avoid them all if you take the appropriate measures in time.

But killing a dove, especially a black one, in a dream means good luck, which you will encounter in the very near future.

If you dreamed that someone killed a pigeon or pigeons, know that your loved ones will always help you in difficult times.

If you dreamed that you were selling pigeons, be careful and careful: it may happen that in the near future you will break an arm or leg.

Buying pigeons means that you may get consumption.

Eating pigeon meat is a dream that means a quick separation from a loved one.

Eastern dream book

Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing their cooing is a favorable dream, promising peace in the house and beautiful children. For a young woman, such a dream promises a quick and successful marriage.

If you see flying pigeons, you will soon receive news from absent friends.

Children's dream book

Dove - means success in matters of the heart, friendly relations, peace and quiet in your home.

Women's dream book

If you saw a dove in a dream, you don’t have to worry about your future at all; it will please you with a quick and successful marriage.

Islamic dream book

The cooing of a dove is a prototype of an educated, pious and pious woman.

Italian dream book

The dove is an image of emotional expansion, but without serious investment.

Maly Velesov dream book

Dove - wait for the groom, good, good luck, children (parents), couple; many pigeons - for luck, good news / illness; pecks - loss; catch - you will get a lot of money, there will be guests; catch - wedding, meeting with a friend, trouble; will arrive - matchmakers; miss - separation; fly away - death; remove from the nest - invite guests; to kill - a quarrel with a friend.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Pigeons in a dream?

Dove - to a secret violation of marital duty.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dove is anima. Pigeons playing and kissing are children. The union of Anima and Animus.

Russian dream book

Dove - an unpleasant acquaintance; releasing a dove into the wild means breaking up with a loved one

Russian folk dream book

The dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust, but it can also shit on your head.

Family dream book

If you hunt pigeons in a dream, you are a cruel person, and this will definitely manifest itself in your business relationships.

If you saw flying pigeons in a dream - beware of misunderstandings. In addition, news from a distant friend is possible.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing pigeons in a dream portends honor and pleasure in family life; catching a dove means marriage for a single person, and the birth of a daughter for a married person; catching a dove means marriage for a girl, and the birth of a son for a married woman; to kill a dove - portends an insult to one of your friends.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Pigeons?

A dream in which you see pigeons and hear their cooing is a favorable omen. It promises peace in the home and beautiful children.

For a young woman, such a dream promises a quick and successful marriage.

A dream in which you shoot pigeons for fun carries the message that the cruelty of your character will soon manifest itself in your actions. In addition, the dream warns you against giving in to base passions.

Seeing pigeons flying is a sign of mutual understanding. You will also receive news from absent friends.

Seeing an abandoned dovecote in a dream means that you will not be able to solve all the problems because you do not know the real state of affairs.

Releasing pigeons from the dovecote means that there are no obstacles for you, you will succeed.

Climbing the stairs to the dovecote means that you are behaving carelessly, frivolously, you will become completely confused and tired.

For a man to see pigeons rushing or fighting in a dovecote means that indifference will fill his personal life; for a woman, this means that she will be filled with resentment and dissatisfaction.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Dove - reflections of peace, harmony. The need for reconciliation (also an opportunity).

Dream book of the 21st century

What did Doves dream about in a dream?

To see flying pigeons in a dream means that you will have communication with an influential person, promising you new connections and acquaintances; to see a lot of pigeons - to happiness and mutual understanding in the family; to see a pigeon at home - to family joys and pleasures.

White doves in a dream mean good luck, gray and black doves mean despair, frustration, melancholy.

Hearing doves cooing means receiving friendly advice that is worth listening to; seeing doves kissing means happiness and joy for lovers.

Feeding pigeons means being loved, catching them means a date, a wedding, unsuccessfully catching pigeons means trouble, eating them means boredom and disappointment, releasing them means separation.

Seeing a dovecote means profit; having one means quick fulfillment of your plans.

Dream book of the future

Doves - to peace and joy in the family; A dream like this for a girl promises a quick and happy marriage.

Dream book for lovers

The dove is a symbol of peace, tranquility and family well-being. Seeing pigeons in a dream or hearing them cooing promises joy and happiness. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows a happy marriage.

A flying dove signifies news from a loved one. A dead dove means loneliness and separation.

Dream interpretation horoscope

A flock of pigeons - for a meeting with old friends.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Doves - something connected with a woman and love / kisses, joy, someone's fidelity.

White doves - luck / virtues of the soul / faith, hope, love.

Gray or black doves - darkness of a virtuous soul / despair, melancholy.

Seeing pigeons in your home is a family joy.

Feeding means separation from a loved one.

Taking it out of the nest means profit.

To see large pigeons is for guests.

Flying is a symbol of hope.

To see a dove with a dove, to see cooing doves - earthly and heavenly love / wedding.

Failing to catch pigeons is a nuisance.

Catch - dating / marriage / matchmaking.

Kill - illness / melancholy / irritation.

Doves sit on your arms and shoulders, clinging to you - a symbol of faith.

Having a dovecote means quick fulfillment of desires.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

The dove is a sign of peace and love. It is associated with the goddesses of love Aphrodite and Venus - and appears on Valentine's Day. Is there something or someone in your life that you wish to reconcile with?

Dream book for the whole family

If he sits on your shoulder, someone close to you will become seriously ill.

If it is on the table, the sleeper himself will get sick.

If a bird is sitting on a tree, you need to go out into nature.

If a dove flies onto the dome of a church, God reminds of himself and wants to help the soul of the one who had the dream.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you will receive a refusal in the matter that you have been busy with for a long time.

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday foretells that you will safely survive a problematic period and become a participant in some important historical events.

Dream book for a bitch

Pigeons - peace and prosperity in the family.

Pigeons flying in the sky are good, joyful news from a distant friend.

Hunting pigeons - the strength of your character will manifest itself not only in business relationships, but will also warn you against possible mistakes in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Doves in a dream are a sign of home comfort and family happiness.

Feeding a pigeon from your hands symbolizes your concern for your family.

If you see someone feeding pigeons, this is a clue that you should take more care of your home.

Watching a pigeon hunt in a dream is a warning that your cruelty and spiritual callousness can destroy family happiness.

A cat sneaking after pigeons is a warning about possible deceit and intrigue that could lead to discord in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Dove - symbolize positive emotions and a good future; seeing a dove with a dove - to sexual dissatisfaction; to the needs of family relationships.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing pigeons in a dream means catching an unfaithful spouse cheating.

Seeing a dovecote in a dream means finding out your rival’s address or name.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing dead pigeons in a dream is unlucky.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing pigeons in a dream means visiting pleasant guests.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Dove - a happy incident, event.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Dove - such a dream foreshadows an ambiguous relationship with your sexual partner. You feel erotic desire for him (her) and hope for a closer relationship. However, he (she) sees you only as a girlfriend (friend) and, although he values ​​this affection, he does not agree to intimacy. Pressure on your part can ruin everything, so it’s better to wait and not rush. Time will put everything in its place, and if you have to be content with only a platonic relationship, you will have to come to terms with it.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

A dove with a dove, for a girl - marriage, and for a single man - marriage.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Doves in a dream?

Pigeons on the roof - good news; flying - you will recognize joy; to kill - to lose a true friend; eating - anxiety in the family; feed - you will do a good deed; kissing - affection.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. For a girl, a dream like this promises a quick and joyful marriage.

A dream in which pigeons are someone’s prey or you hunt them yourself is evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships and, at the same time, the dream will warn you against low and base pleasures.

Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you do not need to fear misunderstandings, as well as possible news from a distant friend.

Dream book about animals

Dove - symbolizes the spirit of life, the soul, the transition from one state to another, the spirit of light

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Pigeons in a dream?

Seeing pigeons flying around the apartment in a dream means family joys.

Doves on the roof - good news, in the sky - you will be happy.

Seeing a dove with a dove means a wedding; seeing them kissing means being caressed.

Feeding pigeons is doing a good deed.

Releasing doves from your hands means separation.

Catching pigeons means experiencing loss.

Kill a dove in a dream - in reality you will lose a friend or girlfriend.

Cooking pigeon meat means trouble in the house; eating pigeons means experiencing boredom and melancholy.

Hearing the cooing of doves in a dream is a harbinger of peace, love and bliss, the creation of a family or an addition to the family, and for a young girl - a quick marriage.

A dream in which pigeons are prey to a cat hunting them foretells that the cruelty of your character will manifest itself in your business relationships. This same dream is a warning against accidental adultery.

Pigeons circling in the sky in one place indicate that you may not be afraid of the consequences of your stupid act in relation to a loved one.

Lonesome dove is an accident.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

The dove is a symbol of peace in the family and the joy of childbirth.

If a girl sees a dove in a dream and hears its cooing, a happy marriage awaits her.

Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means a successful resolution of your problem or news from distant friends.

A dead dove in a dream portends misfortune.

Hunting doves in a dream is a manifestation of the cruel side of your nature. Also, such a dream can warn the dreamer against low and vile actions.

Solomon's Dream Book

Dove - peace, love, bliss.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Pigeons according to the dream book?

Dove - illness; white - God's providence, spiritual revelation, for good, spiritual love (symbol of the Holy Spirit and peace).

A married couple of pigeons - happiness in love; successful marriage, marriage.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Dove - love affair.

Dove - success, harmony, rapprochement.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a white dove in a dream means a cold.

A gray dove is a sign that you will become seriously ill.

If you dreamed of a black dove, remember, it is a messenger of death.

In a dream you catch a pigeon - soon you will be in big trouble.

You dreamed that you watched someone catch a pigeon - one of your loved ones will have big troubles, and you will have troubles in connection with this.

You threw a stone at pigeons, or saw someone throw a stone at pigeons - you will have a lot of trouble in the near future, but if you try, you can avoid trouble.

Killing a dove in a dream means good luck, especially if the dove is black.

If you dreamed that someone killed a dove, know that your loved ones will help you in difficult times.

Eating pigeon meat means separation from a loved one.

If you dreamed that you were selling pigeons, you may soon break an arm or leg.

Buying pigeons - you can get consumption.

Freud's Dream Book

A dream about a dove means that in real life you have developed a warm and friendly relationship with a person of the opposite sex. A platonic relationship with you suits her quite well, and she is content with it. You look at her solely as an object of your desire and would not mind having sex with her. If you don’t want to lose communication with her, be patient and wait. Time will tell which of you is right.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Pigeons - to illness; peck - to loss.

Aesop's Dream Book

The dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate all the best with this bird: hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what two doves sitting next to each other mean. Since ancient times, people have trained and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore even now, when we see a pigeon near our window, we ask it about the news that it brought.

Seeing a dove with little chicks in a dream is a sign that long-awaited peace and harmony will soon be established in your family. Your spouse will make you happy, and your children will no longer upset you.

Seeing a dove carrying something in a dream means that you will receive good news from an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Watching a dove drinking water in a dream is a sign that changes for the better will soon await you, personal problems will be easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems to you that there is no one in this world more unhappy than you.

If you dreamed that a dove, trying to drink water, drowned in the river - in real life you will have a task that you will undertake thoughtlessly, and therefore will fail in it.

Raising pigeons at home is evidence that in real life you are not entirely satisfied with the well-being of your family, and therefore your desire is to make sure that your household members are happy, healthy and do not need anything.

Ringing a dove in a dream in order to send some news with it is a prophecy of imminent news that will surprise and at the same time greatly delight you. Perhaps such a dream means that you yourself will tell someone unexpected news.

Being in a dovecote in a dream means unspeakable luck. Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win a large sum of money in the lottery.

Hearing the cooing of pigeons in a dream is a sign that you will soon have the opportunity to have a good time in the company of old, cheerful friends. You will not only have a pleasant time, but you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Seeing a wounded dove in a dream means your carelessness, as a result of which you will lose your closest friend. For lovers, such a dream prophesies a break in the relationship.

Medieval dream book

Seeing pigeons means sadness. Keeping pigeons means sadness.
If a dove gets into the house, it means death.

French dream book

Seeing a dove in a dream means that the love of loved ones and friends, entertainment and joy awaits you.

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of pigeons, there will be some kind of luck soon; good news.

Pigeons are adult children.

As a girl dreams of a dove - it is young, a guy dreams of a dove - his betrothed.

Letting go of a dove or dove means separation from your wife.

To remove pigeons from their nests - to invite guests.

Seeing pigeons is good news; picking it up is a nuisance; flying in the sky - good news.

Pigeons fly away from you, run away - to death.

Universal dream book

Peace, harmony, love and devotion are concepts that are associated with the dove. Relate this symbol to aspects of your life that need love and care.

Gypsy dream book

Wild pigeon - fidelity in love, family happiness.

A flock of pigeons - loss of love and happiness.

Two doves together - peace and harmony.

A flying dove, according to the interpretation of the gypsies from Yorkshire, means news in a letter.

If you see land, the news is definitely good.

If at the same time you do not see the earth, but only the sky, the news can be both good and bad.

Esoteric dream book

White doves - hopes will come true.

Gray - for news, letters.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Doves according to the dream book?

I dreamed of a dove - in the future, prosperity, universal respect and sincere love of your comrades and friends await you.

If you dream that someone shot him, such a dream may warn you that someone will die soon.

A dream in which you see pigeons cooing - fate is preparing for you the imminent appearance of heirs and harmony in your family.

If it is white in your dream, expect a cold soon; if it is gray, you risk getting sick in the near future. If a black dove is a bad sign, it is quite possible that the dream foreshadows your death.

If you dream about catching a pigeon or a couple at once - expect some major problems.

If you dreamed about how you kill him - be confident in the support of your family.

Selling pigeons in a dream means you should be extremely careful. If you are buying them, perhaps some kind of illness will soon overtake you.

If you dream about eating pigeon meat - in the near future you will have to part with your loved one.

If in your dream you watch the flight of these birds, some kind of confusion awaits you. There is likely news from some distant comrades.

A dream in which you are feeding pigeons - the dream book promises the author of the dream a separation from his loved one in the future. If you do this with both hands, you are very concerned about your family.

If you dreamed that you were breeding these birds at home - in reality you do not like your financial situation.

A pigeon pooped - vanity in business, absent-minded attention to detail, inattention at work.

A dove in your hands - you will have to part with your loved one for several days, you will feel regret and sadness.

A dead dove is a sign of minor troubles, temporary hardships that you will soon forget about.

A dove flew in a dream - dramatic changes await you at the next turn of fate. Which direction they will go depends entirely on you.

Blue dove - a dream associated with subconscious desires. It is possible that in life you are looking for support, support from the male side, which you did not receive in childhood.

White dove - an improvement in your financial situation, a stable emotional background will help you gain confidence and calm.

Wounded dove - an accidentally dropped word can deeply offend someone close to you. Don't make harsh statements.

A black dove in a dream means your action, done from a pure soul, will be assessed as selfish. Don't be unnecessarily upset.

Catching pigeons - a rumor that you have suddenly become rich will attract a large number of friends and relatives to you.


Doves in a dream symbolize peace and harmony in family relationships, the joy of having children. This is a sign of chastity, innocence, and the manifestation of mutual feelings. Prits flying in the sky indicate the absence of misunderstandings in life.

Dove chicks portend calm, peace, and the establishment of harmony in the family. A dovecote promises the emergence of multiple problems. If it is abandoned, you are unable to cope with difficulties due to ignorance of the true state of affairs.

What color dove did you dream about? What dove did you dream about? Where were the pigeons in your dream? How many pigeons did you dream about? What did the dove do in its dream? What did you do with the dove in your dream?

What color dove did you dream about?

White dove Blue dove Black dove

Seeing a gray dove in a dream

I dreamed of a gray dove - in reality you are sorely lacking rest. Constant stress can affect your health, so this issue needs to be taken seriously. It’s worth diversifying your daily routine and spending more time on your well-being.

I dreamed of a colorful dove

The dream book considers a multi-colored dove as a positive dream for a woman. Meet a new friend worthy of taking the place of your chosen one in the future.

What dove did you dream about?

Dead Pigeon Wounded Pigeon

Dreaming of a sick pigeon

A sick dove is interpreted by Felomena’s dream book as a bad omen. If the bird has recovered, you will be able to cope with the family quarrels and troubles that have arisen. Complete mutual understanding and harmony will be established in the family.

Seeing a big dove in a dream

If you dream of a big dove, you will have to go through serious events that can unsettle you for a long time. Some of them will be so unusual that they will cause confusion.

I dreamed of a cooing dove

A dream about a cooing dove symbolizes the manifestation of fidelity and devotion towards a partner. A dove cooing on the window foreshadows a quick meeting with an old friend.

Dreaming of a frozen dove

Seeing a frozen dove in a dream means the appearance of a new acquaintance. The upcoming meeting will have a positive impact on your life. It is possible that you will meet your love.

Where were the pigeons in your dream?

Dove in hands

Dreaming of a dove in the apartment

The dream book considers a dove in an apartment as a favorable sign, especially if it flew around it and flew out unhindered. This plot means that the coming changes will not affect either the dreamer or his loved ones.

I dreamed of a dove in the house

A dove in the house dreams of family and material well-being and prosperity. There will be no tense situation or conflicts either at work or at home. Harmony will reign in relationships with others.

Seeing a dove in a cage in a dream

A dream about a dove in a cage symbolizes the constraint and uncertainty experienced by the sleeper in the company of his soulmate. A dream may indicate that the person next to you is unhappy. Let her go, otherwise you will simply ruin her.

Dreaming of a dove on your shoulder

A dove sitting on a shoulder in a dream means the appearance of a person who can become not only a friend, but also a close soul ally, to whom you can entrust any secret. His devotion will be immeasurable.

How many pigeons did you dream about?

Lots of pigeons

I dreamed of a flock of pigeons

Dreaming of a flock of pigeons - meet old friends. A dream is a symbol of financial well-being, manifested in receiving a monetary reward, a salary increase, or an unexpected inheritance.

What did the dove do in its dream?

The dove flew in

A dove knocked on the window in a dream

The dream book considers the knocking of a dove on a window as a letter or news from a distant friend. Whatever he says, news from him will be a pleasant surprise for you.

I dreamed that a dove was pecking

Dreaming that a dove is pecking is a bad sign. Break up with a friend or great acquaintance. A dove pecked you - you will be disappointed in someone you believed in and placed your hopes on.

I dream that a dove sat on my head

A dream in which a dove sat on its head is a symbol of harmony and peace of mind. Before you is a peaceful and carefree period of life that will last quite a long time.

A pigeon shit in a dream

A dove craps in a dream - you should pull yourself together and fight absent-mindedness, otherwise there will be more and more problems in life. It is inattention that is the cause of current failures.

What did you do with the dove in your dream?

Feed the pigeon Catching pigeons Kill the pigeon

Catch a dove in a dream

Catching a dove in a dream means being too harsh towards others. You caught a pigeon for a long time and still managed to do it - think about it before you decide to do something, perhaps your actions can damage your authority.


White dove

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a White Dove mean, or what it means to see a White Dove in a dream.

White Dove in a dream

Three white doves at home in a dream

Pigeons in a dream

Pigeons in a dream

Pigeons flew out the window in a dream

Pigeons in a dream


White doves in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear White doves. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

Apple dead white doves in a dream

My mother dreamed that she was eating a very tasty apple and was trying to give it to her late mother (my grandmother), but she did not want to take this apple and in every possible way pretended that she simply did not notice my mother. The next day she dreamed that I was walking with her in the mountains somewhere, and suddenly she saw a lot of dead white doves and wanted to take them, but I didn’t allow her. Please tell me why such dreams could be? Thank you.

White Dove in a dream

I dream that I am leaving the apartment on the landing, and there is a white dove sitting on the railing and my husband is standing a flight below. And I tell my husband: open the hatch to the attic and let him in, he lives there.

My husband opens the hatch and a dove flies into the attic above our heads.

In some room with dim lighting there is a table. Long, for many people, there are plates with cutlery on the tablecloth, no food, they are waiting for someone or something. I see it as if from the outside, I’m not in this room. And suddenly in the middle, right on the table, a fire lights up - a bright flame.

Apparently I came out of this dream and see another: I’m sitting, looking at the street - it’s light and warm there. And suddenly a white dove flies and sits on my lap, in my hands! I calmly examine him, and he turns from white to black. But this doesn’t scare me, I continue to stroke him and see that he is actually white and remains, just like he was painted, it will either wash off or grow back - it doesn’t matter... This is my pigeon!

I had a dream on January 10. There has been no contact with a friend for more than a month for an unknown reason. Why do you dream of a white dove in a dream?

I just don’t remember anything around me. A white dove flies and lands on my hand. He sits calmly and doesn’t fly away, but I was still surprised: “Wow, he doesn’t fly away.” And there was a feeling of admiration.

White dove turns into an angel in a dream

I dream that I’m rushing somewhere along the street at breakneck speed in a car, then I get to an intersection and suddenly it turns out that all the exits are blocked by some kind of repair work, but because I can’t stop the car anymore, I make a sharp turn and already... As if from the outside I see that at that moment a snow-white dove flies and breaks on the windshield of this car and at the same moment turns into an angel. And the angel looked like a child of 7-10 years old. He looked surprised and had to be taken somewhere (I don’t know where or by whom, but I have a guess).

I dreamed of a close friend of mine who has been dead for over a year. She was in the form of a white dove. I asked her to come back, told her how much we miss her... She answered me in a human voice. I'm pregnant, and she said that she also has children and needs to raise them. Then I let her take off, and in parting I told her to come back when your children grow up...

I dream that I am sitting in a small room with practically no furniture, under one wall there is a large high bed, I am sitting on it and someone else is sitting next to me, but I don’t remember his face, in the corner next to the door there is a bench sitting on it one more person. There is no ceiling in this room, just covered with slate^. Suddenly a small snow-white dove flies in, it flies as if looking through everyone in the room and flies straight into my palm, I take it in my hands, stroke it, kiss it and tell the people sitting with me in the room that they need to let it go. I release it from my palm, and the person sitting next to the door opens it and the bird flies away.

It would be very interesting to know what this dream was about.

Three white doves at home in a dream

I dreamed that 3 large white fluffy pigeons (like white royal ones) lived in my house. They lived in the same room and were not allowed into the bedroom. But the door was open and they walked through. Mom and dad were sleeping in the bedroom. And they said catch them. I started looking. But they hid. And I thought about how not to find cocoa... I. And I found 2 on my bed. Then I don’t understand whether I found them and moved them to another room, or whether one of them didn’t get into the bedroom and started scratching at the door. The door opened slightly and a white cat's paw poked its way into the bedroom, opening the door further. For a long time my brain tried to understand what part of the pigeon’s body this was) Like this.

I go into the room where my child is sleeping, and there, according to the plot of the dream, a white dove is sitting on my bed.

Pigeons in a dream

I dreamed of a guy holding in his hands a lot, about 20 white doves. And when I saw him, he released them from his hands and they flew up and in different directions. I woke up with a strange feeling, somehow there were a lot of them and they scattered quickly

Pigeons in a dream

I am standing on the top of a mountain, and suddenly I see a blue clearing below, I go down the mountain, and I see many thousand blue pigeons, I ask why there are so many of them, they answer me because today is a competition of blue pigeons, I am going from one group of pigeons to another, and then one pigeon attracts me, he separates from his bunch and, sticking out his chest so importantly, looks at me and his eyes begin to move, he is different from all the others, his color is pure blue, his feathers are smooth, he is pumped up and well-groomed, he seems to be telling me look at me the best

Today I had a strange dream that I remember. I saw a beautiful white dove, but he was digging the grave of supposedly my work colleague and I heard that they said that he was very attached to her, so he was worried that she had supposedly died and wanted to see her.

I just heard that pigeons mean love and friendship. What can this dream Dove carry?

Pigeons flew out the window in a dream

I had a dream: two pigeons flew into the window of my room, I spent most of the dream trying to catch them in a panic and throw them back out the window, ordinary street pigeons, one gray, the other white and red, I caught a smaller white one and let them out the window onto the street, and I throw the plump gray one out the window, and he comes back, in my hands I still feel like a dove is flapping its wings, breaking out, so I didn’t catch the gray one from the room.

Pigeons in a dream

I had an interesting dream today. I’m standing on some balcony, the sky is so clear, blue without a single cloud. And I see two doves flying - a dove and a dove, parody, fluffy. And the dove in flight near her purrs and caresses and then they connect with their beaks, as if kissing, and as if they are hugging with wings, I see all this close, i.e. They seem to be at arm’s length and it’s all very beautiful and tenderly. In the morning I walked out of the entrance, got into the car, and saw a funny crow sitting on the fence, moving its paws along the fence in a funny way. And I remembered my dream. Rarely do you dream of something pleasant.

In a dream, I woke up from the fact that a pigeon was walking around the room, so when I approached it, it hid under the bed, I went up and lifted the blankets, and it seemed like I was afraid of scaring it off, but I know that I need to catch it in order to let it out of the apartment, there’s someone here, I don’t remember when he sleeps, he takes him in his arms and carries him from the room to the hall, we show him, we say look what we have here.. They hold him in our hands.. I stroke him carefully so as not to scare him. The pigeon turned out to be some kind of trained and domesticated one. He wanted to go to the toilet, so he showed it to us, they put a piece of paper under him and he went on it. I don’t remember what happened next, I woke up...


White doves in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear White doves. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of White Doves mean, or what it means to see White Doves in a dream.

Dove and cat in a dream

The dove bit in a dream

Pigeons in a dream

Pigeons in a dream

Pigeons in a dream

It’s like I’m peeking out from behind a lady and I see 2 such beautiful pigeons on the porch and when they see me they start showing off in front of me, I’m hiding so as not to scare them off, they’re pecking at something and then I look out again and it looks like they have beaks and there are teeth like small children what is this?

Blue spider in a dream

But there was a feeling.. That the saleswoman was told to do this.... Give in to me... And the man told her this... Maybe they had an agreement, I don’t know... And I also got the feeling that this man was my virtual acquaintance (I didn’t even see him in the photo)... Here... What could this mean? I dreamed about White boots with rabbit fur?

Thank you.

White flowers in a dream

First dream:

Second dream:

A couple of days ago I had a dream.

Thank you.

Lingerie cat in a dream


The white dove turns into a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear White dove turns. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a white dove transforming mean, or what it means to see a white dove transforming in a dream.

Dove and cat in a dream

In a dream, a pigeon lived in my parents’ house. I decided to release the dove from the balcony, but it did not fly up, but began to fall to the ground and turned into a cat.

The dove bit in a dream

The pigeon stood on the path to the house where I came to visit, and did not want to get out of the way when I approached. I bent down and tried to move it carefully with my hand so as not to crush it myself and no one would crush it, but he began to bite me. I felt pain from the bites, but not severe, it was unpleasant and unexpected that he reacted like that. There was indignation in his eyes. In appearance, it differed only in its slightly larger size than ordinary pigeons.

Pigeons in a dream

Moreover, it is masculine. I enjoy flying somewhere high in the sky. I am not alone, my darling is with me, my mate. We fly with a purpose. After some time I land on a square in Venice. (I’ve never been to Venice myself).......

Pigeons in a dream

My mother dreamed that she was holding two pigeons of some cinnamon color in her hands. Why would this be? Thank you.

Pigeons in a dream

It’s like I’m peeking out from behind a lady and I see 2 such beautiful pigeons on the porch and when they see me they start showing off in front of me, I’m hiding so as not to scare them off, they’re pecking at something and then I look out again and it looks like they have beaks and there are teeth like small children what is this?

Blue spider in a dream

There was a large barn near my house, but it was from my previous place at my grandmother’s in the village. My brother and I looked out the window and there was our dog, she was confused. I decided to climb through the window and I was surprised there were many hangers with clothes that my mother wore to school and in the middle lay a huge torn mattress. I climbed up and somewhere around my feet a large bright blue spider crawled somewhere the size of my palm, and I’m very afraid of them, then I ran out abruptly, there was a red car nearby and on the hood there was a pot with a flower and next to the flower there was a “sprout” or a stump of a flower in on the ground with a covered bag on top and smoke poured out of this stump. I woke up.

Hello, today I dreamed that a dove flew through the window, flew into the kitchen, I opened the window and it flew out.

White boots with rabbit fur in a dream

I dreamed of white winter boots with rabbit fur.... Warm, soft inside.. Delicate.... With a stable heel.... It feels like I already had similar ones... I was a little doubtful whether it was worth buying similar ones... I tried it and finally bought it... There was little money...

For some reason I guessed how much they might cost.... 4000.... But I had less money... It seems like only 3000.... There was great hope for a good discount.... But I really understood that this was beyond the bounds fiction.... But.... They gave me a discount.... The kind I wanted.... I was surprised and happy.... Very.....

But there was a feeling... That the saleswoman was told to do this.... Give in to me... And the man told her this... Maybe they had an agreement, I don’t know... And I also got the feeling that this man was my virtual acquaintance (I didn’t even see him in the photo)... Here... What could this mean? I dreamed about White boots with rabbit fur?

White dog white bed dirty paws in a dream

I'm lying on a white bed. A large white dog jumps up to me, friendly, affectionate, rejoices, licks me. I’m happy too, I play with her, hug her, I feel like she’s mine, I love her, but in real life I don’t have a dog. Then I see that she has dirty the bed, it looks like she just came from a walk, her paws are covered in sand or clay. At first it became unpleasant, such a white, clean bed! But I know that I’ll just wash the bed and wash her paws. This is an animal, you can’t explain to him that this is impossible.

A polar bear helped me get out in a dream

I was at the top of the mountain. Everything around was white. Suddenly an avalanche began and I was carried down and suddenly passed out, but was aware that I was being carried down. I woke up in a spacious snowy hole from which I could only get out by reaching the oval hole. But it was too high. A polar bear came to my aid. He picked me up and I climbed out. Immediately I began to help the bear, which turned out to be surprisingly light. When we got out we went down to the village. I don’t remember anything further.

Throughout my sleep I felt peace and serenity.

White worms and a camera in a dream

I am supposedly in my apartment (it doesn’t look like mine). My guest is a former classmate, a neighbor (we are on good terms with her), and some other people. The apartment is very bright, but not cleaned, everything is scattered and lying around. I'm a little uncomfortable in front of people. I’m getting ready to leave and tell my former classmate that they should prepare something for themselves. I go into the living room, and there is a TV pulled out of the corner, and behind it all sorts of old rubbish, again I think how much has accumulated there! In the corner there is a pile of (obviously, garbage or something) that looks like something between foam and polystyrene foam. Everything is white. And this whole heap is covered in small white worms of different “sorts”. They swarm there. A young girl (I know her in real life) with a camera takes pictures of a bunch of people, even “dives” in there and gets out again. Smiles, pleased. That's all.

Thank you.

White flowers in a dream

My friend and I are walking down the street. And in someone’s garden we saw a blooming tree with white flowers, like an apple tree. At the same time, there were fruits on the tree, small ripe plums. We came up to admire and smell the flowers. And between these white flowers, lilies of the valley were blooming. In my dream I clearly felt the scent of flowers.

Then some grandmother came up to us and asked if we needed yogurt. I answered no. Then she said that she was looking for tenants and asked if we would like to move in with her. They say you live with your parents, but you will live on your own.

He says I will charge you 500-700 rubles a month. I refused...

Polar bear and jewelry in a dream

First dream:

This is the second time I have dreamed about the same polar bear; he himself does not pose a threat, but I am afraid of him. I’m walking along the path, he comes towards me, he passes by and I feel the warmth from him, I look back...

Second dream:

My mother and sister gave me a set of jewelry, gold earrings, a ring and a pendant, I was very happy and began to try on the rings. A guy I knew was nearby, I introduced him to my mother, we are standing in front of a large mirror and I am putting on a ring, he is very joyful...

White dog with two subcutaneous wounds in a dream

A couple of days ago I had a dream.

Bright day. I am on the street, on the edge of a ditch or small ditch a little more than a meter wide. Only it is not earthen, but stone or asphalt. On the other side lies a white dog. Someone (I only see hands) seems to be milking this dog, the movements are the same as when milking a cow. In my dream I think that the dog doesn’t have an udder. Then the hands stroke her stomach very diligently, with pressure. But the dog whines sadly. I don't understand why she whines. And then I see two blood spots visible through the skin on my stomach. In a dream, I understand that these are wounds, they are inside. Therefore, they were not visible, and I realized that the dog was in pain. I feel sorry for her. I want to jump over the ditch, I’m looking for a place to land. At this point the dream ends.

Thank you.

Lingerie cat in a dream

I get out of the elevator, a woman screams at a boy, and I see a half-dead cat behind her. I think the boy hit him with something. But I understand that he was simply crushed under the slab. I don’t watch so as not to get upset. I go and get into the former boss’s car, where his wife’s and son’s laundry is hung. I sit down with my dog, I’m afraid it will wrinkle and get dirty.