How to make a drinking bowl from a plastic bottle? How to make drinking bowls for chickens from a bottle with your own hands. Drinking bowls for chickens from a 5 liter plastic bottle.

22.01.2022 Design

When giving drinking water to chickens in open bowls, the birds spill the water and overturn the bowls, and changing them throughout the day is troublesome for the farmer. Installing special drinking bowls will protect drinking water from contamination and splashing and ensure its continuous supply to chickens.

Making drinkers with your own hands will help you save money and adapt these drinkers to the specific conditions of keeping poultry.

Regardless of the design and manufacturing method, drinking bowls for chickens made independently must meet the following requirements:

  • Convenient for use by birds;
  • Availability of protection against pollution and water spillage by chickens;
  • Material safety;
  • Reliability of the design;
  • Possibility of washing the drinking bowl from sediment.

Open drinkers are usually located at the back level of adult chickens to provide them with ease of drinking and prevent them from swimming in drinking water.

The structure should not have sharp edges or protruding nails that could injure birds.

It is important to remember that drinking bowls must be made of lightweight durable materials and firmly fixed in place in the chicken coop so that the chickens cannot tip over or damage the drinkers. Glass containers should not be used in the design due to their heavy weight and the risk of breaking.

For plastic parts of the drinker that come into contact with water, it is advisable to use food-grade plastic; in particular, it is not recommended to use containers for paints or varnishes for storing water, since these containers are made of plastic, which releases substances harmful to birds into the water.

Types of drinking bowls

Depending on the mechanism for supplying water to birds, the following main types of drinkers are distinguished:

  • Nipple;
  • Vacuum;
  • Cup;
  • Siphon.

The main advantage of nipple drinkers is that drinking water they are completely protected from debris or spills, and chickens drink through special nipple valves, grasping them with their beaks and sucking out the water.

Drip drinkers are a type of nipple drinkers with an attached drip tray. The disadvantages of this type of drinkers include the need to install a significant part of the nipple valves in order to avoid crowding of chickens in line for drinking.

Vacuum drinkers are very easy to make and do not require the purchase of nipples, but they are more suitable for chickens than for adult birds.

Cup drinkers are more difficult to make yourself, but they are more reliable than vacuum ones and are suitable for large number chickens

Siphon drinkers work on the principle of communicating vessels and allow them to be filled with water without going inside the chicken coop, but they require periodic cleaning of debris.

Depending on the type of water supply, drinking bowls can also be:

  • Automatic;
  • With manual feed.

Automatic drinkers only require regular changes of water in the tank, ensuring that the drinking bowl is filled at the required level due to the design features. These include vacuum and cup drinkers. In siphon and nipple drinkers, the water supply is regulated by the farmer and the chickens themselves, respectively.

One of the profitable types is the production of fuel briquettes.

Laying hen nests can be made different ways. Each of them is described in detail in.

Red-capped chickens were bred in Great Britain and are now a rare breed. You can find out more information about these birds.

Manufacturing procedure

When choosing the type of drinking bowl, it is important to take into account the availability of materials on the farm for its manufacture or the possibility of purchasing them. Some designs may have several implementation options, for example, vacuum and siphon drinkers can be made from a plastic bottle, while nipple drinkers will require harder plastic.

Nipple drinker

To make a drinking bowl of this type, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Nipples (one per two individuals);
  • Line segment water pipe 1-2 meters long and 50 mm in diameter;
  • Drill according to nipple diameter (standard 9 mm);
  • Swordsman for cutting threads in plastic;
  • Pipe plugs;
  • Rectangular pipe connection adapters;
  • Fastening clamps and hooks;
  • Thin rubber gaskets;
  • Drop eliminators (if necessary);
  • Water shut-off valve in the pipe;
  • Plastic tank 15-20 liters for drinking water.

The number of connecting adapters must be determined depending on the design of the chicken coop and the method of supplying drinking water. Water can be supplied:

  • Settled;
  • Flow-through.
Running water is always fresh, does not require periodic refilling and does not mold in the pipes, but this option is only suitable if non-chlorinated water is supplied to the site and the water supply lines are located near the chicken coop.

In other cases, it is better to use a water tank, but it is important to remember that it must be removed and rinsed periodically.

Schematic diagram nipple drinker is shown in Figure 1.

Procedure for making a nipple drinker:

  1. Draw up a diagram of the location of pipe sections with nipples;
  2. Drill holes in the pipe with a drill every 0.2 m;
  3. Make nipple threads with a swordsman;
  4. Screw the nipples into the holes, laying waterproofing gaskets between them and the pipe;
  5. Arrange the pipe sections in the chicken coop according to the diagram, attaching them with fastening clamps to the wall of the chicken coop;
  6. Connect the pipe sections using adapters to each other and to the vertical section in the center of the structure; a water tank will be connected to the upper end of the vertical pipe;
  7. The vertical section of the pipe must be cut in half and connected tightly;
  8. A tap should be installed above the sealed connection to shut off the water before removing the tank to remove sediment and mold;
  9. Screw the hooks for attaching the tank to the wall of the chicken coop at a height of ¾ of the calculated height of the tank, counting from the connection of the tank with the vertical pipe;
  10. Hang the tank on the hooks;
  11. Attach drip trays to the nipples;
  12. Fill the tank with water and open the tap.

Drip pans are small plastic cups for collecting water (Fig. 2) and are installed to prevent falling drops of drinking from getting the coop flooring wet.

The pipe pattern may be broken, for example, when located in the corner of the chicken coop, but all pipes should be located at approximately the same height (25-30 cm) so that the chickens can reach the nipple with their beak.

Immediately after screwing in the nipples (before installing plugs and clamps), pipe sections should be thoroughly clear of plastic filings, since pockets of water blooms can form on them in the pipe.

The nipple drinker tank should be rinsed and cleaned periodically as shown in step 8, turning off the riser valve before removing the tank to prevent water from leaking into the coop.

Vacuum drinker

A vacuum drinker is an inverted container of water, lowered upside down into a drinking bowl. Water is held in the container due to the difference in air pressure in it and atmospheric pressure on the water released in the bowl. Thus, the water in the bowl automatically rises as you drink it to the level of the edge of the neck of the container (tank).

This type of drinker is the easiest to make. For a vacuum drinker you will need:

  • Plastic tank with a volume of 5-10 liters with a narrow neck;
  • A bowl or plastic basin 10 cm high (for adult chickens) and 2-3 cm for young chickens;
  • Tank mounts;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws for fastening.

A plastic bottle or any other household container can be suitable as a plastic tank, but it is important to remember that the neck of the container should be smaller in diameter than the bowl.

Installation of a vacuum drinker occurs in the following stages:

  1. The location of the drinking bowl is determined (near one of the walls of the chicken coop);
  2. Mountings for the tank are screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws at the calculated height;
  3. Drinking water is collected in the tank;
  4. A bowl is leaning against the hole in the tank;
  5. The tank with the bowl must be quickly turned over to avoid spilling water on the floor of the chicken coop;
  6. The tank is fixed with fastenings.

The height of the bowl can be changed, depending on the age of the bird, by placing plywood plates under the bowl. The tank mounts should be installed so that the tank can be easily removed for rinsing and refilling with fresh water.

If you drill an additional hole from the top in a hard plastic tank, the process of adding water will be greatly simplified, since you will no longer need to remove the tank from its mounts.

Tanks for vacuum drinkers with ready-made holes can be purchased at construction markets.

It is important to remember that if there is no top hole in the tank, its volume should not exceed 20 liters, otherwise it will be difficult to change and rinse such a tank.

A vacuum drinker with a hole at the top does not have to be installed near the wall of the chicken coop; it can be installed on a stand either in the center of the chicken coop or in.

Siphon drinker

This drinker requires regular addition of water, but is very easy to install and allows you to pour water from outside the chicken coop. To make it you will need:

  • Flexible tube with a diameter of 3-8 mm with a shutter (faucet);
  • Container for water;
  • Drinking bowl;
  • Fasteners for tank and tube;
  • Drill according to tube diameter/

Any rubber hose or medical rubber tubes for a dropper will be suitable as a tube.

Procedure for installing a siphon drinker:

  1. Drill a hole in the wall of the chicken coop at a distance of 30-50 cm from the floor;
  2. Insert a flexible tube through the hole so that its inner end drops almost to the floor, and the shutter is located outside the room;
  3. Secure the water tank to the outside of the chicken coop using fasteners; the bottom of the tank should be 5-15 cm above the hole for the tube;
  4. Attach the outer end of the tube with the valve hermetically to the bottom of the tank;
  5. Attach the inside of the tube to the wall of the chicken coop with fasteners;
  6. Place a drinking bowl against the wall;
  7. Place the inner end of the tube in a bowl;
  8. Fill the tank with water.

To fill the bowl with water, open the shutter from the outside and wait 10-20 seconds, then close it. Exact time The farmer should determine the filling experimentally.

The bowl should be small in size and fit tightly to the wall with fasteners to prevent chickens from turning it over, but at the same time it should be easy to remove to clean out any debris that has gotten into it.

You can combine a siphon and vacuum drinker into a single design if you use a tank closed at the top to provide a pressure difference, then to fill the bowl you will not need to open and close the valve on the tube every time, but use it only when cleaning the tank from mold.

Cup drinker

To make a drinking cup you will need the following materials:

  • Plastic cup with a capacity of 200-250 ml;
  • Plastic water tank;
  • Sections of water pipe with a diameter of 50 and 20 mm;
  • Pipe plugs;
  • Unclamping spring 5 cm high and 20 mm in diameter;
  • Silicone gasket;
  • Drill 5 mm;
  • A short steel rod with a diameter of 4 mm and a length of 5-6 cm;
  • Pipe fasteners;
  • Wood screws;
  • Plywood spacers 2 by 2 cm.

The size of the plastic cup should be selected depending on the number of chickens.

Up to 5 birds can drink from one wide cup with a diameter of 25 mm at the same time, so for 20 birds you will need at least two drinkers, provided that the birds take turns drinking.

A schematic diagram of a cup drinker is shown in Figure 4.

The principle of its operation is such that when the drinker is empty, the spring expands and a gasket comes out from the hole between the connection of the wide and narrow pipes, and water flows into the cup from the tank from above. When the cup is filled with water, its weight increases and compresses the spring, blocking access to water with a silicone gasket.

Procedure for making a drinking cup:

  1. A fastener is attached to the cup using self-tapping screws with spacers so that a through hole can be drilled in it in a horizontal plane to rotate the cup as shown in Fig. 4;
  2. A piece 20-25 cm long is cut from a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm;
  3. A plug is installed on the pipe section, in which a hole with a diameter of 20 mm is carefully made in the center;
  4. The burrs of the plug should be directed towards the inside of the pipe;
  5. The necessary slots are made in the pipe to secure the axis of the movable cup;
  6. A 50 mm piece of pipe is fixed in the floor of the chicken coop or aviary with the plug facing up;
  7. A spring is installed in the pipe;
  8. The gasket is glued to the cup fastener with waterproof glue;
  9. The cup is installed on an axle (steel rod);
  10. A pipe with a diameter of 20 mm is hermetically soldered to the top of the plug;
  11. A narrow pipe connects above to the water tank.
  12. Water is supplied to the system.

It should be remembered that the cup fastener must allow water to pass into it and have a hole the same size as the silicone gasket.

It is best to make a hole in the plug using a piece of iron (for example, fittings) of a suitable diameter heated over a fire. To remove and clean the tank, a tap and a sealed disconnecting clamp must be installed in the narrow pipe, as in a nipple drinker.

Before installing a cup drinker, you should accurately determine the number of movable cups depending on the number of chickens. When installing several cups, you should outline a plan for their location and connect all the narrow tubes extending from each wide tube with a cup fixed in the floor using connecting adapters with one common pipe leading to the water tank.

From a plastic bottle

With a small number of chickens, simple and in an economical way There will be a drinking bowl made from a plastic bottle. This drinker does not have an automatic water supply system, but its manufacture is much simpler compared to the design options described above.

For installation, you need to take a plastic bottle with a volume of one and a half or two liters and cut oblong holes in it 3-4 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. Such a drinker should be installed horizontally at a height of 15-20 cm from the floor of the chicken coop, away from the perches to prevent rapid contamination water for chickens. The bottle cap must be tightly closed.

In the simplest version, fresh water is poured into the drinking bowl directly through the drinking holes, but you can combine this design with other types of drinkers to automatically supply water, for example, by lowering a siphon drinker hose into one of the holes.

When installing several bottle drinkers, they can be filled from one common open tank using tubes with plugs (siphon type) or hermetically connected to a tank tightly closed at the top (vacuum type).

Optimal performance of laying hens can only be achieved if watering and feeding standards are observed. There should always be clean water in the coop, and feeders should be replenished regularly. It’s easy to build an automatic drinker from scrap materials.

In order to assemble such a structure you need:

  1. Cut off the neck of a 5-liter container. For the drinking bowl you need ¼ of the container onto which the lid is screwed.
  2. Unscrew the cap from the 2.5 liter bottle and secure it inside the lid of the 5 liter container. A 7 mm hole is made in a 2.5 liter bottle.
  3. Screw the lid onto a 5 liter container with a 2.5 liter bottle cap attached.
  4. Place a 2.5 liter bottle on top of the cut-off part of the 5-liter container and screw it onto the cap. Subsequently, when you need to pour liquid into a 2.5 liter container, it is disconnected from the lid attached to the 5 liter container.
  5. The structure is fixed to the wall or on a stand.

Such devices are easy to use and require no effort to clean.

From a ten liter bottle

The structure made from a 10 liter bottle is constructed according to a simple scheme, which is also used for the structure from a 5 liter bottle. First, a 7 mm hole is made in the container at a height of 5 cm from the bottom. Then the container is placed in a vessel from which the chickens drink.

Afterwards the bottle is filled with water and the lid is closed. The liquid will stop flowing as soon as it reaches the hole.


If you need to create a nipple drinker, prepare the following materials:

  • nipple;
  • pipe with plug and outlet;
  • drip eliminator;
  • water container.

It is better to give chickens settled water. Connect to the tank 10 cm from the bottom PVC pipe required length. If one element is not enough, then using connecting elements it is extended.

A hole is drilled separately for each nipple. If a drip eliminator is used, it is placed near the nipple.

One end is intended for crimping the pipe, the other has the shape of a spoon - liquid from the nipple will flow into it. Assembling such an automatic waterer for chickens with your own hands is quite simple.

From a plastic pipe

The structure is constructed from a pipe with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Holes of 25-35 cm are made in the pipe. They serve to give birds access to water. The holes are made rectangular. The extreme ones are performed 20 cm from the ends of the pipe. Leave 20 cm between the holes. It is easier to cut them using a grinder.
  2. Clean the edges of the holes.
  3. Tees equipped with plugs are mounted on the edges of the pipe. This structure is often connected to the water supply network.
  4. In a chicken coop for adults, the pipe is fixed 15 cm from the floor. It is mounted at an angle of 2 degrees.

In this device, the water becomes contaminated in less than a day, which requires constant flushing of the pipe. This design is not suitable for chickens.

Requirements for the drinking bowl

A chicken can drink twice as much water as it eats feed. A chicken needs 0.5 liters of water daily. Birds often climb directly into the cup when drinking and feeding. This causes the feed to become compacted and the water to splash and become dirty.

Poultry farms with more than 100 birds are equipped with nipple structures that are also suitable for dacha farming. They replace ordinary basins with water.

The principle of constructing drinkers is to limit the capabilities of the chicken - it can only wet its nose or catch drops. This condition is met when creating the following structures:

  • nipple In their manufacture, nipples and drip eliminators are used;
  • siphon ones are based on the flow of water into a drinking bowl from a large container;
  • cup: water enters the cups through a pipe system;
  • vacuum: water in the storage container is retained by rarefied air.

With such products, chickens do not walk in the water. The liquid becomes contaminated only by immersing the chickens' noses. Automatic drinkers for chickens meet the following requirements:

  1. Water distribution occurs automatically. Throughout the day, there is enough water in the saucer or trough to quench the thirst of all the chickens. It is good if the structure is raised above the ground or fixed to the wall.
  2. The drinker is made strong and light, so that if it falls, it does not cause injury to the bird.
  3. For chickens, devices made of food-grade plastic are chosen. They are made without sharp edges to eliminate the risk of injury to the hens.
  4. The container is washed from sediment.
  5. Laying hens can always quench their thirst.
  6. The water is constantly kept clean.
  7. Sanitary standards are observed.

Such requirements must be met, since only in this case will it be possible to make a convenient and practical design.

Floor drinking bowl

Using a vacuum type drinker allows you to keep the water clean. Its entire volume is contained in a container that birds cannot reach. The water falls into a small trough that automatically fills with water. Externally, a similar design is a closed container mounted upside down on a flat saucer. The volume of air entering through the neck regulates the flow of water into the trough.

Manufacturers of equipment for Agriculture They offer several options for such pallets. They are designed for different categories of laying hens, taking into account their dimensions. The height of the structure and its dimensions are selected based on the age of the chickens.


Successful chicken breeding requires not only high-quality feed, but also constant access to clean water. Thirst or dirty water leads to frequent infections in birds. A simple option provision drinking water There will be a drinking bowl for chickens from a 5 liter plastic bottle, which is easy to make yourself.

You can use a simple cup as a source of water. But the behavior of chickens consists of their constant chaotic movement. In particular, birds regularly trample in an open cup. The water will quickly become contaminated by bird paws. Such a cup has to be changed several times a day, since chickens dirty it within a few hours.

To make a simple drinking bowl you will need 5 liter bottles.

The peculiarity of a drinking bowl made from a bottle is that it provides a constant flow of fresh water. Chickens will not be able to knock over such a container, which means they will not spread dirt inside and outside the poultry house. Plastic bottles are inexpensive and therefore economical to use.

We make a drinking bowl from a 5 liter bottle ourselves

It is easy to equip a chicken coop with a vacuum drinker. Its meaning is that water automatically flows into the bowl. The process of water supply occurs as it is consumed and does not require constant human intervention. You just need to periodically refill the bottle with fresh water.

You can also provide chickens with a nipple drinker. It has a slightly different device, thanks to which water constantly flows through the nipple. Chickens cannot get their dirty paws into a bowl of drinking water. It does not become contaminated, which means it cannot become a source of infection.

What do we need (materials and tools)

Making a drinking bowl will not take much time. This is a truly economical and affordable water container option for everyone.

To make a drinking bowl you will need a plastic bottle and a utility knife.

To get started you will need a minimum set of materials:

  • plastic transparent bottle with a volume of 5 liters;
  • sharp knife, awl;
  • a large bowl or cup, wider in diameter than the bottom of the bottle.

Step-by-step instruction

Before starting production, you should think about where the drinking bowl will be located. How convenient will such a water bowl be for chickens? It is possible that in poultry house conditions a container with a nipple tip would be preferable.

If all materials are ready and a place for water has been found, then step by step production will not cause any difficulties:

  1. A small hole is made in the bottle, at a distance of 15 cm from the base.
  2. Thoroughly wash the container from previous residues and rinse with an antiseptic.
  3. The container is filled with water. While filling, cover the hole with tape or your hand.
  4. The bottle is placed in a cup.

The principle of operation of such a drinker is as simple as possible: water flows through a hole from the bottle into the cup. As soon as it reaches the level of the hole, the flow of water stops. As chickens consume liquid, it will be used up. At the same time, fresh water comes from the bottle, constantly maintaining the level in the bowl set by the hole.

To make a vacuum drinker you will need a bottle and a basin.

Important! Over time, depending on the purity of the water, a green coating may appear on the walls of the bottle. It is better to get rid of such containers and replace them with clean ones.

Nipple drinker

Installing a drinker with a nipple is a little more difficult. But such a device is even more clean. From the nipple sippy cup, water will practically not splash around. It comes as the chickens need it.

To make a drinking bowl with a nipple you will need:

  • bottle, any volume from 1.5 to 5 liters;
  • the nipple itself;
  • sharp knife or awl.

First you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle. A hole is made in the bottle cap using an awl or knife. Next, a nipple suitable for chickens is inserted into this hole. Pay attention to the quality of the nipple - it must be in good working order.

The bottle with the nipple is hung upside down. Fills with water. It is better to place a small cup under the drinking bowl itself. It will serve as a drip tray. As the chickens become thirsty, they approach the nipple and touch it with their beak. Water begins to flow, satisfying the needs of the birds.

To make a nipple drinker you will need high-quality nipples.

At first, chickens may have problems with the nipple. In order to teach them to drink from it, you should touch the rod with your finger. A drop will appear at the end of the nipple, which will attract birds. As a rule, it is enough for at least one chicken to learn to drink like this.

Important! The nipple drinker must be installed at eye level of the chickens.

In the video, the farmer shows how easy it is to make an automatic drinker from a 5-liter plastic bottle.

Surely every farmer who raises chickens knows how important it is to feed them properly. But, in addition to a quality menu, birds should always have clean and fresh water. After all, like humans, animals can be without water for much less time than without food. In order to fully satisfy your pets' need for water, everyone can make drinking bowls for chickens from plastic bottles with your own hands. We will try to figure out exactly how to do this now!

Features of the drinker

If you want your chicken farm to prosper and uninterruptedly provide you with fresh eggs and meat, take care of its proper maintenance. The amount of water that one chicken needs to consume depends on its age, temperature, and feeding diet. But on average it should be about 0.5 liters of water per day. Using a regular container or bucket to provide chickens with water is not entirely correct.

It often happens that birds trample there with their paws, thus dirtying the container itself and the water in it. In addition, water from an open container easily splashes across the floor and your chickens end up in a swamp, which is naturally not very good. Therefore, it is recommended to use sippy cups closed type. They are easy to make with your own hands, and today we will look at the option of a sippy cup made from plastic bottles. In the next video we invite you to see exactly how to do this yourself.

Plastic is an inexpensive and practical material. And almost everyone probably has plastic containers on their household, so the cost of such a device is minimal. The design can be a simple five-liter bottle with a hole, or a nipple drinker, also made on the basis of a five-liter container. Any designs made from such containers are very practical, they last quite a long time and are made very quickly.

How to make it yourself?

To make a drinking bowl for chickens with your own hands, you need a minimum of skill. The convenience of such a device is that it can be made automatic and the water will be replenished independently as it decreases. The only thing you need to watch out for is replenishing the water supply in the container on time. The simplest version of a sippy cup is simply a bottle with a hole at a short distance from the bottom (15-20 cm), which stands in a tray or bowl.

Some go further and make a nipple sippy cup based on a five-liter container. Nipple designs are good because chickens do not have the opportunity to climb into them with their feet and stain the water with droppings, since they are suspended in the air. However, their disadvantage is that several chickens cannot drink from such a drinking bowl at the same time, so you need to correctly calculate their number so that a fight does not break out among the birds.

Simple option

So, in order to make the simplest drinking bowl for chickens using a five-liter container with your own hands, you will need:

  • the bottle itself is 5 liters;
  • bowl, tray or other container;
  • sharp knife.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Take a large bottle and make a hole in it at a height of 15-20 cm from the base.
  2. Fill it with water, while covering the hole with your hand or finger.
  3. Then place it in a bowl or other container and open the hole. Water will flow out of it to the level of the hole and will be replenished as the water decreases.

Nipple cup

To make a nipple structure with your own hands, prepare:

  • five-liter bottles in the required quantity;
  • nipple according to the number of plastic containers;
  • an awl to make holes.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Make a hole in the lid of a large container using an awl or other convenient tool.
  2. You insert the nipple into it, and cut off the bottom of the bottle so that you can easily add water there as needed.
  3. You hang the sippy cup in the chicken coop and it is ready for use.

Vacuum design

There is another design that is made from two plastic containers - this is a vacuum drinker. In order to make it at home you need to have:

  • 5 liter bottle;
  • smaller volume containers (for example 1.5 l or 2 l);
  • self-tapping screws

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The neck of a five-liter container is cut off to form a kind of bowl.
  2. Next, we take a container of a smaller volume and insert it into our bowl, fasten the lids of both bottles with self-tapping screws, so that the neck is neck to neck (see photo above).
  3. Next, punctures are made in the bottle inserted into the bowl below the sides of the bowl. It is through these punctures that water will flow into the drinking bowl itself.
  4. Water is poured through the neck of the bottle inserted into the bowl, the structure is turned over and secured in a convenient place. We suggest watching the following video to see how the design should look in the end.

Photo gallery

Video “How to make a nipple drinker for chickens”

This video clearly shows the entire sequence of actions for making a plastic nipple drinker with your own hands!

Bottle drinker for chickens. How to make a drinking bowl for chickens from a plastic bottle: photo, video.

When raising chickens and adult chickens, the first thing you will need is waterers. Of course, you can place any suitable container in the chicken coop and pour water into it for the chickens, but such a drinking bowl will quickly become dirty, chickens can jump onto the drinking bowl, shit in it, rake litter into the container, and the water will quickly deteriorate.

If in summer period The drinking bowl can be placed outside, but in winter you have to place it in the chicken coop where the chickens often turn it over, as a result the bedding gets wet and dampness appears in the chicken coop.

Therefore, it is better to immediately make more practical drinking bowls, for example, from plastic bottles; such a drinking bowl can be made in 5 minutes without spending a penny on it.

Drinker for chickens from a 5 liter plastic bottle.

The simplest version of a drinking bowl for adult chickens. To make a drinking bowl you will need:

  • Plastic bottle for 5 - 6 liters.
  • A plastic container (bowl or tray) with a diameter slightly wider than the bottom of the bottle with a side height of 10 - 15 cm.

The process of making a drinking bowl is extremely simple, we take a bottle and make a small hole in the side about 1 cm in size. The hole should be made in such a way that it is a couple of centimeters below the side of the bowl in which you will place the bottle.

Now we fill the bottle with water and put it in a bowl, the water from the hole will fill the bowl, as the chickens drink water, the water level will be replenished from the bottle.

This bottle drinker for chickens is practical and convenient; the water in it will be clean throughout the day.

To prevent chickens from jumping onto the drinker and accidentally turning it over, the drinker should be installed closer to the wall of the chicken coop or enclosure, and the neck of the bottle should be tied to the enclosure with a rope.

Let's watch a video showing the process of making a drinking bowl.

Drinker for chickens from a 2 liter bottle.

To make a drinking bowl you will need:

  • Plastic bottle 5 liters.
  • Plastic bottle 2 liters.
  • Bolt, washers, nut.

Take a 5 liter bottle and cut off the top part of it to make a bowl.

We attach the cap of a 2 liter bottle to the cap of a 5 liter bottle; this can be done using a self-tapping screw or a small bolt with two washers and a nut. It is advisable to coat the connection with sealant.

We screw a 2 liter bottle into the bowl, then make a hole in the side of the bottle at a level just below the bowl's bur. Unscrew the bottle, fill it with water and screw it back on.

We attach the drinking bowl to the wall of the chicken coop in any convenient way.

How to make a drinking bowl from a plastic bottle is shown in detail in the video.

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