How to overcome addiction to fortune telling. If you have practiced magic: healing the soul. Is it possible to heal a healer

20.08.2024 Repair

It is difficult to find a woman who has not tried to look into the future at least once in her life. This usually happens in their youth, when girls perceive laying out cards, fortune-telling with Tarot and runes, and other well-known fortune-telling with betrothed-mummers more as a game and an unusual experience than as something serious. A thirst for the unknown in adolescence is quite natural, since youthful maximalism, combined with little life experience, pushes many young people to commit various irrational and senseless acts. However, not only young ladies, but also fully grown women and men are into fortune telling.

The majority of fortune tellers' clients are representatives of the fair sex, who want to find out their fortunes, as well as simply tell fortunes. The opinion that only uneducated people with low social status use the services of fortune tellers is erroneous - both working-class women and women with several higher educations and high incomes go to modern witches to tell their fortunes. Men also visit psychics, but less often, and representatives of the stronger sex prefer not to go to a personal appointment, but to order services via the Internet. However, both men and women who visit fortune tellers have one thing in common - a fear of responsibility and a desire to shift responsibility for their own choices to someone else. These people are driven to seek advice from fortunetellers by fears and psychological problems, namely:

  • Fear and powerlessness about the future - a person does not feel the strength to cope with future problems, so he looks to fortune tellers for consolation and assurances of fate’s favor
  • Lack of self-confidence - a person cannot make an important choice on his own, and turns to a fortuneteller for a ready-made solution
  • Infancy - visiting a fortuneteller seems to a person the simplest solution to a problem and at the same time an easy way to relieve oneself of all responsibility for the choice made.

Why is going to fortune tellers dangerous?

For most people, the habit of consulting a fortune teller on every important issue will seem a little naive, but on the whole, harmless, since a person does everything of his own free will and asks for advice from someone he trusts. However, police officers, psychologists, and religious leaders know many cases where frequent visits to fortune tellers led to material losses and psychological trauma. Frequent visits to fortune-tellers are harmful to the psyche and to the wallet, and this harm is actually much greater than one might imagine at first glance.

Material damage

The prices of popular fortune tellers and predictors are very high, so the habit of regularly using magical services is quite expensive. You should also remember that there are many fortune tellers, and their main goal is to get clients to pay as much money as possible. Such “magicians” can specially invent misfortunes from which only very expensive amulets will protect them, offer the client to tell fortunes in some unusual and very accurate (and expensive) way, and also, using various psychological manipulations, force the person to come to the sessions again and again. Having found such a charlatan fortuneteller, a person can give him all his savings in several sessions of pseudo-fortune-telling, which will be impossible to return even with the help of law enforcement agencies - from the point of view of the law, the money was given voluntarily.

Damage to the soul

They are unanimous in their attitude towards magic and fortune-tellers: both followers of Christ and Muslims are prohibited from using the services of fortune-tellers and trying to predict fate on their own. From the point of view of these religions, fortune telling is a sin, and attempts to look into the future are harmful to the soul.

Mental damage

Frequent visits to fortune tellers are dangerous for the psyche, because They only do not help eliminate psychological problems (infancy, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, etc.), but also aggravate them. A person, getting used to relying on the words of a fortuneteller, increasingly loses faith in himself and his own strengths, and the results of fortune telling on cards and coffee grounds begin to mean much more to him than his own opinion.

Also people who are carried away by predictions lose their critical perception and begin to perceive any events as fate or evil fate, without making any efforts to avoid what was predicted. For example, if a woman who decides to tell fortunes about her relationship with her husband is predicted by a fortune teller to divorce, then the client will not even try to maintain a trusting relationship with her husband, because all her thoughts will be occupied by the future divorce process and the arrangement of her life after separation.

A decrease in the criticality of perception due to the habit of guessing about the future can lead to another negative consequences for the psyche - instilling in oneself a negative program . The impact of suggestion on the psyche cannot be underestimated, so a person who has been predicted misfortune runs the risk of really believing in it and beginning to behave in such a way that the predicted reality comes true. People knew about this harmful effect of fortune telling on the psyche for a very long time, and the common people called this phenomenon “telling your fate.”

Also harm from fortune telling may include the acquisition of phobias and obsessive fears . The mechanism of occurrence of phobias in this case is directly related to the mental reaction to a negative prediction - a person begins to fear in advance what, according to the fortune teller, will cause him harm in the future. For example, if a clairvoyant, having spread out her cards, tells an impressionable client that she is destined to drown, the woman may develop hydrophobia - a fear of being near bodies of water and swimming in the sea, river, or even in a bathtub filled with water.

Without denying that not all fortune tellers and soothsayers are charlatans, and among them there are people who can look into the future, we can confidently conclude that frequent visits to fortune tellers are harmful to the psyche. Even famous clairvoyants were confident that the future had many options, and it was impossible to accurately predict a person’s fate. People who are accustomed to consulting with fortunetellers on every issue need to learn to take responsibility for their lives, otherwise they risk “telling their fortunes” by believing in the negative forecast voiced and instilling in themselves phobias and fear of the future.

Having received a negative prediction about their fate, many despair and begin to prepare for the worst. This way of thinking ultimately leads to the fact that the prediction comes true: a person completely loses control over his life and goes with the flow, and Fortune, as we know, does not accept such situations. Change the predicted fate Can- and this doesn’t even require titanic efforts.

Everyone knows the wise saying “Everyone is the architect of his own happiness.” The general meaning of this maxim is clear: absolutely all people have power over their destiny and the power to change it. A person loses this ability only when he completely trusts his life to chance and begins to believe that the predicted future is incorrigible. Thought is material, therefore, constantly replaying a prediction in his head, a person programs himself to behave accordingly - and the prediction comes true. In order to take control of the situation, you need to realize that there is no clear and unchangeable forecast of human destiny. Everyone has the power to adjust it at their own discretion, avoiding misfortune and achieving success.

How to change fate

Treat the prediction as a warning. The events of your life path described in the prediction are possible - but not required. You need to realize that they will only happen if you do not take any action and continue to lead the lifestyle you are leading now. What to do to ensure that the warning does not come true? Change. If you have been predicted to get sick, then it’s time to get rid of bad habits that can provoke it. If the prediction promises serious financial problems and even poverty, then you need to work harder at professional self-realization.

Get rid of constant thoughts about the prediction and do not talk about it to other people. Words and thoughts have great power. By thinking about a prediction, you give it energy and help bring it to life. And if you make it public, then it becomes even more powerful: after all, other people will discuss your fate. It is clear that it is difficult to get rid of thoughts about prediction, but you can think about it in a different way: not imagine how failures are pursuing you one after another, but about what to do to avoid them. In this way, you will make the energy center not the problem, but its solution, and your life will remain under your control.

Act contrary to what was predicted. If you receive a prediction that you will not achieve your goals, this is not a reason to give up. On the contrary, you need to start acting even more actively, making every effort to achieve what you want. Give up the fight and the prediction will truly come true. In order to set yourself up for victory, you can perform small rituals: every day for 10-15 minutes, imagine the opposite result of the prophecy. If you were predicted to be celibate, imagine scenes of a happy family life; if poverty, imagine material wealth. Recreate these episodes colorfully, in every detail, and you will feel saturated with energy in order to change your destiny. Remember the power of thought.

History knows many cases when great people were predicted to have a completely different fate: obscurity and poverty. But fortitude helped them change their predicted fate and write their own life script. Your destiny is in your hands, and unwanted events will not happen if you do not allow it. We wish you spiritual strength and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

02.11.2015 00:50

Everyone wants to be beautiful, rich, successful, loved. Everyone desires material and spiritual benefits, but not...

Fortune telling has been going on since ancient times. Today, many are in a hurry to find out the future and look ahead. Many famous people get their own personal fortune tellers and follow their every word. In fact, fortune telling addiction is just as complex as other addictions. How to get rid of addiction to fortune telling? Where did it come from, and what to do with it?

Why do people like to guess so much?

People's interest in what will happen in the future gives an incentive to more and more fortune tellers to appear. Some want to find love, others want to get a lot of money, and others want to improve their health.

Of course, there are people in the world who can actually see what most cannot. But there are few such people. In most cases, many profit from problems.

If you have the thought that you are addicted to fortune telling, then the case is not hopeless.

So how do you get rid of addiction?

In an effort to look into the future, people increasingly go to fortune tellers, find new methods, acquire cards and other fortune-telling attributes. Frequent discrepancies with what was predicted, disappointments make you think, but your legs seem to lead you to the opposite.

Unfortunately, there is no pill that you take and everything will go away. Getting rid of addiction to fortune-telling is not an easy task.

How to break the habit of a bad habit:

When you notice that life is beautiful without predictions, the desire to guess will gradually disappear.

Remember one simple truth! People forge their own happiness. Fate is only in your hands, and only you can change something.

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I had a very difficult experience in my life. Despite my age. Once I went to a fortune teller. She asked what would happen to me and my husband. And by that time we had already broken up. As a result, she told me that I was at the crown of celibacy and nothing good would happen to me! In upset feelings, I went out and asked, but she doesn’t see the children? In response, she said that I would never have children! And that got me.

While driving home, I was almost hit by a car! And then the fun began. At home I had a high fever, I fainted and couldn’t take even a couple of steps! I felt like I was 90 years old, my blood pressure kept falling and rising, my mother could barely pump it out, and I myself regretted going to see her. A week later I went to church, and everything just went away. And a few days later I found out that I was pregnant! I'm so happy! At least my husband didn't come back! I’m still happy and I know for sure that the baby is my greatest happiness!

Margarita, 18 years old.

In 2004, on Christmastide, my cousin and I told fortunes - they called upon the spirits (they drew a circle with letters on paper and moved a needle on a thread). Her little daughter ran around with us, making us laugh. Well, we laughed then. And at the end of that year, 14 of our relatives died one by one. They died one after another after 2 days, after a week, after two. From then on I will never guess again. Don’t tell fortunes to a girl and don’t cast a spell on her - you predict yourself with fortune-telling, but with love spells you ruin your life and ruin his life, a connection is formed between you - which is oh so difficult to destroy, and you feel bad, and he suffers.

Mila, 30 years old

It’s probably not worse: admitting that your own curiosity has led to the fact that everything is not going well, is not going well, is collapsing. Fortune telling on cards, on stones, on flowers... or on anything, where does this all lead? To the point that we stop seeing reality as it really is! We believe in everything bad that the cards say, everything good is considered a coincidence. We stop living, fighting, striving. We're driving ourselves into a corner! Every day we turn to fortune telling, assuming that today we will receive a correct prediction. Oh, the cards said he doesn't love me? This can't be true! WE NEED TO TELL YOUR FORTUNE AGAIN! AND MORE! AND MORE! A day, another day... a month, a year... It’s addictive, I know from myself! And instead of this virtual nonsense, more time should be devoted to real communication! Why wait for the cards to say: “Yes, now is the right time! Confess your love to him! And while you were wondering, “your” place next to him was taken by another... time was lost... Maybe you should stop believing what does not bring any benefit? Maybe it's time to decide for yourself when it's time to take this or that step, without resorting to the help of cards? And if someone is ready to disagree with me, then I can give an example from personal experience.

I was consumed by love. It seemed to me that only he alone could make my life happy. I guessed 3-4 times a day. I knew the layout and combinations of cards by heart. Oddly enough, I only had good things. In the end I had to marry him. And what? Instead of reciprocating his advances, I built an impregnable wall of myself. Why? Yes, because the cards said “WAIT! Don't give in to love right away. Torment him, and he will be with you forever!” And when he completely disappeared from sight, in a panic that I was losing the most precious thing in my life at that moment, I resorted to a love spell! About six months later he showed up... A romance began, and I thought that this was HAPPINESS! And then... it was all over so quickly that I didn’t even realize when I made a mistake! I have never been so hurt and upset! I still don't know why we broke up. I never met him again.

I started guessing again. I thought that the cards would explain to me why he did this to me, and, apparently, I miscalculated all the remaining happiness... completely. I understand this now. My personal life is not working out at all. Whichever man I like is fine as long as we don't get close. Then I get stuck and I rush to the Internet pages to tell my fortune! The young man immediately finds himself a girlfriend, stops communicating with me, disappears from sight, stops calling... he simply becomes unavailable to me. And this has been the case for more than one YEAR! And not just one man! And it’s not about my qualities, not about my character, not about my figure. I know how men look after me. No one can just come close! It's like some unknown force is pushing me away. Throws away everyone who gets a little closer than just a buddy or friend!

Girls, dear, good! For God's sake, DON'T GUESS, DON'T SPELL!!! You don't need this! You yourself don’t understand what you are doing... Then it will destroy your life! Don't ruin her! Don't condemn yourself to LONELINESS! GO TO CHURCH! I WALKED. I ASKED TO SHOW ME THE WAY, TO GIVE ME A CHANCE TO IMPROVE LIFE. Everything got better in just a month. And then it jammed again, and I started guessing again! Everything went bad as quickly as it got better! I GIVE MY WORD TO MYSELF, BEFORE YOU AND BEFORE GOD: I WILL NEVER GUESS AGAIN, I WILL GO TO CHURCH, I WILL ASK FOR FORGIVENESS, AND I BELIEVE THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE CORRECT!

Wishing you happiness, 27 years old.

I am very interested in fortune telling; I have been doing fortune telling since childhood. I have been married 5 times, I have three children, but none of them are with me. The eldest son sits, and I keep guessing, my son asks me not to guess, everything didn’t reach me. But recently my son fell very seriously ill with tuberculosis. It doesn’t dawn on me either, but a week ago he said that he was suspected of having HIV. After reading your statements, I begin to understand why I have such troubles. How can I quit this, help.

Oksana, 37 years old.

Horror! I read the stories and was horrified. I’m guessing myself, this matter always seemed interesting and harmless. It happens that a friend comes and says casually, like, spread out the cards for me. And we do magic so peacefully...

I've been playing around with cards, but now it's getting a little scary.

A long time ago, when I was little, a friend suggested telling fortunes for the devil (somehow I even got goosebumps and my heart beat faster at this word). Well, of course I’m interested, so we’ve decided. We were sitting over the table, wondering... And then something rumbled in the pipes of the heating system, well, we think, maybe because of the temperature change, they say, the pipes are cooling down. Okay, we sit further, and then there is such a crash throughout the whole house! We got scared, jumped off, and looked: the mirror that stood in the room was cracked in half. It became so scary... Since then, I haven’t dared to “call” anyone anymore.

Only the cards have lured me in, befuddled me... My personal life isn’t working out, and now I think it’s all because of them, because of the cards. At the moment, a young man is looming on the horizon, I think I won’t take up cards, maybe everything will work out...

Enchanted, 27 years old.

My story is in no way “purer” than all of the above. It all started with palm reading; I was only 13 years old at the time. Now - 21. 8 years - an empty pursuit of prejudices. A gypsy woman I knew told fortunes for all the girls that day, said that they would all live well, and when it was my turn, the last one, she took my hand, wrinkled her face and said that she wouldn’t tell fortunes for me - there were only crosses on my hand! To say that I was shocked would be a lie, I was simply terrified! After this fortune-telling, my life seemed to have been replaced, it became not itself.

And of course, I was carried away hard by other fortune tellers - I wanted to erase the sediment in my soul. In general, everyone who was guessing said with one voice - I will marry a military commander, go far away, become a boss myself and live richly.

Not so! Two suicide attempts, two unsuccessful marriages—at my age! Constant depression, insomnia, scandals at home. By the way, all the men whom I read fortunes for sooner or later left and did not return, as a rule, without any particular good reason. But the most interesting thing is that after I started telling fortunes, I started dreaming about terrible things: an icon of the Mother of God, instead of whose face there was Satan, or that gypsy woman who told me fortunes for the first time! And then recently, after all this long torment, some grandmother came to me in a dream, put some piece of paper in my hand and said that too much, dear, you tested your fate, God doesn’t like this, go to church and ask the Lord for forgiveness! This happened quite recently, and today I came across this site - now I’ll definitely go to church. I will no longer live, wondering how it was before, and I will convince others as best I can! Take care of your happiness when things are bad - don’t go to fortune tellers, but to God, to church - He will certainly give the correct answer!

Yana, 21 years old.

Fortune telling has always somehow attracted me. At the age of 16 I tried to dabble in love spells. I bought different books. She tried to bewitch the boy. She seemed to love her very much. There was a girl I knew at that time with abilities, sort of. I was always running to her with his photo, she said that I won’t get him now, he’ll come later. I didn't believe it. If you don’t need it, how will it come? She's all hers, so it's worth stopping fighting for him. After a while our roads will intersect.

It was all somehow forgotten. I met a man. I fell in love madly. It wasn't just us that didn't grow together. He is a man who loves freedom and did not want to change it for anything. Didn't want a relationship. We saw each other once a month, sometimes less often. We didn’t have intimate relationships, we were very protective. And he seemed to care. But I still didn’t want a relationship.

I ran to the fortune tellers again... I was going to a completely different woman. I was looking for a house, and my grandmother stopped me on the street. In short, I met, and I was with another girl, and she told us fortunes. Without cards, she just holds her hand over the photo. Says something. And then he tells. She said that I shouldn’t keep him around me now, don’t be jealous of him, don’t make him nervous. That he’ll get some exercise, and in two years we’ll get married.

The joy from all the predictions was enough for a couple of days. Reality prevailed. I also went to see her with a photograph of the girl he slept with. Everything she said came true 100% the other way around. I didn't notice at first. Then everything began to improve, I stopped going to see her. I met a girl by chance. Her mother also treats and tells fortunes. And it was passed on to her. I talked to her well. She began to help me if something went wrong. We will quarrel, she will tell me how to make peace, what to say. He is a very complex person.

And she also told me that this is my man, I just have to wait until he understands everything himself. And time passed. I periodically fell into severe depression, he, of course, did not know about anything.

I consulted with a friend literally every day. What to say, how to act. Every little thing. Well, she once said, say, talk to him. Something is dragging on. I started talking about relationships several times, but it didn’t end well. Well, I say, I'm afraid. She says no, everything will be fine. She said 100% that she might think about it for a few days, but then everything will work out for us.

Everything turned out the other way around again. The conversation went sideways. We stopped communicating altogether. Deleted my contacts. Didn't pick up the phone. A month later I wrote to him. We talked for literally a week. He started dating someone else. For the first time in a year and a half of our so-called “relationship”.

I can't imagine what to do now. After reading all this, I think, maybe I really “miscalculated”?

How to atone for all these sins now? I'm drying up without a person...

Alexandra, 18 years old.

At the beginning of the year, luck smiled on me. A young man (I communicated with him on the Internet several years ago, and in December 2009 I resumed correspondence) declared his love, proposed marriage and was supposed to come for me at the beginning of summer. Everything was fine, but I wanted confirmation, so to speak, “from above.” I found a tarot fortune telling site on the Internet and... I was fascinated! Less than a month has passed since my beloved fell silent and does not answer any of my letters. I was upset and calmed myself down, but today I was so angry that I wanted to find a love spell spell and... I ended up on your site.

Apparently this was necessary. I realized a lot again. Although I knew before that fortune telling is the dark side of life, it was all in theory. And here's the practice: the loss of a loved one. The anger passed, and I felt, oddly enough, humility. I resigned myself to the punishment, I accepted it. Although somewhere in the depths there is a thought: “I will repent, and everything will return.” It’s difficult, right away: it’s like stepping out of the darkness into a bright light—your eyes close on their own. But I don't want to live in the dark. I don't know what will happen next. But I don’t want to return to fortune telling - we have to pay for everything in our lives!

Mistika, 24 years old.

After reading all the stories, I decided to tell my own. When I was about 14 years old, I met a guy, we started talking, I liked him, and then I accidentally saw a book in the store: “Fortune-telling,” and I got hooked on these fortune-telling like crazy, and that guy at that time switched to my friend .

Then another one appeared - everything was fine, but I started guessing again, I could sit for hours! And on maps, and online, and in a book! As a result, this guy also turned away from me.

Then it became no longer interesting, I gave up fortune-telling, became older and met a guy. Besides him, other guys, also worthy, wanted a relationship with me. Then I broke up with him and started a relationship with someone else, everything was fine... but he was talking to his ex-girlfriend, at that time I thought there was more to it than communication, and I was very worried.

Well, and then I got carried away. It started with simple conspiracies to separate them (verbal), then candles and knives were used... but once I succeeded, they didn’t communicate for exactly 6 months (I later compared the dates), and then, feeling that I could separate them, I began make more and more fights, eventually he began to move away from me. And so I had a falling out (against him and her ex), and he left me! Just disappeared.

I loved it madly! He wrote to me 5 months later, he wanted to see me, but he suddenly changed his mind, he was rude... in the end we saw each other exactly six months later. After that quarrel, I realized that I had quarreled myself with him and never set foot in magic again.

But instead, I got hooked on fortune telling again, and I came across a fortune telling game with the alphabet and a pendulum. I thought it was a lie, but when I made this alphabet, and they said the word to me: “Hello!” I was shocked... and started asking: “What awaits me? Who is my future husband? I received answers to all my questions, and one answer was that an acquaintance would become my husband. But two weeks later this friend crashed. I blamed myself, but then I thought it was an accident, but I was deeply mistaken... You have to pay for the truth... and I paid with the death of a dear person.

Again I began to guess, the answers were truthful, but the deadline was shifted, sometimes by a week, sometimes by a day, everything about the past was true, but the future was gone. Or the answer was good for me, but in reality it was all wrong. The pendulum said - my beloved will break up with his ex in two weeks - in the end the guy told me that he had started living with her... And everything like that. I wanted to forget him, find another guy, but everyone is running away from me. I’m a pretty girl, there were a lot of guys who were invited to marry, but now there’s no one. All alone! Even the guy I love (ex) starts communicating with me, seems to be getting better, but as soon as I come home and tell my fortune, he disappears again.

Girls - we guess our own happiness!!! Fortune telling is harmful!!! Quit before it's too late! And ask God for forgiveness!!!

Katya, 22 years old

I've been involved in fortune-telling since my student days, and I loved it myself (not seriously, of course), and I went to see fortune-tellers and witches.

I began to notice that depression appeared, failures in my personal life, then a married man would get caught, then they would simply disappear without saying a word, work was not working out, there were scandals at home, in general, everything was bad. Thoughts about suicide began to appear.

I converted to Orthodoxy (although I was baptized from birth and believed, I thought that guessing was not so bad), I found out that guessing is a great sin, because of which depression, fears, and failures begin.

This section was created as a response to the cry of the soul of our readers who have decided to put an end to fortune-telling and other occult-magical experiences and change their lives, but do not know how to do it.

The consequences of Sonya's fortune telling are typical for all active fortune tellers. Destruction of personal life, depression, addiction to fortune telling. Fortune tellers are deeply unhappy and have forgotten how to manage their own lives. Let’s say right away that you can get rid of all these troubles.

Stories of overcoming mistakes - love spells and conspiracies

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Stories of liberation from fortune telling (Part 1)

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Is it possible to heal a healer?

“Extrasensory perception is not just a type of occult healing. It is also a special worldview, with its own ideological axioms, views on life and principles of behavior. This worldview is based on completely non-Christian positions, and this is the whole difficulty of trying to convert psychics to the true path.

Return from the road leading to hell, or confession of the “twice initiated”

What is the price of that “secret knowledge”, those “superpowers” ​​that people in their pride so passionately crave to obtain in order to be “gods” without God? Unusual skills are often “discovered” so simply, “suddenly,” that behind the naive, ignorant delight, “newcomers” forget to even think: where do I get all this from, how will I pay for it, and who will I pay?..

Return from the world of parapsychology

At the age of 19, due to non-reciprocal love, my journey into the world of parapsychology began. I read and used everything that came to hand, fortunately the Internet now allows me to do this. I did love spells and spells, some worked, some didn’t - that’s how I lived...

Who's in a hurry to get a report?

Nowadays, you can often hear a recommendation to undergo a reprimand in connection with a variety of problems - a person drinks, studies poorly, does not want to go to church, has a serious illness, experiences failures in his personal life, etc. - the machinations of demons are seen in everything, from whom they offer to get rid of by being present at the lecture. Is this always justified?

Cases of healing and liberation (from the effects of magic)

His ancestors were engaged in Russian magic and spells. As a result of this, his grandparents developed mediumistic abilities. His grandmother suffered from depression and was irritable and selfish by nature. Mental disorders led to her being admitted to a psychiatric hospital...