Companions in the game Warframe. Which guard is better in Warframe Warframe is the best companion

09.11.2020 Electrics

General information about companions and how to obtain them in Warframe game

Official website of the game Warframe -

Companion Details - Companions

Companions, companions or partners in the game Warframe are the characters who accompany the hero on missions and provide him with support in one form or another. And although the player cannot control the actions of his companions, their presence nearby often provides a tangible advantage.
Each companion, like a weapon or warframe, has a leveling system, as well as the installation of special commandment modifiers that are different from the weapon and warframe mods. Companions can also change their coloring and wear attachable jewelry, thus choosing a unique one. appearance. Currently, companions in the game are divided into three types: Guardians, Kubrows, and Kavats.
Guardians. These are essentially biomechanical drones that hover above the Warframe's head and perform programmed actions. These programs are determined by special commandment mods for guards. Most of these mods are universal for all guardians, and each of them gives a specific ability. For example, the Guardian can periodically restore the shield of the owner Warframe or impose an additional protective barrier on it when it tries to resurrect a comrade. Or, what, in my opinion, is the most useful, the Guardian can work like a vacuum cleaner, attracting to itself almost everything that opponents dropped after death: ammo, resources, mods and regeneration spheres. Unfortunately, there remains a list of certain rare items that you have to pick up yourself, like Ayatan stars or Syndicate symbols. But you must admit that it’s much more convenient when you don’t have to step on every cartridge to pick it up. In addition, although the “vacuum cleaner” operates in a fairly small radius, it is capable of dragging loot through walls and bugged textures. And there are bugs with textures in Warframe wagon and cart - I think there is no longer a player who has not felt this.
It is also worth remembering that the priorities in the guardian’s program directly depend on the order in which the commandments are established. In other words, if you install an attack mod in the first cell, the guard will not calm down until he shoots all the enemies, and only then he will fly to scan what’s left of them, fill the owner’s shield and collect the drops. By the way, the attack mod can be removed altogether - in this case, the guard will not use his weapon. This tactic often comes in handy in stealth missions, where you don’t want to make too much noise. By the way, since we are talking about weapons, each guard has his own and is created together with him. However, Guardian weapons are interchangeable in most cases. If you have two different guards, you can easily put one of two different barrels on each of them. The guards' weapons are upgraded separately and, in fact, are analogous to the standard types of warframe weapons: rifles, shotguns, machine guns. Of course, it uses standard weapon mods.
While most commandment mods work for all Guardians, each drone has unique mods and therefore unique abilities. Let's take a closer look at them.
Taxon. This is almost the first companion that a novice player meets. It is Taxon who is intended to introduce the player to the system and mechanics of companions. And subsequently, this guard turns out to be very useful for a beginner, since, by inflicting damage on the enemy with his stream rifle, Taxon restores the owner’s shields and is even able to impose an extra shield that exceeds the limit of the base shield.
Wyrm. This, one might say, is the golden mean between offense and defense. When the Wyrm's main ability is triggered, it stuns nearby enemies. Well, then the player decides for himself whether to execute the defenseless or take a more advantageous position while the enemies try to blink. The Wyrm's weapon is the Laser Rifle. However, veterans of the game claim that this is the weakest weapon for Guardians, and therefore they advise replacing it with something more powerful at the first opportunity. For example, the Cleaner or the Death Machine Gun. Wyrm also has a prime version, but unfortunately it has been moved to the prime storage. In other words, removed from the drop list. Now it can only be purchased from other players for platinum.
Helios. This is perhaps the only guard whose unique weapon cannot be used on any other drone. The main purpose of Helios is scanning. If there are scanners in the inventory, Helios will scan all suitable objects within a certain radius. Moreover, this guard is also capable of using synthesis scanners, which will automatically add reputation points to the Simaris cephalon. Although, unfortunately, Helios will not be able to help with scanning the synthesis target... Helios also has a prime version, and for now it can be obtained using traditional...

This is the initial check in of a Warframe companion app. I am not a developer for Sony PS4 nor Warframe. I am a fan just like you. Please support them so they continue to make excellent products. With that said, this app is meant to be companion app so that when you play on PS4 it will help you. If you are like me, you play multiple warframes and you have a mix match of mods for them. Some warframes you have all the mods and some you don"t. I find it difficult to remember which warframe mods I have and what the controller touchpad gesture it is mapped too. I also can"t even remember what the abilities do, lol.

Anyway, this app lists all warframes and all abilities. On the warframe info screen it shows the abilities for the warframe organized by gesture. If you swipe up to do a particular ability its at the top of the section, swipe left it is shown to left. Besides listing the abilities by name, you can click on the ability to get a description.

The current release is functional but its only tested on a nexus 4. Future updates will expand on the abilities. For instance if your particular warframe only has equipped ability X, then you can modify the app so that only that ability is shown. I also think it would be helpful to have a separate screen for each ability so that you could read about range, power usage, tips etc. I"ll also try to expand on the list of supported devices.

General information about companions and how to get them in the game Warframe Official website of the game Warframe - Details about companions - Companions, companions or partners in the game Warframe are the characters who accompany the hero on missions and provide him with support in one form or another. And although the player cannot control the actions of his companions, their presence nearby often provides a tangible advantage. Each companion, like a weapon or warframe, has a leveling system, as well as the installation of special commandment modifiers that are different from the weapon and warframe mods. Companions can also change their coloring and wear attachable jewelry, thus choosing a unique appearance. Currently, companions in the game are divided into three types: Guardians, Kubrows, and Kavats. Guardians. These are essentially biomechanical drones that hover above the Warframe's head and perform programmed actions. These programs are determined by special commandment mods for guards. Most of these mods are universal for all guardians, and each of them gives a specific ability. For example, the Guardian can periodically restore the shield of the owner Warframe or impose an additional protective barrier on it when it tries to resurrect a comrade. Or, what, in my opinion, is the most useful, the Guardian can work like a vacuum cleaner, attracting to itself almost everything that opponents dropped after death: ammo, resources, mods and regeneration spheres. Unfortunately, there remains a list of certain rare items that you have to pick up yourself, like Ayatan stars or Syndicate symbols. But you must admit that it’s much more convenient when you don’t have to step on every cartridge to pick it up. In addition, although the “vacuum cleaner” operates in a fairly small radius, it is capable of dragging loot through walls and bugged textures. And there are bugs with textures in Warframe wagon and cart - I think there is no longer a player who has not felt this. It is also worth remembering that the priorities in the guardian’s program directly depend on the order in which the commandments are established. In other words, if you install an attack mod in the first cell, the guard will not calm down until he shoots all the enemies, and only then he will fly to scan what’s left of them, fill the owner’s shield and collect the drops. By the way, the attack mod can be removed altogether - in this case, the guard will not use his weapon. This tactic often comes in handy in stealth missions, where you don’t want to make too much noise. By the way, since we are talking about weapons, each guard has his own and is created together with him. However, Guardian weapons are interchangeable in most cases. If you have two different guards, you can easily put one of two different barrels on each of them. The guards' weapons are upgraded separately and, in fact, are analogous to the standard types of warframe weapons: rifles, shotguns, machine guns. Of course, it uses standard weapon mods. While most commandment mods work for all Guardians, each drone has unique mods and therefore unique abilities. Let's take a closer look at them. Taxon. This is almost the first companion that a novice player meets. It is Taxon who is intended to introduce the player to the system and mechanics of companions. And subsequently, this guard turns out to be very useful for a beginner, since, by inflicting damage on the enemy with his stream rifle, Taxon restores the owner’s shields and is even able to impose an extra shield that exceeds the limit of the base shield. Wyrm. This, one might say, is the golden mean between offense and defense. When the Wyrm's main ability is triggered, it stuns nearby enemies. Well, then the player decides for himself whether to execute the defenseless or take a more advantageous position while the enemies try to blink. The Wyrm's weapon is the Laser Rifle. However, veterans of the game claim that this is the weakest weapon...

Online shooter Warframe designed for cooperative passage of various missions, during which players will have to liberate solar system and from hordes of zombies, mutants and robots. Among the game features there is the opportunity to acquire a pet that will help the player.

Pets in Warframe are Kubrows. These are creatures that are very similar to dogs, but at the same time reproduce by laying eggs. Kubrows were bred on Earth by the Orokin race and were able to survive the death of their masters. They went wild and became aggressive and cruel animals. After the discovery of the technology for changing the DNA of animals, it was again possible to domesticate them and make them protectors and companions of the new owner. Tamed Kubrows must be constantly interacted with to maintain their maximum effectiveness.

For Tenno (descendants of the Orokin) The kubrows became loyal and loyal allies, but limited to melee attacks only.

Since kubrows reproduce by laying eggs, they are raised in the Incubator located on the Tenno space base - Liset. At the same time, kubrows can be created of different builds and colors, for example, in Warframe there are kubrows with a lotus, circles, arrows on the face, stripes on the body, spots on the chest, etc.
You can equip Kubrows in Warframe by placing them in a Guardian slot.

There are 4 types of kubrow

Huras- smart, secretive and cunning animals. These assistants are able to camouflage the owner and themselves from enemies, thus giving a tactical advantage and allowing missions to be completed secretly. In addition, they provide additional damage to hand-to-hand combat. The “Haunting” ability gives this type of kubrow additional damage when attacking.

Compared to other varieties, the Kubrow has the highest shield capacity and the weakest health. Very useful for everyone who likes secretive and quiet passage of missions and for fans of close combat.

Raksa- helps in battle, scaring away and distracting enemies who come close to the owner. Serves for support in battle.

The Defense skill allows this kubrow to recharge its owner's shields in battle, increasing your survivability in battle. Raxa's skill is more effective than similar Guardian skills.

The Howl ability can be useful in a group of enemies, scaring them away from the battlefield. This gives the kubrow owner and the rest of the group time to rest and attack disoriented opponents.

Raxa is built for support and has the most balanced shields and health.

Sahasa- a beast that will obtain objects during battle and knows how to finish off defeated enemies.
The “Excavation” skill is very useful for the owner and his party members, as it allows you to replenish ammo, health and energy spheres during battle. Gives a slight advantage at the beginning of the battle, making it possible to obtain several energy spheres.

These animals have the highest health indicator and the smallest shield capacity. Serves for support.

Sunika- the most aggressive of all kubrows, with good attacking abilities. The beast can immobilize enemies for a while, making them vulnerable to the owner's attacks. In addition, he has powerful finishing attacks that allow him to independently deal with opponents.

Sunika is an additional unit in the squad and is great for players who prefer to play missions aggressively.

How to get a kubrow in Warframe

You can find a Kubrow egg in Warframe by completing the corresponding quest. To do this you need:
  1. Go to the Fossa location on the planet Venus and kill the Jackal ( final boss at this location). After this, the task “Quest to obtain Kubrow” will be unlocked.
  2. After returning to Liset, the received quest must be activated in the Codex.
  3. On Star Map Click “Set segment”. As a result, the quest mark will be displayed. Lotus will give you the coordinates of the Incubator (planet Jupiter, Elara location). There we need to complete a survival mission, for which we will receive an Incubator segment as a reward.
  4. After returning to Liset, the resulting segment must be installed near the arsenal. By clicking on the Incubator, you will find out what you will need to start incubating your own Kubrow.
  5. Now you need to find the egg. To do this, head to Earth, to the E Prime location. There you need to destroy the lair of wild kubrows. The egg may not fall out the first time, so repeat the mission until you get the egg. In addition, the egg can be purchased in the game store. At the moment, only one egg can be in the inventory of one player, so it is better to immediately place the eggs found in the incubator.
  6. After receiving the egg, you need to install the Incubator's energy core. To do this, you need to purchase the corresponding drawing in the store for 50,000 credits. The core is created in the Forge. To create a core you will need 100,000 credits, 1 argon crystal, 2 control modules and 4500 nanospores. Everything will take 8 hours. The core can also be purchased in the store for 35 platinum.
  7. Make sure the Incubator has an open stasis slot.
  8. The egg will remain in the Incubator for 48 hours, after which it will hatch into a Kubrow puppy.
  9. After this, you need to reactivate the quest to obtain the kubrow in order to begin the mission to obtain the collar. In this mission you will have to show that you are capable of protecting your pet. The action takes place in the Lith location on Earth. After completing the defense mission, you will receive Nai-Zhen's collar. This item is located in the Miscellaneous tab of your inventory. After receiving the collar, you will be able to use the bred Kubrows as companions during missions.

Kubrow pet care also takes place in the incubator

The Kubrow that is inside the Incubator (i.e. active) has two parameters that need to be monitored. One of Kubrow's stats in Warframe is loyalty, and the other is DNA integrity.

Loyalty affects the damage your pets do during missions, and DNA integrity affects their health.

100% DNA Integrity gives the pet a 100% bonus to its starting health level. Those. a kubrow with 150 basic health units, with 100% DNA integrity, will have 300 health units.

It is important to know:

  • The Incubator does not display the integrity of the DNA, but the amount of bonus health.
  • DNA integrity can be a maximum of 100%.
  • The integrity of a pet's DNA decreases once a day, at 5 a.m. Moscow time, by 5%. In this case, bonus health is reduced by 10%.
  • A DNA stabilizer allows you to increase the integrity of Kubrow DNA in Warframe. A one-time use of the stabilizer increases DNA integrity by 20% and the amount of additional health by 40%. A set of six DNA stabilizers can be purchased in the store for 75,000 credits.
  • Important! If DNA integrity drops to zero, your Kubrow will die. Reducing the bonus health level to 0% takes 20 days. At the moment, this is one of two ways to get rid of annoying kubrow.

Loyalty shows the pet's attachment to its owner and affects the animal's combat performance. If the loyalty indicator is 100%, then his base damage is increased by 100%.

It is important to know:

  • The maximum loyalty rate is 100%
  • Loyalty does not decrease over time. Your loyalty score drops by 40% if your pet dies during a mission.
  • The kubrow bleeds for 3 seconds. The duration of bleeding can be increased with the Loyal Companion mod. If you manage to pick up the kubrow during bleeding, then the loyalty penalty will not be imposed.
  • If, after dying, you exit the mission before the kubrow bleeds out, there will be no loyalty penalty.

  • If a kubrow dies during a conclave, no penalty is imposed.
  • You can increase loyalty by interacting with your pet in the Incubator. Each interaction increases loyalty levels by 20%. You can increase your loyalty 3 times per day. If your pet has 100% loyalty, then you can interact with him an unlimited number of times.

If you don't plan to be in the game often, or want to raise another Kubrow, you can put your current pet into Stasis. This will free up space in the Incubator and protect the animal from genetic degradation.

Breeding kubrows, how long does a kubrow grow in Warframe

To breed kubrows you have special genetic tools:
Each adult Kubrow can be imprinted with 2 genetic codes. Taking fingerprints takes an hour and a half. During this time, your pet cannot be used during missions or be in stasis.

In Warframe, a kubrow gene code template can be created using the corresponding drawing, which can be purchased in the store for 50,000 credits.

Exists two methods of removal kubrow in game:

  1. Random release. The egg is placed in an incubator and raised without the use of additional functions. As a result, the newborn pet turns out to be of a random type, appearance and gender.
  2. Removal using fingerprints. To program certain characteristics of the future pet, the player can apply gene code templates, which contain the genetic imprints of other kubrows and which will be added to the newborn pet. The use of genetic fingerprints taken from one individual guarantees a puppy of the same breed as the source of the gene code.

Incubation of one egg lasts 48 hours. When using fingerprints, only dominant features are transmitted. Fingerprints can be transferred to other players. To create a new kubrow using an imprint, the gene code taken from one kubrow will be enough.