Who is a sponsor and his work. Who is the general sponsor? Regulation of sponsorship in Russia

17.08.2024 Design

Who is a sponsor? A sponsor is a mentor.

Today we will talk about the topic: Sponsor. Who is he and why is his role so important in the network business?

A mentor is a person who has certain experience. This is a person who is already making money. He has the ability to teach you how to communicate with other people, how to run a business correctly.

The mentor is not always the person who invited you into the business. The inviter is, as a rule, an information mentor for you. Most often, he himself is still very new to the network business and does not yet know many factors, many nuances.

Therefore, it is very important to work together with that person, with that mentor who is experienced, who earns money and has the opportunity to teach you and make sure that you continue to teach this knowledge to other people.

There are several types of mentors. The first type of mentor is this is Tyrant. This person is constantly pushing, pushing go-go. Let's trade turnover! Let's meet! Let's call! As a rule, most people, including myself, do not like being pressured. I stay away from such mentors - I came to the Internet for freedom.

The second type of mentor is Mother hen (nanny). He will constantly lead you by the hand and control you. He doesn’t give you the opportunity to develop, to take action yourself. Often people, when they find such a mentor, sit on his neck. But then, due to the fact that they have not learned to overcome difficulties on their own, have not acquired their own experience, they cannot, since they have not learned, transfer knowledge to others. The result is that they quit the business.

Third type - Cuckoo. This is a mentor who gives you complete freedom of action without helping you in any way. I signed and forgot. Think about it: would you want to work with such a person? As a rule, when a newcomer comes to the network business, he does not know how to work or what it is needed for. If he came across a mentor, the Cuckoo, who abandoned him and gave him the opportunity to go with the flow, then the newcomer, sooner or later, most often leaves the business. He is abandoned, does not understand how to act.

The one who has a normal partnership relationship with his mentor will be lucky. A normal mentor can teach you some business. But remember: 80% of success depends only on you and only 20% on your mentor.

Who is a sponsor? Let's compare this to a ship that is sailing to a better life. You are the captain of this ship, and your mentor is the navigator who corrects and corrects you in order to sail to your fabulous Cote d'Azur as quickly as possible.

Usually, similar people are attracted to each other. Choose a mentor who you like, with whom you have a similar character, with whom you will feel comfortable and easy to work with.

Ask him questions, pester him. The mentor will be pleased. He will see that you are studying the issues, programs, marketing plan. A mentor exists to get answers to questions, point you in the right direction, help you start a business, teach you how to run a business. Then you can repeat his actions and transfer this knowledge to your partners.

The distance at which your mentor lives from you does not matter. New technologies allow you to communicate with each other in a matter of seconds using the Internet: Skype, WhatsApp, Viber and others.

Lately I have often heard statements about karma. It is important that your mentor is a person who has the image and reputation of an honest person and has not tarnished himself in any dubious companies or financial pyramids.

Your mentor is a person just like you. And he also learns and gains experience, leading you through the expanses of business. He simply has more experience: he is 100% responsible for the business, for relationships, knows the training system, the system of step-by-step progress towards results.

Let's sum it up: Who is a sponsor? Look for a mentor who will be your friend, colleague and teacher. But remember that 80% of success still depends on you, on your desire to move, learn and teach others.

I made my choice in favor of the Alt Club and am building my team.

Our motto: Earn while you learn. We conduct our own training marathons and learn ourselves.

Efremova's Dictionary


A person or enterprise that acts as a financier and
as a guarantor or organizer of something.

Dictionary of financial terms

Modern economic dictionary. 1999


1) guarantor, guarantor;

2) an individual or legal entity financing an economic project or social events;

3) customer, organizer, organizer of a major event.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

JV ABOUT NSOR, A, m. A person, organization, company acting as a guarantor, customer, organizer, or financier. S. art exhibition.

| adj. sponsorship, oh, oh.

Encyclopedic Dictionary


(English sponsor, from Latin spondeo - I guarantee, I guarantee), in economics,

  1. guarantor, guarantor (for example, loan guarantor).
  2. A person or organization that finances any event, construction of an object, etc.
  3. Customer, organizer, organizer; contractor.

Dictionary of economic terms


1) guarantor, guarantor;

2) an individual or legal entity financing an economic project or social events;

3) customer, organizer, organizer of a major event.

Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics


A person, group of persons, organization providing free financial and material assistance, assistance in the implementation of socio-economic, charitable, commercial projects, support for the activities of enterprises, societies, and other organizations.

Guarantor, guarantor.

Customer, organizer, organizer, contractor.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


A , m.

Patron; one who provides material support to someone. entrepreneurial or socially useful activities.

* Find a sponsor. *

|| adj. sponsorship, oh, oh.

* Sponsorship. *

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the 21st century

Sentences containing "sponsor"

Their own World Championship occupies them much more: recently the sponsors promised to allocate € 3 million for the championship match between Viswanathan Anand and Veselin Topalov, of which 400,000 will go to the needs of FIDE.

The rider must also devote time to general physical training, familiarization with the tracks, and even regularly appear at various press and sponsor events organized by the team.

However, the organization could not survive without an influential ally and sponsor.

In 2001, Usmanov became the president and sole sponsor of the Russian Fencing Federation.

By the way, the SPS faction, unlike the CPSU, according to Alexander Fomin, is much easier to take its own position, independent of the oil industry: the SPS is sponsored by more than 15 companies and organizations, and the share of each sponsor in the party’s projects cannot exceed 10 percent.

The longest Russian scandal at the Games is connected with the main sponsor of this institution.

But the primary thing in the case described above was still the idea, not the sponsors.

The new management managed not only to fully pay off old debts, but also to ensure an unprecedented prosperity for the team, as well as attract wealthy sponsors, find partners in the press and trade, and thereby turn the club into a successful diversified enterprise.

For every non-profit project or organization, the question is relevant: To get the right answer, you should clearly understand the purpose for which the funding party is ready to provide funds. Once this problem is solved, it will become possible to identify the area of ​​potential partners whose interests will be satisfied through this project. In the article you will find the answer to the question: “Who is a sponsor?” The main types of financing parties will also be described, and recommendations will be given on how to find and attract them.

What does the word "sponsor" mean?

A sponsor is an individual or legal entity that contributes to the implementation of a project, both to support the latter and for the purpose of advertising certain goods, services, its own activities or itself. The financing party makes a free contribution to the budget of the organization in need of assistance. However, there are no legal pre-emptive rights of the sponsor in relation to this object.

The actions of a person who wants to become a sponsor are, in most cases, aimed at attracting the attention of the relevant target audience. At the same time, the activities of the financier do not imply the receipt of income.

After receiving the answer to the question “who is a sponsor?” Now is the time to look at the main types of grant funders.

General sponsor

This type of sponsor provides the recipient with 50% of the event budget. At the legislative level, there is a ban on the intervention of a benefactor in the activities of the organization to which he allocates funds. However, in practice the opposite situation is widespread. Often the primary sponsor has influence over the target entity.

Transport, arena fencing and other event equipment are often decorated in the official color palette of the general sponsor. This happens when the event does not have a title sponsor. This type of financier is described below.

Title sponsor

Its funding volume is approximately equal to that of the general sponsor. What is the difference between them then? The title sponsor cannot interfere with the internal policies of the organization being assisted, either by law or in practice. The main advantage of this type of financier is the mandatory placement of his logo on the uniform of all persons associated with the project. Often his name is included in the title of the funded event.

Thanks to this, the target audience gets the impression that the main sponsor of the project is the title sponsor.

Sponsor official

The official sponsor provides free assistance to the project in the amount of 10 to 25% of the budget of the planned event. Depending on the size of the contribution, each of these financiers receives a corresponding amount of promotion. That is, when the sponsor provided gratuitous assistance in the amount of 10%, the amount of advertising services provided to him will be minimal. But it's not bad at all. After all, if the company that wished to become a sponsor belongs to a medium or small business, it will be quite satisfied with the fact that its logo will appear next to the emblems of business giants.

Sponsor special

Who is a special sponsor? This type of assistance provider receives its own amount of advertising, and in return finances some highly specialized item of expenditure. For example, auto racing often has a technical sponsor. It provides fuel and lubricants in the required quantities and provides various services for the maintenance and servicing of vehicles. At sporting events there is often a drinks sponsor present. When any competition is held, it is not uncommon to find a party providing funds for the grand prize. When a film or program is shown on television, there is a sponsor for the show.

Information sponsorship is widespread, when the media offer the placement of articles and notes on their electronic and printing spaces, and broadcast programs in radio and television formats.

The amount of funding for a special sponsor depends on the agreements reached between the person providing gratuitous assistance and the organization accepting the sponsorship contribution. The cost of the goods and services provided is calculated at wholesale purchasing prices, their volume in monetary terms is 10% or more of the planned event budget. The volume of advertising services provided will depend on the size of the contribution, as in the case of an official sponsor. However, the “special” status creates the illusion of specialness and importance of this particular financier.


In the event of cooperation between a person providing gratuitous assistance and an organization accepting a financial contribution, a sponsorship agreement must be drawn up. There are situations when the correct conclusion of such a contract is impossible. This happens when the sponsor is an organization whose services do not legally fall under the category of gratuitous assistance. Then the question of a mutually beneficial partnership is raised. An example could be a bank through which operations related to the gratuitous financing of an object will be carried out. Or a partner insurance company provides its services in relation to participants of a competition, festival or competition. It could also be a printing house that produces all printed products related to the event.

Partners provide services to sponsored properties at competitive prices, without interest or commissions.

Sponsor for a girl

Another type of person providing financial assistance is a sponsor for a girl. This concept arose relatively recently. Who is a girl's sponsor? First of all, this is a rich man who has already taken place in life. Most often he has his own business or works in a large organization. This man understands that a girl needs funds for beauty salons and gyms, beautiful clothes and expensive cosmetics to maintain her attractiveness. Such a sponsor is ready to pay for all these expenses of a particular girl in exchange for her warmth and affection.

Now you know who a sponsor is and how this concept can be classified. It's time to answer the question: "How to find and attract such a financier?"

How to find a sponsor?

To find a potential sponsor, you need to research the market. If the organization in need of assistance is young and has few staff, then an appropriate funding person should be involved. In this case, you should not aim at, for example, the Gazprom company. It is recommended to pay attention to smaller organizations. This will lead to positive results faster.

Next, you need to collect as much information as possible about the selected potential sponsor: location, size of the advertising budget, competitors of this organization who have already acted as a financier.

The next step should be a personal meeting with the person responsible for marketing or advertising in the selected organization. It is recommended that you first send a letter briefly describing the project that needs sponsorship. After seven to ten days, you should call an authorized representative to arrange a personal meeting.

During live communication, the main goal will be to interest a potential sponsor and jointly discuss the existing project. Before the meeting, you need to study as much information as possible regarding the activities of this organization. You must have a ready answer to each of the questions posed. You cannot hesitate and demonstrate a lack of confidence in your abilities.

Now you know how to find sponsors. The next step should be to attract them.

How to attract a sponsor?

There are 6 effective rules for attracting sponsors. Let's look at each of them:


Sponsors are divided into the following classes: general, title, special and official. Each of these types is interesting in its own way and has certain advantages. If you want to find and attract a sponsor, the recommendations given in this article will certainly help you. But you should remember that by agreeing to accept gratuitous assistance, you will automatically have to advertise a specific brand. Therefore, you should not consider absolutely any potential sponsor as a tool for receiving free goods or services.

SPONSOR, a, m. A person, organization, company acting as a guarantor, customer, organizer, financier. S. art exhibition. || adj. Spbnsorsky, -aya, -oe.

View value SPONSOR in other dictionaries

Sponsor M.— 1. A person or enterprise acting as a financier, as well as a guarantor or organizer of something.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Sponsor — 1)
guarantee; 2) physical or legal
financial financier
project, holding social events; 3)
Economic dictionary

Sponsor- -A; m. [English] sponsor]
1. An individual or legal entity that provides financial support to someone. in exchange for advertising their activities, products, etc. C. football program.........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Sponsor (sponsor)— Issuing house, which organizes a new issue of securities for the company. He oversees the preparation of the prospectus (prospectus) and checks how accurately........
Economic dictionary

General Sponsor— The general sponsor is a legal entity or individual who has provided free financial assistance to the organizers in an amount equivalent to at least 5,000 USD in......
Legal dictionary

Sponsor- (from Latin spondeo - I guarantee) - 1) guarantor, a person who guarantees something (for example, the solvency of the borrower); 2) an individual or legal entity financing the activity........
Legal dictionary

Sponsor- (English sponsor - from Latin spondeo - I guarantee, guarantee), in economics, 1) a guarantor, guarantor (for example, a loan guarantor). 2) A person or organization that finances any event...... .
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Under the influence of changes in society, new words appear in the modern Russian language. One of these innovations is the noun “sponsor”. People often use it without thinking about the real meaning. What is a “sponsor” and how to use this noun correctly in speech, we will discuss below. So, more details.

The meaning of the word "sponsor"

Let's look into the explanatory dictionary. The party that decides the financial issues of any event, the organizer, is the sponsor. What is this is not an entirely appropriate question. More correctly, who is he? Originally, this noun, derived from the Latin spondeo (to guarantee, guarantee), denoted a person acting as a guarantor or guarantor, but now it is more often used to mean someone who finances a project.


Let's try to find several synonyms for the noun "sponsor". What it is can be better understood if you know words that are similar in meaning:

  • Organizer. The sponsor of the concert for Defender of the Fatherland Day is the Russian Cold company.
  • Organizer. The sponsor of the fair was a well-known construction company.
  • Lover. Margarita was known as a beauty, but she did not get married, but instead found a wealthy sponsor. She forgot what need is.
  • Maecenas. Alexander Alexandrovich often became a sponsor of the performances of this little-known director.
  • Philanthropist. The orphanage had several major sponsors.

Sentences containing "sponsor"

Carefully study examples of speech development exercises; this will help you better understand the subtleties of using the noun being described.

Come up with a few sentences with the word “sponsor” and ask questions about them, avoiding this word.

  1. Sponsors often came to our theater for performances, about once every two weeks.. Who comes to your performances? How often do patrons visit your wonderful theater?
  2. Sponsors of the charity fair provided rare items and antique furniture for sale. What did donors donate for the fair? What items were sold at the charity fair?
  3. The Siberian Diamonds company sponsored international alpine skiing competitions. Which companies have become organizers of international alpine skiing competitions? How many companies have become organizers of ski competitions? What sport was supported by the Siberian Diamonds and Oil Rigs companies?
  4. Dubrovsky Alexey Rinatovich often appeared at fashion shows and beauty contests as a sponsor. Dubrovsky Alexey Rinatovich often organized beauty contests and fashion shows? Who organized beauty contests and fashion shows?
  5. Nikolai Nikolaevich hoped for Anastasia’s love, but for her he was nothing more than a sponsor. Who is Anastasia's lover? Whose lover was Nikolai Nikolaevich? What kind of relationship connected Nikolai Nikolaevich and Anastasia?

Answer the following questions:

  1. What do we call in modern society a man who takes advantage of a woman in exchange for financial assistance?
  2. What two words can be used to describe a person who provides services to representatives of art?
  3. What is the name of the person who helps those in need: orphanages, the elderly, the seriously ill, orphans?

We hope that the reader will gain more understanding when using the word described.