Is it possible to solder AA batteries? How to solder a wire to a battery or accumulator using phosphoric acid. Tools and consumables required for soldering

21.09.2023 Materials

Restoring a disassembled battery only makes sense if you managed to carefully disassemble the old laptop battery without damaging the controller board or causing a short circuit and correctly disconnect the assembly of elements (from maximum plus to minus). However, the battery controller did not fail or become blocked. Yes, you can buy a new controller or find a programmer and program to unlock the controller, but this is not justified for a single battery repair!

The first thing to do is to find new workable elements, which we will install in the battery case. Look at the brand of old cells and find their characteristics on the Internet: type of chemistry, voltage, charge and discharge currents, capacity.
For example, my Toshiba laptop is equipped with six Panasonic NCR18650 elements; in any search engine you can find a pdf file with the characteristics of these elements.

Where can I get the elements?
You can choose good elements from old ones - “recycled” use, you can buy new elements in your city, order from foreign stores or auctions such as eBay or Aliexpress. However, I took a third route: I bought and disassembled Xiaomi 10000 mobile chargers into elements.

How to solder li-ion batteries

Many insist that a battery can only be assembled from cells using contact welding, as is done in production. Soldering the battery will damage it or shorten its service life. I can say that if this assembly is not used in extreme conditions, then you can get by with proper soldering.
Of course, it will take more time, but a resistance welding machine will not be needed.

For proper soldering you will need:

  • soldering iron (preferably with temperature stabilization) with a power of at least 40W and a wide tip;
  • soldering acid and brush (or a cotton swab);
  • tin-lead solder type POS-61;
  • sandpaper or needle file;
  • some kind of clamp for fixing batteries.

The quality of any soldering depends entirely on the correct tinning of the surfaces being soldered. And the most important thing in soldering batteries is not to overheat them!

Therefore, you need to be well prepared:

  • sit in a well-ventilated area,
  • Set the temperature on the soldering iron to 350 degrees. Celsius,
  • clean the electrodes,
  • fix the element.

Now you can start:

  • apply a small amount of acid to the electrode with a brush,
  • put more solder on the soldering iron tip,
  • Using vigorous movements of the tip, rub the solder into the electrode.

The photo shows a tinned cell from an old battery. With soldered wire.

Important!!! You cannot tin the battery for more than 2 seconds; if you did not manage to tin it in 2 seconds, then put the element aside and try again only after it has cooled down.
Important!!! Do not inhale fumes when soldering; acid and its vapors are harmful to health.
Important!!! When the battery is tinned, it is necessary to remove the remaining soldering acid, for example, with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, or at least vodka.

The safest soldering option is soldering batteries with already welded petals. How to solder a 18650 battery with petals? It is necessary to tin the very edge of the petal, preventing the element itself from heating.

And this is a new battery with a contact welded petal from a mobile charger.

When all the elements are tinned, you need to check the equality of the voltage on them; if the voltages differ by more than a few hundredths of a volt, then you should equalize the voltages using a special charger, or by connecting the batteries in parallel.

Attention!!! When connecting elements in parallel with different degrees of charge and, accordingly, different voltages, enormous currents can flow, since the currents are limited only by the scanty internal resistance of the batteries and the resistance of the circuit wires.

To limit the current, a resistor must be connected to the battery circuit. The resistor resistance value should not be lower than dU/Imax, that is, we divide the voltage difference across the battery elements by the maximum permissible battery charge/discharge current.

We connect the batteries and the resistor according to the diagram above and wait until the voltage across the resistor becomes less than a hundredth of a volt.

When the voltage on all elements is balanced, you can proceed to assembling them into a battery; the easiest way to connect new elements is to use old connecting bars, but if they are damaged during disassembly, you will have to look for copper foil 100-200 microns thick.
The first time I was too lazy to look for foil and I used a regular stranded wire with a cross-section of 1.5 sq. mm, for which I later paid: the assembly barely fit into the battery case, and the battery barely fit into the laptop.

When assembling elements into a battery, you need to adhere to the original battery layout, and it is better to leave the arrangement of the elements as in the original battery.

Soldering batteries

When assembling a battery of six elements, I first combined all the elements in pairs: the minuses of the two elements together and the pluses also together. Then I connected three pairs in series.

Now that the assembly of elements is ready, you need to connect the controller to it.
Important!!! The controller is connected in the reverse order, that is, we start with the wires with the lowest potential and move upward: 0 V and 3.6 V, only then 7.2 V and finally 10.8 V.

Now all that remains is to carefully assemble the battery for testing. Without sealing the battery case, I connected it to the laptop and pressed the power button, but the laptop did not turn on and realized that when I disconnected the old battery assembly, the controller went into transport mode and disconnected the battery. I connected the mains power to the laptop, the laptop started up and saw a restored battery!

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To assemble a simple battery-powered circuit, we have to resort to various tricks to ensure that the wires fit tightly to the poles of the battery itself. Some people make do with electrical tape and adhesive tape, others come up with various kinds of clamping devices. But the contact in this case will be imperfect, which ultimately affects the performance of the assembled circuit. Often the contact disappears or becomes loose, and the device works intermittently. To avoid this, it is best to simply solder the wires to the poles. In our article we will tell you how to solder wires to a battery so that the contact is perfect.

The simplest example of a device

The simplest battery-powered device is an ordinary electromagnet. Using his example, we will check the performance of our student soldering. We take an ordinary nail, for example a weave, and wrap copper wire around it in dense rows. We insulate the turns on top with electrical tape. The electromagnet is ready. Now all that remains is to power the device from the battery.

Of course, you can simply press the wires at each end of the battery, and the device will start working. But it is inconvenient to use. Therefore, it is best to ensure constant contact of the wires with the power source. This can be done by adding an ordinary switch (toggle switch) to the network and soldering the wires directly to the battery poles. The device will become more reliable, it will be more convenient to use, and if it is not needed, you can always turn it off by opening the circuit using the switch so that the battery does not run out. But how to solder the wires to the battery so that they do not fall off after five minutes of using the device?

Tools and consumables required for soldering

In order to reliably solder wires to the battery poles, you need the necessary set of tools. Since soldering a wire to a battery is a more complicated task than simply soldering a pair of copper wires together, we will do everything exactly according to the instructions below. In the meantime, let's prepare everything you need:

  1. An ordinary household hand-held soldering iron. We will use it to solder the wires to the poles of the battery.
  2. Sandpaper or file to clean the soldering iron tip from slag and carbon deposits.
  3. Sharp knife. We will use it to strip wires if they are braided.
  4. Flux or rosin. What soldering flux is suitable in this case? Let’s not rack our brains here, let’s take simple soldering acid, it is sold in any store that sells radio products. Well, rosin, although it often differs in color and shade, is always the same in properties.
  5. Brush for applying flux.
  6. Solder. It can be purchased in the same place as flux.

Solder the wires to a regular battery

So, how to solder wires to a 1.5V battery? This task is not difficult if everything you need is already at hand. We proceed according to the following instructions:

That's it, the wires are properly soldered to the battery.

Solder the wires to the crown

How to solder a wire to a Krona battery? Here, soldering is carried out almost in the same way as in the case of a conventional battery. The only difference is that in the Krona battery the 9V plus and minus are located side by side on one top side of the battery. The nuances are as follows:

  1. In the case of flux, we treat the Krona contacts on opposite sides with acid. There we will solder the wires.
  2. In the case of rosin, you will need to tin the Krona contacts, also on opposite sides. Why from the opposite ones? Because in this case the risk of a short circuit between the wires is practically reduced to zero.
  3. The Krona 9V battery has contacts (poles) that are very inconvenient for soldering. At the top they open wider, and therefore for high-quality tinning and soldering from the side of such a contact, it is necessary for the soldering iron tip to be narrower or pointed.

In general, the whole process is similar to the previous one. We treat the contacts and edges of the wires with acid (or tin in the case of rosin), press the wires to the contacts, take a little solder with a soldering iron and solder them. The process is complete.

Quad batteries 4.5 V

It is even easier to solder wires to such batteries. They have flat, folding contacts that can be easily tinned. And soldering to them is easier and faster. The main thing is not to move the wires during the soldering process. Otherwise they will simply come off.

Here you can not hold the wire at all, but wrap it around the plane of the contact strip. And then, having collected tin with a soldering iron, carry out soldering.

Rechargeable batteries

It is better not to solder batteries, but to make a special container for them, in which the contacts of the elements will be in close contact with the polar contacts of the container. The material of the batteries consists of alloys that are even worse for soldering than conventional lithium ones. But if you really need it, then soldering is carried out as in the case of a regular 1.5 V battery, just use flux and not rosin. Plus, soldering should be done as quickly as possible, keeping the contact of the soldering iron to the poles to a minimum, since such batteries are afraid of overheating.


Of the two options - rosin or flux - it is better to choose flux. It will provide the soldering with greater durability and reliability. Such soldering will not fall off even if the device is used very often. The only caveat is that the acid vapors released during soldering are very harmful, so it is not recommended to inhale them, and after the procedure you should wash your hands thoroughly.