Muslim dream book alphabetical index. Islamic dream book: interpretation of dreams according to the Koran and Sunnah

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Reading it in a dream is a sign of honor, joy from Allah and victory.

And whoever among the sick sees that he is reading something from the Koran, the Almighty will heal him.

Reading the Koran in chant is a sign of the numerous good deeds and the height of the degree (darja) in the afterlife.

Whoever sees that the Koran is being torn to shreds is a person who does not believe in Allah and does not recognize Him.

And if he sees that he has done something in the Koran that he would never have liked in reality, then this is a sign of the destruction of his faith and character.

And whoever sees the Koran with him in a dream will gain power and knowledge, and if the one who saw the Koran is sick, then he will get rid of his illness.

To see reciters of the Koran gathered in a certain place in a dream means that statesmen from among the sultans, merchants and alims are gathering in this place.

If a person reads verses from the Holy Quran in a dream, telling about joy and mercy, then he has earned the mercy and protection of the Almighty.

If the verses read in a dream contain lines about punishment, punishment for sins and warning, then this dream means that a person sins in life; he should repent and sin no more.

A person who reads the Koran very beautifully and expressively in a dream will succeed in the future in everything he does not undertake.

Whoever sees himself reading the Koran written in ugly and illegible handwriting will soon repent of his sins.

The Koran says: “When you read the Koran, we place a hidden veil between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter.” (SURA-ISRA, 45).

Putting the Koran under your head in a dream means doing wrong things in life.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Do not put the Koran under your head.”

Taking the Koran with your right hand is good; to return the Koran to someone - to greatly regret something.

Whoever sees that lines from the Koran are written on his shirt is a very religious person. But if they are written on his left hand, then he may commit a bad act.

Seeing a non-believer holding the Koran or some other Arabic book in his hands is a sign of failure.

A person who holds the Koran in his hands in a dream and does not read it will soon receive an inheritance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Message of God

Symbols of faith (church, bible, mosque, Koran, etc.) are dreamed of by a desperate person who has lost patience and humility in solving his problem or issue. A small digression from your dream: God is one, Allah, etc. This is light, bright light, golden radiance as you wrote, the color like the sun is just not blinding, so the contrast in the dream was figurative so that you understand the problem (reason) of your impatience , and moved on the right path, since you write that you went to 4 churches, in different cities, it means that something prompted you to do this, from a dream it is very difficult to understand whether the reason is in your faith (unbelief) or you are confused in the path of life, etc. d. I hope you learned something useful from what I wrote. I practically don’t write this to anyone, I will write to you, if you need help in your situation, you can write to me via private messages to understand what’s wrong with you and where you should move next. Good luck and patience!!!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

The Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah is a controversial subject, causing a lot of controversy. However, many Muslims and those who are far from this religion believe in the interpretation of night visions based on these books. Let’s talk in more detail about what Islamic dream books are, what’s special about them, and whether you should trust the interpretations of dreams described in them.

Description of the dream book on the Koran and Sunnah

Muslims believe that only those people have prophetic dreams who follow religious tenets, live righteously and do not violate the laws of the Koran. Therefore, only the faithful can interpret dreams according to the Islamic dream book.

In the Muslim religion, dreams have a very important place. It is believed that a dream is an observation of the soul, signs sent to a person by Allah himself. But while some dreams are clear and their meaning is clear, others have to unravel vague hints with the help of interpreters and dream books.

It is believed that it is impossible to become a real dream interpreter just by reading books. Only Allah can grant such an ability to a person. It goes to deeply religious, almost holy Muslims who do not sin. Therefore, the Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah is considered among Muslims to be more of an entertaining read than a serious book that can explain the meanings of dreams.

Although the most general interpretations of common dreams are considered to be quite reliable.

The Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah says: dreams, depending on their content, are divided into three types.

  1. Favorable dreams. They portend imminent joy, sent by Allah himself. They are righteous and come true more often.
  2. Bad dreams. Such visions are not sent by Allah, but by Shaitan - in our opinion, the devil, the embodiment of everything bad, universal evil. The highest pleasure for Satan is to mock an innocent person, to instill horror, fear in him, to cause trouble, to motivate him to sin. This is exactly what Satan does through the dreams that he can send to people. This category includes nightmares, erotic dreams, and absurd ones. To prevent bad dreams, you need to read a prayer before going to bed, turning to Allah. You also need to perform ablution, go to bed with a clean body, on an empty stomach and with clear thoughts.
  3. Repetition of events that have already happened in a dream. Such night deja vu is not explained in any way in the dream book. It is believed that these are empty dreams that should not be interpreted in any way.

The Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah contains not only interpretations of various dreams. He also determines the rules of behavior of a person who has seen a particular dream.

  • if you had a favorable, good dream, then: turn to Allah with gratitude, wait for pleasant events, rejoice, tell your loved ones about your love for them, interpret the dream as you would like it to come true;
  • if you had an unpleasant, bad dream: turn to Allah with a request to protect you from Shaitan (three times), spit to the left three times, change your position (sit, stand, roll over), perform prayer, remain silent about this dream and do not try to interpret it.

Of course, such recommendations are more suitable for Muslims: a Christian or an atheist will not perform namaz or offer prayers to Allah. But it is important to understand the principle itself: interpret a good dream the way you want, quickly forget about a bad one. Proponents of the theory think in much the same way that you need to send your requests to the Universe, and then everything will come true.

5 features of the Muslim dream book

The Islamic dream book is radically different from most others. It has its own unique features.

  1. No clear interpretation of dreams. Their meaning is determined by the interpreter himself, relying on the principles of the Koran and Sunnah, the images described in the holy books.
  2. It is believed that the prophet Muhammad initiated the interpretation of dreams.. He described his night visions and speculated about their meaning.
  3. It is believed that the meaning of a dream is closely related to himself and the world around him. Multiple meanings of the same vision are not allowed.
  4. No usual orderliness. If in ordinary dream books there is an alphabetical order, then in Muslim dreams are described in accordance with their significance for the Muslim faith.
  5. The meaning of dreams according to the Koran and Sunnah may differ radically from the interpretation of the same visions in European dream books.

Only Muslims should take the dream book on the Quran and Sunnah seriously. For representatives of other religions and atheists, this book will seem too sophisticated, religious, and unconventional.

APRICOT – If a person sees in a dream that he is eating apricots, then he will either get sick or lose something important in life.

AGONY – Seeing the agony of a dying person in a dream means a happy and joyful life.

ADAM a.s. – whoever sees Adam, a.s., in a dream in his real form, and in all his greatness, will acquire great power, being worthy of it, for the Almighty said: “I will install a governor on earth.” (Sura Bakra, 30). If anyone -he will see in a dream that he is talking to Adam, and he will become a scientist, an expert. The Almighty said: “And He taught Adam all names.” They also say that someone who meets Adam, a.s., in a dream may be deceived by the words of some of his enemies, but after some time he will see the light and be freed from deception. The appearance of Adam, a.s., in a dream in a changing appearance means moving from one place to another, and finally returning to the original place.

AZAN (call to prayer) indicates Hajj. It can also indicate dua (supplication to Allah), piety, serving the Almighty and doing good, or calmness and deliverance from the wiles of Shaitan (Satan).

ABC - whoever sees the alphabet in a dream will show undoubted success in mastering knowledge.

AIST – Seeing a stork in a dream foretells the gathering of a large number of people in a certain place. Seeing a flying stork in a dream promises you a favorable marriage and a successful trip. If storks gather together in a dream, then you will have to communicate with criminals and thieves and be at enmity with them.
AYUB (Job, a.s.) – seeing him in a dream indicates trials, troubles and a favorable outcome. If the one who sees him is sick, then he will be healed of his illness, and perhaps will receive an answer to those desires and requests for which he prayed to Allah.
ACROBAT, GYMNAST – to see an acrobat in a dream means the insecurity of the place a person occupies in life.
ACTOR – Seeing an actor in a dream means that among your friends there are deceivers and hypocrites.
SHARK - to see a shark in a dream means an imminent meeting with a secret or open enemy.
MIDWIFE, MIDWIFE perhaps her vision indicates the release of a prisoner from prison and deliverance from the worries and hardships of life.
ALLAH (HOLY AND GREAT IS HE) If someone dreams that Allah is satisfied, pleased with him and turns His Face towards him, then he will have the same meeting with Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment. This also indicates the acceptance by the Almighty Lord of the good deeds he has performed in this world, as well as the reward for them by the Almighty Allah with Paradise, as a reward for his godly deeds, if the Almighty Creator dreams of him and he is able to look at Him. If he sees that the Creator has given him any of the blessings of worldly life, then some kind of misfortune or illness will befall him, due to which he will be awarded Paradise in the next world.

If a person sees Allah in a dream in some famous area on earth, it means that justice reigns there and that goodness, joy and help will come there. Whoever sees that the Lord speaks to someone, reproaching or warning against something, is a sinner who needs to immediately repent.

If he sees that Allah Almighty has condescended to him in a dream and thanked him, then he will be endowed with the ability to perform miracles (karamat) and will receive the mercy of Allah. Only a select few can see such a dream. But if you see Allah, Great and Glorious, in the form of one of His creations or with some shortcomings, then this is a deceitful person who deliberately tells lies against the Lord, and also follows innovations in religion, and let the one who sees such a dream quickly repent .
DIAMOND, DIAMOND – a harbinger of family joys.
BARN – in a dream means wealth and income, and if it is used, then it is a wonderful praise for it. If the barn is empty in a dream, then ruin awaits you. A full barn means wealth.
PINEAPPLE – A pineapple seen in a dream is a harbinger that success awaits you in the work you have begun.
ANGELS 1 – If someone sees an angel in a dream, then in life he will achieve honor and glory.

If he sees the most honorable of the angels, the goodness, happiness and mercy of Allah will befall him, rains will descend, his earthly lot will increase, and the death of a Shahid (martyr for the faith) will befall him.

If he sees that angels have descended into the mosque, then this is a command to do a lot of good, offer prayers (dua) to Allah, and give alms (sadaqa).

If they descended on the streets, then this is an appeal to him to stop doing evil, and it is also a command to maintain accuracy in measurements and scales.

If you see angels on graves, this is interpreted as the spread of the disease cholera (waba) among the Ulama (learned theologians) and the death of ascetics who, in the name of Allah, abandoned the blessings of earthly life. Ibn Sirin said: “We were informed that in Mecca, Abul Fadl Ahmad bin Imran al-Harawi, may Allah Almighty protect him, said that Abu Bakr Jaafar bin al-Hayat ash-Sheikh Salih saw the Prophet, s.a.w., in a dream . He said that next to the Prophet, s.a.w., was sitting a group of poor ascetics. “Suddenly,” he continued, “the heavens opened up, and the Archangel Gabriel, a.s., appeared, accompanied by angels. The angels held basins and jugs of water in their hands. They began to pour water on the hands of the poor and wash their feet. “When it was my turn,” he continued, “I stretched out my hands and heard some angels say to others: “Do not pour water on his hands. He is not one of them." Then I turned to the Prophet, s.a.w., and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I may not be one of them, but I love them.” And the Prophet, s.a.w., answered: “The believer is together with those whom he loves.” And water spilled on my hands so that I could wash them. The appearance of angels in dreams, known as angels bearing news, signifies signs warning of impending major changes in the lives of those who encounter angels in dreams. Greatness, strength, power, a joyful event, victory after oppression, healing after illness, peace after fear, prosperity after difficulties, wealth after poverty, liberation after hardship await these persons. A person who sees angels in a dream will have to perform Hajj or take part in ghazavat and give his life for faith.

If someone sees in a dream how he is fighting with Jibril and Mikail, a.s., or is arguing with them, then this means that in such a situation he will have to experience the wrath of the Almighty from time to time, for his opinion coincides with with the opinion of the Jews, God forbid!

If Jibril, a.s., gives the sleeping person some food in a dream, then this means that this person, inshaAllah, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. The appearance of Archangel Jibril, a.s., with a sad or worried face is a sign that the person who sees this angel in a dream will face difficulties and punishment. It is known that Jibril, a.s., is also the angel of punishment. A meeting in a dream with Mikail, a.s., indicates that the one who saw this dream will achieve what he wants in the present and future life, if he is pious and devout, but if he is not, then let him beware.

If they see in a dream that Mikail, a.s., appears in any city or village, then the residents of these places will experience heavy rain and a decrease in prices.

If Mikail, a.s., speaks to the sleeping person or gives him some thing, then this is a sign of prosperity, happiness and joy, because it is known that Mikail, a.s., is an angel of mercy. They say that such a dream indicates the coming of justice after tyranny and the death of cruel tyrants in this country.

If someone sees in a dream Israfil, a.s., with a saddened face and blowing a trumpet, the sounds of which are heard, in the opinion of the person seeing this dream, only to him alone, then this person will die.

If he believes that the sound of the trumpet of Israfil, a.s., was also heard by the inhabitants of this area, then a quick inevitable death will occur there. Meeting in a dream with the angel of death (Azrael, a.s.), whose face expresses joy, means that the one who saw the dream will give his life in the fight for faith. Seeing the angel of death angry in a dream foretells death without repentance.

If someone sees a dream as if he was fighting with the angel of death, and he defeated him, then this person will die.

If the angel of death could not overcome him, then this means that the one who saw the dream will be on the verge of death, but then Allah will save him from death. And they say that whoever sees the angel of death in a dream will have a long life. It is said that Hamza al-Zayat said: “I saw the angel of death in a dream and asked, turning to him: “O angel of death! I conjure you in the name of Allah! Tell me, has the Almighty written down anything good about me?” He replied: “Yes!” And the sign of this is that you will die in Helwan.” Indeed, Hamza al-Zayat died in Helwan. To see in a dream that one of the angels foretells the birth of a son to someone means that this person will have a son who will become a scholar-theologian, an amiable and noble person, from the words of the Almighty: “Truly Allah will illuminate you with good news,” as well as : “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy.”
ANGELS 2 – if you see angels with dishes of fruit in a dream, it will mean that the one seeing this dream will pass away as someone who died for his faith. Seeing one of the angels entering someone's house in a dream is a warning about the possible penetration of a thief into this house.

If someone sees in a dream how an angel takes away his weapon, then this means that this person will lose strength and prosperity, and it is even possible that he will separate from his wife.

If someone sees angels in any place in a dream that cause him fear, then turmoil and war may occur in that area. The appearance of angels on the battlefield in a dream signifies victory over enemies.

And if someone sees in a dream how angels prostrate before him or bow to him, then this person will achieve the fulfillment of his cherished desires, rise in his deeds and become famous.

If someone sees himself in a dream as if fighting with an angel, then he will find himself in a difficult and humiliating position after his previous greatness.

And if a patient sees in a dream how one angel fights with another, then this means the approach of his death. The appearance in dreams of angels descending from heaven to earth in a natural form marks the rise of venerable people, the humiliation of unworthy people, as well as the victory of the Mujahideen (who are making aspirations and efforts to spread Islam - spiritual, psychological and, in extreme cases, physical). Seeing angels in the form of women in a dream means falsehoods and lies made against Allah. The following words belong to the Almighty on this occasion: “Did your Lord only provide you with sons, and take women for himself from the angels? Truly you speak a dangerous word!”

And if someone sees in a dream how he flies with the angels or rises with them to heaven and does not return back, he will gain dignity in this life, and then die for a just cause.

If the sleeper sees that he is looking at angels, misfortune will befall him. This corresponds to the statement of the Almighty: “On the day when they see the angels, there will be no joyful news for sinners.”

If a sleeper dreams that angels are cursing him, this will mean condemnation or weakness of his faith, but if he dreams that angels are making noise or screaming, this means that the sleeper’s house may fall apart.

And if someone sees in a dream how several angels appear in some city, locality or village, then this means that a companion will die there, or an unjustly offended person will be killed, or someone’s house will fall on its inhabitants.

If someone dreams that angels produce the same products that the sleeping person makes, this will signify that he will benefit from his craft. The appearance in a dream of an angel saying: “Read the Book of Allah Almighty,” portends great honor if the person seeing this dream is one of good, pious people. If he does not belong to good people, then let him be on his guard, for the word of Allah applies to him: “Read the record of your deeds, now you yourself are able to demand an account from yourself.” The appearance of angels in any place on a horse in a dream marks the death of a powerful person or tyrant there. The flight of birds unknown by name in a dream means that it is not birds that are flying, but angels. Seeing this in a dream in any place means retaliation against the oppressors and helping the oppressed.

If someone sees in a dream the Noble Scribes (“Al-Hafazat”, angels on both sides of a person, recording all his good and bad deeds), this means for him joy and happiness in the present and future life and a happy end to life. This is provided that the dreamer is one of the righteous and virtuous citizens.

If he is not such, then you should be afraid for him, for the Almighty said: “The noble Scribes know what you are doing!” Some of the people who know a lot about this say that the appearance in a dream of an angel in the form of a sheikh (an old man) tells about the past, in the image of a young man he speaks about the present, and in the image of a youth he points to the future.

If someone sees in a dream that he seems to appear in the form of an angel, this foretells relief for him if he was in trouble before, or liberation if he was previously in captivity, or the adoption of faith, the achievement of great heights of power. For the patient, this dream means the approach of death.

If someone sees a dream in which angels greet him, it means that Allah will give this person insight in life and provide him with a happy outcome. They say that a certain Jewish merchant named Shamuel, while on the road, dreamed of angels blessing him. He turned to the interpreter of dreams about this, and he answered him: “You will accept the Islam of Allah and the Sharia of the Messenger of God, s.a.s., from the words of the Almighty: “It is He and His angels who bless you to lead you from darkness to light.” !”. This merchant accepted Islam, and Allah led him along the True Path. The reason he accepted Islam was that he hid a poor debtor from his creditor.
ORANGE, MANDARIAN an orange or tangerine seen by a person in a dream promises him good health.
PHARMACY - if a sick person sees a pharmacy in a dream, then he will soon recover, but if a healthy person sees it, he may become ill.
ARAFAT – whoever sees in a dream that he is on Mount Arafat on the day of Arafat and one of his relatives is absent (or missing), then he will return to him joyful, and if he quarreled with someone, he will make peace with him . Arafat may also refer to Hajj.
WATERMELON - watermelon portends pregnancy for a woman and early marriage for a girl. If a person stretches out his hand to the sky and eats a watermelon in a dream, then he will soon receive what he longs to acquire. A yellow watermelon is a disease, and a green watermelon is an earthly destiny. If a person throws watermelons into his house, then every abandoned watermelon means the death of one of his relatives.
ARREST – Seeing an arrested person in a dream is an omen that troubles may await you.
ASCETISM, DEVOTION in a dream is a manifestation of love and respect from people.
ASTRONOMER – this is a liar.
VERSES OF THE QURAN – if these are verses that speak of mercy, and the one who reads them has already left this world, then his soul rests under the mercy of Allah. But if these are verses containing the direct or indirect meaning of punishment, then his soul is under the punishment of Allah. If they are verses of admonition, then they warn the one who saw them from committing a sin, and if they are verses announcing something, then they foretell goodness and blessings for him.

Islamic dream book. Interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah / Transl. from Arabic - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “DILYA”, 2010.

A dream, as part of a prophecy, is of great importance for a Muslim. The Muslim dream book according to the Koran and Sunnah will tell you whether a dream is good or bad, whether it will come true or not. It can be useful and interesting for representatives of other faiths.

From the point of view of science, dreams are nothing more than a reflection of everything that a person experiences in everyday life: his actions, thoughts, plans, dreams, feelings and emotions. Some believe that the images that appear in a person’s mind during his sleep are inspired by a certain higher power, in particular, God. They can transport not only to the past, but also to the future, as well as to other realities. Dream images cannot always be taken literally. They need correct interpretation. People who profess the Islamic religion can benefit from a Muslim dream book on the Koran and Sunnah.

Dream in Islamic religion

Sleep and dreams are given great importance in the Islamic religion. What true Muslims see when they fall asleep they consider “observations of the soul.” The great Allah Himself sends down signs to them. Some of them are obvious; you don't need to make an effort to understand what they mean. Others consist of a collection of seemingly unrelated images. The meaning of such dreams is clear only to selected interpreters.

It is impossible to become an interpreter by learning from books. The ability to unravel “visions of the soul” is bestowed by Allah. To receive such a gift, you must be God-fearing and live according to the Koran, not sin and protect others from the sins. These people are either prophets or saints. And you can only turn to them for the interpretation of dreams.

Therefore, the Muslim dream book interpretation of the Koran and Sunnah is a guide rather for curious people. It is a generalization of knowledge about sleep and dreams in the Islamic religion, a kind of collection of the most reliable interpretations. Thanks to him, a person gets an idea not only of those visual, sound and tactile images that appeared to him after falling asleep, but also of Islamic culture and religion.

What does a dream mean according to the Muslim dream book?

According to the Muslim Holy Scripture, dreams can appear to a person from Allah (God), Shaitan (the devil) or be born from one’s own subconscious. Accordingly, they come in three types:

Both men and women can have prophetic dreams. This can happen both at night and during the day. But those who dreamed closer to the morning and morning prayer are most likely to come true.

What to do to make the dream come true?

So why do the Koran and Sunnah call for sharing all the good things you dreamed about and keeping all the bad things to yourself? The fact is that the Prophet Muhammad himself said that a prophecy that appears to a sleeping person will materialize only if it is made public.

The Islamic religion also warns its followers to pay special attention to dreams and try to interpret all the images that arise in dreams. You should also protect yourself from television and online commentators who, for the most part, tell lies.

The difference between the Muslim dream book and other existing ones

The science of dream interpretation, oniromancy, is more popular than ever. In bookstores and on the Internet you can find a huge number of dream books that offer interpretations of a huge number of images that a person can dream about. It is very difficult to verify their reliability in any other way than through personal experience.

The Muslim dream book on the Koran and Sunnah is fundamentally different from all others:

  1. Decoding dreams is based on what is said about the images that appear in them in the Koran and Sunnah themselves.
  2. It is known that the Prophet Muhammad himself interpreted dreams; the dream book indicates that it was he who saw in one or another image that appeared at night.
  3. The interpretation takes place close to the nature of man and the world around him; it is not ambiguous or confusing.
  4. Usually, phenomena seen at night are distributed alphabetically in dream books. The Muslim dream book has a special structure: the order of the images depends on their significance from the point of view of the Islamic religion.
  5. Images interpreted positively or negatively by other dream books can have diametrically opposite meanings in Muslim ones.
  6. The dream book allows you to form a clear idea of ​​the lifestyle and worldview of a Muslim.

Three illustrative examples of deciphering images from dreams according to the Koran and Sunnah

God, saints, prophets

A person who sees Allah himself in a dream can be sure that his dream is true and good. After all, Satan will never be able to take his form. A meeting with the Almighty means that a Muslim lives according to the rules and performs righteous, godly deeds. Allah accepts these benefits and is ready to reward them. A Muslim can be sure that on the Day of Judgment he will have a place in heaven.

If a person dreamed of the Prophet Muhammad or one of the saints, it matters exactly what they looked like. If their faces expressed satisfaction, and they themselves were beautiful and elegant, the Muslim would expect deliverance from sorrows and adversity, victory over enemies, or some other good event. If the saints and prophets appeared darkened and pale, it means that one should prepare for something bad.


These creatures don't always turn out well. For example, fighting one of the angels means imminent death. If they gather together in any village or city, someone there will soon die. But if one of the angels dreamed of being in a good mood, cheerful and contented, the person will experience success in worldly affairs and insight in religious matters.


Seeing your own death in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means freeing yourself, returning home after long wanderings. Despite the fact that the Muslim dream book is intended primarily for those who profess Islam, it can be interesting and useful for representatives of other faiths.

Video: how is a dream correctly interpreted in Islam according to the Koran?

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There is an opinion that the Muslim dream book today is the most accurate of all existing ones. I wonder why? Let's try to figure it out, but to do this it's worth turning to history.

According to the Prophet Muhammad, after him there will be no prophecies in the world, except for prophetic dreams about the future - al-mubashshirat. They will help people interpret the signs of the Almighty with warnings and approvals, and sometimes prophetic ones. Whether this was actually said by the Prophet is not known for certain. Despite this, each of us sees dreams in life that actually come true.

As is known from the Koran, the first prophetic dream was the vision of Adam. Allah asked him if he had seen a person like himself in the world. Adam replied that he had not seen and asked Allah to create a mate for him, so that the wife would live with him and also honor Allah. After the words were spoken, Adam fell asleep, and after he woke up, he saw Eve at the head of the bed.

According to this Islamic legend, this dream of Adam, described in the Koran, became the first prophetic dream dreamed by the grace of the Almighty. There is an assumption that since ancient times only a select few have been endowed with the ability to interpret dreams. People receive this gift from Allah himself. Most Islamic scholars devoted their entire lives to the interpretation of dream symbolism and the Koran.

The most accurate interpretations of dreams can be read in the Koran - the holy book of all believers, however, several other sources are also known.

Muslims use the following dream books to interpret dreams:

  1. The body of knowledge is the original Muslim dream book, written in Persian and translated into other languages.
  2. Luminaries of various sciences - describes the true interpretations of the dreams of the faithful.
  3. Sunnah is a dream book created at the end of the 19th century. It presents the sacred lives of the Prophet.

Muslims believe that only those people have prophetic dreams who follow religious tenets, live righteously and do not violate the laws of the Koran. Therefore, only the “faithful” can interpret dreams according to the Islamic dream book.

In the Muslim religion, dreams have a very important place. It is believed that a dream is an observation of the soul, signs sent to a person by Allah himself. But while some dreams are clear and their meaning is clear, others have to unravel vague hints with the help of interpreters and dream books.

It is believed that it is impossible to become a real dream interpreter just by reading books. Only Allah can grant such an ability to a person. It goes to deeply religious, almost holy Muslims who do not sin. Therefore, the Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah is considered among Muslims to be more of an entertaining read than a serious book that can explain the meanings of dreams.

Although the most general interpretations of common dreams are considered to be quite reliable.

How to use the Islamic dream book?

According to the Koran, sleep comes to a person in three different forms:

The correct application of the Islamic dream book according to the Sunnah and the Koran involves analyzing what was seen in the dream, identifying the main thing and assigning it to one of the categories listed above. If the dream appears confused, it is not interpreted.

A woman and a man can see a prophetic dream, but the greatest likelihood that it will come true is noted among those who saw the prophecy closer to the morning.

Features of the Muslim dream book

The Islamic dream book is an interpretation of dreams according to the Koran and Sunnah. It is very different from other dream books in its features:

  1. The interpretation of the images is based on the Koran.
  2. What matters is the interpretation of the images that the Prophet saw and his interpretation.
  3. A clear and understandable interpretation, close to the natural human perception of images.
  4. Sometimes images interpreted positively/negatively in an Islamic dream book can have the opposite meaning.
  5. The order of the recorded images in the dream book does not adhere to the alphabet, but to their significance from the point of view of Muslim scholars.

According to Islam, the dream book according to the Koran shapes the correct behavior of people, and therefore it is classified as manuals and guidelines for action.

In order to correctly interpret a dream according to the Sunnah and Koran, you will have to fulfill the following nuances:

  1. What you see must be correlated with the category: from Allah, from Shaitan, from the subconscious.
  2. The main line of the dream is highlighted and unnecessary details are discarded.
  3. The most significant ones are selected from the images and their meaning is looked at.

A Muslim believer must view his dreams through the prism of revelations in the Koran. If the dream corresponds to them, you should trust it.

The most popular interpreter of Islam is considered to be “Tafsir of Dreams” by Ibn Sirin, which contains about a thousand interpretations.

What does a good dream mean?

According to the Muslim interpreter, Allah himself sends pleasant dreams in order to show the right path and pay special attention to the problematic part of life. Usually working with them brings success in the near future.

Plots with the presence of birds, which signify the right beginnings, are considered to be a good sign. A dream associated with relatives is favorable. This means the presence of strong generic protection. A book appearing in a dream can promise success, signifying great opportunities and potential associated with intellectual abilities.

Prophetic dreams are only good, since they are sent from heaven. Confusing and disturbing dreams are messages from demons who want to reach the human soul through a dream. Morning prayer can drive away negative energy.

There are many interpretations in the Arabic dream book. It is worth considering the most rare and important signs that require primary attention.

  • A home is a symbol of paradise, and the more beautiful and comfortable it turns out to be, the closer the human soul is to bliss.
  • Raven is a symbol of dangerous and evil people.
  • According to the Sunnah and Koran, a bad sign in a dream is considered woman with matted hair. She warns about the onset of illness.
  • Any glass product or simply a fragile thing symbolizes a woman.
  • Seeing milk in a dream means that you will soon become the owner of true knowledge.
  • If a person sees green spices or vegetables in his hands, he needs to repent. This dream means that a person has exchanged the best for the bad.
  • Ashes and ash symbolize entering the wrong path. The dreamer must reconsider his intentions and guidelines.
  • The Dream Book and interpretations according to the Sunnah advise everyone who sees water in a dream to prepare for trials. A large volume of water means huge obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • The camel is a sign of power and greatness.
  • A horse dreams of someone who expects goodness and joy.
  • A sheep is a sign of prosperity, and the more of them there are, the faster the dreamer promises to receive profit and inheritance.
  • A sick tree has an interpretation of danger from people and random events.
  • Traitors see a palm tree in dreams, since it is considered a symbol of renunciation of Allah.

The only thing that has a clear interpretation according to the Koran and Sunnah is money. Seeing them in a dream, one should expect a speedy improvement in well-being. A good sign are ancient coins made of silver and gold. In this case, the dreamer will soon receive happiness along with wealth.


The Koran is famous for the most correct interpretation of dreams, which gives the most truthful and clear explanations. Representatives of Islam always use the interpretations of the Koran and trust them more than others. By following the visions and observing the basic rules of religion, you can receive the blessings of Allah.

Summary of the dream book

The Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah says: dreams, depending on their content, are divided into three types.

  1. Favorable dreams. They portend imminent joy, sent by Allah himself. They are righteous and come true more often.
  2. Bad dreams. Such visions are not sent by Allah, but by Shaitan - in our opinion, the devil, the embodiment of everything bad, universal evil. The highest pleasure for Satan is to mock an innocent person, to instill horror, fear in him, to cause trouble, to motivate him to sin. This is exactly what Satan does through the dreams that he can send to people. This category includes nightmares, erotic dreams, and absurd ones. To prevent bad dreams, you need to read a prayer before going to bed, turning to Allah. You also need to perform ablution, go to bed with a clean body, on an empty stomach and with clear thoughts.
  3. Repetition of events that have already happened in a dream. Such night deja vu is not explained in any way in the dream book. It is believed that these are empty dreams that should not be interpreted in any way.

The Islamic dream book on the Koran and Sunnah contains not only interpretations of various dreams. He also determines the rules of behavior of a person who has seen a particular dream.

For example:

  • if you had a favorable, good dream, then: turn to Allah with gratitude, wait for pleasant events, rejoice, tell your loved ones about your love for them, interpret the dream as you would like it to come true;
  • if you had an unpleasant, bad dream: turn to Allah with a request to protect you from Shaitan (three times), spit to the left three times, change your position (sit, stand, roll over), perform prayer, remain silent about this dream and do not try to interpret it.

Of course, such recommendations are more suitable for Muslims: a Christian or an atheist will not perform namaz or offer prayers to Allah. But it is important to understand the principle itself: interpret a good dream the way you want, quickly forget about a bad one. Proponents of the theory think in much the same way that you need to send your requests to the Universe, and then everything will come true.

Interpretations in the Muslim dream book

The Islamic dream book is radically different from most others. It has its own unique features.

  1. No clear interpretation of dreams. Their meaning is determined by the interpreter himself, relying on the principles of the Koran and Sunnah, the images described in the holy books.
  2. It is believed that the prophet Muhammad initiated the interpretation of dreams.. He described his night visions and speculated about their meaning.
  3. It is believed that the meaning of a dream is closely related to himself and the world around him. Multiple meanings of the same vision are not allowed.
  4. No usual orderliness. If in ordinary dream books there is an alphabetical order, then in Muslim dreams are described in accordance with their significance for the Muslim faith.
  5. The meaning of dreams according to the Koran and Sunnah may differ radically from the interpretation of the same visions in European dream books.

Only Muslims should take the dream book on the Quran and Sunnah seriously. For representatives of other religions and atheists, this book will seem too sophisticated, religious, and unconventional.

The interpretation of dreams is simple and as close as possible to natural understanding. For example, a dangerous predator in a dream is a sign of danger. Scorpio is an enemy or a traitor in your close circle. After all, people have always been afraid of being bitten by poisonous creatures and try not to meet them on their way. A child is a symbol of joy. Seeing an unfamiliar baby means worry and anxiety. Some dreams simply duplicate events occurring in reality.

You will learn all this and more by carefully studying the Islamic dream book. Have pleasant dreams!

Our website presents only current interpretations of dreams, and has created a convenient dream search that can be used absolutely free. The online Islamic dream book is always available at

What to do with good and bad sleep?

If a person happened to see a sign of Allah in a dream or an instruction from the Prophet, he must do the following:

If a person is sent a terrible dream, you need to do the following:

  • Pray to Allah asking for protection from evil.
  • Three times ask for protection from Satan.
  • Spit three times to the left.
  • When falling asleep, you need to change your position.
  • Perform Namaz.
  • Do not tell anyone about the dream or even interpret it for yourself.