Scientific circle “Labor Economics. Club on the topic: “Economy and us” Requirements for students’ skills and abilities

The Economics program is offered for use in the school additional education system for students in grades 9–10, 1 hour per week as part of the organization of elective classes.

The program is based on the theoretical material of the school economics course taught in the 9th or 11th grade, and therefore does not overload students. A significant amount of time allocated to completing practical tasks evenly distributes the load.

The program takes into account the basic principles of systemic, activity-based, developmental, problem-based learning and contains: focus on a comprehensive solution to the problems of education, upbringing, development, scientific nature of teaching, systematicity and consistency, accessibility, stimulation of a positive attitude of schoolchildren to learning, the formation of their cognitive interests, knowledge needs, consciousness, activity, and independence of students in learning with the leadership role of the teacher, the optimal combination of verbal, visual and practical, reproductive and search, as well as other methods, technologies and teaching techniques, the optimal combination of practical and theoretical material, as well as general class , group and individual forms of training, which contributes to the individualization of training.

Working on this program will allow students to gain a set of skills in preparing project, research work, gain experience participating in conferences at various levels.

The implementation of the program will allow, taking into account the age characteristics of children, to achieve the planned results in the training, education and development of schoolchildren, to motivate schoolchildren to study economics during class hours and to study in the specialty of social science disciplines at a university, will help children more fully realize their natural abilities, satisfy their interest in knowledge of social science disciplines (law, social science). The introduction of an elective course will allow students to better study individual issues in the discipline “Social Studies”, including preparing for passing exams for a high school course.

Explanatory note

The curriculum is designed to organize classes in the elective (club) “Economics”. It includes opportunities for students to gain knowledge of economics and the basics of entrepreneurship. The one-year training course program is based on 40 training sessions for the academic year.

The program reflects the content components of training (the main material being studied is presented here).

Program focus

The program is aimed at helping students perceive the school course of economics through expanded knowledge of the economic activities of society.

This is achieved through the widespread use of visualization, performing practical work, solving problems, and conducting business games. Skillful use of organization independent work allows students to solve educational problems by combining different approaches to learning.

The program is aimed at helping students

The use of technical means and ICT, and associated gaming techniques, in the classroom contributes to the formation of critical and analytical thinking, the development of entrepreneurial abilities, and the formation of a sense of responsibility for one’s actions.

Relevance of the program, pedagogical feasibility, novelty

The economy surrounds every person in childhood.

  • the proposed program is related to the content block of the economics lesson, and is often a preparation or continuation of it;
  • extracurricular work under this program offers tasks for conducting thematic games and events at school;
  • the program allows you to focus on students’ interests in the subject being studied, the economic life of society, the family, and therefore helps solve important educational problems, deepening and expanding students’ economic knowledge;
  • the program is designed taking into account the age characteristics of children: children actively show interest in studying the economic activities of society, strive for independent, creative work; The program takes into account the fact that many teenagers, when faced with difficulties in doing work, do not show the necessary persistence and lose interest in completing tasks. – to prevent this, the psychological characteristics of adolescents are taken into account, the teacher provides them with timely assistance, stimulates interest, providing psychological support, and ensures the successful completion of work by students;
  • Close communication between the teacher and students when performing individual work allows us to better get to know the student, his aspirations, abilities, and based on this, guide the development of his interests and independent cognitive activity.

Thus, the novelty and relevance of the program lies in the skillful combination of various forms of work aimed at the development of children, based on the psychological characteristics of the children’s age and the use of various psychological techniques.

The program helps students develop

  • economic and economic worldview;
  • conscious attitude to work;
  • developing children's interest in economic processes, promoting the development of intelligence;
  • development of students' cognitive abilities;
  • skill acquisition project activities(from setting the task to its successful implementation);
  • to ensure that students develop techniques and skills for independent cognitive activity, which can subsequently become the basis for more serious research;
  • students’ mastery of the most important techniques and work skills. This may be useful in everyday life, and perhaps in a future profession;
  • maintaining and developing interest and curiosity; the need to acquire new knowledge and the ability to obtain it through self-education;
  • aesthetic education of students;
  • formation of analytical thinking of students through a system of problem solving, promoting the development of critical thinking;
  • obtaining the necessary knowledge and work techniques to implement the above tasks

Distinctive features of the program: It is built on the foundations of developmental learning as a result of social interaction and the gradual formation of mental activity. Social interaction of students among themselves and with the teacher is carried out in practical activities.

Age of children: The program is designed for use in 9–10th general education classes with a one-year training cycle.

Time frame for program implementation: with a one-year training cycle, the program is implemented in one academic year.

Forms and mode of classes

The one-year course program is based on 40 training sessions per academic year (1 class hour per week)

The main form of organizing extracurricular work in economics at school is a circle.

The Economics program offers the following forms of work:

  • theoretical study of the fundamentals of economics and entrepreneurship;
  • group practical classes;
  • individual lessons (preparation of reports, implementation of individual projects; research activities);
  • school-wide events;
  • excursions, games,
  • practical use acquired skills (organization of fairs, economic games).

Expected results

  • the formation of a strong interest in economic science;
  • fostering responsibility for economic decisions made based on awareness of the role of man in modern world;
  • acquisition by students of solid knowledge in various social science disciplines, supported by practical skills and abilities;
  • consolidation of independent work and research skills;
  • development of students’ intelligence, communication skills, development of aesthetic taste.

Educational and thematic planning

Ways to check the expected result

  • testing
  • protection of abstracts
  • drafting
  • participation in Olympiads

Summing up forms

  • organization of thematic presentations, conferences;
  • organizing an exhibition of student works;
  • holding open events: quizzes, evenings, games.

The program is aimed at developing interest in economic sciences, expanding knowledge in economics, expanding knowledge in the production and non-production spheres of human economic life. In the course of studying the presented material, the student learns methodological and philosophical approaches to economic science, masters the theory of production, and learns about the various economic systems of society.

Methodological support of the program

The Economics program provides for various forms and methods of work:

1) group classes: theoretical discussion of issues - discussion, brainstorming; practical6 implementation of experiments, role-playing games, excursions, public events at school;

2) individual lessons:

  • consultations,
  • working with educational literature,
  • preparation of messages, individual projects,
  • work using computer programs;

3) the technical equipment of the school makes it possible to widely use technical means, a variety of traditional didactic material, as well as information technologies in their work, which make it possible to achieve the highest possible results in learning.

To create the program we used:

  1. Program "Economic Theory",
  2. Program “Fundamentals of Economic Knowledge”, V.V. Lyubimov,
  3. Program “Fundamentals of Economic Knowledge”, I.V. Lipsits,
  4. Program "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship", I.V. Lipsits,
  5. Program "Applied Economics".

Thematic planning
1 year of study

1 What is economics 3 hours
2 Economic systems 4 hours
3 Demand. Offer 3 hours
4 Market Equilibrium 2 hours
5 Consumption, savings, deposits, investments 4 hours
6 Business financing 3 hours
7 Production and productivity 3 hours
8 Labor market. The role of trade unions 4 hours
9 Competition 2 hours
10 Money 3 hours
11 World economy 2 hours
12 Repetition 4 hours

2nd year of study
(for a two-year program option)

1 Subject of economic theory 1 hour
2 Economic research methods 2 hours
3 Production theory 3 hours
4 Model of economic system organization 3 hours
5 Market relations. Market competition 6 hours
6 Market functioning mechanism 2 hours
7 Firm. Theory of the firm 6 hours
8 Cost theory 4 hours
9 Macroeconomic policy 2 hours
10 The economic growth. Cyclicality of the economy 4 hours
11 Financial system 3 hours
12 Repetition 4 hours

Completion of the program involves writing a research paper. The topic of the work is at the student’s choice. The volume of work is at least 10 pages, including diagrams, graphs, diagrams, tables.


  1. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, a book for teachers, grades 10–11, 1997.
  2. Economic theory, textbook, St. Petersburg, 2001.
  3. Avtonomov V.S. Introduction to Economics, 1998.
  4. Lipsits I.V. Economics, 2001.
  5. Applied Economics, 2003.


a circle for high school students “Fundamentals of Economics.”

The program is educational and at the same time career guidance.

This program is based on the 2006 Russian Ministry of Defense program “Economics”, edited by I.V. Lipsits, L.V. Antonova “Fundamentals of economic knowledge (grades 10-11)” and is adapted in connection with the change in the current economic situation in the country and the world.

Explanatory note.

The “Fundamentals of Economics” club is designed for 35 academic hours (1 hour per week) and should help senior students (8-9th grades) expand their understanding of the basics of economic knowledge.

Students’ attendance at the club contributes to the professional development of high school students.

Teaching is carried out using teaching aid for students in grades 10-11 “Fundamentals of Economics” (author L.L. Lyubimiov, I.V. Lipsits).

In order to instill interest in the subject being studied, it is planned to use the following variety of forms and methods of work:

    Design and research activities;


    Conducting meetings with interesting people: employees of the Novokuznetsk employment service, representatives of small businesses, specialists banking sector etc.

    Classes - workshops;

    Role-playing and business games;


    Protection of creative works;

    Solving economic problems and tests.

During practical classes, various economic situations are played out, as well as discussions on current problems of microeconomics.

While attending club classes, all students, of their choice, perform creative work (for example: reporting on outstanding economists, drawing up a business plan, developing their own business project (individually or collectively), participating in the computer business game “Business Course ENTERPRISE”, etc. .)

The purpose of the “Fundamentals of Economics” club:- promote the development of economic thinking of students.

Objectives of the “Fundamentals of Economics” circle:-

    formation in students of a general understanding of the economic laws of life in modern society, the reasons that give rise to various trends in the development of a market economy, as well as the most important mechanisms for its regulation;

    clarification of the content of the main socio-economic roles of a market economy: employee, entrepreneur, government official; explanations of the causes of conflicts between them and legal mechanisms for their resolution;

    developing an active life position among students in relation to the economic processes taking place in society;

    preparing students to carry out simple business activities.

Section 1. Social and psychological foundations of economics (4 hours).

Topics: Introduction. What is economics? Basic material needs. The main questions of economics? Types of economic systems.

Section 2. Man in the mirror of the economy (5 hours)

Topics: Types of markets, classification of markets, fundamentals of the market mechanism. Supply and demand. A person on the labor market. Production and consumption of goods and services.

Section 3. Family economics (2 hours)

Topics: Family in the world of economics.

Section 4. What is a company? What mechanisms determine its behavior. Competition and the role of the state in its regulation (7 hours).

Topics: Reasons for creating companies. Types of companies. Firm costs. Profit of companies. Firms and competition. Market concentration, Barriers to market entry. Acquisitions and mergers of companies. Protection of competition and antimonopoly legislation.

Section 5. Economic growth, unemployment, inflation (3 hours).

Topics: Patterns of economic growth. Labor productivity. Unemployment. Inflation.

Section 6. State fiscal and monetary policy (6 hours).

Topics: The role of the state. Tax systems. The state budget and the emergence of its deficit. State debt. Fiscal policy. Money. Banks.

Section 7. World economy. (2h).

Topics: International trade and comparative advantage. World currency market, causes of economic backwardness.

Section 8. Repetition (2 hours) (can be divided into six months).

Practical part (5 hours) (determined by the degree of difficulty in mastering the material and the need).

Approximate thematic planning

"Fundamentals of Economics" mug.





Forms of classes and teaching methods used



The concept of economics

Lecture with elements of practical work on determining AS.

Economics, choice, rationality, alternative


Main economic issues

Means and factors of production, fixed and variable costs

Economic systems


"Definition of types of economic systems"

Traditional, market, mixed, command-administrative.

The concept of microeconomic and macroeconomic processes

Determination of topics for design and research activities.



World economic crisis.

Fundamentals of the market mechanism

Role-playing game

Supply and demand


Problem solving.

Demand, supply, equilibrium price, quantity of demand, quantity of supply.


Role-playing game

Division of labor, efficiency.

Consumer sovereignty

(invitation of specialists from the Consumer Rights Committee)

Freedom of economic behavior, consumer protection law.

Producer sovereignty

Laboratory work

Entrepreneurial activity, small business.

Personal income distribution


Development of a creative brief

Budget, personal income.

Family economics.

Family budget

What is a company? What mechanisms determine its behavior?

Lecture, meeting with representatives of the world of private entrepreneurship

Firm, profit, costs, competition, JSC, CJSC, cooperative.


Seminar “Problems and prospects for the development of small businesses in our region.”

"Business course ENTERPRISE"

Practical lesson in a computer class

Competition and the role of the state in the economy.

Theory and practice

(Solving economic problems and tests)

Pricing, market concentration.

The economic growth

Labor productivity, economic cycle, extensive, intensive growth.


Conducting a meeting with a specialist from the Employment Center.

(Current issues)

Types of unemployment: frictional, structural, cyclical.

Full employment.


Lecture and solution of economic problems.

Demand Inflation, Supply Inflation,


State fiscal and monetary policy

Lecture (2 hours),

business game (2h)

workshop -1 hour

Conducting a meeting with a representative of the banking industry

(“All about banks”)

Taxes, money, banks, credit, GDP, GNP.

World economy

International trade, world currency market.

Practical lesson “Business plan”

Execution of tasks according to the algorithm.

Business plan

Seminar “Current economic problems of our city” (protection of student projects).

Round table

Small Motherland.

Review and summary of training


Requirements for student skills and abilities

As a result of attending club classes “Fundamentals of Economics”, students should know:

    what are the economic patterns, fundamental features, commonality and differences between market and non-market type economies;

    basic concepts and terms: gross national product, wages, profit, entrepreneurship, investment, level and quality of life, supply and demand, market, unemployment, inflation, global foreign exchange market, marketing, management;

    the nature and essence of economic processes of production, distribution, exchange, circulation, consumption and accumulation and types of connections, interactions and relationships. arising during these processes.

As a result of attending club classes “Fundamentals of Economics”, students should be able to:

    perceive the content of economic information presented in popular economic literature, given in statistical reports and reference books, used in the media;

    form your own position regarding economic policy conducted by the state;

    develop your point of view regarding economic phenomena and processes.

    Lyubimov L.L., Lipsits I.V. “Fundamentals of Economics” Moscow “Enlightenment”. 1994

    Lipsits I.V. Economics in 2 books. Textbook for 9th grade. educational institutions

    Linkov A..Y. Economics Textbook for humanitarian schools Moscow “Vita-center” 2005

    T.N. Starichenko Economics, workshop. Moscow "Publishing House NC ENAS" 2004

    Travin E.N. Economics lessons at school. Yaroslavl

"Academy of Development". 2003

(Manual for teachers of economics and social studies).

    Economy. I'm exploring the world. Encyclopedia Moscow "Olympus" 1998

I approve

Director of MBOU "Basic

secondary school No. 33"

Nikiforova V.M.

Calendar and thematic planning

in the course "Fundamentals of Economics"

for 8-9 grades

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Number of hours according to plan - 35

Compiler of thematic


technology teacher


1 Municipal autonomous community educational institution“Secondary school 3” Discussed at the pedagogical council Minutes 2 of September 26, 2016 I approve from "Secondary School 3".V. Shingarova September 1, 2016 Work program of the circle “Economics for junior schoolchildren” (grades 1-4) Developed by the school methodological association of primary school teachers in Verkhnyaya Pyshma 2016

2 Explanatory note Relevance INTRODUCTION. Fundamental economic changes taking place in Russia in last decade, determined the need of society for an economically literate person, capable of combining personal interests with the interests of society, business qualities with moral ones, such as honesty, decency, and citizenship. Today, economic preparation has become a necessary condition for any worthwhile activity. If earlier economic problems were artificially moved away from the student and he sometimes remained aloof from them until graduation from school, today life urgently requires that even a primary school student knows what needs are and the limited possibilities of satisfying them; knew how to make informed choices; represented the purpose of the money; understood what the family and school budget consists of; what is the price of a product and what does it depend on; how wealth is created and what are its sources. An integral element of economic education is the formation at an early age of a respectful attitude towards the work of surrounding people and its results. A lack of economic education often manifests itself in the fact that children are careless not only with common objects, but also with household utensils and personal belongings. From the first steps of education, schoolchildren must realize that all the material and spiritual values ​​around them were created by the labor of many millions of people who spent enormous efforts on this, and are called upon to serve for the benefit of people. Economic information will help schoolchildren better understand the characteristics of labor in industry, agriculture, trade relations, etc., and understand the importance of various professions. The course “Economics for junior schoolchildren” is compiled according to the author’s program by I.A. Sasova, recommended by the academic council of the Institute of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education. Goal: to create conditions for the formation of economic thinking and the perception of a culture of behavior in a market society among junior schoolchildren. Objectives: to form the foundations of economic knowledge; master the initial practical skills of a competent consumer in a market society; create the basis for further in-depth study of economics in high school; instill moral standards, concepts of good and evil; to introduce schoolchildren to the events of the country; introduce the contents of the Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; develop interest in the surrounding life; enrich students' personal experiences. The teaching of the course is based on the following didactic principles: 1. Teaching at a high level of difficulty

3 Despite the accessible and entertaining form of presentation of the material, mastering economic categories is a rather difficult task, for which the child needs to make some efforts. Each student works at his own level of difficulty. But, complementing each other, resolving contradictions, children are emotionally involved in the overall activity. 2. Fast pace of learning the material. At each lesson, students are faced with either new material or a new, broader view of previously studied material. 3. The leading role of theoretical knowledge This role consists in identifying and understanding the essence of basic economic concepts and categories that are the foundation of the issues being studied, as well as obtaining the necessary skills and abilities. 4. Awareness of the learning process is realized in the ability of students to find connections between the economic material being studied and other areas of knowledge and the surrounding life. Creating a trusting atmosphere in the classroom, situations of success for everyone allow, within the framework of this course, using experience and impressions available at the everyday level for each child, to achieve the disclosure of individuality and development of the abilities of all children. 5. The principle of accessibility of the content of economic education determines the absence of the need to burden students with excessive, often secondary knowledge in economics. main feature and the difference of the course is the priority of universal, moral values. Constantly, using various examples, there is a consideration of the moral and ethical principles of civilized entrepreneurship that have developed in the process historical development ideas about the worthy appearance of a businessman. Moral education is carried out by creating situations that pose moral and ethical problems to the student. Course structure: Economics as a separate subject is studied from 1st to 4th grade for one hour per week. In 1st grade, children begin studying economics in the second half of the year (when they learn to read) or from the beginning of the year (for children who read). 1st and 2nd grade students mainly deal with family economics; third-graders learn the economics of the school, school canteens, libraries, workshops, and the scope of activity of fourth-graders is even broader: the economics of the local economy, enterprise, and native land. Educational and methodological course kit and manuals: I.A. Sasova Economics: Notebook of creative tasks for 1st grade The creative tasks presented in the notebook will allow children in a fun and exciting way to understand human needs and the possibilities of meeting them, learn to make choices, and understand that resources to satisfy needs are not limitless. The notebook can be used both for work in economics and general education lessons, and for joint activities between parents and children. I.A. Sasova, I.I. Nagumanova Economics for junior schoolchildren: 1st grade: A manual for teachers

4 The manual is intended for primary school teachers organizing economic education for children from the 1st grade. It contains general recommendations for the economic preparation of young children school age and lesson guidelines for teachers on working with I.A.’s creative assignment notebook. Sasova, E.N. Zemlyanskaya Economics: Notebook of creative tasks for 2nd grade Creative tasks for 2nd grade students continue to introduce children to the basic economic concepts. In a fun way, second graders will consider the problems of choice; origin and use of money; income and expenses of a person, family, etc. I.A. Sasova, E.N. Zemlyanskaya Economics for younger schoolchildren: 2nd grade: A manual for teachers The manual contains lesson plans for lessons on economics in 2nd grade and is intended for elementary school teachers organizing the economic education of children from 1st grade. It is part of the educational and methodological set, which also includes a notebook of creative tasks by I. A. Sasova, M. M. Firsova Economics. 3rd grade. Creative Activity Book Creative activities for 3rd grade students continue to introduce children to basic economic concepts. In a fun way, students will consider the concepts of “product”, “service”, learn what personal, public and state property is, etc. I.A. Sasova, M.M. Firsova Economics for junior schoolchildren: 3rd grade: A manual for teachers The manual contains lesson plans for lessons in economics in 3rd grade. It is integral part educational and methodological set "Economics for primary schoolchildren" for grades 1-4. Complete with a teacher's manual, a "Notebook of Creative Assignments" is published for students. The kit can be used for economic education of 3rd grade students as part of independent study of the subject or in lessons of the Russian language, mathematics, technology, the environment, etc. I.A. Sasova, E.N. Zemlyanskaya Economics: Creative Workbook for 4th Grade Creative assignments for 4th grade students continue to introduce children to basic economic concepts. The assignments aim students at studying the economy of their native land, the specifics of the local economy, and the composition of professions. I.A. Sasova, E.N. Zemlyanskaya Economics for junior schoolchildren: 4th grade: A manual for teachers The manual contains lesson plans for lessons on economics in 4th grade and is intended for elementary school teachers organizing the economic education of children from 1st grade. It is part of the educational and methodological kit, which also includes a notebook of creative tasks

5 THEMATIC PLANNING Classes Sections Number of hours 1st 1. The need to study economics 2. Needs 3. Sources of satisfying needs 2nd 1. The problem of choice 2. Money 3. Income and expenses 4. Buyer and seller 3rd 1. Labor 2 Property 3. Household 4. School 4th 1. Local economy 2. The ability of local economy to meet the needs of people 3. Management of local economy Total: Total: Total: Total: 34

6 CONTENT OF ACTIVITY 1ST GRADE. Introduction. Economics concept. What does economics study? Why study economics? Needs. Diversity of needs. The main need. Physiological need. The need for safety and health. Need for education. The need for communication and respect. The need to show interests. Sources of need satisfaction. Different types of resources: natural, economic, financial and labor. Resources of your area. Names of professions. Production of goods. Concept of goods. Service concept. Provision of services. Considering the problem of limited resources, children realize the impossibility of satisfying all human needs and the need for choice in determining priorities and sequence. The development of children's economic thinking is facilitated by mathematical optimization problems with the questions “Is it enough?”, “What is more profitable?” and so on. GRADE 2 The problem of choice. Ability to meet needs. Limited resources. Limited time. Choice. A profitable option. What can’t a person do without? I want and I can. Essential things in the house. Money. Money as a means of buying and selling; possession of money; the process of exchanging "money" for goods. Money concept. Why do you need money, is it possible to do without it. Can all needs be satisfied with money? Income and expenses. Family income. Your contribution to family income. Revenues of the enterprise and the state. Family expenses. Expenses of enterprises and the state. Budget. What does it mean to save? Buyer and seller. The sequence of actions of the buyer. Salesman. Where do you buy goods? Why are the prices different? Competition. We're going shopping. 3rd GRADE Labor, profession. What is labor? Work in the family. Rational organization of work. Labor in production. Company. Entrepreneur. Production. Job evaluation. Products, goods, services. Where goods are produced. Where are the services produced? Property The concept of property. Personal and family property. State and public property. School property. Wealth. Sources of wealth. Natural resources, results of labor activity. Wealth and culture.

7 Household. Housekeeping concept. Responsibilities of family members in housekeeping. Your contribution to household. Household management. Family budget. The needs of family members and the possibilities of meeting them, based on the family budget. Family welfare School facilities. School income and expenses. School building, equipment. School expenses for the purchase of equipment, supplies, books and other property. Economics of the school library. School canteen: income and expenses. Cost of utilities. Your contribution to the school economy. Thrift and economy. 4 CLASS Local farming. Attractions. Customs and traditions of the native land. Features of the local economy of the native land. Possibilities of the local economy in meeting people's needs. Natural resources native land. Labor resources of your area. Economic resources of your area. Industry of the region and its main products. Local service industry. Transport. Connection. Agriculture and personal subsidiary plots. Local economic management. What is management? Stages of the management process. Local control system. Local economic budget. Limited and abundant resources of their area. Trade and barter of local economy with farms of other regions of the country. Business game “If I were a leader.” What professions does the city need? Journey through the city of “Masters”. Entrepreneurship. The path to the profession. Needs and ways to satisfy them. What is a project? Requirements for products (criteria). Proposing ideas and making choices best idea. Project planning. Project evaluation. Forms and methods of organizing classes: 1. When choosing a form of organizing classes, the task is to present the material in an attractive form for students in order to create a sustainable interest in the proposed type of activity (group, individual, work in pairs, microgroups, independent form of work) 2. To activate processes of education and training are used various methods(story, game, analysis of situations, discussion, visual activity, etc.), involving children in specific learning activities. 3. Taking into account the emotional-figurative nature of cognition in younger schoolchildren, tasks, texts, situations were used in which cartoon characters and famous fairy tales are well known to children.

8 PLANNED RESULTS SUBJECT (EDUCATIONAL) RESULTS. The knowledge necessary to understand the nature of economic processes The place and role of the economy in people's lives Basic economic patterns, connections between micro- and macroeconomic phenomena. EDUCATIONAL RESULTS: First level of results: Students acquire social knowledge about economic needs and the possibilities of meeting them; familiarization with the most commonly used economic terms and concepts; introduction to frugality, economy; creating conditions for a creative attitude to the use of all types of resources; acquisition of initial economic knowledge and skills through inclusion in the economic life of the family, school, and immediate environment. Second level: Obtaining a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society: family, Fatherland, traditions, people. Economic assessment of the subject-spatial environment in which the life of a traditional family takes place. Understanding the importance of various professions. Assessment of material and spiritual values ​​from the point of view of the work of many millions of people. Third level: Gaining experience in independent economic activity. Self-awareness in economic terms of yourself and others.

9 Section 1. The need to study economics Lesson 1. What will we study? Lesson 2. Why study economics? Lesson planning of economics classes in 1st grade Section 2. Needs Lesson 3. Diversity of needs Lesson 4. Needs for food, water, air and heat (physiological needs) Lesson 5. Solving problems for calculating food needs. Lesson 6. The need for safety and health. Lesson 7. Drawing up reminders on maintaining health. Lesson 8. Need for education Lesson 9. Solving educational problems. Algorithm for setting a learning task. Lesson 10. The need for communication and respect Lesson 11. Rules of polite communication Lesson 12. The need to show interests Lesson 13. Project “My Interests” Lesson 14. Project “My Interests” Lesson 15. What do we know about needs (test 1) Section 3. Sources of satisfying needs Lesson 16. Resources Lesson 17. Natural resources Lesson 18. Economic resources Lesson 19. Labor resources Lesson 20. Production of goods Lesson 21. Individual production of goods Lesson 22. Provision of services. (theory) Lesson 23 Providing services (practical work) Lesson 24. What do we know about the sources of satisfying needs (test 2) Lesson 25. Generalization of the results of studying by first-graders the course "Economics" Lesson 26. Generalization and consolidation. Let's play economics.

10 Lesson planning of economics classes in 2nd grade Section 1. The problem of choice Lesson 1. Opportunities to meet needs Lesson 2. Limited resources Lesson 3. Limited time Lesson 4. Choice Lesson 5. Profitable option Lesson 6. What a person cannot do without Lesson 7. I want and I can Lesson 8. Essential things in your home Lesson 9. Test Section 2. Money Lesson 10. What is money, its origin Lesson 11. Why do we need money? Lesson 12. People's needs for money Lesson 13. Money in the family Lesson 14. How and where money is stored Lesson 15. Money in different countries Lesson 16. Test Section 3. Income and expenses Lesson 17. Family income Lesson 18. Your contribution to family income Lesson 19. Income of enterprises and the state Lesson 20. Family expenses Lesson 21. Expenses of enterprises and the state Lesson 22. Budget Lesson 23. What does it mean to save Lesson 24. The importance of keeping records of income and expenses Lesson 25. Test Section 4. Buyer and the seller Lesson 26. Buyer Lesson 27. Seller Lesson 28. Where goods are bought Lesson 29. Why prices are different

11 Lesson 30. Competition Lesson 31. We're going shopping Lesson 32. "Shop" (game) Lesson 33. Test Lesson 34. Final game "Economic Field of Miracles"

Explanatory note The work program for economics in grade 6 is compiled on the basis of the following documents: 1. Program for continuous socio-economic education and upbringing of students in grades 1-8

Supplement to the main educational program of the main general education municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk “Secondary school 142” (Implementation

Educational and methodological kits and accompanying literature for teaching economics in grades 1-7 Sasova I.A. Economy. 1st grade: Notebook of creative tasks. A manual for students. 36 p.: ill. Creative

Explanatory note The work program is drawn up on the basis of - OOP NOO Federal State Educational Standard; -OOP NOO Federal State Educational Institution MBOU Secondary School in the village of Imyanlikulevo - Collection of programs for extracurricular activities: grades 1 4 / ed. N.F. Vinogradova. M.:

1. Explanatory note Abstract work program academic subject"Economics" 5th grade The fundamental changes of an economic nature taking place in Russia have determined the need of society for economic

Department of Education of the City District "Okha" Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school of Okha RECOMMENDED by the School of Education of History Teachers, protocol 6 of May 29

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program in economics for grade 5 was developed on the basis of the “Regional Program of Economic Education for Schoolchildren” and the “Methodological Letter for Teaching Economics in 2013-2014


GRADE 5 EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY PROGRAM “YOUNG ECONOMIST. FAMILY ECONOMY". Explanatory note. The work program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Institution

Explanatory note. This work program in social studies for grade 7 was developed on the basis of the Federal component of the State educational standard for basic general education and the Program

Municipal government educational institution “Vavilovskaya secondary school” “Agreed” Head of the Moscow Region Anikina N.D. Minutes of 204 “Agreed” Deputy School Director

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EXPLANATORY NOTE This program is intended for 9th grade students. When compiling it, the following normative documents were taken as a basis: 1) “Economics: my family” 5th grade / under the general editorship

Work program in social studies (according to the program of L.N. Bogolyubov). 7th grade. Explanatory note. This work program was developed on the basis of the Federal component of the State educational

Department of Education of the Administration of the Urensky Municipal District of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Municipal budgetary educational institution Karpunikha secondary school Working

Explanatory note This work program was developed on the basis of the Federal component of the State educational standard of basic general education and the Program of basic general education

Abstract to the work program The work program of the educational subject "Economics" (basic level) being an integral part educational program secondary general education MAOU "Lyceum 176", compiled

Explanatory note The work program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for primary general education of the second generation, the work program

Work program in social studies. Explanatory note. This work program was developed on the basis of the Federal component of the State educational standard for basic general education

Explanatory note general characteristics programs Work program in social studies for 8th grade for the textbook L.N. Bogolyubova, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova et al. is compiled on the basis of the federal

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Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saratov National Research State University

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Explanatory note The work program for grades 5-6 is compiled on the basis of: Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (which entered into force on September 1, 2013) p.

Contents 1. Explanatory note. 2 2. Planned results of mastering the academic subject “Literary reading in the native language.” 4 3. Contents of the academic subject “Literary reading in the native language”

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“If family members are responsive, sensitive people, if they have broad social interests, if work unites the family into a friendly union, the family will have a good influence on the child.” Educational program “Child”

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EXPLANATORY NOTE This work program was developed on the basis of the Federal component of the State educational standard of basic general education and the Program of basic general education

Explanatory note This work program in economics has been developed on the basis of the Regional program of economic education for schoolchildren (grades 5-11)" (Simonov I.A., Lukyanova R.S., Pleteneva O.V.NGC,

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Annotation. Social science. 8th grade. The work program in social studies for grade 8 of MOU - Secondary School 8 is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education,

1. Explanatory note CONTENTS of the work program of the educational subject "Economics" grade 11 Abstract of the work program of the educational subject "Economics" grade 11 Every person, regardless of his profession,

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The economics program for 11th grade students is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of the state standard of general education according to the program: S.I. Ivanov, M.A. Sklar. "Economy. Fundamentals of economic

Ministry of Education of the Penza region

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Penza Region




Teacher Anikeeva O.N.

Penza, 2016

Composition of the World of Economics program

    Explanatory note.

    The goal of the “World of Economics” circle.

    Tasks of the “World of Economics” circle.

    Thematic planning “World of Economics”.

    Requirements for students' skills and abilities.


Explanatory note

The “World of Economics” circle is designed for 72 academic hours and should help students expand their understanding of the basics of economic knowledge that they previously acquired in the “Social Studies” course, section “Economics”.

Students' attendance at the club contributes to their professional development.

Teaching is carried out using the textbook “Fundamentals of Economics” (author S.V. Sokolova), “Economics for Colleges” basic course (author O.P. Ozerova). In order to instill interest in the subject being studied, it is planned to use the following variety of forms and methods of work:

    Research activities;


    Conducting meetings with interesting people: representatives of small businesses in our region, specialists from the banking sector, the Employment Center, etc.

    Classes - workshops;

    Role-playing and business games;


    Protection of creative works;

    Solving economic problems and tests.

During practical classes, various economic situations are played out, as well as discussions on current economic problems.

While attending club classes, all students perform creative work of their choice (for example: reporting on outstanding economists, drawing up a business plan, developing their own business project (individually or collectively), participating in a business game " Cash flow" and etc.)

The knowledge gained from studying the World of Economics circle program allows students to take part in olympiads and competitions.

The goal of the “World of Economics” circle is: - contribute to the development of economic thinking of students.

Objectives of the “World of Economics” circle:-

    formation in students of a general understanding of the economic laws of life in modern society, the reasons that give rise to various trends in the development of a market economy, as well as the most important mechanisms for its regulation;

    clarification of the content of the main socio-economic roles of a market economy: employee, entrepreneur, government official; explanations of the causes of conflicts between them and legal mechanisms for their resolution;

    developing an active life position among students in relation to the economic processes taking place in society;

    preparing students to carry out simple business activities.

Section 1. Social and psychological foundations of economics (8 hours).

Topics: Introduction. What is economics? Basic material needs. The main questions of economics? Types of economic systems.

Section 2. Man in the mirror of the economy (10 hours)

Topics: Types of markets, classification of markets, fundamentals of the market mechanism. Supply and demand. A person on the labor market. Production and consumption of goods and services.

Section 3. Family economics (6 hours)

Topics: Family in the world of economics.

Section 4. What is a company? What mechanisms determine its behavior. Competition and the role of the state in its regulation (14 hours).

Topics: Reasons for creating companies. Types of companies. Firm costs. Profit of companies. Firms and competition. Market concentration, Barriers to market entry. Acquisitions and mergers of companies. Protection of competition and antimonopoly legislation.

Section 5. Economic growth, unemployment, inflation (8 hours).

Topics: Patterns of economic growth. Labor productivity. Unemployment. Inflation.

Section 6. State fiscal and monetary policy (12 hours).

Topics: The role of the state. Tax systems. The state budget and the emergence of its deficit. State debt. Fiscal policy. Money. Banks.

Section 7. World economy. (6 hours).

Topics: International trade and comparative advantage. World currency market, causes of economic backwardness.

Section 8. Repetition (4 hours) (can be divided into half-years).

Practical part (4 hours) (determined by the degree of difficulty in mastering the material and the need).

Plan of the circle “World of Economics”





Forms of classes and teaching methods used



The concept of economics

Lecture with elements of practical work on determining AS.

Economics, choice, rationality, alternative


Main economic issues


Means and factors of production, fixed and variable costs

Economic systems


"Definition of types of economic systems"

Traditional, market, mixed, command-administrative.

The concept of microeconomic and macroeconomic processes


Determining research topics.



World economic crisis.

Fundamentals of the market mechanism

Role-playing game


Supply and demand



Problem solving.

Demand, supply, equilibrium price, quantity of demand, quantity of supply.


Role-playing game

Division of labor, efficiency.

Consumer sovereignty

(invitation of specialists from the Consumer Rights Committee)

Freedom of economic behavior, consumer protection law.

Producer sovereignty

Practical lesson

Entrepreneurial activity, small business.

Personal income distribution


Development of a creative brief

Budget, personal income.

Family economics.


Family budget


What is a company? What mechanisms determine its behavior?

Lecture, meeting with representatives of the world of private entrepreneurship

Firm, profit, costs, competition, JSC, CJSC, cooperative.


Seminar “Problems and prospects for the development of small businesses in our region.”

Game "Cash Flow"

Practical lesson



Competition and the role of the state in the economy.

Theory and practice

(Solving economic problems and tests)

Pricing, market concentration.

The economic growth


Labor productivity, economic cycle, extensive, intensive growth.


Conducting a meeting with a specialist from the Employment Center.

(Current issues)

Types of unemployment: frictional, structural, cyclical.

Full employment.


Lecture and solution of economic problems.

Demand Inflation, Supply Inflation,



State fiscal and monetary policy


business game,


Conducting a meeting with a representative of the banking industry

(“All about banks”)

(Head of the retail sales department of the Penza regional branch of Rosselkhozbank JSC Valukhova P.A.)

Taxes, money, banks, credit, GDP, GNP.


World economy


International trade, world currency market.


Practical lesson “Business plan”

Completing tasks

Business plan


Seminar “Current economic problems of our city”

Round table

Small Motherland.

Review and summary of training


Requirements for students' skills and abilities.

As a result of attending the World of Economics club classes, students should know:

    what are the economic patterns, fundamental features, commonality and differences between market and non-market type economies;

    basic concepts and terms: gross national product, wages, profit, entrepreneurship, investment, level and quality of life, supply and demand, market, unemployment, inflation, global foreign exchange market, marketing, management;

    the nature and essence of economic processes of production, distribution, exchange, circulation, consumption and accumulation and types of connections, interactions and relationships. arising during these processes.

As a result of attending the World of Economics club classes, students should be able to:

    apply basic categories, concepts, formulas in practical activities to analyze a specific economic situation;

    perceive the content of economic information presented in popular economic literature, given in statistical reports and reference books, used in the media;

    form your own position regarding the economic policy pursued by the state;

    develop your point of view regarding economic phenomena and processes.


    Sokolova S.V. “Fundamentals of Economics”, - M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2012.

    Ozerova O.P. "Economics for Colleges." Basic course – Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 2005

    Lyubimov L.L., Lipsits I.V. “Fundamentals of Economics” Moscow “Enlightenment”. 2004

    Lipsits I.V. Economics in 2 books. Textbook for 9th grade. educational institutions

    Linkov A..Y. Economics Textbook for humanitarian schools Moscow “Vita-center” 2005

    T.N. Starichenko Economics, workshop. Moscow "Publishing House NC ENAS" 2004

    Travin E.N. Economics lessons at school. Yaroslavl

"Academy of Development". 2003

(Manual for teachers of economics and social studies).

    Economy. I'm exploring the world. Encyclopedia Moscow "Olympus" 1998

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