Delicate dough for nuts with condensed milk. Nuts in a hazelnut tree. Secrets to making the perfect nut dough

04.09.2024 Electrics

The pastry, beloved since childhood, is remembered by many for its sweet-delicate taste, interesting shape and crispy crust with an unearthly aroma. We are, of course, talking about delicious nut cookies with condensed milk; the old and new recipes are slightly different from each other, but the love for the dish is invariably great. You can easily prepare your favorite stuffed nuts at home and not only with the help of modern technology, but all the secrets are discussed later in the article.

To make delicious sweet nuts, you must first properly prepare the dough, as well as the condensed milk filling. Try to choose condensed milk according to GOST, it makes the best filling for nuts.

An excellent recipe has been preserved from Soviet times, which is ideal for both those who have modern hazelnuts and those who still have its old analogue - a cast-iron hazelnut. It will take about an hour to prepare the baked goods, and given that you can use modern technologies as assistants, the baking process will speed up significantly.

Over the many years of the existence of such a dish as baked nuts, housewives have not tried to prepare any kind of filling. They made jam to “blind” crispy halves of nuts, but not a single filling, except boiled condensed milk, deserved more honor and respect.

It is customary to cook nuts with boiled condensed milk, and it will be better if you cook it yourself at home.

How to cook condensed milk correctly

  1. Place a metal can of condensed milk in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, and cook for 2.5-3 hours. During this time, the condensed milk will acquire a darker color and taste like caramel.
  2. When the milk is cooked, remove the jars from the pan and give the sweets time to cool. Only after this can condensed milk be used for gluing nuts.

To prevent the preparation of the filling from taking up a lot of your time on the day you bake the nuts, start cooking the day before. Boil condensed milk in the evening and cool it, and the next day use the ready-made thickened mass.

How to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker

You can cook condensed milk in a slow cooker. To do this, place cans of milk in a multicooker bowl, pour boiling water over them and cook the sweetness in the “Stew” mode for 3-4 hours.

After this, according to tradition, we cool the milk. At this point, the preparation of the filling for nuts from condensed milk is finished - you can start baking the dough.

Classic recipe: nuts with condensed milk in molds

Cookie ingredients

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp.
  • Butter - 250 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 drops
  • Wheat flour - 400 g
  • Soda - 1/4 tsp.

Filling ingredients

  • Condensed milk – 1 can


  1. Separate the yolks from the whites. Place the yolks in a deep bowl and put the whites in the refrigerator to cool slightly.
  2. Beat the egg yolks with a mixer, gradually pouring sugar into them. If desired, you can pour a bag of vanilla sugar into the egg mixture, beaten until smooth.
  3. Melt the butter.
  4. Pour flour into a separate dry bowl and fill it with melted butter.
  5. Knead the dough with your hands.
  6. Add the beaten yolks to the mixture, knead the dough again until smooth.
  7. Mix cold whites in a separate bowl with salt and soda slaked in lemon juice (or vinegar).
  8. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until light foam appears.
  9. Add the whipped whites to the resulting dough.
  10. Knead the dough thoroughly again. The ideal consistency of the dough is a dense, thick mass, but in no case crumbly or viscous.
  11. We divide the entire dough into equal pieces, from which we roll into balls for future nuts (about 1 cm in diameter).
  12. Heat the hazelnut to operating temperature.

Baking time for nuts

The dough needs to be baked for as long as indicated in the operating instructions for the electric nut maker. Each hazel maker has its own working capabilities, so the cooking time will vary for different housewives.

In a simple nut pan, bake the first side for 1 minute and turn over to the second side. Bake again for 1-1.5 minutes. After this, we open the hazelnut and look at the goldenness of the cookies. If you want it crispier, repeat frying each side for another half a minute.

When the halves are baked, remove them from the mold into a pre-prepared wide bowl and allow time to cool.

Then put boiled condensed milk on one half and cover the nut with the other half.

Leave the finished nuts with condensed milk in a cool place for a short time so that the filling has time to thicken. That's all - baking based on a simple old recipe is ready, serve a delicious “childhood memory” with tea, coffee, cocoa or hot chocolate.

Nuts with condensed milk “Tender”

The nuts according to this recipe are obtained with a thinner “shell” and soft-crisp, like waffles.


  • 200 g butter (can be replaced with butter margarine);
  • 1 glass of sugar;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 glass of premium wheat flour.

Preparing nut cookies with boiled condensed milk

  1. Mix the softened (!not melted) butter with sugar. Whisk.
  2. Add flour, mix well again.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a mixer, pour the egg mixture into the main mixture and beat until smooth.
  4. Pour half a teaspoon of dough into one hole of the hazelnut.
  5. Close it and put it on moderate heat.
  6. We bake the nuts for 1 minute, during which time the halves will have time to cook. After browning them on one side, we turn the hazelnuts over to the other side.
  7. Grease the finished baked halves with boiled condensed milk and connect them together.

Our homemade shortbread nuts, made in a Soviet nut mill, can be served.

Nuts without shape: recipe in the oven

You can cook delicious nuts with condensed milk without a mold. If you don’t have a regular or electric hazelnut, bake in the oven. The cooking technology is the same as in the recipes above, only the baking process itself differs.

  1. When the dough is kneaded, form balls from it and place them on a baking sheet.
  2. Bake the nuts in the oven at 180-200°C until the halves are browned. After this, cool the dough and form nuts from the cooled halves.
  3. Sometimes, housewives clean out all the dough from the halves and completely fill them with sweet contents. These baked goods turn out even tastier than usual.

Custard for nuts

Preparing the cream filling is a more labor-intensive process than cooking condensed milk.


  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Flour – 20 g;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • Milk – 250 g;
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Butter – 50 g.


  1. Mix sugar and eggs in a bowl.
  2. Add vanilla sugar and sifted flour to the egg mixture.
  3. Dilute the contents with cold milk, mix the ingredients until smooth.
  4. Place the pan on the stove, turn on medium heat and bring the cream to a boil (remembering to stir it periodically).
  5. Cool the cream, add butter to it, mix everything again.
  6. That's all - the cream for nuts with condensed milk is ready. We fill the baked halves of nuts with it and serve the baked goods to the table.

Secrets of successful homemade nuts with condensed milk

To ensure that homemade cookies always turn out delicious, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with simple baking secrets that will help every housewife make delicious homemade sweet nuts.

  • Try to use butter to knead the dough. Do not add margarine; it significantly spoils the taste of homemade cookies.
  • Melt the butter over low heat or in a water bath. To do this, first cut it into medium pieces, so it will melt faster.

It is quite possible to make sweet nuts using vegetarian technology. The baking recipe is the same as in regular classic recipes, only the dough is kneaded without adding eggs.

Traditionally, boiled condensed milk is used as a filling for baked nuts. Condensed milk is either bought already boiled, or you cook it at home yourself. However, no one can forbid experimenting with the composition of the filling.

Housewives often add sour cream or mayonnaise to the filling for nuts. It turns out to be quite a spicy taste in a dish that is already familiar to many.

Now you know what you need for nuts with condensed milk. Cooking them is not such a difficult process, it is rather a pleasant pastime from which you get a lot of pleasure, even standing at the stove.

Nuts with condensed milk (the recipe for which we examined in detail in the old and new culinary interpretation) can be baked by a novice housewife. Just use simple tips and interesting recipes - and cooking sweet nuts will be as easy as pie.

Dough for nuts in an oreshnitsa classic recipe

I am happy to share with you recipe for “Nuts” cookies with condensed milk, which I converted from non-vegetarian, that is, this option is prepared without eggs. I think many people associate these nuts with childhood, because in Soviet times they were a favorite treat for children.

Despite the absence of eggs in the dough, the cookies turn out simply wonderful - not hard, crispy and very tasty. I make the filling for it from boiled condensed milk, butter and walnuts. You can fill the nuts with just boiled condensed milk, but then you need to make less dough, because one jar of milk is not enough for so many shells.

You need to bake these cookies in a special frying pan (I think many people still have it from Soviet times) on the stove or in an electric nut maker.

Cookies “Nuts” with condensed milk



  • 250 gr. butter (or margarine)
  • 3 cups flour
  • 100 ml sour cream
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of soda (slaked)


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 3/4-1 cup walnuts
  1. Boil a jar of condensed milk in a saucepan with water for 3 hours, covering it with a lid, periodically adding water (the water should completely cover the jar). Or buy boiled condensed milk straight away, but the main thing is to choose a good one.
  2. Make the dough by mixing softened butter, sour cream, sugar, soda, quenched with vinegar or lemon juice, and gradually adding flour. You should have a soft dough (you may need less flour, don't add all of it at once!).

    Dough for nuts

  3. Grease the hazelnut with oil and heat it up.
  4. Make small balls of dough. After the first batch of cookies, you will understand what size you need to take a piece of dough so that there is not too much and not too little. For my hazel tree (Soviet), balls Ø 2 cm are ideal.

    Pieces of dough

  5. Transfer the dough into the hazelnut bowl. You need to put a larger ball in the flower in the middle.

  6. Close and bake on the stove over medium heat, first on the side where the indentations are (2 minutes), and then on the other (1 minute). Open it slightly and see if the cookies are golden brown, then they are ready.

    Baking nuts

  7. Pour the finished shells into a bowl. When it has cooled a little, carefully break off any excess edges, if any.

    Ready-made shells for nuts with condensed milk

  8. When the condensed milk has cooled, open the can and transfer the milk to a bowl. Add chopped toasted walnuts, softened butter and crushed cookie scraps.

    Preparing the cream

  9. Mix everything well.

    Cream for nuts

  10. Fill the shells with cream (without a slide) and connect them together.

    Cookies “Nuts” with condensed milk are ready

That's it! As you can see, nothing complicated. I think these cookies are worth making and remembering your childhood :).

P.S. If you liked the recipe, don’t forget, as there will be a lot more delicious things to come.

Bon appetit!

Julia author of the recipe

A delicacy familiar from childhood - nuts with condensed milk - is prepared very simply and quickly, but only if you have a special metal mold - a nut shell. This is probably why it’s time to visit your grandparents, mothers or other relatives and try to find this wonderful device from the Soviet past in their bins. So, the recipe for nuts in a Soviet nut bowl with boiled condensed milk. We will cook on a gas stove, I haven’t tried baking them on an electric one, try it, it will most likely work out too.


  • For the test:
  • creamy margarine – 200 grams,
  • fresh chicken eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup,
  • baking soda – 0.5 teaspoon,
  • apple cider vinegar – 1 teaspoon,
  • wheat flour - about 3 cups.
  • For the filling:
  • boiled condensed milk – 350 grams,
  • butter – 150 grams,
  • walnut kernels – 100 grams.

1 – condensed milk is simmered over low heat for 2 hours. The can of milk must be completely covered with water throughout the entire cooking time. By the way, condensed milk should be boiled in advance so that by the time the filling is prepared it has time to cool completely;
2 – before adding walnuts to the filling, you need to fry them in a frying pan, remove the skins and grind them in a blender or finely chop them with a sharp knife;

3 – margarine for preparing the dough and butter for filling must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature.

Let's prepare the dough for the nuts in a nut maker on gas. Carefully grind soft margarine with granulated sugar.

Beat in raw eggs, add 2 tablespoons of flour (from the total amount) and mix.

Add most of the flour, add soda slaked with vinegar and mix the dough thoroughly with a spoon.

Sprinkle flour on a wooden surface, turn out the dough and knead it a little more with your hands until it becomes soft and pliable. Wrap the dough ball in film and place in a cool place for 30-40 minutes.

While the dough is cooling, prepare the cream filling by combining and thoroughly mixing soft butter, boiled condensed milk and chopped walnuts.

Divide the cooled dough into small lumps and roll out neat balls with a diameter of about 1.5 cm from each of them. The size of the flour balls should correspond to the holes in the mold for making nuts.

Carefully grease the entire surface of the hazelnut (top and bottom) with margarine or butter. Heat the pan on the stove and place the required number of flour balls (9 pieces) in its recesses. Close the hazelnut tightly and set the gas to medium heat. First, lay the hazelnut one side down, and after 1-1.5 minutes turn the mold over to the other side.

Important! Soviet hazelnut is a heavy thing, be careful when cooking, don’t get burned.
Open the nut rack slightly and, if the nuts are already sufficiently roasted, carefully pick them out with a knife and place them on a plate to cool.

In the cooled nut shells, break off the excess edges of the baked dough, then fill each of them with cream.

Using light pressure, connect the halves and set aside for a while so that they stick together well. That’s it, the treat is ready – you can eat the nuts right away, but it’s better to let them sit for a couple more hours at room temperature and soak in the cream.

You can add nuts with condensed milk to the list of your favorite treats from childhood. The classic recipe for this treat will allow even a novice cook to prepare it quickly and easily. Neither a child nor an adult can refuse such a dessert.

This recipe option involves using a minimum amount of ingredients. To prepare sweet nuts you need to take: 3 eggs, 1 pack of high-quality butter, 120 g of sugar, 3-4 drops of lemon juice, ¼ tsp. salt and soda, 430 g of sifted flour, 1 can of boiled condensed milk.

  1. The whites, separated from the yolks, are sent to the refrigerator for cooling.
  2. Beat the yolks with a mixer until smooth. During the process, add sugar to them in small portions.
  3. The butter is melted and added to the flour.
  4. From the last two ingredients, a thick dough is actively kneaded with your hands. Gradually the beaten yolks are added to it.
  5. The cooled whites are mixed with salt and soda, slaked with citric acid, and then whipped until light foam in any convenient way.
  6. All that remains is to combine all the ingredients and knead into a thick, thick dough.
  7. Small balls are rolled out of the resulting mass, which will become blanks for future cookies.
  8. The pieces are placed in a heated nut pan and baked until lightly golden.
  9. Condensed milk is placed on each half of the nut and covered with the second part.

If you decide to use liquid condensed milk instead of boiled milk, then the cookies need to be refrigerated for a couple of hours so that the filling has time to thicken.

Old recipe

The most successful recipe for the dessert under discussion is considered to be the one that our grandmothers used. It includes the following ingredients: 2 chicken eggs, 180 g sugar, 230 g butter margarine, 600 g flour, 0.5 tsp. soda slaked with vinegar, a can of boiled condensed milk.

  1. All sugar is thoroughly mixed with softened margarine.
  2. Eggs are driven into the future dough (there is no need to separate them into yolks and whites).
  3. Flour is poured into the mixture in minimal portions. It should turn out soft and elastic. Therefore, the indicated amount of flour can be slightly reduced or increased.
  4. It remains to add slaked soda, and all the ingredients are mixed again.
  5. The nuts are baked in a special form until golden.
  6. Each two cookie halves are filled with condensed milk and carefully glued together.

To make the dough manageable, you should make sure that all the products that the old nut recipe includes are at the same room temperature.

How to cook tender nuts with condensed milk?

To make the dessert especially tender, condensed milk should be added directly to the dough (one can of uncooked product). You will also need to use: 230 g flour, 2 egg whites, 0.5 tsp. baking soda, slaked with vinegar, 140 g of sugar, a pinch of salt and vanillin.

  1. Using a mixer or blender, beat the egg whites into a thick foam.
  2. Sugar is gradually introduced into the resulting fluffy mass.
  3. All that remains is to add condensed milk, soda, flour and vanillin to the dough.
  4. Halves of nuts are baked from the resulting mass.

You can fill the finished cookies with whipped cream, jam or curd cream.

Oven recipe

For cooking you will need to use an oven. The ingredients include: 1 egg, 1 stick of butter, 560 g flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 90 g sugar, can of condensed milk.

  1. The egg is beaten with sugar, after which flour sifted with baking powder is gradually added to the mixture. A thick soft dough is kneaded from these ingredients.
  2. You can bake nuts in any round or oval molds if you don’t have a special mold on hand. The dough should be distributed over them so that a void is formed in the center.
  3. Cookies are prepared for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. The cooled halves of the dessert are coated with boiled or liquid condensed milk, and then connected in pairs.

Of course, with this method of preparation, the cookies are not as smooth and beautiful as in a special form, but this does not affect the taste of the dessert at all.

Dough for nuts with condensed milk for nuts

The taste of the finished dessert will primarily depend on the dough. The housewife can choose from numerous options that differ in both the method of preparation and the set of products.

Classic dough

For the classic version, you will need to take: 550 g of flour, 270 g of butter, 90 g of sugar, a large pinch of salt and soda, 2 eggs, apple cider vinegar for slaking.

  1. The butter is grated on a coarse grater and then left to quickly soften.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar in any convenient way.
  3. Soda is quenched with vinegar.
  4. All ingredients are mixed together, and flour is added to them in small portions.

The finished dough should be fat and soft.

Hazelnut dough with mayonnaise

Interestingly, the dough for nuts can even be prepared using mayonnaise. In addition to this sauce (130 g), you need to use: a pack of butter, 3 eggs, 550 g of flour, 180 g of sugar, a pinch of baking powder.

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl and mix with sugar (do not beat).
  2. Then mayonnaise, softened butter and sifted flour with baking powder are added to the sweet egg mixture.
  3. The dough should be soft and elastic.

There is no need to worry that the mayonnaise will make the mixture salty. This additive will not be felt at all in the finished cookies.

Shortbread dough

Shortbread dough makes sweet nuts especially tender and crumbly. For this dessert option you will need to use: a pack of butter, 2 eggs, 450 g flour, 170 g sugar, 0.5 tsp. slaked soda, a pinch of salt.

  1. The softened butter is mixed with half the sugar. The second part is combined with egg yolks and salt.
  2. The whites are whipped until foamy with slaked soda.
  3. All three components of the dough are mixed until smooth.

You need to knead the mass until it stretches well.

Dough recipe without eggs

If there are no eggs in the house, then you can prepare a delicious treat without them. For sweet nuts you will need to take: a standard pack of creamy margarine, 170 g sugar, 450 g flour, 170 g low-fat sour cream, 0.5 tsp. baking powder.

  1. Margarine is melted in a water bath or in the microwave, and then mixed with sugar.
  2. To the above ingredients add sour cream and flour, sifted with baking powder.
  3. A stiff, dense dough is kneaded.

The absence of eggs in the recipe will not degrade the taste of the finished dessert.

The nuances of preparing nuts with condensed milk

Homemade treats always turn out much tastier and more tender than store-bought ones. But in order for the culinary experiment not to turn into a failure, you need to know some tricks and nuances of preparing the dish in question.

In an electric hazelnut

The easiest way to cook cookies is in a special electric appliance.

The main thing is not to forget about the following points:

  • To prevent halves of nuts from burning, the device must be lubricated with vegetable or butter before the first batch (although the instructions usually indicate that this is not necessary).
  • When the hazel maker warms up to the desired temperature, it will give a signal, after which you can place the dough.
  • To make the cookies crispy but not dry, just keep the device closed for no more than 1.5-2 minutes.

An electric hazel maker allows you to simultaneously bake a batch of cookies, significantly saving the housewife’s time.

In the oven

It’s worth cooking sweet nuts with condensed milk in the oven if you don’t have a special nut nut on hand.

But even under such conditions, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • It is best to use special metal molds called “Walnut” for baking cookie halves in the oven. Even today they can be found on sale.
  • The oven should be preheated to 180-200 degrees. At this temperature, the nuts cook in just a couple of minutes. Well-baked shells easily fall out of the molds.
  • In general, you can use molds with any design to prepare cookies in the oven. Even stars or hearts. The main thing is that in the future it will be possible to combine them and fill them with condensed milk.

Whatever recipe and method of baking sweet nuts is chosen, it is better to use home-cooked condensed milk for the filling.

In addition, you can fill the cookie halves with cream, fruit, jam, or cottage cheese.

The taste of nuts with boiled condensed milk is familiar to every child and adult from childhood. This delicacy has become a decoration for both evening tea and the holiday table. Today, such cookies are more often bought in stores, but the taste of home-baked cookies is much better. For this reason, it is worth considering ways to prepare nuts with condensed milk in a hazelnut maker at home.

Recipe for dough for nuts in a hazelnut

Back in Soviet times, almost every housewife knew the recipe for nuts in a hazel rack according to GOST, and not just one, but several at once. The classic version uses butter or margarine. Additional ingredients are flour, eggs, slaked soda and sugar. Over time, more options for preparing dough for such a delicacy appeared, and they began to make it with sour cream, starch, mayonnaise and vanilla sugar. In addition, there are lean desserts that exclude animal fats and eggs.

In general, shortbread dough is always used for nuts. There is only one condition - margarine, butter and all other ingredients must be at room temperature. To prepare the cakes, a special form is used - hazelnut. It can be conventional, used back in the USSR for cooking on gas, or a more modern electric one. Either one needs to be greased before the first batch of cookies. In the case of a non-electric form, it is necessary to periodically turn it with different sides towards the gas during baking.

The nut recipe itself has several simple steps:

  • mixing all ingredients;
  • rolling the dough into a tight ball;
  • forming cookie halves;
  • baking process;
  • adding boiled condensed milk to the treat.

Classic dough for nuts with condensed milk

In the old traditional nut recipe, the dough is made with butter. It will require about 250. The list of remaining components is as follows:

  • soda – 0.25 tsp;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • vinegar or lemon juice - 2-3 drops to extinguish soda.

The cooking process is carried out step by step according to the following instructions:

  1. Take a saucepan to melt the butter, instead of which you can use margarine. Another way is to leave it at room temperature or grate it.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar using a mixer, blender or whisk.
  3. Use lemon juice or vinegar to extinguish the soda.
  4. Combine the components listed in the previous paragraphs, then mix everything until smooth.
  5. Continuing to stir, gradually add flour. Knead the dough thoroughly. It should be fatty, soft and elastic.

Recipe for hazelnut dough with mayonnaise

The following recipe for nuts with boiled condensed milk in a nut bowl involves using mayonnaise or sour cream for the dough. In addition, they can be added together by dividing the required amount in half. The list of required components includes the following:

  • sugar - a quarter of a glass;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp, which must be quenched with vinegar;
  • mayonnaise and sour cream – 100 g or each 50 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 2.5-3 tbsp.

If the ingredients are ready, you can start preparing the dough according to the following instructions:

  1. Using a mixer, beat eggs with sugar. Immediately cut the butter into pieces.
  2. Add sour cream and slaked soda to the beaten eggs, and then melted butter. Mix.
  3. Gradually add flour to the mixture, stirring constantly.
  4. Knead the dough until the consistency is soft and not very stiff, so that you can easily pinch off a piece.

How to bake nuts in a nut pan on the stove

You can choose the dough recipe for such a tasty delicacy from the above. From there you can also get a list of products for the test. For the filling you will need the following:

  • butter – 50-100 g;
  • can of boiled condensed milk – 1 pc.;
  • walnuts – 200 g (optional).

From the listed ingredients you need to prepare a cream, which is then used to stuff the cookies themselves. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Melt the butter over low heat and mix it with condensed milk.
  2. Grind the nuts to a powder using a coffee grinder, or add them whole.
  3. Combine all ingredients and mix.

If the dough and filling for the recipe for nuts with boiled condensed milk in the nut bowl are ready, then you can proceed to the last stage. In a simple form on the stove, the delicacy is prepared as follows:

  1. Pinching small pieces from the dough, form balls of a size that would fit the hazelnut. Recommended diameter is about 2 cm.
  2. Place the mold on the fire, grease the indentations inside it with vegetable oil, the same should be done with the bulges on top.
  3. Place a ball into each small container, then close the nut holder and hold the handles tightly for a while so that the dough takes the desired shape of the halves. After a couple of seconds, release the air. Then hold the handles again for about a minute, and then leave the dough for a few more minutes.
  4. Turn the pan over with the other side facing the gas. Wait 3-5 minutes.
  5. After removing the device from the heat, remove the halves with a fork and send to the next batch.
  6. Fill the cookies with boiled condensed milk cream prepared in advance, grease the edges with it, then mold the parts together.

Recipe for electric nut nuts

To prepare crumbly shortbread cookies in the form of nuts, you can also use an electric nut maker, because some recipes with boiled condensed milk have been developed specifically for it. Almost all models of such a device are equipped with a thermostat that changes the heating temperature from 200 to 250 degrees. In general, the electric nut maker consists of 2 working panels connected by a hinge, with built-in baking pans. The first stage of preparation is to knead the dough according to one of the instructions above. Next, the filling is made from the following ingredients:

  • boiled condensed milk – 0.2 kg;
  • crumbs from baking dough - optional;
  • butter – 0.1 kg.

The recipe for nuts with condensed milk in a nut nut includes the following steps:

  1. Set the baking temperature of the appliance to 200 degrees. If there is no such function, then you just need to check the readiness of the halves more often.
  2. Pinch off pieces of dough to make balls, which are then placed in the cells of the electric nut nut.
  3. Cover with a lid and check readiness after 1.5-2 minutes. If it's not finished yet, leave it for the same amount of time.
  4. Remove all halves with a spatula and place on a paper towel.
  5. Combine all the ingredients for the filling and fill the cakes with it.

Video: how to cook nuts with boiled condensed milk