Weaving from newspapers. Tea house. Master Class. Do-it-yourself hut from newspaper tubes How to make a house from tubes

28.08.2023 Landscape design

The question of what to do with a child at home is relevant even for experienced parents. An interesting idea about using scrap materials in entertaining games for children and making original crafts from magazines and newspapers with your own hands will be very useful.

Children, both boys and girls, love to build all kinds of houses, shelters and play in them both on the street and in the house. It could be a military tent, an Indian hut, a palace for a princess, or even a tree house. Their imagination is unbridled.

Today I would like to tell you how to create children's games with your own hands and how to build a house from newspapers and magazines with your children.

DIY house made from newspaper tubes for children

This idea can be completely implemented by the child himself; this is very good for the development of his motor skills and spatial thinking. Parents can help with advice and show how and what to connect. Joint creativity brings its participants very close. Parents are often very interested in joining their children's games.

To implement our house we will need very few materials:

- newspapers or magazines (magazines have stronger paper);
- a roll of tape;
- stapler with staples.

So let's get started. To begin with, let's take several sheets of newspaper or magazine. You will only need to work with sheets of the same size to get identical parts. This will avoid problems during assembly.

Having folded several sheets together, you need to tightly roll them into a tube. Even a small child can easily cope with this task.

After the tube is rolled, the outer edge of the newspaper should be secured with tape.

The number of such rolls may vary, depending on the type of construction of our tent. So, since we will build a house from triangles, the number of such tubes should be a multiple of three. Using a stapler, we connect the newspaper tubes into triangles.

When we have a sufficient number of triangles, for such a design we will need about thirty of them, we can start assembling.

For a larger house and a different design, you can use more tubes.

Connecting the triangles with each other using a stapler and tape, we gradually build our house.

Parents' help will be useful during assembly. Especially for connecting parts of walls and roofs together. Since children cannot always imagine the future appearance of the house and correctly connect the parts of the whole. For greater strength, the tubes can be wrapped and connected with tape.

The result will be a fairly strong frame in which the child can already play and transform it in accordance with his fantasies.

Elena Mikhailovna Smerdina

Master Class« Izba» (from paper straws)

2017 was declared the year of ecology and in connection with this, our preschool educational institution held a competition for the best environmental center. A lot of interesting work was done. For layout "Village yard" I made a hut out of paper straws.

Model of a hut from paper straws.

Needed for work: glue, stationery knife, paper(print or landscape, color paper, colored and white cardboard, brush, napkins, pencil, ruler, board,

First, we decide on the size of the hut (length, width, height, then we roll it up paper tubes required size. Lay out the first layer straws, gluing them to each other and to the base of the hut.

For the strength of the building, we glue it vertically in the middle of each wall. straw.

When the walls are laid out at the required height, you can paint the hut in the desired color and let it dry.

Next we proceed to making the roof. To do this, we determine the height of the roof and cut out a rectangle of the required size from cardboard and bend it in half. Now we cut out strips of colored cardboard - this will be the roof covering (tiles)

We make a hole in the roof for pipes and carefully glue the tiles from bottom to top. Then we cut out a rectangle from colored cardboard of the required size (through the hole in the roof, line it up like a brick and glue it together) pipe. Bottom part pipes are cut along bends to stick to the roof.

When the pipe is glued need, close the front and rear walls of the roof. We cut out 2 triangles (1 cm more on the sides, bend them according to the allowance, spread them with glue and glue them to the roof.

Now the roof is ready and can be glued to the walls.

The hut is almost ready. All that remains is to make windows and doors and glue them to the walls.

This is how the hut turned out. She took her place in the layout. From thin tubes can be made into a fence, a bench, a woodpile of firewood and you’ll get a village courtyard.

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Dear colleagues, we continue the topic of “weaving from newspaper tubes” and today I present to your attention another weaving master class.

In the city competition “New Year Trees 2017” we decided to present two works: one collective, and the other made from non-traditional materials.

Master class "Herringbone" - weaving from newspaper tubes. There is already quite a bit left until the New Year. And many people ask themselves the question of what to give.

Dear colleagues, today I present to your attention a master class on weaving from newspaper tubes, I have already shown several master classes.

If you think about it a little, you can make magnificent things with your own hands from the simplest and most ordinary materials that are often at hand.

One such example is a wooden house made of paper.

But as for the ideas that arise to create such a miracle, they appear for a variety of reasons. Sometimes inspiration just comes and that’s not bad at all.

For this we need
Cocktail straws
A4 paper
Multi-colored cardboard

Step 1

The first thing you need to do is take paper, preferably A4 format, without cells or rulers. The paper should be white. Next, you need to twist it into tubes.

Step 2

For more convenient work, the paper should be divided into several equal parts, and only then rolled. First, do it on the sides, and only then in the middle.

You can never calculate how many of these tubes are needed in the exact quantity. That's why, do them as you go. It will be easier this way.

Step 3

As for the foundation, in order to build it, you need to select fairly thick cardboard. Remember, the “life” of your house will depend on it. You will need to glue paper tubes to the side parts. Several need to be made shorter.

Step 4

Once you have completed the process of laying out the tubes in three rows, make a small mark where the doors and windows will be. Remember, in order for your house to look more symmetrical, you need to place both windows and doors at the same height.

Step 5

For a bright effect, you can make curtains from colored paper in the middle of the windows. By the way, in order for all fastenings to be stronger, you can use transparent tape. But this is all optional, of course.

Step 6

Next, don’t forget about the roof. But initially, you need to build several supports so that it does not collapse. The roof can be cut from cardboard. Moreover, the shape of the cuts can be very different. It all depends on your own imagination.

It is advisable to glue the roof with a simple, colorless glue so that it all looks more realistic.

Step 7

After you complete all the steps listed, decorate the windows with the simplest self-adhesive. And in the same way, decorate the doors. As for stairs, you can make them out of them, or you can not make them out of them. And if you still prefer a house with stairs, then you can build them from the tubes that you made. If necessary, do more. It is advisable to cover the steps with “wooden” self-adhesive tape.

Step 8

And the final stage will be making the railings. And they are also made from tubes, having previously pasted them brown. And now, your house is finished. All that remains is to decorate it. Here, you can dream up. For example, put up a variety of figures, animals, a fence, or even a vegetable garden, as if it were a real village. In any case, it will turn out just great!

A home made from newspaper tubes can be an excellent gift or decoration for your own kitchen. To create it, simple and affordable materials are used, and the weaving process is not difficult even for those who are just starting to do needlework. A master class on making a house from newspaper tubes will clearly demonstrate how to make an original souvenir.

Materials and tools

To work you will need:

  • tubes cut and glued from newspapers;
  • acrylic varnish, paint or stain, brushes for applying them;
  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • pencil;
  • glue gun;
  • pin;
  • scissors.

Before you start, you should look at photos of finished houses made from newspaper tubes to get ideas for decorating your craft.

Making the base

Step-by-step instructions with a description for beginners will help you figure out how to make a house correctly:

Draw a rectangle (for example, 8*9 cm) on a sheet of cardboard using a ruler. Cut out the workpiece.

Using a glue gun, attach to the base of the tube. They need to be glued 2 together, according to a certain pattern: at 4 points at equal distances from each other on each side of the rectangle and in the corners.

One of each pair of tubes must be bent upward, the remaining ones must be used to weave the bottom. It is performed using the rope technique. The elements glued to the bottom are the frame.

Take 2 pieces from the stack of remaining tubes and begin to braid the frame. Both of them should go in the same direction, but mirror each other: one passes through the first post from the outside, the other from the inside. The tubes go around the next column in reverse, the first goes from the inside, the second from the outside. Do this for 3 rows.

If the length of the tube is not enough, extend it - coat the tip of the one that ends, and put a new one on it. Continue weaving. After finishing the third row, hide the ends inward and secure them.

They move on to weaving the walls of the house. To make it more convenient to work, it is advisable to place a container of a suitable diameter (mug, bottle) on the base. They begin to weave in the same way as the bottom, but they go not wide, but upward. Perform several rows. After this, you need to mark the location of the future hole with a pencil.

Using a utility knife, carefully cut a hole. The cut area is glued with a tube, having first slightly flattened it.

Taking a clothespin, connect the ends of 3 tubes. Weave a regular braid. This braid is used to decorate the entrance to the house (using a glue gun, glue it around the perimeter of the entrance hole).

They continue weaving the walls of the house. When they reach the desired height, close the weaving of the sides, and hide the ends of the tubes in the frame. The wall on which the entrance hole is located and the wall opposite it must continue to be weaved, but gradually narrowing it.

First, several rows are made, increasing the tension of the tubes, then the racks are connected in pairs, and at the very end the remaining ones are woven into one. The result should be 2 triangles.

Creating a roof

After this they make the roof. Having understood how to make a house from newspaper tubes, and having studied photos of finished projects, you can choose the most suitable solution.

The simplest option is to make a rectangle using the same technique (“rope”), bend it in half and secure it with glue on the 2 triangular ends of the walls of the house.

Another way is to take a sheet of cardboard and cover it with any available material that imitates tiles, for example, wine cork cut into thin plates. You can cover a cardboard base with golden yellow-painted tubes to create a thatched roof.

Finishing of the finished product

When the house is completely ready, they move on to decorating it. You can cover the craft with stain, paint it in the desired color, decorate the roof with a ladder made from tubes, make flower pots - original house ideas and instructions for making them will help with this.

If you wish, you can make a window in the house: cut a hole in the right place, cover the cut with a pigtail, glue two tubes perpendicular to each other, which will act as a frame.

Making a beautiful house from newspaper tubes is quite simple, the main thing is to understand the principle of weaving.

Photos of houses made from newspaper tubes

From the most ordinary materials found in every home, you can create many original things. For example, the simplest option would be a house made of paper tubes. The ideas for creating it are completely diverse and sometimes arise during work, so bringing something original to the craft will not be a problem.

What you need

To create a piece of jewelry, you may have to visit the stationery department of any store to improve the original idea. Besides, something may still be missing. So, for the craft you will need:

  • several sheets of A4;
  • a pack of multi-colored cardboard;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • straight cocktail straws.

Procurement of “building materials”

To make a house out of paper tubes with your own hands, you will need parts. To create them, the existing sheets will need to be divided into several parts, drawing them with a pencil. The size of the elements is a matter of taste of the creator.

Then the blanks are cut and twisted. To make the process easier, you can use cocktail straws by wrapping paper around them. This will give the desired shape in advance, and all that remains is to glue the parts. To avoid damage to the elements, twisting should begin from the sides, otherwise the material will wrinkle.

The number of such blanks depends on the scale of the idea, so it’s worth making them as you work, rolling up 10 pieces in advance to get used to the upcoming construction.

DIY paper tube house

Like any building, a souvenir begins with a foundation. It should be made from thick cardboard, creating something like a box with low sides. To prevent the material from being conspicuous, the outer sides are covered with shorter tubes.

Then they begin to lay out the rows according to the same principle that was used in the construction of Russian huts. Because of this, some parts will have to be made more compact so that the elements fit tightly and there are no gaps between them. When there are five improvised logs on each side, you need to mark the location of the windows and doors. To make the house made of paper tubes look symmetrical, it is recommended to place all the holes at the same height.

Windows and roof

To mark openings in the walls, you will have to use short parts, the dimensions of which are calculated independently. Places of cuts can be masked with “frames” made of colored cardboard at the end of the work. At this stage, the use of material will allow you to show the “interior decoration”. To do this, cut out a square under the opening, make an applique on it and paste it into the window.

If a village house is made from paper tubes, then for further construction the length of the parts is also adjusted independently so that the front and back walls form a triangle.

The roof is cut out of cardboard. To prevent it from collapsing, it is worth constructing several support beams from the remains and fixing the roof on them. In fact, its shape can be any, so experiments are welcome, because the originality of the idea is the most important thing in a handmade product.

It is also advisable to make the doors of the building from glued tubes and place them in the opening. If possible, such a frame is covered on top with self-adhesive wallpaper with a wood pattern.


After the craft (a house made of paper tubes) is essentially ready, you can move on to decorating and detailing it. If desired, the building can be supplemented with various elements: a porch, shutters, a fence, etc. If you have imagination and additional materials, the possibilities are practically unlimited.

By the way, the stairs to the door are made from the remaining tubes, covering them with various self-adhesive wallpapers. This gives the house a naturalistic and unique ambiance. If time allows, you can do the same with the parts for laying the walls. Naturally, you should decorate them in advance. Actually, this material is used for absolutely any purpose.

If large-scale work is planned, all parts, including the building, are fixed on a single surface. For example, cutting plywood or wood. In general, any thing that is useless individually can become a decorative element that will make a house made of paper tubes more vibrant and original.