Pros and cons of the moon without a course. Frequently asked questions about the moon without a course

03.04.2024 Landscape design

It has been noticed that before the Moon enters the next sign and at the same time no longer makes a single major aspect, it has a very negative impact on any undertakings or changes in already ongoing affairs. This is the so-called “Moon in free passage” or “Moon without a course.”

In the old days, when a client came to an astrologer during the “Moon in free movement” and askedquestion: “Should I send a camel caravan to Baghdad?” or “Will my wife’s stolen jewelry be found?”, then, regardless of the nature of the question, the astrologer usually answered: “Nothing will happen.”

You can check the “viability” of your idea by referring to the information below. If any question came to your mind, if you formulated any problem, or if you entered into any agreement, then look at if this happened during the “outgoing Moon”, then you should come to terms in advance with the fact that there will be no changes , most likely, will not happen in this matter. The main thing is that this question arises in you naturally, by itself. If you specifically ask this question when, as you know, the Moon is in “free passage,” then this indicator will not work. In addition, the “free departure” of other planets is also important.

How to use this time?

Now let's think about how to use this time to turn risk into success and positively overcome problems? PLet’s imagine that your boss, who overworked you, is still dissatisfied and threatens to fire you. If he threatens during the Moon without a course, you can safely shout back: “Yes, I’m ready to quit, here’s my statement! Take all these reports, schedules, materials and other heaps of tasks and find someone who will do them just as well and on time.”

Scary, right? Ah, that’s in vain. The lunar calendar says positively that no changes during the Moon without a course are completed. That is, he has no chance of firing you, there will definitely be some difficulties, legal squiggles, urgent tasks that only you can complete, etc. That is, it will cost him so much blood and nerves to fire you that he will prefer to let your psychos go on the brakes. But he will remember that you are a valuable employee who is ready to leave, so it is dangerous to put pressure on you.

If you are invited to some kind of meeting, for example, with your in-laws during the Moon without a course, agree. They themselves will call back and say that it’s not working, unforeseen circumstances have arisen. You will save face in front of your father-in-law and mother-in-law, your wife will see in you a brave knight, ready to step into the cave to the Serpent Gorynych to protect his princess, that is, for her sake. And you yourself will understand that your wife’s relatives are not as scary as they seemed during the last 5 years of marriage.

If they ask you for a loan during the Moon without a course or offer you a surprisingly profitable deal, say what you think and run. Let him find someone else whose life is already so ruined that it won’t be possible to make it worse. Nothing good will come of this proposal, but you can accumulate a lot of debt.

If your girlfriend, wife or child asks during the Moon without a course to buy “this amazing, urgently needed thing,” such as a sewing machine, a blouse with mother-of-pearl buttons, or a robot that everyone already has. Say: “Let’s look at all this beauty again tomorrow, and for one thing we’ll take the credit card with us.”

99% for the fact that tomorrow, when the Moon decides on its sign, the temporary clouding of reason in your girlfriend, wife or child will also pass. And you will remain with your own people, and even earn points as an attentive gentleman and a loving father, the main thing is to behave positively. In general, let the Moon chart without a course always be on your desktop, and you will always be aware of unrealistic proposals, desires and threats. This means that you will be ready and able to use this unique time to your advantage.

Examples of developments during a Moon without a course

● Let's say, if you bought some product during the “free departure” of the Moon, then it is very likely that it will turn out to have a certain defect and will not be used for its intended purpose. So even if you are skeptical about this rule of astrologers, just in case, save the sales receipt so that you can return the purchase later.

Projects announced during the Moon’s “free passing” are being implemented in practice
extremely rare.

● If you officially registered your company on the “outgoing” Moon or if the grand opening of your brainchild took place during these hours, then be prepared for difficulties, an abundance of routine, everyday problems, due to which even the most promising enterprise may soon close.

● If you have an appointment during the “free departure” of the Moon, then be prepared that the meeting will not take place at all or that it will not lead to the expected result.

● Patients admitted to the hospital during such hours often remain in the hospital for a long time, and their course of treatment is complicated.

● A criminal case initiated at this time, or a trial initiated during these hours, will most likely drag on, and the result will be far from expected.

“Free care” also has a positive side.

It is good to assign tasks during these hours that in no case should have far-reaching consequences. If you do NOT want some event to have a significant result, then hold it during the “outgoing Moon”. Let's say, in the USA, the correct preparation of a tax return poses great difficulties and problems for all people. And resourceful American astrologers prefer to submit their declarations during the “free departure” of the Moon - then these declarations will definitely not be subject to verification...

Or let’s take this situation from life: you want to sort things out with your boss, complain that you, such a valuable employee, who is responsible for all the business, are being treated without due attention, and are going to threaten to quit this job. But in fact, you really need this job, and you are afraid that your boss will actually fire you. So, in order to ensure that your conversation with your boss does not lead to a real dismissal, conduct this conversation during the “free departure” of the Moon.

“Free departure” of other planets also matters, although not as multifaceted as in the case of Moon. After all, the Moon in astrology denotes the background of everyday life, routine affairs in general, everyday problems, and at the same time it moves very quickly, being a key factor indicating changes in conditions and a series of events. But other planets move much more slowly, their periods of “free escape” are much less frequent and are associated only with a range of issues that are directly related to their topic.

Let's say “free departure” of Mercury essential when planning lectures, trips, trade deals, and passing exams. “Departing” Venus creates difficulties in financial matters, negatively affects feelings, makes contact with the opposite sex difficult, and has an unfavorable effect on people of art and their plans. “Departing” Mars weakens energy, interferes with vigorous activity, sports achievements, and military campaigns. A departure of the Sun leads to a slight decrease in vitality, weakens strong-willed qualities and complicates business activity.

Important note: when you see that a certain planet has a positive influence on a given day, then keep in mind that this influence fades away during the free departure of that planet.


Moon without a course, single Moon, Moon in free motion, ineffective Moon - this is the name in astrology for the period of time when the Moon, having made the last exact major aspect before leaving the sign in which it is located, follows until the end of this sign without forming another exact major aspect before the Moon moves into the next zodiac sign.

Our consciousness is designed in such a way that it cannot continuously closely monitor the surrounding reality; at times it switches off “to rest” from a few seconds to several minutes, and at this time we, deep in ourselves, occupied with extraneous thoughts, are completely defenseless against external danger.

It has been noted that such blackouts most often occur during periods Moons without course. It’s good if you are sitting at the TV, reading a book or sleeping at this time - the Moon without a course will pass over you without any trace. But God forbid, at this moment you cross a busy intersection or are driving in difficult traffic...

The period of the Moon without a course lasts from a few minutes to a whole day. If you are aware of it in advance, you either consciously avoid dangerous situations at this time, or through an effort of will you concentrate your attention on what is happening around you - and then everything will be fine.

Under the Moon without a course, a person seems to be under the emotional influence of the last lunar aspect and is often divorced from reality. This is a time of uncertainty in the development of the current situation, when a person is weakly connected to it and has not decided on the direction of his actions.

During the Moon period without a course it is advisable

  • refrain from making serious decisions. These decisions either are not implemented at all or will lead to a completely unexpected result. Judgments at this time are likely to be erroneous, and decisions based on misconceptions or based on unrealistic premises, since some of the important facts relevant to the case elude our attention. It is curious that impractical people most often choose the period of the Moon without a course for their decisions.
  • do not start new things (for example, registering a business or opening an enterprise) and things that are aimed at specific results.
  • New beginnings under the Moon without a direction can become false starts, take the wrong direction, lead to dead ends, or cause unforeseen consequences. Actions taken during the Moon without a course give an unexpected result, their effectiveness is unpredictable. Creative impulses develop in unexpected directions. Contracts, promises, laws adopted at this time face difficulties in implementation or lead to complications. refrain from shopping.
  • Purchases made turn out to be a waste of money: the item either does not fit or turns out to be unnecessary. Often, hidden defects are subsequently discovered in a unit purchased under the moon without a course. Expenses and investments made during this time turn out to be ineffective, or the money remains unused. do not schedule during the Moon without a course of important meetings, surgical operations, dates and marriages.

Delays, delays and complications are becoming common; problems arise out of nowhere. During the Moon without a course, many people feel scattered, unsure, and lost the thread of thought.

What to do when the Moon has no course

During this time, you should stick to the routine activities planned earlier. They go well, but often require subsequent correction.

The best activity during these hours is subjective, spiritual, self-improving, but not material. This is a time to take a break from work, relax, and concentrate on your spiritual growth. The moon without a course gives us the opportunity to look around and then breathe new life into everyday activities. Since with the modern pace of life it is impossible to completely avoid making decisions during the period of the Moon without a course, you need to stick to the least important trends of the day or try to make a decision at least an hour before the Moon enters the period without a course.

(Based on materials Moon withoutcourse, for those

who doesn't know

It would seem such a simple and predictable thing, but until you gather your own “bumps”, you won’t be able to get out of the forest of your own denseness, and moreover, laziness and some kind of everyday stupidity... But all you need to do is watch follow the mood of the Moon and do not fall into hours when it is “nothing”, that is, ineffective - in free care. Due to its variability and high speed, this happens quite often, but it is not so burdensome that you cannot use reasonable traffic.

Astronomically Moon without coursewhen moving to the next zodiac sign - does not form a single significant aspect with other planets; physiologically, this is when everything falls out of hand, goes to hell, hangs, sleeps, deteriorates, and “things are still there”... Aspects, from an astrological point of view, shape certain events in our lives; Moon – governs daily affairs; there are no aspects - and, accordingly, there is either a lack of events or the situation is getting out of control. Such a period of timelessness for all people is the idling of the Moon. It can last from several minutes, hours, up to a day (in rare cases, up to 2 days). Such periods occur every two to two and a half days.

Moon without a course - this does not mean that you need to carry it with youthe lunar calendar more often than your own passport. But if you have a new business, a meeting, a trip - something unusual and especially important - do not be lazy, take the trouble to turn on your “fuse” for the hours of the ineffective Moon. This is not the best time to start. Agreements break down, drivers fall asleep at the wheel, people are distracted and unreliable. What you do will not work. The purchased item will turn out to be unnecessary... At this time, you can do the usual household things or continue something that has already been started. But even so, there is a noticeable slowdown. In this case, sometimes the best way (and a good reason!) to survive the Moon period without a course is to simply...sleep through it.

After a series of my own “successful” experiments, some of them I will monitor the course of the Moon. Try it too, if you want - take something that you “don’t mind” ruining... This is exactly the case when ignorance does not exempt you from consequences.

Sitting and waiting, looking at the clock: now it will be possible at eleven o’clock is also a useless exercise. As a rule, the result will be the same. It’s better to take a philosophical approach to this time. My personal observation is that you shouldn’t even start anything “for...” before and “after...” that. That is, take a couple of hours with reserve in both directions. I personally am not a supporter of living according to a daily schedule, and, of course, I don’t encourage anyone to do so. But sometimes we plan something - and why not do it wisely, in harmony with nature?

  • How useful it is to look into the transits of the Moon - the simplest and most reliable method of forecasting, as they say, the needs of the day... Now, if believers have prayers for various needs, then believers in the luminaries - this is the first and most important factor for doing everyday affairs .

I sit, look at my watch and think that I should go to the bank, yesterday the necessary money transfer system did not work, they promised today. I decided to check the transits. Moon, whatever Eli, does not make any aspects with my planets during these hours. I decide to call. I called one bank, the system worked, but a large queue formed, and I was advised to postpone my visit today. Another bank is right in my house, you can, in principle, just come down, and that’s all, but I’m calling. They say the ticket office is already closed today. Moon, beautiful Moon... In Aquarius today.

P.S. ...And by the evening, a nervous “square” of the Moon to my natal Moon was forming. I was actually going to cook pilaf. But, I think, it’s not that stressful, even though I’m lazy, probably a neighbor will disturb me or some call... A message arrives on Viber, you’ll receive the package, it’s already closing time, you can do it tomorrow, but you don’t want to tomorrow, It's Saturday, and the sender needs money. I decide to run to the post office. “Square” worked as expected. What kind of transit is the forecast.))

astrologer Viya Fedyanina


Lately, I have been increasingly asked about what the Moon without a course is, is it really impossible to do anything at all during these periods, and how to spend this time productively. Because I publish it myself , then I feel all the more responsible for giving some clarification on this topic.

1. What is the Moon without a course?
2. Why is the Moon without a course scary?
3. What is possible?
4. When does this happen?
5. If the Moon is “in the know” today, does this mean that you can plan any important event?
6. The moon without a course happens so often that there is no time to work. What to do?
7. The longer the Moon’s period without a course, the more difficult it is?
8. Can I succeed during the Moon without a course?
9. What should I do if an important task for me is scheduled for the period of the Moon without a course?

1. What is the Moon without a course?

Astrological definition: the time of the Moon without a course is the time from the last aspect of the Moon in a Zodiac sign until it leaves that sign. Anyone interested in learning how this time is calculated should.

And now in Russian: the time of the Moon without a course is also called the time of the idle Moon, the sleeping Moon and the Moon in free passage. During periods of the Moon without a course, all these names can be applied to people:

  • without a course = without purpose and control, without knowing where to go and how to behave
  • idle = empty, meaningless, sterile, without charge and without support
  • sleeping = not in control, relaxed, dreaming
  • in free flight = in free independent flight, not paying attention to others.

During this time we often:

  • choosing the wrong direction – both on the road and in decisions
  • we take actions that do not lead us to results
  • We act distracted and confused
  • we fall into illusions

2. Why is the Moon without a course scary?

She's not afraid of anything. It’s just that the period is not very convenient for:

  • start, change, decide something significant - things may either go wrong, or not right, or stop altogether
  • buy something significant - the purchase may turn out to be useless for a variety of reasons (it will break, get lost, not needed...)
  • ask for help - they may refuse, promise, but not give, or give the wrong thing
  • trust the ideas and proposals that appeared at this time - they will turn out to be unpromising, they will require more effort than they will bring results

3. What is possible?

  • rest (the moon is sleeping)
  • do normal activities (but if they require attention, check everything
  • twice)
  • be extremely careful while driving (absent-mindedness is the cause of accidents during this period)
  • meditate (Moon in free movement)
  • create for the sake of pleasure (for the sake of self-interest - meaningless)
  • agree with something, start or suggest something that you DO NOT want, but here you need to be careful: you tell your wife “let me wash the floor,” and she will look out the window absent-mindedly and say “what good weather!” While you wash the floor, I’ll go for a walk with Bobik,” and then you’ll have to wash the floor twice: while they were walking and after Bobik ran through the wet and clean areas.

4. When does this happen?

A moon without a course can last from a few seconds to two days, depending on the location of the planets in the sky. Information about the periods of the Moon without a course is available in any lunar calendar; it can be found on the Internet. Despite the fact that it is not at all difficult to calculate this time if you have an astrological program, I was faced with the fact that this information on the Internet and in the press does not always coincide with reality. Traditional lunar calendars are especially problematic. Therefore, on this page I provide information on the periods of the Moon without a course, which I calculated myself and of which I am confident. On my page the data is indicated in Kyiv time. You can recalculate the time for your time zone as usual (if in Kyiv it is 08:00, then in Paris it is 07:00, in Moscow it is 09:00, etc.).

5. If the Moon is “in the know” today, does this mean that you can plan any important event?

In fact, everything is much more complex than simply defining the Moon as “on course” or “off course.” You cannot choose time for very important things based on this parameter alone. In astrology, there are many factors that need to be taken into account, and the importance of these factors is much higher than the Moon being "in the know". In addition, each of us has our own individual characteristics of the horoscope. Therefore, to choose the time of really important events, you need to select the time according to the main astrological indicators, taking into account the individual horoscope, and then check the Moon calendar without a course.

6. The moon without a course happens so often that there is no time to work. What to do?

Periods of the Moon without a course do occur quite often and sometimes last quite a long time, but this is a natural process. With the development of civilization, we have moved away from natural natural rhythms. The regimes and schedules invented by people do not allow us to sense the favorable moment in a timely manner. In fact, returning to a natural rhythm is not that difficult. You need to be a little more attentive to yourself and your surroundings. So, if you observe the periods of the Moon without a course in your life, then after some time you will begin to feel them without a calendar. I emphasize again: the Moon without a course is only one of the many parameters that make up our rhythms of life, but it is quite noticeable and it is not difficult to adapt to it.

7. The longer the Moon’s period without a course, the more difficult it is?

Yes, we can say that a longer period of the Moon without a course manages to create more distraction and meaninglessness. Interestingly, the longer it is, the more people it can capture. This is a bit like an epidemic and is very clearly visible on the roads: the number of accidents and traffic jams manage to grow to amazing proportions over long periods of the Moon without a course. Of course, this also depends on the position of the Moon and other planets - the calmer the situation in the sky, the less aggressive the consequences of human absent-mindedness.

8. Can I succeed during the Moon without a course?

Maybe, of course. If you are completing something or are in the process of completing some long-term project, doing your usual work, then there should not be any special difficulties in connection with the Moon without a course (we remember that it’s not just about the Moon, right?). If you start something, sign a new agreement, put forward an idea, make an important choice for yourself, then all this may work out: the agreement will be signed, and the idea may be accepted, and you will make a choice, but the result may not be exactly the same , as you imagined it at the time of choice.

9. What should I do if an important task for me is scheduled for the period of the Moon without a course?

If you can influence the choice of time for your actions, it makes sense to clarify your individual astrological indicators for this time. It may turn out that, despite the Moon without a course, this is the best possible period of time for you for this particular action. This happens quite rarely, but it does happen. Or maybe, in principle, you don’t need to perform this action (this happens much more often :)). If you are sure of the need for this action and cannot influence the choice of time in any way, then at a minimum, be extremely attentive to the details and be prepared for the unexpected. And most importantly: remember that nothing happens to us for nothing.

Have you noticed that there are periods of time when all efforts are wasted, without bringing any results? Literally nothing happens; your energy is wasted. You do something, make an effort, but there is no effect. At the same time, instead of the usual clarity of mind, some strange melancholic absent-mindedness, carelessness appears, as if the person is moving away from the real world. It is quite possible that these were moments " Moons without course».

“Moon without a course” is an astrological term, for an accurate explanation of which you need to seriously delve into the theory. We will try to get by with the most superficial information, significantly simplifying the explanations. As you know, the Moon in its movement passes through the signs of the Zodiac, interacting with various planets. There are periods when the Moon, upon leaving the next sign of the Zodiac, stops the next interaction with the planets, and does not form a new interaction (in smart words, “does not form any new major aspects”). So to speak, it dangles uncontrollably and uselessly in space, not doing anything worthwhile (just in case, we apologize to the Moon for such a blatant comparison). The result of this state is either the absence of a result or the situation getting out of control.

We understand that such a free explanation will make professional astrologers’ hair stand on end, but we avoided excessive complications. You don’t think it was necessary to discuss something like this: “Aspect (from the Latin Aspectus view, appearance) is in astrology an arc of a certain size connecting two elements of the horoscope, usually planets, laid along the ecliptic and measured in degrees. Astrologers consider five main aspects: conjunction, opposition, trine, square and sextile and a number of secondary (minor) aspects. In a horoscope, an aspect is depicted as a straight line between two objects. These lines may have different colors and be accompanied by special icons to indicate the aspect"?

So, everything that is done during the “Moon Without Course” period will most likely be pointless or even dangerous due to the possibility of loss of control. The business will be in vain, the efforts made will be fruitless, the acquaintances will be unsuccessful, the purchases made will be meaningless, the promises will be unfulfilled, the decisions made will be wrong. The business started will not go in the expected direction. The completed work will have to be redone. Add to this the increased likelihood of accidents and incidents due to increased distraction and decreased concentration.

The very term “Moon without a course” evokes an analogy with a ship sailing without a specific course, “without a rudder and without sails,” as they say. And that's it! Is it possible to do something at such a time? Of course! You can be lazy, philander, relax, play the fool, etc. And to answer all the questions of the astonished superiors with a smart look, saying that the Moon has no course, and there is simply no other way. If we return to a serious tone, then you yourself have already understood that no serious undertakings can be undertaken at these moments, and you yourself need to be as careful as possible.

But every cloud has a silver lining. The periods of the “moon without a course” can be effectively used to your advantage. For example, you desperately don’t want to invite the Ivanov family to visit, but it’s inconvenient not to invite. Try to do this during the “Moon Without Course” period. It is quite possible that something will prevent them from coming to visit. Choose exactly this moment if you have to agree to something you don’t like. It is very likely that it will never happen. Start something if you do not want it to be completed successfully.

Moon calendar without Course for 2019

(Moscow time)

Moon without course in January 2019

Moon without course in February 2019

Moon without course in March 2019

Moon without course in April 2019

Moon without course in May 2019

Moon without course in June 2018

Moon without course in July 2018

Moon without course in August 2018

Moon without course in September 2018

Moon without course in October 2018

Moon without course in November 2018

Moon without course in December 2018

(Material from the course The Art of Choosing Favorable Dates

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