Why are the labia different? What healthy labia should look like. Shape, size and color

10.07.2020 Carpentry work

Hello, can you give me some advice and answer a few questions? My labia minora are very protruding, does this mean that I have already lost my virginity and at what depth is the hymen? Could I have damaged it with a pencil?


Why are the labia minora enlarged?

Dear Ekaterina!

Girls and women often ask questions: " Why are the labia minora large and enlarged?? Do I need labia minora plastic surgery? How is labia minora reduction performed? Why do the big ones get out of the big ones? What is the purpose of the labia minora in women?

Just enlargement of the labia minora does not automatically mean loss of virginity. A girl can remain a virgin, but at the same time she can have long, hanging, enlarged labia.

Causes of enlargement of the labia minora

Which reasons for enlarged labia minora? Frequent masturbation, anatomical features, hormonal disorders. Enlarged labia minora are inherited. If your mother had elongated labia minora, then you will have the same ones. Childbirth and vulvodynia contribute to enlargement of the labia minora. Active, prolonged violent sexual intercourse can stretch the labia minora. One of the reasons is injuries to the perineal area. Inflammatory processes in the labia area, a common cause of enlargement of the labia minora (for example, vulvitis or vulvovaginitis, vulvitis candidiasis, bartholinitis). IN recent years Many girls get labia piercings, which also helps to enlarge them. Hypertestosteronemia can lead to elongation of the labia minora. The use of vibrators is a common cause of stretching and lengthening of the labia minora. We have noticed that prematurity is a common cause of elongated labia minora. Girls who were born earlier due date, have an increased risk for this pathology. Lymphedema of the vulva, associated with a violation of the outflow of lymph from the labia, contributes to their enlargement and lengthening. Age-related changes contribute to the wrinkling of the labia minora.

Hypertrophy of the labia minora

The scientific term for enlargement of the labia minora is hypertrophy of the labia minora. In this case, the labia minora stretch significantly and protrude beyond the labia majora. There are 4 degrees of enlargement of the labia minora compared to the norm. In the first degree, the labia minora increase by 10 - 19 mm. In the second degree, the labia minora enlarge by 20 - 39 mm and interfere with walking. Some problems arise when washing. In the third degree, the labia minora are enlarged by 40 - 59 mm, and discomfort occurs when walking, riding a bicycle, or sitting. In the fourth degree, the labia minora are enlarged by 60 mm or more and interfere greatly almost always, with any movements or sex, chronic inflammation occurs in the area of ​​the labia minora.

Diseases, disorders of the labia minora: protruding, long, wrinkled, folded

If your labia minora protrude strongly due to your labia majora, they are wrinkled, stretched, folded, then a surgical operation is required - plastic surgery of the labia minora. Normally, the labia minora should be up to 10 mm. Everything else looks untidy. The length of the labia minora is more than 55 mm - a direct indication for plastic surgery of the labia minora.

There are three main types of disorders in the labia minora.

1. Change in the shape of the labia minora: different edges, lengthening of one lip, asymmetry.

2. Changes in the surface of the labia minora: folds, scars, scars, increased pigmentation, spots.

3. Changes in the size of the labia minora: reduction, absence, lengthening, enlargement.

How to wear sheer panties?

Enlarged labia minora make a woman's life very difficult. And the question arises: " How to Wear Sheer Panties?"

You cannot wear transparent panties, lace underwear, thongs, minibikinis, or microbikinis. The labia minora coming out from under a swimsuit when swimming. Presence of a lump in panties. The girl is embarrassed to undress and have sex in the light. Difficulties arise when playing sports and fitness.


Modern plastic surgery uses both a scalpel and a laser. Labiaplasty Most often it is performed under local anesthesia, but can also be performed under general anesthesia. What does labiaplasty give to a woman?

1. Giving a beautiful shape.

2. Reducing the size of the labia minora, labia majora.

3. Restoring the elasticity and firmness of the labia minora.

4. Reduction of folds in the labial edge.

5. Change and improvement of skin color in the labia area.

There are various options labiaplasty: bilateral de-epithelialization, V-shaped wedge resection and excision of the protruding part of the labia, W-shaped resection, trapezoidal plasty, etc.

Lipofilling allows you to enlarge the labia majora.

Unpleasant complications of labiaplasty are vaginal gaping, ruptures of scar tissue during childbirth, inflammatory processes, tightness in the genital area, decreased or increased sensitivity genital organs, swelling, hemorrhages. If the doctor is experienced and the woman follows postoperative recommendations, complications rarely occur.

Pencil in vagina

The hymen is located at the very entrance to. Sticking the pencil in may or may not cause damage. It all depends on how you drove your pencil. If you are careful, then there may be no damage to the hymen. And if it is rude, strong, frantic, then damage to the hymen is extremely likely.

Psychological problems with enlarged long labia minora

Any girl or woman has many psychological problems and complexes associated with too long labia minora. Such women withdraw into themselves and are embarrassed to have sex. They do not wear transparent dresses or panties. Do not wear revealing swimsuits or minibikinis. They don’t go to massages, baths, saunas, or water parks.

Thus, enlarged labia minora are often anatomical features of your female body.

Functional problems include pain or soreness during sex.

The beautiful labia minora are completely covered by the labia majora and never protrude beyond the labia majora.

If you have scalloped edges of the labia minora, elongation, loss of tone, hypotrophy, hypertrophy, folding, scarring, elongation, sagging, thickening, enlargement of the labia minora, change in color, consistency, odor of vaginal discharge, itching, pain, you need to contact doctor.

Protrusion of the labia minora

At home, you need to monitor the protrusion of the labia minora. Protrusion of the labia minora- This is the protrusion of the labia minora beyond the labia majora. Normally, the labia minora in a standing position do not protrude beyond the labia majora. In the first degree of protrusion, the labia minora protrude beyond the labia majora by 11–29 mm. With the second degree of protrusion, the labia minora protrude beyond the labia majora by 30 mm or more. This is a very formidable and unpleasant sign!

To summarize, we can conclude that inserting a pencil into the vagina can damage the hymen. This way you can deprive yourself of your virginity. The same picture occurs if (fingering with gland stimulation by Alexander Skin leads to female ejaculation). Of course, stimulation of points G (Gräfenberg), U (Skeene), A (Chua Chii Anna /Enna/) contributes to rapid female orgasm, but we advise you to do this only after deprivation of vaginal virginity.

IN modern life a woman needs to be not only a good wife, but also an excellent lover in order to be highly competitive in competition with more beautiful and younger women!

All women by nature have different external characteristics and, of course, this also applies to every representative of the fair sex different types labia Some people are quite happy with them, while others suffer from psychological and physical discomfort caused by their irregular shape.

Types of female labia majora

The shape of the labia is formed in utero. But throughout life it can undergo both significant and minor changes. The labia majora is a longitudinal fold of skin that normally covers the genital slit and labia minora from the outer aggressive environment. Skin color can be different - it is individual for each woman.

As such, the types of labia majora are not classified in any way. They just come in normal size and thickness, asymmetrical, or underdeveloped, which do not block access to the vulva.

Types of labia minora in women

Much more options structure occurs in the labia minora, in contrast to the labia majora. Normally, they represent thin (up to 5 mm) longitudinal folds of skin, passing into the mucous membrane and located lengthwise. Near the clitoris, the lips are divided into medial and lateral legs, stretching from the top to the entrance, ending at the bottom with a posterior commissure that connects them.

The labia minora are located inside the labia majora, and when closed they do not extend beyond them. But this is the classical norm, and in life everything often happens just the opposite. In some cases, deviations from common truths are a pathology, while others have a good chance of being considered a type of norm.

The types of labia minora, or rather the classification of their changes according to shape, are as follows:

  • Elongation– with maximum lateral stretching, their size is more than 6 cm. This is degree 4; 4-6 cm are typical for grade 3; from 2 to 4 cm is the normal size of the labia minora, although women feel most comfortable when this size is no more than 1 cm when stretched.
  • Prothusia– zero, when in a standing position the small lips do not protrude beyond the large lips; first degree, characterized by protrusion of 1-3 cm; and the second – protrusion of more than 3 cm.
  • Scalloped edges– smooth or carved various shapes edges, which will also differ in color.
  • True hypertrophy– increase in all parameters – thickness, folding, pigmentation, wrinkling
  • Absence of labia minora generally occurs in little girls and women with hormonal abnormalities.

All changes in the labia depend on factors such as excess or deficiency of hormones, childbirth, weight loss, and injury. If the size and shape cause inconvenience not only during sexual intercourse, but also in everyday life, they resort to plastic surgery.

Labia majora (BPG) And labia minora (MPG) refer to the external genitalia of a woman, girl, girl. The female genital area (pussy, pussy, pussy), or vulva, includes the pubis, labia majora and minora, genital cleft, vestibule of the vagina, bulb of the vestibule, opening (hole), major and minor glands of the vestibule, etc. Lips of the sexes are important female organs. What they look like labia close up? Which structure of the labia?

Labia majora (LPG)

Labia majora (right and left labia majora) are two elastic rounded folds, each 7 to 8 cm long and 2 to 3 cm wide. The labia majora limit the genital fissure on the sides. The second name for the labia majora is “ external labia " The pigmented skin covering the labia majora contains numerous hairs, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. The outer surface of the labia majora is covered with stratified keratinizing epithelium. The inner surface of the labia majora has a thin stratum corneum, is devoid of hair follicles, and is not equipped with gonads.

Labia minora (LGB), inner labia

Labia minora - these are paired longitudinal folds of skin located inward from the labia majora in the genital slit, which limit the vestibule of the vagina. The second name for the labia minora is “ inner labia " The upper end of each labia minora is divided into 2 legs, which are directed towards the clitoris. It can be seen that the lateral legs go around the clitoris from the side and cover it from above, connect to each other and form the foreskin of the clitoris. The shorter medial legs approach the clitoris from below, connect with each other and form the frenulum of the clitoris. The labia minora are covered with a thin stratum corneum, lack hair follicles and are not equipped with sweat glands. The basal layer of the epithelium is rich in pigment grains. The amount of pigment is subject to individual fluctuations. Why do black women have dark labia? The color of the labia of a woman, girl, or girl depends on the amount of pigment. Some people have a question: “How to whiten the labia, lip petals?”

Labia in girls, babies, newborns, children

What are the bare, healthy labia of a newborn girl like? The labia majora are loose, tender, swollen in appearance, and infantile. The labia majora cover the labia minora. As for the vestibule of the vagina. It's deep. In the posterior third, the vestibule of the vagina is limited by the labia majora, and in the anterior third by the labia minora. Distinctive feature The genital organ of little girls is the posterior commissure of the labia minora, which is absent in adult women. There are numerous glands on the labia majora and minora. They are often absent on the inner surface of the labia minora.

Types of female labia, classification of labia of girls, women

What are there types of labia , their classification? What should the labia be like? What can a doctor see if he spreads the labia and sees the labia open? Gynecologists distinguish the following types of labia by size: normal, large, huge, giant, hypertrophied, small, very small, atrophied. From an aesthetic point of view, lips can be beautiful or ugly. From the point of view of development during masturbation and sex, lips can be stretched, hanging, flabby, drawn out and unstretched. Based on symmetry, lips can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, identical or different (the left and right lips differ in size). In terms of thickness, the labia can be thin, medium, full, or thick. A number of authors distinguish between juicy and dry labia. They are classified according to color: pink, red, brown. In pathological processes, enlargement of the labia and reduction of the labia may occur. Correct healthy beautiful young labia greatly excite boys and men; they are not stretched, symmetrical, pink, juicy, medium in size, without plaques, rashes and without formations. The shape of the edges of the lips is smooth and uneven. In ancient times, there was a classification of the labia, according to which species such as tea rose, aster, lily, rosebud, and dahlia were distinguished. The shape of the lips depends on the individual characteristics of the girl, woman, type of constitution, age, and hereditary factors. Some impolite men call women the terms “hymens” and “women”. We strongly condemn such men.

What can appear on the labia?

What can appear on the labia minora or majora (right, left, right, left, top, bottom, side, outside, inside, outer, inward)? Which ones exist? delicate problems of the female genital area? The following pathological processes, symptoms, signs, formations, diseases, illnesses may appear on the labia or in the labia area.

1. Itching of the labia in women, girls (teenagers), girls, itching of the labia majora or minora (itching, itching, itching), desire to scratch, tingling. Itching may be associated with taking medicines(for example, antibiotics), allergic reactions, hypothermia, sexually transmitted infections, overheating, kidney disease, bladder, liver (for example, hepatitis), synthetic panties, poor genital hygiene, hormonal imbalance, neurosis, stress, depression, irregular change of tampons or pads during menstruation, vaginal dysbiosis, skin disorders during depilation, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, chemotherapy, cancer of the external genitalia, pathological menopause, dermatitis, anxiety, psoriasis.

2. The labia are very itchy and itchy.

3. The labia are swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen.

4. White labia, candidiasis, white lump, fungus, mushroom (white).

5. The black labia have darkened, turned black, and become black.

6. Blue labia.

7. Red labia, redness is observed on the lips.

8. Lips are violet, violet in color.

9. Lips are pink, pink in color.

10. Pimples on the labia (pimples white, red, blue, green, dark light, transparent), pimple on the labia (pimple, pimple, pimple black, white, yellow, purulent, red).

11. Lump on the labia, bumps on the labia (bump).

12. Inflammation of the labia, inflammation of the labia (inflamed).

13. Redness of the labia (redness), red labia, red mucous membrane of the labia.

14. Formations between the labia or inside, fused lips, synechiae, fusion, fusion.

15. Herpes has appeared on the lip, blisters and erosion are observed.

16. Burning, burning lips.

17. Papillomas or condylomas have appeared on the lips.

18. Ball, ball, pea on the labia, ball inside the labia, dense ball, chancre.

19. Cracks on the inside or outside, cracking.

21. White coating.

22. Spots, spot, dot, dots (red, white, black, blue, yellow, brown, red, yellow, brown, pink, dark, black, white).

23. Tumor of the labia.

24. Pain and soreness.

25. Ulcers, sores.

26. Varicose veins, varicose veins, dilated veins.

27. Irritation.

28. Rash, rashes.

29. Sores.

30. Stretched, after childbirth.

31. Dryness.

32. Furuncle.

33. Eel, eel.

34. Mole.

35. Colitis in the lips.

36. Subcutaneous wen, wen, lipoma.

37. Growth, formations, swelling.

38. Blister.

39. Boil, boil.

40. Tubercle, tubercle.

41. Peeling.

42. Follicles, papillae.

43. Cancer of the labia.

45. Vavki, Vavka.

46. ​​Blister, blisters.

47. Cyst, brush.

48. Wound, wound, wound.

49. Dots, dots, dots.

50. Wart, warts (papilloma virus, papilloma incorrectly “papilloma”), genital warts.

51. Hard lips.

52. Lips to the knees.

53. Fistula, fistulas.

54. Peeling, lips are peeling.

55. Sore lips.

57. Processes.

58. Scratches, abrasions.

59. Ulcers.

60. Discharge.

61. Cold.

62. Ingrown hair.

63. Seam, seams.

64. Chickenpox on the labia.

65. The skin on your lips is peeling.

66. Abscesses, bubble.

67. Crust, crust, crusts, crusts.

69. Plaques, plaque.

70. Tears, tears, lips are torn, torn (including after childbirth, during childbirth).

71. Pulls the labia.

72. The labia are itchy.

73. Discomfort, pinching, pinching, pinching.

76. Hyperplasia, hypertrophy.

77. Abscess, abscess.

78. The labia are cracked and swollen.

79. Diaper rash.

80. Abscess, lips break out.

81. Micropapillomatosis, papillomatosis of the labia.

82. Rubbing (the girl rubbed her labia).

83. Callus after stormy, intense frantic sex, or after long masturbation (masturbation, ananism, masturbation).

84. Inflamed sebaceous glands.

85. Enlarged lymph node, lymph nodes, lymph node, lymph nodes.

86. Unpleasant smell, aroma.

87. Pain during pregnancy.

88. Painful lips.

89. Leucorrhoea (liquid, thick, purulent, mucous, bloody, bloody, purulent mucous, serous).

90. Blood on the labia (bleeding), sperm.

91. Allergies, allergic reactions.

92. Hemangioma.

93. Rubbing, cracks.

94. Dermatitis on the labia.

95. Shellfish.

96. Trauma.

97. The skin is peeling off, the lips are cracked.

98. Deformation, rupture, separation of the labia.

99. Abnormalities of the labia.

100. Bartholinitis.

101. Vulvitis is an inflammation of the external genitalia.

102. Vulvovaginitis- inflammation of the vagina and external genitalia.

103. Itching of the vulva- a precancerous disease of the external genitalia, most often occurring during menopause or postmenopause.

104. Kraurosis of the vulva- a precancerous disease of the external genitalia, which is expressed in atrophic, dystrophic, sclerotic changes in their skin.

105. Leukoplakia of the vulva- a precancerous disease characterized by hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis with the subsequent development of a sclerotic process. Occurs on the external genitalia, labia majora and minora, and the vaginal part of the cervix. Whitish spots appear that cannot be removed with a cotton swab.

Sometimes ultrasound of the labia helps in diagnosis.


Based on a survey of 1,264 women conducted from 2007 to 2012, it was found that 296 women (23.41%) were dissatisfied with the shape or size of their labia majora or minora. What to do if different labia, you don’t like them, are stretched, wide, large, huge, hanging, wrinkled, long, hanging, thick, drawn out, flabby? Or is one lip bigger than the other? Did your labia come out of your panties because of their large, huge size? The labia are visible from under the thong. There are defects of the labia minora. How can I make my labia wider apart if I feel shy? A virgin often has unstretched labia.

Girls with huge labia often suffer from this problem. They cannot wear tight thongs, they are embarrassed by their boyfriends, men, and do not wear tight clothes. Huge, very large, scary, huge, huge, hypertrophied, protruding, protruding, enlarged, saggy, hairy, stretched small and large lips are a problem for many girls and women, old women. In these cases it helps intimate labiaplasty. Plastic surgery It will help you. Plastic surgeon will tell you whether you need surgery on the labia minora, stretching, tightening. If your labia minora extend beyond the labia majora, there is lip asymmetry, elongation, lengthening of the labia minora, excessive size, sagging, sagging, then there is a reason to turn to professionals. Labiaplasty- a way out of such situations. In Eastern and African countries (black women), removal of the labia or circumcision is practiced. Hymenoplasty (restoration of virginity, hymen) is also in great demand in modern world. Models with large labia are still in demand in the adult film industry (silicone pumped in). In such cases, female models stretch their labia.

Labia piercing

Labia piercings can personalize a woman's pussy and add a sexy twist.

Treatment of the labia

Treatment of genitalia in the lips Usually performed by a gynecologist. Do not engage in amateur activities; at the first signs of diseases of the labia, be sure to contact a gynecologist. Gynecologist - This is a female doctor. A pediatric gynecologist treats gynecological diseases in girls. Adult gynecologist treats women's diseases in girls and women. A gynecologist knows how to treat the labia majora and minora of a little girl, a virgin, a girl, a mature woman, an elderly woman, how to pump up the labia, how to tighten the labia. Often homemade lotions, traditional methods, traditional medicine, traditional methods, homeopathy only temporarily suppresses the symptoms, but the disease progresses, and precious time is lost. Dangerous complications develop. For diseases of the genital organs, labia, vagina, clitoris, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vulva, pussy, you need to contact a gynecologist in specialized medical institutions. with stimulation of the clitoris leads to a high-quality orgasm. At the same time, you can spread the labia, lightly fiddle with them, massage, stimulate, undead, caress them. Someone sucks the labia, but it is better to massage them. Excitation of the labia is accompanied by their redness and swelling. Orgasm in the life of a girl and a woman has a very great value for quality of life and health. Regular sex is necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine, reproductive, nervous system. Some couples use labia clamps, torture, and bullying during sex. How to caress the labia? There are several options: hand, penis, tongue and lips. If a man has stomatitis, then there is no need to do cunnilingus. Stimulation can be direct or through panties or clothing (petting).

What should you use on your labia?

If there is insufficient hydration or dryness of the perineum, you can use a water-based lubricant gel or with silicone. In parallel with the stimulation of the labia minora and majora, there is stimulation of the clitoris. Wet, moist, moisturized labia are easier to stimulate, tease, tease. After sex, the partner’s labia are slightly stretched.

Shaving of the labia, depilation, sugaring

Girls and women who take care of the hygiene of the external genitalia, in most cases, shave their labia. It is more convenient for a man to stimulate shaved, bald labia with the penis, hand and tongue (oral sex) before sex. In this case, the main thing is not to cut your lips, so that there are no wounds or cuts. Caution never hurts. In this regard, sugaring and depilation of the labia are safer.

Tattoo on the labia

Some girls in recent years have been getting tattoos, tattoos, tattoos on the labia for their boyfriend, young man, men, to add spice to the sensations and relationships with a man. Of course, this can create certain playful moments in sex, when a man gets excited by the sight of a tattoo, for example, on the labia majora. However, a normal man is more aroused by the sight of a woman's beautiful labia than by a tattoo. Do not forget about the risk of contracting infections such as syphilis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV infection (AIDS). The risk exists due to the fact that some tattoo parlors do not comply with disinfection and sterilization regimes for tattoo instruments.

Text: ® SARCLINIC | Sarclinic.com \ Sarlinic.ru Photo 1: () Kocakayaali | Dreamstime.com \ Dreamstock.ru The woman, girl depicted in the photo is a model, does not suffer from the diseases described and/or all coincidences are excluded. website

An abnormal feature of a woman, in which the size of the labia minora exceeds the size of the labia majora, is called hypertrophy of the labia minora. It is observed in 30% of representatives of the weaker half of humanity. For comparison: normally, the inner labia should be covered as much as possible by the labia majora and not protrude outward.

General information

Hypertrophy refers to the lengthening or enlargement of one or both labia minora. The latter are two longitudinal folds of skin located under the labia majora. They surround the urethra and the entrance to the vagina, connecting at the back into a commissure. The individual characteristics of each woman determine the size, shape and pigmentation of the labia, meanwhile, in all of them they are characterized by good blood supply.

Important! Normally, the length of the longitudinal folds of the skin when stretched laterally does not exceed 2–4 cm, and the thickness is 5 mm. If the length is more than 5 cm, doctors talk about hypertrophy.

Due to the fact that the labia minora perform several functions - they protect the woman’s body from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, and her mucous membranes from drying out, provide hydration and additional stimulation during sexual intercourse, if hypertrophy is suspected, it is necessary to immediately consult a gynecologist.


There are congenital and acquired hypertrophy. At risk are those who had low body weight at birth. As a rule, pathology is not noticed immediately, but during the period or at the moment when the girl enters into sexual relations.

Pay attention!The exact cause of the development of hypertrophy of the labia minora has not yet been established. Meanwhile, scientists are convinced that masturbation or overly active sex life. In addition, the abnormal feature is not caused by sexually transmitted infections.

Hypertrophy can be provoked by age-related changes that occur in a woman’s body. Making the situation worse:

  • chronic vulvitis;
  • vulvar lymphedema (swelling);
  • sudden weight loss;
  • surgical interventions on the genital organs;
  • piercing of intimate areas, especially the use of heavy earrings that pull back the skin;
  • injuries;
  • childbirth;
  • as a result of sexual intercourse.

Types and stages

There are severe and mild forms of hypertrophy. Along with this, doctors operate with the concepts of elongation, hypertrophy, protrusion and asymmetry when it comes to the structure of the labia minora.

Elongation is the lengthening of the fold by stretching by 5 cm or more. Depending on the degree of severity, the features are distinguished:

  • first stage– when the length of the skin fold in a stretched state is less than 2 cm;
  • second stage– when the length of the skin fold ranges from 2 to 4 cm;
  • third stage– when the length reaches 4–6 cm when stretched;
  • fourth stage– when the skin fold stretches more than 6 cm.

Protrusion is diagnosed when the labia minora extend beyond the labia majora in a standing position. Depending on the degree of severity, it can be:

  • first degree– when the edge of the skin fold protrudes by 1–3 cm;
  • second degree– when the edge extends more than 3 cm.

Important! IN medical care women who experience an excessive increase in the length or thickness of the labia minora need it. Also, corrections require conditions in which there is increased wrinkling and folding. In such cases, they may have an asymmetrical shape or size and cause discomfort to the woman, provoke hypoesthesia, or decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms and complaints

Despite the fact that by hypertrophy doctors mean an abnormal condition and not a disease, women who are diagnosed with it experience problems of various kinds. They are conventionally divided into:

With hypertrophy, a woman notes:

  • pain during moments of intimacy;
  • discomfort when practicing certain sports - horse riding, cycling, skiing, running;
  • difficulties in performing personal hygiene;
  • pain during gynecological examination;
  • discomfort when wearing tight underwear or trousers.

Pay attention! Despite the serious psychological problems of women caused by hypertrophy, many men find the anomalous feature unusual and interesting, so they are happy to enter into close relationships with them.

You should visit a doctor if, as a result of constant friction, sagging skin folds appear and their pigmentation changes. In the absence of medical care, the labia will only become inflamed, lose their tone and worsen the situation.

Diagnostics and labiaplasty

To make a diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to examine a woman in a gynecological chair. Due to the fact that it is impossible to influence the size of skin folds using conservative treatment methods, the patient must decide on the need for intimate plastic surgery. Labiaplasty, or surgical correction of the labia, does not have strict indications.

If a woman decides to undergo it, she is recommended:

  • get advice from a gynecologist, who will take a smear on the flora during the examination;
  • hand over and ;
  • pass, as well as tests for,;
  • do - this study allows you to determine the quality of blood clotting.

Important! When general anesthesia is used during surgery, the patient is advised to additionally undergo an electrocardiogram.

Depending on the size of the labia and the expected result, the surgeon may perform:

  • V-shaped or wedge-shaped resection, in which V-shaped flaps are cut out on each side of the fold, allowing them to be reduced in size while maintaining their familiar appearance;
  • linear– in this case, after surgical intervention, the skin folds take on an unnatural straight appearance due to disruption of folding and shape.

Both options have a significant drawback, which is a long rehabilitation period. The only way out of the situation is laser labiaplasty. This is a gentle technique that uses a laser beam to minimize the development of bleeding and the appearance of scars. Meanwhile, it is not recommended for nulliparous women.

Contraindications for labiaplasty

Surgery on the labia minora is denied to women who have been diagnosed with:

Important! Labiaplasty is not performed on minors.

Consequences of labiaplasty

Each of the above procedures refers to technically simple operations. After completing it, the woman is recommended to stay for several hours under the supervision of specialists, after which she is sent home. After a few days, discomfort in the labiaplasty area usually disappears.

According to statistics, up to 90% of patients who decide to undergo intimate plastic surgery are satisfied with the result. Others undergo repeated procedures because they do not feel satisfied appearance genitals and continue to experience discomfort.

Possible postoperative complications:

  • scars that take a long time to heal;
  • bleeding;
  • swelling and hematoma;
  • development of infections or inflammations;
  • decreased sensitivity of the labia minora.


It is impossible to protect yourself from hypertrophy, but it is completely possible to reduce the risk of its development. To do this, it is enough to undergo an examination by a gynecologist every six months, observe the rules of personal hygiene, and refuse genital piercings.