Poroshenko Marina Anatolyevna: biography, personal life, style. Petro Poroshenko: biography and the whole truth about the “chocolate king” of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with his wife

18.08.2024 Plumbing work

Poroshenko Marina Anatolyevna is the current first lady of Ukraine, the wife of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. She is known not only as a woman standing behind a great man, but also as a person who does a lot for the good of her country.

Marina Poroshenko: biography

Marina Poroshenko (nee Perevedentseva) was born in the capital of Ukraine in 1962. From this moment until the woman meets her future husband, practically nothing is known except information about her family.

Marina's father, Anatoly Mikhailovich Perevedentsev, born in 1933, left his mark on the history of the USSR. He served as Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and was Advisor to the Ambassador of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to Mongolia for 3 years.

Mother Lyudmila did not hold high positions; she worked at one of the military-industrial Kyiv factories and devoted most of her time to her children; there were two of them in the family, two girls.

Sister Alla is an associate professor at the Kyiv Pedagogical University.

Marina Anatolyevna Poroshenko followed in the footsteps of her father and graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute, receiving a diploma in cardiology. And after that, she worked as a cardiologist in one of the Kyiv clinics and at the same time was writing a dissertation, which she later successfully defended, which was the first time after Ukraine gained sovereignty.

As for public activities, Marina Poroshenko is currently the Chairman of the Board of the Petro Poroshenko Charitable Foundation.

Relationship with Peter

Marina and Peter met long before the latter decided to connect his life with politics. This happened at a disco organized in honor of the successful end of the winter session. The young people met and fell in love with each other at first sight, but their relationship began only six months after their first meeting. This happened, again, by accident - during the summer harvest. And a year later, the couple decided to tie the knot and divide the Poroshenko surname into two. Marina was very happy, but after some time Peter was drafted into the army, the wedding was in jeopardy, but he managed to come to an agreement and was released from the unit. The wedding took place, but the very next day the husband was forced to return to work.


The first child in the couple was born in 1985, the boy was named Alexey. Poroshenko Marina gave birth to her first child herself, Peter was still serving in the army. Now the son of the Poroshenko couple is already raising two children on his own, with his famous parents happily helping him with this.

The second pregnancy turned out to be very unexpected for the couple, they really dreamed of a girl, and two of them were born at once: Evgenia and Alexandra. This happened in 2000.

A year after Poroshenko’s second birth, Marina again found out that she was pregnant. The born child was named in honor of Marina's grandfather - Mikhail.

We can say that the first lady gave up her career for the sake of raising children, which she does not regret at all. Her children and husband are the most important things in life for her. She is a real keeper of the hearth: Marina Anatolyevna Poroshenko cooks well, embroiders her own paintings, knits and sews clothes for her grandchildren and children, and also regularly attends church, not missing a single service, and teaches this to her children. And within the walls of her home, she prohibits discussing politics, believing that work should always remain in its place.


Marina Poroshenko, the wife of the President of Ukraine, despite the fact that she is the mother of four children, has a magnificent figure that cannot be spoiled by anything. But she doesn’t even try; the First Lady’s clothes are always impeccable and elegant. Marina prefers brands of Ukrainian designers, each of whom she knows personally.

The basis of her wardrobe is classic basic things: white blouses, pumps, a black dress and skirt. By the way, the combination of black and white is her favorite.

You can often notice a traditional Ukrainian ornament on a woman, as well as a love for the national colors - yellow and blue.

Poroshenko Marina does not wear short skirts; she prefers midi length, which only emphasizes her femininity and elegance. By the way, she passed this on to her daughters: they prefer timeless classics to current trends. This is very evident in all the girls’ outfits.


Marina Anatolyevna Poroshenko is the most famous woman in Ukraine of her time, who is a model and example not only for her own children and grandchildren, but also for all Ukrainian women.

5 minutes to the first lady of Ukraine

For the last four years, Ukraine has not had a first lady. The previous president, Viktor Yanukovych, did not appear with his official wife Lyudmila at public events and did not take her on official trips abroad. The president’s wife lived in Donetsk and bought groceries herself at the supermarket, where local journalists met her more than once. The intrigue was revealed after Yanukovych escaped from Mezhyhirya - the lady of the ex-president’s heart was the director of the charitable foundation “The Road of the Future” Lyubov Polezhay.

The wife of President Petro Poroshenko, Marina, accompanies her husband at almost all events.

“I really, madly love my wife Marina. We got married when I was 18 years old. I then came to my mother and announced that I was getting married. She said: “Oh, too little, why are you so robish!” - almost all potential voters heard this family story of Poroshenko during his election tour.

Wife: Marina Poroshenko, 52 years old

Poroshenko met his future wife at a student disco. He is a candidate master of sports in judo, a student at Kyiv State University. She is three years older than him, a medical student, a cardiologist, the daughter of the Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR. They dated for a year and then got married. Marina gave birth to a son, Alexei, defended her PhD thesis and chose to devote her life not to medicine, but to her family.

Family friends say that Marina is very homely, knows how to sew, embroider, knit and is an excellent cook.

Poroshenko’s wife is involved in raising children and never criticizes her husband. She often accompanies him at various events, prefers to stand slightly behind her husband, and rarely communicates with the press.

In the summer, the Poroshenko family goes on vacation at the seaside; the January holidays are spent skiing in the mountains.

There is a rule in the family: at home - not a word about politics.

Children: Alexey Poroshenko, 29 years old

Deputy of the Vinnytsia Regional Council from the Batkivshchyna faction. He works as Deputy General Director for Foreign Economic Activities of the Food Company Podillya, which is part of the Ukrprominvest concern. This concern is headed by his grandfather, Alexey Poroshenko, also a deputy of the Vinnytsia Regional Council.

He is interested in tennis, music, philosophy.

Last September, Alexey married his peer Yulia Alikhanova. Poroshenko’s daughter-in-law studied at an international business school in France, worked at General Electric, PricewaterhouseCoopers and the consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Alexey and Yulia are preparing to become parents.

Evgenia and Alexandra - 14 years old, Mikhail - 13 years old

My daughters study at a ballet school and a music school in the piano class. Mikhail also plays the piano and enjoys swimming and gymnastics.

In 2012, Poroshenko’s daughters and his youngest son Mikhail organized a charity concert to raise funds to save swans who were dying from frost on the Dniester. The game of the children of the future president raised 6,070 hryvnia.

The godparents of Evgenia and Alexandra are Viktor Yushchenko and Oksana Bilozir.

Discussion of the article

Nov 25 2017 9:57PM

When will everyone in the Poroshenko family be hanged?

Sep 19 2014 9:51PM

A sad fate awaits all the children of those parents who deliberately destroy innocent people...

Aug 23 2014 5:19PM

Charity concert in support of the Dniester swans......NO COMMENTS. And the fact that children and old people are dying now is nothing, it’s normal... there is no pity. This crappy family will have to answer - not before the court, but before God

As for the family, his wife is beautiful, as are his children and everyone with him. He doesn’t run after young animals, he doesn’t inflate his body with Botox. If he is rich, it means it is easier for him to fight corruption.

Among the advisers is Bendukidze. He defined Ukraine as Russia without hydrocarbons. Same mess.

The tense political situation, which has been observed at the international level for several days, has attracted public attention to the circle of people who are at the top of the ruling elite of Ukraine. Western countries and the United States have long made Petro Poroshenko their protege, but many Russians still do not know who this man is.


The list of some of the richest people in the country is successfully completed by Petro Poroshenko. The biography, nationality, and parents of a politician are of interest to many; we’ll talk about this below. Today, his fortune totals about $1.8 billion, which allows him to be listed as fifth on the list of the richest people in Ukraine. The man who is considered the sponsor of the Maidan, oddly enough, was born and spent his childhood in the Odessa region. Now Poroshenko is a major businessman, a well-known political and government figure, and the founding president of the Ukrprominvest concern.


Father, Alexey Ivanovich Valtsman, and mother, Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko, got married in 1956. A married couple had a son in 1965 in the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region. The family lived in a house with a courtyard. Alexey Ivanovich was always considered the owner; the children were raised in strictness, since the father was a little harsh. Despite this, everyone lived amicably and tried not to contradict the head of the family. As his biography shows, Petro Poroshenko has always treated his elders with respect.

Father is a mechanical engineer by profession. Until 1974 he worked at the Bolgrad Association of Agricultural Equipment. At the beginning of perestroika, he began to engage in entrepreneurial activities. It was the head of the family who became the founder of everything that Petro Valtsman-Poroshenko owns. By decree of Yushchenko, Alexey Ivanovich was awarded the Order of the Power and the title of Hero of Ukraine.

Family secrets

In 1986, Alexey Poroshenko received a criminal record. The Supreme Court of Moldova found him guilty of committing theft of property by a group of persons, the illegal acquisition of property that was obtained fraudulently, and the acquisition, storage and carrying of weapons. After the trial, the future businessman went to prison for five years. The parents of Petro Poroshenko (his biography confirms such information) found this moment difficult. The oligarch's father served his sentence in a correctional labor colony. The convicted person was deprived of property and the right to occupy leadership positions for a period of five years. This is the only known fact about the criminal record that the father’s biography contains.

Petro Poroshenko lost his mother in 2004. During her lifetime, Evgenia Sergeevna was a teacher by profession and worked at a technical school. The elder brother Mikhail died in a disaster under unclear circumstances - this is how his biography ended in a sad way.

Petro Poroshenko had the nickname “fluffy chubby” as a child. He was a handsome boy with black hair. He was distinguished by his flexibility, kindness, and diligence. His look was always a little offended and sad. Despite such character traits, Peter, according to the recollections of his peers, always fought to protect others.

The boy studied very well, which was also characteristic of his older brother. However, due to the prevailing circumstances, the family had to leave their home and move to Moldova.

The beginning of the journey

The young man graduated from Kiev University. Taras Shevchenko, having received a diploma in international economics. A little later, he successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. However, the educational process was interrupted by military service.

After the aspiring businessman received his higher education, he opened his own business. The biography (Petro Poroshenko himself stated this) during this period was replenished with very successful events. The company, founded by a man, sold cocoa beans. And already at the dawn of the 1990s, the businessman took ownership of several large confectionery enterprises, which in the future merged into the Roshen concern. It was this business that allowed today’s oligarch to form a multimillion-dollar fortune and acquire the unspoken nickname “Chocolate King.” Before the rift between the two countries, about half of Roshen's confectionery exports went to Russia.

In 2011, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko, together with B. Lozhkin, acquired a large media company from one of the American businessmen. It included online platforms, a magazine publication, and several radio stations. In the same year, after selling some assets, the oligarch buys a production plant in Germany and receives permission to buy out a stake in the Ekran company.

Career milestones of Petro Poroshenko

  • 1990-1991 commercial association "Republic".
  • 1991-1993 The position of General Director of the exchange house "Ukraine".
  • 1993-1998 Position of General Director of the Ukrprominvest concern.

Today, the oligarch's empire consists of many enterprises in different areas of business.


The entrepreneur is married, his wife gave him four children (two sons and two daughters). The politician’s wife received a higher education as a cardiologist. Her father served as Deputy Minister of Health.

The godparents of two children (twin girls) were Oksana Bilozir and Viktor Yushchenko. It is noteworthy that Poroshenko was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine for his services to the Maidan, which took place in 2004. Some people believe that the family connection with Yushchenko played a role in this case.

Petro Valtsman-Poroshenko married quite early - at eighteen years old, the bride was three years older than him. The newlyweds lived in the house of Marina’s parents, who at that time were on a long trip abroad. The wife began earning money before Peter, getting a job in the cardiology department. The young husband received an increased scholarship.

If you believe the stories of the oligarch himself, the family had financial difficulties (which is very doubtful).

Titles and awards

  • Orders of II and III degrees "For Merit".
  • Grand Cross of the Order of Civil Merit (Spanish award).
  • Title of Honored Economist of Ukraine.
  • Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology.
  • Candidate of Legal Sciences.
  • Author of several monographs and a number of scientific publications.
  • Knight of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Co-author of textbooks in the field of modern international economic relations.
  • In 2009, the politician was ordained a deacon.

Deputy career

In 1998, Poroshenko was elected to the country's parliament. He spoke from the Social Democratic Party of Ukraine, which at that time supported the current President L. Kuchma. Two years later, Poroshenko left the ranks of the party members and created the center-left Solidarity faction. In 2001, he took an active part in the activities of the Party of Regions, but soon changed his political vector and joined V. Yushchenko’s bloc, which at that time was considered oppositional. A year later, the Yushchenko faction won the parliamentary elections, and Peter himself became head of the budget committee.

Orange Revolution

Unofficially, Petro Poroshenko (president of Ukraine in the near future) was named as a sponsor of the revolutionary events that took place in the country in 2004. Viktor Yushchenko declared that the elections were falsified and achieved the appointment of a third round. The vote led to his victory, and he did not fail to appoint Poroshenko as Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of the country. But the president's protege did not last long in this post. At the height of the 2005 crisis, the entire government headed by Tymoshenko and the oligarch himself was dismissed.

A year later, Petro Alekseevich Poroshenko reappeared in the Verkhovna Rada in the ranks of the Our Ukraine party, and in 2007 he became head of the board of the country’s National Bank. While Yushchenko remained in office (in 2009-2010), he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Subsequently, Yanukovych dismissed him along with the entire cabinet of ministers. However, this was only a short break for Poroshenko in developing his political career. Already in 2012, a decree was signed on his appointment as Minister of Trade and Economic Development. When the revolution overtook the country, the politician actively spoke out and supported the protesters. This led to the spread of the opinion that he is an active supporter of the Maidan.

In one of his interviews, Petro Poroshenko, biography, nationality, whose parents were under close scrutiny at that time, admitted that he actually supplied the revolution with financial resources.

In 2013, the oligarch expressed his intention to participate in the elections for the position of mayor of Kyiv, but only if he received the support of the opposition.


In troubled times for Ukraine, current President Petro Poroshenko supported the protesters and often spoke at the podium. During the aggravation of the Crimean political crisis, the politician came to Simferopol as a representative of the new government. Local residents greeted him with unfriendly shouts and threw papers at him. The oligarch retreated in a taxi, into which the police put him.

In March 2014, Petro Poroshenko registered with the Central Election Commission as a presidential candidate. The oligarch won the early elections, and the inauguration took place in June.

The new president outlined his priorities as follows:

  • Strengthening and maintaining the unity of the country, the return of selected territories, in particular Crimea.
  • The official language is exclusively Ukrainian.
  • Ukraine is a unitary state.
  • Early elections should be held in Donbass.
  • Membership in the European Union, visa-free regime for citizens of the country.
  • Strengthening military potential.

Approximate circle

David Zhvania, V. Skomarovsky, V. Korol, O. Bilozir are considered to be the oligarch’s associates. Some time ago, the politician worked quite closely with businessman and deputy N. Martynenko. This duo took control of the activities of the Niko radio station, where Petro Poroshenko became a co-owner. Ukraine began to implement custom radio broadcasting.

Dirty stains of the biography

In 2001, M. Brodsky, the leader of the Ukrainian Yabloko faction, announced the fact that Poroshenko sent him threats in response to criticism of N. Azarov. The politician completely rejected such accusations. Brodsky was also among those who accused Poroshenko of corruption four years later.

The oligarch was not spared rumors of budget falsification. Allegedly, he redistributed funds in favor of the district where he was elected. Pyotr Alekseevich himself also denied these attacks, calling them disinformation. But the most pressing question remains the nationality of Petro Poroshenko. Given the tense situation in the country, this is of paramount importance.

In addition, the politician was accused of In 2003, the relevant services opened a criminal case, according to which the management of LuAZ was charged with a financial crime. During the proceedings, the court ruled that such claims were unlawful. However, it was at this time that the oligarch was in the position of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

In 2001, the country's Prosecutor General's Office accused the director of Leninskaya Kuznitsa (a Poroshenko-controlled enterprise) of theft. According to the investigation, the manager received seventeen million hryvnia from the Baguette company and spent it on the same day. Some time later, during the proceedings, it was revealed that the mentioned company had been liquidated and was not included in the state register at all. The case was closed.


The activities of 48-year-old Moldovan Jew Petr Alekseevich Valtsman, whose mother is Poroshenko, cause mixed assessments around the world. The leader of the ruling elite zealously supports the Right Sector and skillfully hides his true origin. The parents of Petro Poroshenko, the nationality of the politician, and the dirty facts of his biography continue to be actively discussed in the press.

48-year-old billionaire Petro Poroshenko has become the new president of Ukraine. How is Poroshenko’s personal life, who is his wife, what do the children do and what is his biography.

Petro Poroshenko was born on September 26, 1965 in Bolgrad. Poroshenko’s father Alexey Ivanovich Poroshenko is a mechanical engineer, he graduated from the Lvov Agricultural Institute in 1959, and in 1959-1974 he worked in Bolgrad as the chief engineer of the regional agricultural machinery association.

Poroshenko's father was the director of a plant in the city of Bendery in Moldova. In the mid-1990s, Alexey Poroshenko took the position of general director of the Ukrprominvest concern, which united more than 50 enterprises.

Petro Poroshenko's mother, Evgenia Sergeevna Poroshenko, died in 2004.

The new President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Kyiv State University in 1989.

After receiving a higher education, Poroshenko started his own business selling cocoa beans. In the 1990s, he acquired several confectionery businesses.

Subsequently, he united them into the Roshen group, which became the largest manufacturer of confectionery products in Ukraine. The confectionery industry enterprises he created brought him a fortune and the nickname “Chocolate King.”

Currently, Poroshenko’s business empire also includes several automobile and bus factories (Lutsk Automobile Plant, Bogdan Corporation), the Leninskaya Kuznya shipyard, the Fifth Channel TV channel and a number of other enterprises.

Poroshenko was a deputy and held major government posts in the governments of the last three presidents of Ukraine.

Personal life of Petro Poroshenko

Petro Poroshenko is married to Marina Poroshenko (b. 1962). Marina Poroshenko is a cardiologist. She is three years older than her husband. They met as students.

Marina was not an ordinary girl; her father was the Deputy Minister of Health of the Ukrainian SSR. Marina, of course, graduated from a prestigious medical institute at that time.

Marina says that she met Peter at a disco in the university dormitory. “The romance, which my mother calls a “detective,” lasted about a year. It was fireworks! We met every day, and parting was a colossal problem for us. It was an interesting, stormy year. Emotions were overflowing.”

Children of Petro Poroshenko

Poroshenko has four children - Alexey (born in 1985), Evgenia (born in 2000), Alexandra (born in 2000) and Mikhail (born in 2001).The godparents of Evgenia and Alexandra are Viktor Yushchenko and Oksana Bilozir.

The 28-year-old eldest son of Petro Poroshenko, Alexey, got married in 2013 to Kiev resident Yulia Alikhanova.

The ceremony itself took place in a narrow circle of relatives and friends at the estate of Petro Poroshenko in Kozin (Koncha-Zaspa). Poroshenko's wedding took place on September 7.

Poroshenko’s 28-year-old daughter-in-law works as a top manager at the consulting firm McKinsey & Company.

Alexey Poroshenko is a deputy of the Vinnytsia Regional Council. In 2010, he worked in the diplomatic service in China as vice-consul at the Consulate General in Shanghai.

Poroshenko's hobbies

When it comes to hobbies and interests, Petro Poroshenko says that he does not have enough free time. But when he has time, he plays tennis.

In his youth, Pyotr Alekseevich studied judo and sambo, and was a candidate for master of sports. He loves painting, especially the impressionists, in particular Claude Monet.

© Facebook/Petro Poroshenko

The current President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko was born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region. He is married to Marina Poroshenko, they have four children - Alexey, twin daughters Alexandra and Evgenia and son Mikhail. The godparents of the younger children are the third President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko and singer, former Minister of Culture, People's Deputy Oksana Bilozir

Petro Poroshenko. Reference People from the close circle of the President of Ukraine call Poroshenko an impeccable family man, a caring father and a gentle husband, who, from a stern politician with a difficult disposition at work at home, supposedly melts like a chocolate bar.

The president's eldest son Alexei in 2017 said he was ready to lend his shoulder to his father in working for the good of the Motherland. His other son, Mikhail, noted that he always takes his father’s example. His daughters praised him for his determination and hard work for the good of the people.

Users on the Internet often discuss the family of the Ukrainian leader. Spouses and children engage in charity work for the sake of the head of the family's ratings; they are photographed together wearing national embroidered shirts to emphasize the country's independence; they were even depicted on a fresco as saints. The publication Ukraina.ru collected information about the closest relatives Petra Poroshenko.

Alexey Poroshenko (father of the fifth president of Ukraine)

Ukrainian politician, business leader, ex-deputy of the Vinnytsia Regional Council, Hero of Ukraine Alexey Ivanovich Poroshenko was born in Romania.

In 1959 he graduated from the Lvov Agricultural Institute and became a mechanical engineer. Then he worked in Belgrade, Odessa region, as chief engineer of the regional association of agricultural machinery.

In 1976, he became director of a research experimental and repair plant in the city of Bendery in Moldova. But nine years later he was detained on suspicion of theft of material assets on an especially large scale.

He spent six months in the Bendery pre-trial detention center, and on July 20, 1986, he was sentenced by the criminal board of the Supreme Court of the MSSR to five years in prison, serving the sentence in a general regime correctional labor colony with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to occupy leadership positions for a period of five years.

“In 1985, he was detained on the border with Finland; he wanted to smuggle vodka worth several thousand rubles there. Probably under the guise of factory products.<…>He resigned of his own free will, but we were already preparing papers for his dismissal under an article of the Labor Code.<…>Other directors of the plant did a lot for members of the labor collective, but Alexey Poroshenko did nothing for the workers,” said Valentin Pitersky, a former toolmaker and chairman of the council of the plant’s labor collective.

According to the former personal driver of the ex-plant director Vasily Beryl, Poroshenko’s case was handled by two colonels of the prosecutor’s office at once.

“And Alexey Ivanovich himself was a very strong leader, a very strong personality! But he was a little arrogant, maybe that’s what it should have been... He lacked intelligence, he was boorish,” added Beryl.

Mariupol residents believe that Poroshenko already has everything and wish him to endure the people of Ukraine. It is noteworthy that it was in Moldova that the family of the current president carried out the primary accumulation of capital in the 1990s. Father Poroshenko was called one of the first Soviet millionaires.

It should also be noted that Alexey Poroshenko received his title of Hero of Ukraine in 2009, just when his son Peter served as chairman of the board of the National Bank of Ukraine.

Mikhail Poroshenko (brother of the current president)

The elder brother of the Ukrainian leader, together with his father, created their business empire and was one of the founders of the Ukrprominvest company. However, he died tragically in 1997 under unclear circumstances. The family refuses to disclose the details of what happened. According to one official version, he died in a car accident, according to another, he drowned while vacationing in Cyprus.

Renowned investigative journalist Alexander Dubinsky published a number of documents related to Poroshenko’s business activities in Moldova.

One of the papers talks about operational information that “some members of criminal groups created by Poroshenko P.A. and Madan P.G., were involved in the murders of Poroshenko M.A.<…>This information was not processed to the end, since this criminal case with all the materials was sent by the Prosecutor General’s Office on June 23, 2005, within its competence, to the TsBEPKb (Center for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption).”

This document has no heading, no date, no author. However, the presence of a criminal case number and specific names, as well as specific companies in the document speaks in favor of reliability.

Moreover, this is not the first time this has been mentioned. Thus, on September 22, 2017, the leader of the opposition Moldovan “Native Party” Renato Usatii showed copies of documents on TV8, one of which “clearly states that a group of individuals led by Petro Poroshenko, namely Petru Madan and others, created a number of organized crime groups that committed a number of particularly serious crimes on the territory of Moldova from 1996 to 2004 , such as fraud on an especially large scale, theft, it is written that there are suspicions [against Petro Poroshenko] of organizing the murder of his brother, Mikhail Poroshenko.”

Restless dreamer: what test did Poroshenko propose to take to the UN? In addition, there is a package of documents from law enforcement agencies, presented on November 30, 2016 on the Internet resource News Front.

The documents refer to criminal cases brought against Petro Poroshenko and Moldovan Madan regarding the fraudulent acquisition of property in Moldova. One of them, a certificate from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs on the family of Alexei Mikhailovich Poroshenko, says: “Poroshenko M.A. in August 1997, on the 28th, on his birthday, he was drowned in Cyprus while swimming. According to available data from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the drowning was organized by his brother Poroshenko P.A., with whom he was in hostile relations. The reason was the division of the property of the Gemini department store, shares of the Bukuri candy factory, shares of a glass container factory in the city of Chisinau.”

Marina Poroshenko (first lady of the country)

Marina Perevedentseva (maiden name) was born in Kyiv. His father is a former deputy minister of health in the Ukrainian SSR, his mother is an employee of the Arsenal plant.

Graduated from Bogomolets Medical University. He is a cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences, author of the first dissertation in independent Ukraine.

She met Poroshenko as a student at a disco. They got married in 1984, on their second try. After submitting an application to the registry office, Poroshenko was suddenly drafted into the army, and the couple signed up only on their first leave. After the birth of her first son Alexei, Marina Poroshenko devoted herself entirely to her family.

In 2014, in a television interview, she said that she plans to deal with the country's social and cultural problems. In 2018, by decree of the Minister of Culture, she was appointed chairman of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, which in 2018 was allocated 207.5 million hryvnia from the country’s budget.

President of the Fund for Humanitarian Development of Ukraine Natalya Zabolotnaya in her column on Ukrayinska Pravda she called the situation with the appointment of Marina Poroshenko vulgar. She explained that the world experience of first ladies contains many examples of how presidential wives led socially significant initiatives (including Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Princess Diana). However, according to Zabolotnaya, they were not heads of state agencies that should distribute taxpayers’ money.

Poroshenko's wife: True Ukrainian identity is in the USA According to experts, Marina Poroshenko's trips to the regions with support for cultural initiatives under the patronage of the authorities can increase the low political rating of Petro Alekseevich.

Also, through the fund, one can effectively reward with prizes or grants - or, for example, punish, depriving of support - public organizations and figures, the media, even the largest ones. In this way, for example, it is possible to suppress criticism of the president in the media.

In addition, through such a fund it is possible to finance nationalist groups like C14 (remember, as we already know, it receives funding, including in the form of state and regional grants through its “Educational Assembly”).

Last year, Marina Poroshenko hosted a sports section on the Ukraine channel, which belongs to Rinat Akhmetov, which also caused a great resonance in society. The column was closed a month later, and the TV channel said that the program with Poroshenko was a humanitarian action, the purpose of which was to help a sports boarding school in the Lugansk region.

Alexey Poroshenko (eldest son of the President of Ukraine)

He is a Ukrainian politician, businessman, and people's deputy. Married to a top manager at the consulting firm McKinsey&Company Yulia Poroshenko. The family has two children.

In 2008 he graduated from the Institute of International Relations of the Kyiv National Shevchenko University. He also studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science and a business school in France.

In 2009, he worked in his father’s company “Roshen”.

In 2010, he was deputy head of the trade and economic mission of the Consulate General in Shanghai (Petro Poroshenko was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine during this period). Afterwards he held the position of vice-consul for economic issues at the consulate.

In 2013, he became a deputy of the Vinnytsia Regional Council, a member of the permanent commission of the regional Council on socio-economic development, budget and finance.

It is curious that Poroshenko Jr. was initially elected to the local council on the list of the Batkivshchyna party, the leader of which is the former prime minister and rival of Poroshenko Yulia Tymoshenko at that time she was in prison. According to Alexei, it was her party that he considered as the main opposition to Yanukovych.

But soon after Euromaidan, Alexey Poroshenko joined the party of his father BPP. In October 2014, he was elected to parliament in a majoritarian constituency in Vinnitsa.

According to Alexey, in August - September 2014, during the armed conflict in Donbass, he was assigned to a mortar unit under a false name and served near Kramatorsk.

“This is an artillery unit, we shot there and helped our others fight,” Poroshenko Jr. said on the 1+1 TV channel.

No photo or video materials confirming the fact that Alexey served in units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine appeared in the media.

Poroshenko’s son won a grant for a trip to Singapore at the expense of the state. Also in 2014, a Vinnytsia journalist Alisa Myslovskaya rumors that the eldest son of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is fighting at the front against the army of Novorossiya. She said that the son of the head of state, Alexey, along with his wife and son, live with the president’s father, Alexey Ivanovich Poroshenko, not far from Vinnitsa. The correspondent conducted her own investigation, visiting Poroshenko’s father’s country house, where she discovered the commander-in-chief’s son allegedly at the front.

In the fall of 2014, after early parliamentary elections, Alexey became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation, a member of the committee on tax and customs policy. He expressed dissatisfaction with the level of salaries of people's deputies of 5-6 thousand hryvnia.

Poroshenko is the chairman of the parliamentary group on interparliamentary relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Singapore. In the summer of 2017, he completed an internship in the field of public administration and planning in Singapore and met with the former Prime Minister of the Republic Goh Chok Tong. This trip caused a strong reaction among social media users. The politician was criticized for using public funds and doubts were raised about the objectivity of the selection of candidates for the trip.

Twins Alexandra and Evgenia Poroshenko and son Mikhail (the president’s youngest children)

The president's daughters were born in 2000, Mikhail - in 2001.

Evgenia played a cameo role in the series about the everyday life of the Russian police, “The Return of Mukhtar 8.”

The sisters and Mikhail also became the heroines of the video of their godmother Oksana Bilozir, a singer and ex-Minister of Culture. The video for the song was filmed at the presidential residence in the village of Kozin near Kiev.

The girls studied in two countries at once. Alexandra and Evgenia were students of the capital's Klov Lyceum of Foreign Languages ​​No. 77 and students of one of the most prestigious and expensive colleges in the UK (Concord College). According to unverified information, the president’s eldest son, Alexey, advised sending the sisters abroad.

Poroshenko is proud of Ukrainian education, but his children study abroad. A year later, his younger brother Misha joined the girls; he will receive education in this institution for another year.

Tuition at Concord costs about 37,800 pounds sterling per year, or almost one and a half million hryvnia. It turns out that Poroshenko paid about 4.5 million hryvnia annually for the education of three children.

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