After prefixes, the consonant is written ы. The letters ы and и after consonant prefixes. When it doesn't work

26.03.2024 Electrics

LETTERS Y/I after prefixes

Fun tasks

Exercise 1. Come up with and write a short humorous story on the topic “There is a well-known actor in our school”, using these phrases:

Imitate tweeting, play a performance, have a super interesting interlocutor, a funny prank, find the right costume, play any melody, sneer at a funny situation.

Task 2. Replace with one word.

1. Conduct an inspection to find something. 2. Having no name, title. 3. Make fun of someone. 4. Being directly in front of someone or something. 5. A person searching for missing people or things.

Game "Third Man" Eliminate the “extra word” from each row. Explain orally why you discovered it.

    Previous, background, pre-infarction

    Search, draw, roses.

    Play along, breathe, summarize.


Option 1





1 .-2,4. 2 .-3,4 . 3 .-1,4. 4 .-4.

2. And:

1) without...secret

2) misinformation


4) ped…nstitute

1 .-2,3. 2 .-2,3,4. 3 .-1,3,4. 4 .-1,4.

3 . Identify words that have a root vowel And changes to s :

1) without... naked

2) inactivity

3) post...impressionism

4) Sub...inspector

1 .-1,2,3. 2 .-1,2. 3 .-3,4. 4 .-4.

4 . Indicate the words that are misspelled :

1) supra-individual

3) search

4) for a long time

1 .-4. 2 .-3,4. 3 .-1. 4 .-1,2.

    Mark the words that are spelled with And after the prefix:





1 .-2,3. 2 .- 2,3,4 3 .-3,4. 4 .-1,4.

Option 2.

    Mark the words with foreign prefixes:

1) trans...Ordanian

2) disinsectional

3) take...mother


1 .-1,2,3. 2 .-3,4. 3 .-1,2. 4 .-1,4.

    Find the line where you should write a vowel after the prefix s :





1 .-1,3. 2 .-2,3. 3 .-3,4. 4 .-1,2,3.

    Identify words in which the root vowel changes to s:



    since childhood


1 .-1,2,3 2.- 1,4. 3 .- 2,3,4 4 .-4.

    Indicate the words that are misspelled:




    take effect

1 .-1. 2 .-2,3. 3 .-2. 4 .-1,4.

    Mark the words that are written with and after the prefix:


2) without...interesting


4) inter..editor's

1 .-3,4. 2 .-1,2,3. 3 .-1,3,4. 4 .-1.

Vocabulary dictations

Dictation 1.

Post-infarction period, disinformation leaked to the newspapers, spineless hedgehog, super-intelligent person, super-integration began, trans-Iranian supplies, summarize the results of exam papers, an interesting story.

Dictation 2.

Two-impulse charge, perform a comedy, bypass the sanitary inspection, look for criminals, previous client, enroll in medical school, the Main Instrument was closed, search the apartment.

Dictation 3.

Applicants to the pedagogical institute, pan-Islamic agreement, place sanitary equipment, trans-Indian route, collect taxes, improvise during a speech, blood flowed, inconclusive control, supra-individual approach.

In order to accurately write the vowels Y and I after prefixes, you need to remember that after Russian prefixes ending in a consonant, the roots are written not I, but Y in accordance with pronunciation. For example: SUMMARY, PREVIOUS.

This rule does not apply:

    for words with foreign prefixes DEZ-, SUB-, CONTER-, TRANS-, POST-, PAN-, SUPER-, etc. (SUPERGAME, POSTIMPRESSIONISM);

    for words with Russian prefixes INTER- and SVERH- (INTERSTITUTE, SUPERINTERESTING);

    for complex abbreviated words (SPORTING EQUIPMENT);

    as well as the exception word TAKE, in which after the prefix ВЗ- the sound [and] is pronounced.


1. For two months he played the role of a madman perfectly. (N.V. Gogol)

2. Well, are you done?! Eh, I'm tired of this life! (N.V. Gogol)

3. Black has a certain counterplay on the queenside.

4. These anonymous letters irritated me most of all. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

5. But as soon as I leave for a couple of days, something super interesting happens.

6. He, however, was not unaware that I had something... (F. M. Dostoevsky)

7. That jacket that you are taking off, look, it’s not even wrinkled. (N.V. Gogol)

8. Therefore, these letters seemed to me not entirely uninteresting. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

9. They somehow changed the frame and decorations in a very strange way... (L.N. Tolstoy)

10. And now this hope, no longer hope, but confidence in a miracle filled him to the very top of his head, and he was already wondering how he could live before in such hopeless, hopeless darkness... (A. and B. Strugatsky)

11. All troubles and misfortunes have changed the nature of man, making him lacking initiative. (L.N. Tolstoy)

12. You need to experience life at least once in its artificial beauty. (L.N. Tolstoy)

13. Energy workers are prohibited from charging fines for excessive consumption of electricity.

14. However, at all costs, he decided to get to the last small feature and shade in them, to comprehend their secret... (N.V. Gogol)

15. The local postmaster is doing absolutely nothing: everything is in great disrepair, parcels are delayed... if you please, find out for yourself on purpose. (N.V. Gogol)

16. From this, the collegiate assessor could see that the private bailiff was not ignorant of the sayings of the ancient sages... (N.V. Gogol)

17. It is necessary to organize the publication of an international electronic newspaper.

18. If you have already received such a, so to speak, fantastic desire, then for my part I convey them to you without interest and take over the deed of sale. (N.V. Gogol)

19. In fact, nothing super interesting was found inside.

20. They discovered that he lived in some strange company, got involved with some scum of the St. Petersburg population... (N.V. Gogol)

21. Kharkov plant "Sport_inventar" was founded in 1948.

22. Aragva, embracing another constant river, noisily bursting out of a black gorge full of darkness, stretches out like a silver thread and sparkles like a snake with its scales. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

23. I was the necessary person of the fifth act; involuntarily I played the pathetic role of an executioner or a traitor... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

24. Collection of materials of the Fourth Inter-Institutional Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists.

25. It’s time to sum up how I live and how I am armed. (M. Svetlov)

26. The Trans-Ordan Emirate was created by England in the spring of 1921.

27. He entered the “Gray Joy”, drank a glass of Arkanar sourness, patted the hostess on the cheek, turned over, deftly moving his sword, the table of a regular informant, who was staring at him with empty eyes, then walked to the far corner and pushed away a shabby bearded man with an inkwell. on the neck. (A. and B. Strugatsky)

28. During the war years, the Pedagogical Institute suffered the most of all Tomsk universities, undergoing six moves from place to place.

The exercise was prepared by A. Kopeina and B. A. Panov (school No. 1199, Moscow “League of Schools”).

97. Instead of And after prefixes that end in a consonant, it is pronounced and written s: once s play, before s blowing, without s artificial, under s live without s active, before s story, not uninteresting and so on.

In two cases, after the consonant sound of the prefix it is written And :

1) in words with prefixes inter- And above- , For example: between And institute(competitions), above And exquisite(manners);

2) after foreign language prefixes, for example: sub And inspector, sir And Islamism, counter And gra.

98. Prefixes ending in a consonant, except h , are written according to the general rule, i.e. do not change this consonant: With add, With saw, by d hit, hit d to nag etc.

That's why Russian words are never written at the beginning zb, zg, zz, zzh, but it is written sb, sg, sd, szh, except for the words: building yes, building aniye, building cows, zg and (neither zg and not visible), as well as derivatives from them: building eshny, building be equal, etc. (in these words the first letter is not a prefix).

99. Consoles from- , bottom- , WHO- , vz- , once- , rose- , without- , through And through- written with a letter h before vowels and before voiced consonants, and before voiceless consonants, these prefixes are written with the letter With: ra h beat - ra With saw, in h do - in With click or h overthrow - neither With walk, and h beat - and With spoil, blah h gifted - no With right, be h emergency - no With party etc.

Note. It should not be forgotten that the rule applies only consoles, i.e. that it has nothing to do with the root, for example: cart(Where WHO- root) or short, lower(Where bottom- root).

100. Console rose- (ros-) written only under stress when it is heard O: painting, But: receipt; slop, But: fall apart.

101. To avoid mistakes in the spelling of prefixes re- , pre- , at- , you need to understand the meaning of these prefixes. The meaning of the prefix re- - “again”, “differently”, “through”: repaint, overtake, jump over. The main meaning of the prefix at- — “approximation”, “adding”: run, attach, Also attract; in other cases it indicates an action performed on a small scale: open, lie down, lift; in addition, it has other meanings. Console pre- has two main meanings: 1) means a high degree of quality: most kind, most unpleasant; 2) has the same meaning in book words that the prefix has in simple words re- . For example: refraction(cf: break), transform, transform(cf: turn over) and so on.

It is necessary to distinguish between words (for their meaning, see the dictionary): arrive, arrive, arrival And abide, stay; aisle And limit, define; receiver And successor, successive; look after, despise, charity And despise, despise, contempt; start And transgress, criminal, crime.

After all Russian consonant prefixes, Y is written instead of I, according to pronunciation. For example, play - play out - draw. Total - to summarize. Go - previous. In this case, the origin of the root, whether it is Russian or foreign, is not taken into account. This is how the phonetic principle of Russian spelling is implemented.

Please note that in words notorious, hopeless, again the letter Y is also written in the prefix, because it comes after the consonant prefix. In accordance with the same rule, the word is written since childhood.

Particular attention should be paid to the verb charge, in which the original Russian prefix vz-, ending in a hard consonant, joins the Old Russian verb “to have”, i.e. to take. In this verb, after the consonant prefix, the letter I is retained, in accordance with the pronunciation. Please note that in other cognates, for example confiscate, in accordance with pronunciation, we will write instead of I - Y.

After the Russian prefixes MEZH- and SVERH- the vowel I is written. For example, inter-institutional, ultra-refined. This is explained by historical reasons. Firstly, writing the vowel Y after the prefix MEZH- would violate the well-known rule: “Write ZHI - SHI with the letter I.” As for the prefix SUPER-, the fact is that for many centuries the sound [x] could only be hard, therefore, when combining the prefix SUPER- with the initial vowel of the root AND, no changes occurred in the pronunciation that should have been recorded graphically in writing . And so it stuck. Super interesting, super proactive.

After foreign language prefixes on the consonant DEZ-, CONT-, PAN-, POST-, SUB-, SUPER-, TRANS-vowel I is preserved so that the writer can quickly see the boundary between parts of the word and quickly understand what the word means. For example, disinformation, counterplay, pan-Iranian, post-impressionism, superintendent. Please note: in the Russian language, pairs of words with the same root can be formed in which the initial vowel of the root will look different. For example, post-infarction, But pre-infarction, counterplay, But draw. This is due to the fact that in the first case foreign language prefixes are used, and after them the vowel I of the root is retained. In the second case, prefixes of Russian origin ending in a consonant are used. Therefore, after them I turns into Y, according to pronunciation.

In addition, it should be remembered that the rule about the transition of I to Y after consonant prefixes does not apply to complex abbreviated words. For example, state inspection, sports equipment.


  1. Russian language. 6th grade / Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. Presentation ().
  2. Additional tasks ().


Task No. 1

Add a consonant prefix to the verbs in these phrases. Write down the result.

Look for the criminal, play chess, look for the key, summarize the result.

Task No. 2

To the adjectives below, add a consonant prefix so that it changes the meaning of the word to the opposite. Write down the result.

Famous sculptor, interesting work, proactive employee, skillful game, ideological position.

Task No. 3

Insert the missing letters.

1. Finding mice here turned out to be not so easy.

2. This river receives a nameless tributary.

3. The history of this event was almost forgotten.

4. “The inter-institutional competition ended late,” Zhorka sighs.

5. Now I understand that I need to learn this from childhood.

6. In winter it’s boring in the village: there’s an overwhelming melancholy, there’s nowhere to go.