Vanga's predictions for the Crimea. What do the stars have in store for the Crimean peninsula in the new year? Clairvoyant predictions regarding the fate of Crimea

20.08.2024 Construction

Esoteric practitioner Oksana Orlova gives an exclusive forecast for 2016

The Akashic Chronicles - or “Book of Life” - is a repository of information about every person who has ever lived on Earth, about all his feelings, actions, thoughts and intentions. It is also information about past lives and the future of each of us. Access to this non-physical source of information was first opened by the famous medium Edgar Cayce. He claimed that the Akashic Records are accessible to everyone. Although they are not physical in nature, each person who tunes into them can hear, read and experience the information they contain. Chronicles are like a computer program that allows you to predict the outcome of every decision made or action taken. Thanks to this program, it becomes possible not only to foresee the personal future, but also to analyze the consequences of each person’s decisions on the world around them. Moreover, the slightest change in thoughts and actions can affect all options for the probable future.

What is said

2016–2017 will be a turning point in politics. Globalization in all structures. Personnel cleaning. Many leadership positions will be filled by new people with bright heads. Crimea will once again become a pearl; the historical Motherland will rise again and strive to take its rightful place in the world.

Will there be a war? There will only be threats in September-November 2016.


A hot day is approaching sunset, I see tanks at the ready. Terrain: paved road, and around there is a plain, empty fields, as if after harvesting. Russian tanks are waiting for orders. They will wait for three days, they will be tricked into fighting, but the enemies will not risk coming here, they will retreat in time and leave without a fight. Here Crimea will sing a happy song, and a beautiful bridge will cross the seas, wealth will flow like a river, when the lilac begins to bloom and new grass grows. 2017 - spring - 2018 - spring.

The Red Cross will create its own community in the center of Crimea. Nationalities from all over the world will unite in a health program. Many crippled souls will flow into Crimea for a while for healing. Every child and old person will be touched by the energy you need. But you will not suffer in any way, only in the future you will be alive. Only the dragon that suddenly explodes like a fire that sits there between the oceans will go crazy. He will be killed by his own people. After all, he is the devil in the flesh.

On January 26, 2024, an important decision will be made; Russia will pay off all debts. Bananas will be actively grown in Crimea. They will find a source of rejuvenation.

The location of gold in Crimea will suddenly be discovered, in the mountains closer to the South Coast, between Alushta and Yalta.

Social sphere: difficult and unstable. There will be a large influx of Israeli specialists, and medicines will also be supplied from Israel.

Tourism and entertainment: State reserves will be developed, excursions by car (safari) will become common. Another cable car will be built near the sea. A gaming zone, an entire city like Las Vegas, will be created in the steppe zone. Golf courses will begin to be built in the Belogorsk area.

2020 - abundance of Crimea, discovery of eight large sources of water, three of them in the Feodosia region.

Karadag is associated with space. In 2024, activation of catching signals (installation with antenna).

Summer 2016 is very hot. August is dry. There will be a harvest, but not a bountiful one. Gardens are blooming, livestock farming is expanding. Construction of farms, greenhouses, hotels, roads.

The emergence of new settlements. Giving land to people. New settlements. Expansion of the borders of Simferopol. There will be proposals to build a metro.

When Putin’s term in the highest government post has passed, his successor will come to his place, unknown to anyone yet, but smart. Tall brown-haired, 36-40 years old. Putin will lead Russia through it until he is 68-72 years old.

Sanctions on Crimea will be lifted in 2016. The UN will sign the agreement, but not in full force. This will be the last document at the global level that officially recognizes Crimea as Russian.

Quarrels, disagreements and strengthening your boundaries. Every man for himself.

The United States' disdain for NATO countries will entail the refusal of many to cooperate with the United States and withdrawal from the Alliance. Argentina will strive to improve relations with Russia, and cruise trips to the shores of Crimea will begin. Thus, Crimea will be part of a number of the world's largest resorts.

Identification of a disease that can be deliberately brought by train and then by bus to Crimea and contaminate the water. Local scientists will stop this fever. A woman’s dog will find her at the border in a suitcase with children’s things.

Education: development of the humanities. On the basis of the medical university - the creation of a unique laboratory in the world, specializing in genetics and the influence of the spiritual component on the human body.

Vanga’s predictions for Crimea are vague; the annexation of the peninsula to Russia, which is hidden in her prophecies, was not guessed until the referendum was held. What the famous seer wanted to tell the Crimeans and Russians - we recommend reading

In the article:

Vanga about Crimea

Residents of Crimea had to endure a lot. This includes the lack of electricity, interruptions in water supply, loss of income for owners of seasonal tourism businesses, difficulties with documents, and much more. But the great Bulgarian seer knew what fate awaited Crimea, and shared these prophecies during her lifetime.

This prediction of Vanga about Crimea was kept by a person close to her - adopted daughter. Before the death of the seer, she ordered to keep it secret until the right time. She bequeathed that the predictions should be made public when the right moment for this comes.

One of the predictions about Crimea, Donetsk and Ukraine came true. Vanga said that Crimea would share the same fate with Russia. What happens to Russia will happen in Crimea. It turns out that all Vanga’s predictions about Russia will turn out to be true for Crimea.

But she also mentioned that the moment would come when Crimea would belong to the Crimean Tatars. It will become independent from other states, but not for long. According to the soothsayer, in the near future it will become part of Turkey. Perhaps it makes sense to read them more carefully and compare them with the future that is in store for Crimea.

Vanga's prediction about Crimea came true

What the soothsayer said about the peninsula has been preserved in written form. Until the moment when this prophecy came true, those people who were familiar with him met. The text, which tells a lot about the fate of the peninsula in 2014, is also found in old newspapers, but at that time no one could know what would happen to the peninsula. The prophecy literally goes like this:

Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other.

Vanga knew that this territory would leave one state and become part of another. Everyone knows that the peninsula is now part of Russia. This is one of the fulfilled prophecies of the Bulgarian healer, and no one doubts its veracity. In 2014, the peninsula really “broke away” from Ukraine. Vanga, in the presence of her loved ones, said that he would become a bone of discord, but no one understood the meaning of these words then.

Vanga about Crimea - how the prophecy was interpreted in the past

Vanga's prophecy about Crimea is one of the old ones. Back in the 90s, people were wondering how to interpret it. Those specialists who studied the predictions that were made at different times also found it difficult to answer. Before the well-known event with the separation of the peninsula, no one understood what the prophecy was about. Then it was considered a fiction - the peninsula literally could not tear itself away from the shore.

When the prediction came true, many remembered Vanga. But many believed the Bulgarian clairvoyant, even taking into account the absurdity of the words. She often did not speak literally, and people looked for the secret meaning of the prophecy. And there were a number of versions of the future that awaited the peninsula.

The words were interpreted literally. Versions were put forward that an earthquake would damage the isthmus between the mainland, and Crimea would become an island detached from the coast. The main part of the interpretations is related to the isthmus; its absence turns the territory into an island when it is “torn off” from the mainland. Versions have been put forward about the erosion of the isthmus, as well as destruction and other consequences of natural disasters.

Considering the veracity of the predicted separation of the peninsula from Ukraine, no one has any reason to be distrustful of other prophecies that are dedicated to it. Doubts and disputes concern the direct interpretation of the vague signs shared by Vanga.

Krym.Realii opens a series of materials about what awaits Crimeans in 2016. In the first interview that we bring to your attention, political strategist, author of the project Free Crimea Taras Berezovets predicted what personnel changes will occur in the Russian leadership of Crimea, and whether Ukraine will finally formulate a strategy for returning the peninsula under its control.

– Taras, in your opinion, how serious changes will occur in the personnel composition of the Russian authorities in Crimea in 2016? Will Sergei Aksenov and Vladimir Konstantinov manage to keep their chairs?

– We see that from the first days of the occupation Russia set a course to replace the local Crimean elite, instead of the aborigines, importing its own people from central Russia, from the North Caucasus, from anywhere. This was done intentionally. They understand perfectly well that, be that as it may, someone who betrays once can betray a second time. Plus, the quality of the elite that was inherited from Anatoly Mogilev does not suit them to a large extent, because the extent of theft and corruption that exists in Crimea shocked even seasoned Russian corrupt officials.

Aksenov has serious problems. Moreover, Aksenov is a person with a rather complicated criminal biography. Pressure on him has the opposite effect. The more you put pressure on him, the more he begins to push back. Therefore, it is predictable that he began to snap back in response to the claims of the Russian government.

The teams of Konstantinov and Aksenov are fundamentally different. People from Aksenov’s team who began to be captured are a warning from the Kremlin. Since he remained deaf to these warnings, it is likely that Aksenov himself will be removed next year.
It is not yet clear how this will happen: he will resign himself, or he will be framed. I don’t believe that he will take a bribe and get caught. He's a skilled enough predator to fall for something like this. It is likely that he will simply be framed.

But Konstantinov has a different fate. This person is not so smart, not so public, but his situation is safer.

– How actively will the Ukrainian authorities deal with the issue of Crimea? Will a strategy for the return of Crimea be formed, the need for which experts have been talking about for so long?

– I can’t tell you everything, because I’m somewhat privy to the processes of developing state policy on Crimea. I can say that there has definitely been an increase in activity. This is true. This is not even related to the blockade. This is due to the general situation. Because Western partners asked unpleasant questions. They say: “We are ready to help you, including with Crimea, but tell me, what do you want to achieve, and what is your strategy?”

I am sure that in 2016 the strategy for the de-occupation of Crimea will appear as an official document adopted by the National Security and Defense Council

I am sure that in 2016 the strategy for the de-occupation of Crimea will appear as an official document adopted by the National Security and Defense Council. In the same way, the policy of working out what to do with the occupied territories will be activated. I’ll say right away that the issues of Donbass and Crimea are being pulled in different directions, and this, I think, is correct. Because the situations there are different. The most important thing is that there are important international instruments of pressure in Donbass. These are the Minsk agreements - a quadrilateral group with the participation of France and Germany, which is important for us. And therefore the issue is controlled there. Regarding Crimea, Russia categorically refuses to create such mechanisms, and it is clear that it will not create them, and it will not agree to this.

But I do not exclude the possibility that some kind of contact group will appear, even without the participation of the Russian Federation, where it makes sense to bring, for example, the Baltic countries, bring here the same Turkey, as well as Georgia, Moldova - countries that suffered directly from Russia and Russian aggression . Such a contact group is already beginning to take shape. But I think that Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia, which have suffered territorial losses, are primarily interested in this; now it makes sense for them to unite. Perhaps even in a legal sense - meaning the simultaneous filing of claims. Georgians filed their claim against the occupation of North Ossetia and Abkhazia. Ukraine submitted. Moldova did not submit, now Moldova must submit. Now such formats are being developed and I am sure that this will happen.

A certain group of people will crystallize who will deal with Crimean issues under the auspices of the state

And a certain group of people will crystallize who will deal with Crimean issues under the auspices of the state. This is a kind of expert community. Perhaps they will decide to formalize it in the form of a National Council on Issues of Occupied Territories, or separately on issues of Crimea under the President.

– Will Ukraine’s strategy, which may emerge, be based on a strict blockade or, on the contrary, built around maintaining all kinds of ties with Crimea?

– I’ll say right away that this document will not be completely public. It will be closed, because if you open this document, then everything will be clear to Russia. There will be two parts. This is a kind of memorandum that will declare general principles - it will be open. And the main part of this document will be classified.

To date, no one has answered the question: Ukraine is acting with hard methods or soft power. I am a consistent supporter of soft power and belong to those people who understand that it is not possible to recapture Crimea by military means. It can be taken away with the help of powerful international pressure, coupled with the fact that Ukraine must implement its own presence policy. So far we are not present in Crimea in any context. Ukraine is being squeezed out, and Ukraine itself is doing everything to avoid being present in the Crimean context.

During 2015, Crimea moved away from Ukraine even more: politically, culturally, mentally, in any way. And our task is to return Crimea to the international agenda. This is where this strategy should help.

– Could 2016 be the year that Crimea returns to Ukrainian control?

The issue of returning Crimea is a matter of medium and long term prospects

As Georgy Logvinsky (People's Deputy of Ukraine – KR), Crimea remains ours as long as we fight for it. I believe that these are the key words that we must implement in our public policy.

You can shout that Crimea is forever with Russia, but there are things where Ukraine remains for the inhabitants of the peninsula both a mother and a country with which they mentally cannot break ties. Therefore, from the point of view that we will continue the fight for Crimea, and this fight will be active - yes, Crimea will move closer to Ukraine in 2016. But this struggle to return the territory will be long and stubborn. We must prepare ourselves for a long struggle.

On March 17, 2016, Crimea celebrated the second anniversary of the declaration of its independence from Ukraine and entry into the Russian Federation.

Some of what I predicted for Crimea in 2015 has come true. Crimea approached the second anniversary in poor condition. Everything he gained from Ukraine, he lost.

First of all, these are water and electricity, and secondly, uninterrupted supplies of food. But there is also a third thing - friendship and peaceful existence of different peoples.

The blockade of Crimea brought a turn in the fate of the Russian Federation. This is fate that ruined all her plans. At first she didn’t even notice it and thought that she could easily cope.

Not wanting to adapt to the circumstances, the Russian Federation pursued its own line of interests and forced others to adapt to it. A strong desire to achieve the desired goal made her aggressive, intolerant, deaf and blind to the events happening around her. That's why she didn't notice that she was cutting the branch on which she was sitting.

The anniversary of Crimea's independence in 2016 will be between two eclipses - a total solar eclipse on March 9 and a partial lunar eclipse on March 23.

The total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 had an impact on people's worldview, tested the value system in order to save people and in this case politicians from unrealistic plans so that they could feel reality.

The reaction of Crimeans showed the state of their mentality - Crimeans, due to the falling standard of living, are disappointed with their choice, there are much fewer ideological ones.

The eclipse checked how strong the union of Crimea with the Russian Federation is and whether the terms of the agreement are being fulfilled.

Based on the results of 2015, it can be determined that the Russian Federation does not know how to interact with Crimeans and take into account their criticism. Therefore, in Crimea in 2016, problems with water, electricity and food will not be eliminated. The wealth, image and position of Crimea as a health resort and resort will be destroyed in 2016.

The lunar eclipse on March 23, 2016 will only partially eliminate the negative impact. Therefore, the negative development of some processes will continue and even intensify, which will disrupt the harmony of relations and will not allow choosing the right priorities. This will stop moving forward, transforming and improving life.

This eclipse will not be able to completely eliminate base desires, vindictiveness, recklessness, fanaticism, which will fuel quarrels and conflicts, leading to fatal changes, troubles and endless difficulties.

Those who, for the sake of their own material interests and retention of power, sacrifice spiritual values ​​will precisely lose their wealth and power. In addition, with their emotions they will reveal their essence, which will completely discredit them. And this will happen within six months by the next lunar eclipse.

On the day of the eclipse, March 23, 2016, Saturn will go retrograde at the exact Jupiter-Saturn square, with Jupiter at 16°24" Virgo and Saturn at 16°24" Sagittarius.

Saturn will test the spirituality of the Crimeans. Spirituality will help remove the scales from our eyes, remind people of good deeds and create gratitude in our hearts, which will allow us to see further developments.

In addition, spirituality will not allow people to put up with evil. Therefore, by the autumn eclipses, part of the population of Crimea will leave it. Russians will leave for the Russian Federation, and Ukrainian supporters will go to Ukraine. Even the patriots of Crimea will not be able to stay and live in it and put up with evil; they will visit it, but will not be able to live.

The movement of Saturn shows that the population of Crimea will decrease significantly. Military, police and civil servants with their families and workers who will serve them will live in Crimea.

Crimean Tatars were faced with a choice - to stay in their homeland or move to Ukraine. Those who remain in Crimea will have to come to terms with evil. Those who leave will be able to fight more effectively for their rights and justice.

The Crimean horoscope shows that the Crimean Tatars will be able to restore justice and regain their homeland only through struggle. Reconciliation with evil will destroy the Crimean Tatars as a nation, as a people.

Crimean Tatars are waiting for help from Ukraine in the form of recognition of them as the indigenous people of Crimea. It seems to them that Ukraine is slow in making this decision. Yes, that's true. But this delay indicates that the international community is trying to get the Russian Federation to abandon the annexation of Crimea.

During the lunar eclipse on March 23, 2016, Jupiter, being in square with Saturn, will evaluate the value system of the Crimean people, their beliefs and priorities. On May 26, 2016, the square between Jupiter and Saturn will repeat again, and Jupiter will no longer be retrograde. Thus, the fate of Crimea will be determined by the state of spirituality of the Crimeans. Lack of spirituality will destroy Crimea, making its climate deserted and unsuitable for agriculture.

By mid-June 2016, a public opinion will have formed in society about how life can be improved in the future, and what laws should be adopted. But, unfortunately, the leadership of Crimea and the Russian Federation will not accept such a formulation of the issue.

The problem with water in Crimea will be especially acute when the square of Saturn and Neptune on June 18, 2016.

Fundamental changes in the fate of Crimea will be brought about by the conjunction of Saturn with the Moon at the longitude of the star Antares on August 13, 2016, and the conjunction of Saturn with Mars at the same longitude on August 24, 2016, on the 25th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, which will activate the axis of catastrophes. By this point, Ukraine may burn all the bridges connecting it with the Russian Federation and break the treaty of peace and cooperation.

If the Russian Federation makes concessions and declares the return of Crimea, then this will not happen, diplomatic relations between the countries will continue. But still this is unlikely.

The lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016, the square between Saturn and Neptune will serve as an impetus for the destruction of the Crimean government.

The Jupiter-Pluto square, the conjunction of Pluto and Venus, Jupiter and the Moon on November 25, 2016 will serve as the impetus for the death of the Crimean state, formed on March 17, 2014.

The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus on December 26, 2016 indicates doom for Crimea, which is unlikely to be able to count on a prosperous future.

Predictions for 2016 for Crimea According to the prophecies of the ancient inhabitants of America - the Mayans, in 2016 people will have new energy, and they will continue to move towards a new era. And the development of events this year directly depends on what actions the leaders of different countries will take, taking into account the events and mistakes of 2015. If, nevertheless, reason becomes prevalent, and people are able to peacefully resolve various conflicts, then there is a possibility that after experiencing wars and other disasters, they will rise up for significant changes in the world order and for the evolutionary movement. Not so long ago, significant events took place in the history of Crimea, noticeable to everyone.

According to the prophecies of the ancient inhabitants of America - the Mayans, in 2016 people will have new energy, and they will continue to move towards a new era. And the development of events this year directly depends on what actions the leaders of different countries will take, taking into account the events and mistakes of 2015. If, nevertheless, reason becomes prevalent, and people are able to peacefully resolve various conflicts, then there is a possibility that after experiencing wars and other disasters, they will rise up for significant changes in the world order and for the evolutionary movement.

Not so long ago, significant events took place in the history of Crimea, noticeable to everyone. However, now the inhabitants of the peninsula are in a somewhat uncertain state, and in order to somehow arrange their future, they will try to attract maximum attention to themselves. Not so long ago, few could have imagined that such dramatic changes would occur. But nevertheless it happened, it became a reality, although in many countries the attitude towards these events is ambiguous, sometimes painful. Residents of Crimea need to prepare for new shocks, for events that will not always be logical. However, if they are consistent in their pursuit of a better life, they will be able to achieve good results.

And here is what clairvoyants say about the fate of Crimea.
People endowed with the gift of vision do not always clearly explain what they see in the future. So for many it remained a mystery what they meant when they said that in the 2010s Crimea would break away from the coast and flooding would begin in Europe. However, it is now clear that the European flood meant an influx of migrants and an exacerbation of other problems. Crimea really broke away from the coast, although, of course, not in the literal sense. Regarding the events in 2016, according to psychics, a difficult economic situation will remain in Crimea. After all, the fate of Crimea now depends on the fate of Russia, and Russia is in a crisis situation. How the country will develop, whether there will be a redistribution of the banking system, whether a more severe crisis will break out - all this will be felt by the Crimeans.