I dreamed that I was visiting my exes. Guests: why see guests or yourself as a guest in a dream

28.08.2024 Construction


Guests in the house- to improve your well-being. You need to remember how you received guests - with pleasure and cordiality or not. If you were happy with the guests, then improvement will come without much effort on your part, you just need to fulfill your job duties.

If guests caused you a lot of trouble in a dream and you were very unhappy about it, then in reality you will need to make some efforts to achieve what you want. You will work tirelessly, but your achievements will be truly high.

If in a dream you saw that you were going to visit, portends a long trip, the success of which you are not sure of. It seems to you that everything will not go the way you want, and therefore you experience constant anxiety. You need to gather all your inner strength and not be afraid of anything - circumstances are in your favor.

If you dreamed that unexpected guests came to you, symbolizes your current state. You don’t know what you can apply your strength to, it seems to you that everything is unworthy of your attention, but you also cannot find something worthy. Try to engage in creative activities.

Seeing off guests in a dream- soon you will be separated from a loved one. Both of you will not want this, but circumstances will be stronger than you. But soon everything will change for the better and you will again see the person you were forced to part with.


In a dream, this symbol means surprise, news, separation, ill-wisher, expenses.

A dream in which you are preparing for the arrival of guests, in reality foreshadows the boring monotony of life. It is unlikely that you will be able to brighten up your life in the near future.

The appearance of an unexpected guest means the news that you will receive from an ill-wisher.

Seeing yourself as a guest in a dream- a sign that in real life you will face large financial expenses.

In a dream you were expecting guests, but no one came- in real life, this dream promises you separation from your loved one or someone close to you.

A dream in which an unfamiliar blond woman came to visit you, means serious illness or death.

In a dream you are preparing for the arrival of a guest. There was a knock on the door, but when you opened it, you were convinced that the mysterious guest had disappeared - this is a sign that in real life you should not be afraid of the machinations of ill-wishers. Circumstances will develop in such a way that all their plans will be revealed.

Sitting at a party at an empty table means empty promises and betrayal.

Seeing dead people at home portends an unexpected turn of fate.

Modern dream book

Receive guests means that you will receive good news or that a significant event will happen in your life.

Unexpected guest in a dream promises that your worries will dissipate and everything will return to normal.

Being unprepared to receive guests- to anxiety, emotional stress, fatigue.

To be an unwanted guest means that your thoughts are constantly occupied with serious problems.

Can't wait for your loved one to visit warns you that you will make a mistake and draw the wrong conclusions.

A dream in which a certain guest visited you, is a favorable sign: nothing will disturb your peace of mind and inner harmony.

To understand why guests dream, it’s worth understanding what guests mean to you in real life. The appearance of guests in a dream has many meanings. Most often, after you have seen guests in a dream, they will come for real. The guests in a dream do not necessarily coincide in composition and number with the real ones.

What does it mean if you go on a visit?

  • Seeing that you are visiting, especially at a family celebration or wedding, is an incredibly good sign, promising well-being, prosperity, and the establishment of peace in the soul, possibly after a stormy quarrel.
  • Finding yourself at someone else's wedding in a dream means a quick family life. The more honorable your position at the wedding, the sooner the marriage will begin, which promises to be successful and quite prosperous. There will be no wild passions, but understanding, love and respect are quite a worthy replacement for seething feelings.
  • An exception would be if, while visiting, you were injured, poisoned, or felt unwell while visiting.
  • If you get an injury to your limbs, especially a sprained leg, someone really hates you. If you cut your finger, sharp tongues are actively working behind your back. To get poisoned at a party in a dream means someone really hates you.
  • Oddly enough, if you dream that you were killed at a party and someone you knew did it, this is a good sign. Some forgotten grievance will break through and you will be able to restore peace. You have offended someone important to you. You will have to make a lot of effort and tact to repay the offense. But this is a feasible task.
  • If you are visiting in a dream, and there is only water and bread or tea on the table, this means emotional cooling. Or, on the contrary, to focus on your feelings and thoughts. You need time to understand yourself.

Dream interpretation guests

The classic dream book says that seeing guests in a dream is a sign of a new turn in life. A certain stage has ended, a new one has begun. You must be receptive to fresh ideas if you want to succeed and continue moving forward. Old ideas are no longer relevant. This is a great time to learn new things.

Women's and English dream books agree that seeing guests in a dream means ruin. Not exactly leading to hopeless poverty, but to significant expenses. What can you do, you often have to pay for new experiences. Just in case, read a couple of books on how to save properly. Many unnecessary expenses are due to poor financial management.

Vanga's dream book warns that seeing uninvited and unwanted guests in a dream means receiving important news from an ill-wisher. Take this news seriously and consider the consequences. This will help you avoid trouble.


If you don't like guests in your dream, you can do the dream come true tactic and invite a couple of friends over for an evening of pizza and beer. You can play a board game or even cards. Few people refuse the offer to play whist in the evening or learn the rules of the game while enjoying pizza and beer. Thus, you can nullify the meaning of a dream by its actual fulfillment. I dreamed about guests - here are the guests.

Do not try to knock the spoon on the edge of the table after dropping it on the floor to prevent guests from visiting. Those who do this invite poverty and quarrels into the house. The ringing matters. By driving away guests and fun, you are inviting elements that are not at all friendly. Although the guests really most likely will not come. And it won't be good at all.

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Guests in the house in a dream symbolize the state of mind and thoughts of the dreamer, his hidden potentials, and possible endeavors. They also warn about news, important events, new acquaintances, and changes. The dream book will explain why these characters dream.

According to Miller

Did you see numerous visitors? Expect good news, prosperity and joyful events.

Diversity or envy?

Did you dream that you decided to receive guests and were well prepared for this? Some unexpected event will brighten up boredom and add variety.

At the same time, organizing a magnificent celebration for those invited in a dream is bad. The dream book is sure that you will incur the envy of others and even hatred.

Why do you dream if you are not ready to receive someone, but guests still appear in the house? A particularly emotionally intense period is coming.

Are you ready?

Why do you dream about many people being invited to a small celebration? Find out some gossip or get ready to go on a trip.

If you dreamed that you invited a lot of people and had a real feast in your dream, then you will get into a bad story and will be forced to get out of it alone.

Seeing a noble feast and many guests means that a favorable period is coming; the dream book predicts good luck in any endeavor.

Be careful!

Why dream of a house full of guests, but nothing to treat them with? In reality you may be deceived, which will entail large expenses.

In a dream, the dream book and high-ranking guests in the house hint: it is necessary to exercise increased caution in business.

Did you dream of a house full of people who are unpleasant to you? In real life, you will part with your loved one, and you will have a hard time experiencing this event.

We'll have to try!

In a dream, did you happen to find a house full of uninvited visitors who caused a lot of trouble and inconvenience? This means that a lot of effort has to be made in order to realize the plan.

Did you dream about a table full of food and guests in the house? The dream book states: one’s own thoughts, fears, experiences, and intentions are reflected in this way.

What did you do?

The exact interpretation of the dream directly depends on how the guests in the house behaved. The dream book offers a decoding of the most relevant behavior.

  • Having fun - joy, success.
  • We were bored - gossip, disagreements.
  • They were arguing - need, conflict.
  • They fought - profit, prosperity.

If a brownie strangles a guest in a dream, then expect social unrest. Exercise extreme caution, or better yet, avoid going to crowded places altogether. Did you happen to see the dead come? They warn of an unexpected turn of fate.

Good luck or trouble?

Why do you dream of uninvited guests in the house? You are at the peak of activity, but have no idea where to put your energy.

Did you dream about uninvited visitors? The dream book predicts a major family quarrel, unpleasant news and problems. However, in some cases, uninvited guests promise fantastic luck or a useful acquaintance.

Be patient!

In the dream, the guests in the house stayed too long and you had to kick them out? The dream book is sure: you are dreaming of something that will never come true.

Did you happen to kick out friends who stayed too long? In reality, separation from loved ones is coming. The same plot calls for patience and restraint when communicating with others.

Seeing this or that plot in a dream often helps us find out what awaits us in the near future in real life. Various dream books explain why this or that dream occurs. The interpretations of the same dream in them may differ slightly.

In most cases, seeing guests in a dream means unexpected and pleasant events. Most likely, you will meet a person whom you have long wanted to see. Also, such a plot can predict good luck, unexpected cash expenses, receiving a letter and good news.

Why do you dream of receiving guests according to the Big Dream Book?

Seeing guests in a dream, according to this interpreter, means communicating with people who are extremely unfriendly towards you. These enemies can negatively affect your work, family or hobbies. If you have invited many guests to your house, then be prepared to face the hatred of others. Perhaps this strong hostility will be caused by your well-being and luck.

Coming to visit someone according to the Big Dream Book means serious financial expenses. Another option for what this plot means in a dream is a meeting with people dear to your heart. This meeting will be very pleasant and joyful. To meet guests or just one guest who have come on extremely important business, there is danger posed by outside advice. You should not strictly follow all the recommendations that even close relatives give you. It is better to make an important decision yourself.

Being a wedding guest in a dream means family happiness in real life. To independently receive long-awaited guests at a wedding celebration in anticipation of the appearance of an ardent admirer. Most likely, you will conquer his heart so much that he will spare no effort to win it.

If you have arranged a magnificent banquet in a dream and are setting the table for guests, rest assured that in reality good luck will come to you very soon. Success will accompany absolutely any endeavor. You will be happy and surrounded by loyal and dear friends. Enjoys the moment of well-being, because, most likely, it will not last long.

Coming to visit by invitation and right there dislocating or injuring your leg means an unpleasant visit. The dream book clearly explains what this dream means. Very soon in reality you will have to meet a person who will cause you a lot of unpleasant experiences. If nothing is done to avoid such a meeting, you will have to solve various unpleasant problems for a long time.

Coming to visit in a dream and feeling that you are not welcome in this house is a serious disappointment. Another option for why such a plot is dreamed of is the emergence of misunderstandings in real life that will end in big problems. Go on a visit or return from there and be attacked by a robbery for a valuable find. You may accidentally discover money or jewelry that does not belong to anyone.

Interpretation of the dream guests according to Vanga’s dream book

The meaning of the dream of guests according to this dream book is separation, surprise, expenses and the appearance of ill-wishers. If in a dream you are actively preparing for the fact that guests will come very soon, then reality in the near future will be boring and monotonous. Moreover, during this period, even if you make an effort, you will not be able to bring variety and joy into it.

Vanga's dream book explains why uninvited guests appear in dreams. This dream warns of receiving important news from an enemy in reality. Take it extremely seriously. This will help you avoid big troubles. Going on a visit in a dream means quite large financial expenses in real life. If you do not reconsider your upcoming expenses, you can find yourself in a financial hole for a long time.

If you invited someone to visit, but he did not come, get ready to be separated from your loved one. For lovers, such a dream promises separation for a very long period. This dream book also explains why unexpected guests in the person of a girl with white or simply blond hair are dreamed of. According to the dream book, such a plot promises a serious illness or even death.

Waiting for guests in a dream, then hearing a knock or bell on the door and, opening it, discovering that no one is there due to the insidious machinations of ill-wishers. But don’t get upset and prepare for the worst. As a result, circumstances will develop in such a favorable way for you that all the plans of your enemies will be revealed in advance.

According to the dream book, if the feast at a party is meager and there is nothing else on the table except tea, then in real life you should prepare for the betrayal of a loved one or spouse. A similar plot can also warn about empty promises received from others. Try not to trust anyone’s words for some time after such a dream.

If in a dream a dead person came to visit, in reality fate will take an unexpected turn. Moreover, this turn can either change life for the better or significantly worsen it.

Why do guests dream according to Miller’s dream book?

If relatives or just close friends come to visit you in a dream, then get ready to start new things. These things will bring a lot of benefits. If in a dream the gypsies came to visit, then in reality get ready to hear a lot of gossip and gossip about yourself. A trip to distant lands is also possible.

Did you dream that your invitation to visit was ignored? Get ready for a painful separation from your lover. Most likely, you will separate forever and never meet again. Taking advantage of someone’s hospitality in a dream means changing your place of residence. Perhaps, as the dream book says, you will even have to change your country of residence.

Miller's dream book explains what unexpected guests mean in dreams. This nightly plot promises severe anxiety and nervous experiences, which will ultimately lead to prolonged stress and depression. Going to visit those people who do not expect you at all to continuously search for solutions to problems. At the same time, you will solve problems only in your brain, without doing anything to change the current situation in reality.

According to the dream book, kicking out guests means an inevitable separation from your loved one. Sitting and drinking tea at a party at an uncovered table is a sign of betrayal and disappointed hopes. Don't listen to what people around you tell you. Most likely, they are deceiving you and acting solely in their own interests.

If in a dream uninvited guests came to you and did not want to leave, in real life you will not be able to forget the painful memory for a long time. Try to rid your thoughts of unnecessary episodes from your past life to make room for new pleasant emotions.

Miller's dream book also tells why unfamiliar guests dream of fighting during a tea party. For the dreamer, such a dream is great luck. After all, it promises to receive a large unexpected prize in reality.

Treating guests in a dream means making completely inappropriate and rather expensive purchases. Such acquisitions will seriously shake the already unstable financial situation. If a guy comes to visit a woman in her night dreams, then soon an ideal lover will appear in her real life. All dreams of passion and love will come true and bring a lot of happiness.

According to Miller’s dream book, coming as a guest to a wedding means incurring losses. Some incidents at work will shake your financial affairs.

Explanations of this dream in various dream books

The lunar interpreter claims that such a dream promises hatred from others. Try to be less trusting and do not reveal your soul to anyone in the near future. Veselov’s dream book says that feeding guests and pleasing them in every way means the death of a loved one and numerous troubles and sorrows.

The universal dream book explains why the president dreams of being at a party. If the head of state himself visited your house in a dream, then in reality you will simply be overwhelmed by success. Things will go uphill and a period of prosperity will begin. In addition, such a dream can predict an incredible event.

The dream book explains in different ways why a male guest dreams. If the representative of the stronger sex who visited you was silent and gloomy, then get ready for disappointments and life difficulties. An outwardly attractive man actually promises fame. If a young man came to a woman’s house and she was frightened by his appearance, then in reality she will have to worry about the betrayal of her so-called friend.

Washing dishes at a party in a dream means material troubles. Also, according to the dream book, such a plot speaks of difficult experiences. If you don’t make some efforts and don’t calm down, you can harm yourself and your loved ones.

Why do guests dream? According to this interpreter, receiving guests in a dream is a sign of early news. The news will literally fall on you “out of the blue.” Trying to get rid of annoying visitors leads to fruitless attempts to solve a large number of life problems.

The Mayan dream book says that if in a dream a dead person calls for a visit, then in reality pleasant changes will occur in life. To speed up their arrival, you should put a purple speck of gouache on a small pebble. You need to carry this stone with you for a week.

Seeing yourself visiting a deceased person means pleasant life changes. To let them into your life, you need to spend more time in the company of other people and be willing to accept changes. The dream book warns that only complete openness will help change life for the better.

The 21st century dream book warns that receiving guests in a dream means strong hatred from envious people. Some plans of enemies will be able to ruin your life forever. The same dream book explains why you have a dream in which guests come to you. Such a plot promises extremely useful and pleasant acquaintances.

People in a dream can play completely different roles. They can show not only specific people and relationships with them, but also your aspirations, thoughts, desires.

Sometimes they personify various areas of our life, professions, hobbies, various life values ​​and aspirations of a person. And the role of the dreamer himself varies.

He may be visiting himself or receiving people in his own home. At the same time, the role of the guest itself can carry a positive or, on the contrary, a negative meaning.

To understand why you dream of being a guest at someone’s house, pay attention to the dream setting, how close it is to reality, and whether such a turn is possible in real life.

Because many may dream of being a guest of the president, famous actor or singer, which is unlikely to be possible in reality. Based on this, it is worth interpreting the dream. Also pay attention to what exactly surprised, delighted or frightened you. This is how the dream book interprets being visiting different people.

Your acquaintances, friends and colleagues

Usually you can communicate pleasantly with these people, but not close enough, although you may trust them with your heartfelt secrets or intimate details of your personal life.

The dream book writes that staying in their house means changes in activities and life related to these familiar people or your common affairs with them. Pay attention to the situation in the house, incidents, what struck you in the dream, what you liked and what you didn’t.

A house that was the same as their actual home signifies changes in your relationship or the general area of ​​activity that you are involved in together. Modern books indicate that real housing with the same furniture and furnishings shows what will actually happen there in the very near future or how your communication will change.

Such dreams are most often prophetic, and often what you saw in a dream is repeated in reality just as in real life. What I dreamed came true.

Usually in such visions there is some event that changes emotionality or attitude towards a person or people in general. Therefore, dreams that unfold in real life should be interpreted in the same way as in real life.

If in a dream you dreamed that you came to visit friends, and there was new furniture or unusual furnishings, then what is this dream for? The modern dream book writes that soon something will happen there that will greatly surprise or amaze the dreamer. There may be several such events.

Pay attention to what exactly struck you, whether you liked it or not. For example, furniture, food, the outfit of the hostess of the event and various interesting additional details can mean admiration in reality.

However, unusual lighting, a pleasant, but completely impossible in reality environment means your fruitless fantasies and disappointments. Often such a dream predicts insults and deception, the danger of illusions, which can also pass over time, leaving a lot of unpleasant sensations and a sediment in the soul.

But if the dream was festive and fantastically beautiful, expect news that will greatly surprise you. It may appear both directly from your acquaintances who hosted you as a guest, and from activities associated with them. The same applies to dreams in which you are in a palace or castle. A sad situation predicts for you

Why dream if you were invited to visit friends whose house is not where they actually live and their home was only in a dream? The dream book writes that an event that will happen soon will be related to various types of activities or general affairs.

In some cases, a new home means your attitude towards these people, an idea of ​​their real or imagined well-being, affairs, income or place in society. The dream book writes that the situation in their apartment in a dream, the event for which you were invited, shows their thinking, lifestyle and the real state of affairs.

For example, you dreamed that you were visiting a friend in a new building where she had just moved, although in reality there were no changes in her life. The books interpret this plot to mean that this girl is on the verge of change. Most likely, they are already happening, have happened or will happen soon in her life, since she has certain plans and is trying to implement them.

Pay attention to the situation - it will tell you at what stage of development this change is and what exactly will happen soon, as well as how successful the enterprise itself will be. Seeing new, neat, but not yet lived-in housing is a sign of change. Most often, this is an indicator that they have already begun, but have not yet brought you real results. Or a person takes the first steps towards them.

A lived-in house or apartment is an indicator of a person’s well-being and harmony. Sometimes such a dream shows the success of your plans and love, activity, or that your acquaintance will bring good results.

Dirty, unfurnished, unsafe and very poor housing in a dream predicts you will be offended, in trouble, and also that this person really has everything bad in his life and needs support. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that your common cause will not bring any results, and acquaintance will be a source of disappointment and resentment.

Close people

To be visiting them is to receive news. The dream book writes that you can judge whether they will be good for you or not by what exactly happens in the dream. Finding yourself at the wedding of your friend or lover and being a guest there is a sign of betrayal.

The same thing means a dream in which you were invited to the wedding of your fiancée or close friend. It’s also bad to see that you were a guest at the wedding of a loved one or relative, but no one notices you - it’s a pleasant surprise.

In It is possible that something will make you happy unexpectedly, although in some cases the dream book writes that such a dream predicts resentment and loneliness, alienation from your environment.

Being a guest at a children's party means surprise and surprise. Such a dream means good news or several comic situations that will make you laugh and delight you with their spontaneity. Toys, fireworks or just a festive atmosphere means that soon you will laugh heartily.

However, for some people such a dream predicts disappointment. Being a guest at a wake or funeral means an invitation to a wedding and various pleasant events, surprises, and changes.

Well, just drinking coffee or stronger drinks in the company of a friend means communication, support, or the fact that you can help someone or will need someone’s help yourself.