Work related to nature. Eco Inform – information agency Professions related to ecology

08.12.2023 Tools

MOSCOW, November 22 – RIA Novosti. The share of garbage that will be burned in the Russian Federation in the future will not exceed 20%, up to 60% of waste will be recycled, Sergei Ivanov, special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental issues, ecology and transport, said in an interview with RIA Novosti. “We will burn at most 15-20 percent. We must recycle the majority - 50-60 percent of solid household waste. These are paper, cardboard, plastic, glass. There is no need to burn this. It's being recycled. And mostly organic matter is burned, something that cannot be recycled: leftover food waste. Combustion produces either compost,...

Igor Aznauryan ophthalmic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, founder of children's eye clinics “Clear Gaze” Clear Gaze After laser correction, vision will still fall again! No - firstly, you will be offered laser vision correction (LVC) only if your nearsightedness or farsightedness does not progress. Secondly, it is extremely rare and only with very high degrees of myopia and farsightedness that vision can actually decrease. This is called regression of the result, which the good doctor will warn you about if your myopia, for example, has reached 12 diopters. The greater the degree of myopia or farsightedness, the more likely it is that some part of the problem will return. But, as a rule, no more than 5−10% - if the doctor...

Tea with additives (lemon, honey, raspberry jam, ginger) This delicious drink is much healthier for a healthy person. Honey contains many useful microelements: calcium, magnesium, vitamin C. Vitamin C, contained in both lemon and honey, really has a beneficial effect on the body during respiratory and inflammatory diseases, but citrus fruits can irritate the mucous membranes inflamed due to ARVI, and honey is the strongest allergen. If you are willing to take the risk, remember that during illness, drinks and food should not be too hot or too cold. And according to WHO recommendations, when you have a cold, you should drink regular warm water. Raspberries contain a large amount of salicylic acid, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms and reduces the inflammatory process. This was good news, but bad news: any jam...

1. It is useful to sleep in a cool place. The optimal air temperature for sleeping is 17-19 degrees. Sleeping in pajamas can cause you to overheat. In a cool atmosphere, the body recovers with great effect, and the sleep itself becomes deeper and longer. 2. Improves relationships Skin-to-skin contact is beneficial because it promotes the production of the “happiness hormone” oxytocin. Most often, couples who have recently met sleep this way. 3. Helps you lose weight Sleeping naked, as already written above, helps you not overheat, and the body better stores brown fat, which it then burns for energy. 4. Helps control insulin levels A cool atmosphere has a positive effect on the production of the hormones leptin (appetite regulator) and adiponectin (involved in the metabolism of glucose and fatty acids). Which means...

Gosha Semenov General Director of The bedroom is too warm Let's start with a fairly well-known fact, which, however, many people forget - especially in autumn and winter, when the heating is on, and you don’t want to open the window again. Scientists have already proven that high temperatures reduce the time of deep sleep, which is important for getting enough sleep. The optimal temperature in the bedroom is no higher than +22 degrees, and it is advisable to ventilate the room well before going to bed. It is also not recommended to take a hot bath or visit a sauna in the evening: overheating the body also does not contribute to healthy sleep. You yourself didn’t notice how you drank (or ate) caffeine. Everyone knows that caffeine interferes with sleep, that’s why we drink coffee in the morning to...

Valery Ilyinsky Founder and CEO of Genotek Let's see if you can distinguish truth from fiction about genes? Female orgasm is associated with genes TRUTH. The influence of genetics on women's sexual health and behavior is being actively studied. Scientists have found a relationship between certain gene variants and the age of first sexual intercourse, the ability to achieve orgasm during masturbation, fidelity to a partner, the severity of sexual desire and arousal, readiness to marry and the tendency to frequently change partners. In most of these studies, scientists look at genetic variations in the dopamine receptor, which is responsible for our motivation. There were also genes that determine how much, for example, antidepressants will affect your sexual constitution. If a person falls asleep during stress, then the TRUTH genes are to blame. Narcolepsy is the best...

I had a stroke on January 31, 2019. There were no signs of trouble that day. My colleagues and I went to the karting center. And when I walked around at high speed, I felt unbearable pain - as if something had exploded in my head. I felt bad, I clenched my teeth and thought: “The main thing is not to faint.” After which I lost consciousness, and my kart crashed into the fence at full speed. About twenty minutes later I woke up. While we were waiting for the ambulance, I moved around myself and went outside, although in such cases a person should be in a horizontal position. It’s just that those around me didn’t really know what happened to me and what needed to be done. I remember how I rode in the ambulance, how long I waited in line for an appointment. The doctor on duty sent me to intensive care, and the very next...

1. Blood clots The minimum risk of blood clots is in those in the first group, in the second and third it is 30% higher, in the fourth - 20%. 2. Stomach cancer Here, again, those who have the first group are lucky. But for the second, the risk is much higher, but the reasons for this are not yet known. 3. Ulcers In this regard, those with the second and third groups are lucky, and those with the first may be more likely to suffer from stomach ulcers. Experts suggest that the whole point is a different immune response to the infection. 4. Heart failure The highest risk is in the third and fourth groups, and in the first and second groups it is a quarter less. Why this is so - no one knows yet. 5. Pancreatic cancer And again, those in the first group have the least chance...

Is it possible to feel beautiful and live happily with psoriasis? We talked about this with specialists, finalist of the Miss Universe contest and Vice-Miss Russia 2009 Ksenia Shipilova, as well as with the director of the beauty department of Cosmopolitan and the general director of Johnson & Johnson in Russia Katerina Pogodina at an open lecture on October 24 in Zaryadye . The recording of the live broadcast is available at this link, but for now we’ll tell you how it happened. “Psoriasis is a social disease,” says Nikolai Potekaev, chief freelance specialist in dermatovenereology and cosmetology at the Russian Ministry of Health. This means that it greatly changes a person’s perception of himself and affects his life. And his words are confirmed by the story of Ksenia Shipilova. “Now I’m 28 years old, and for 18 of them I’ve been living with a diagnosis of psoriasis,” recalls...

1. You no longer take care of yourself. It’s sad but true: after 45, it happens that a woman seems to give up - she doesn’t buy beautiful and fashionable clothes, refuses a manicure and a beautician, believes that it’s too late for her to go to the gym or sign up for dancing. This attitude towards oneself can affect one’s own self-esteem and the relationship with the man you love. And the conclusion is simple: if you want to remain attractive, never stop pampering yourself, taking care of yourself, and doing what brings you joy. 2. You stopped having sex. With the onset of menopause, a woman’s body begins to undergo global hormonal changes, desire may decrease, and discomfort appears during sex due to dry mucous membranes in the intimate area. The important thing to remember here is that refusing sex...

Anna and her husband Vitaly live in Voronezh. We got married, established a life, and three years later - a long-awaited pregnancy. In June, when Anna was already in her sixth month, during her next medical examination the doctor noticed that “something was wrong” with her leukocytes. She took another blood test and the tests were sent to a hematologist. And he gave an approximate diagnosis: “chronic myeloid leukemia.” Now Anna’s sister Olga says that while they were waiting for the analysis confirming the diagnosis - gene mutations, the whole family managed to survive a meeting with death. No one knew how quickly leukemia would develop, how much time Anna had, and whether she would have time to carry and give birth to a baby. The first diagnosis was not confirmed, and although it was clear that Anna’s leukemia was simply of a different type,...

1. Eat little dairy products To grow muscle mass and lose weight, it is important to consume more dairy, especially fermented milk: cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk. 2. Sleep warm Research has shown that if you set the temperature in the bedroom no higher than 18-19 degrees, the so-called brown fat, which is used to warm the body, will be burned more actively. 3. Completely eliminate carbohydrates In general, low-carb diets are healthier than low-fat diets, but you shouldn’t completely eliminate them, especially if you play sports. Muscles require glycogen, which is produced from carbohydrates, otherwise you simply will not have energy. 4. Wrong snacks Don't eat low-calorie rice bars, allow yourself nuts. The fatty acids in them...

Urolithiasis is one of the most common urological diseases. Most often, stones form in middle-aged and older people. As a rule, the location of stones is the kidneys; less often, they appear in the bladder or ureters. Etiology of the disease The causes of the disease are not fully understood, however, experts identify several factors predisposing to this pathology: improper diet, including foods with large amounts of protein and acids (lack of phosphorus and calcium can also lead to the formation of stones); sedentary lifestyle; pathological structure of the urinary tract, for example, too narrow ureters; chronic inflammatory pathologies. Clinical picture of urolithiasis This is...

Recycling Analyst

Creates documentation for constructing a territorial scheme, which indicates the places of waste generation, taking into account their quantity and composition, the optimal scheme for transporting waste to places of processing, sorting and disposal.

In a modern city, the most acute problem is waste recycling. The state of the environment directly depends on the method of their disposal. In our country, developments are already underway to introduce new technologies for the collection, delivery, sorting and disposal of waste; special equipment is used that makes almost the entire process automated.

Salary: 20,000 - 100,000 ₽.

Aerobiologist (air disinfection)

Engaged in research in the field of air disinfection.

Salary: 30,000 - 80,000 ₽.


Takes part in the research and design of cities, urban facilities and other types of settlements in order to create the most comfortable and environmentally and socially safe environment for human habitation.

Salary: 30,000 - 80,000 ₽.

Environmental engineer (environmental monitoring)

Determines the extent to which a particular enterprise, construction site, or deposit affects the environment in the present and will affect the future.

Salary: 25,000 - 200,000 ₽.

Take the test and decide on your future profession!

Anastasia Tmur

Many people associate the profession of ecologist with environmental protection. Actually this is not true. People in this profession study the processes occurring in nature and the complex relationships that exist in it. This science has many branches and is closely related to other disciplines, such as biology and chemistry. And the process of nature conservation is only a small part of modern ecology. This profession, like any other, has not only its advantages, but also certain disadvantages that must be taken into account before starting to learn to work in this direction.

Profession of the future

Today, professions related to ecology are not in great demand. But at the same time, there is an opinion that the demand for workers in this field will increase rapidly in the coming years.

An environmental technician is a specialist on whom quite a lot depends at an enterprise, since he:

  • is engaged in the implementation of low- and waste-free production;
  • exercises control over the quality of raw materials;
  • takes an active part in the operation of environmental protection complexes;
  • ensures technological safety of production;
  • monitors production processes;
  • confirms the environmental safety of all projects.

Today, applicants who would really like to work in this field are mainly put off by the relatively low salary, although the disadvantages of the profession do not end there. But first things first.

The profession of ecologist will become quite relevant in a few years. That's why. Even today, no construction begins to develop without a positive conclusion from an environmental assessment. Plus, the activities of any company must be monitored by an environmental technician.


The description of this profession looks quite lively and is attractive to those who love nature and everything connected with it. All that remains is to graduate from higher education. So, when applying for this specialty, you will have to take the following subjects:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • physics;
  • biology.

But this list is not completely accurate. The items required for admission will depend on the profile. Today, finding a university that trains environmental specialists is quite simple. And before starting to study, a student can choose the most attractive discipline for himself, which will be the basic one. This aspect adds to the advantages of this profession. When considering the possibilities, many future ecologists choose natural science or technical education.

But you will have to study for quite a long time. First, the student must graduate from a higher educational institution and receive a diploma of relevant professional education, after which he will need to enroll in graduate school or doctoral studies. This is the only way to fully master your chosen profession. And in order for the salary to become higher, it is advisable to additionally undergo training within one or more international programs.


Now it’s worth finding out the pros and cons of the job. Is there career growth? So, an environmental technician or environmental engineer, after completing his many years of training, can be hired:

  • to one of the government services;
  • environmental organization;
  • to factory;
  • to a construction company;
  • to a research laboratory;
  • into the eco-structure at a particular site;
  • to the factory;
  • to control and supervisory authorities.

As a rule, an environmental specialist begins his career path as a technical assistant. After some time, when the young specialist supplements his knowledge with a certain practice, she is followed by the position of coordinator. At this point, the ecologist can choose a specific direction for himself. Next, the coordinator becomes a supervisor over several other coordinators.

If a specialist in this field is busy working in one of the commercial organizations, then in this case his salary will be slightly higher than at budgetary enterprises. However, here the salary largely depends on his experience and qualifications.

Already today, the most significant demand for ecologists is observed at industrial enterprises, and somewhat less in design organizations. At the same time, each employer will require from a specialist in this field knowledge of thematic audit, certification and management, as well as the ability to navigate the legislative framework. Plus, an ecologist must understand environmental regulations and standards, have deep knowledge in the field of biology, physics and chemistry, and know how the examination is carried out.

Equally important in this work is the ability to write reports and have an understanding of experience in the field of nature conservation. If the activity involves business travel, the employer will probably require knowledge of foreign languages.

What personal qualities are needed?

Having analyzed the pros and cons of working conditions, it would be useful to talk about what qualities it is desirable for a potential ecologist to have. Since in the course of his work this specialist will be faced with the need to challenge the opinions and actions of higher-ranking officials, he must have not only civic courage, but also flexibility, diplomacy and, of course, stress resistance.

The position of an ecologist requires very painstaking work, which will be facilitated by internal discipline, scrupulousness and accuracy. A specialist in this field must have an analytical mind and the ability for scientific activity. A true professional ecologist is always passionate about wildlife and knows how to work both independently and in a team.

Advantages of the profession

Some advantages of this type of activity were noted slightly above. Let's talk about the advantages in more detail and find out whether their list can outweigh the disadvantages of the profession.

An environmentalist doesn't just receive a salary. As a result of his work, which is aimed exclusively at improving the state of the environment, the specialist acquires enormous moral satisfaction.

The demand for environmentalists is growing inexorably, and soon professionals in this industry will be able to direct all their energy to doing a good deed, and from this nature will receive only undeniable advantages.

During your studies, many universities provide the opportunity to undergo an internship in production, which simplifies career growth and makes it somewhat more rapid.

A qualified specialist with sufficient work experience can count on a position with a very good salary and at the same time choose between the construction, energy and petrochemical industries.

We also write down as a plus the fact that an ecologist is an international profession, which is already quite in demand abroad. And this is broadening your horizons, getting to know a foreign culture and mentality, with different people and distant countries.

Disadvantages of the profession

It's time to highlight the downsides. The salary offered to specialists in this industry by most enterprises and organizations leaves much to be desired. In addition, with rather meager earnings, an ecologist is often forced to work in difficult conditions and endanger his own health. This is often associated with laboratory research, during which various substances and reagents are used. Fortunately, this is where the disadvantages of the profession end.

In fact, not everyone is able to decide to become a professional ecologist. It is enough to pay attention to the pros and cons. Some people on these lists highlight convincing arguments for abandoning this type of activity, but there are also those who, despite everything, strive to make their contribution to environmental protection.

HR analysts and environmentalists predict that the demand for environmental specialists will grow

Photo: pixabay/PublicDomainImages

“Atlas of New Professions” together with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have created a list of environmental professions of the future. Atlas was created and developed with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo; the project assesses which areas of activity and industries are expected to boom, what technologies and innovations society needs as a priority, and what professional specialists it will no longer be able to do without in the near future. A detailed list of environmentally friendly professions can be found on the WWF Russia website and the Atlas website.

“Ecological thinking is becoming a supra-professional skill that determines economic, political and social development. Ecology ceases to be “someone else’s business,” and environmental practices penetrate into any human activity: from professional to everyday life,” notes a WWF press release.

The introduction of eco-saving technologies and production is of interest as a way to preserve nature and the environment for future generations. Achieving this goal will require new professionals capable of considering and applying environmental standards and principles.

The list of environmental specialties is divided into eight thematic sections: minerals and metallurgy, agriculture and food, construction and urban space, flora and fauna, climate and energy, financial sector and management, social sphere, education and tourism, production and consumption. Each category contains two sets of professions. One was prepared by Atlas, the other by WWF Russia.

In total, experts indicated 60 environmental professions. Among them are an environmental analyst in the extractive industries, an operator of LNG equipment, a veterinarian-rehabilitator, an environmental responsibility specialist, an agricultural ecologist, an urban ecologist, a biopharmacologist, a lawyer in international environmental law, a systems biotechnologist, a specialist in the implementation of separate waste collection, a specialist in the field of ecological tourism, specialist in overcoming systemic environmental disasters, etc.

In addition, the list contains some professions that are not yet widespread enough, for example: city farmer - a specialist in the creation and maintenance of vertical farms on roofs and in skyscraper buildings, in which it will be possible to grow vegetables or raise animals, or eco-evangelist - a specialist in the development and conducting educational and educational programs for children and adults on a lifestyle that reduces the burden on the environment, and programs for industrial enterprises on environmentally friendly production practices, or a ZERO WASTE manager (from English “zero waste”) - a professional who will be responsible for reducing industrial and household waste to zero.

As the developers of the Atlas suggest, by 2030, 57 professions will disappear, and they will be replaced by 186 new ones; personnel and professional changes will occur in 25 industries. The goal of the “Atlas of New Professions” is to help school graduates who can take advantage of the research and make the right choice in favor of professions that will be in demand in the labor market, will be able to provide a decent standard of living and will be useful to society. In the document you can also find information about which university prepares which specialists, and where you can get a job after training.

Every year people think more and more about the world around them, its condition, resources and their exhaustibility, ecology, and so on. The green world that past generations knew has sunk into oblivion for several decades. Everything was filled with factories, factories, and wood processing concerns. There are more and more cars on the streets, more and more emissions are released into the atmosphere. More and more heavy metals settle in the lungs of people and animals. Further we go, worse it becomes. And so people began to think about the danger and finally realized that they needed to take care of it and do it wisely. This is what the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources did. But the staff for it and some other organizations involved in the state of our environment is being prepared by universities. This direction is called “Ecology and environmental management”. Let's look at the characteristics and functions of this area and specialty.

Direction characteristics

"Ecology and Environmental Management" is a specialty that prepares students in three areas. Namely: geoecology, environmental management, ecology. The principle of all areas is related, and specialists can work in the future under the same conditions. As it became clear from the preface, the profession is really relevant. And, most importantly, there are not very many specialists in it at the moment. This creates the opportunity for more extensive career exploration and career growth, provided that the matter will really be of interest to the student, and in the future to the graduate and potential employee. However, you will have to work not only in a cozy office chair. “Ecology and environmental management” is a specialty that involves working in the field, frequent trips to take measurements and take samples for analysis. In any case, this will be the case at the beginning of your career.

What students study

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region needs specialists who can do their job efficiently. It offers many internships, internships and even vacancies for future graduates of higher education institutions. But in order to get there, you need to know the relevant subjects perfectly. And, of course, it is important to be able to apply knowledge in practice.

The Committee on Ecology and Natural Resources Management has identified the most important skills of specialists in this industry. These include: knowledge of the biological diversity of species in the controlled area, their requirements for living conditions; ability to analyze and interpret the results of environmental research; prediction in connection with certain man-made actions; knowledge of environmental economics; understanding of the principles of environmental monitoring; the ability to rationally organize the extraction and use of organic and natural resources.

Required skills and knowledge

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region involves the work of experts in exact science. This is not a humanities major in most cases. The student and specialist will have to make many global calculations. Each such specialist in a group of workers will be assigned great responsibility for the results of their analyses, systematics and verdict. The direction “Ecology and environmental management” is positioned by universities as a research field. This means that the applicant must be aware of the need for the ability to use numbers and formulas, and also, quite possibly, to develop new methods of calculations, analysis, monitoring and other methods of research and action to protect the environment. Not all people have the ability to bear great responsibility, nor do they have the desire for calculations, especially such complex and large-scale calculations.

Prospects of the direction

Everything in this world is currently “sick” of environmental friendliness. Eco-friendly food, environmentally friendly production of clothing and household items, environmentally friendly mining and production of minerals. In almost all spheres of society, ecology has taken first place in importance. Few people alive today do not realize the importance of preserving the environment in its original, pure form. And since this purity is, in fact, no longer left, we must try with all our might to return it. In any case, the next few decades, both commercial organizations and government projects will not force graduates of the specialty “Ecology and Environmental Management” to ask the question: “Who should I work with?”

Career ladder

Learning means being able to move forward rather than stay in one place. And any self-respecting person will not work all his life without any advancement. Be it salary, professional responsibilities, range of functions, and so on. Life is motion. So, ecologists are one of the few specialists who really have a clearly structured hierarchy of career ladders and the opportunity to advance along it. Starting with various research groups, communities and laboratories, continue to work in large concerns, leading global industries. There is a pleasant opportunity for environmentalists to occupy high-ranking positions in the government apparatus. It is society’s view of the pressing problem that will help move in the right direction.

"Ecology and environmental management": who to work with

Nowadays, people go to study not according to the call of their hearts, but according to the market situation and the demand for specialists. Therefore, the list of vacancies that you can apply for after graduation is always interesting. This is where the question arises: “I graduated with a degree in Ecology and Environmental Management. Where can I go to work?” A burning question for many who are interested in this area.

So, having received the specialty "Ecology and Environmental Management", what kind of work can you do? These are: agroecologist, bioecologist, geoecologist, hydroecologist, ecologist, ecologist-auditor, ecologist-inspector, ecologist-nature user, and, of course, the most obvious, teacher of the completed disciplines. An agroecologist studies and protects the rational use of water and air, and implements a set of measures to protect them from pollution. His responsibilities also include the study and protection of plants and animals in agriculture from various viruses, fungi and diseases.

Bioecologists carry out their activities mainly in laboratories and research centers. Their task is to study the components of the ecosystem and develop measures to maintain their balance.

Geoecologists accompany all construction work. Any construction project must have an opinion from this specialist. Firstly, he must determine how damaging the construction of a new facility will be to nature, and secondly, how the environment will react, what cataclysms and accidents may occur.

The profession of a hydroecologist is associated with reservoirs, rivers, lakes, groundwater, their biological component and the degree of safety in terms of pollution. Development of treatment facilities, regulatory documentation on the use of water resources, reports on work done - this is what this specialist will have to do.

An ecologist and an environmental engineer are required in all plants and factories, as well as in organizations involved in the mining industry. All actions of market participants must comply with environmental regulations and not exceed acceptable levels of pollution and safety. An ecologist should monitor all this.

Auditors and inspectors in the field of ecology work in inspection bodies, various sanitary and epidemiological stations, state control services, and statistical authorities. Their duty is to verify compliance with regulations and impose sanctions on entities that violate standards.

Prestige and demand for the profession

What is a prestigious job in our society? It is unlikely that this includes a sales consultant and a staff accountant. There are too many of these specialists on the market now. But researchers, designers, auditors are another matter. But ecologists, in essence, can be all of the above. The work of an ecologist requires extensive knowledge and skills, which already eliminates a large audience when entering this specialty. An extraordinary mind and the ability to see what others do not see is what makes prestige. And most importantly, they pay a good salary for it. The small number of ecologists makes them the most sought-after specialists in the world, where they are urgently needed at the moment. This means that your job search as a professional will be much faster and easier.

The essence of the work

Depending on the place where the specialist will work and on the activities of the employer, his responsibilities will be as follows: conducting environmental assessments and monitoring, creating and maintaining an environmental database, forming an enterprise policy regarding environmental behavior, preparing programs and action plans for environmental protection environment, making proposals to legislative bodies, drawing up reports on the environment, implementing regulatory plans, calculating the noise level in a designated area and in premises, implementing and maintaining an internal management system in the area. Especially such specialists are needed at manufacturing enterprises to monitor compliance with environmental standards. Specialists without work experience can start working in various laboratories, research centers, and expert groups.

Salary expectations

The most important and interesting part of the article for many readers is how much the work of such a specialist costs. Is it worth studying in this direction? So, an environmental engineer will receive around 50,000 rubles per month, an environmentalist project developer will receive up to 70,000 rubles per month, an environmental engineer will be able to increase his budget every month by 100,000. In most vacancies, the salary parameter is “at agreements,” which means that your price as a specialist will be told to you after the interview.