"The deciphered Bible, or a requiem for civilization" by Lazarev. Deciphering the Bible. The Key of Nostradamus Part 1. Mathematician from Israel

16.03.2024 Construction

The first chapter of Genesis talks about the creation of the earthly world. Is it so?

When you read this chapter, you get the feeling that the course of events in it is mixed up. In the beginning it speaks of days and nights when the sun has not yet been created, therefore there is no such concept. Light appears, but there is no sun yet. Where is the light coming from? Grass grows and trees bear fruit, but the sun has not yet been created. Under what influence do they grow? If the course of events is indicated correctly, then this discrepancy needs to be explained somehow.

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

What does it mean? As an introduction, after which there will be an explanation of how this happened? Perhaps we are talking about the creation of the heavenly world and the earthly world first? Subtle and dense worlds. I wonder who the Bible was written for? For those who lived in the era when it was written or for the future generation? The fact is that with the development of humanity, the meaning of the same words is different. For example, earth is land, firmament, dust, planet. Previously, the sky was also considered a firmament along which the stars, the Sun and the Moon moved. Now the earth is a planet, the sky is its air shell. If the Bible was written for everyone, then each generation will interpret it differently.

2 And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

What does formless and empty mean? The land (land) was not visible, and there was nothing on it. The entire Earth was covered with water. Darkness over the abyss. An endless expanse of darkness surrounded the Earth. That is, there were no stars, no Sun, no Moon. What happened? Only the Spirit of God and water. Where did the earth (dry land) that God created in the beginning go to? Or did He create planet Earth? Then it turns out that there was one Earth, covered entirely with water, over which the Spirit of God hovered, and nothing else? Somehow I don’t really believe it.

But if we think differently. The earth (planet) was formless, that is, it had no visible shell, no physical material body. Empty, that is, it did not exist at all, since emptiness is associated with the absence of something. I associate the darkness over the abyss with the darkness of Chaos. The Spirit of God rushed, let us note, did not fly, but rushed. That is, he was wearing something. Above the water. In our world, water exists in several states: gaseous, liquid and solid.
Perhaps the Spirit of God carried something between the world: thin and dense. Created them. If we compare what is written in the Bible with other teachings, we get that God is the Absolute, and the Spirit of God is the Logos.

3 And God said, Let there be light. And there was light.

God has not yet created the sun. Therefore, this light is not the light of the Sun. And what? Let it be Divine Light. God spoke and the Light became. Who is meant by God - the Supreme, omnipotent, spiritual essence. What do you mean said? What happens when we talk? With the help of speech, pronouncing words, we express our thoughts and desires. It turns out that God wished: “Let there be Light,” and with his thought he created Light. If this is so, then why was it not immediately written down in the Bible? The Bible was written at a time when they could not even talk about it, but could not even think about it. I think that even now many people do not believe that with thought one can create everything.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.

God separated the Light from the Darkness only when he saw that the Light was good. What does good mean? I think that the Light was stable and harmonious. What does separated mean? Created the border between Light (Matter) and Darkness (Chaos). He limited the Light with form, created space for it. Divine Light is the subtlest state of Matter. That is, the Universe arose. What is Darkness (Chaos)? By Darkness and Chaos I understand “Prematter” - some substance in which there is something from which matter will be created.

5 And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day.

How to understand this? What does a person do during the day? He is awake, alive. What does he do at night? He sleeps, as if dying for a while. These days and nights are the days and nights of the life of the Universe, not of man. The sun has not yet been created to account for the days and nights of people. Moreover, people were not created. Evening and morning here refer to the life of the Universe. One day is a day in the life of the Universe. Of the eastern legends, it lasts more than four billion years. The night of the Universe lasts the same length. “Named” - this word sounds like a statement. God, having manifested his will, received day and night. That is, the periods of Existence and Non-Existence. This happened over the course of a whole day of more than eight billion earth years.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate water from water.
7 And God made the firmament; and he divided the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament. And so it became.

What kind of firmament is this? In the middle of the water? In the middle of the ocean. Ocean of what?
To say and create means to create with thought. Thought is consciousness. In the middle of the ocean of consciousness. Is solidity dense matter? Water is a liquid. Did God create with his thought the dense world in the midst of the subtle world? Did the planet Earth appear and become covered with water, and did it develop an atmosphere? Now some of the water is dissolved in the air, some is in the oceans and seas. It turns out that separating water from water creates an atmosphere. The firmament of heaven is air.

8 And God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning: the second day.

He named it, that is, God manifested his will and air appeared. What happens between evening and morning? That's right, night. Only this is the night of the Universe. It lasts more than four billion earth years. The creation of the Universe continued in a new day (cycle).

9 And God said; let the water that is under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. And so it became.

How to understand this? First option. God, with his thought and will, collected (said and became) water in certain places, and where there was none, dry land became. Option two. God, with his thought and will, collected part of the water to a certain place and turned it into dry land.

10 And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters he called seas. And God saw that (it was) good.

Named them and said how they differ? If he said it, he expressed his desire, then he named it, he showed his will. God, by His will, created dry land (earth) and seas from water. Land is something solid. Water is a liquid. Under certain conditions, water can become solid and crystallize. It turns out that God first created crystals. Crystalline life arose on land. Yes, crystals are alive, they have their own crystalline life. Of course, it is different from ours. Our life is much more complicated. Life manifests itself in movement. All living things move. Earth, as a substance, unlike crystals, is the dust of living organisms. The substance of the earth was created by many generations of living organisms after their death.

11 And God said: Let the earth bring forth green grass, grass yielding seed, and fruitful tree, bearing fruit according to its kind, in which is its seed on the earth. And so it became.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, grass yielding seed according to its kind, and tree yielding fruit, in which is its seed according to its kind. And God saw that (this)
13 And there was evening, and there was morning: the third day.

Note that the Sun has not yet been created. How does everything grow? There are two possible options. Option one. These plants did not need the light of the Sun. Second option. They grew under the influence of Divine Light. You can also combine them. What is green? The first plants to appear on Earth are algae. Among them there are also green ones. But they are in the water. The first greenery on earth is mosses, lichens and the like. Grass that sows seed are gymnosperms. Trees that bear fruit are fruiting plants. What is “according to his kind”? This means that from a seed can be born that which the seed gave. From the seed of an apple tree only an apple tree can be born, from the seed of a pear tree only a pear can be born. The words “And God saw that it was good” are often mentioned. What do they mean? The conjunction “and” means simultaneous action. That is, God creates and at the same time looks at what he creates, and he likes it, he is satisfied with what he created. Creation does not occur instantly during the third cycle. This is indicated by the words “day three.” This refers to the day of the Universe.

To be continued.

There is a lot of pain and sorrow in life. We are evil, too often we hit those we love the hardest. The simplest commandment of Christ is “live in love!”, but oh how difficult it is to fulfill it...

Explosions in the heart, explosions in the world. He opened the Bible to read the psalms. And I remembered my old material. Back in January 2004, he wrote that scientists had deciphered the code hidden in the Bible. Today I found it and re-read it. And wow, the prophecy given there has come true. But I'm sorry it hit the mark...

"The Bible code has been solved
Scientists have discovered the “Bible code” that allows you to predict the future. They found encrypted information in the Holy Scriptures about a terrorist attack in America, a disaster with an American ship in space, the outcome of the war in Iraq and events that have yet to happen.
Grigory TELNOV

The legend that hidden information is encrypted in the Bible has existed since ancient times. But no one was able to “remove the seal.”
Physicist Isaac Newton believed that the Bible was “a cryptogram composed by the Almighty.” He learned Hebrew, in which the Old Testament is written, and tried to solve the code, but failed.

The attempts of the Russian mathematician Elius Solomon turned out to be more fruitful. Three hundred years ago he did what only a computer could do. Eliya memorized the first five books of the Bible, analyzed each letter and discovered surprising patterns. The signs combined in a certain sequence formed words, which Eliya considered the key to upcoming events. The conclusion was sensational:
“Everything that was, is and will happen until the end of time is contained in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Not only in a general sense, but including the smallest details of the life of each person, everything that happens to him, from his birth to death, the same is said about every animal and beast that exists, about plants and about everything living, as well as about the inanimate."
Elia Solomon was not understood by his contemporaries - the calculation methods were so complex that few could comprehend them at that time.

Russian mathematician Ivan Panin (he died in the USA in 1942) was the first to calculate the Bible using the achievements of modern science. He proved that the original biblical texts were dictated by God, including every word, every letter and even every line.
The essence of the discovery is that the original text of the Bible, consisting of the Old Testament, dictated in Hebrew, and the New Testament, dictated in Greek, contains special numerical patterns. They are such that every word and every letter in the Bible has its specific designated place. Panin proved that according to probability theory it follows that such numerical singularities cannot arise by chance. Since the Bible was written over 1600 years, Panin concluded that the Holy Scriptures are the fruit of a single plan and that the “collective of authors” who lived in different centuries and in different countries was controlled by God.

Russian physicist Academician Viktor Veynik developed Panin’s theory by testing his conclusions using computer technology. They shocked him so much that he, who had considered himself an atheist all his life, believed in God. Shortly before his death, Academician Veinik conducted a series of experiments in which he proved that the biblical teaching about the creation of the world does not contradict modern physics.

On the eve of World War II, Rabbi Michael Weissmandl from Slovakia decided to clearly see the numerical patterns of the Holy Scriptures. The priest wrote out all 304,805 letters of the Torah (which includes the first books of the Old Testament) in tables. And I highlighted words that occur at equal intervals of letters. By missing 50 letters in the book of Genesis, then another 50, and then three more groups of 50, he arrived at the word “Torah.” This pattern also appeared in the books “Exodus,” “Numbers,” and “Deuteronomy.” The pattern became visible.
World War II took the art of codebreaking to a new level. Having become proficient in German ciphers, mathematicians from different countries took up the Bible again. Her texts were run through a computer, catching hidden patterns and trying to understand them.

The greatest success in deciphering the Bible was achieved in Israel. Mathematician Elia Rips proposed that meaningful encoded words cluster around scattered words in plain text.
“The difference between the Bible code and ordinary ciphers used in intelligence is that it is a “statistical phenomenon,” Rips said. – The code appears in places where the likelihood of such patterns occurring by chance is extremely low.

Rips proceeded from the method used by codebreakers of all intelligence agencies in the world. He tried to grasp patterns and the order of their appearance by analyzing statistical data on the location and combination of signs.
To begin with, Rips decided to “pump up” the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis. It is believed that these texts were dictated to Moses by God himself.

To unravel the “cipher from the Lord,” Rips looked for places in the text that contain a hint of phenomena occurring in the present. He selected several such localized groups. Then I searched the chapters again, looking for hidden occurrences of the same words. And I discovered that they are grouped around keywords.

Rips concluded that this feature is not related to grammatical rules. There are no mechanical processes in any language in the world that could cause such a degree of grouping. The Bible tests were compared to randomly selected literary works. The phenomenon of a secret code was inherent only in the Holy Scriptures.

Rips began by instructing the computer to select every 2nd letter, then every 3rd, every 4th, and so on. The computer provided information in the form of words, the combination of which was amazing: “Hitler - Auschwitz”, “Shakespeare - Macbeth - Hamlet”, “Edison - electricity - light bulb”, “Wright brothers - airplane”...

Professor Rips and his colleague Doron Vitzthum described a mathematical model of the code. They outlined it in the report “Equidistant letter sequence in the book of Genesis.” The essence of the discovery is that hidden information is included in the text of the book of Genesis in the form of an equidistant letter sequence and that the probability of its accidental appearance is practically negligible.

The report was sent to the editors of the leading American mathematical journal "Statistical Science". At first they took it for a joke. Before publication, it was sent to experts for review three times.

Harold Gens, a cryptographer at the US National Security Agency, was initially more than skeptical about Rips' discovery. But still decided to repeat his experiment. And he was shocked - the text, written thousands of years ago, contained information about events that had happened recently or had not yet happened!

In an excerpt from the book "Genesis" Gens deciphered the concepts - "Man on the Moon", "Spaceship -
Apollo 11 and the date of the first man landing on the Moon - July 20, 1969. Another passage from Genesis encrypted the name of the city of Hiroshima in Japan and the year in which the atomic bomb fell on it. Gens found in the Bible
even a prediction of the death of Princess Diana, and the key order of the deciphered words was “Car accident, photographer, Lady Di.”

Rips' discovery became a sensation. Here is how Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vladislav Malakhovsky commented on his “Life”:
- There is no doubt that all numbers and signs in the Bible have a higher meaning. Saint Ignatius Brenchaninov wrote about this. But the most amazing thing is that even the mathematical patterns present in the text of the Holy Scriptures allow us to interpret the future in many ways. God always leaves us freedom of choice. It is always easier to find warnings in hindsight.

After the terrorist attack that occurred in America on September 11, a message was found in the Bible about an attack on skyscrapers using airplanes. The Bible also predicted the outcome of the war in Iraq.

However, scientists are trying, based on the Bible, to predict upcoming events in the world, at least in general terms. Russia has a favorable forecast - strengthening of political positions, a stable situation within the country. But the United States and Israel, according to Rips’ calculations, face unpleasant prospects. A new surge of terrorism is expected there. Its peak will be in 2006."

The Bible predicts that thanks to the New Testament: “…brother will no longer teach one another, nor say, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all themselves know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the Lord.” (Jer.31.31-34.) In essence, these words speak of understanding in the future its secrets, as if deciphering the Bible, understanding: the “revelations” given in it, finding in the “teaching” contained in it, answers to eternal questions: “What is man,” life, God?
In order to know the invisible God, it is not necessary to know everything, just as we do not know everything about invisible electrical phenomena, but from what everyone knows from school and uses in practice, any average person will say that he knows about electricity. It is as if it is simultaneously visible and invisible. Apparently it is his action, not his essence. We also use the world, but where it and we came from, and what it all really is, we cannot explain, despite the fact that we use it.
From the words “...God is all in all” (Cor. 1.15.28.) it follows that everything we see is a manifestation of God, His action, but God Himself “no man has seen or can see.” (1 Tim. 6.16 .)
Good, as “grace” (Rom. 1.5., Jude, 4. Col. 1.6.) about the knowledge of God, was given to us in the appearance of Jesus Christ - the image of the “invisible God” (Col. 1.15.), who left the teaching and His Church , essentially an institution for preserving and explaining knowledge about the Truth (What actually exists). The teaching says that both the world and man are visible images (1 Cor. 7.31., Wis. 2.23.), created by God through reason and wisdom. (Prov. 3.19.), “so that what is visible was made from what is visible.” (Heb. 11.1-3.).
Nowadays, people have become so wise that they themselves have begun to create various images, for example on screens. And man also creates his images, simple in comparison with the divine, on the basis of the invisible: invisible energies, reason, scientific knowledge. The latter are, as it were, wisdom, usually called scientific knowledge, scientific information.
And this information is too simple compared to divine information. But the very fact of man’s creation of images on the basis of the invisible speaks for itself: images can be created.
The images on computer screens are like an illusion arising from the ordered blinking of colored dots. This ordered blinking exists based on a continuous flow of energy and a flow of information that controls the energy flow. We perceive this “blinking” as images that have forms.
The biblical description of God's creation of images of the world and man is reminiscent of the state of affairs that exists when a person receives images on a computer screen. Before discovering this similarity, unusual circumstances occurred that led me to compare biblical and scientific knowledge. This similarity was the beginning of the discovery of a logical chain that forced it to be written down. Whether the decoding was successful is for the reader to judge. But, as you can see, the basics of the study are not simple and require certain knowledge from the reader.
The Bible is teaching (“...My teaching is not Mine, but of Him who sent Me” (John 7.16, Col. 2.14); “take heed to yourself and to the teaching, do this constantly; for by doing this, you will save yourself and those who listen to you” (1 Tim. 4.16.)), and printed like a textbook and available for everyone to read. Accessibility of reading does not at all mean that readers understand what they read, since it has, in addition to a simple level, a complex, as if secret, level. It must be examined: “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, the glory of kings is to investigate a matter.” (Prov.25.2., 1Tim.4.16.)
By comprehending any teaching, a person learns to do something that he would never be able to do without studying. And while he has not yet learned, he must believe in what he is learning and “simply” constantly memorize the meanings and repeat the necessary actions, gradually (in stages of complexity) comprehending knowledge, despite the fact that he does not yet fully understand everything, “not understands." One must “understand” the existence of a higher power - omnipotence, the omnipresent God: “to know You is complete righteousness, and to recognize Your power is the root of immortality.” (Wis.15.3.) About those who begin to slander the “high authorities,” it is said: “They slander what they do not know.” (Jude 10.)
The result of comprehending Christian teaching, on the basis of the Christian faith, should be a person’s “transition” “from death to life,” moreover, to “eternal life” (John 5.24.) and the knowledge of God by all.
For a person who is accustomed to judging everything only on the basis of his feelings, by what he sees with his own eyes, these words about eternal life seem like an outright lie. But the words: truth and falsehood, do not belong to the category of feelings, but to the category of mental process, the category of cognition by the mind of something from reality. And the knowledge that comes from our feelings does not always coincide with what exists in reality, what our mind tells us. For example: with our eyes we see that the Sun moves around the Earth, but we know with our minds that this is not so. Our eyes seem to “deceive” us. I'm not even talking about entities invisible to the eye: radiation, electricity and others, which a person has comprehended and, as it were, sees only with the help of the mind.
When we talk about life in general, we must also keep in mind that not everything that makes up the essence of life is accessible to our senses. The category of invisibility, comprehended only with the help of reason, includes much of what is included in the concepts of spirit, spiritual, which are inaccessible to materialistic science, since “the foolish things of God are wiser than men, and the weak things of God are stronger than men” (1 Cor. 1.25.).
By the way, from the words of revelation: “...God is all in all” (Cor. 1.15.28), we can conclude that science studies some part of the divine order that is accessible to it. And the objective in it should not contradict the “mystery” of God’s “work,” since it is caused by this work.
Therefore, when talking about deciphering biblical teaching, we need to talk about it in the same sense as we talk about new scientific knowledge, which differs from previous scientific knowledge by the discovery of new meanings that allow us to expand the picture of the world that is invisible to the eyes, but visible to the mind. The set of new meanings changes a person’s worldview. This task is set by God in biblical revelations before man: “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind” (Eph.4.23). The transcript must confirm the absolute truth preached by our Holy Orthodox Church.
Prophecy Jer.31.31-34. about the “knowledge of God by all” in the future, in essence, denotes the potential hidden in the Bible, the implementation of which in the future should lead to the deciphering of the mysteries of the Bible: knowledge of the “hidden” “mystery of God and the Father and Christ” (Col. 2.2-3.), “the wisdom of this world” (1 Cor. 2.6.), the “discipline” of which is spoken of in other places: “So everyone should understand us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” (1 Cor.4.1., Prov.25.2.)
Recently, a lot of new things have appeared in our knowledge, and some events have occurred that combine this knowledge. They made it possible to discover that the indicated potential began to be realized, as if it began to move, and it is necessary for everyone to see it. At the same time, the inner essence of other teachings is revealed.
Image - the image that arises in the mind from reading the Bible is compared in it to looking at one’s personal image in the mirror, looking at “the natural features of one’s face.” (James 1.23.) But do we really see our own face in the Bible? Exactly. We “consider” the essence of our invisible body - the spiritual, the essence of the soul and spirit. Unlike what is seen through the eyes of our visible body, our “natural” invisible body must be viewed through the “eyes of the mind.” Or more precisely: “With the eyes of your heart.” (Eph. 1.18.) The “heart” includes both the eyes of feeling and the “eyes of reason.” Just as we “consider,” for example: invisible electromagnetic phenomena or some other invisible entity , traceable only with the help of reason. Through sensory (physiological) eyes we see only their actions.
That a person has two bodies: visible and invisible, and the invisible body is eternal, everyone who has read the New Testament knows. But everyone perceives it in their own way, because there was nothing to compare it with. New knowledge allows us, as it were, to see and understand the image of our invisible body. Why do we need to see this image? In order to fulfill the words of Christ, “You judge according to the flesh” (John 8.15.), “Do not judge by appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7.24.), “Fools! Was it not the same One who created the external, who also created the internal”? (Luke 11.40.), “...but the invisible (“internal” - from the author) is eternal.” (2 Cor. 4.16-18.) “Having seen” this image of a person, through it we will be able to cognize the image - “face” the invisible God, in whose likeness we were created. To whom it is said: “Seek my face” (Ps. 26.8.), “seek His face always” (Ps. 104.4.).
In reality, we are all individual and start life as if “from scratch”, knowing nothing, not being able to, learning everything. Guided by our feelings, we acquire reason, like a new vision of the world, allowing us to see in a special way, through knowledge, what is invisible to our senses. This new vision, like the usual one, is included in the formation and education of our feelings. Our understanding of the essence of life depends on many things, in particular on the completeness of the knowledge we have acquired about the invisible, accumulated and preserved by previous generations. If there is emptiness in the picture of life in some areas of knowledge, then it seems to fall apart into unrelated parts that can be manipulated. But manipulation is possible until penetration into individual areas of knowledge expands them to certain volumes, at which their location in relation to each other and their interconnection will be visible. After this, the transition of faith in the knowledge of God by all will begin to be realized.
In relation to the “average” person, some of us are closer to “zero”, while others have gone far, let’s say: towards wisdom. Everyone sees a picture of life, formed by the mind and feelings, as if from their own position with their own “emptiness”. This makes it seem chaotic, without a common image or meaning that could be understood by us “average people.” Some of the events that occurred, called “unifying” above, made it possible to discover a position from which something non-chaotic began to be “visible.” Everything written below is an attempt to describe the reasons for searching for a position and “what was seen” from it.
For discussion, here is an abstract of my book, a study published at the end of 2008 in a circulation of 200 copies: “Why did the predictions of Nostradamus come true and continue to come true, or the branches of the fig tree turned green!” and the book itself. The book is posted immediately after the abstract.
There are a lot of details in the book, and you can get lost in them, like in a forest. In this case, there is a need to explain the general meaning, which plays the role of a kind of compass that protects against wandering. Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate with a compass. In addition, the annotation contains logical additions discovered after the book was published. On the one hand, the general meaning is not simple and requires a variety of knowledge, which is, as it were, the reason for the complexity of its understanding. On the other hand, as Nostradamus says in his messages: “If a person’s mind builds the future based on contemporary events, then these reasons are not so hidden from him and are not a revelation at all.”
Nostradamus’s phrase is very promising in understanding our future, but for this we need to “build it... based on contemporary” “events” for us. This is what both the book and the abstract are dedicated to.

Deciphered predictions of Nostradamus are the key to understanding the Bible.

Dear reader! Events occurred that, due to their originality, looked so implausible, remote from the usual “sphere of human knowledge,” that they went unnoticed, were not widely discussed, and were, as it were, successfully forgotten. But they are such that our future largely depends on our participation in them. I came to this conclusion because I discovered some explanations for the reasons for these events. The events are deciphered predictions of Nostradamus, reflected in four books by Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim: 1. “Nostradamus Deciphered” February 1998 , 2. “Nostradamus Deciphered” May 1998 , 3. “The Keys of Armageddon, Nostradamus Deciphered 2” April 1999 , 4. “The Nostradamus Code” 2006 These predictions have either already come true, or are coming true before our eyes. As follows from the logical decoding of these books, dozens of Nostradamus’ predictions came true. In this regard, a legitimate question arises: Are they not biblical and what can follow from this? However, it is legitimate for a consciousness not blinded by our communist past, which seems to have instilled in the entire society an “allergy” to religious knowledge. In our recent past, this question could not be raised publicly, since from the very beginning of the communist regime, religious knowledge was classified, if not in the realm of lies, then in voluntary error, which was consciously and cruelly persecuted, just as, in its time, it was persecuted and declared false knowledge of “genetics and cybernetics”. However, the falsity had exactly the opposite direction, and in the latter case the communist consciousness had to “move over.” I reminded this so that the reader would be prepared for a similar situation in connection with the consideration of the question posed.
It took many years of research to obtain logical answers to these questions. The result of the research is contained in this letter and my book, published at the end of 2008: They confirm the unity of the predictions of Nostradamus with biblical predictions, and show that they serve as a key to understanding the Bible. They consider the meanings revealed by the key, and not the “key” itself, which allowed them to “read obscure and mysterious texts as if they were not obscured at all.” (Book 3.page 4) the letter contains a summary of the general meaning of the book and logical additions discovered after the book was published , posted here, after the annotation. I turned to these events s, second...
It made me about thirty serious. And the deeper I delved into this issue, the more I began to understand that they would not do so. I had to experience first-hand the truth of Nostradamus’s words about the impact of self-fulfilling predictions on people. He warned that he wrote predictions: “... being careful not to offend the fragile feelings of people, since I have noticed the effect prophecies have on people when they come true. Therefore, I used the secret language more than other prophets." (from the second book, p. 334, RIPOL CLASSIC Publishing House, Moscow).
After I heard from the TV screen the clergyman’s answer to someone’s written question about Nostradamus: “The Church finds nothing in him,” I had no choice but to try to delve into the Holy Scriptures in detail on my own.Nostradamus demands this from his “heirs” in his will, but this will be discussed below. Predictions, in fact, are given for believers, as it is said in the New Testament: “... prophecy is not for unbelievers, but for those who believe.” (1 Cor. 14.22) But, if the predictions come true and this will be clear to everyone, then unbelievers can become believers. In addition, predictions are intended to save many from the danger of unbelief (Heb. 11.6.). There are many things in the Bible that are written in secret. Her words testify to the mystery of the Bible:
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; the glory of kings is to investigate a matter.” (Prov. 25.2.), “Therefore everyone should understand us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” (1 Cor. 4.1.) Anyone who reads these words may think that the “research” matter applies only to the real rulers of states. However, other biblical words must be taken into account:
They mean that the entire Bible is devoted to spiritual “work,” the spiritual sphere, and is written in a special spiritual language, to which we will return below. Thus, from Proverbs 25.2. it is clear that we are talking about the spiritual sphere and about “kings” as leaders in spiritual research. The door to this “kingdom” is open to everyone, including natural rulers, since every person is a spirit. Moreover, the danger that Nostradamus warns about and about which a little later concerns everyone. And this is already a serious subject for conversation, even with those who connect the spiritual only with a living person.
nbsp; year in the deciphered messages of Nostradamus, then there were already three books by these authors who found new levels of the cipher and continued deciphering, I began to notice clues that were not successful, require other knowledge, and
. Hereinafter, the numbers of the books from which quotes are given indicate the serial numbers of the books by D and N. Zim, published under the general title “Nostradamus Deciphered”).
We are talking about the word of Christ.
from the letter " refers to their predictions.
. From the above quotes it was absolutely clear that “taking” the encrypted books of Nostradamus means: “taking and deciphering” them; the mere presence of undeciphered texts is tantamount to their absence. To decipher the texts, one must be in some future century, possessing knowledge inaccessible in previous centuries, and proceed from the events and knowledge of this century. It was also clear that the decoding made by D. and N. Zima is only a necessary condition for “justification of the power of the lamp”, i.e. mysteries of the Bible, ohm The key, but not the " justification lamp power. Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima “took” the books of Nostradamus, but did not fully follow his instructions. Nostradamus warned about this, that someone “else” must finish the job started: “Your title of Messenger after, will designate something else, the amazed one brought out the Gallic (Oracle) from the darkness.” (From book 3 “Nostradamus Deciphered, p. 130).
, tried the meaning that emerged from the quotes. Goyim this letter and.
, my
The fact is that e A m, operating in the above quotes, that we “know” not in arbitrary words, but in words “learned from the Holy Spirit”, i.e. a special, spiritual language, as if a scientific language, reflecting relevant knowledge.
TO We. Thanks to modern knowledge, it has become possible to find these images of similarity. From these understandable images, an understandable image should also appear, which in the New Testament is compared with the image in the “mirror” of God’s word, reflecting the natural invisible nature of man (James 1.23.) - spirit and soul.
D Ear language is, as it were, understandable to believers and incomprehensible to non-believers. If it is clear to unbelievers, then it will be a sign for unbelievers, as stated in 1 Corinthians 14:22. : “So tongues are a sign, not for those who believe, but for those who do not believe.” A sign is like raising a banner so that everyone can see it, naturally, see it with the help of reason
When the spiritual becomes knowledge, stories spoken about me long before his appearance by the prophet Jeremiah X
It seems incredible - everyone knowing God. But in Scripture there are given “extraordinary revelations” (2 Cor. 12.7.) and “through revelation the mystery has been made known” (Eph. 3.3-5.), “... which has been kept silent from eternity.” (Rom. 14.24.) Revelation is given “ ...for all the riches of perfect understanding, for the knowledge of the mystery of God and the Father and of Christ, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col. 2.2-3.) Wisdom “itself” says: “I, wisdom, dwell with understanding and seek reasonable knowledge." (Proverbs 8.12.)
From this it is clear that revelation is revelation, but it speaks of “knowledge of the mystery” - as of “the wisdom of God, the hidden secret” (1 Cor. 2.7.), “wisdom Not of this century." (1 Cor. 2.6.)

This revelation is the "secret" of "wisdom" Not of this century”, it was necessary to preserve and “know”; “accumulate” intelligence and learn to reason based on it. And, as history shows, this revelation was preserved by the Christian Church, despite all the conflicts of history. But, before knowing the secret everyone It's not over yet. “Prudent knowledge”, of course, cannot be based on reading “diagonally”, therefore, dear reader, difficult reading lies ahead
This is no longer “blind” faith.
- everyone's knowledge of God. And before that, in accordance with Christ’s parable about the fig tree, the branches of the fig tree must “become soft and put out leaves.” (Matthew 24.32.) In the spiritual interpretation, these branches are other predictions from the same “tree”: in particular, the predictions of Nostradamus.
, And “...the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” (1 Cor. 4.20.)), “... The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17.21.), “The kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." (Rom. 14.17.)

Of course, we will begin our study with the name of our Savior - Jesus the Messiah. The name of Jesus correctly sounds like Yeshua (ישוע), which means Savior, salvation. Judaizers many centuries ago perverted the Name Yeshua by removing the last letter.

They call Him "yeshu"- these are the first letters of the expression “yimahak shmo uzikro”, which translates as “let His Name and memory of Him be erased.” It's very sad, but most Jews now know Jesus by that name...

In Hebrew, Jesus is correctly called “Yeshua Hamashiach” - Jesus the Messiah. The word Messiah - "Mashiach" (משיח) comes from the word "mashiha" - anointing, i.e. "Mashiach" means anointed. The word Christ (Christos) apparently comes to us from the Greek language and is nowhere mentioned in Hebrew. Also from verse 23 of the first chapter of Ev. from Matthew we see another name of Jesus - Emanuel, which correctly sounds like - Imanuel (עמנואל) - “im” - with, “anu - shortened from anahnu” - we, us, “El” - God. It turns out that God is with us.

I will also mention that his mother's name was - Miriam(מרים), which means “exalted”, “exalted”.

It is impossible not to mention the 12 apostles of Christ:

Simon - Shimon, whom Jesus called - "Keipha", which means - stone.
Jacob - Yaakov, son of Zabdai
John is Yohanan, his brother, to whom Jesus gave the names "Bnei Regesh", which literally means "Sons of Noise", or "Bnei Raam" - sons of thunder.
Andrey - no changes.
Philip - Philipos (in Greek)
Bartholomew - Bar-Talmay
Matthew - Matai
Thomas - Tom
Jacob Alfeev - Yaakov, son of Halfai
Thaddeus - Tadai
Simon Kananite - Shimon "hakanai" - zealous
Judas Iscariot - Yehuda "ish krayot" - "ish" - man, "krayot" - suburb, - a person from the suburbs.

Remember now Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, his name sounds like - “Elazar” (אלעזר), which means - God helped. "Azar" is the past tense of the word "Laazor" - to help.

Name Saul sounds like - Shaul, which translates as - borrowed, which was later called Paul, which in Greek sounds like Polos.

Name Archangel Michael(Jude 9) in Hebrew the correct sound is “Michael” (מיכאל) - and can be deciphered as follows: “Mi kmo El” (מי כמו אל), which literally translates as “Who is like God?”, i.e. is there anyone else like the Almighty?

And the name of the angel Gabriel The correct sound is "Gabriel" (גבריאל) and means "the power of God." "Gevurah" - strength, valor, power; "El" - God.

The name of the man whom the people asked to be released instead of Jesus, Barabbas, correctly sounds like "Bar-aba" (בר-אבא) and is translated "son of the father." The word "bar" has Aramaic roots, and means "son" (in modern Hebrew "son" is "ben"); "aba" - father.

Names of cities and places, as well as various concepts

We all know the city where our Savior was born - Bethlehem, correctly sounds like - "Beit-Lehem" (בית לחם), which translates as - "Beit (bait)" - house, "lehem" - bread - i.e. “The House of Bread”, because Jesus said: “...I am the bread of life... (John 6:35), “...I am the bread that came down from heaven” (John 6:41).

The infamous place where our Savior was crucified correctly sounds like - "Galgota"(גלגותא), from the word “Gulgolet” (גולגולת) - skull, (this place is really very reminiscent of a human skull).

Word "Antichrist", as such is not used in Hebrew. There it sounds - "Tzorer ha-Mashiach" - the enemy of the Messiah.

Gethsemane -"Gat-Shamni" (גת-שמני): "gat" - winepress; "shemen" - oil, fat. “Gat” is a device that consisted of several large stones, between which olives were ground to make oil. This place was very consistent with the state of Jesus before his execution.

When He prayed there, bloody sweat flowed out of Him (as if squeezed out), which seemed to serve as an oil for covering the sins of the whole world... And also, in order to obtain precious oil (this oil is very valued in Israel, and is not cheap), first an olive must “suffer” and “perish,” which also clearly fits the story with the Lord!

Name "veliar"- mentioned in 2 Cor. 6:15 sounds like “bliyaal” (בליעל) and means: anger, meanness, scoundrel. "What agreement is there between Christ and Belial?"

City of Nazareth- correctly sounding like - Natzeret (נצרת), or Natsrat, apparently came from the word "netzer" - which translates as - offspring, and from the verb Linzor - to keep, guard. In Hebrew, the word for “Christianity” is “Natsrut”, and “Christian” is “Nozri”. For some reason, from the word Nazareth, although Jesus was born in Beit Lachem. And in the Old Testament the word “offspring” is mentioned several times in relation to the Messiah. This is another prophecy fulfilled. (Isaiah 53:2)

In 1 Cor. 16:22, Gal. 1:8 the word is mentioned "anathema". In Hebrew in these places there is a word "herem" - which is translated as "boycott, excommunication."

Place "Armagiddon" consists of two words: “gar” (g - similar in pronunciation to Ukrainian) - mountain; "Megido" is a settlement in Israel, which, by the way, is not very far from where I live now. “Mount Megiddo” - apparently, that last battle will take place there, after which Satan will be defeated, and then the end of this world will come.

Capernaum consists of two words "Kfar Nahum"(כפר נחום) - and is translated as “village (settlement) of Naum.”

Beelzebub- correctly “baal-zvul” (בעל-זבול) can be literally translated as “master (lord) of garbage.” "Baal" - "master", "zevel" (זבל) - "garbage, something worthless."

The village of Emmaus, mentioned in Luke. 24:13 has a rather strange translation. It sounds right "Amaus"(עמאוס) and literally means “disgusting people.” "Am" (עם) - people; "maus" (מאוס) - disgusting (disgusting/disgusting). Or, this name may have Greek roots (judging by the sound), and, accordingly, the translation may be different.

Translation and decoding of the Bible from Hebrew - part 2

Word "paradise" in Hebrew it sounds “gan eden” (גן-עדן) - “gan” - garden, “eden” - bliss, pleasure, “edna” - bliss, peace.

And now I would like to touch on, in my opinion, an important word in the Bible. It sounds like - "Bereshit"(בראשית). In Hebrew, this is the name of that part of the Bible, which in the Russian translation is called Genesis. So what is hidden in this word - "Bereshit"? After all, the Bible and the entire history of the earth and humanity begin with it: “Bereshit bara Elohim...” (“בראשית ברא אלוהים...”) - In the beginning God created... First of all, this word hides words such as “rosh "(ראש) - head, head, top, "Brit" (ברית) - covenant, "esh" (אש) - fire, and "bara" (ברא) - created.

Also included here are the words - "Rishon" (ראשון) - first, "lerishona" (לראשונה) - for the first time, at first, for the first time, "Rishonut" (ראשונות) - primacy, priority, "Rishoni" (ראשוני) - primary, initial , elementary, “rishoniyut” (ראשוניות) - primacy, originality, originality, “rashut” (ראשות) - primacy, leadership, “decide” (ראשיתי) - primitive. You will notice that all these words have the same root. The history of the entire Earth and all of humanity begins with this word! (By the way, the Gospel of John also begins with this word!)

It is impossible not to mention such well-known words as - Hallelujah (הללויה), which is translated as - “Praise God”: “Alelu” is the imperative mood from Lealel (inf. - to praise), “Ya” is the abbreviated name from Yehove, - God. And also - Hosanna - "hoshia na" (הושע נא) - which contains two words - "hoshia" - the imperative mood from Lehoshia - to save, i.e. - Save, “na” - please (in higher Hebrew). It turns out - Please save me.

Words like - " mayim" (מיים)- water, "bgadim" (בגדים) - clothing, "shamayim" (שמיים) - heaven, "Yerushalayim" (ירושלים) - Jerusalem - sound in Hebrew in the plural, through the ending - "im" - which indicates that there is ordinary water and living water (Whoever believes in Me, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water, John 7:38). Also, heaven is the sky that we see above us, and heaven is the throne of God. And clothing is our material clothing and the one in which the Lord will clothe us “And he who overcomes will be clothed in white robes...” (Rev. 3:5), as well as the earthly Jerusalem, and the one that will descend from heaven “And he lifted me up into spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, holy Jerusalem, which came down from heaven from God." (Rev. 21:10).

Deciphering the Bible

One cannot help but dwell on the word - "Shamayim"(שמיים) (heaven), which is deciphered as - “sham” (שם) - there, “mayim” (מיים) - water. "There's water there." The Bible tells us that the original Earth was very different from the Earth we know it today.

One of the important features mentioned was the presence of a shell, or layer of water, surrounding the Earth. “And God said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the water from the water. And God created the firmament, and separated the water that was UNDER the firmament from the water that was ABOVE the firmament...(Genesis 1:6-7). Now let's figure out what the firmament is? This word refers to the atmospheric layer that surrounded the Earth. Verse 20 tells us: “... and let the birds fly over the earth, in the FIRMNARY OF HEAVEN." The conditions described in these 2 verses can best be illustrated by a sphere of dense water vapor that surrounded the Earth.

Thanks to this, the Earth was protected by a water screen that protected from direct solar radiation and which provided the subtropical greenhouse effect on Earth. And accordingly, God called the firmament - “shamayim” - i.e. - there's water there. But during the flood, God brought down this screen of water onto the earth, since before the flood people did not know what rain was (Genesis 2:5) and, accordingly, were not prepared for the fact that water could pour from the sky.

Word "Avadon"(אבדון) is mentioned several times in the Bible, literally it is translated as - destruction, death.

Have you ever wondered what Easter is? Where did this word come from... In Hebrew, this holiday is correctly called "Passover" (פסח), a derivative of the verb "Lifsoah" - pass by, let pass, which in the past tense sounds like - "pass" - passed by, missed. As you remember, the angel of death passed by those houses whose doorposts were anointed with the blood of the sacrifice, and the firstborn in these houses remained alive. Hence the name - Passover. But since it was on this Jewish holiday that Jesus was resurrected, Christians give Easter a different meaning - the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Well, who are these angels? Their personalities cause a huge amount of controversy among representatives of both Christianity and Judaism. For example, Judaists believe that angels are an integral part of God, and that is why he is named in the plural. number, but you and I know the true meaning of the Trinity: God the Father, the Son and “Ruach hakodesh” (רוח הקודש) - the Holy Spirit.

The word Angel in Hebrew is pronounced - "Malyach"(מלאך), which literally means messenger. Also, the word “malakha” (מלאכה) is translated as craft, work, labor. And the word “malakhuti” (מלאכותי) is artificial. You will notice that all these words have a common root. From all that has been said, we can conclude that angels are “artificially created ministering messengers of God.” And they cannot possibly be deities, since it is written: “Do you not know that we will judge the angels...” (1 Cor. 6:3). Although in some places in the Bible angels are called saints (Mark 8:38).

Seraphim, mentioned in the book of the prophet Isaiah, are a certain type of angels whose task is to burn everything unclean around. Hence their name - "let's srafim" - (שרפים) - from the verb "Lisrof" - to burn (see Isaiah 6:2-7)

The word Baal correctly sounds like "Baal" (בעל). According to the rules of Hebrew writing, the same letter represents both the sound "B" and "V". But when it comes at the beginning and has the dot “dagesh” in it, it is always read as “B”. This word has a huge number of meanings in Hebrew, but its main translation is master, husband, “baalut” - possession, ownership. From this we can get a rough picture of the meaning of this word. Those people who worshiped him as an idol were really his servants, and he was their master.

It is impossible not to touch upon our enemy - the devil. In Hebrew he is named - “satan” (שטן), from the word “sitna” (שטנה)- which means slander, insinuation (provoking a person to commit bad deeds, arranging minor dirty tricks, temptation, etc.). And also from the word “Lisotet” (לשוטט) - to wander. If you remember the story of Job, you will notice that at the beginning it is described how Satan roamed the earth. Indeed, this is what happens, he wanders the earth and looks for victims, provoking them to commit sin.

In Dan. 9:26 - it says that "The Messiah will be put to death." Put to death, as translated into Russian is not entirely accurate, what was written in the original has a much deeper meaning. The verb "Lehakrit" is used there, in Bud. time "ikaret"(יכרת), which is translated as: to destroy, to stop (which in this case refers to Jesus), and the word "hakarati", which has the same root, is translated as "conscious". It turns out that the Messiah will deliberately cease to exist on earth, or will be destroyed.

Also the word "karet"(כרת) means “premature death”, and mainly refers to the punishment of God. It all happened exactly like this - the Lord Jesus took upon Himself God’s punishment for the sins of all mankind, dying a premature death. And one more interesting fact - the verb “Likrot”, which has the same root, means “to cut off, chop off”. If we remember the moment of the execution of the Lord (Matt. 27:46), “... Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “My God! Why have you forsaken Me?!" we can see that the Lord’s connection with the Father was, as it were, cut off at this moment. And further the verb “Likrot” is also used in the sense of “making a covenant” - “carat brit.” In Matthew 26: 28 Jesus said: “For this is My Blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” That is, by His death the Lord made a New Covenant, thereby opening the way to salvation for us.

Deciphering the Bible - Part 3

Psalm 103 (verse 26) mentions the word: "leviathan"(לויתן), which correctly sounds like “livyatan” and is translated as “whale”.

Safaof- this word comes from the Hebrew “Tsevaot” (צבאות) – “tsava” - army, tsevaot - army.

The place Penuel, used in Gen. 32:30, translated as "Kick"(פנו) - command. mood from the verb "Lifnot" - turn (to someone), turn. El - God. Those. It turns out that Jacob turned, turned to God, and God to him.

"Aven-Ezer"(אבן-העזר) - from 1 Kings. 7:12 - this is “Even” - stone, “haezer” - helping. This phrase can be translated as - stone of help.

Word "olyam"(עולם) means “world, Universe”, and comes from the word “neelam” - “to disappear”, because the main purpose of the Universe is the concealment of the Almighty; the idea of ​​concealment is the essence of the existence of the world.

Beersheba, the name of the city from Gen. 26:33, as it is written there, and still bears this name. - Be'er Sheva(באר-שבע) - “Beer” - well, “sheva” - seven - well of seven, seventh well. But the word "sheva" can also mean "oath", i.e. "well of oath"

En-Gedi, used in Joshua 15:62, sounds like "Ein-gedi" (עין-גדי), and is probably translated as "ein" - eye, "gedi" - kid. Kid's eye.

Babylon- “Bavel” (בבל) comes from the verb “Levalbel” - to confuse, since there the Lord really confused people by giving them different languages.

And the greatest city on Earth is Jerusalem, that sounds right "Yerushalayim"(ירושלים), and comes from the word “jerusha” - heritage, inheritance. And also this city in ancient times had a lot of names, the main one of which is “Ir Shalem” - which means “ir” - city, “shalem” - from the word “shalom” - peace, as well as completeness, integrity. And also “Iru Shalom” - they will see the world.

Israel - "Israel"(ישראל) - struggling with God. (this, by the way, is a very relevant name. After all, during the creation of the state of Israel, they argued for a long time what it would be called, and still decided that it was Israel, not Judea. After all, throughout the entire history of Israel, sadly enough, it has been fighting with God) . But also, the word Israel in Hebrew can be read as “Yashar-el”, which can mean: “Yashar” (ישר) - straight, and “El” (אל), as we already know, God. "Straight before God." So this name can carry two opposite meanings!

Mount Carmel, correctly sounded like "Carmel" (כרמל), mentioned many times in the Bible, for example Isaiah 35:1-2 "The desert and the dry land will rejoice, and the desert land will rejoice... the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the greatness of our God." Carmel can be translated as: “karem” - vineyard, “El” - God. God's vineyard.

The seventh day of the week in the Bible (Genesis 2:2-3) - which we call "Saturday"(according to Orthodox calculus - Sunday) in Hebrew it sounds like “Shabbat”, and comes from the verb “Lishbot” - to stop; take a break from work. The remaining days of the week in Hebrew sound: “Yom Rishon” - “first day”, “yom sheni” - “second day”, etc. The Lord singled out only one day that would be different from all the others. He commanded us to rest on this day from all our daily work and dedicate it to Him. Jesus rose on Yom Rishon, i.e. on the first day of the week, but for some reason Christians turned this day into “Sunday” (it has now become the seventh day, instead of the first).

In the Bible there is no day “Sunday”. By the way, it would also be appropriate here to consider verse 7 of Acts, chapter 20 “On the first day of the week, when the disciples were gathered together to break bread, Paul, intending to set out on the next day, talked with them and continued speaking until midnight” (Acts 20:7 ). The Russian translation says “on the first day of the week,” so many people use this verse to prove that the first Christians began to praise God on Sunday.

However, let's look at the original in Greek: and we will see that there is the word “sabbaton” - Saturday! In the Hebrew New Testament, this verse also talks about the Sabbath (ba-ehad ba-shabbat - on the first Saturday)! Therefore, the doctrine that it is necessary to praise God on another day (not on Saturday), which is a violation of one of the 10 Commandments, is based simply on an incorrect translation of the Holy Scriptures. The disciples, and especially Paul, who was in the past an ardent Judaist, would never have violated one of the main mitzvot (commandments) in their lives.

“I will tell you the truth: as long as Heaven and Earth exist, not the slightest letter, the smallest line, will in any case disappear from the laws of Moses (Torah) until complete completion comes.”

The Torah is the traditional Hebrew name for the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). These books, written in Hebrew, make up the Old Testament, which recounts events from the creation of the world to the death of Moses. In ancient times, due to its large volume, the Torah was written on five parchment scrolls. Scientists estimate that the book is at least 2000 years old.

The Torah code is reality, because it shows both the past and the future. For 3000 years, the secret meaning of the Bible (Torah) was hidden from us. The reality of the code was confirmed by prominent scientists in the USA and Israel. Among them is a senior codebreaker for the US National Security Agency, an intelligence agency that encrypts and decrypts for US military intelligence. The code was discovered by Dr. Eliyahu Rips, one of Israel's leading mathematicians, who works with his colleague Dr. Alexander Rotenberg. While still living in the USSR, he was a political prisoner. And only thanks to the intervention of American mathematicians he was released and he went to Israel.

The great English physicist Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation and laid the foundations of modern mechanics and astronomy. And he believed that the Bible was a cryptogram compiled by God, and its solution would provide answers to questions of the future. Newton spent half a century of his life deciphering the Old Testament and calculating the date of the Apocalypse. In Newton's 4,500-page manuscript, which was found in a Jerusalem library several years ago, the end of the world is "scheduled" for 2060. Before this, humanity will face devastating wars and global epidemics. Newton also read in the Bible that in 2060 a messiah will descend to Earth, who alone will rule the world for a millennium.

It was in vain that Dostoevsky argued that beauty would save the world! So many beautiful things have appeared in the world, but this has not made the world any better. “Beauty is deceiving,” says the Bible. The phenomenon of beauty today does not make the world surprised and touched. Today, beauty, having appeared in this world, evokes other desires: for some - the passion of possession (to steal or buy), for others - to drag it into a dirty, dark and damp basement and dirty rape it there. Light makes you want to dirty it; the sacred evokes a desire to subject it to profanation.

Ignorance can even “break your neck,” which is what is now happening in the world community with religions that are closely connected with the politics of states and the fate of billions of people - after all, water and fire must also be used skillfully. The unity of religions and peoples of the planet will bring modern human civilization love for one's neighbor, a controlled and law-abiding world, as well as many other benefits.

The symbol of Christians is the cross. The symbol of the Muslim faith is the month and the stars depicted next to it. If we look at the Muslim symbol in more detail, the month is a reflection of the light from the planet that came from a star or stars. Light is naturally a manifestation of energy. This means that the symbol of the Muslim faith is energy, light, planets and stars, that is, celestial bodies and the energy of the Cosmos. And it is this entire composition that fills the Cross of the Bible. It turns out that we live in a Universe shaped like a cross and consisting of energy, stars and planets. Can anyone really dispute this?!

All this is proven by icons. All primordial icons are real star maps, in fact, they are a “guide” indicating the location of the main celestial bodies in the Universe. Icons have never had any other function; they have always been an element of cult. And if we talk about healing people with icons, then people were healed by looking at saving icons not from paper, wooden, tin idols, but from their own desire to get well and believe in the Higher Mind, and he is Omnipresent and sees everything - everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds and faith . Indeed, in many religions, Orthodox icons are not used in the attributes of believing peoples, nevertheless, people are also healed there and live, both in sorrow and in joy.

There is not a single wasted word in the Bible. If you were to gather all the greatest writers in the world and ask them to shorten the Bible, they would honestly admit that they are not able to do this: the meaning changes or is lost. "The encrypted document was established by the Almighty," "The divine mystery, the mystery of past and future events, is divinely ordained."

Isaac Newton - English mathematician, became world famous as http://www.liveinternet.ru/journal_editpost.php?journalid=2704713&jpostid=143771994&action=draft a magnificent scientist thanks to his “Theory of the Universe”. Everyone knows that he discovered the force of gravity and shed light on some of the mechanisms of our solar system. But, what many people don't know, he also believed that the Bible contained a hidden code. Newton was so sure of this that he spent more than half his life figuring it out. He believed that if he could “crack” this code, it would help reveal the future. Isaac Newton was so determined to achieve his goal that he even learned Hebrew for this purpose and wrote more than a million words on various theological topics. These writings were found by John M. Kanese at the University of Cambridge. Newton completed work on them in 1696.

When Kaniz read the material he found, he was shocked. The million or so words in Newton's handwriting indicated that he believed in a code hidden in the Bible. He believed that the Bible was “a cryptogram composed by the Almighty,” and he wanted to solve the divine riddle, the riddle of the past and the future, ordained from above.

Newton's search failed for one reason: he didn't have a computer. The code simply could not be traced back to its invention.

Just the fact that a man like Isaac Newton believed in the existence of a code, and spent more than half of his life searching for it, is a great revelation for most of us. If one of the greatest scientists was engrossed in unraveling the code of the Bible, then we should at least be curious about this “cryptogram of the Almighty”!

A rabbi who lived in Prague (Czechoslovakia) at the beginning of the 20th century also became interested in the theory that Isaac Newton spent half his life researching. Weismandel attempted to accomplish what others before him had failed. But, also without a computer, his attempts to “crack” the Bible code came to nothing. Then, after endless trial and error, he discovered something. In the book "Genesis" (in Hebrew) he found a pattern that if you skip 50 letters, then another 50 and then three more groups of 50, you get the word "Torah" - this was a shocking discovery.

After that, he did the same thing in the book “Exodus” - from a given letter take the next one through 50, etc., and, to his great surprise, he received the same result: “Torah”! Then he moved on to the book “Leviticus”, he did his steps again, but this time the word “Torah” did not work out, the word “God” turned out! Now he had the following sequence: "Torah", "Torah", "God". Weismandel then moved on to the book "Numbers" and used the same method. This time the word “Torah” was repeated. He applied the method to the fifth book of the Torah (the Pentateuch of Moses) - Deuteronomy. The word "Torah" appeared for the fourth time!

Now he had the following sequence: "Torah", "Torah", "God", "Torah", "Torah"! Any thinking person will say that this is not a mere coincidence!

Dr Rips is one of the world's leading experts in group theory - the branch of mathematics that underlies quantum physics. World-renowned mathematician, taught for many years at the prestigious Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Israel). Knowing about Isaac Newton's work on solving the code and about Rabbi Weismandel's discovery of Torah, Torah, God, Torah, Torah, made 50 years earlier, Rips combined his knowledge with the use of a modern computer. The results of the work amazed him! He discovered what Newton spent half his life searching for. Dr. Eliyahu Rips has unlocked the code of the Bible! Many leading rabbis believe that when God gave Moses the Torah at Mount Sinai, He gave it to Moses letter by letter. The letters were white fire on a black background. There were no mistakes. There are only 304,805 letters in the Hebrew Torah.

Jewish scribes (scribes) spent their lives copying the Torah, letter by letter. They worked very carefully and meticulously. Upon completion of the work, the copy did not contain a single error. Therefore, to this day there are still 304,805 letters in the Torah. Dr. Rips began by instructing the computer to select every 2nd letter, then every 3rd, every 4th, etc., etc. Almost within a few seconds, the computer produced information - information in the form of words - combinations of words, such as: Hitler - Auschwitz; Shakespeare - Macbeth - Hamlet; Edison - Electricity - Light bulb; Wright Brothers - Airplane; Einstein - Science - Smart man.

“It was the happiest time of my life,” admitted Rips. This sign led countless Jews back to believing that the Bible was the Word of God and also provided an additional and significant incentive for Christians to take the Bible seriously. This is a sign! "...the Jews demand a sign..." Dr. Rips knew he had made a stunning discovery, but he could not present it in a way that would make his fellow scientists and the rest of the world believe it. Dr. Rips says that the events recorded in the Torah may not happen if a person knows about the impending misfortune and manages to prevent it. Soon he met Doron Vitztum, a brilliant Jewish physicist.

Witztum completed the mathematical model that Rips was working on and Dr. Rips considered him a genius. Together they published a scientific report, “Equidistant Letter Sequence in the Book of Genesis,” in which they explained their original experiment to the scientific world. The preface stated: “randomization analysis shows that hidden information is woven into the text of the book of Genesis in the form of an equidistant letter sequence. The effect is significant at the 99.998% level.” The probability of discovering encoded information by random selection was estimated to be 1 in 10 million. They submitted their report for publication in Statistical Science, America's leading mathematical journal. The editor of the journal, Robert Kass, a professor at Carnegie Mellon, was skeptical and gave the scientists' work to be checked by other mathematicians.

To everyone's surprise, the report passed the review that is standard procedure in all serious scientific journals. But the fact is that Cass sent the report for verification 3 times! This had no precedent, and each time the report passed any thorough study, any test. The Rips/Witzthum report was published in Statistical Science in 1994. Seven years later, no one could prove the inconsistency of the work on the Bible code. In fact, for the modern mind, this is a sign!

Opponents of the theory of Rips and his followers say: hidden messages can be found in any text with a similar search. Australian mathematician Brendan Mackay, using the same method as Rips, read predictions about various events, for example, about the assassination of Martin Luther King and the same Yitzhak Rabin, in Herman Melville’s novel “Moby Dick, or the White Whale.” And one television journalist, led by McKay, found a prophecy about the September 11 terrorist attacks in the lyrics of white rapper Vanilla Ice.

Harold Gens is a statistician by trade who has spent his entire life creating and breaking codes for US intelligence agencies. He was the top codebreaker for the top-secret National Security Agency based outside Washington. When he heard about the discovery of the Bible code by Rips and Witzum, his attitude towards this discovery was more than skeptical. But since the reputation of these two people in the scientific community was high, Gens decided to study their report.

Although at the beginning of his study he thought the Bible code was stupid, his opinion soon changed. The results obtained through careful study of the report during the 440-hour experiment made Gens a believer. A Pentagon codebreaker has discovered that the Bible contains encoded names of people who lived hundreds of years after it was written. The conclusion was the following: the Bible code is reality!

Here are some examples of what was discovered in the Bible code:

From Genesis 46:3-4:



Great people

In Auschwitz

With the hands of the SS

Zyklon B (exact name of the gas used)



In the following passage, Genesis 15:5:

Man on the Moon


- Apollo 11, July 20, 1969 (5730 according to the Hebrew calendar) - the date when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the Moon.

This is what was found in Genesis 41:45:


Code Breaker

In Genesis 6:6:


Atomic holocaust

1945 (5705 according to the Hebrew calendar)

Found in Genesis and Deuteronomy:


Small shop

Treacherously killed

Found in Daniel 12:4, 9:


In Genesis 9:6:

Crucifixion of Jesus

In Genesis 7:4, 8:


In Genesis 3:12, 22; 4:12:

Car accident


Lady Di

you took my blood

In Genesis 49:2, 3, 8, 10, 15, 24:






Kennedy Jr.

Found in Exodus 16:16; 25:12:

The Titanic sank

President Kennedy

Will die




He will kill the killer

R. F. Kennedy

S. Sirach

2nd ruler will be killed

The worst terrorist attack in American history


Horrible, terrifying death

Murrah building

Torn apart

Timothy McVeigh

Two years later - Koresh's death



A fall


In Saudi Arabia

In Tel Aviv

The prince will be shot


Soul Killer - Killed


I know this is all beyond human understanding, but the main effect that the Bible code produces on thinking people is a renewed respect for the Bible, a recognition of its authority.

Doctor of Technical Sciences from Kyiv Alexander Lazarev published his book “The Deciphered Bible, or Requiem of Civilization” in the early 2000s. He read the hidden meanings in the Bible with the help of other confusing texts - the "Prophecies" of Nostradamus. As a result, Lazarev got the Third World War, scheduled for 2003-2030, the beginning of the split of the continents - for 2054-2055, and a global geophysical catastrophe for 2066-2085. God forbid, God actually planned all this.

As the Bible tells us, we need to think about today, and tomorrow will take care of itself. Faith always stands next to love and hope. Not the “love me all night” kind of love. That love that is stronger than life and death - the love of Agape. The one that the world is not given to know.