Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P. A. Solovyov Rgatu named after Solovyov P. (Rybinsk Aviation State Technical University named after Solovyov P. A.) Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University is accredited

17.08.2024 Construction

About the university

The history of the development of higher education in Rybinsk dates back to the Rybinsk Aviation Institute named after. S. Ordzhonikidze, which was opened in 1932. The new university is located in the beautiful building of the House of Science (now it belongs to the Rybinsk Aviation College). Plans were outlined for the construction of new buildings and training workshops, but in June 1941, with the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, these plans collapsed. Among other strategic objects of the city, the Rybinsk University was evacuated to Ufa, where some time later it was transformed into the Ufa Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze (now Ufa State Aviation Technical University).

After the Great Patriotic War, in connection with the restoration of the national economy, mechanical engineering began to develop rapidly in Rybinsk. The problem of training qualified engineering personnel has become acute. On the initiative of the management of the engine-building plant (now OJSC NPO Saturn), on the basis of a government decree of May 25, 1955, the Rybinsk (Shcherbakovsky) Evening Aviation Technological Institute was reopened, which was located in one of the factory buildings on the street. Dimitrova.

The revived university included two faculties:

* mechanical and technological;
* aviation.

Engineers were trained in three specialties:

* aircraft engines;
* mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools;
* design and production of radio equipment.

With the provision of the former technical school building on the street to the institute in 1959. Plekhanov, the learning conditions for students improved significantly, but the presence of only an evening department at the university hampered its growth and development. On January 3, 1964, the Rybinsk Evening Aviation Technological Institute was reorganized into a university with all forms of education - full-time, evening and correspondence. The material base has grown and strengthened: the institute was given the building of educational building No. 2 on the street. Lunacharsky, a comfortable dormitory, a sports building, and a shooting range were built, the number of departments, educational and scientific laboratories increased, and admissions were opened for a number of new specialties.

But, having a full-time course of study, the university remained evening in status for a long time. And only on April 27, 1973, by decree of the government of the country, it was transformed into the Rybinsk Aviation Technological Institute. From now on, all its graduates began to receive diplomas from a full-time university.

In 1976, three faculties with full-time education were organized:

* aero-mechanical,
* aerometallurgical,
* radio engineering.

In 1977, the institute received an evening school building on the Volzhskaya embankment, and later a computer center and a reconstructed building of a former Polish church, where the Prometheus student club was located. A big event in the life of the Rybinsk University was the commissioning in 1985 of a new educational and laboratory building on the street. Pushkin. A year later, a student canteen was built. Thus, all conditions were created at the institute for obtaining a high-quality higher education, successful study of students, scientific work, life and recreation. In 1994, Rybinsk University received the status of State Aviation Technological Academy (RGATA).

The first rector of the institute was Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences. tech. Sciences I.S. Shokhov.
In subsequent years, the university was led by

* Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences tech. Sciences I.P. Renne (1957 - 58),
* Associate Professor V.V. Grishin (1958 - 69),
* professor, doctor. tech. Sciences S.S. Silin (1969 - 87),
* professor, doctor. tech. Sciences, Academician V.F. Languageless (1987 - 2005).

Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after P. A. Solovyov
(RGATA named after. P. A. Solovyova)
Year founded 1932, 1955
Type state educational institution of higher professional education
Rector Poletaev Valery Alekseevich
Students 5149 people (2009)
Postgraduate studies 126 people (2009)
Doctoral studies 3 people (2009)
Doctors 30 people (2009)
Teachers 214 people (2009)
Legal address 152934, Rybinsk, st. Pushkina, 53
Website rgata.ru

Rybinsk State Aviation Technological Academy named after. P. A. Solovyova (RGATA)- University in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region.


The new aviation university in Rybinsk was opened on May 25, 1955 as an evening aviation technological institute with two faculties - aviation and mechanical technology. In 1964, the Rybinsk Evening Aviation Technological Institute was reorganized into an institute with all forms of education - full-time, evening and correspondence. In 1976, aviation mechanical, aviation metallurgical and radio engineering faculties were organized. In 1994, the status of the institute was upgraded to an academy.

On July 14, 2011, by decision of the board of Rosobrnadzor, the university was granted university status.

Current state

Currently, 6.5 thousand students are studying, 240 full-time teachers work, including 40 doctors of sciences and professors. Faculties: aircraft engine engineering, aircraft technology, computer science and radio electronics, socio-economics, as well as part-time, part-time, retraining and advanced training. There are Tutaevsky and Gavrilov-Yamsky branches, representative offices in Yaroslavl and Poshekhonye, ​​postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Notable alumni

  • Vakhrukov, Sergey Alekseevich (1980) - governor of the Yaroslavl region since 2007.
  • Kirilenko, Andrei Pavlovich (1936) - Soviet party leader.
  • Medvedev, Alexander Vladimirovich (1972) - laureate of the USSR State Prize in 1982.
  • Rapov, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1937) - writer and local historian.

Every schoolchild has a dream related to their future job and profession. One wants to become a doctor, the second a lawyer, the third a teacher. There are also students who want to connect their lives with aircraft and mechanical engineering in the future. They can fulfill their dream after graduating from school at the Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P. A. Solovyov (RGATU).

Background of the university

The history of aviation education in Rybinsk began in 1932 with the formation of a specialized institute. The university has successfully trained specialists for several years. But with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the usual work was disrupted. There was a threat to the further existence of the educational institution.

To preserve the institute and continue training of specialists, it was decided to evacuate the university to Ufa. Unfortunately, this was the end of the history of aviation education in Rybinsk. The educational institution was not transferred back to its hometown after the end of the war. It was converted into

Opening of a new university in Rybinsk

They started thinking about reviving the aviation institute in Rybinsk in the 50s of the last century. A university of this profile reopened its doors to students in 1955. The educational institution was called evening. This name indicated the presence of a single form of training suitable for working people.

The first transformations at the institute took place in 1964. It opened new forms of education - full-time and correspondence. The emergence of new opportunities for students caused the name change. The university was renamed the Rybinsk Aviation Technological Institute.

Changing statuses and modernity

In the 90s, dramatic changes in the education system began to occur in the country. They also affected the Aviation Technological Institute in Rybinsk. The educational institution was transformed into an academy. The second change in status occurred a few years later. In 2011, the university began to proudly bear the name of Aviation Technical University.

The existing Russian State Aviation Technical University in Rybinsk is a modern educational organization in the aerospace field. It is located at the address: Pushkin Street, 53. Over the years of its existence, the organization has undergone significant transformations and expanded its structure. At the very beginning of its activity, the university had only 2 faculties - aviation and mechanical-technological. Today there are 4 main structural divisions. Here is a list of these faculties of RSATU:

  • aircraft engine manufacturing;
  • aviation technology;
  • radio electronics and computer science;
  • socio-economic.

Faculty of Aircraft Engine Engineering

This structural unit was formed at the time of the founding of the university, but under a different name. At first, students studied here only to become aircraft engine engineers. However, time passed, the world changed, scientific discoveries were made. All this required the university to create new specialties and draw up curricula.

Today the faculty provides training in a wide range of areas and specialties. These are “Thermal Engineering and Thermal Power Engineering”, and “Material Technologies and Materials Science”, and “Metallurgy”, and “Technical Physics”, etc. High-quality training of specialists is provided by the graduating departments of the faculty. On them:

  • there are educational and research laboratories for students;
  • there are display classes with modern technology;
  • there is the necessary training equipment (various machines, robotic systems).

Aviation Technology Faculty

The history of this division of the modern Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University also began in 1955, when the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology was opened within the structure of the university. Its task was to train engineers in 2 specialties - “Metal-cutting tools and machine tools”, “Mechanical engineering technology”.

Today, for applicants, the list of directions and specialties at the faculty has not become particularly diverse. There are 2 undergraduate directions and 1 specialty offered:

  • "Mechanical Engineering";
  • “Design and technological support for machine-building production”;
  • “Design of technological complexes and machines.”

The material and technical base at this faculty of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University. Solovyov is sufficient for organizing a high-quality educational process. The laboratories of technical mechanics, theory of machines and mechanisms, and machine parts are properly equipped. To make students more successfully assimilate new material, the university purchased models of mechanisms and gears and posters for the faculty.

Faculty of Radio Electronics and Informatics

The origin of this structural unit occurred in 1976. A radio engineering department was opened in the institute that existed at that time. His work began with a small number of specialties. Today it implements 5 undergraduate educational programs:

  • "Informatics and Computer Science";
  • "Software Engineering";
  • “Technology and design of electronic means”;
  • "Nanoelectronics and electronics";
  • "Electrical engineering and electrical power engineering."

The Faculty of Radio Electronics and Informatics as part of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University is a modern structural unit. To organize the educational process, computer projectors, monitoring and teaching computer programs were purchased, videos and presentations were created.

Faculty of Socio-Economics

The youngest department at the university is socio-economic. It was created at the university in 2002, since enterprises and organizations located in the city and beyond needed not only specialists in aircraft manufacturing, mechanical engineering, energy and electronics. Qualified personnel in the fields of economics, management, service and tourism were also required.

Today, RGATU Rybinsk produces specialists for the listed areas of activity thanks to its socio-economic faculty. This structural unit organizes training in “Applied Informatics (in Economics)”, “Quality Management”, “Economics”, “Management”, “Service”.

How to enter a university

To successfully enter a university, you need to know about some nuances. Schoolchildren should decide on their field of study or specialty as early as possible. The list of exams that must be passed in the form of the Unified State Exam depends on the choice. For example, when applying to “Software Engineering”, the admissions committee of RSATU will ask you to provide results in mathematics, computer science and information and communication technologies, the Russian language, and when applying to “Metallurgy” - in mathematics, physics and the Russian language.

Persons entering on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education do not have to take exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. They are allowed to take entrance examinations at the university in the subjects provided for in the chosen direction or specialty.

University in the Yaroslavl region in the city of Rybinsk. The higher education institution dates its activities from the early 30s of the twentieth century and is associated with the achievements and history of Russian and Soviet aircraft engine manufacturing. Currently, the university is training specialists in the design and manufacture of aircraft engines, instrument engineering, general mechanical engineering, management and economics, socio-cultural tourism and services, information technology, quality management, computer technology, programming, and energy supply to enterprises.

Currently there are 6.5 thousand students studying, 240 full-time teachers are teaching, including 40 professors and doctors of science.


Aircraft Engine Engineering Faculty

The Faculty of Aircraft Engine Engineering was founded in 1955. Until 1993, it was called aircraft mechanics. For quite a long time, he produced only engineers for engine building in aviation, but later, in the 90s, such training specialties and areas as foundry production of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, technology of new materials and materials science, welding metallurgy, production of internal engines combustion.

Aviation Technology Faculty

The faculty was formed simultaneously with the creation of the evening institute in Rybinsk in 1955. Then it was called the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology. The faculty trained engineering personnel in two specialties: Mechanical Engineering Technology, Metal-cutting tools and machine tools. In 1959, the training of engineers began in the specialty “Compression technology of metal processing”. Since 1993, the faculty has a new name - Aviation Technology.

Faculty of Computer Science and Radioelectronics

It has existed since 1976 and traditionally prepares masters, bachelors and engineers in terms of computer technology and electronics (circuit design, programming, production technology, design, operation).

Faculty of Social and Economics

Established in 2002 at the Russian State Technical University, due to the increase in graduating departments and a large number of students. The faculty trains full-time specialists thanks to state budget funding and by agreement on the basis of full coverage of costs.

Advanced training and retraining faculty

Formed in 1972. Implements professional additional education programs, which aim to improve qualifications and professional retraining of management specialists and employees in all specialties, areas, disciplines and specializations of the university.

Distance learning faculty

Curricula are designed for different basic levels of education of a potential applicant (secondary vocational education in the relevant field, secondary, higher education). Durations of study are six, four and three years.

Preparatory courses

Preparatory courses have been operating since 1963. They help prepare applicants for entrance exams and further studies at Rybinsk University by consolidating the knowledge acquired at school and bringing it to a coherent logical system.

Aviation Rybinsk College

Rybinsk Aviation College is one of the largest and oldest educational institutions in the Yaroslavl region. Today the college trains qualified technicians in six specialties and they are still in demand at city and regional enterprises. Since 2008, the college has become a structural subdivision of the RSATU named after P.A. Solovyov. This is a higher level of development of the educational institution. Staff and teachers received extensive and unlimited access to the scientific potential of the institute, and students studying there received a more accelerated course of study in their specialized specialty.

Website: rsаtu.ru