Words where the letter e means 2 sounds. Summary of a literacy lesson “Vowel letters Ya, Yu, E, Yo, denoting two sounds. Soft consonants in Russian

13.09.2024 Tools

In this lesson we will learn in which cases the letters E, E, Yu, I can denote two sounds, and in which - one sound and indicate the softness of the previous consonant sound. We will complete many interesting tasks.

The letters E, E, Yu, I can denote one sound and indicate the softness of the previous consonant sound

As we already know, consonant sounds can be hard and soft. Let's compare pairs of words by pronunciation.

Mayor - meter

It is obvious that in the first column the first consonant is hard, in the second it is soft.

Remember: the letters E, E, Yu, I after a consonant indicate its softness.

Let's pronounce the words and determine what sounds the letters E, E, Yu, I represent after the consonants: forest - sound [e], honey - sound [o], trousers - sound [u], ball - sound [a].

We can conclude that the letters E, E, Yu, I after consonants denote 1 vowel sound and indicate the softness of the consonant that comes in front.

The letters E, E, Yu, I can represent two sounds

Often the letters E, E, Yu, I come first in words. For example: spruce, hedgehog, spinning top, apple.

Let's say these words out loud slowly and clearly. In a word spruce the letter E stands for two sounds Y E in the word hedgehog the letter Ё stands for two sounds ІО in the word spinning top the letter Yu stands for two sounds YU in the word apple the letter I stands for two sounds Y A.

We learned that at the beginning of a word the letters E, E, Yu, I stand for two sounds:

the letter E sounds like [ye], the letter E sounds like [yo], the letter Yu sounds like [yu], the letter I sounds like [ya]. Let's look at examples of words where E, Ё, Yu, I appear after the b and b signs: trees (the letter I after the b sign denotes two sounds - [ya]), entrance (the letter E after the b sign denotes two sounds [е]). Let's pronounce the words and determine what sounds the letters E, E, Yu, I represent: stakes [ya], shooting [yo], congress [ye], blizzard [yu], drinks [yo]. So, the letters E, E, Yu, I designate two sounds if they appear after the b and b signs.

The next task will help us understand what the letters E, E, Yu, I will mean after a vowel.

In a word lighthouse the letter I stands after the vowel A and denotes two sounds [ya].

Red apple.

Rice. 10. Red apple ()

In a word red the letter E comes after the vowel O and denotes two sounds [ye].


The letters E, E, Yu, I stand for two sounds if they stand:

  1. At the beginning of the word (south, pit)
  2. After vowels (application, sing)
  3. After b and b (entrance, bindweed).

The letters E, E, Yu, I are called iotated vowels, because in some positions they denote two sounds, the first of which is the sound [th], which is called yot.

Consolidating knowledge in practice

Let's consolidate the acquired knowledge by completing tasks.

Let's divide the words into two columns: the first column - where the letters E, E, Yu, I represent 1 sound, the second column - 2 sounds.

Branch, drinking, Petya, Alyosha, mint, singing, friends, birch, chandelier, eaten, blue.

Vetka drinks

Petya sing

Alyosha friends

ate mint

birch blue

In this task, we will include in column 1 the words where the letter I indicates the softness of a consonant sound, and in column 2 - where I denotes two sounds.

Bright, pull, Petya, trees, clear, ball, plants, Anya, hawk, seamstress, rowan.

Let's check that the task is completed correctly:

Pull bright

Petya trees

Anya plants

rowan hawk

Let's read the poem and underline the letters that represent two sounds.

We're going, we're going, we're going

To distant lands,

Good neighbors

Happy friends

Check that the task is completed correctly:

We e dem, e dem, e dem

Far away e kra I ,

good e neighbours,

Happy e friend I .

In the next lesson we will learn that a soft sign is a letter that is not pronounced, but means the softness of the consonant after which it stands. Let's talk about the rules for hyphenating words with a soft sign.

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (http://www.twirpx.com/file/1153023/)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. School.xvatit.com ().
  2. Nsportal.ru ().
  3. Genon.ru ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012. Complete the exercise. 95 P. 67.
  • Guess the riddles. In the answer words, find the letters E, E, Yu, I and underline them with one line if they mean 1 sound, or with two lines if they mean 2 sounds.

In this article we will look at vowels And vowel sounds, as well as such phenomena as weak And strong reduction.

The 10 letters of the Russian alphabet are called vowels, because transmit a sound that is formed with the obligatory participation of the voice and without obstacles from the speech apparatus - a vowel sound. But there are not 10 vowel sounds in the Russian language, like letters, but 6: [A], [I], [O], [U], [Y], [E]. Other vowels: E, Yo, Yu, I- denote two sounds, because each of them begins with a consonant Y(iot), which is why it is called iotized: E = [Y] + [E], E = [Y] + [O], Yu = [Y] + [U], I = [Y] + [A].

Yotated vowels denote two sounds in the following cases:

1) after the separating b and b ( eat, casting, view, family);

2) after a vowel ( I'll go, my, I'll sing, my);

3) at the absolute beginning of the word ( if, tree, south, clear).

However, the letters E, Yo, Yu, I denote one sound (vowel) if they stand immediately after a consonant ( business, chalk, here, sit down). The consonant itself [Y] can be conveyed not only by iotated vowels in three positions, but also by the letter Y if it is at the end of a syllable ( bark, husky, may, may), as well as sound [Y] occurs after a vowel before the vowel I. Then, by analogy with iotated vowels, its pronunciation is conveyed by the dividing b: family - families, nightingales - nightingales.

Russian vowels (compared to the phonetic systems of other languages) have original properties: a) they all form syllables ( mo-e-go); b) three of them ([A], [O], [E]) in an unstressed position are not pronounced as clearly as under stress, i.e. are reduced.

Reduction can be weak or strong. Weak reduction observed:

a) at the absolute beginning of a word: she [ANA];

b) in the first pre-stressed syllable, i.e. syllable located before the stressed one: in the window [VAKNO](a word with a simple preposition is considered as a phonetic whole).

In these cases, the first letter O denotes a sound similar to [A], which is why in transcription it is represented by the symbol [A]. The sound [E] in this position resembles [I] and is conveyed by the symbol [I]: forests [LʼISA] = fox [LʼISA]. Weakly reduced sounds [A], [O], [E] can be conveyed in writing by the corresponding letters A, O, E and the letters I, E, standing immediately after the consonant (E does not convey a reduced sound, because it always stubbornly but alternates with E): ice - ice [LʼIDOK], finely - to become shallow [ABMʼILʼETʼ], ball - ball [MʼICHA].

Strong reduction observed:

a) in any stressed syllable (west, in the evening)

b) in the second pre-stressed syllable (heaven, TV).

Strongly reduced sounds are pronounced almost identically, and the quality of their sound depends on the hardness or softness of the consonant preceding them. A strongly reduced vowel, standing after a hard consonant, is transcribed with the symbol [Ъ]; a strongly reduced vowel coming after a soft consonant is transcribed with the symbol [b].

Let's remember:

1) The vowel sounds [И], [И], [У] are not reduced in the Russian language.

2) Sounds that are not subject to reduction can be expressed in writing with the letters I, Y, U, Yu.

3) The sounds [A], [O], [E] are reduced.

4) Reduced sounds can be expressed by the letters A, O, E, E, Z.

5) The signs [b] and [b] in transcription mean something completely different from what b and b in writing.

Olga Zykova
Summary of a literacy lesson “The vowels I, Yu, E, E, denoting two sounds”

Goals classes: continue introducing children to letters I,

Yu, E, Yo, form a clear idea

information that the data letters at the beginning of a word

and after a vowel represents two sounds; on-

teach to perform sound-letter analysis

words; develop the skill of correct reading

nia; develop phonemic hearing, muscle

laziness, ability to analyze.

Equipment: album, plain, red, blue and green

pencils (per child).

Progress of the lesson

I. Explanation of new material

1. Study of iotized vowels, standing at the beginning

words, and sounds which they denote

(exercise 1, p. 71).

Teacher: Read the sentence. Emphasize the simple

first with your pencil letters in words.

Yu-la and y-zhik e-li-go-dy.

Teacher: What are these letters? (This letters U, Yo, E, Ya.) Pop

try to determine sound, which each of

these letters. Diagrams will help you complete the task.

The teacher leads the children to conclusion: letters I, Yu, E, E at the beginning of the word

va represent two sounds. Children must draw their own conclusions

2. Skill formation sound-letter analysis

(exercise 2, p. 71).

Plans- lesson notes on teaching reading 107

Teacher: Name sounds, which make up the word Christmas tree.

If you are at a loss, look at sound diagram of this

Teacher: Write down in numbers how many words there are letters and

how much in a word sounds.

You can first ask the children to emphasize

in this word.

3. Consolidation of the skill sound-letter analysis

(exercise 3, p. 71).

Teacher: Look at and name the pictures. (Hedgehog, apple-

co.) Draw sound schemes of words - picture names.

Count and write down the quantity under each picture.

letters and sounds in these words.

The teacher works through the first word together with the children. Analysis

Children spend the second word independently.

4. Consolidation of the skill sound analysis

(exercise 4, p. 71).

Teacher: Read the words. (Lighthouse, honeycomb, hyena, taiga-

ny.) Find and underline in the words letters I, Yu, E, Yo.

After what the letters they stand for are vowels or consonants?

(After vowels.)

5. Study of iotized vowels, standing after vowel,

And sounds who they are denote(exercise 5, p. 72).

Teacher: Consider the diagram of the word accordion. Name the sound

ki that make up this word. After what letters worth

vowel I? (After vowel.) Draw a conclusion.

Children must independently conclude that iotiro-

bathrooms vowels, coming after vowels, represent 2 sounds.

II. Reinforcing the material learned

1. Reading phrases. Skill Development

sound-letter analysis(exercise 6, p. 72).

Teacher: Read the phrases.

108 Six months until school: urgently learning to read

by-yu by-yom

I ri-su-yu we ri-su-eat

dance-tsu-yu dance-tsu-eat

Teacher: Determine the location letters I, Yu, E, Yo in words. On-

call sounds, which these letters represent.

2. Skill development sound-letter analysis

(Exercise 7.8, p. 72).

Teacher: Read the words. (Mine, mine, mine.) Circle

in pencil only those in which more sounds than letters

(exercise 7, p. 72).

If children find it difficult to complete a task on their own, re-

dagog can give the following instructions:

Emphasize letters I, Yu, E, Yo, denoting two sounds after«

le vowels;

Determine the position of these letters(at the beginning or middle of a word;

after what the letters they stand for);

Circle the words that more sounds than letters, pencil-

Teacher: Read the word. (Her.) How much is in this word

letters? How many sounds? Find and underline the correct one

answer (exercise 8, p. 72).

2 letters, 2 sound

2 letters, 3 sound

2 letters, 4 sound

Children complete the task independently using an algorithm

finding the correct answer. The teacher must check

It doesn’t matter whether the children completed the task.

III. Summing up classes

Working with summary information

The teacher reads the conclusions (album, p. 72) and checks whether

how much correctly and accurately children learned the material busy

Publications on the topic:

Goal: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis; development of phonemic hearing. Strengthen knowledge of vowel sounds and letters; learn.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Vowels O, E” Objectives of the lesson: To introduce children to the letters O, E and find their place in the City of Letters, to teach them to visually recognize the letters they have learned; continue working.

Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Vowel sounds and letters” Goal: to generalize the knowledge of preschoolers about the studied vowel sounds and letters (a, o, u, i, s). Objectives: Developmental: Develop phonemic awareness.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Vowels U, Yu” Objectives of the lesson: to introduce children to the letters U, Y and teach them to recognize visually. Consolidate knowledge about the sounds [a], [o]; teach children to recognize.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Vowels E, E” Objectives of the lesson: to introduce children to the letters E, E and teach them to recognize them visually; consolidate children’s knowledge about the sound [u]; teach children to write.

In the Russian language there are 10 vowel letters, 6 vowel sounds. Vowel letters: a, i, e, ё, o, u, ы, e, yu, ya. Vowel sounds: [a], [o], [u], [e], [i], [s]. In the school curriculum, vowel sounds are indicated in red on the diagrams. In the elementary grades they explain: vowel letters are called that because they “voice”, are pronounced “vocally,” while consonant letters received this name because they “agree” with the vowels.

Scheme 1. Vowels and vowel sounds of the Russian language.

Stressed and unstressed vowel sounds

Vowel sounds are:

  • percussive: juice [o] - ice ['o], forest ['e] - mayor [e], drill [u] - hatch ['u],
  • unstressed: in O yes [a], s at dak [u], l e juice [and].

Note. It is correct to say “stressed syllable” and “unstressed syllable”. Instead of “the stress falls on the vowel,” say “the stress falls on the syllable with the vowel.” However, in the literature there are formulations “stressed vowel” and “unstressed vowel”.

Stressed vowels are in a strong position and are pronounced with greater force and intonation. Unstressed vowels are in a weak position, they are pronounced with less force and can be subject to change.

Note. The designation of the letter e in weak position differs in different school programs. Above we showed the sound [and], in other school programs the designation [e] is found, in the institute program - [e and ] (e with the overtone and).

Scheme 2. Division of vowels into stressed and unstressed.

In the Russian language there are compound words with primary and secondary stress. In them, we highlight the main stress with strong intonation, and the secondary stress with weak intonation. For example, in the word foam blocks, the main stress falls on the syllable with the letter o, the secondary stress on the syllable with the letter e. In phonetic analysis, the vowel with the main stress is stressed, the vowel with the secondary stress is unstressed. For example: tricuspid, three-year-old.

Yotated vowel sounds

The letters i, yu, e, e are called iotized and mean two sounds in the following positions of the word:

  1. at the beginning of the word: fir tree [y "olka], Yana [y "ana], raccoon [y "inot];
  2. after a vowel: hare [zai"its], bayan [bai"an];
  3. after ь or ъ: streams [ruch "y", rise [fall "om].

For ё and stressed vowels I, yu, e, a replacement is made: I → [y’a], yu → [y’u], e → [y’e], ё → [y’o]. For unstressed vowels, a replacement is used: i → [th"i], e → [th"i]. In some school programs, when compiling a transcription of a word and during phonetic analysis, the Latin j is written instead of th.

>>Russian language 5th grade >>Russian language: The dual role of the letters i, yu, e, ё


Some letters can represent either one or two sounds.

Letters e, e, yu, i after consonants in a word they indicate one sound: [e], [o], [u], [a] and indicate the softness of this consonant: seed- [s "e" m "a].

In other cases (at the beginning of a word, after vowels and after separators ъ And b) letters e, e, yu, i denote two sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya] - judge[sud "ya]. Therefore, the number of letters and sounds in words is not always the same.

Did you know?

In the history of the Russian language, the combination of sounds [yo] in writing was conveyed in different ways: yo, yo, yo.

A famous Russian writer and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin(1766-1826) invented the letter for this sound combination e.


1. Compare the combinations of letters in the left and right columns. Are there special letters to indicate such combinations? If there is,

write these letters.

[ay] - ... [ya] - ...
[oh] - ... [yo] - ...
[yy] - ... [yy] - ...
[hey] - ... [yeah] - ...

2. Pronouncing the words slowly, say which of them have the letter I conveys two sounds [ya], and in some - one [a].

Month, five, January, memory, name, time, bench, family, September, apple.

3. Write down the highlighted words. Underline the letters her and indicate how many sounds they represent.

Let's sing, Friends, after all hiking tomorrow
Let's go to predawn fog.
Let's sing more cheerfully, let us sing along
Gray-haired combat captain.
(A. Churkin)

4. Do you know Russian names starting with letters e, y, i? Write them down. How many sounds do these initial letters represent?

5. Say the words slowly. Count how many letters and how many sounds there are in them. Justify your conclusion.

It's flying, it's pouring; sat down, ate; poison, hell; Kolya, stakes; field, water; seed, family; dine, eat.

N.F. Baladina, K.V. Degtyareva, S.A. Lebedenko. Russian language 5th grade

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