Method for preparing squash caviar. Squash caviar for the winter: The most delicious and best recipes

27.08.2024 Plumbing work

    Both options do not require sterilization of the workpieces. Place hot caviar into sterilized jars and roll up. Store in a dark place at room temperature.

    The main composition of the snack pleases with budget vegetables - zucchini, carrots, onions. Easy to buy, low price and absolutely clear taste. An ideal choice for processing a rich harvest, with a nostalgic note of a happy childhood. We also remember sandwiches and potatoes accompanied by zucchini caviar.

    For both blanks. Use any sterilization method: oven, steam, microwave. Just fill the lids with boiling water.

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    Squash caviar with tomato paste

    A simple and quick recipe for the winter. This is the case when, at home without sterilization, you get a snack that effortlessly competes with the sample in the store. At the same time, you are completely confident in the composition. No dubious stabilizers or mysterious E-sheks.

    Cooking time - up to 1 hour

    We need:

    We weigh all vegetables in their peeled form.

  • Zucchini - 2-2.5 kg
  • Carrots - 4-5 pcs. (0.9-1 kg)
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs. (0.9-1 kg)
  • Tomato paste - 100-120 g (4-5 tablespoons)
  • Sunflower oil (odorless) - 140 ml (9-10 tbsp. spoons)
  • Black pepper (ground) - 2 pinch
  • Salt (coarsely ground, pure) - up to 1.5-2 teaspoons (to taste)
  • Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (optional)
  • Vinegar (table, 9%) - 1 tbsp. spoon (optional)

Important details:

  • This amount will make 4 500 ml jars. We recommend rolling up a maximum of 700 ml containers.
  • To be sure of the yield, take more ingredients from the list. As a last resort, you will have a little caviar left for lunch. It is delicious even when warm.
  • If you need a shock batch of jars (6, 8...), multiply the components accordingly - by 3, 4, etc.
  • We choose domestic, high-quality, thick tomato paste.

How to cook.

We use any zucchini: wash and peel the skin. We leave the young ones with the seeds, and remove the core with the seeds from the old, slightly overripe ones.

Three large vegetables. Your choice: a large regular grater, a vegetable attachment on a meat grinder or a food processor.

Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them too - similar to zucchini. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

We put all the prepared vegetables in the bowl where we will simmer the caviar, and add all the oil. Use a method convenient for you - a saucepan on the stove or a slow cooker. Zucchini caviar according to this recipe always turns out “finger-licking good!”

Usually the only difference is the cooking time so that all the vegetables become soft.

  • With moderate heating on the stove - 40-60 minutes, periodically stirring with movements from bottom to top.
  • In a multicooker, “Stewing” or “Baking” mode - from 35 to 45 minutes.

After removing from heat, chop the vegetables to the desired consistency. We like to use a blender; a regular immersion blender will do. Uniform texture or small pieces - your choice.

Add tomato paste to the mixture and mix well. You can add salt - 1 pinch, be sure to take a sample after each one. If the tomato paste is sour, you may need sugar. We also add black pepper, preferably freshly ground, but be careful: it is the most spicy.

At this stage, be guided by your taste. It is the privilege of artists to try and bring it to a subjective ideal!

Having finished with the additives, return the almost finished squash caviar to the heating bowl and simmer over low heat for another 10-15 minutes. Attention! Count from the start of gurgling.

Note: beneficial accents.

  • Towards the end of cooking, you can add 2-3 cloves of garlic (pass through a press). Or a couple of tablespoons of chopped greens (dill, parsley).
  • It would also be logical to add vinegar 5-10 minutes before removing from heat - up to 1 tbsp. spoon for the indicated ingredients. This will increase the shelf life of the finished caviar and, most likely, will require mandatory adjustment of sweetness. Throw in a pinch of sugar, stir, taste. So we bring it to taste.

Place the finished hot caviar on dry sterilized jars(2 pcs. 500 ml each) - to the very top. We close with the usual lids (self-screwing or simple with a sealing key). Turn the jars over and wrap them to cool slowly. After 24 hours we put it away for storage in a dark closet.

Fried zucchini caviar with tomatoes and bell peppers

Another example from the “must have” collection among elementary preparations, wonderful in taste and price. A little patience will be needed. We will pre-order vegetables fry separately. In addition to the main ones, we will need tomatoes and bell peppers.

All the efforts are not in vain! This squash caviar turns out to be exactly the kind that will not do without licking your fingers and life-affirmingly smacking your lips when tasting it with your family. Uninhibited delight is the best praise for the hostess.
Let's cook!

Time - 1 hour 20 minutes

For 1 liter of caviar we need:

  • Weigh vegetables in their peeled form
  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 300 g
  • Bell pepper - 300 g
  • Carrots - 200 g
  • Onions - 100-150 g
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Citric acid - ¼ teaspoon (diluted in 1 tablespoon of water)
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Black pepper (ground) - to taste

Important details:

  • It's better to roll up in 2 jars of 500 ml. Need more? increase the components proportionally.
  • Choose tomatoes and bell peppers that are juicy and not the cheapest. The latter must be red, orange or yellow, of course with thick walls to make it easier to clean.

Preparing vegetables.

With zucchini, everything is as usual: we simply clean the young ones, and cut out the seeds from the old ones. We cut the main character into small cubes, so it’s faster to fry.

The tomatoes need to be peeled. Make a couple of cuts crosswise with a knife and pour boiling water over the tomatoes, leaving them in hot water for 1-2 minutes. Then put it in cold water and easily remove the skin by prying it off with a knife. And cut into cubes again.

Peppers (sweet and thick-walled!) are more difficult to peel, but it is advisable to do so. Afterwards we will remove the seeds and white membranes and cut the pepper into small cubes.

Without fanaticism!

If you're too lazy to bother, bell pepper you don't have to clean it. But then, at the penultimate stage, puree the caviar until completely homogeneous texture without the slightest bits. You will need a blender with at least 600 rpm.

For those who are patient, there are three ways to peel bell peppers.

  1. First, we clean the peppers with a very sharp vegetable peeler, with minimal capture of the pulp.
  2. Second - load the peppers into an oven preheated to 180 degrees, keep there for 20-30 minutes. Then take it out and put it in a tightly sealed pan or plastic bag. The pepper will cool and at the same time the thin skin will come off. It's easy to pry on and take off.
  3. The third method is for owners of gas stoves: put the pepper on the burner and burn it over an open fire on all sides. Don't be afraid, the scorch marks will form until black. We hide the pepper in a bag for 10 minutes (tie it up!) and take out the vegetable with “wrinkles” and black bubbly scales where the marks were. This is the skin that can be easily scraped off with a knife.

Finely chop the garlic. What remains are the onions and carrots, the preparation of which is obvious: we clean and chop into cubes. The Berner grater always helps us out.

For frying, it is best to cut all vegetables into approximately the same size. But you can save time and grate the carrots and press the garlic through a press.

Roasting vegetables for caviar.

The beauty of this zucchini story is that we roast the vegetables separately. There, their flavor accents are better revealed, and the finished snack turns out more rich.

Pour a little oil into a deep, comfortable frying pan and fry 3-5 minutes each ingredient. Onions and garlic can be combined.

You can work in several pans at once. Or place vegetables in one frying pan one after another, adding oil in small portions. We need moderate heat and constant stirring. Alas, the taste of burnt vegetables will be felt in the finished dish.

Simmer, puree, boil and seal in jars.

We collect the sauteed vegetables together in one saucepan and season all seasonings- salt, pepper, sugar and citric acid dissolved in water. The quantities in the recipe are arbitrary. In the next step, you will taste the puree and you can add any of the seasonings.

To wrap, simmer seasoned vegetables over low heat with a lid- 1 hour. Stir regularly to prevent burning. For caviar that we prepare for the table, 40 minutes of simmering is enough.

Ready vegetables are needed puree. Blender is a great helper! Transfer to a bowl, puree at low and then high speed and taste. Here it is! Another moment bringing to taste- according to personal preferences. You can use whatever you like, including greens.

To remove excess moisture, puree from a blender return to the saucepan and keep it at a low boil for another 5 minutes. Be sure to taste it and, if necessary, add a whisper of sugar/salt/acid again.

Caviar is ready! Sterilized jars are waiting for her. We'll get by again without sterilization. We loaded the hot caviar into the jars, screwed on the lid (tfist-off or with a machine) and placed it upside down under insulation for 1 day.

Leave a little snack for testing. An important nuance: the taste is revealed to its maximum after infusion in the refrigerator - 1 day, in a tightly closed jar. So you will see for yourself that the recipe for zucchini caviar for the winter with frying of the components will beat store-bought caviar. It's hard to resist licking your fingers while tasting your favorite snack!

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Hello, dear friends! I hope you had an incredibly large harvest this year and you no longer know what else you can prepare from them for the winter. In this case, I want to recommend that you make the most delicious squash caviar, the recipes for which I will provide you with today.

Like all similar vegetable preparations, it can be eaten immediately or left for the winter. For me it just goes crazy fast. Mine even just spread it on bread and eat it. Just give them free rein, and they will gobble up both cheeks with spoons from the jar.

I do it differently. Sometimes I bring it to the consistency of puree, and sometimes I want it in small pieces. That’s why I’ll show you the recipes in several variations.

In general, from this vegetable you can prepare simply a huge amount of pickles for the whole year. For example, canned or simply. They even make jam. Well, there’s nothing to say about caviar. So, let's just start looking at the recipes and preparing it.

The first recipe, in my opinion, is the most delicious and very easy to prepare. The caviar is not pureed, but in small pieces. For me, such blanks fly away very quickly. I definitely recommend trying it.


  • Zucchini - 3 kg
  • Onions - 0.5 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • Tomato paste - 150 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 200 grams
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons


1. Wash the zucchini and remove the skin and seeds (if you have a young vegetable, this is not necessary). Grate it. Peel the onion and chop finely.

You can also pass everything through a meat grinder or blender.

2. Then place the vegetables in a saucepan, stir and place over medium heat. Simmer for 1 hour, remembering to stir. During this time, almost all the liquid released by the zucchini should boil away.

3. Then put mayonnaise, tomato paste, vegetable oil, salt, sugar and pepper there. Mix everything and put on low heat for another half an hour, stirring constantly. The bite should be added 2 minutes before the end of the stew.

4. Next, remove from heat and pour into pre-sterilized jars (from the ingredients presented, 2.5 liters of the finished product is obtained). Screw on the lids and turn them over. Wrap in a warm towel or blanket and leave until completely cool. This is about a day. Then you can put it away in the pantry. Such preparations can also be stored at room temperature.

Step-by-step recipe for delicious squash caviar for the winter, just like in the store

Using this method, it turns out to be very tender, incredibly tasty and no worse than store-bought. But what am I talking about, homemade always turns out better, not worse. Try cooking this way, you will like it. From the proposed amount of ingredients, a little less than 3 liters is obtained.


  • Zucchini - 2 k
  • Carrots – 1 kg
  • Onions – 1 kg
  • Tomato paste – 150 gr
  • Sugar - 100 gr
  • Salt - 60 g
  • Vegetable oil - 200 gr
  • Vinegar – 9% – 50 ml
  • Garlic, pepper spices - to taste


1. Peel the zucchini, even if it is young. This will make it even more tender. Cut it into medium pieces. Peel the onions and carrots and also cut them into medium cubes.

2. Take a cauldron or pan with thick walls to use. Put it on fire. Pour vegetable oil into it, add sugar and salt. Stir, bring to a boil with the lid closed and simmer for another 10 minutes.

3. Then add the zucchini, stir and simmer for 10 minutes. After this, add the onion, stir and simmer until all the vegetables are soft. This is approximately 30 minutes.

Don't forget to stir periodically.

4. When the vegetables become soft, add tomato paste, stir and simmer for 10 minutes without a lid. Then add vinegar, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Leave to stand for 10 minutes.

If you have vinegar essence, then just add 1 teaspoon.

5. While the caviar is stewing, sterilize the jars in any way convenient for you. For example, I do this in the microwave. I pour about 1.5 cm of water into each jar and leave it there for 5-15 minutes at full power. It depends on the size of the jar. Then I take it out, pour out the water and set it on a clean towel to dry. I boil the lids on the fire for 5 minutes after the water boils.

6. Bring the prepared vegetables to a puree using a blender or meat grinder. Then bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Preferably with the lid closed.

7. Place the finished product into jars, close the lids and turn over. Wrap in a towel and leave until completely cool, then put away in storage.

The best recipe for squash caviar according to GOST USSR (from childhood)

Well, we’ve come to the recipe for that same Soviet caviar from childhood. Remember that mushroom flavor? Simply incredibly delicious. And the cooking method is different from the usual. In general, I recommend trying it!


  • Zucchini (you can take squash or zucchini) – 4.5 kg
  • Carrots – 300 gr
  • Onion – 240 gr
  • Tomato paste – 270 gr
  • Salt – 45 g
  • Sugar – 25 g
  • Ground black pepper – 1.5 g
  • Ground allspice – 1.5 g
  • White roots (parsnips 50%, parsley 25%, celery 25%) – 75 g
  • Fresh herbs (parsley, dill, celery) – 15 g
  • Vegetable oil – 315 g (340 ml)


1. Wash and dry the zucchini. Cut them into round pieces, approximately 1.5-2 cm. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry them on both sides. Transfer to a deep dish.

2. Peel the remaining vegetables and roots, cut into large pieces (cut the onion into rings). Fry alternately in a frying pan and add to the zucchini.

3. Then grind everything into a puree mass. I prefer to use an immersion blender for this, but you can also use a meat grinder or a stand blender. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, add salt, sugar, black and allspice. Also add tomato paste and chopped fresh herbs, mix everything. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.

4. Next, put everything into dry and clean jars and cover with lids. Take a pan, put a cotton napkin in it and place the jars. Pour water up to the shoulders, turn on the heat and sterilize for 75 minutes per 0.5 liter jar. If the jar is 1 liter - then 100 minutes.

5. Carefully remove from the pan, turn over and leave for a day. Then put it away in your storage.

Video on how to cook delicious squash caviar in a slow cooker

I try not to bypass or ignore my entire audience. Therefore, for multicooker lovers, I have an individual video recipe, found on YouTube. So watch, enjoy the author’s pleasant voice and take note of this method.


  • Zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • Carrots – 150 gr
  • Onions – 150 gr
  • Tomato paste – 150 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Ground allspice - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vinegar 9% – 70 ml

As you can see, it is very easy to cook in a slow cooker. The method itself is unpretentious. It is very convenient to have this unit at your dacha.

Zucchini caviar for the winter with mayonnaise and tomato paste without frying

Try this amazing recipe too. Thanks to mayonnaise, it acquires some kind of creamy taste and turns out very tender. The preparation of such preparations is very inexpensive. And at the same time everything is done quickly and easily.


  • Peeled zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Peeled onion - 0.25 g
  • Tomato paste – 125 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 125 gr
  • Vegetable oil – 75 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • bay leaf - 1 piece
  • Ground hot pepper - 1/4 teaspoon


1. Cut the vegetables into convenient pieces so that they can be passed through a meat grinder. Then add vegetable oil, tomato paste and mayonnaise to the chopped vegetables. Place everything in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn the heat to medium and simmer covered for 1 hour, stirring occasionally.

During this time, the caviar will acquire its orange color.

2. After an hour, add salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf. Mix well and simmer for another 1 hour. Then, using an immersion blender, puree it (take out the bay leaf). Place on the heat again, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.

Recipe for preparing squash caviar through a meat grinder (simple and tasty)

Some housewives believe that it is better to make our appetizer through a meat grinder. Because vegetables chopped in a blender only spoil the taste. My dears, everything is not for everybody. Simply prepared caviar in this way will not turn out to be a puree-like mass, but with small pieces of vegetables.


  • Zucchini (young) – 1 kg
  • Carrots – 200 gr
  • Bell pepper – 300 gr
  • Onion - 200 gr
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
  • Hot ground pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.


1. First, wash and peel the vegetables. Remove the seeds from the peppers. Cut clean zucchini and onions into pieces and grind through a meat grinder. Place in a sieve to drain excess juice.

2. Grind carrots and peppers through a meat grinder and place in a deep bowl.

3. Place all vegetables in one bowl. Add tomato paste, salt and ground pepper. Mix everything evenly.

4. Heat a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and add the vegetable mixture. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring until the moisture has evaporated. Then cover with a lid, reduce the heat slightly and simmer for another 15 minutes.

5. This caviar can be eaten immediately. If you want to put it in a jar for the winter, then add 9% vinegar - 2/3 tablespoon. Place in a jar and screw on the lid, turn over, wrap and leave until cool. Then put it in a cool place. For rolling, the amount of ingredients can be increased, but at the same time maintain the ratio of products.

A simple recipe for caviar from zucchini and eggplant for the winter

And, of course, I couldn’t ignore this wonderful way of preparing caviar from assorted vegetables. And for convenience and clarity, I have selected a very detailed video.


  • Eggplants – 1.5 kg
  • Zucchini 0.5-1 kg
  • Vegetable oil – 250 ml
  • Tomatoes – 600 gr
  • Garlic - 3 heads
  • Hot pepper - 2 pods
  • Sweet pepper - 5 pcs
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% – 20 ml
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons

I also always roll up a few jars for myself for the winter using just this recipe. You can't imagine how delicious it is. It should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Well that's all for today. I want to hope that my options will certainly be useful to you and that your loved ones will be happy with the prepared caviar.

Have a good harvest and bon appetit!

Caviar made from zucchini is prepared for the winter by many housewives, despite the labor-intensive nature of the entire process. After all, few people refuse this snack, since almost everyone likes it and devours it much faster than other canned food.

Everyone's favorite classic caviar recipe, the taste of which is familiar to everyone since childhood, has been improved. And after that such culinary masterpieces appeared, such as recipes for caviar with finger-licking mayonnaise, with tomatoes and similar in taste to store-bought. We also learned how to cook it in a slow cooker.


  • Young zucchini – 3 kg
  • onions - 0.5 kg
  • carrots - 250 gr
  • tomato paste – 250 gr
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • mayonnaise - 250 gr
  • sugar - 1/2 cup
  • garlic - 1 head
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

We prepare all the necessary ingredients and start cooking. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and place in a saucepan.

We wash the carrots in water, peel them, grate them on a coarse grater and put them in a saucepan with the onions.

Wash the zucchini, remove all the seeds and cut it, if it is young, together with the skin into small slices. Add it to the rest of the vegetables and mix.

After 1 hour, also add sugar, salt, pepper and bay leaf. We continue to cook for another hour, where at the very end of cooking we do not forget to remove the bay leaf.

In the meantime, while the squash caviar is cooking, we need to sterilize the jars and lids. To do this, wash them with soda and let them dry completely and put them in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees for 5 minutes. Or microwave for 3-4 minutes at full power.

10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic to the vegetable mixture.

Pour the finished caviar into hot jars, grease the neck with cotton wool soaked in vodka and screw on the lids.

Turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket until completely cool. This preparation can be stored at room temperature.

How to prepare squash caviar for the winter just like in the store


  • Zucchini - 1 piece
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tablespoons
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

First of all, peel the onion, cut it into small squares and lightly fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater. Transfer it to the onion in a frying pan, add a little water, about half a glass, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to stir periodically.

Next, clean the zucchini and remove the seeds. Grate it and put it in for frying. Add salt to taste and simmer, stirring, over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Approximately in the middle of stewing, add a little water (100 milliliters) so that at the end of stewing the squash caviar there is some water present.

About five minutes before readiness, add tomato paste.

If you want the caviar to be more acidic, then add two tablespoons of tomato paste. And if you put one spoon, you get caviar that looks more like store-bought caviar.

Stir and simmer for another 5 minutes, then turn off the stove and add bay leaf and finely chopped garlic. Let it brew for five minutes.

And turn the resulting caviar into puree using a blender. Now, while the caviar is still hot, transfer it into sterilized hot jars and roll up the lids, also previously sterilized. Turn the jars over, cover with a warm blanket and leave until completely cool.

Classic recipe for squash caviar - recipe with step-by-step photos (like in childhood)


  • Zucchini - 3 kg
  • onions - 600 rub.
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml
  • tomato paste – 250 gr
  • sugar - 1/2 cup
  • garlic - 2 heads
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

First of all, wash, peel and grind the zucchini through a meat grinder. We do the same with onions.

Then combine these two ingredients in a deep saucepan, add butter and sugar there. Cook over low heat for 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally.

After this time, add tomato paste, add salt, pepper and add garlic squeezed through a press and cook for another 30 minutes.

In the meantime, we will thoroughly wash the jars and sterilize them in the microwave, at full power for 5 minutes. And pour boiling water over the lids.

We put the finished squash caviar into hot jars, roll up the lids, turn it upside down and wrap it in a warm blanket. The preparation for the winter is ready!

A simple recipe for winter squash caviar in a slow cooker


  • Zucchini - 1.5 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs
  • chili pepper - 1 piece (to taste)
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

After we have prepared all the necessary products, the first thing we do is peel the onion and cut it into small squares. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, transfer the chopped onion into it and set it to the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes.

Then wash and peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Then we lower it into the slow cooker with the onions.

After 20 minutes, put the bell pepper cut into small pieces and peeled zucchini, cut into small cubes, salt, sugar and, if desired, chili pepper into the multicooker. After the readiness signal sounds, you need to turn on the multicooker for another 1 hour in the “Stew” mode.

20 minutes before the end, add tomato paste to the vegetables, mix thoroughly and continue cooking. After the sound signal indicates the end of stewing, transfer the vegetable mixture to a blender and grind into puree.

The squash caviar is ready, put it hot into sterilized jars and screw on with tight lids. Turn over, cover with a warm blanket and leave until completely cool.

Delicious squash caviar with tomatoes (video)

Bon appetit!!!

Squash caviar is no less popular appetizer than eggplant. Moreover, this vegetable is not picky about weather conditions and grows on a large scale in the garden beds of many Russians. Even during the cold summer, it manages to ripen to the desired state. Interestingly, until the 16th century, it was not the pulp that was eaten, but the seeds of zucchini. Some people don’t really like this vegetable for its rustic taste, but it can be refined by adding other vegetables, spices or herbs and the result will be simply chic and festive dishes. Squash caviar is no exception. In addition, zucchini is a very healthy and low-calorie product, containing only 24 calories per 100g.

Zucchini caviar - general principles and methods of preparation

Zucchini caviar has many cooking options. It is made with mushrooms, mayonnaise, tomatoes, tomato paste, eggplants, a lot of spices are added or standard ground black pepper is used, but the method of preparation is almost the same - the vegetables are fried (less often boiled), ground in a meat grinder (blender) and evaporated to the desired thickness .

Zucchini caviar - food preparation

To prepare caviar, both young and overripe zucchini are used.
Young fruits do not need to be peeled, but overripe ones must be freed from rough skin and the core with hard seeds removed - this is convenient to do with a spoon.

Zucchini caviar - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Zucchini caviar

It’s nice to know that the dish you are about to try is not only tasty, but also healthy. Zucchini is rich in minerals and vitamins - it contains a lot of potassium, iron, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, copper, vitamin C and group B, and other vegetables contained in caviar only enhance this storehouse of nutrients. Moreover, the caviar according to this recipe turns out delicious, it can be served immediately or preserved for the winter. The tomato paste in the recipe can be replaced with fresh tomatoes. Peel 5-6 large fruits (initially by pouring boiling water over them) and chop them with a knife or in a meat grinder. True, you will have to simmer the caviar a little longer so that the liquid from the tomatoes has time to evaporate.

Ingredients: 3 kilograms of zucchini, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, 1 kg of onions and carrots, one table. spoon of sugar, 6 cloves of garlic, 1.5 tbsp. salt, bunches of herbs (parsley, dill), 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar, black pepper (ground).

Cooking method

Cut the peeled vegetables: onion into half rings, zucchini into cubes, carrots on a coarse grater. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry the zucchini, then transfer to another bowl. It is better to remove them with a slotted spoon, trying to ensure that the dripping oil remains in the pan. Fry the onion in this oil and add to the zucchini. Lastly, brown the carrots in the same frying pan, adding oil if necessary. Cool the vegetables and grind them in a blender (meat grinder). Transfer the mixture to a cast iron cauldron or large frying pan (sauce pan) and simmer over low heat for 50 minutes. About 10 minutes before readiness, add tomato paste, sugar, pepper, salt, chopped garlic and herbs to the vegetable mass, pour in vinegar and simmer for another 10 minutes. Place hot caviar in jars (0.65 l), sterilize for 50 minutes and screw. Wrap in warmth (cover with a blanket) and leave until cool. If you do not plan to roll the caviar, you do not need to add vinegar. In this case, the finished caviar must be cooled and can be decorated with herbs.

Recipe 2: Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise

An unusual ingredient in this recipe is mayonnaise. It softens the taste and gives it interesting notes. The caviar turns out tender and very tasty. If you remember that the main components of mayonnaise are vegetable oil and yolks, then you don’t have to worry that it can spoil the dish. It is recommended to use good quality mayonnaise. Or better yet, do it yourself. If you have a blender, this will take a few minutes. You need to mix 2 yolks, a glass of vegetable oil (200-250ml), half a teaspoon of salt and ready-made mustard, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 6% vinegar (table, apple). Another nuance - the vegetables for this caviar, except for onions, are not fried in oil, but boiled in water.

Ingredients: zucchini - 3 kg, half a kilo of bell pepper, 4-5 medium onions, 2 carrots, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 250 ml of mayonnaise, salt.

Cooking method

Peel carrots, peppers, zucchini and boil (in salted water). Peppers cook faster, so you can remove them from the water a little earlier, when they become soft, and leave the carrots and zucchini to finish cooking. Cool the prepared vegetables.
Cut the onion into half rings and fry. Boil cooled vegetables together with fried onions, grind in a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Place the chopped vegetable mass in a cauldron or large frying pan and simmer for half an hour. Then add mayonnaise and tomato paste, add salt to your taste and simmer for another half hour. If the caviar turns out a little liquid, leave it on the stove for another 20-30 minutes until the excess liquid evaporates. Serve chilled. If there are not very many eaters, you can halve the amount of ingredients in the recipe.

Recipe 3: Zucchini caviar with mushrooms

You can diversify the composition of caviar and give the dish an original taste using mushrooms. The recipe calls for champignons, but you can replace them with other mushrooms, such as porcini mushrooms or oyster mushrooms. This caviar is served as a separate dish, as an addition to meat, or as a sandwich, on a piece of toasted bread.

Ingredients: 1 kg of zucchini, 1 carrot, fleshy bell pepper and large onion, 2 large tomatoes, juice of half a lemon, 0.5 kg of champignons, a small bunch of dill and green onions, vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

Cooking method

Coarsely grate the peeled zucchini, add salt and mix. Place the washed mushrooms in boiling water, not forgetting to salt it. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, then drain the water, drain the champignons in a colander, and cool. Chop the cooled mushrooms into strips.

Fry the onion, cut into half rings, in oil (until transparent). Mix peeled and coarsely grated carrots with onions and fry for about 3 minutes. Squeeze the zucchini from the released juice and transfer it to the frying pan with the onions and carrots. Fry everything together, stirring for about 15 minutes. If the mixture burns, add a little oil.

While the vegetables are frying, you can have time to grate the pepper. To do this, it is better to take a large, thick-walled fruit. Wash, cut into halves, remove seeds, grate on a coarse grater to the skin, i.e. wipe off all the pulp. Place the resulting mass in the frying pan with the zucchini. Send mushrooms there too. Mix the caviar and fry for 15 minutes.

It's time to remember tomatoes. Cut the fruits into two parts and, like peppers, grate them to the skin on a coarse grater. Squeeze lemon juice into the tomato mixture and pour it into the pan. Simmer the caviar until the liquid evaporates, stirring so as not to burn. At the end of stewing, add chopped herbs to the mixture, add pepper and salt. Let the caviar brew with the lid closed.

And another option for preparing caviar with mushrooms. The ingredients are the same, with minor changes: onions are excluded, but garlic (4 cloves) is added. Cooking method:

Grind zucchini, peppers, carrots, mushrooms one by one on a coarse grater, place in a frying pan (or cauldron) and simmer in vegetable oil until the moisture evaporates. Then add the tomato mass (grated tomatoes) and simmer again, evaporating the excess liquid. At the end, add lemon juice, salt, herbs, pepper and chopped garlic.

If you buy squash caviar in a store, try to choose products whose production date falls during the vegetable harvest season (July-September). So, you are more likely to get caviar made from fresh zucchini rather than frozen. Caviar made from frozen vegetables will have a distinct layer of liquid on its surface. This caviar is also edible, just less tasty and healthy.