The empress tarot meaning. Empress tarot meaning. ✚ For the future

02.04.2024 Repair

Arcanum Empress is a very strong card. The woman depicted on it, sitting in a confident pose, with a strong-willed and purposeful look, testifies to the strength and power of this card. The Empress Tarot card is about growth, positive changes, moving forward, unleashing creative potential. For a woman, this also means love, care, achieving inner harmony and the birth of a baby.

Depending on what the fortune-telling is about, the interpretation of the Empress card also depends. It also plays a role how the card fell out - upright or inverted, and what cards fell out in combination with the Empress.

In the upright position, the card speaks of an adult, mature personality - a woman who radiates love and mercy. She is like a mother - caring, loving, ready to help. Such a woman strives for harmony, both internal and external, she directs her energy to creating an aura of goodness and happiness in her environment. This tarot card may indicate a woman close to you, be it a mother, lover, sister or someone else who plays a significant role in your life.

In an inverted position, the Empress lasso, like any other card, carries the opposite meaning. The reversed card indicates a powerful, despotic woman who keeps everything under her control and with her inner strength tries to suppress everyone around her, both in her family and at work. Such behavior will not bring anything good, but can only create discord in life, chaos and disharmony.

Fortune telling for love, personal relationships and family

In a direct position, this card carries only a positive meaning for the one to whom it fell. If we are talking about relationships between people, then the Empress symbolizes the establishment of more trusting contact between them, the improvement of relations. In love, this symbolizes the birth of new, stronger feelings, achieving harmony between partners, and improving sex life. The Empress Tarot card may indicate pregnancy, or an increase in maternal feelings, their transition to a new, deeper level.

The main meaning of the Empress Tarot card in relationships is trust, sexual attraction and natural sensuality. If the alignment is based on the possibility of a new relationship, then the Empress promises changes, a meeting with a loved one.

In the relationship scenario, the Empress, being in an inverted position, indicates problems between partners and increased conflicts.

The inverted position can be a serious cause for anxiety, because it is a symbol of quarrels, conflicts, discord, which can lead to the dissolution of relationships or to their significant deterioration. The inverted Empress indicates the possible onset of a period of depression and loneliness.

Fortune telling about career and money

The direct position of the card is a “green light” for those who are planning a new step in their career. The birth of new ideas, plans that have an exclusively positive outcome - this is what the Empress symbolizes. This is an opportunity to unleash your creative potential and achieve significant success. At work, it is possible to change the situation for the better - a promotion, a change of environment to a more favorable one, the desired development of a project, etc. If this card falls out, then you can expect not only good professional success, but also significant material enrichment.

The inverted position of the card in this situation should alert and warn against possible declines in creative activity. It could also be unfavorable circumstances that will negatively affect your work activities. This lasso also suggests that you may lack competence and professionalism, and this, in turn, may result in demotion or dismissal.

The Empress Tarot card combined with the Major Arcana

With "The Jester" - unexpected results;

With “Magician” - the business promises good income;

With “The High Priestess” you will gain not only theoretical, but also practical experience;

With “Emperor” - association, business or family union;

With “Papa” - family ties will become stronger, relationships will improve;

With “Lovers” - a new union;

With the “Chariot” there is bustle, a lot of things to do;

With “Strength” - become internally stronger;

With “The Hermit” - a temporary slowdown of the situation;

With the “Wheel of Fortune” - changes in life;

With “Justice” - discard illusions, see reality;

With “The Hanged Man” - fruitless actions, the need for change;

With “Death” - activity will make changes in life;

With “Moderation” - the situation flows calmly, without troubles;

With the “Devil” - increased dependence;

With “The Tower” - the release of emotions that had been held back for a long time;

With Zvezda, the business is doomed to success;

With “Moon” - trouble, ill-wisher;

With the “Sun” - the birth of someone or something;

With “The Court” - inspiration;

With "Mir" - an update.

The Empress Tarot card combined with some of the minor arcana

With the “Ace of Wands” - the birth of something new;

With the “Three of Wands” - new paths of development;

With the “Four of Wands” - renewal in life, addition;

With the Five of Wands - open confrontation;

With the “Seven of Wands” - this combination reminds you that there is no need to waste time on trifles;

With the “Nine of Wands” - weakening of trust;

With the Ten of Wands - difficulties;

With the “Page of Wands” - collection of information;

With the “Knight of Wands” - increase tension in relationships;

With the “Queen of Wands” - learn from the mistakes of others;

With the “King of Wands” - the birth of a son.

With the “Ace of Cups” - the emergence of new feelings;

With the “Two of Cups” - an alliance, a strong relationship;

With the “Three of Cups” - fun, celebration;

With the “Four of Cups” - experience bitterness, hide your resentment;

With the “Five of Cups” - immerse yourself in sad thoughts about the past;

With the “Seven of Cups” - disappointment;

With the “Nine of Cups” - fulfillment of desire;

With the “Ten of Cups” - replenishment;

With the “Page of Cups” - receiving a gift;

With the “Queen of Cups” - anxiety;

With the “King of Cups” there are serious feelings.

With the “Ace of Swords” - the meaning of this combination of arcana is the birth of a child, the emergence of fresh ideas;

With the “Two of Swords” - difficulties in developing the situation;

With the Three of Swords - end the relationship;

With the “Six of Swords” - feel the need for change;

With the “Seven of Swords” - a good moment to retreat;

With the Eight of Swords, the number of problems is growing;

With the Ten of Swords - surgical intervention;

With the “Page of Swords” - a quarrel is possible;

With the “Knight of Swords” - danger from humans;

With the “Queen of Swords” - an official break in relations;

With the “King of Swords” - torn between reason and feelings.

With the “Ace of Pentacles” - income;

With the Three of Pentacles - the situation requires control;

With the “Four of Pentacles” - reliability, constancy;

With the Five of Pentacles - material losses;

With the “Seven of Pentacles” - investments;

With the “Nine of Pentacles” - budget replenishment;

With the “Ten of Pentacles” - expansion of activity;

With the “Page of Pentacles” - completion of training;

With the “Queen of Pentacles” - conduct business competently;

With the “King of Pentacles” - large financial savings;

Growth, development, moving forward, the birth of something new and change - this is all for the better, even if it is scary at first. You must not stop improving yourself and not be afraid of new things, trust yourself and your inner voice more.

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The card shows a seated woman in a lush setting.
Surrounded by symbols of wealth and abundance, the card is often associated with creation, creativity and pregnancy.
The Empress wants to introduce her children into the world - children here symbolize true interests, favorite things and passionate hobbies.

She personifies one of the types of love - love, like a mother's, which arises without thought or conditions, spontaneously.
Sometimes caring too much can cause harm to the object - for example, spoiling it.

Have you ever focused on something so hard that you stopped enjoying it?
The Empress says that rational analysis must be stopped.
Now it is better to follow the flow of life and enjoy your own creativity.

Television, computer games and surfing the Internet quite often become the enemies of creativity, because here all the work has already been done for you.
The essence of the Empress is the wise use of talents.
It signifies a time of growth and opportunities for development - especially when it comes to relationships and money.

She also talks about creating your own life path.
If you don't like the way people treat you, change your reaction to them.

Questions to ask yourself after pulling the Empress
  • What do you want to create?
  • Who sets the female role model in your life?
  • Are you creating negative experiences or positive experiences for yourself?
  • What do you want deep down?
  • What stops you from creating?
  • Who or what do you cherish as a mother?
Key ideas
Use your opportunities wisely, so as to maintain balance.

You are responsible for your life.
Don't be something you're not.
Create for yourself what you want to experience in this life and teach other people the right way to treat you.

Direct card: You are very supportive of your friends.
They come to you for advice and you give good advice.
This card can also show that you also need advice and guidance.

Reversed card: You spend too much time alone, perhaps listening to music in your room or playing computer games.
Think about why you are doing this.
If you are afraid that other people will not accept you, then remember - even the most confident person is afraid of this.

Don't let fear rule over you - otherwise you will die without ever experiencing what it means to “live.”

Direct card: A favorable time for subjects that require a creative attitude - such as music, drama and painting.

These activities will provide you with a lot of fun.
Reversed card: You work too much.
There is a danger of nervous exhaustion.
The simplest option is that you will lose interest in what you put so much effort into.

Act at a more relaxed pace.

Direct card: If you want to meet an interesting person, look for new experiences.
When you go somewhere you've never been before, you never know who you'll meet along the way.

Reversed card: Don't even think that pregnancy will help move your relationship forward.
At such a young age, it is not a journey forward, but a journey back.

Direct card: A mother or other woman who is full of patience, sincere and internally whole brings beauty, harmony and love into your life.

Reversed card: There is an irresistible influence of a woman in your life or a love that does not inspire you, but suffocates you.

Direct card: Gardening, outdoor activities, or new creative projects involving nature will become very important to you over the next couple of months.

Reversed card: Stop convincing yourself that you are incapable of creativity.
When you say you are a boring person, people believe you.
Worse than that, you believe yourself.
Anyone can be a creative person, it just takes a little courage and at least some self-confidence.

Thinking better about yourself is good for you.

Direct card: You simply radiate health, the radiance of vitality emanates from you.
Reversed card: Are you sure you take care of your appearance?

Put in a little more effort, and your well-being (along with your appearance and self-esteem) will improve dramatically.

Direct card: Those ways to make extra money that come to your mind actually have a lot of potential.

Think about how you can turn ideas into cash.
Reversed card: When following your heart, do not let greed cross your path.
It doesn't matter how much money you have if you're unhappy.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Anna wanted to leave college and find a job, but she was sure that her family wanted her to continue studying.
She didn't know what to do.
The Empress card that came up showed that if Anna was serious about finding a good job, she needed to continue studying.

The Empress is a positive card.
She assured the girl that there was, of course, a difficult path ahead, but it led to a broad road.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The Empress represents satisfaction of the senses and joy of life.
The Empress is often depicted as a contented and peaceful woman.
Her loose robes suggest a possible pregnancy.

Her number "3" denotes the fusion of opposing forces to create something new.
On some decks she is depicted standing in the middle of a field of ripe corn or wheat.
She represents abundance and fertility and is reminiscent of natural cycles from birth to death.

She is also the embodiment of the earthly nature and sensuality of our body and concern for its saturation.

The Empress is a symbol of fertility and new life.
She embodies the dual aspect of motherhood - the joy of the birth of a child and the sadness of the inevitable separation from him.

The fact that she is often depicted against a background of abundance, surrounded by the beautiful gifts of nature, proclaims the creative power and fertility of the feminine principle of life.
The fertility goddess Demeter is one of the many mythical images with which the Empress is associated.

This card symbolizes both marriage and motherhood, and can indicate either the birth of a child or the birth of a new creative project.
In both cases, the successful accomplishment of their mission requires selfless devotion and unceasing care.

Stability of home life, protection and maternal care are all characteristic properties of the Empress.
This card highlights the important role of well-being, physical safety and satisfaction of emotional needs.

We are able not only to surrender to the flow of life and join its rhythm, but also to provide a solid foundation for our future growth.
The Empress personifies a passionate, deep love for life, as well as joy from the consciousness of the very fact of her existence.

Choosing this card indicates the need to update the circumstances of your life.
The time has come to direct your energy to achieving creative goals and come up with new ideas for organizing your future life.

The creative upsurge symbolized by the empress requires the use of all your potential abilities.
Look for practical ways to realize your passion for improving your life.
Now you are equally able to give the energy of your soul, receive it from others and enjoy the harmony and love that surrounds you.

This card represents the satisfaction you feel in being in a happy, secure environment that is stable and prosperous and leaves room for you to grow.
This is a time of enjoying your creative power and the greatest revelation of your talents and abilities.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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The Empress is depicted as a respectable woman sitting on a throne.
She has a crown on her head and looks forward with determination and determination.
In her left hand she holds a scepter, a sign of her power, and in her right hand she holds a shield with an image of an eagle, a symbol of her power.

She is depicted with wings, which indicates the idea of ​​spirituality.
The Empress is a symbol of female fertility and action.
Outwardly, she is firm and decisive.
This is a woman with knowledge and intelligence, who knows how to successfully use all her abilities for the purposeful and intelligent development of her own life and goes towards this directly or acts cunningly, if necessary.

Meaning in fortune telling
This card symbolizes the progress of the feminine principle.
Interest in the everyday details of life.

Female influence.
Material wealth.
Sometimes it's a trick.
Women's tricks.
Ability to motivate others.
Makes decisions based on all available facts.

An incentive for a successful partner or husband, a spruce woman.
Possessing intuition.

Reversed meaning
Lack of interest.

Lack of concentration.
Delayed success or development.
Waste of funds on trifles.
Loss of material property.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Empress embodies the matriarchal principle, symbolizing security, physical and emotional comfort and understanding.
The Empress corresponds to the number three and the Hebrew letter gimel.

Motherhood, procreation and domestic harmony not only in an individual home, but also in society as a whole.
A mature woman in a robe sits on the throne.
In his hand is a scepter, on his head is an imperial crown.

In some decks there is a shield leaning against the foot of the throne or the throne is in the garden; in most decks it is outside a closed room.
The Empress is a mother figure with all that that implies: she is both a creative force and one who causes the various elements she brought into the world to work together rather than apart.

The essence of this card is the harmonious cooperation of opposing forces, working towards a common goal - domestic harmony and personal satisfaction.
The Empress embodies the matriarchal principle, symbolizing security, comfort (physical and emotional) and understanding.

Inner meaning
The Empress is the legislator in the house, the mother.
She knows how to maintain order in the house and the world, so that her charges, whom she considers her children, are calm, content and happy.

She also symbolizes the feminine instinct of intuitive insights that allow her to make the right decisions when there is no time to think.
She teaches love between people (the union of souls, and not simple sexual attraction).

As a mother, she is the gate through which we enter the world; as a lawgiver she ensures harmony and the ability of people to work together.
The Empress is the governing force, creating an atmosphere where every person is free to develop their own potential.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: fruitfulness, beauty, personal development and progress.
Home harmony.
Marriage and motherhood.
Long life.
Understanding that comes from personal experience.

Emotional and physical comfort, it provides not only the necessities of life, but also luxury.
Reversed or negative: unknown.
Doubts and difficulties.
Lack of strength, inability to solve problems or make useful plans.

Hesitation, ignorance.
The Empress will tell you how to lead this world if you are willing to listen to her and cooperate with others.
If this card represents the Questioner, then you are able to manage life for the benefit of others if you can get them to listen and understand you.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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This is a traditional image of a mother (beloved), associated with femininity and life-giving force.
The Empress represents the fertility of the earth and human fertility.
It promotes the growth and development of all things, integrating disparate elements into a single and harmonious whole.

As Aphrodite-Venus, she embodies love and the power of attraction, especially emphasizing relationships with other people and their social aspect.
She patronizes sensual pleasures, enjoys femininity and attracts people to her.

The card speaks to the possible influence of your mother, as well as your own attitude towards motherhood and caring for others.
Perhaps you yourself are generating or giving birth to something new - creative ideas, a new product or a child.

Sometimes she reports pregnancy, and in old interpretations she also served as a symbol of marriage.
The Waite-Smith deck shows the Empress in the garden, in the lap of nature, which really means gardening, as well as decorating one's surroundings and various activities related to food, plants, and health care.

You may be concerned about your own appearance, changing your hairstyle or clothing style, or creating beauty in the world around you.
The Empress is about enjoying aesthetics and beautiful things.
Perhaps you are involved in some way with the environment or the cultural life of your community.

Perhaps your social functions involve entertaining, helping others, or providing hospitality; for a man, this card may represent the woman in his life, but equally success represents his inner feminine (Jungian anima) or ability to care for others and make their lives more enjoyable. .

Perhaps you are overseeing a project and need to ensure that it is completed on time and correctly.
Sometimes the card represents a person you want to show respect or love for, protect or impress.

It could also be an allegorical principle that represents a support for you: mother nature, home, “sweet mother and her apple pie,” or the abstract “mercy.”
As a parent or boss, you can give orders that promote harmony, interaction between people and their physical well-being, and expect due respect for your position.

Traditional meanings: fertility, abundance, wealth.
Mother, sister, wife.
Loyalty, idealism.
Elegance, charm, charm, courtesy.
Action, planning, implementation.

Movement, progress.
Darkness, secrets, the unknown.
Symbol, image, allegory.

Reversed Empress
The reversed Empress can be a devouring, suffocating, demanding or absent mother, or ultimately a woman who does not want to act like your mother.

Negative aspects of femininity also include self-indulgence, vanity and superficiality.
On the other hand, it is possible that you quite constructively deny and reject traditional female roles, or, say, decide not to give birth to a child.

It may indicate abortion, miscarriage, hysterectomy, infertility, frigidity, divorce or widowhood, but such interpretations must certainly be confirmed by other cards.
You may not be taking good care of yourself or others.

Or maybe you are being too altruistic or too generous.
Possible interpretations include extravagance, excessive indulgence of one's desires or weaknesses and, as a result, the need for a diet and control of expenses.

Perhaps you feel you are not attractive or sensual enough, or you have neglected your household.
Laziness and apathy can lead to indecision and inaction.
You or someone you know may lose interest in the project and stop supporting it.

Women can feel disenfranchised, weak and dependent because of their gender, and men - because of the “feminine” character traits they exhibit.
Sometimes this card speaks of the “empty house” syndrome - the children have flown away from the nest, leaving the mother alone; in other words, you feel lonely and unwanted.

The fertility and creativity of the upright card turns into the unhealthy, frantic growth and expansion of the reversed card.
Perhaps you lack reasonable boundaries, and as a result the project grows too large and dies as a result.

On the other hand, you may experience a lack of creative ideas or frustration from unfulfilled creativity.
In terms of health, the inverted Empress can talk about dietary disorders, problems with the thyroid gland, tumors and cysts - the body begins to groom and cherish the pathological processes taking place in it.

Since this card is associated with social status and society as a whole, when inverted it indicates condemnation and censure of behavior that is unacceptable from the point of view of tradition, such as errors in etiquette, outright hedonism, changes in gender and social roles, unions not approved by the establishment, extramarital affairs connections or the birth of illegitimate children.

This can be especially obvious if you project the Empress onto others.
As a manifestation of what Jung called the “light Shadow,” this is an extremely idealized woman-mother, a beauty queen, or just some kind of fashion model.

Or the reversed Empress can be destructive and overprotective.
Internally, you may feel that you are not seen for who you are, or that you yourself are hiding your true self under a conventional and socially acceptable mask.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, this is the creative feminine principle, Mother Earth and her earthly magic; these are places of power and natural energies as manifestations of the Divine feminine.
The reversed Empress can also predict an encounter with a terrifying, destructive aspect of nature or the feminine.

Her jurisdiction includes all forms of love and fertility magic, as well as all herbs and tinctures.
Traditional Reversed Meanings: affectation, unnaturalness, vanity.
Indecision, instability, changeability.

Apathy, paralysis, inaction.
Infertility, infidelity, seduction.
Lack of love.
Material losses.
Day, clarity, light, truth.
Benefit, expediency.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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“Just as sexual union rests on three foundations (male, female and the result of union), in the same way there could be no unity of all things, there could be no other source of blessing than from the number three.”

The book "Zohar" ("Book of Radiance") is the fundamental Kabbalistic treatise of the Spanish-Jewish thinker Moses of Lyons (1240-1305).


Description of the card and its internal meaning
The Empress is always depicted in a field, in a meadow - in general, in an open area.
This emphasizes her unlimited power and ability to influence the world.

However, unlike the Magician, the Mistress tries to take care of the world, giving it her warmth and love.
According to occult teachings, the Popess card describes a time when the Divine Consciousness was only the consciousness of its Existence, remaining a mystery to many.

But with the advent of the third Arcana, the Deity already had the opportunity to know itself; it gave birth to a new creation - its own Brainchild, through which it began to manifest its vitality.
This is how the prototype of the world of existence appeared, the original Divine Nature, the third hypostasis of God, appeared.

The Empress card corresponds to it.
Showing us that the Universe is not born without pain, the third Arcana of the Tarot depicts a woman in labor.
But unlike the Priestess, the Empress personifies fertility and fertility, illuminated by the Sun.

Associated with this Arcanum is the concept of the will of the Creator, which lays the foundation for all subsequent creation.
From the Priestess, the Empress is given an understanding of the process of creation of the world, she can decide what to give and what not to give independent existence, while the Priestess submits to all the nuances of the life flow so that everything that can be manifested can naturally come to light.

The Empress embodies the principle of balance, expression and perception of love, which underlies all creation.
It is both protection and fertility.
As a mother, she is the gate through which we pass into this world; as a legislator, she ensures the ability of people to work together.

In other words, the Mistress is the force that creates the atmosphere through which each of us can develop our own potential.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
This card, like no other, reflects the connection between the Tarot and the teachings of the chakras.

Look at the Empress card from any deck - you can always see a heart on it - a symbol of the heart chakra, and the sign of Venus - which once again proves the close interweaving of astrology and the esoteric teaching of the Arcana.

The connection with the rest of the secret sciences can be expressed as follows: (gimel) - Nothing can limit the one who contains everything, Letter - B, number - 3, Ruled by the planet - Venus, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 2nd hexagram ("Receptivity"), Correspondence by runes - rune Ingwaz (Ingwaz), Time of day - morning, Weather conditions - sunny and warm, Corresponding color - orange, Corresponding chakra - Svadhisthana Vhuvar (sacred chakra), (secondary chakra - heart), According to Kabbalah - connects the sephira Chokmah with the Sephira of Binah.

Card meaning
Straight position
The third Arcanum is identified with a caring middle-aged woman, capable of helping anyone who turns to her.
She strives for harmony, her love is all-encompassing.

This is the Mother for all humanity, and her desire is to direct the strength and feelings of people to life in peace and harmony.
If this card describes the situation, then we can talk about an abundance of both material and moral goods, fertility and fertility, happiness in love and good luck in family life, marriage, long life and good health.

The Empress symbolizes female instinct, that is, intuitive insights that allow you to make decisions when there is no time to logically comprehend the situation.
This card can also mean the birth of children, sexual satisfaction and the primacy of a woman in the family, the ability to distribute forces, and proper planning of one’s affairs.

Venus, which rules this Arcanum, conveys to it the power of creativity, inspiration and love for everything beautiful.

Inverted position
A card in this position describes a powerful and jealous woman who strives to establish in the family an order of things and relationships that will suit her, first of all.

If such a woman does not have a family, then she will begin to exert her pressure on others - be it friends or work colleagues.
The danger is that through her actions she can bring chaos and destruction into the lives of those people who, in her opinion, are encroaching on her position.

When describing a situation in an inverted position, the Empress card warns of instability, weakness, doubt, indecision, selfishness, and inability to plan things.
In addition, she talks about voluptuousness, family problems, jealousy and infertility.

Sometimes this card can be interpreted as liberation from tyranny and vengeance.

This is the advice the Empress gives to the Questioner: “Rely on Fate, calm down and let events take their course.

Everything you might need, you already have.
You can influence the lives of other people, however, if you manage to convince them that you are right."
The Empress will tell you how you can manage real circumstances if you are ready to listen to her and cooperate with those around you.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought form: Initiative.
Number: three.
Hebrew letter: gimel.
Color: gray-blue.
Stone: agate.
Astrological analogy: Venus, Mercury in Gemini.
Another name: "Mistress".
The blue background of the card distinguishes the color of a clear summer sky and a calm, warm sea.
It symbolizes the harmony of nature and the world cosmic order.
Almost the entire space of the map is occupied by the figure of a woman sitting on a throne.

She is the mistress of this world, and the fact that her crown does not fit within the given framework suggests that her power extends somewhat further.
Her throne is brown, the color of earth, and her veil is the color of gold, a symbol of earthly blessings.

The legs of the throne are made in the form of lion paws.
All this symbolizes living nature, over which the Empress rules.
The golden crown is presented in the form of the divine kite Nekhbet, which not only protects the Mistress, but also testifies to the sharpness and liveliness of her mind.

She also symbolizes a woman's instinct - intuitive insights that allow her to make the right decisions when there is no time to think.
The crown is crowned with ostrich feathers of the goddess of justice Maat and the solar disk, which personify the purity of her thoughts and the justice of her actions.

In the hands of the Empress are two staffs - a symbol of power.
Like living lotus flowers, each of which is entwined with Wadget - the cobra goddess, these are symbols of wisdom.
The Mistress animates matter, revives it with the power of spirit and subtlety of mind.

She is both the creative force and the one who makes different elements work together rather than apart.
The Empress sits on the throne, but her pose speaks of her readiness to get up and take action at any moment.

This confirms the red dress (fiery principle of action).
She is fluent in all the tools available to her and will not fail to intervene in the course of events when necessary.
Without the Mistress nothing would have been done.

It is not for nothing that her card precedes the Emperor’s card, which will be discussed below.
The Empress embodies the matriarchal principle, symbolizes understanding, security and comfort.
The essence of this card is the harmonious cooperation of opposing forces, working for a common goal.

She is protection and fertility.

Value in the layout
The Empress is a mature person, capable of managing life for the benefit of others, and being a support and protection for her loved ones.
In a straight position
The Empress card promises success in all your undertakings, domestic harmony, long life, personal development and progress.

It symbolizes creation, growth, the ability to love and be loved.
Happiness, pleasure or great luck awaits you.
And in any case, this is new life, light, beauty and goodness in material matters, in feelings and in thoughts.

As well as fertility, abundance, material wealth.
This is also success in creativity, science, and the arts.
Stabilization in affairs, as if maternal guardianship over the fate of the home or its manifestation in the character of the person being told fortunes.

Sometimes it means marriage or marriage, sometimes it means pregnancy and the appearance of offspring.
As you feel like a Mistress, remember that the Empress is the governing force, creating an atmosphere where each person is free to develop their own potential.

But if you show ingenuity, then your actions will be even more fruitful.

Inverted position
The “Empress” is a self-centered, stingy person, incapable of strong feelings and noble deeds.

The card speaks of unproductive activities, empty chores, and sometimes financial difficulties.
Means indecision, inaction, laziness, infertility.
Difficulties in asserting one’s “I”, loss of creative powers.

Selfishness, vanity, overly emphasized eroticism.
Sometimes it is sensual love, devoid of spirituality.
Well, speaking in general, this is a lack of any growth, complete stagnation in your life.
All feelings seem to be frozen and frozen in immobility.

You feel uncertain, lost, indecisive and hesitate to make decisions.
The Empress will tell you how to survive in this world if you are ready to listen to her and learn to cooperate with others, try to combine activity with reason.

Astrological meaning: Venus in Taurus as a symbol of fertility and growth.
The Mistress is the inexhaustible power of Nature, constantly generating new life.

This card signifies vitality, fertility, growth and the birth of new things.
She is the inexhaustible source of all life, our creative potential and our ability to perceive subtle vibrations and embody them in the form of something new.

At the physical level it is growth, fertility, at the emotional level it is creativity, at the level of the mind it is a wealth of ideas, ingenuity, and at the level of consciousness it is the knowledge of new things.
The constant birth of something new means both continuous change in our lives and the need to endure the pain associated with this birth.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Venus The third card of the Major Arcana is called the Empress and is similar to the "woman clothed with the sun" described in the Apocalypse.
The card shows a woman sitting on a throne.

In her right hand she carries a shield with the emblem of a phoenix, and in her left hand a scepter topped with an orb or trefoil.
A crescent moon is sometimes located near her left leg, and the EMPRESS has either a crown or a diadem of stars on her head.

Sometimes the Empress is called the "Spawn" - for students of the College of Mysteries she is the Alma Mater, from whose body he is "born again."
In the pseudo-Egyptian Tarot, the Empress is depicted on a cube painted with eyes, with a bird sitting on the index finger of her left hand.

The upper part of the EMPRESS' body is surrounded by a golden halo - an emblem of power that permeates the entire tangible Universe.
The Empress is often depicted as pregnant.
Showing us that the Universe is not born without pain, the Third Arcana of the Tarot depicts a woman in labor.

But unlike the virgin Priestess, she personifies fertility and fertility and is depicted illuminated by the Sun.
Above her head is a crown of twelve rays or stars - a symbol of manifestation and time.

This image is found in the Apocalypse, symbolizing that the coming of the Savior takes place in time and space.
The Tarot card depicts a woman ready to give birth to a child and holding in her hands the Egyptian “key of life” - a symbol of dominion over the created world (which is why she is called the EMPRESS). Associated with this Arcanum is the concept of the will of the Creator, which lays the foundation for all subsequent creation.

From the Priestess, the EMPRESS was given an understanding of the process of creation - it is in her power to decide: what to give and what not to give independent existence.
She (the Empress) commands the process of creation, opening or closing the door to the manifest world to the invisible idea.

The Empress card is associated with the concepts of wisdom and stupidity, and it corresponds to that stage of a person’s life when he must realize the desires on the basis of which he creates his destiny.
Therefore, the “Empress” card also has a second name - “Comprehension”.

This Arcanum corresponds to the planet of practical wisdom and the ruler of creation - Venus, with which the basis of all secrets is connected - the greatest secret of Birth.
In the upright position, the Empress card symbolizes creation, new life, light, beauty and goodness in daily and material affairs, in feelings and thoughts.

As well as fertility, material income, stabilization in household affairs.
(As if maternal guardianship over the fate of the home).
Sometimes - marriage, or marriage, more offspring, success in creativity.

In an inverted position, the EMPRESS position may signal that you may be starting a new cycle, seeking action and needing clear awareness of them.
The card can also mean household chores, financial difficulties, infertility or desire for pregnancy, difficulties in asserting one’s self, and a decline in creative powers.

“For the success of any enterprise, it is important to be able to connect your activities with reason, and not emotions.
Remember that to affirm and desire the opposite is to doom yourself to destruction."

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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The Mistress, aka the Empress.
In the Egyptian Tarot - Isis, it is not without reason that the astrological correspondence of this card is Venus.
In the old days it was called Venus Urania - “Heavenly Love”, the universal creative force.

The hostess sits in a chair standing in the middle of a garden in which flowers, cereals and other plants grow.
A river flows through the garden.
The Mistress's position is free; At the foot of the chair or in other places on the chart, a small heart-shaped shield is often placed, on which the sign of Venus is depicted.

On the Mistress’s head is a crown, which is decorated with twelve stars, representing the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
The Mistress is, as it were, the result of a meeting between the Priestess and the Magician: she personifies the combination of opposites, masculine and feminine, but the feminine predominates: she is a woman who has known love.

But at the same time, it is also fertility, physical and spiritual creative power that has reached its fulfillment.
It is thanks to her that our children and our works remain on Earth after us.
She is powerful and feminine; in her hand is the royal scepter.

This card finally introduces hierarchy into the cards of the Major Arcana: the Mistress rules her subjects, rewarding the worthy and punishing the disobedient.
Meaning of the card: Don't forget the power of the Mistress.
If you got this card, ask yourself: did you violate her will in any way?

Did you try to commit violence against yourself, to infringe on your creativity?
You need to accept yourself as you are, rely on Fate, take a calm pose, like the Mistress depicted on the card, and let events take their course.

There is no need to conquer anything anymore: you have everything you need.
Venus is considered a symbol of love, art and some small to medium amounts of money.
Hence the meaning of this card in the layout: if they ask about matters of the heart, then everything is wonderful or will be wonderful in the very near future.

If we are talking about art, talents, good taste, then it also portends success and joy.
And everything will be fine with money too: Venus the Mistress does not leave her pets in trouble.
In general, a very good and quite favorable card, giving a positive forecast when answering almost any question.

It can also simply point to some woman who plays a certain role in the life of the questioner, most often a lover or beloved.
Or, at least, very favorably disposed.
Inverted: The prognosis remains positive; such a situation only indicates that something is preventing this at the moment.

But, if there are no too unfavorable cards nearby, then the situation will soon change for the better.
For businessmen: The forecast is favorable in relation to affairs, but requires you to think about your relationship with your partner.

On the third major lasso, the questioner will see a beautiful blonde sitting on a throne and bathed in sunlight, her name is the Empress. On her head is a crown topped with 12 stars. These 12 stars first appeared in the crown of the Virgin Mary, and can now be seen on the flag of the European Union. 12 stars are also the 12 houses of the Zodiac. The woman’s feet stand on the Moon, she simultaneously combines the power of both sunlight and moonlight.

In classical decks she appears in white robes, sometimes embroidered with flowers; in historical decks she can be seen in a more traditional medieval blue dress and red cloak. If the author of the deck wants to emphasize the role of the lasso in the spring revival of nature, green will become the predominant color.

The scepter in the hand of the Empress symbolizes her endless power over things created, or only subject to creation. The eagle in the second hand is a symbol of the soaring of the spirit above the earth and an attribute of the power of Jupiter.

The Crowley-Thoth Tarot abandons medieval interpretations and sees in the Empress the mistress of Ancient Egypt, the crown on her head repeats the ancient attire of the pharaohs of Upper and Lower Egypt. She holds a lotus in her hand, the eagle becomes a symbol on the shield, and at her feet sits a snow-white pelican - a symbol of love and fidelity to the mother. The Kabbalistic interpretation of the Dalet symbol dresses her in emerald tones combined with red. These are the red lands of Egypt and the green of the Nile.

The modern Tarot of Manara suggests considering as a symbol a naked woman, over whom a warrior bowed. Her face is not visible, she is looking at the sky. The warrior bows not to a specific queen, but to a symbol of infinite femininity.


No. in deck: III
Planetary correspondences: Venus
World of the Divine: Supreme power, balanced by reason, activity and wisdom of the Absolute
Historical correspondences: Venus Urania, Celestial Isis, Nature
Astrological correspondences: Virgo
World of intelligence: Universal fruitfulness of being
Kabbalistic correspondences: Dalet
Occult meaning: Action
Physical world: Nature creating acts propelled by the power of an omnipotent will
Other names: Mistress, Mistress, Sovereign, Mount of Omnipotence, Nature, Venus

General value

Remember, having picked up the deck, that believing in the truth and desiring justice will be sufficient to obtain both. To affirm lies or injustice in words, as well as to pursue them in deeds, means dooming oneself to destruction. The manifestation of the third lasso in a horoscope or alignment will mean the success of any active activity if it coincides with the will of creation and not destruction.

The appearance of the Third Arcana in the deck will tell about the coming of a time of abundance, a happy and joyful life, prosperity, but its combination with other arcana can delay or change the prediction. If the questioner is interested in the sphere of relationships most of all, then the lasso will tell about his expectation of tenderness, sensual relationships. At the same time, she will talk about creative potential and the need for self-realization on the creative front. A woman who sees this card in her personal reading will read about herself that she is an ideal mother, wife, and keeper of the family hearth.

When considering any situation in development, it is necessary to understand that the life-giving energy of the card is capable of launching processes that will develop rapidly and uncontrollably. Additional symbolism of the cover will hint that the processes are under the protection of higher powers. The appearance of the Empress in complex scenarios will draw attention to the fact that a strong woman is involved in the matter.

The Crowley-Thoth Tarot will additionally hint that the processes taking place are natural selection, in which the strongest will survive, having an internal core and an external form. In the Kabbalistic tradition, the card has its own angels who represent Kindness and Generosity. Among the inherent qualities of the lasso one can find love, beauty, tenderness, pleasantness, luxury, splendor, elegance, pleasure, leisure, entertainment and even debauchery. The Empress is turned to the future, she has turned away from the past. Behind it is the gate to heaven. Anyone can try to enter this arch.

The Tarot of Manara offers its own interpretation, in which the symbolism of motherhood and nourishing breasts is given first place. Attention is drawn to the subjectivity of what is happening, and the cold blue-gray tones of the card drawing draw attention to a certain detachment of eternal femininity.

When looking at a generally bright map, sometimes you need to look at the shadow side. In the Tarot of Shadows, the place of the Empress is replaced by Hecate. The emphasis is on relationships, fleeting and frivolous. It is possible that the questioner has occult talents.

Reversed Empress

An inverted card will indicate that the questioner suffers from cunning, selfishness, and a desire to rule. An overly selfish woman can destroy a marriage and family. She outwardly cares about her neighbors, but is not ready to sacrifice her selfishness. Along with the inverted meaning, financial difficulties and unnecessary troubles may come. An option could be loner syndrome - a woman gives up and loses the desire to take care of herself.

A decline in creativity and even an unsuccessful pregnancy may occur. In the Ryder-White Tarot, the reverse meaning is interpreted differently, as the manifestation of light, truth, resolution of difficult situations, or fluctuations associated with the lack of growth energy.

Personal meaning

The appearance of the Empress in any personal situation will tell you about the need to discover eternal femininity in yourself. The feminine principle can be revealed in any person, in the aspects of generosity, creativity, and a joyful attitude towards reality. This is knowledge of the wisdom of your body, the ability to use it. For a man, the lasso can be advice to take up plastic arts, dancing or classical wrestling.

This is generosity and hospitality, the need to expand the circle of social communication, the need to bring joy to the world. The growth offered by the Empress and her energies can significantly change the life of any person.

Value in layouts

The Empress Tarot Card Meaning in Relationships

In relationships, the appearance of this card indicates the beginning of a new, brighter and joyful period. It is favorable for any relationship, be it friendship, family, love or social. They will develop rapidly and rapidly, carried away by her energies; an unexpected and quick marriage or sudden pregnancy is possible.

The card responds to true and mature love, not superficial relationships. This is a novel the length of War and Peace, not a short story or a musical. Any unsuccessful relationship threatens to go away and be replaced by a bright one when the Empress appears, if there are no unfavorable minor arcana nearby.

Value in working moments

If a question is asked about choosing a job, then the appearance of the card will indicate the emergence of a new, stormy and powerful flow of energy that will carry the questioner along with it. For all creative and scientific workers, it marks new breakthroughs into the unknown, the discovery of opportunities and abilities. For representatives of more earthly professions, you can simply expect new projects or job offers; career growth is very likely. Any birth is painful, you shouldn’t wait for a road strewn with rose petals, but any new direction will be promising and favorable.


For the questioner, the appearance of the Empress in a specific situation will tell that the future development of events will depend on the will of a strong and strong-willed person who will control all processes. Perhaps unexpected patronage will be provided.

Card of the day

The intellectual meaning of the cards of the first seven is modified. The principle of three is a synthesis of one and biner, which means that you cannot choose one line of behavior. You need to react to each new turn either with logic, or intuition, or with naked force, depending on the direction of the wind.

Let your own “I” reveal itself, trust not in someone else’s opinion, but in the interweaving of the flow of events and the power of life with your inner strength.


It is necessary to avoid being carried away by external things. Ostentatious luxury and generosity can become a trap. Trust in maternal kindness, and not in the play of colors of an unfamiliar world.

Combination in layouts with other Major Arcana

Combination with Jester(0) will advise you to give up any activity and indulge in pleasant idleness. It will be the only possible solution in a particular situation.

The Empress together with Magician(I) will talk about possible manifestations of inhumanity, perhaps not in relation to the questioner. Perhaps higher powers will come into play.

Combination with High Priestess(II) will suggest looking for the machinations of secret enemies or ill-wishers in the events taking place.

Emperor(IV), appearing in tandem with the Empress, will pay attention to manifestations of weakness in actions or intentions.

High priest(V) will suggest thinking about improvement in the world, family affairs, or at least in the interior of the apartment.

Unexpectedly, but Lovers(VI) they will say that in some relationships or transactions there is a risk of giving up something important for next to nothing. Sometimes this combination will indicate an underestimation of one’s strengths.

Chariot(VII) will bring with it an illness, physical or mental. Most likely, it will be fleeting.

Justice(VIII) will indicate excessive overexertion, which can easily lead to loss of strength.

Hermit(IX), the third card in a row, will predict a painful condition. Most likely, the illness will be protracted.

Wheel of Fortune(X), dropped together with the Empress, will tell about future good wishes, approval of the goals or intentions of the questioner.

Force(XI) will warn about possible dissipation, its danger and the need to maintain common sense and observe the rules of honor.

Hanged(XII) will advise in any situation to choose the path of inaction, and will warn against unnecessary activity.

Death(XIII) will warn about the danger of hunger, which can be of a different nature, including a longing for communication.

Moderation(XIV) will say that personal resentment may enter the life of the questioner.

Together with Devil(XV) paired with the Empress, well-being will arise in the life of the questioner, perhaps quite permanently.

Tower(XVI) will talk about the need for some kind of saying. Together with the Empress, perhaps this will be a statement of will.

Star(XVII) will tell about the upcoming maneuvers. You shouldn’t take this lightly - war is not the main thing, the main thing is maneuvers.

Together with Moon(XVIII) one should expect some slight ailment, perhaps specifically a female one.

Sun(XIX) will warn you about the need to abandon any active activity.

When Vessels(XX) one should expect a riot or social explosion.

World(XXI) will talk about the possibility of acquiring valuable property.

Tarot Empress is a symbol of pure earthly love, which entails the birth of offspring and a successful marriage. Often it symbolizes the inner core of a woman, her power, and the successful completion of affairs.

In the article:

Tarot Empress - meaning

The appearance of the Empress in an upright position in a reading is a good sign. It symbolizes rebirth, the energy of abundance; often the appearance of the 3rd lasso speaks of a good time and satisfaction. At the moment, fortune is on your side. You have the necessary energy to complete what you started and start something new.

Often the appearance of a card speaks of starting a new relationship, building a house, the beginning of a positive streak in life, now everything will work out for you. At the moment, you are protected by divine cover from any machinations of fate. In the upright position, the meaning of the Empress is creation, beauty and goodness in all your actions, feelings and thoughts.

This is the enjoyment of life, comfort, both physical and psychological, mutual strong love. The individual on whom this lasso falls can accurately determine which project will be successful and which will not, invests resources only if the situation is very stable.

Often the Empress is a symbol of a woman, mother, wife, lover, sometimes an adult daughter who has already entered into marriage. Be sure that all events in your life are influenced by this woman. She not only plays an important role in your life, but sometimes even leads it. The lady is very loving and often loved.
If the focus is on choosing a profession, then it is better to focus on creative work, journalism, and the work of a reporter. The appearance of a card may indicate an easy birth, a restless child, or a domineering but kind mother-in-law. In fortune telling, the answer is positive.

Inverted position

When the Empress appears reversed, the Tarot wants to warn you that selfishness, promiscuous relationships, or an excessive desire to control the situation will play a bad joke on you. The card warns that trying to lead a man may not end as rosy as we would like.

All the power and care of the Empress, which can be positive, in this case carries only a negative connotation, since instead of a caring mother, the woman turns into an overseer, a despot. Sometimes Tarot speaks of financial difficulties.

If the individual being guessed is an adult woman, then the lasso can warn that her children will soon have their own families, and depression is possible due to the fact that she will no longer have anyone to care for.

The most negative things that a card can bring are infertility or unwanted pregnancy, betrayal, devastation, and complete inability to make decisions. In addition, the Empress may indicate the revelation of some secret, a truth that has been hidden for a long time.

Empress Tarot - meaning in relationships

If we talk about relationships with other people, the Empress Tarot lasso says that you will have the opportunity to make new acquaintances, and some changes in relationships with old friends are possible. It is even possible that there will be an addition to the family, the onset of a new phase of maternal love. In marriage, the woman symbolized by this card is an ideal wife.

She is a wonderful housewife, a caring mother, a liberated lover. If there are no negative cards around, then her life will be full of love, care, and financial well-being. If the layout contains cards such as the World, the Sun, the Wheel of Fortune, Lovers, then this indicates that your husband’s parents love you, all relatives help and do not interfere in the relationship.

If Justice, the Devil, the Tower, the Moon are nearby, your mother (her husband’s or yours) will try to intrusively wedge herself into your relationship with your husband. This will have an extremely negative impact on the relationship.

It is worth noting that the Empress lasso symbolizes not passion, not reckless love, but a mature feeling, proven over the years. The individual perfectly understands the full cost of relationships and strives to do everything to preserve them. The appearance of the Empress often indicates conception, since the woman is very fertile, usually she has more than 2 children.

Do not forget that the individual this card falls on is very strong. Sometimes, thanks to his inner power, he can hit everyone around him and no one can resist this force. The Empress does not subjugate a man, but does everything to make him comfortable, guesses any desires of her partner, but such an ideal woman can often cause low self-esteem in a weak man.

Work and finance

If you have the Empress lasso in your work or financial situation, then don’t worry, you won’t have any difficulties in the near future, as the card predicts the flourishing of business, the emergence of new ideas, revival and harmony. You have the opportunity to start your own business; any money invested will very quickly return to you in large quantities.

You are able to work not only alone, but also in a team, encouraging other people, which allows you to achieve great results. Often this lasso signals the emergence of a good business partner, practical and decisive, who knows what he wants. When choosing a profession, the appearance of the Empress card indicates that a person is able to realize himself in teaching, the hotel business, and PR.

Such an individual will become an excellent designer, engineer, artist. Arkan predicts an excellent future if a person develops in the creative field. The appearance of the lasso speaks of creative enthusiasm, inspiration; a change in working conditions, a change in management or type of activity, or a promotion is also possible.

Be confident in your financial stability, if you use all resources wisely and do not spend money left and right, then you will not have any problems with money. Your income will increase, expect prosperity and prosperity.

Health status

For anyone who is sick, a dropped Empress lasso speaks of positive dynamics and recovery. You have the opportunity to have a good rest, recharge with positive emotions and accumulate strength for further exploits. This card is associated with long-livers, people who rarely get sick.

In the event that fortune telling was carried out, the purpose of which was to calculate the illness of a person who was unwell, then the Empress speaks of tumors or cysts. In an inverted position, the card foreshadows some kind of chronic illness.

While you have the opportunity, give up negative habits, as after a certain period of time they can provoke the appearance of various ailments.

Tarot Empress in combination with other cards

In order to decipher the layout as clearly as possible, you need to pay attention to which cards are located next to the empress. In this case, the Empress Tarot card in combination with the major arcana carries important information:

  • Jester - the consequences can be unpredictable;
  • Magician - receiving financial profit;
  • High Priestess - experience;
  • Emperor - starting a new business or marriage;
  • Hierophant - harmony in the family;
  • Lovers - the beginning of a new relationship, including partnerships;
  • Chariot - care;
  • Strength - accumulation of energy power;
  • Hermit - difficulties;
  • Wheel of Fortune - changes;
  • Justice - receiving remuneration for work, understanding the course of events;
  • Hanged Man - awareness of effectiveness;
  • Death - something will radically change the course of things;
  • Moderation - pregnancy, no health problems;
  • Devil - you are dependent on someone or something;
  • Tower - miscarriage, emotional outburst;
  • Star - fortune is on your side;
  • Moon - enemies, unsatisfactory result;
  • Sun - birth of a child or completion of a project;
  • Court is creative energy;
  • Peace is conception.

Arcana Tarot Empress in combination with wands:

  • Ace - the birth of an heir;
  • Two - it's time to take the business to a new level;
  • Troika - new opportunities;
  • Four - acquisition of real estate;
  • Five - a strong quarrel;
  • Six - you know the true state of affairs;
  • Seven - you are wasting your energy;
  • Eight - childbirth;
  • Nine - you shouldn’t trust everyone you meet;
  • Ten - feeling unwell;
  • Page - collection of information;
  • Knight - unfavorable society, bad atmosphere in the team;
  • Queen - gaining experience;
  • King of Wands birth of a child.

Combination of lasso with cups:

  • Ace - the beginning of a project, relationship, new life;
  • Two - partnerships, quite strong;
  • Troika - party, birthday;
  • Four - resentment and pain gnaws at you from the inside;
  • Five - stop thinking about the past;
  • Six - infantilism;
  • Seven - false hopes;
  • Eight - deception, unfavorable situation;
  • Nine - the dream will come true;
  • Ten - expansion of the team or family;
  • Page - receiving a reward;
  • Knight - a revolution in the value system;
  • Queen - deep experiences;
  • King - real feelings.

Correct interpretation of the Empress if there is a card of the sword suit nearby:

  • Ace - birth of a child;
  • Two is a terrible deadlock;
  • Three - break of contract, divorce;
  • Four - do not make hasty conclusions;
  • Five - it's time to stand up for yourself;
  • Six - it's time to change something in your life;
  • Seven - the game is not worth the candle;
  • Eight - problems will accumulate if they are not solved as they arise;
  • Nine - aggression, decline;
  • Ten - termination of pregnancy, caesarean section;
  • Page - unfavorable situation;
  • The knight is a threat from ill-wishers;
  • Queen - family breakdown;
  • The King is a strong conflict.

Empress (Mistress) –IIIMajor Arcana

In the Egyptian Tarot this Arcana is called “Isis” or “Ishtar”. In the astrological field, the Empress is patronized by the planet Venus, located in Taurus - a symbol of fertility. In mythological meaning, the Empress is compared to Demeter or Gaia, as evidenced by the numerous flowers, fruits and ears of corn depicted on the Arcana. This is the image of the Great Mother in all her forms.

Since ancient times, in descriptions of this Arcanum the term has been foundVenus Urania, denoting Heavenly Love and personifying the creative power bestowed by the Universe itself. These qualities are endowed to the Empress by her powerful patroness, Venus.

Description of the Arcana

In the middle of a garden teeming with flowering plants there is a luxurious throne in which the Empress herself sits. The garden is washed by a clean river, its banks are generous with vegetation - all this speaks of fertility. The hostess is in a free, imposing pose, her head is decorated with a crown with the image of 12 stars, symbolizing the zodiac constellations.

The Tarot of the Age of Aquarius uses slightly different symbolism, which in no way violates the sacred meaning of the Arcanum itself. The Empress sits on a high throne standing in the hall of a solidly built stone castle. It is the stone walls and floor that symbolize fundamentality, stability and greatness here.

The windows of the castle reveal a clear blue sky, and the hall is filled with great Divine light. In her hands the Empress holds a symbol of fertility and life - ears of corn, and a symbol of power - an orb. Her shoulders are covered with a royal blanket. The Empress's pose is as free as it is majestic. Only full awareness of one’s strength and power, full responsibility for the opportunities given from above, allows one to remain calm.

The sign of Venus is harmoniously woven into the image: in some decks it is located on a shield, most often depicted in the shape of a heart, in some it is depicted on the throne of the Mistress.

In many schools on this Arcana there is a woman carrying a baby under her heart. It symbolizes the birth of a new thing, the ability to reproduce, rebirth, fertility and fertility. Freeing yourself from a burden can be quite difficult, but the result will always be positive and the experience valuable. This is how our Universe was born - an enchanting result from the union of the male and female principles, from the act of God.

As a sign of birth by the will of the Creator, the Empress is illuminated from above by sunlight, caressing not only the woman, but also everything that surrounds her, everything she touches. The Mistress, by the will of God, dominates the created world and perfects it. This idea is expressed in the brightness and radiance of the image on the Arcana.

Some Tarot deck authors chose to focus on the formidable and commanding image of the Empress, depicting her driving a chariot drawn by lions. Behind her back are visible wings, which speak of the demonic nature of the image, which has its roots in the Middle Ages. Each school sees its own aspect in the image of the Arcana, which influences its interpretation.

Sometimes the Mistress is depicted sitting not on a throne, but on a cube, which also symbolizes fundamentality, stability and stability. A symbol of power can be a hawk sitting on the hand of the Empress. It also shows its dominance over Nature.

The sacred meaning of the Empress

Following immediately after the Magician and the High Priestess, the Empress is a kind of quintessence of their meeting - the unity of opposites, the fusion of two principles, feminine and masculine. The result of this fateful meeting is a strong Woman who has known universal love and brings new life to the world.

This woman comprehended the secrets of fertility and supreme spiritual bliss. She gained strength by combining both the physical and spiritual principles. It contains a seed, a fruit that will give new life to a person, an idea, a world. The essence of the Arcana is the harmonious cooperation of multidirectional forces for the benefit of a common goal - creating the integrity of the universe.

The Empress amazingly combines femininity and power. She certainly rules, as evidenced by the royal scepter or orb in her hand, but she rules not only from a position of strength, but also from the position of her femininity. She punishes and rewards her subjects in her own way. The hostess symbolizes the matriarchal principle of all living things.

In the Apocalypse this image is present in the Woman illuminated by the Sun. Essentially, this is an image of the Virgin Mary or a symbol of the female hypostasis of the Holy Trinity. It is inextricably linked with the coming of the Savior to our mortal world. The virginal Priestess (II Arcanum), uniting in her sacredness with the Magician (I Arcanum), gives the Empress an understanding of the essence of the process of creation, the process of creating matter and improving it. The Empress gives birth to the manifested world and perfects it with her unshakable will and power.

The transformation of the unmanifested into the manifested is the essence of the highest, divine magic, which is also symbolized by the III Arcanum. Its deep meaning speaks of the presence of a strictly verified hierarchy: the subtle always rules the gross, force rules matter, consciousness rules force, and God rules consciousness. It is the symbolism of the Arcana that indicates the presence of all these levels of the hierarchy.

The main elements of Arcana symbolism are a crown, a scepter or orb, a shield and a throne. The crown demonstrates the power of God over consciousness, focusing on the divine will of any process. The scepter personifies the power of consciousness over force, in fact, the power that the Empress is endowed with. A shield is a point of application of force, the power of energy over matter, it is a specific object or a specific action. The throne is the undeniable place of the ongoing process here and now.

Without a doubt, the Empress, or Mistress, is a governing force who, with her will and power, creates a certain order that allows creative potential to freely develop, encouraging creation and improvement. This Arcanum is a kind of gate that precedes the entire material world, a gate through which the invisible becomes visible, the unmanifest becomes manifest.

Among the names of the III Arcana one can find such as the Sovereign, the Mistress, and the Mountain of Omnipotence.

Astrological correspondence of the Empress

Venus in Taurus is perhaps the ideal astrological correspondence to Arcana III. Once in the domain of Taurus, Venus completes the formation of feelings and receives their complete stability. She knows how to love and teaches this to others. Her femininity is undeniable, it is her greatest strength, capable of giving birth to something new and great.

The Empress's impressiveness is a manifestation of her peace. Her calmness is the result of wisdom allied with practicality. She knows how to take care of herself and willingly surrounds everyone in her circle with care.

Venus is the bearer of the greatest secret of the universe, the secret of Birth, therefore the Empress reflects the inexhaustible power of Nature itself, generating new matter. She is an inexhaustible source of life, its inspiration.

The meaning of the direct Arcana in the layout

Based on its sacred meaning, the Empress in the upright position speaks of established stability, life harmony, and improved prospects in almost all aspects of life.

This card may indicate pregnancy or planning a marriage. If we consider pregnancy not only in physical terms, then we can say that the card speaks of “pregnancy” with an idea that will be realized in the near future. This is a map of emerging opportunities and prospects.

In business, this Arcanum signifies liberation from the burden of routine work and the enjoyment of positive results. Relationships with others bring joy, and the internal state is characterized by calmness and confidence.

In general scenarios, the Empress always foreshadows the approach of very serious changes in a person’s life, in fact fateful ones. These changes are always associated with difficulties, tension, and anxiety, and most often a person realizes that practically nothing depends on him in this situation. The only thing he can do is take the calm pose of the Empress and be ready to face the changes.

The nearby cards of the Minor Arcana will help you understand what kind of changes these are and in what area of ​​human life they will occur.

At different levels, the Empress displays her different qualities:

  • physical level: growth of well-being, conception and pregnancy, productive actions, fertility, child rearing and protection, material comforts, change in status or social position, physical affection, profit, maternal manifestations, bountiful harvest, healing;
  • emotional level: creativity, sensuality;
  • mind: wealth of ideas, inventiveness, learning new things, discovery, concentration and focus on life processes.

The meaning of the inverted Arcana in the layout

The Reversed Empress warns that creative energy is being directed in the wrong direction, which will lead to its unproductive expenditure. The result will be negative, and your strength will run out. Lack of initiative threatens to delay changes for the better.

Arkan calls for a more attentive attitude to events and business connections, a rejection of imaginary temptations and ostentatious luxury. He says that the time has come to give yourself a proper assessment and take responsibility for your future.

In general, the Empress speaks of the groundlessness of expectations for changes that cannot occur due to many circumstances not taken into account by man. Consequently, the inverted Arcanum directs a person to the origins of his desires, the need to revise his motivation or re-evaluate the methods that a person previously resorted to to implement these changes and which did not bring results.

The cards of the Minor Arcana lying nearby will show exactly what mistakes were made, in what area of ​​​​a person’s life stagnation occurs, which is an obstacle. The cards will tell you in what direction a person should direct his efforts in order to resolve a difficult situation.

This is a period of very heavy burden, which cannot be resolved without full awareness of the situation and one’s own mistakes.

The meaning of the inverted Empress by level:

  • physical level: unsuccessful attempts to get rich, problems with pregnancy, birth control, infertility, miscarriage, abortion, inability to have children, financial difficulties, poverty;
  • emotional level: unrealized creativity, missed opportunities, greed, despair, depression, suffering from the burden of problems;
  • mind: lack of ideas, emptiness, unwillingness to concentrate, dissatisfaction with life, mental fatigue, mental poverty.

Direction of self-development

It's time to rely on your own intuition, give free rein to wisdom and rationality - they are the ones who will help you follow the path of life, find the right decisions, and achieve your goals. The time to act has come and it must not be missed.

This is a unique time in which new knowledge, ideas, worldviews and awareness come. Most often, they are associated with certain difficulties and give a feeling of grief and heaviness, but regardless of desire and external circumstances, the idea being nurtured will sooner or later gain clarity.

This time forces a person to carefully reconsider his own life, to think about the circumstances that gave rise to the current state of affairs. It may be necessary to abandon the usual train of thought and expand consciousness. The Empress advises to take these moments calmly, since they are always blissful and bring creative changes.

In the upright position, this card means the maturation of an idea, a transformation of consciousness, a period of gaining experience through comprehension, liberation from the burden of complexes and the birth of a new worldview.

In an inverted position, the Empress will talk about stagnation in consciousness, reluctance to understand the reasons, lack of new ideas, stagnation, the burden of complexes. The inverted Arcana is a kind of edification that allows you to properly build your life, if you take into account all its advice. He is not a sentence, he is a wise adviser.


The arcan influences representatives of various professions in its own way, but what unites them all is the period of release of powerful energy, rise, and the emergence of non-trivial situations and creative ideas.

People of creative professions have a desire to create, to embody their feelings, emotions, and ideas into the physical world. At this moment, great works, masterpieces are born, new inventions appear.

People of other professions are on the verge of changes, innovations, promotions, and revitalization in business. Office workers may face a change in management, changes in work schedules or redistribution of workload, and all inconveniences will certainly receive financial compensation, although the changes will be accompanied by great stress. The same thing awaits public sector workers.

For businessmen, this is the time to create conditions for expanding their own business, searching for partners, finding funds for investment, communicating with a wise person endowed with power, and most often this person is a woman. In this case, the card gives direct instructions to follow the advice of a wise woman.

Students may encounter a successful change of leader or teacher, who will bring more knowledge and the opportunity to successfully complete the course of study and brilliantly defend the project. The student himself must understand that the new leader will force him to work with full dedication, he will demand the manifestation of non-standard thinking.

In an inverted position, the Empress speaks of stagnation of creative energy. For people in creative professions, this may mean the inability to express themselves in creativity, lack of material resources to organize the process, and poverty of ideas.

In business, this means a crisis in relations with partners, the lack of a basis for promoting the business, receiving ineffective advice, a deterioration in financial condition, and the need to return the funds raised. This is a difficult time that you need to be able to wait out with dignity, since under the influence of the Empress a person cannot always take action to reverse the situation.

Personal relationships

In personal relationships, the Empress speaks of the dominance of a woman over a man. She is smart, assertive, rational and demanding. Her advice is purely practical. A woman will defend her position, relying on natural femininity. The man in this relationship is always the follower.

Such relationships can be called harmonious if the man tacitly agrees to second positions in such an alliance. Moreover, this applies not only to family and love relationships, but also to business, friendly, and creative unions.

In unions determined by the Empress, the woman not only leads, but also takes on responsibility akin to a mother’s. She envelops a man with care and attention, thereby preventing him from “growing up” and becoming independent.

Such a situation can be painful for both the man and the woman herself. In this case, such a relationship can be saved by the appearance of a child, if it concerns a family, or an employee/friend who needs help. A card that falls on a woman in a family relationship speaks of an upcoming or already accomplished pregnancy.

Oddly enough, the inverted Empress also speaks of the primacy of a woman, but in this case such dominance is treacherous, aggressively suppressive. All the negative force of female nature, its dark side, spills out onto a man: jealousy, hysteria, capriciousness, suspicion, excessive demands for attention and reverence for one’s own person.

A child for such a woman will be a burden, and pregnancy will be an undesirable moment for her. A marriage with such a woman is fraught with emotional difficulties, and only a man’s diplomacy can strengthen it.

The same manifestations occur in a business union. For her, there are only her own views, and relationships are built on changing moods. The strength of the union depends entirely on the partner, who will find the strength to accept the woman for who she is. The important thing here is not to resist, but to find common ground, which sometimes requires self-sacrifice.

Personality characteristics


The sacred meaning of the Arcana completely influences the characteristics of a woman. First of all, the Empress is a mother in all manifestations of this word. She surrounds everyone with care, worries about both the physical and mental peace of those around her. She uses her power to create favorable conditions and material benefits. Sometimes she does it too persistently.

The Empress always knows what needs to be done, does it herself or gives instructions. She is powerful, but at the same time feminine and soft. Her strength is in her femininity. Most often, this is a creative person, rich in ideas, with a lot of knowledge and personal experience. She gladly shares her life wisdom with people around her who need her help. We must pay tribute that such a person is always surrounded by her. She is active, but not fussy.

The Empress woman always has inexhaustible energy, which must find a way out, otherwise it is capable of destroying a woman from the inside. Fortunately, a woman has no problem finding an object on which this energy should be poured.

In relationships with children, the Mistress woman shows the miracles of motherhood. She is very attentive to any whims of her child, although she does not encourage them. She knows how to find a common language with children and does everything to completely surround them with care. Such a mother's children are always fed, extremely well-groomed and receive an excellent education. The Empress is the standard of motherhood, although it could not be otherwise, because this Arcanum represents the Universal Mother.

The Empress Woman is always an excellent hostess. She is able to create perfect comfort in the house even with insufficient funds. Order and harmony always reign around her. The name of the Arcana “Mistress” fully confirms her characteristics.

The Reversed Empress characterizes a woman who always puts herself first. There can be no talk of external care, since all her care is aimed only at her own well-being. Such people are not distinguished by the flight of creative ideas; most often they are called down-to-earth.

The reversed Mistress speaks of despotism and the desire to get everything at any cost, without caring about means. She hides her despotism under the guise of caring for people close to her.

Her character is complex, dominated by such traits as jealousy, quarrelsomeness, and hysteria. She will pay more attention to satisfying physical needs. This is the other side of Divine Love, which is lust. Very often, such women prefer to engage in prostitution.


The Empress in the position of a man shows his creative potential, the ability to “give birth” to something new and perfect. Such a man is soft, compliant, pays great attention to his own image and the surrounding order, which he adheres to and gently encourages others to observe.

He is not deprived of the ability to earn money, but this manifests itself precisely in creative professions. These men make excellent artists, musicians, designers, researchers, inventors and scientists. Such a man can “withdraw into himself”, live in his own world, which often makes one talk about him as a person “not of this world.” But this is always in the good sense of this expression.

A man’s relationship with children under the influence of Arkan develops in a unique way: he willingly takes on the functions of a mother, takes care of the children, shows special interest in them, but this is not enough to call him a good father in the full understanding of this expression. He does not educate, he manifests himself only in caring. This is due to the gentleness of his character, but children can sometimes miss their father.

In a family, such a man is always a follower. His relationship with his wife can be influenced by his attachment to his mother and the authority of her statements. The woman will have to completely replace his mother in order to, if possible, exclude external influences on her marriage. Another option is to make your husband’s mother your ally.

The inverted Empress in the case of a man is the exact opposite of the inverted Arcana for a woman. The man seems to lose his face, and then, as the woman becomes aggressive, the man turns into a real “rag.” This also affects his sexuality. The inverted Mistress will show homosexuality in a man.


Health plans have three options:

  • viewing the general condition of the body with one card from the Major Arcana;
  • the definition of processes occurring in the body is looked at by two Major Arcana;
  • deep diagnostics of the whole organism according to the chakra system, for which you need to know well which organs and systems belong to a particular chakra.

General state

Based on the fact that the Empress is an indicator of fertility, development, growth, maturation, then in the human body it indicates a state of change. In the upright position, this change is beneficial. This may be the process of recovery after a protracted illness, a period of rehabilitation. In young people, this is the growth of the body, which may be accompanied by some unpleasant phenomena that are not harmful to health and are physiological (bone growth in adolescence). For a woman, this card can mean pregnancy.

In an inverted position, it also speaks of growth, but in this case such growth is harmful to health - tumor growth, enlargement or the appearance of neoplasms. In this case, the card must be deciphered by placing another Arcana next to it. If this Arcana turns out to be a “negative” card (Devil or Hanged Man), then the card indicates the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one. For a woman, such a card may indicate the inability to become pregnant due to diseases of the genital area, most often due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, but oncology cannot be ruled out. If, when deciphered, the Tower or Death are nearby, then this means a spontaneous or forced abortion.

Ongoing processes

When dealing with 2 cards, it is very important to look at what position the Empress falls into. If it is the first card, then this indicates diseases of the genital area in women and intestinal diseases in men.

In the second position, this card in an upright position will tell about natural processes in the organ, for example, pregnancy. For a man, this may be the growth of favorable flora, the restoration of an organ after an inflammatory process.

An inverted card indicates the presence of problematic processes associated with stopping and blockage. For example, a frozen pregnancy in a woman or constipation in a man.

Chakra diagnostics

A deep analysis of the state of the body is provided by viewing the Major Arcana for each chakra. The Empress at each chakra center will show certain problems.

Muladhara. For men, the direct Mistress says that you need to pay attention to the blood supply to the lower extremities. Inverted will indicate blockages in the veins of the lower extremities and the presence of blood clots in them.

For women, this Arcana will show the health of the genital organs, the possibility of reproduction, and the absence of hereditary problems. The inverted Empress speaks of diseases of the female genital area, fibroids, fibroids, blockage of the fallopian tubes, infertility. In some cases, if the Devil or the Hanged Man is on the second chakra, the Mistress will show oncological processes, not only in the uterus and its appendages, but also in the mammary glands.

Svadhisthana. For men, the Mistress in an upright position speaks of healthy processes in the intestines, favorable growth of flora, restoration of health. Inverted - intestinal blockage, constipation or even volvulus.

For a woman, the Empress indicates pregnancy. Inverted will speak of miscarriages or abortions.

Manipura. For both women and men, the Mistress will point to a recovering single organ - liver, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach, spleen. It may show heaviness in the stomach, but not as a disease, but as a result of excess food.

The inverted Mistress most often shows stones in the gall bladder or the presence of tumors in the stomach. If there is an Arcana of the Devil or the Hanged Man on neighboring chakras, then the neoplasm is malignant, and if the Arcana of the Tower or Death is present, then the person has undergone surgery or is in a state of sharp exacerbation of the disease.

Anahata. In the upright position, for both men and women, the Arcanum shows the condition of the heart: a person feels problems with the functioning of the heart, caused not by a disease, but by overload. This can be both physical and emotional overload.

In an inverted position, the Empress speaks of interruptions in the functioning of the heart caused by problems with the movement of blood through the vessels, the presence of blood clots in the vessels. If the Arcana of Death or the Tower are nearby, then there is a high probability of heart blockage - thromboembolism.

Vishuddha. The hostess will directly show the healthy organs of the oral cavity and natural processes in the body. Inverted will show tumors or swelling of the oral mucosa and nasopharynx.

Ajna. A direct card indicates natural processes in the body, the absence of physical problems, but can show the presence of burdensome thoughts and painful worries.

An inverted card can warn of a threat of a brain tumor, especially if the adjacent chakras contain Arcana such as the Devil, the Hanged Man or an inverted Jester.

Sahasrara. This Arcanum is not very indicative of physical health, but is very characteristic of a person’s psychological state. This is a consciousness that is burdened with ideas, but not painful ones. The inverted position shows mental devastation, depression, apathy.

Layout for the situation

If the Empress appears in the situation for a man, we can talk about the influence of a mother, a female leader or wife on events in his life, their leading role. The nature of the influence and its consequences will be revealed by the neighboring Arcana, as well as the direct or inverted position of the Empress.

For a woman, this card says that in this situation she herself is the mistress of the situation. She needs to wait for the right moment for permission. The inverted Empress will talk about spontaneous decisions that led to a worsening of the situation, delaying its resolution.

The Empress in any scenario says that you need to rely on fate, since all the initial data is available to implement plans or resolve the situation. You need to take a calm pose and surrender to the flow of life. If the outcome is not yet visible, this does not mean that it has not been formed from above. After some time, the Empress will open the Gate of Manifestation and the result will become tangible.

At the household level

The Direct Mistress will talk about such events as the birth of a child, a successful purchase, the acquisition of movable or immovable property, and in particular land plots, the successful completion of the situation at which fortune telling is aimed. For a woman, this Arcanum promises a favorable time to ask for the purchase of something she has long desired, for example, a fur coat or jewelry. The Hostess will also indicate the possibility of taking a romantic trip to a significant date - a wedding or acquaintance anniversary, an anniversary. With such a card, men will be especially accommodating and compliant.

The appearance of the Empress in a reading can portend success for women who rely on a strong family, raise children and enjoy their sexual partner. For them, the arcan means pleasant changes, if not in the way of life, then in favorable external circumstances.

The appearance of the Empress in a reading of the situation can tell a woman about the presence of some kind of friend or patroness interested in the situation. It’s worth looking around, maybe this is the woman who will take the situation into her own hands, leading you to your goal.

For men, this card also brings satisfaction, since they will be surrounded by the care and attention of a woman; the main thing is not to resist this care, but to allow yourself to enjoy life. In addition to care and attention, a woman also becomes a worthy advisor for a man; he can safely use her wisdom.

In the case of a man, the appearance of the Empress may also indicate the appearance of some woman in his life who can influence his destiny. This is not necessarily a romantic relationship. A woman can become a business partner, but she will definitely bring beneficial changes. The nature of the relationship between a man and a woman, predicted by the Empress, can be determined with the help of additional Arcana, which should be laid out to decipher the Mistress.

In an inverted meaning at the everyday level, it means an unsuccessful or failed pregnancy, a delay in resolving everyday issues that depends on external factors, the inability to purchase property or an unsuccessful acquisition. With such a card, a woman can forget about gifts, flowers and a man’s generosity, and a man can forget about a woman’s attention.

This card indicates the presence of some external factors influencing what is happening, which are beyond the control of a person. You can make a lot of efforts to correct the situation, but later it will become clear that all these efforts were in vain. In this case, endurance, the ability to cope with excessive desires and reasonable self-restraint come to the fore. Thoughts must be brought to harmony and calm.

Card of the day

If the Mistress appears on the card of the day, then you need to be prepared to calmly await the coming event. You should not take decisive actions on this day, but you should trust the Mistress of Fate. It is advisable to spend this day surrounded by pleasant people, find a reason to enjoy - from nature, from food, from communication. The direct Arcanum speaks about this.

An inverted Arcanum warns that it would be better not to leave your apartment on this day. But if this cannot be accomplished, then you should be prepared for disappointment, a forced change of plans, and unpleasant meetings. You should not make significant purchases or plan serious events on such a day.

Time characteristics of the Empress

The Empress is one of those Arcana that suggests the time of an event. Actually, you can focus on it if the question arises, “When will this happen?”

The card never speaks of a quick resolution of the situation. If it falls in the scenario for the near future, then we can say that the event will be postponed by three months.

If the alignment is made for a long period of time, a year or more, then she says that events will occur in approximately 9 months or closer to this period.

Arcana Council

The Empress gives advice in any situation to take a calm pose, in the sense of realizing that, be that as it may, the person is the master of the situation. What separates him from achieving his goal is the natural development of the situation; you just need to be able to wait patiently, without taking decisive and rash actions, because all of them can complicate the achievement of the goal and, possibly, disrupt the course of events. In this case, the desired result will be obtained, but will not bring satisfaction.