Typical mistakes when building brick walls. Mistakes when building a house - what are the savings? Savings on soil testing

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Seven construction mistakes - the difficult task of building a country house .

Lack of preparation and haste when building a house can lead to numerous construction errors. What “rake” do future home owners step into?

Where and how to start construction correctly and successfully?

Why is it so important to design a house?

How to avoid long-term construction and missed deadlines and why you shouldn’t rush?

What problems arise when building the foundation and walls of a house?

How not to make a mistake when choosing a roofing material?

How to build properly in winter?

Seven construction mistakes - simply about the complex. Lack of preparation and haste when building a house can lead to numerous construction errors. What mistakes do developers fall into most often? How to avoid long-term construction? What problems arise when building a foundation and insulating a house? How not to make a mistake when choosing a roofing material?

Experts from Remstroyservice answer.

Construction Mistake #1 - House Design

Many future home owners believe that building a house begins with choosing the first standard project they like. Practice shows that this is a deep misconception - for each site and type of soil for different types of materials and floors - it is necessary to either adjust the standard project from the catalog or an individual house project

Another very important point is the layout of the house! To choose the optimal layout that you need, you need the opinion of an experienced architect - designer who will immediately find all the errors and future inconveniences in the layout of the house, problems with the arrangement of furniture and the future convenience of the house! You can also get rid of most of the problems associated with the functionality of the house.

The image error - it occurs if the final decision has not been made about what kind of house you are going to build, wooden or permanent, with or without a terrace. The result of this uncertainty is the completion of the eternally walking parts of the foundation and the destruction of the foundation and the house from excessive load.

Saving mistake - any future home owner wants the house to be as cheap as possible during construction, but this saving on the house design results in irreparable things, the destruction of the house, or vice versa in a large increase in cost due to a non-optimal standard design. Our professional designers achieve up to 30% savings on construction through optimal solutions without loss of quality. This is a saving of about 1,000,000 rubles on a small house. As a result, the cost of the house project pays off 10 times.

Error of responsibility - when ordering projects from an unknown company and if errors occur in the project during the construction stage or, even worse, after, you risk being left without a person responsible for such work. Therefore, order a project or buy a ready-made one only from a company with an SRO - a company that is included in the register of Self-Regulating Organizations and is responsible for the design in the amount of the insured amount specified in the License.

Construction mistake No. 2 - incorrect choice of house area.

One of the main questions is, what should be the area of ​​the house? Build a big house or choose a smaller one. One-story, 2-story or 3-story. Make the most of space

Let us give examples and completeness of the minimum areas for the premises of a country house:

Living room - from 25 sq.

Kitchen - from 15 sq.m.

Bedroom from 15 sq.m

Boiler room from 6 sq.m or from 15 cubic meters

Tambour from 3 sq.m

Storage room from 3 sq.m.

Hall on the second floor from 7 sq.m.

Bathrooms - one per floor from 5 sq.m.

The error of compromise occurs when a family is tired of agreeing on what size house it needs. For example, the husband wants a big house and the wife wants a small and cozy one. The result is that if you follow the path of least resistance and take into account the opinions of all family members and without considering all the wishes with a professional architect, you will end up with a house that does not suit everyone.

It is a financial mistake - when building without a project or without an estimate, there is a danger of unplanned expenses, which will ultimately lead to long-term construction and construction sites abandoned indefinitely. In the case of building a house, a clear understanding of the cost of building a house and calculating the budget for its construction is required, and this directly depends on the choice of size and configuration of the house.

Before choosing a house project, contact us to calculate the cost of its construction and understand the budget for all stages of construction.

Construction error No. 3 - Incorrect location of the house on the site!

The most common mistake is the incorrect location of the house on the site. How to position the house correctly?

The ideal ratio of house to plot area is 1/10

The maximum permitted house to plot ratio is 45%

Distance from site boundaries from 3 meters

Distance from the road from 5 meters - optimal from 6 meters, in order to fit, for example, a parking lot for a car

The orientation of the house is strictly along the line of the front side of the site

The main facade of the house should face the front side of the site

Living room with terrace and winter garden on a picturesque location or on the courtyard.

On the south side, the maximum number of windows is welcome.

The distance from the house to the bathhouse is preferably at least 6 meters

The distance between wooden houses is from 6 meters

The distance between wooden ones is from 8 to 15 depending on the number of storeys

Arrange outbuildings in advance

Entry for cars and trucks (if required)

It is important to decide on the location of the well and septic tank communications

It is imperative to order the planting of the future house on the site, since the site may have a difference in height, which will subsequently affect the change in the height of the foundation and lead to an increase in cost, and sometimes to a complete replacement of the type of foundation.

Construction mistake No. 4 - Refusal to study the soil on the site

What kind of soil do you have on your site? - no one will answer this question 100% without geological surveys.

Even if your neighbors have normal soils, it is not at all a fact that they are normal in yours.

According to geological standards, the distance from the drill hole, along which you can navigate, is 5 meters in radius. That is, the distance between two geological punctures should be no more than 8-10 meters. Accordingly, depending on the size, a house will require from 2 to 7 punctures.

Based on the results of geological surveys, the following is determined:

Type and parameters of the foundation.

Foundation depth

Number, size and length of piles in a pile foundation.

The proximity of groundwater, its possible rise and pressure force, and, accordingly, the possibility of implementing a basement, cellar or basement.

An important parameter will be the maximum possible load on the ground to calculate the possible weight of the house.

Geology helps save 5-20% of the cost of building a house

Do not save on geology - 30,000 rubles saved here can lead to the destruction of the foundation and walls and the loss of 3,000,000 rubles.

Construction Mistake #5 - Choosing Builders or a Construction Company

Any house is a complex engineering structure, the construction of which requires professional tasks and competencies. Any mistake made in construction or defect can lead to the destruction of the house in a few years or even 5 years. Choose only a reliable company with good professionals. A lot in construction depends on the builders, but even more depends on the engineers who carry out the technical work. supervision and from their experience in construction. As a rule, involving a crew in construction on its own and an untested technical supervision engineer leads to disastrous consequences during construction. And the main problem with this approach is the absence of a cent of responsibility, which will be responsible for poor-quality construction, either through alterations or monetary compensation. Be sure to choose a contractor with an SRO license, even if it is not required for country construction of houses up to 3 floors.

Construction mistake No. 6 - The foundation is like your neighbor's.

The foundation is the most important part of your home and treating it with neglect means you will subsequently pay with the destruction of the house and the loss of money for repairs. And in most cases, the consequences are incorrect installation or choosing the wrong type of foundation.

One of the most common mistakes is choosing a foundation “like your neighbor’s.” Usually citing the fact that everyone does this here. A rash approach leads to unpredictable results.

In addition, the durability of the house depends on the quality of workmanship and the reliability of the foundation:

- The foundation must be designed directly for your house and the soil on your site.

The poured concrete does not completely cover the reinforcement cage, and the reinforcement is in contact with the ground. This leads to its corrosion, a decrease in the bearing capacity of the foundation and its rapid destruction.

Insufficient foundation depth.

Pouring piles to a shallow strip foundation. This can lead to separation of the piles from the tape due to frost heaving of the soil.

Insufficient width of the belt and a decrease in its load-bearing capacity.

- An overly thick foundation is highly susceptible to the same heaving.

- Filling the sinuses with local soil. When heaving, clay soil is capable of creating a force of up to 40 tons per square meter and, for example, pushing through a basement wall.

- Incorrect reinforcement of MZLF.

- Excessive reinforcement. For example, the working reinforcement in the center of the tape section is useless. Or insufficient reinforcement.

- Lack of horizontal cut-off waterproofing, resulting in dampness and the appearance of mold on the walls in the house.

- The foundation is not properly insulated, which leads to soil freezing and frost heaving forces.

- The drainage of the foundation and the removal of surface water from it have not been completed.

The heterogeneous type of foundation of the house and veranda leads to rupture of the foundations at the point of contact.

Construction mistake No. 7 - Wrong choice of materials during construction.

You can often hear the opinion that this or that material is bad. It is important to understand that there are no bad materials - there are errors in their use and combination, which affects further operation.

Example: a widely used material for wall insulation, extruded polystyrene foam, its improper use, for example, on roofs, or incorrect calculation of its thickness when insulating external walls, leads to moisture being trapped inside the room or a dew point forming on the inside of the insulation adjacent to the wall. In these cases, moisture accumulates which significantly reduces the durability of the structure.

The roof is constantly exposed to adverse weather conditions. It must withstand significant snow and wind loads. Often, when choosing a material, clients use only questions of price and attractiveness of the material - this is the wrong approach.

Roofing material in the climatic zone of Russia must have a multiple supply of transition cycles through “0”

In this regard, materials such as ceramic tiles and sand-cement tiles are vulnerable; porous materials are destroyed quite quickly during freezing and thawing.

The above examples apply to all wall and finishing materials.

In this section we will look at mistakes in the construction of low-rise buildings from small blocks of autoclaved aerated concrete, as the most common wall material made of cellular concrete on the Russian market.
All errors in the construction of houses from aerated concrete blocks can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Errors leading to violation of the integrity of building structures.
  2. Errors that worsen the operational characteristics of the building.
  3. Errors leading to excessive labor and financial costs during construction without compromising the integrity of the structures and operational characteristics of the building.
  1. Errors leading to violation of the integrity of structures.

This is the most dangerous group of errors in the construction of houses from aerated concrete blocks, since as a result of incorrect design of the building and neglect of construction technologies, the integrity of the load-bearing structures of the house can be compromised. The range of negative consequences of this group of errors can extend from the formation of relatively stable cracks in the walls of aerated concrete buildings to the collapse of structures.

A. Errors in the design and construction of foundations for houses made of aerated concrete.
The fracture strength of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks tends to zero. Unreinforced masonry made from aerated concrete blocks has slightly better properties, but in general, a base deformation of 2 mm per meter and a foundation roll of 5 mm per meter can cause the formation of cracks in aerated concrete masonry.
Movements of foundations and changes in their shape are possible under the influence of soil movements (freezing, thawing, changes in moisture saturation), settlement under load, and subsidence soils. Deformations of the foundations are also possible due to an incorrectly chosen design under the applied load. Therefore, foundations for buildings made of aerated concrete blocks are subject to increased requirements for position stability and preservation of geometric shape. The design of the foundation must ensure the compatibility of deformations of the building walls located on it during linear and angular movements.
The optimal foundation for a house made of aerated concrete blocks is a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation, the design most appropriate to the soil conditions (pile-grillage foundation, buried or shallow strip foundation, buried or surface slab). The soil foundation under such a foundation must be properly prepared to reduce possible movements: the foundation must rest on compacted or unloosened layers of compacted soil, the soil must be drained before building the foundation, large deciduous trees should not grow in close proximity to the foundation, and there must be insulation around the foundation by an amount sufficient to reduce frost heaving.
A lack of understanding of the mechanics of soil movement and the basic properties of aerated concrete blocks leads to the fact that prefabricated foundations from foundation blocks (with or without a reinforced belt) are used for houses made of aerated concrete. Such foundations are permissible only on non-heaving soils and are conditionally permissible on slightly heaving soils. On soils prone to heaving, prefabricated foundations for houses made of aerated concrete blocks are not recommended.
Sometimes there are attempts to build buildings from aerated concrete on pile foundations with a frame (high grillage) made of steel structures (channel, angle, I-beam) instead of a monolithic reinforced concrete grillage. A metal grillage is not able to ensure the stability of the position of walls made of small blocks of aerated concrete and has significant temperature fluctuations in geometric dimensions.
When installing grillages, some independent builders, guided by popular construction literature of the early post-Soviet period, save on reinforcing the top row of reinforced concrete grillage of a pile-grillage foundation, do not perform the required anchoring of reinforcing bars in the corners of the grillages and reduce the permissible height of the grillage section (it should be at least 40 cm). As a result, such an “economical” grillage is not able to withstand all the resulting loads, which leads to deformations and the opening of cracks in the grillage itself, and to the formation of cracks in the walls.
It is unacceptable to combine different types of foundations under a single building made of aerated concrete blocks due to the possible unevenness of the resulting loads during soil movements. Any combination of dissimilar foundations and construction of extensions is possible only when expansion joints are installed in aerated concrete walls at the junction of dissimilar structures.

B. Errors when laying aerated concrete blocks
Violation of the correct ligation of blocks in row masonry, incorrect execution of openings, incorrect pairing of external and internal walls, absence or insufficient reinforcement of walls, absence of reinforced concrete belts can lead to the formation of cracks in the walls of aerated concrete houses.
Chain ligation of blocks during masonry ensures the absorption of bending and shearing forces acting on the masonry. When laying blocks with a height of 25 cm or more in one row, the minimum dressing should be either 20% of the block height, but not less than 10 cm.

A common mistake is the lack of ligation or flexible connections when connecting walls made of aerated concrete blocks. The connection of walls made of aerated concrete blocks can be rigid or using flexible connections.

Rigid coupling is possible if the difference in loads on the walls does not exceed 30% (that is, walls of the same type are mated - load-bearing with load-bearing, self-supporting with self-supporting, or non-load-bearing with non-load-bearing). If walls of different purposes are mated (load-bearing with non-load-bearing or self-supporting), with a load difference exceeding 30%, then the mating is performed exclusively with flexible connections that allow deformation. Common mistakes are the lack of connections between mating walls, or the use of rigid connections, such as a piece of reinforcement driven into the wall, in walls with different loads.

In places where there is a possible concentration of temperature and shrinkage deformations of aerated concrete blocks, which can cause ruptures of masonry made from blocks that are unacceptable under operating conditions, temperature-shrinkage joints should be installed in the walls. In practice, such seams should be installed every 35 meters of masonry, which, perhaps, can only be encountered during the construction of fences (fences) made of aerated concrete. Settlement joints must be provided in places where the height of the building changes by more than 6 m, as well as between sections of the building with a rotation angle of more than 30°, or when connecting parts of the building on separate foundations.

When building from aerated concrete blocks, they often forget to perform structural reinforcement of walls and especially reinforcement of openings in walls made of aerated concrete blocks. Such reinforcement does not increase the load-bearing capacity of aerated concrete masonry, but only reduces the risk of temperature-shrinkage cracks and reduces the opening of cracks during movements and deformations of the base of the building that exceed permissible limits. Structural reinforcement of aerated concrete masonry is used to prevent shrinkage cracks during construction from “fresh”, just released aerated concrete, which will obviously be subject to shrinkage, which lasts up to two years and amounts to 0.3 mm/m when the moisture content of aerated concrete decreases from 35% to 5% by weight.

For all buildings made of aerated concrete blocks without a load-bearing reinforced concrete frame, it is necessary to perform structural horizontal reinforcement to prevent the formation of cracks around windows, doors and other openings in walls made of aerated concrete blocks. In this case, not only the rows of masonry above the opening are reinforced (in the absence of a lintel above the opening in openings up to 120 cm), but also the rows of masonry next to the opening and below the opening (see reinforcement diagrams).

Reinforcement of openings in aerated concrete walls.

Under certain conditions, a number of conditions for the construction of houses made of aerated concrete blocks, it is necessary to perform vertical reinforcement of the walls:
1. Walls subject or potentially subject to lateral (lateral) loads are vertically reinforced (fences, free-standing walls, underground floors of buildings, basements, walls of buildings on steep slopes, walls of buildings in areas of mudflows, avalanches, in regions with strong winds, hurricanes and tornadoes, in earthquake-prone areas).
2. Increasing the load-bearing capacity of aerated concrete building walls. For example, the use of vertical reinforcement makes it possible to use aerated concrete of minimum density, which has lower thermal conductivity, when laying walls.
3. Vertical reinforcement allows you to organize the perception and transmission of load from a significant concentrated load (for example, from a long-span beam).
4. Strengthening the bonding of masonry of adjacent walls and corners with vertical reinforcement.
5. Strengthening openings in walls.
6. Strengthening small walls.
7. Vertical reinforcement of aerated concrete columns.

Vertical reinforcement can be installed in special O-blocks supplied by many foreign manufacturers of aerated concrete products. You can also make O-blocks yourself using a drill with a crown with a diameter of 12-15 cm. Vertical reinforcement is performed with d14 reinforcement. The reinforcement should be placed no further than 61 cm from openings and free ends of aerated concrete walls.

  1. Errors that worsen the operational characteristics of the building.

Basically, this group includes errors in exterior finishing, external insulation of aerated concrete walls, leading to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the walls, a deterioration in the microclimate in the house and an increase in heating costs.
The most common mistake in construction, resulting from ignoring the features of the open cellular structure of aerated concrete and its permeability properties for gases and water vapor, is the creation of vapor-tight layers or layers lower than those of aerated concrete masonry on the outside of the aerated concrete wall. Such designs contradict the requirements for vapor permeability of multilayer walls set out in the Code of Rules SP 23-101-2004 “Design of Thermal Protection of Buildings,” which stipulate that each layer of such a wall, located outward from the previous one, must have a higher vapor permeability. If this rule is not followed, the inner layers of the walls, which have a hygroscopic permeable structure, can gradually become damp, since not all water vapor will be removed outside, which will lead to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the walls (insulation). This rule applies to heated buildings for permanent residence. In unheated buildings this problem does not arise, but in buildings that are heated from time to time (country houses heated only during vacations or weekends), the urgency of the problem depends on individual conditions. Watch against freezing when wet.

Many “Stalinist” houses and the first “Khrushchev” buildings were built from aerated concrete. The outer panels of multi-apartment "brezhnevkas", "ships" (LG-600 series, improved 600.11 series), houses of the 137th "GB" series are also aerated concrete panels. The good idea of ​​insulating external walls with aerated concrete panels was stumbled by the traditional low quality of production in the USSR: the external walls of aerated concrete high-rise buildings crack and require regular restoration. In addition, no one thought of protecting aerated concrete panels from the inside from the penetration of moisture-saturated vapors, and painting them on the outside with vapor-permeable paint. Because of this, aerated concrete panels become damp and increase their thermal conductivity. Traditionally, “ships” are considered one of the coldest and therefore cheapest houses. Currently, the technology of external cladding of frame houses with thin reinforced aerated concrete panels is actively developing in the USA.

How do builders like to “seal” aerated concrete blocks that are permeable to gases and vapors from the outside? There are two absolute leaders in this field: brickwork and extruded polystyrene foam (EPS). Usually builders make these mistakes under the most plausible pretexts: to “protect” delicate aerated concrete from atmospheric influences with “strong” bricks and to properly “insulate” aerated concrete using EPS and at the same time protect it from external moisture and freezing.

Although the main condition for durability for a house made of aerated concrete blocks is exactly the same as for a wooden house: the porous wall material must be able to dry, releasing moisture into the atmosphere.

There is also a combined use of EPS with brick lining. The effect of blocking vapor transfer is similar to the cladding of aerated concrete facades with thermal panels made of polyurethane foam and brick-like clinker tiles. Brickwork, like EPS, has almost zero vapor permeability. Design solutions that significantly worsen the vapor permeability of multilayer walls using aerated concrete include external insulation with weakly vapor-permeable polystyrene foam, and the installation of brick facades with an unventilated air gap between aerated concrete and masonry.

If the homeowner definitely wants to see his aerated concrete house with brick facades, then he needs not to follow the lead of the builders, who, of course, find it easier to cover aerated concrete walls with bricks without any ventilation gaps. To install a brick facade of an aerated concrete house, you will have to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 8.14 of SP 23-101-2004: for walls with a ventilated air gap (walls with a ventilated facade), the air gap must be at least 60 mm thick and no more than 150 mm thick. The brickwork must be connected to the aerated concrete wall with connections made of stainless steel or fiberglass. Brick cladding must have ventilation openings, the total area of ​​which is determined at the rate of 75 cm2 per 20 m2 of wall area, including the area of ​​windows. The lower ventilation holes must be made with a slope below the surface of the bottom of the air gap in order to remove moisture (condensation) accumulating in the air gap.

When building with aerated concrete blocks, errors occur that lead to excessive heating costs: the formation of cold bridges. Most often, this is the absence or insufficient insulation of reinforced concrete lintels, reinforced concrete belts, unjustified use of reinforced concrete frames in the construction of low-rise buildings from structural and thermal insulating aerated concrete blocks due to lack of confidence in the strength of the material.

: first of all, you should know that openings up to 120 cm wide above which the height of the masonry is at least 2/3 of the opening width do not need lintels, but only horizontal reinforcement of the row above the opening. Openings up to 3 meters can be covered with monolithic reinforced concrete beams in permanent formwork made of special U-shaped aerated concrete blocks that do not require additional insulation. Also, special aerated concrete reinforced beams, which can cover openings up to 174 cm, do not require insulation.

However, in real construction, most often the openings are covered with monolithic reinforced concrete beams cast on site. Such beams require external insulation, which is sometimes forgotten to be insulated.

The most common brands of aerated concrete blocks on the market have a compressive strength class of B2.5 and can have a density from D350 to D600. Such aerated concrete blocks can be used to build load-bearing walls with a total height of up to 20 m. However, some builders do not trust the strength of the “light and porous” material and construct massive reinforced concrete frames that conduct cold well, even for two-story structures.

Another strange habit of domestic builders increases the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete masonry: in many cases, builders do not apply glue to the end surfaces of aerated concrete blocks.

Meanwhile, in all cases, the design of the vertical seam must prevent through blowing through the walls. Vertical mortar joints when laying blocks with flat edges must be completely filled with mortar. When using blocks with a profiled surface of the end faces in masonry, which is subject to requirements for shear strength in the plane of the wall, vertical joints must be filled along the entire height and at least 40% of the width of the block, and in other cases the seam must be filled from the outside and from the inside with strips of glue or mortar.
By the way, it is unacceptable to spread excess glue or mortar along the seam and surface of the block: in this case, the total vapor permeability of the aerated concrete masonry decreases. Excess glue must be left to dry and cut off with a spatula.

Laying aerated concrete blocks on cement mortar is not formally a construction mistake. However, you should know that laying aerated concrete blocks on cement mortar conducts heat 25-30% better (thick seams are “cold bridges”), and, therefore, to achieve the standard heat transfer resistance of such a wall, the thickness of the masonry will have to be made significantly larger, which will reduce there is no “saving” on aerated concrete adhesive.

  1. Errors leading to excessive labor and financial costs during construction without compromising the integrity of the structures and operational characteristics of the building.

This group includes all kinds of amateur “improvements” in the technology of building houses from aerated concrete blocks. One of the most common, as well as harmless, mistakes is the desire to “strengthen” aerated concrete masonry by making the first rows of “more durable” ceramic bricks. In fact, the limiting deformations for fracture and shear for ceramic bricks and aerated concrete blocks are close, and thus it is impossible to protect the wall from the formation of cracks if the foundation is incorrectly made or in the absence of horizontal structural reinforcement.

We hope that our brief review will protect you from making major critical mistakes and help you save effort and money both when building a house from small blocks of cellular concrete and during its operation.

To build a reliable, durable and practical house, it is not enough to lay bricks well, be an excellent roofer or understand electricity. High-quality housing is the totality and correct combination of all building elements, thought out and carefully planned at the design stage. Errors and omissions can lead not only to wasted time, money and labor, but also to serious problems in operation and even a threat to life.

In this article we will talk about typical mistakes when building a private house and how to avoid them.

1. Savings on purchasing a plot

One of the most common mistakes is trying to buy everything and build it as cheaply as possible. Many buyers make a mistake even at the stage of purchasing a plot of land for construction. Everyone wants to get the maximum discount and find a cheaper plot.

However, it is worth remembering that all good things rarely come cheap. 95% of land, which is sold at a price much lower than the market, has a number of shortcomings and only 5% is sold cheaper due to the need to urgently complete the transaction.

The most common cases when land is sold cheaper than the market:

  1. areas, the “red line” of the boundaries of which runs along the neighbor’s boundary;
  2. plots of irregular shape and angular orientation;
  3. territories remote from the main infrastructure of the village;
  4. lands located far from high-quality roads and transport interchanges;
  5. areas without communications, the connection of which is impossible or will cost more than the land itself.

In addition, when choosing a site, a serious problem that affects the construction of a house and comfortable living in it can be the topography of the land, its composition, and the height of groundwater.

2. Savings on soil testing

When choosing a plot of land, the best solution would be to conduct a study of the quality of the soil before purchasing the property. This is especially true if the area of ​​interest is surrounded by predominantly small wooden and garden houses.

A possible reason for this “environment” may be that local soils are simply not able to support the heavy foundations of concrete and brick houses. Ask the neighbors of the area you are interested in, find out all the possible pitfalls. You can neglect soil analysis only if the neighboring cottages are built from the same materials as your future home and have been lived in by the owners for many years without problems.

This issue is especially relevant for swampy areas, lowlands, areas near water bodies, earthquake-prone areas or those where landslides have been observed.

3. Poorly designed project

The next mistake during construction, which can lead to bad results, is total savings when drawing up a project for the planned housing.

Practice shows that it is best to entrust the implementation of your idea to a professional. It is best to do this before purchasing the site, and it is best to discuss the analysis of the location and design of the future home together with a professional architect. This is a rational method that allows you to properly save money on correcting the defects of the site.

The architect-designer will competently calculate:

  1. load on the foundation;
  2. correct location of the house and buildings relative to the red boundaries and other buildings according to the standards;
  3. will carry out the correct calculation of the area of ​​​​the premises, fastening balconies, verandas, attics, placement of walls, premises, communications and wiring, etc.

4. Selection of low-quality building materials

Your country house is a support and protection from many external factors. You want to feel reliable, safe and comfortable in it. Therefore, it is necessary to save on building materials wisely.

Many people, when choosing expensive bricks, try to save on cement or, when purchasing high-quality insulation, try to find cheaper glue for it. This is fundamentally wrong.

Here again, a competent specialist can come to the rescue, who will calculate an estimate where all upcoming expenses will be spelled out, including even such small details as nails and screws, and indicate the purchase sequence.

5. Wrong timing for construction

The best time for pouring is autumn, when it can dry out under natural conditions within 1-2 months. In this case, the foundation of the house will be reliable.

6. Mistakes when laying the foundation

The foundation is the heart of the entire house, which bears the maximum load. It is required not only to clearly calculate its load-bearing capacity, but also to rely on the following factors:

  • It is important to determine the type of foundation needed. It must be laid taking into account groundwater and below the soil freezing level;
  • Screw piles quickly corrode, so they are not recommended for installation in an organic environment;
  • During long breaks in concreting, the seams should be vertical and not horizontal;
  • Experts say that pouring the layers is unacceptable on different days and should be done as quickly as possible so that fragile places do not form at the junction of the sectors, where cracks, moisture and mold may subsequently appear;
  • The use of modern equipment, with the involvement of specialists, will help to avoid many problems. For example, using a vibrating attachment to pour concrete will eliminate the formation of bubbles, which will become voids and contribute to the destruction of the foundation.

7. Construction without wall insulation and poor double-glazed windows

In winter, more than ever, you want warmth and home comfort. A private house is blown from all sides, so it needs insulation. In addition, the external cladding of the walls will hide their unevenness and imperfections.

Source: rmnt.ru

Walls retain up to 50% of heat, so when building a house, it is logical and correct (immediately after building the walls) to start insulating it. It is necessary to choose the right insulation and follow the technology for laying it so that in the future voids are not created and excessive pressure is not exerted on the walls.

Even the best insulation of internal and external walls will not be so effective if you save on windows and install single, low-quality double-glazed windows. Remember that up to 20% of heat escapes through windows

8. Errors when installing the roof and roofing

Most modern materials for roofing are of fairly high quality. Major errors arise mainly due to improper installation.

For example, poor fastenings are purchased, or materials are used that are not suitable for a certain type of roof. Together, all these factors lead to the fact that the roof will be unreliable and short-lived.

It is necessary to properly secure the rafters and calculate the load of snow caps on them in the winter season. It is important to properly waterproof the roof and provide for its ventilation. A properly constructed roof is no less important than the foundation or walls of a building.

9. Lack of waterproofing

Errors in the design of waterproofing can lead to the destruction of floors and walls, leading to the formation of mold, sputum and constant high humidity inside the house. All this leads to unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • gradual destruction of the walls of the house;
  • unpleasant odors from the basement;
  • significantly spoils the appearance of the premises and can ruin any renovation.

Experts will help you choose the optimal hydro- and thermal insulation system for your home.

10. Lack of ventilation

Supply and exhaust ventilation is an important part of the proper functioning of a home and should not be overlooked.

Proper circulation of air masses in the house is important. According to standards, all indoor air must be completely replaced within an hour. Otherwise, residents will be plagued by poor health caused by an excess of carbon dioxide and lack of fresh air.

If there is no ventilation in the cottage or it is not built correctly, the windows will always fog up from the increased amount of moisture, and the walls (for the same reason) will become moldy.

11. Incorrectly selected gate

Fencing a country cottage is not only protecting residents from unfriendly visits and glances, but also a powerful decorative design.

You should not buy fences from little-known companies that cannot provide a guarantee for their products and delay or miss installation deadlines. Factory gates made using special technology will protect you from problems in the future.

If you make the gate yourself, you must:

  1. carefully make calculations and make a detailed sketch;
  2. watch installation video tutorials, operating instructions;
  3. choose a good mechanism;
  4. organize a durable frame, high-quality hinges and cladding that will last for many years without special control and reconstruction.

12. Improper interior design of the house

The interior arrangement of the cottage is no less important than the erected walls and foundation. Poor layout can reduce the comfort and practicality of a home for occupants. But remodeling an already built house is an expensive and very troublesome task.

That is why you should plan where there will be which rooms, and how many people will be in them, even before the construction of the house begins. Even if the development area is minimal, you need to carefully plan residential and auxiliary premises, accurately determining their size.


  • It is better to sacrifice a guest room and make it smaller, but take care of the pantry, which will become an indispensable place for storing various household supplies;
  • For each child, you need to provide a separate room, or if this is not possible, immediately make zoning;
  • If on any floor there are several living rooms, each of which is intended for a family member, it is recommended to place a bathroom on each floor. In the bathrooms, do not forget to hang shelves and heated towel rails;
  • Don't forget about the logical placement of rooms. The kitchen and bathrooms, restrooms should be placed next door to reduce the footage of house wiring. It is better to place the dressing room next to the living room, etc.;
  • In the kitchen, it is imperative to provide a spacious place for a dining table for all family members;
  • It is worth taking care of the design and location of the stairs in advance;
  • Even at the stage of designing a cottage, it is worth considering the installation locations of sockets, regarding the approximate placement of furniture, in order to hide the wires behind the walls, under the plaster;
  • Consider the entrance to the house and doorways in such a way that they take up a minimum of space, are appropriate and do not create discomfort.

Usually, when buying or building a house, many people do not pay attention to these details. However, practice shows that every ill-thought-out little thing, with each year of residence, usually creates more and more discomfort and inconvenience for residents. Therefore, it is better not to rush into the construction and interior design of the house and think through everything carefully.

13. Recruitment of unqualified contractors, builders

Even the best preparation for construction and the purchase of materials that meet all the requirements can reduce all efforts to nothing if random, untested, and especially unqualified people are chosen as builders.

Your future home must be built by a well-coordinated team of workers under the guidance of an experienced foreman. At the same time, certain communications must be laid by a specialist in his field - plumber, electrician, plumber, etc., strictly following the developed project.

At the same time, you should not rely on the foreman for everything and it is better to control each stage of construction yourself, checking the compliance of the consumable materials included in the estimate, in order to avoid shortcomings, errors and theft.

When choosing a contractor, it is better to choose trusted companies that specialize in the construction of turnkey cottages and have a lot of real positive reviews in their arsenal.


A number of preparatory measures will help to build a high-quality and reliable house, including the purchase of a plot, the study of its soil, and the development of a construction plan. Experts will help you avoid mistakes when planning and building a cottage, who will conduct a high-quality examination of the house project and at the same time take into account the wishes of the owner.

You should not save on building materials and choosing a contractor. It is also recommended to independently monitor all stages of construction and monitor the compliance of material consumption and labor costs with respect to the pre-compiled estimate.

This article will talk about typical mistakes made when construction of brick walls.

It is no secret that the quality of other country houses, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. Through negligence or ignorance, builders make unacceptable mistakes, which sometimes lead to disastrous consequences. Moreover, the denial of norms and rules is becoming almost unsystematic.

In such conditions, customers have a hard time. To any question they receive a “comprehensive” answer something like this: “We have always done it this way, and no one has complained.” It is difficult for a person whose occupation is far from construction to defend his point of view, find convincing arguments and convict hacks of poor quality work. As a result, the house was built, but it was uncomfortable or completely unsafe to live in. Money wasted, materials wasted, and time wasted.

You can, of course, give advice from the very beginning to keep an eye on the builders, constantly monitor the progress of work, and invite independent experts to resolve controversial situations. But not all customers have the opportunity to regularly visit their country property. In addition, many errors can only be detected by a specialist. The best option is to organize independent technical supervision of the construction process. This type of service is offered by specialized companies with the appropriate license.

In recent years poor quality brickwork has become a mass phenomenon. The use of substandard solution, non-compliance with technological standards and other gross violations lead to catastrophic consequences. The walls are literally bursting at the seams, the cladding is peeling off, and there is a threat to the health and life of the inhabitants of the house. In such cases, there is only one way out: partial (in combination with repairs and strengthening) or complete demolition of the defective structure. Meanwhile, even safe but crooked masonry can create many problems. Curved surfaces are very difficult to finish - applying plaster, facing with stone, etc.

Errors in design and construction often lead to external walls getting wet and freezing. The result is high heat loss, dampness, mold and slow but sure destruction of the brick. There can be no talk of any comfortable and serene living in such a house. And correcting such, so to speak, shortcomings requires enormous financial, labor and time costs. I'm not even talking about the moral damage caused to the owners.

Laying according to the “slip-and-drop” principle. The brickwork was made in violation of technological standards. The bricks are laid at random. The seams are uneven, in some places their thickness reaches 30 mm, while the norm is no more than 15 mm. At the same time, the vertical seams were completely left without mortar. What kind of energy saving can we talk about if there are gaping cracks in the wall!
Obliquely. And here the builders, without further ado, laid out the wall along an inclined line. The quality of work does not stand up to criticism. But the unfortunate masons did not have to ledge the wall under the inclined rafters of the pitched roof. But this created an emergency situation: the inclined section could fall out at any moment
Wall "shrapnel". This wall is a victim of unscrupulous manufacturers. This is what happens to bricks that contain excess lime. In wet weather, the lime was “shot off”. The process is extended over time and it is not known when it will end. You can stop the “shooting” by finishing it. But do not forget that plastering is a “wet” process.
The wall is covered in frost. The freezing of the walls of this respectable mansion occurred for two reasons: due to insufficient thickness and the incorrect combination of hollow and facing bricks. If the problem is not corrected soon, the house will face big troubles: destruction of the cladding, dampness, mold, discomfort, heat loss
Insidious condensation. This is what happens as a result of improper construction of a three-layer wall. The builders forgot to leave a ventilation gap between the cladding and the insulation. And besides, we saved on thermal insulation. Condensation had accumulated on the inside of the facing brick and leaked out. In winter, the walls will freeze, which will lead to the destruction of the brick.
Crooked paths. Uneven seams on the brick cladding spoil the entire appearance of the facade. Of course, this will not cause the walls to fall apart. However, it is easy to understand the disappointment of the owners, who spent a lot of money on expensive home decoration and received a very mediocre result. In Soviet times, experienced builders called such seams between bricks “advance pay”
Natural "ventilation". And here the builders went ahead and filled the gap between the window and the ceiling with hollow bricks. Everything would have been fine, but they placed the brick on a spoon - they saved on the material (they saved two whole bricks). And at the same time they provided the room with constant ventilation. Even if the holes are then sealed with mortar, this section of the wall will freeze (the thickness is only 65 mm)
"Infernal Portal". Above this doorway it’s time to write: “Abandon hope, all who enter here.” Trying to “correct” the structure, the builders actually deprived the reinforced concrete lintel of its support point. Those measly 5 cm walls (the norm is 15-25 cm), on which the element now rests on one side, will soon collapse, unable to withstand the pressure of reinforced concrete
Well, who builds something like that?! Water won't have to look for a hole in this basement wall. The brickwork is replete with holes. Moreover, the builders not only violated the current norm (it is prohibited to use hollow-core bricks when constructing a basement). but they also went against common sense. They laid the bricks as if they deliberately wanted to show off the voids
Escaping beauty. Another example of the misuse of hollow core bricks. When decorating the platbands, we used products that were not intended for cladding facades. In addition, the voids “look out” onto the street. The polyurethane foam itself needs protection from rain, snow and sun. But the builders didn’t bother to fill the bricks with mortar
All wrong. This steel lintel was installed incorrectly from the very beginning. The main mistake is insufficient support width. Support units should include concrete pads that would ensure uniform load distribution and prevent local destruction of the brick. In addition, steel lintels need insulation (with the same brick)
Zigzag of failure. Such serious cracks in brick cladding occur for various reasons. Most likely, the deformations are caused by movements of the foundation, built without taking into account the hydrogeology of the site. It is also possible that during the construction of double-layer walls the correct relationship between the foam concrete base and the brick cladding was not ensured

Building a house is a complex and labor-intensive process. It takes a lot of time, effort and finances, but owning your own home is worth it! In order not to clutch your head when you discover one or another unpleasant moment during the construction process, learn from the mistakes of others! In this article we will tell you about ten mistakes when building a house.

Error 1 - bad site for construction

Before you decide to purchase a plot of land, you should study all the intricacies of this issue in as much detail as possible. When deciding to buy a plot, you must be sure that everything you need is there: the presence/absence of communications, close/far location from the road, the absence of nearby factories and enterprises that can pollute the air, the location of a reservoir, etc.

You should also pay attention to the terrain. It doesn't have to be difficult: no steep slopes or dips. We advise you not to build a house near the river. Due to the wide flood of the reservoir in the spring, the house may flood.

It is also not worth purchasing plots on hills. The view is picturesque, but such land is very inconvenient for construction and will cause you a lot of problems: the soil will slide down along with the foundation of the house, which can lead to cracks and chips.

For a comfortable stay, modern infrastructure and communications are a necessity. Pay attention to this factor when choosing a site to build a house. There is a kindergarten, shops, playgrounds and sports grounds in the Semeyny cottage village. It is possible to buy groceries and organize leisure activities for your child without leaving the city. Order in the village is ensured by 24-hour security staff. You don't have to worry about your safety.

So, let's summarize. So what should we pay attention to when purchasing a plot for construction?

  • Is there a developed infrastructure;
  • Geometry of the site;
  • Geology of the area;
  • Ecology of the area;
  • Absence or presence of communications.

Error 2 - geological research was not carried out

Before installing formwork for the foundation, geological studies must be carried out. Otherwise, it may cost you too much: hundreds of times more than inviting specialists to the site.

They will assess the compatibility of the natural features of the land on your site and the design of the house itself, which will immediately avoid a number of problems. You will understand at what level groundwater is located, what the density of the earth is and much more. All this will allow you to draw the right conclusions, and this will save you energy, time and nerves. With such a geological conclusion, the architect will do his work as accurately and correctly as possible, and in the end you will receive a project for a truly reliable house that will not let you down and will last for many decades.

Error 3 - a house without a project

Do not consider the option of construction without a project. Such a mistake will lead to the fact that you will not only not be happy with what you get at the end of construction, but also the dwelling itself will quickly become deformed and will soon become unsuitable for habitation.

In order to avoid this, entrust the work to professionals: the design documentation will protect you and guarantee the durability and durability of the structure. They will select the type of foundation and structure specifically for your home, the type of site and its geology.

Mistake 4 - there is no estimate and there won’t be one

You must know exactly how much you are willing to invest in building a house. If you don’t have enough money to pay for the construction of a house, it’s better to save some money. Otherwise, you risk losing what you invest. Over time, any structure will collapse. You must understand this.

Mistake 5 - construction “for a while”

There is no need to rush the builders. Remember that it would be good to let the foundation settle for several months before building walls. There are big risks that very soon the house will begin to deteriorate, and instead of 50 years of operation, you will get a year or two.

What can await you during construction “for a while”:

  • damage to expensive interior decoration;
  • the plaster and façade cladding will begin to crumble;
  • the walls will settle along with the foundation;
  • violation of the roof structure;
  • low lifespan of the house (about 2 years);
  • additional costs for repairs and correction of old errors.

Error 6 - the foundation was installed poorly

The basis of the house - the foundation - must be installed with the utmost care and attention. The formwork must be correctly erected, and the type of structure into which the concrete mixture will be poured must be correctly selected. Cracks and chips must not be allowed to form on the foundation. If the foundation is installed carelessly and poorly, if it has not had the opportunity to shrink, then this can lead to:

  • foundation settlement;
  • the rapid appearance of cracks and other defects on it;
  • the fact that the foundation will not be able to support the weight of the building;

Error 7 - negligence in laying insulation

We strongly do not recommend using a material such as polystyrene foam as insulation, as it quickly deteriorates and cannot be used for its intended purpose. Take a closer look at other materials for insulation - the building materials market is huge, and you will find a worthy replacement for polystyrene foam without any problems. Take a closer look at asbestos cement putty.

Error 8 - problems with the roof

Entrust the development of the roof structure to a specialist to avoid condensation, unwanted blowing and other negative phenomena. For roofing, we do not recommend using materials that will contribute to the formation of condensation. This, in turn, will lead to corrosion of parts or their rotting.

Error 9 - incorrect waterproofing

To avoid dampness in the room, it is necessary to carry out proper and high-quality waterproofing, otherwise it threatens to destroy the frame of the house. Pay attention to materials such as roofing felt and glass insulation. This gasket should be located both in the gap between the foundation and the plinth, and in the gap between the plinth and each of the walls. This will keep your home safe.

Error 10 - using low-quality building materials

It would seem like a very trivial mistake. But, as practice has shown, it is most often done in an attempt to save money. It’s sad that this leads to exactly the opposite effect: spending on repairs and correcting past mistakes when building a house costs the owner much more.

The truth is that low-quality building materials can negatively affect the result of any construction and nullify all your efforts. So, if you choose the wrong thermal insulation materials, you can turn the walls of your home into a “reservoir”. It is rightly said: the miser pays twice.

In the Semeiny cottage village there is a large selection of plots of various sizes and shapes for the construction of houses. To see them, sign up for a tour right now: the application form is available on our website.