Toxicosis in men during the pregnancy of his wife. Why pregnant nausees from the smell of her husband. What underlies the formation of Kuwad syndrome

31.05.2021 Electrician

Toxicosis ... This word is able to remind many and many women about such unpleasant phenomena as a strong nausea in the morning, the intolerance to many odors, dizziness and vomiting. Usually appears at the very beginning of pregnancy and lasts the first 8-12 weeks, gradually reducing the manifestations, and the second trimester is completely disappearing.

However, everything is not always going so smoothly: according to statistics, about 8% of all women who show the symptoms of toxicosis, they fall due to this state in the hospital, it is so hard it is transferred. At the same time, doctors are still not sure of the exact causes of the appearance of toxicosis: a woman can be completely healthy in physical and emotional aspects, to lead a normal lifestyle, and at the same time the whole pregnancy suffer from nausea attacks.

Causes of toxicosis in men: Psychology of future parents

Psychologists have long been told that such a phenomenon like toxicosis during pregnancy is not only medical, but also emotional reasons. And today this version is confirmed, because paradoxical cases occur - toxicosis affects not only a pregnant woman, but also her husband is the so-called male toxicosis.

Cases of making husbands of pregnant women with symptoms, like a drop of water similar to ordinary manifestations of toxicosis, occur more and more. At the same time, no other explanations, in addition to the psychological state, doctors can not find - the liver of men suffering from toxicosis in order, there are no problems with the digestive tract, and the food that men use, quite fresh and cannot cause nausea. Apparently, the psychological effect of "accession" is triggered when a man is so worried about his half and the future child that his body adjusts to the body of the future mother. And the attacks of dizziness, nausea and even fainting are starting: while men with toxicosis, which by nature are worse than illness, often completely lose performance.

Toxicosis in a man? Calmness and only calm

How to help strong sex representatives cope with such an unusual manifestation of unity with the future mother of their joint kid? Traditional means against the signs of toxicosis in women, men are not always helping. The main thing is that specialist psychologists advise in this situation with men - calm down, stop shifting responsibility for all what is happening and take the fact of pregnancy. Spouses with calm confidence that everything will be fine. Then the symptoms of toxicosis in men will cease themselves.

Nausea, weakness, intolerance of odors - all this unpleasant toxicosis symptoms. But in the forces of the future Pope relieved the life of their second half and help cope with toxicosis. What to do?

1. Be always ready. Nothing testifies to the love and care of your partner, as willingness to help when you feel bad. Help get to the bathroom, bring a glass of water or mint candy to refresh your breath - all this in your power, and a pregnant woman will definitely appreciate your efforts.

2. Help at home. Morning nausea will be much weaker if you prepare the future mother of a light breakfast and take it to her before she gets out of bed. Keep light snacks or crackers ready - they stop the feeling of hunger and do not provoke nausea.

3. Follow the request of the future mom. The mood of a pregnant woman can change 10 times on the day, so take patience. Perform her requests, even if she wants to be alone. Believe me, during this period it is not easy for her, and jokes about her state are inappropriate.

4. Foreign smells . Often, the cause of toxicosis is the intolerance of certain smells: if it is the smell of perfume, for a while stop using it. If this is the smell of cigarette smoke, do not smoke at home and avoid the public seats of smoking.

5. Do not complain. Pregnant women are difficult to understand that someone suffers just like them. If possible, help your half in all matters, do not complain, even if you are tired after work.

Futive mothers can not worry, so do not provoke the quarrel and better once again go for concessions.

Causes of toxicosis

Many have heard about this phenomenon and his symptoms, but not everyone knows the cause of toxicosis in pregnant women. By the way, scientists still cannot explain why the toxicosis occurs only in 15% of pregnant women, but the main probable causes of this state of the doctors were still able to allocate:

  • Hormones.Already from the first days of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is attached to the walls of the uterus, significant hormonal changes occur in the body of the woman. Because of this, the well-being of a future mother can deteriorate: nausea begins, increased sensitivity to the smell and taste. For the female body, the embryo is also an alien body, so that the reaction is appropriate. But after the first trimester, the hormone level stabilizes, the mother's body is bothering with its "destination";
  • Defensive reaction. Many scientists believe that toxicosis is a given nature protection for the fetus, because as a rule, a future mother appears aversion to cigarette smoke, coffee and other drinks containing strong substances, eggs, meats, fish (they may contain pathogenic microorganisms). Nausea and vomiting do not allow dangerous substances into the mother's organism, and as a result, and in the body of the fetus. In addition, in the body of a woman after each meal intake, insulin is produced, which can also negatively affect the growth and development of the embryo;
  • Placenta. During the first trimester there is a placenta - it is during this period that most women suffer from unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis. The formation of the placenta in 12-13 weeks is ends: now the baby will be securely protected, because in addition to the nutrient function of the placenta, it can still delay toxic substances. In the meantime, it is not formed by the future mother, it is necessary to cope with nausea and vomit;
  • Stresses and irritability. This notorious psychological factor can also provoke the appearance of toxicosis. Nervous disorders, irritability, stress, unexpected shocks can cause nausea. Doctors concluded that there is often toxicosis in women, the pregnancy of which was unplanned and undesirable. In addition, the great thing is self-suggestion, and if the woman subconsciously adjusts itself, that during pregnancy it will be bad, it receives the corresponding result;
  • Perestroika nervous system. In addition to other processes, during pregnancy, the future mothers occur in the nervous system. The centers of the brain are activated, which are responsible for the smell, the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, taste receptors - it is their enhanced function and becomes the cause of the intolerance to those or other odors and tastes - everything is individually;
  • Diseases and immune system. Chronic form of diseases, weakened immunity are fraught with many troubles and are one of the root causes of toxicosis. That is why doctors are advised even before pregnancy to pass surveys and to fit well, to take vitamin complexes, strengthen the immune system;
  • The factor of heredity. The genetic predisposition is triggered in this case: if all women in your family suffered from toxicosis, it is unlikely that this phenomenon will pass by you, so in a good question of mom and grandmother, have they experienced morning malaise and how fought with them?
  • Age. This is not too proven theory, in its defense you can only say that pregnancy after 35 years is indeed considered more risky. Young mothers often tooling the child is much lighter than mature women, but there are exceptions from any rule;
  • Twins, triples. Multiple pregnancy is immediately several reasons for joy, but to take out two or three babies much more difficult than one. Therefore, the morning harassment of future mothers are much more often, but the theory consists that if a woman begins toxicosis, the probability of miscarriage decreases at times.

Of course, no one can give a universal remedy that will save a woman from all the manifestations of toxicosis. Ideally, it is advisable to prepare for motherhood in advance to reduce the risks of the appearance of all kinds of complications, but if the pregnancy has become unexpected joy for you, you should not worry - toxicosis can be unborn, then significantly reduce its manifestations. Well, the future dads will be able to help them.

If a man is experiencing a pregnancy of his wife, experiencing the same feelings as the spouse is not love, but hysterical neurosis, which is called "Kuwad syndrome". A professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, Valery Marilov, was told about this disease in an interview with the "Medical Gazeta", which for 15 years observes patients with such a disorder.

- What is Kuwad syndrome?

The term used in the title of the disease occurred from the French verb Couver, which means "to cross the chicks". Kuwad syndrome denotes a set of psychogenic and psychosomatic violations in young men having pregnant women. The clinic of the pathological sensations of the young husband corresponds to what is happening with his wife waiting for a child. If she changes the appetite, all food behavior, and the woman begins to use a small ease, then her husband suffers. He feels the same pain that the wife is experiencing, for example, with the discrepancy between the pelvic bones.

The main symptoms of the disease include: Morning weakness, decline, pervert or increase the appetite, almost daily nausea and vomiting - sometimes on an empty stomach, sometimes at the sight or smell of some particular food, frequent constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea, gastric or intestinal colic, pain At the bottom of the abdomen, which sometimes in character and intensity can even imitate the attack of appendicitis, the pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, psychogenic toothaches, as well as the so-called pain of empathy or sympathy pain. The latter are expressed in the fact that the husband has a feeling that is localized in the same organ as his pregnant wife.

These symptoms are accompanied by emotional instability, increased irritability, depression, inner tension, insomnia, capriciousness, extreme egocentrism, intolerance, rejection of other points of view on a particular problem. Interestingly, the capriciousness of men with Kuwad syndrome significantly exceeds the "windiness of desires" of really pregnant women. Most often, with such a syndrome, the imitation of the discomfort of pregnancy belongs to the digestive system, although variations in relation to the involvement of a particular body can be the most wide. It is not surprising that these men are sent to an infectious or surgical clinic with suspicion of different diseases.

In the process of studying psychosomatic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, we revealed 9 cases of classical Kuwad syndrome. Initially, they were mistakenly interpreted as gastralgy or irritated colon syndrome. Only a thorough targeted history, as well as the chronological coincidence of symptoms in men with appropriate manifestations of their pregnant women, allowed to eliminate the indicated diagnoses and stop at the diagnosis of Kuwad syndrome.

- When does the future father notices the manifestations of this unusual disease?

As a rule, in the third month of the pregnancy of his wife, and they reach their peak to the ninth month. When the childbirth comes, the sensations of men are even more aggravated. Sometimes two discrete peak are noted - on the third and ninth month with the relative reduction of symptoms between them. In a third of the patients, the symptoms of the syndrome will be bravely, but by the time of birth, it can completely disappear, in a third she disappears only after the birth of a child, gradually disappearing as the gaps of gaps and the relief of other postpartum complications. The severity of the state of a man depends on what he thinks about the genus of his wife. If he represents them with horror, then this horror will experience. A man constantly calls the maternity hospital, he will not calm down until he says that everything is fine, his wife was born a son or daughter. After that, the pains of dad immediately stop. The wife of the childhood ended, he has - too!

- What is the basis of the formation of Kuwad syndrome?

First of all, an unconscious anxiety for the fate of the wife and the future child and to a certain extent a kind of guilt feeling before his wife. Some psychoanalysts believe that a false pregnancy in a man often has a manifestation of his identification with his mother to redeem the guilt in front of it. Kuwad syndrome is also associated with the ritual of the same name in some nations, in which the husband goes to bed during childbirth, refuses food, cries and various gestures imitates childbirth, taking some pain of themselves. This ritual was often used by medieval sorcerers that the pain of his wife was transferred to her husband, for which they often fell on the bonfire of the Inquisition. As for the anthropological significance of such a ritual, then the interpretation of the most diverse - from the presence of reduced female reproductive organs in men to a peculiar symbolic struggle with the matriarchy. Kuwad syndrome was described for several centuries ago. According to foreign research, 11% of men of the childbearing age to one degree or another survived this condition during the pregnancy of his wife, that is, each ninth of future fathers had Kuwad syndrome. Separate symptoms of this pathology are even more common. For example, in the US, an abdominal version of Kuwad syndrome in 40% of the examined men with pregnant women was revealed.

- What men are subject to this disease?

All patients observed were young people aged 21 to 27 years, which were first married and expected the addition of the family. One young man already had a child, and during the first pregnancy of his wife, he also marked the manifestations of Kuwad syndrome. The identity of all observed patients was an infantile-hysterical warehouse with a high level of non-regulated anxiety and a well-developed psychological transfer mechanism. That is why the discomfort of the pregnancy of his wife was transferred in the form of symptoms of Kuwad syndrome on her husband, and this transfer was fueled by a huge, but unconscious feeling of guilt before his wife. It is characteristic that all these men brought up in purely matriarchal families, where the role of the father was only reduced to the continuation function. In the family dominated and dictated her will power and decisive mother, a peculiar Kabaniha, who did not even give the right to choose the right. In their estimates of certain circumstances, future patients were always focused only on the mother and other options did not even consider. They also married the choice of mother, while their wives in the personal plan were almost copies of mothers. Therefore, the patients themselves have always been on the second roles, not allowing even thoughts about possible leadership.

All patients had certain sexual disorders, mainly in the form of premature ejaculation, which caused a certain complex of inferiority. At one young man, among other things, emotional sensitivity, plasticity, pain at the bottom of the abdomen and gravity in the lower back were before pregnancy of his wife, coinciding chronologically with its premenstrual days (these phenomena were marked with her husband for 6 months before pregnancy at his wife). Such a "menstrual version" of Kuwad syndrome is still not described in the literature. The mechanism of its appearance, as well as a typical Kuwad syndrome, apparently, is similar to the hysterical transfer by the type of sympathy pain mentioned above.

- Please give some specific example from your clinical observations.

Patient O., 26 years old, by education Teacher of Russian language and literature. Married from 20 years. Inheritance heredity. The only child in the family. Brought up mother and grandmother, father left the family when the child was 4 months old. Mother is characteristic - the identity of the exteroepileptoid warehouse, is always very emotional, at the same time power to cruelty and demanding to pedantry. The patient from orphan years lived according to its laws, unquestioned all its instructions and demands, sally believed to her in everything. Until now, he believes that it is doubtful in the said mother - sacredness. At the request of the mother entered the Pedagogical Institute, although the future specialty did not like. In the third year he married love, but before that, during the year he met a girl almost always in the presence of a mother. The bride and the future mother-in-law laid among themselves, and such an amazing similarity of both women allowed the patient to avoid typical of such cases of conflicts.

After the wedding, the patient discovered that his wife, like a mother, takes off his, as if a big child, and all the problems decide herself, showing enviable decisiveness, perseverance and perseverance. The spouse suffered by frigidity, so the premature ejaculation in her husband quite satisfied her, for which our patient was just idle. When she got pregnant, the husband met this is very disturbing. Pregnancy The spouse proceeded hard: from the first days nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach were noted. In the fourth month of her pregnancy, her husband suddenly appeared nausea and vomiting in the morning, and in the subsequent and pain in the stomach. The patient decided that he had a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenalist. He was examined from gastroenterologists, made a gastroscopy, but no pathology was identified. Doctors suggested that the disorder that had arisen was on the nervous soil, and advised to drink the nesting and Valerian tinctures. Symptomatics softened somewhat. Later, the patient reported that its then the whole state was determined by the well-being of his wife. At the same time, everything that the spouse felt, our patient was experiencing significantly more. If the wife had a one-time vomit, then her husband was indomitable and did not last several hours. He was forced to appeal to the therapist who diagnosed food poisoning and recommended hospitalization to an infectious hospital. The man's appetite was constantly absent, he was often sick and rushed, and during the pregnancy of his wife he lost 11 kg.

When the spouses began the prenatal fights and in his eyes were deployed waters, after which the woman was delivered to the maternity hospital, Kuwad syndrome at the future father reached the limit. He stuck in horror in the apartment. It was at that moment that he first felt involuntary urination, after which there was a sharp sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen, so strong that, as he told, "the breath intercepted." With suspicion of acute appendicitis, the patient was sent to a surgical hospital, from where he was released after two hours due to the lack of any surgical pathology and disappearance of pain. But at home this pain resumed and persisted until the man learned that his son was born. After 5 years, the wife of our patient again became pregnant, and he again in the fourth month of her pregnancy began to test the most morning malaise, then nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. However, this time he already understood a certain relationship between the experiences of his wife and his feelings, so he regularly visited the psychotherapist and accepted the tranquilizers and neuroleptics appointed him. Before the birth of his wife, the patient doubled the dose of the preparations and felt only a small thread at the bottom of the abdomen.

In this case, we have been diagnosed with hysterical neurosis. It has emerged from the presence of a specific psychotrauming situation due to the pregnancy of his wife, from the trigger mechanism of an unconscious phenomenon of psychological transfer and neurotic symptoms of the hysterical circle. It is characteristic that this psychological transfer was not only quite complete, but also excessive. When resolving the psychotrauming situation (prosperous clans of his wife), all the symptoms completely disappeared.

- What to do with such patients?

Remove the internal stress. Everything goes out of my head. Of course, in such a situation there is a positive moment - take part of the pain of my wife on yourself, but otherwise ... In the West, a woman is often giving birth in the presence of a husband, it is practiced in our country. And if a young man has a kuvad syndrome? I believe that the husbands of the feminine must be inspected, because the men themselves will not appeal to the psychiatrist, they do not consider themselves mentally ill.

Such a person needs to be prescribed soothing means and recommend psychotherapy, which consists in the main thing: an explanation, explanation and explanation again. Unfortunately, while our doctors are unfamiliar with such an unusual disease as Kuwad syndrome, about which, in my opinion, it is currently necessary to know not only psychiatrists, but also surgeons, infectious examinations, gynecologists.

Muorny state, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy in the morning is a very common phenomenon of the first half of the term. Perhaps, therefore, the majority of women waiting for the baby belong to toxicosis as inevitable and are not trying to fight him.

Toxicosis or nausea during early pregnancy

- Early toxicosis itself is not really terrible, but women suffering from them are more commonly found late, more serious complications, "says Dr. Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pregnancy of the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Ramna Lyudmila Murashko. - So, gestosis - toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy - fraught not only by high pressure, edema on the legs, but also possible eclampsia with the convulsions of the muscles of the body and loss of consciousness. It is so dangerous that the life of a woman is on the verge - no wonder Gesstoz is in third place by the number of deaths among mothers and children. Therefore, it is not necessary to refer to early toxicosis irresponsible, it is necessary to remember its possible consequences.

The frequency of vomiting and its intensity matter?

- Of course. Toxicosis is divided into a slight stage, when a woman is sick with pregnancy up to five times a day, an average severity - from 5 to 10 times, and a heavy form - when vomiting is more than 10 times a day. The first stage is found almost every pregnant woman and is adjusted by the right nutrition and regime. With a second severity of toxicosis, when vomiting is more than 5 times, hospitalization with infusion therapy is already preferable - inevitable in the most severe complication of pregnancy. Then the intravenous drip administration of drugs is directed not only to the purification of the body (as at a moderate severity), but also for vitaminity therapy, sedative effect, soothing the nervous system, and for treatment to improve the activities of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is often necessary to drip immunoglobulins - women with autoimmune violations, especially with the incompatibility of spouses.

- Is that a wife sick of her husband?

- Roughly speaking. The immunological incompatibility of the father and the mother is indeed one of the reasons for the occurrence of toxicosis and is not so rare. The mother's body is trying to reject other people's cells - especially with the first pregnancy, which is why there is a need for special immunotherapy. We take blood from her husband, "launder" lymphocytes and introduce their wife. Such therapy is quite popular and effective.

- A psychological factor cannot cause toxicosis?

- happens. Mom, for example, told about how her daughter-rushed, and his daughter is impressionable ... psychologists and even psychotherapists work in our center - we often lie patients who are observed in psychiatric centers.
Here for example. Recently brought a woman from another republic with the strongest toxicosis. She had no obvious pathology, but there was such a vomit that she lost 7 kilograms. We poured into her day in a liter of liquid to avoid dehydration, but could not establish the cause of such a state. As long as the psychiatrist, a psychotherapist, more precisely called. She recognized certain problems, as a result of which we conducted a girl at very high doses of Droperidola - a drug acting on the central nervous system. Basically, thanks to him, she left home with progressive pregnancy. This is the second major case for this year, when psychotherapists had to be connected to treatment.

- I did not understand - the patient suffered from an obvious mental disorder?

- We have no right to put such diagnoses without addressing relatives or its own to the relevant specialists. It was necessary to progress the pregnancy - we called a psychotherapist, which wrote in the history of the disease: "depressive state" and gave relevant recommendations. Everyone who comes to us, we can cure anyway.

Toxicosis loves thin

- Lyudmila Evgenievna, is there a predisposition to toxicosis?

- Usually it is associated with chronic problems. Thus, early toxicosis more often occurs in women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis or ulcer - practically a guarantee of future toxicosis. Although not necessarily long and heavy. The same can be said about the diseases of the thyroid gland - a very high percentage of pregnant women who have problems with it is noticed nausea and vomiting in the first half of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman planning to become a mother must first seem to the doctor in a female consultation or therapist to find out its overall condition. It is necessary to go to pregnancy. Healthy.

- Do you now meet completely healthy people now?

- The future mother should have a health. That is, relax, drink vitamins, eat well, play sports. Especially take care of their condition should women gathered to give birth after 30 years. At this age, chronic diseases are no longer uncommon, so you should always remember responsibility in front of yourself and the future child. It is important not to neglect a visit to the gynecologist: if the woman is periodically observed in the women's consultation, then she is definitely a pregnancy proceeds better and the likelihood of toxicosis is less.

- You said it can be corrected by the right nutrition. What is it?

- Eating more often and smaller - so-called fractional food. It is advisable to abandon sharp, salty products that cause sharp reactions in the gastrointestinal tract, and prefer milk and cottage cheese containing calcium. But in general, during this period, a woman should eat what she wants to listen to her desires.

- So you can grow hard. By the way, the toxicosis occurs more often from slender or large women?

- There is no specific statistics, but, according to our observations, - thin. As I said, toxicosis is in pregnant women with a disease of the thyroid gland, and they do not differ in large dimensions.

Sex and grass out of law

- Are there drugs helping to cope with vomiting?

- Yes, for example, Takekan. It must be taken on one tablet 3 times a day before meals. It removes the manifestations of non-heavy toxicosis, as well as the circular.

- Is it not harmful in principle to get involved in pills during pregnancy?

- depending on what. Taratogenic drugs are indeed dangerous during pregnancy due to a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus organism, therefore, and are prohibited in obstetrics. Others, if necessary, have to be taken - the doctor who recommends treatment is responsible for it. But, of course, it is preferable that the woman copes with toxicosis without special purpose - by diet, fractional nutrition, vitaminotherapy, good sleep.

- And the recipes of traditional medicine can be used?

- No weeds with toxicosis will not cope. I think that it is not necessary to rely on other non-traditional methods - this is too big for mother and child.

- Then what should be taken vitamins?

- Special complexes for pregnant women - now their huge quantity. It is desirable that there are all trace elements and iodine. Currently, we do not recommend drinking one foliaic acid that prevents the malformations of the fetus development in the early periods, or vitamin E - you need a full range. Although women with the second stage of toxicosis often do not tolerate them - therefore we introduce them vitamins intravenously through the dropper.

- The most exciting question: sexual interference affects toxicosis?

- If only for her husband is sick ... no, no role is playing.

- But the relationship of a certain kind during pregnancy is not contraindicated?

"If a woman has no threat to miscarriage, then you can live sexual life up to 30 weeks - after it is already undesirable. After all, what is a sperm of her husband? This is mainly prostaglandins - a group of physiologically active substances, or hormones that are used in obstetrics for receiving excitation. In order not to cause childbirth ahead of time, from 30 weeks, we do not recommend sex life. And women are listening. In any case, so they tell us.

Oksana Dorofeeva


Increased sensitivity of pregnant women to smells has become a common plot for jokes. However, many pregnant women are not laughing when it starts torturing from the usual smells, for example, from such a native natural smell of her husband. Or from his cologne. What to do?

The appearance of pregnant nausea with the appearance of long-familiar odors, experts cannot fully explain to the end. There is an assumption that against the background of the "pregnant" hormonal background, the mucous membranes of the nose swells, which distorts the perception of smells. A psychogenic factor is not excluded.

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of nausea from smell, you need to look for ways out of the situation. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented the drug that could help a woman in this situation. Only one thing remains: complete frankness with her husband: if the toilet water of her husband suddenly became your worst enemy, do not be silent, and let him know about it! A request to wash as much as possible (in any case, when approaching you) in your position is also completely justified.

Nasal congestion during pregnancy

Nasal congestion during pregnancy is another problem that occurs quite often. The thing is that during pregnancy, the swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal moves and sinuses is developing. As a rule, the problem of hindered nasal respiration arises from the second half of pregnancy. Most women describe the signs of nasal congestion, similar to symptoms during the cold, but there is no discharge from the nose.