Levels of psychics. Psychics. How is the process of telepathy constructed?

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Psychic- a person believed to have extrasensory perception abilities. Since there are no scientifically confirmed cases of the existence of such people [ ], then usually the word “psychic” refers to people who declare that have psychic abilities.


People who claim to be psychics often use such claims to generate income. The most common way of such activity is to provide various “services” to the population (“diagnosis” of diseases, “search” for missing people, predicting the future, etc.) Such activities are often difficult to distinguish from the activities of people advertising themselves as magicians or sorcerers. In some cases, such individuals are found guilty of fraud.

The reasons why people line up for consultations with psychics can be different. They often come down to two main ones:

  • Doubts when making responsible decisions that can change a person’s life, be it getting married or starting a business;
  • Misunderstanding of the reasons for what is happening, for example: why the husband left for his mistress and how to get him back.

Another way for people who claim to be psychics to earn income is through public appearances (an example is Wolf Messing) and on television shows (such as Battle of Psychics). Sometimes during such performances such a phenomenon known to science as ideomotor is used.

There are organizations that devote their activities to exposing psychics. For example, illusionist James Randi, a well-known debunker of paranormal phenomena and pseudoscientific theories, founded an educational foundation in his name, offering a million US dollars to anyone who demonstrated psychic abilities under strictly controlled experimental conditions. Despite many years of appeal, and several dozen attempts every month, no one has yet received a million.

Scientific research

Psychics are studied by scientists, most often psychophysiologists. In particular, studies were conducted on individuals allegedly [ ] possessed psychic abilities (for example, Ninel Kulagina; subsequently N. Kulagina’s abilities were questioned by the magazine “Man and Law,” where she was called a charlatan, she sued and in January 1988 the people’s court made a decision obliging the editors to publish a refutation). N.P. Bekhtereva spoke positively about the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga.

Forensic psychologist Mikhail Vinogradov studied psychics.

Christianity attitude

Speaking about the miracles that supposedly surround psychics, Dmitry Smirnov asks the question: “could there be a miracle from the devil?” And he answers that “as much as you like.”

“We see in the Bible how those possessed by demons performed miracles and prophecies. We see how the pharaoh’s sorcerers performed all sorts of miracles,” says Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov. - They were all devil worshipers. The gods of the pagans are demons. And everyone always likes miracles and secrets. Because man, ever since he lost God, when everything was revealed to him, everything was clear, he became very curious. Therefore, the devil takes advantage of this and deceives people.”

During their lifetime, some saints of the Orthodox Church expressed their negative attitude towards magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers. For example, the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow spoke about them, giving instructions to believers.

“For someone who has voluntarily entered into an alliance with the power of evil and taken up sorcery, there is no way out. You can’t turn to grandmothers, they will cure one thing, but harm your soul,” she assured

Many of us have heard the word “psychic,” but few clearly understand what it means. After all, magicians, sorcerers, yogis, healers, and so on are often confused with psychics. But what does the term “psychic” actually mean and who can really be considered a psychic?

The meaning of the term "psychic"

The term “psychic” consists of two Latin words: “extra”, which means “over”, “going beyond” and “sensus” - “feeling”. Thus, a psychic is a person whose feelings, that is, receptivity, go beyond the ordinary. In other words, a supersensitive individual.

Is a psychic a magician or not?

As you can see, the original meaning of the term may or may not have anything to do with magic, witchcraft, and so on. As a rule, a mystic has psychic abilities to one degree or another, but a psychic himself is not necessarily a magician or yogi.

Who is a psychic?

A psychic is a person whose perceptive abilities (hearing, vision, touch, intuition) are overdeveloped in relation to ordinary people. Their development can be either a consequence of a natural gift or the result of targeted development through persistent performance of special exercises.

Types of psychics

Traditionally, psychics are divided into four categories, depending on which of the supersenses is the main channel for perceiving “subtle” information.

· telepaths - psychics who capture the thoughts and states of other people, as well as transmitting information from brain to brain without the mediation of sensory channels;

· empaths - psychics who have empathy and feel the emotions of other people;

· clairvoyants - psychics with clairvoyance who are able to perceive distant objects and events occurring at the present time, without drawing conclusions based on known facts;

· predictors - psychics who have precognition and are able to foresee and predict the future. Such psychics sometimes become prophets.

Features of psychics

The peculiarities of psychics include the fact that many of them, due to the excessive development of one channel of perception, can replace the main (ordinary) channel of receiving information with it. As a result, many of the psychics “hear numbers,” “see sound,” “feel colors,” and so on. This is due to the fact that the psychic’s brain works in an unusual mode - there are peculiar “crossroads” in it, where the paths along which neural impulses from the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose are transmitted intersect. These “crossroads” distribute impulses in several directions at once, which creates a similar effect.

Is it possible to become a psychic?

Each of us, of course, would not refuse to have one or another extrasensory abilities. Therefore, people often wonder: is it possible to become a psychic? To this answer, both psychics themselves and scientists answer unequivocally - yes! Of course, some have great abilities, some less, but according to statistics, every 20 people have well-developed intuition and well-developed one sense - vision, hearing, smell, and so on. Here the situation is the same with talents: yes, some write poetry better, some write music better, but everyone has the ability to be creative! Therefore, you can learn everything. And history itself has repeatedly proven that the presence of a natural gift does not mean anything, and this is confirmed by the biographies of poets and athletes, many of whom “wasted” their gift, while others who started from the minimum achieved incredible results! So, the question is not whether it is possible to become a psychic, but are you ready to spend your time and energy on becoming one?

© Alexey Korneev

Each person is unique in their own way. But there is a group of individuals who have properties that are not entirely clear to ordinary people. And these are psychics. Such people see things that others cannot. They can predict the future or see the past. Each of the psychics has a special gift. In this article you will learn more about paranormal abilities and how to use them.

History of psychics

In all centuries there have been people who predicted the future, practiced healing and possessed secret knowledge. In pagan Ancient Rus' it was a sorcerer, in Ancient Egypt it was a priest, and in Serbia and Montenegro it was a zducach. In addition, in Europe one could meet witches, sorcerers, magicians, healers, soothsayers, and sorcerers. All these people, just like psychics, had certain abilities. They could read minds, predict the future and even control the weather.

In the modern world, there are many different television programs in which you can clearly see how people who have paranormal abilities work. For example, “Diary of a Psychic with Daria Voskoboeva.” In this program, a fighting witch from St. Petersburg investigates the most unusual cases and reveals secrets that it would seem that dead people took with them forever.

The term "extrasensory perception"

Extrasensory perception was first studied in 1911 in the USA at Stanford University. Joseph Raine, Louise Raine, William McDougall, and Karl Zener conducted experiments with student volunteers. Their essence was to identify paranormal abilities. For example, in one of the experiments, cards were laid out in front of the subjects, and they had to guess what was depicted on them. Those who were able to guess with high accuracy were said to have Extra Sensory Perception - supersensible perception. Later, such people began to be called psychics.

Various directions

There are quite a few manifestations of extrasensory perception:

  • clairvoyance;
  • telepathy;
  • dowsing;
  • telekinesis;
  • mediumship;
  • healing.

A psychic can have all the abilities together, or a specific set. In addition, a variety of objects can be used for work. Among the most popular are:

  • cards;
  • runes;
  • pendulum;
  • beads;
  • knives;
  • candles;
  • mirrors;
  • framework;
  • bells.

A psychic is a person who chooses the tools he needs. Such objects help predict the future or, for example, keep in touch with otherworldly forces.

Operating principle

Society treats psychics with great distrust. Clairvoyant Elizaveta Lileeva calls this perception polar. On the one hand, people believe in everything that is said, but on the other, they completely deny the phenomenon itself.

Of course, there is an explanation for this. Firstly, few people know on what principle clairvoyants and magicians work, and secondly, the opinion that psychics are charlatans is strongly rooted in society. And indeed, some of them, without any special abilities, perform a number of magical services and charge a lot of money for it.

The operating principle of psychics can be divided into two large groups. The first, contacting otherworldly forces (spirits), receives the necessary information from them. For example, British clairvoyant and medium Helen Bright claims to work with the help of a guide called Ehuda.

It protects her from negative influences and helps to carry out rituals. The downside to this way of working is that the spirit may not always be in the mood to answer questions. In addition, entities from that world do not do anything for nothing. If he helps a psychic, then there is a benefit for him too. Some ask for something to be sacrificed, while others simply feed off the energy of the person they are helping.

The second group are psychics who know how to enter the energy-information field. This is a kind of universal data bank that contains information about events of the past, present and future. Most of the strongest psychics work on this principle (Victoria Raidos, Alexander Sheps,

There is another group of clairvoyants who claim that they are not human. For example, the famous psychic Julia Wang. According to her, which was later confirmed by her mother, the clairvoyant’s father is an extraterrestrial being (alien) who came to Earth in the form of a guy. It was after contact with him that the woman gave birth to Julia Wang.

She was a participant in the show “Battle of Psychics”, where she took first place. Initially, many did not believe that a girl with a model appearance could really have paranormal abilities. But she was able to prove to everyone that she really is the strongest. In addition, in 2016, Julia Wang participated together with Alexander Sheps in the “Investigation of Psychics” project.

How do abilities appear?

In addition to the question, “Who is this psychic?”, many are also concerned about another question: “How does this special yes arise?” In fact, every clairvoyant or magician has his own special path along which he has passed. As a rule, magical abilities are inherited. Moreover, not from mother to daughter, but a generation later - from grandmother to granddaughter.

But sometimes abilities also manifest themselves in people who do not have psychics among their relatives. Usually the gift appears after some kind of shock or, for example, an accident. If you develop your abilities, you can achieve great heights.

Is it possible to develop a gift?

Psychic - who is this? This is a person who has the ability to see the past, future and present. Of course, many people wonder whether it is possible to develop such a gift. In fact, almost everyone has small abilities, but a person does not notice it.

Think about how often it happens that you think about a person and he calls or suddenly meet him on the street. In fact, this is also a manifestation of the fact that you are entering the information field.

It is possible to develop extrasensory perception abilities, and there are many different ways to do this. First of all, you should decide why you need it, and in what direction you would like to work. Let's study the most basic of them and their features.


This is a gift that allows you to receive information about the past, present and future. Such subtle supernatural insight allows you to see or feel any situation from any period of time. Such people are also said to be soothsayers. For example, the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga during World War II determined the location of soldiers who went missing. Many of her predictions have already come true and continue to come true.

In the modern world, clairvoyants can also work from photographs. A psychic is a kind of x-ray that reads information and can tell a lot only by seeing a person’s face. Connecting to the energy information field, pictures from the past or future of the individual pop up in his head.

Some of the most popular tools used by clairvoyants include tarot cards and runes. Through them they see various events and situations. By constantly practicing fortune telling and predictions, you can develop the gift of clairvoyance.


This is alternative medicine that allows you to heal yourself or another person. Each healer works according to his own principle. To heal people you need to have a lot of energy. Healers use a variety of methods: spells, prayers, herbs.

Dowsing can also be classified in this section. For example, in the system of L. G. Puchko “Multidimensional Medicine”, the use of a pendulum and diagrams allows not only to identify diseases and their cause, but also to get rid of them using special vibration series.


These are psychics who receive information with the help of otherworldly forces. By performing special rituals, they come into contact with the souls of dead people. Such practices are used in voodoo, umbanda, and candomblé. Sometimes otherworldly forces “enter the medium’s body” and thus transmit the necessary information to other people.

The practices of spiritualism are considered one of the most dangerous. Before you come into contact with deceased people, you should be well prepared. There are cases when ordinary people, trying to summon spirits, lost their minds. This can be explained by the fact that a weak, unprepared psyche cannot perceive such phenomena.

Of course, it should be understood that science has never been able to prove that people have extrasensory abilities. Every person has a choice: to believe in magical abilities or not. In any case, even if you decide to turn to psychics for help, you should not forget about common sense. Only the person himself is responsible for his destiny and the actions he commits. Many psychics are excellent psychologists, and therefore they can really help solve certain problems.

Physical level of psychic awareness

The physical level is the level at which everything that is in direct connection with the solid or material body is perceived.

We are talking about the physical world that we see with our eyes. This is the perception of the spatial and physical. Let me explain with examples.

There are psychics whose help is resorted to in cases of complicated illegal acts. They can find out, for example, where a kidnapped victim is, where a criminal is hiding, or how to find items that are important evidence of a crime. This is present in many films and is perceived as fantasy, although everything is very true. But let's move on to harmless everyday cases.

One of my good friends invited me for a walk in the forest and picked me up on a motorcycle. Unfortunately, our path was quickly interrupted. The engine sputtered and then completely stalled. Now we stood on the side of the road, halfway into the forest. The friend was confused and tried to understand what was the cause of the breakdown. I have no idea about motorcycles so I just waited. However, more out of boredom, I tried to energetically tune into the motorcycle and saw a damaged green cable. At the same time, I felt where this cable could be located and shared the information with a friend. At first they laughed at me. The macho man sitting in the comrade looked down on the remark that he did not know where the green cable should be. But out of helplessness, he began searching for the green cable, and having found it, he reconnected the contact, and we continued our journey.

In the same way, I know the structure and technical equipment of the Mir station. So, extrasensory abilities can be used during technical inspection, identifying errors and defects in technical devices. These abilities are applicable to everything that is on the physical level.

Every December, the participants of the psychic training group and I play a game. Christmas is the time for throwing Christmas presents out the window, and everyone brings unopened gifts to training. The culmination of the evening comes when everyone, before opening their gift, puts it in front of them and energetically determines what is inside. It is very pleasing and surprising how strong we humans are, even if unconsciously, as psychics. Sometimes it is only misinterpretation or fear that prevents us from knowing the truth. One of the participants received firewood, the packaging of which was skillfully covered and painted, like a decoration. But in her energy picture there was fire. Fire that burns everything and brings misfortune and need. The training participant was horrified by the possibility of such a gift. Opening the gift, the girl laughed and admitted her own distorted forecasts.

With the help of physical extrasensory perception, we can “see” whether specific people have already met each other at a certain place or whether they have reached their destination. You can also search through mediums for missing things: lost car keys, a TV remote control, or a wallet. This technique is truly beneficial.

The etheric level of awareness of a psychic

At the etheric level, we can perceive the physical and energetic state of living beings.

This applies to both people and animals, plants and minerals.

We can find out how things are with the health of a creature - whether there are any disturbances in its body, how individual organs work and how the general saturation of energy and its distribution is regulated. If we are gifted at this level and energetically tune into it, we begin to see the aura of the being. We can perceive it in different colors and vibrations, from long and measured to short, we can also feel holes, clots or other defects in the aura. In any case, at this level we can distinguish energy centers, chakras, that supply our entire body with energy and allow energy to enter and exit our body (see the further topic “Human Chakras.”)

But such energy holes exist not only in people, but also in animals and plants. Therefore, at the etheric level of awareness, it is possible to carry out an accurate check of the state of health. We know that we are made up of a combination of all our bodies. Consequently, we will not be able to see only the etheric body, discarding all the others and their auras. In the same way, according to the law of analogy, chakras are located in all subtle bodies. Thus, on the etheric level we can perceive the aura of plants and in any case find contact with beings living in plants, nature spirits, fairies, elves and gnomes.

Towards the end of this topic, I will tell you a small true story. During a workshop in Mallorca, participants spent a day communicating with plant beings and nature spirits and mapping their auras. One seminar participant strongly doubted whether such creatures existed at all, and almost thought that this was all complete nonsense. But in her soul she still wanted to know the truth and agreed to do the exercises.

Among the tasks was the following: while walking in the forest, find a plant, draw its aura and perceive a message from the creature living in this plant.

The participant got to work - with skepticism, smiling mockingly. In order to evaluate the results, I asked everyone to sit in a circle, show the drawings and read the messages they received. The participant we mentioned, white as chalk, showed an image of the creature. When I asked if she now believed in something like that, she quickly nodded, barely holding back her laughter, and showed her left hand. Red prints were visible - bite marks. “It bit me! - the participant said, stammering. “It asked me if I finally believed in its existence.” Then she laughed again and pointed with deep respect to the bush in which the creature lived.

The emotional or astral level of awareness of a psychic

The astral level is the place where all our desires, aspirations, feelings and emotions make themselves known. At this level we indulge in creativity.

On the astral level we recognize how far our ego has sunk into illusion and can follow our dreams. Let's imagine this level as a huge platform for playing adventures, where everything we want can happen. Depending on the state of soul awareness, we are at different sublevels of the astral level. Therefore, we divide our adventure playground into three more sublevels:

■ low astral level;

■ middle astral level;

■ high astral level.

Low astral level

If we have hair-raising nightmares at night, we are on a low astral level. This is the level of dark forces, spirits and demons, the level of the destructive world.

Souls that have left the body and carry these emotions within themselves or have committed suicide are here first. At the same time, this level is the closest to matter, to the earth. Any destruction that reigns on Earth can be repeated once again on a subtle level right here. On the other hand, there is a possibility that not all destructive events will necessarily occur on Earth - some of them will linger on the subtle level, in the area for playing adventures. I call beings who provide assistance on a low astral level cosmic social workers. In order to access this level, one must have great physical and mental stability, a big heart and inner clarity. The ability to open energetically at a low astral level is seen as useful and healing work. For example, this may be useful in order to come into contact with souls who ended up here by chance or are here forcedly for various reasons.

People who commit suicide are primarily associated with this level. If the doubting people remaining on Earth need to find contact with them, the psychic must have sufficient qualifications to build this contact in the most constructive and painless way. Such work can bring peace and give the soul a chance to ascend to heaven.

In my early youth, I was practically unable to work on a low astral level. I felt terrible fear since I was a teenager and for a long time I lacked the stability that I have today. Now I treat this level with love and calmly establish contacts on it. I know that that previous experience was conditioned by the cosmic plan and was the beginning of my work.

People who are too open and amenable to manipulation often unknowingly have access to this level, which they perceive as an incredibly creepy “journey”. Due to fear and lack of stability, they can become victims of the destructive world, which appears in the form of demons and similar creatures. If you have insecurity, keep your hands off this level! Those who are curious will immediately achieve only disgusting impressions, which will bring more grief than joy. Here, too, the law of resonance comes into force: like attracts like!

Thus, people who have highly destructive tendencies visit the low astral level as a chamber of horrors, as they attract these energies.

As a consolation

In fact, there are no real evil forces, demons or devils. These are cosmic forces that have a destructive, that is, destructive, effect. Destruction is one of the important cosmic forces. They are neither bad nor evil. Winter, the material expression of this force, which kills everything, is also not evil. Everything is united by love. However, in order to understand this, a high degree of awareness is required. If we can do this, then destructive energies will not touch us. Energy contact with destructive forces is as neutral as communication with angels ready to help.

Middle astral level

At the middle astral level, we learn to understand our life, have the chance to analyze it with the help of spiritual teachers, angels and light beings, and then integrate the acquired knowledge into our awareness.

Once we reach a certain level of awareness, we can rise to a higher level. By tuning into the middle astral level, you can help the relatives of a deceased person who are in mourning. I have already conducted many such touching sessions - the deceased exchanged declarations of love with their living relatives and friends, resolved the last misunderstandings, thanks to which they could finally say goodbye to each other peacefully. Such sessions are always very dear to me, because they contribute to the increase of love, peace and, above all, the knowledge of the greatest feeling.

High astral level

Some souls who have achieved greater awareness come immediately after death to a high astral level.

Spirits, protective angels, personal guides, and other angels live at this level. This is again a level of cognition, but now of a higher degree of awareness. It is available only to those who come with an open heart and love.

For others this level is closed. From here cosmic knowledge is transmitted to us, which should be handled with full responsibility. We learn unconditional love, filled with compassion and selflessness, and an understanding of the all-encompassing Whole. Likewise, a psychic must have these qualities in order to open this level for himself and find contact with spirit guides and angels. In order to be able to tune into a high astral level, a psychic must have not only energy potential, but also meet the requirements of the law of resonance: have high awareness and a certain spiritual and mental development.

Spiritual or mental level of awareness of a psychic

The mental level contains a huge fund of all our thoughts - our spirit. At this level there are no deceptions and delusions that exist on Earth, all thoughts lie openly.

As I mentioned at the beginning, the body, and with it the levels, are connected to each other and function in each other. This can now be clearly seen in the example of the astral and mental bodies. Both levels play the role of a knowledge repository, but each level is unique.

The astral level is responsible for the large world of emotions, and the mental level is responsible for the world of thoughts. However, they serve each other. The world of feelings and the world of thoughts are closely connected. We know this from ourselves. Thoughts can cause certain feelings, and, conversely, certain feelings lead to very specific thoughts. And thoughts in the form of desires play a significant role in this.

The mental level is a type of active storage, thanks to which we can learn and constantly nourish ourselves with knowledge.

The astral level is directly related to the mental. We also go to school at night. These dream schools that we attend on the astral level prepare us for the next day, for the next year. We take exams to determine where we are now, and thereby become prepared for real everyday life and successfully overcome three-dimensional obstacles in everyday life. In addition to these dream schools, there are also regular schools and universities, research centers and libraries in which the forces of light serve and inspire us, helping us as mentors.

The mental level, just like the astral level, can be divided into high and low sublevels. Depending on the degree of awareness of the soul, they store a stock of various thoughts of varying quality, which is ready for use in practice. So, if the low level contains dark, destructive intentions, thoughts and impulses, the high mental level contains creative, constructive, inspiring, healing impulses and intentions that can be translated into actions. However, in general, it is much easier to rise to a high mental level than to a high astral level: it is known that it is usually much easier to master thoughts than feelings, and above all, emotions. Just as on the astral level, the psychic encounters the law of analogy.

Extrasensory perception can be used not only to explain dreams, dream meanings or dream analysis, but also to clarify questions about old prejudices, beliefs and behavioral programs, blocking thoughts or irrational desires. This is very effective and healing work.

Causal level of psychic awareness

The causal level is a special level. Although it is included among other levels, it occupies its own place.

The causal level is a huge repository of knowledge. It contains general knowledge of the planet and all its inhabitants. All the experience of the past is hidden here, be it the personal experience of individuals or the collective experience of human groups or nations. This applies equally to both historical experience and the experience of the present, as well as the future.

This causal level repository can be thought of as a real archive or a real library. In this library, each person has his own personal book, his own book of life, or the book of fate, where everything that the soul of an individual has experienced, all the knowledge, acquired knowledge and experience is stored. Stored information is experience from the past, present and future. However, the future is always determined only to some extent, since we all have the right to freedom and are free to change our decisions and make new ones at any moment.

In the book of life, the future can be represented in such a way that up to the moment in which we are now, that is, up to the present, it is clearly depicted in bold ink. After this point, countless possibilities, written in invisible ink, diverge towards the future, perceived linearly. And depending on how we decide, the corresponding opportunity appears and others disappear. Thus, our present and past are then formed from our future.

The law of analogy - both in small and large - extends to the book of life. Since every person, every soul has its own book, there is also a book about planet Earth and its experiences. We can imagine ourselves as the cells of this huge living being - the Earth. This symbolic book is also called the Akasha Chronicle. At this level resides the Higher Power, free from the karma of the Earth, as well as the archangel, spiritual guide and guardian angel. They monitor and maintain the vast repository of knowledge of the Akashic Records, review the contents, acting as intermediaries between the worlds.

Extrasensory access to this level means the ability to read from the Akashic Chronicle, which allows you to convey information about their soul, life or spiritual path over many incarnations to people in need of advice. Karmic relationships may apply to certain people, family members and situations, or indicate certain behavioral programs or illnesses. Working at this level brings me real joy. It is always very fascinating to follow which path souls choose. In order to work on the causal level, in addition to extrasensory abilities, it is necessary to have an independent character and reliable internal mental stability, since there is a danger of traveling with a soul whose fate is tragic or extremely difficult. If inner peace fails at times, then you should take a rest and recover internally so as not to disturb the correct perception of information at the causal level.

Psychics are people who have special sensitivity, and extrasensory perception itself, as a science, is a mixture of ancient knowledge, scientific achievements and methods obtained intuitively. A psychic has supersensible abilities that are inaccessible to ordinary people, for example, telepathy, clairvoyance, healing, tele- and psychokinesis, skin-optical perception, etc. As psychics themselves say about themselves, they see and feel the world differently. The level of a psychic’s capabilities depends on the depth of his perception of the surrounding reality and his internal bioenergetic level.

But what results in this different vision, is it a gift of nature or acquired skills? Most often, psychics are hereditary healers, sorcerers, magicians, that is, people are born with these unusual talents inherited from their ancestors. But often such abilities are discovered in a person after some turning points in life: after accidents, illnesses, clinical death. And in what direction a person will develop this gift, and whether he will develop it at all, depends on himself.

There is an opinion that any person can reveal and develop psychic abilities. For example, Russian academician Vyacheslav Bronnikov developed a method thanks to which people supposedly begin to see with their eyes closed, learn to carry out energy-informational influence and correct the vital functions of their body and help others.

As the author himself says, the method is based on one of the areas of Taoist yoga. This is a set of special exercises that allows you to develop body structures (in particular energy), improve the functioning of the brain, blood circulation, autonomic nervous system, and strengthen the immune system. According to the academician, as a result of working on oneself, a person can discover hidden extrasensory abilities.

Scientists study such phenomena. Thus, German psychologists from the University of Zurich conducted a series of studies of people who have so-called paranormal abilities. They paid special attention to synesthetes - this is the name given to people who can “hear color” and “see sound.”

After many experiments, researchers claim that the phenomenon of synesthesia occurs against the background of abnormalities in the development of the nervous system. Thus, in the brains of psychics there are peculiar “crossroads”. The paths along which neural impulses are transmitted from the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose intersect. These “crossroads” distribute impulses in several directions at once. For example, signals traveling along the auditory pathway reach a “crossroads”, and it sends an impulse to the eyes. In particular, brain scans of psychics showed that when they study printed text with their eyes, they activate not only the part of the brain responsible for understanding speech, but also the areas of the cortex responsible for recognizing color.

People turn to psychics for a variety of reasons: wanting to succeed at work or achieve financial stability, improve family life, find missing people, when you need help in making a difficult decision that can change your life, etc. And often psychics help people, such as, for example , world famous Vanga. Professional psychics can help people overcome many addictions, such as stopping drinking, smoking or using drugs.

But when developing supernatural abilities, one must remember that a person takes on great responsibility for observing the laws of the harmony of life, therefore their violation leads to unpredictable negative consequences, both for the object of influence and for the psychic himself.