What is the difference between connective and epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue. Connective tissue. Nervous tissue. ❖ Stages of blood clotting

14.03.2024 Homemade products 
Behavior: evolutionary approach Nikolay Anatolievich Kurchanov

7.7. Epithelial and connective tissues

Epithelial tissue is a type of animal tissue derived from all three germ layers. All kinds of epithelium are united by a strong connection of cells into a single layer located on basement membrane, and the resulting polarity of the formation. In the body, epithelium performs barrier, excretory, secretory and other functions. Traditionally, they are divided into two groups: integumentary and glandular.

The first group is unusually diverse and includes tissues covering the body and abdominal organs (intestines, airways, ducts of the excretory and reproductive systems). The second group specializes in secretory function, which causes the cells to have a high degree of development of ER and AG involved in the secretory process.

Secretory cells are usually part of multicellular glands, which are divided into exocrine glands, or exocrine(secrete secretion through ducts to the outside), and endocrine glands, or endocrine(secret into the blood). The functioning of the endocrine glands is greatly related to behavior. Their activities are studied by the science of endocrinology, which is increasingly acquiring general theoretical significance and will be discussed by us in a special section.

Connective tissues(or tissues of the internal environment) represent the most diverse type of animal tissue. However, unlike epithelial and muscle tissues, all connective tissues have the same origin from mesenchyme(germ tissue of mesoderm). Despite their morphological diversity, they all consist of cells and noncellular matter. Like epithelia, connective tissues are traditionally also divided into two groups: stromal tissues and free cell elements (FCEs).

The first group includes numerous tissues that perform trophic and support functions. Their structural feature is the presence of two types of fibers in the intercellular substance: collagen And elastic. The intercellular substance itself consists mainly of various mucopolysaccharides. Different ratios of these components determine different degrees of hardness, mechanical strength and elasticity in different types of stromal tissues. These include: reticular tissue, loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone. Some of these tissues are involved in the process of movement, which is the external expression of behavior: bone and cartilage tissue form the basis of the skeleton, and dense connective tissue is part of the tendons and ligaments that attach muscles to the skeleton. In addition, it forms sheaths for muscles, nerves and nerve ganglia.

The SCE system performs the functions of maintaining homeostasis, transporting substances throughout the body and protecting it from infection. Its cells circulate freely through the three fluid media of the body (tissue fluid, blood, lymph), and therefore it is very difficult to delineate the boundaries of a specific tissue. In the tradition of Western science, it is customary to isolate blood into a special, 5th type of tissue. Considering its sharp structural and functional differences from other types of connective tissues, such a classification seems justified. But SCEs can pass through the walls of blood vessels and integrate into the connective tissue. Moreover, some SCEs perform their main functions only after integration, and for them the blood is simply a transport system. Therefore, it is more logical to consider the SCE system as a liquid connective tissue that does not have fibers in the intercellular substance.

Among the SCEs of mammals and humans, seven varieties are distinguished: erythrocytes, blood platelets, eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, monocytes And lymphocytes. The first two types are anucleate, and the plates are “fragments” of the cytoplasm. The last five cell forms are usually grouped together as “leukocytes,” but this division is more of a historical tradition. The study of the process of hematopoiesis (hematopoiesis) showed that its first stage is the differentiation of precursors lymphocytes from the predecessors of all other types of SCE.

The largest blood cells are monocytes. They are capable of phagocytosis and perform protective functions. Monocytes can leave the bloodstream, penetrating various tissues. There they give rise to a wide variety of cells, which are collectively called “macrophages.” These include histiocytes connective tissue, osteoclasts bone tissue, cells microglia nervous tissue and many others.

Lymphocytes include populations T lymphocytes And B lymphocytes, which determine the cellular and humoral immunity of the body. Immunology is the study of immunity, which, as already mentioned, is becoming one of the leading biological sciences. Its fundamental developments acquire general theoretical significance. There is no doubt that they will help reveal many secrets of behavior.

The close relationship between immunology and neurophysiology is demonstrated by the phenomenon blood-brain barrier– unique brain structure. Its basis is made up of cells endothelium, forming the walls of capillaries. Endothelium different authors classify them as either epithelial or connective tissues, depending on the classification principles taken as a basis. Usually endothelium passes various substances, including proteins, into the tissue fluid, from where they are removed through the lymphatic capillaries. In the CNS, where there are no lymphatic capillaries, endothelial cells are connected in a dense, continuous layer. This layer is surrounded by a layer of thick basement membrane, which is surrounded by a layer astrocytes.

The blood-brain barrier serves as an insurmountable barrier to large molecules. Many microbes, viruses, toxins, and medications cannot overcome it, which explains the brain’s resistance to infections. The exception is the hypothalamus, the most vulnerable part of the brain.

The blood-brain barrier isolates the brain, which has a huge number of specific components, from its own immune system. Some authors believe that in the process of evolution it turned out to be easier for an organism to fence off the brain than to complicate the recognition mechanism “self - alien” (Savelyev S.V., 2005). However, there is data that does not support such a clear conclusion. The mechanisms of the relationship between the nervous and immune systems are not yet fully understood.

The structural and functional features of various tissues and their cells are studied in detail in cytology and histology courses. A brief overview of the diversity of cells that form different tissues was necessary for us to better understand the cellular mechanisms of behavior. It could be noted that all types of tissues take part in the implementation of behavior. The signaling function of nerve cells plays a decisive integrative role here.

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Chapter 34. Biochemistry of connective tissue Connective tissue makes up about half of the dry mass of the body. All types of connective tissue, despite their morphological differences, are built according to general principles: 1. Contains few cells compared to others

Animal tissue is a collection of cells that are connected by an intercellular substance and are intended for a specific purpose. It is divided into many types, each of which has its own characteristics. Animal tissue under a microscope can look completely different, depending on the type and purpose. Let's take a closer look at the different types.

Animal tissue: varieties and features

There are four main types: connective, epithelial, nervous and muscular. Each of them is divided into several types, depending on the location and some distinctive features.

Animal connective tissue

It is characterized by a large amount of intercellular substance - it can be either liquid or solid. The first type of this type of tissue is bone. The intercellular substance in this case is solid. It consists of minerals, mainly phosphorus and calcium salts. Cartilaginous animal tissue also belongs to the connective type. It differs in that it is elastic. It, in turn, is divided into types such as hyaline, elastic and fibrous cartilage. The most common type in the body is the first type; it is part of the trachea, bronchi, larynx, and large bronchi. Elastic cartilages form the ears, and the bronchi are medium-sized. Fibrous are part of the structure of the intervertebral discs - they are located at the junction of tendons and ligaments with hyaline cartilage.

Connective also includes blood and lymph. The first of them is characterized by specific cells called blood cells. They come in three types: red blood cells, platelets and lymphocytes. The first are responsible for the transport of oxygen throughout the body, the second are responsible for blood clotting in case of damage to the skin, and the third perform an immune function. Both of these connective tissues are special in that their intercellular substance is liquid. Lymph is involved in the metabolic process; it is responsible for returning various chemical compounds from tissues back into the blood, such as all kinds of toxins, salts, and some proteins. Connective ones are also loose fibrous, dense fibrous, and the latter is distinguished by the fact that it consists of collagen fibers. It acts as the basis for internal organs such as the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, etc.


This type of tissue is characterized by the fact that the cells are located very closely to each other. The epithelium mainly performs a protective function: it makes up the skin, it can line organs both externally and internally. It comes in many types: cylindrical, cubic, single-layer, multi-layer, ciliated, glandular, sensitive, flat. The first two are so called because of the shape of the cells. Ciliate has small villi; it lines the intestinal cavity. All glands that produce enzymes, hormones, etc. consist of the following type of epithelium. The sensitive one acts as a receptor; it lines the nasal cavity. located inside the alveoli and blood vessels. Cubic is found in organs such as kidneys, eyes, and thyroid gland.

Nervous animal tissue

It consists of spindle-like cells called neurons. They have a complex structure, built from a body, an axon (long outgrowth) and dendrites (several short ones). These formations connect tissues to each other, and signals are transmitted through them, like wires. Between them there is a lot of intercellular substance, which supports neurons in the desired position and nourishes them.

Muscle tissue

They are divided into three types, each of which has its own characteristics. The first of these is smooth muscle animal tissue. It consists of long cells - fibers. This type of muscle tissue lines internal organs such as the stomach, intestines, uterus, etc. They are capable of contracting, but the person (or animal) himself is unable to control and manage these muscles on his own. The next type is cross-striped fabric. It contracts many times faster than the first one, since it contains more actin and myosin proteins, thanks to which this happens.

Striated muscle tissue makes up skeletal muscles, which the body can control at its discretion. The last type - cardiac tissue - is distinguished by the fact that it contracts faster than smooth tissue, has more actin and myosin, but is not subject to conscious control by a person (or animal), that is, it combines some features of the two types described above. All three are made up of long cells, also called fibers, that typically contain large numbers of mitochondria (organelles that produce energy).

Comparison of the structure of tissues of multicellular organisms (for example: plants, fungi, animals and humans). Types of tissues and their functions

Laboratory work

Biology and genetics

Laboratory work No. 3 Topic: Comparison of the structure of tissues of multicellular organisms using the example of: plants, fungi, animals and humans. Types of tissues and their functions. Tissue is a group of cells and intercellular substance united by a common structure, function and origin...

Laboratory work No. 3

Subject: Comparison of the structure of tissues of multicellular organisms (for example: plants, fungi, animals and humans).Types of tissues and their functions.

Textile this is a group of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common structure, function and origin. There are four main types of tissue in the human body: epithelial (integumentary), connective, muscle and nervous.

Target : learn to find structural features of cells of different organisms, compare them with each other; study the structure of various types of tissue and determine their functions; master the terminology of the topic.

Equipment : microscopes, slides and cover glasses, glass rods, microscopic preparations of cells of multicellular animals, microscopic preparations of epithelial, muscle, connective, nervous tissue.WITH containers with water, Elodea leaf, yeast, Bacillus subculture.

Safety precautions: work carefully with a microscope; treat the rules of working with it responsibly; When turning the lens to high magnification, carefully work with the screw so as not to crush the microspecimen.


Work 1.

1. Prepare a preparation of Elodea leaf cells. To do this, separate the leaf from the stem, place it in a drop of water on a glass slide and cover with a coverslip.
2. Examine the preparation under a microscope. Find chloroplasts in the cells.
3. Draw the structure of an Elodea leaf cell. Write captions for your drawing.

1. membrane

4. Look at Figure 1.

5.Draw a conclusion about the shape and size of the cellsdifferent plant organs

Rice. 1. Color, shape and size of cells of different plant organs

Watermelon cell structure

O - cell membrane; n - granular wall layer of protoplasm; T - strands of protoplasm; yak - nuclear pocket (accumulation of protoplasm in which the nucleus lies ( I ) with nucleolus and plastids); V - vacuoles (according to Rostovtsev and Komarnitsky).

A living cell made from a coconut shell with branched canals and a very thick lignified shell: 1 - pore canals filled with cytoplasm; 2 - core; 3 - layered cell membrane; 4 - cytoplasm.

Plant leaf pulp cell

Stinging nettle leaf hair:

1 - base of the hair, 2 - burning cell, 3 - nucleus, 4 - vacuole, 5 - cytoplasm, 6 - broken off tip of the burning cell.

Work 2.

1.Remove some mucus from the inside of your cheek with a teaspoon.

2. Place the mucus on a slide and tint with blue ink diluted in water. Cover the preparation with a coverslip.

3. Examine the preparation under a microscope.

Job 3

Consider a ready-made microslide of cells of a multicellular animal organism.

Compare what you saw in the lesson with the images of objects on the tables.

bacterial cell

It has a dense capsid shell, ribosomes, and a free DNA helix.

plant cell

It has a cellulose membrane, a vacuole, plastids, a formed nucleus and other organisms.

animal cell

It has a glycogen membrane, the absence of plastids and vacuoles, and the storage substance glycogen.

Compare these cells with each other.

Enter the comparison results in Table 1

Comparison features

bacterial cell

plant cell

animal cell

Functions of organelles (no additional need)





Storage of hereditary information, DNA synthesis

Cell membrane







Transport, barrier,

Mechanical, receptor, energetic





Additional protection protection against phagocytosis

Cell wall





Polysaccharide membrane above the cell membrane, regulation of water and gases in the cell

Contacts between cells


There are plasmodesmata

There are Desmosomes

Connects cells with each other, transports nutrients between cells





Nucleoprotein complex DNA





Storage of genomic information

DNA coding





Contains organelles and a complex of nutrients




Yes (except bacteria)

Carry out respiration and ATP synthesis

Golgi apparatus




Synthesis of complex proteins and polysaccharides

Endoplasmic reticulum




Synthesis and transport of proteins and lipids





Forms a spindle during meiosis



Yes (leukoplasts, chloroplasts, chromoplasts)


Structures in which photosynthesis occurs and which impart color





Carry out protein synthesis





Breakdown of various substances





Lipid transport





Water supply


Only some



Musculoskeletal system of the cell





Serve for attachment to other organisms

Organelles to move




Moving Cells

Answer the questions:

What are the similarities and differences between cells?

All these cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, hereditary material in the form of chromosomes, ribosomes, and inclusions. Eukaryotes (all except bacteria) have mitochondria, EPS, Golgi complex, lysosomes, nucleus, and centrioles. Plant cells, unlike animal cells, have vacuoles, plastids and a cellulose membrane. Bacteria have the most primitive structure, consisting of a murein shell, capsule, and ribosome.

What are the reasons for the similarities and differences between cells of different organisms?

The fact is that any living organism consists of cells, but cells perform different functions.

Job 4

I. Epithelial tissue

1. Examine a microslide of epithelial tissue. Sketch.

2. Name the types of epithelial tissue.

Classification of epithelial tissues:

  1. integumentary epithelia- forming external and internal covers;
  2. glandular epithelia- making up most of the body's glands.
  3. Ciliated epitheliumforming the internal coverings of the respiratory tract (retains dust and other foreign bodies with the help of mobile cilia).

Morphological classification of integumentary epithelium:

  • single-layer squamous epithelium, endothelium - lines all blood vessels;
  • mesothelium - lines the natural human cavities: pleural, abdominal, pericardial;
  • single-layer cuboidal epithelium - the epithelium of the renal tubules;
  • single-layer single-row cylindrical epithelium - the nuclei are located at the same level;
  • Single-layer multirow columnar epithelium - nuclei are located at different levels (pulmonary epithelium);
  • stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium - skin;
  • multilayered squamous non-keratinizing epithelium - oral cavity, esophagus, vagina;
  • transitional epithelium - the shape of the cells of this epithelium depends on the functional state of the organ, for example, the bladder.

Glandular epithelium forms the vast majority of glands in the body. It consists of: glandular cells - glandulocytes; basement membrane.

Classification of glands according to the number of cells:

  1. unicellular (goblet gland);
  2. multicellular - the vast majority of glands.

According to the method of removing secretions from the gland and according to its structure:

  • exocrine glands - have an excretory duct;
  • endocrine glands - do not have an excretory duct and secrete hormones into the blood and lymph.

According to the method of secretion from a glandular cell:

  • merocrine - sweat and salivary glands;
  • apocrine - mammary gland, sweat glands of the armpits;
  • Holocrine - sebaceous glands of the skin.

3. List the functions of epithelial tissue.

Functions of epithelial tissue:

  • protective function against mechanical damage
  • participates in metabolism, at the initial and final stages
  • regulate the constancy of the internal environment of the body, metabolism, etc..

II. Connective tissue

  1. Consider a connective tissue preparation. Sketch.

2. Name the types of connective tissue.

Most of the hard connective tissue is fibrous (from lat. fiber fiber): composed of fibers collagen and elastin . Connective tissue includes bone, cartilage, fat and others. Connective tissue also includes blood and lymph . Therefore, connective tissue is the only tissue that is present in the body in 4 types: fibrous (ligaments), solid (bones), gel-like (cartilage) and liquid (blood, lymph, as well as intercellular, spinal and synovial and other fluids).

3. List the functions of connective tissue.

Functions of connective tissue:

1) gives strength to organs, forming the basis of tendons and skin

2) performs a supporting function

3) Provides transportation of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.

4) contains a supply of nutrients

III. Muscle tissue

  1. Examine a microscopic specimen of muscle tissue. Sketch.

  1. Name the types of muscle tissue.

Types of muscle tissue

  • Smooth muscle tissueThe cells are mononuclear, located in layers in the walls of blood vessels, airways, bladder, digestive tract and other hollow internal organs.
  • Transversely striated skeletal muscle tissueThe cells are multinucleated and form the muscles of the body, moving the human skeleton.
  • Transversely striated cardiac muscle tissueforms the heart muscle, which contracts involuntarily.

3. List the functions of muscle tissue.

Functions of muscle tissue:

Motor. Protective. Heat exchange. You can also highlight one more function - facial (social). Facial muscles, controlling facial expressions, transmit information to others.

IV. Nervous tissue

  1. Examine a microscopic specimen of nervous tissue. Sketch.

  1. Name the types of nervous tissue.

Neurons - perform the main function.
Neuroglia - perform an auxiliary function (they surround neurons, protect them and provide them with support, protection and nutrition, there are 10 times more of them than neurons).

3. Function of nervous tissue.

Functions of nervous tissue:

  • Excitability and conductivity. Excitation that appears under the influence of various environmental stimuli is transmitted to the central nervous system. It then ensures that the body reacts to this irritation.


  1. What tissue do the glands belong to?

Glands belong to epithelial tissue.

  1. What is the peculiarity of the structure of connective tissue?

Feature: there is much more intercellular substance than cellular elements.

  1. In the walls of which organs is smooth muscle tissue located?

They are located in layers in the walls of blood vessels, airways, bladder, digestive tract and other hollow internal organs.

4. Thanks to the contractions of which muscles does movement occur?

Due to the contraction of skeletal muscles.

5. What tissue is characterized by electrical signals?

For nervous tissue.

Problematic issues

  1. What tissues are involved in wound healing?

Connective tissue, as well as epithelial

2. Which tissues lack blood vessels?

Epithelial tissues. Epithelium lines the surface of the human body, the inner surface of hollow organs and forms most of the body's glands. The epithelium can be keratinized or non-keratinized. Epithelium is a layer of cells that are located on the basement membrane. They are devoid of blood vessels and have a high ability to regenerate.Cartilage, lens, and cornea are devoid of blood and lymphatic vessels.


We examined the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. We learned to find differences between cells of different organisms and highlight their similarities, studied the structure and functions of cell organelles and the cell itself as a whole.

We examined the structure of various types of tissues of the animal body. We studied the structure and functions of nervous, epithelial, muscle and connective tissue and their location in the human body.

Tissue as a collection of cells and intercellular substance. Types and types of fabrics, their properties. Intercellular interactions.

There are about 200 types of cells in the adult human body. Groups of cells that have the same or similar structure, are connected by a common origin and are adapted to perform certain functions form fabrics . This is the next level of the hierarchical structure of the human body - the transition from the cellular level to the tissue level (see Figure 1.3.2).

Any tissue is a collection of cells and intercellular substance , which can be a lot (blood, lymph, loose connective tissue) or little (integumentary epithelium).

The cells of each tissue (and some organs) have their own name: the cells of the nervous tissue are called neurons , bone tissue cells - osteocytes , liver - hepatocytes and so on.

Intercellular substance chemically is a system consisting of biopolymers in high concentration and water molecules. It contains structural elements: collagen fibers, elastin, blood and lymph capillaries, nerve fibers and sensory endings (pain, temperature and other receptors). This provides the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of tissues and the performance of their functions.

There are four types of fabrics in total: epithelial , connecting (including blood and lymph), muscular And nervous (see figure 1.5.1).

Epithelial tissue , or epithelium , covers the body, lines the internal surfaces of organs (stomach, intestines, bladder and others) and cavities (abdominal, pleural), and also forms most of the glands. In accordance with this, a distinction is made between the integumentary and glandular epithelium.

Covering epithelium (type A in Figure 1.5.1) forms layers of cells (1), closely - practically without intercellular substance - adjacent to each other. It happens single-layer or multilayer . The integumentary epithelium is a border tissue and performs the main functions: protection from external influences and participation in the metabolism of the body with the environment - absorption of food components and release of metabolic products ( excretion ). The integumentary epithelium is flexible, ensuring the mobility of internal organs (for example, contractions of the heart, distension of the stomach, intestinal motility, expansion of the lungs, and so on).

Glandular epithelium consists of cells, inside of which there are granules with a secret (from the Latin secretio- department). These cells synthesize and secrete many substances important to the body. Through secretion, saliva, gastric and intestinal juices, bile, milk, hormones and other biologically active compounds are formed. The glandular epithelium can form independent organs - glands (for example, the pancreas, thyroid gland, endocrine glands, or endocrine glands , releasing hormones directly into the blood that perform regulatory functions in the body and others), and may be part of other organs (for example, gastric glands).

Connective tissue (types B and C in Figure 1.5.1) is distinguished by a wide variety of cells (1) and an abundance of intercellular substrate, consisting of fibers (2) and amorphous substance (3). Fibrous connective tissue can be loose or dense. Loose connective tissue (type B) is present in all organs, it surrounds blood and lymphatic vessels. Dense connective tissue performs mechanical, supporting, shaping and protective functions. In addition, there is also very dense connective tissue (type B), which consists of tendons and fibrous membranes (dura mater, periosteum, and others). Connective tissue not only performs mechanical functions, but also actively participates in metabolism, the production of immune bodies, the processes of regeneration and wound healing, and ensures adaptation to changing living conditions.

Connective tissue also includes adipose tissue (View D in Figure 1.5.1). Fats are deposited (deposited) in it, the breakdown of which releases a large amount of energy.

Play an important role in the body skeletal (cartilage and bone) connective tissues . They perform mainly supporting, mechanical and protective functions.

Cartilage tissue (type D) consists of cells (1) and a large amount of elastic intercellular substance (2); it forms intervertebral discs, some components of joints, trachea, and bronchi. Cartilage tissue does not have blood vessels and receives the necessary substances by absorbing them from surrounding tissues.

Bone tissue (type E) consists of bone plates, inside of which lie cells. The cells are connected to each other by numerous processes. Bone tissue is hard and the bones of the skeleton are built from this tissue.

A type of connective tissue is blood . In our minds, blood is something very important for the body and, at the same time, difficult to understand. Blood (type G in Figure 1.5.1) consists of intercellular substance - plasma (1) and weighed in it shaped elements (2) - erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets (Figure 1.5.2 shows their photographs obtained using an electron microscope). All formed elements develop from a common precursor cell. The properties and functions of blood are discussed in more detail in section

Cells muscle tissue (Figure 1.3.1 and types Z and I in Figure 1.5.1) have the ability to contract. Since contraction requires a lot of energy, muscle cells have a higher content mitochondria .

There are two main types of muscle tissue - smooth (type 3 in Figure 1.5.1), which is present in the walls of many, and usually hollow, internal organs (vessels, intestines, gland ducts and others), and striated (view I in Figure 1.5.1), which includes cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue. Bundles of muscle tissue form muscles. They are surrounded by layers of connective tissue and penetrated by nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels (see Figure 1.3.1).

General information on tissues is given in Table 1.5.1.

Table 1.5.1. Tissues, their structure and functions
Fabric name Specific cell names Intercellular substance Where is this fabric found? Functions Drawing
Covering epithelium (single-layer and multilayer) Cells ( epithelial cells ) fit tightly to each other, forming layers. The cells of the ciliated epithelium have cilia, while the cells of the intestinal epithelium have villi. Small, does not contain blood vessels; the basement membrane demarcates the epithelium from the underlying connective tissue. The internal surfaces of all hollow organs (stomach, intestines, bladder, bronchi, blood vessels, etc.), cavities (abdominal, pleural, articular), the surface layer of skin ( epidermis ). Protection from external influences (epidermis, ciliated epithelium), absorption of food components (gastrointestinal tract), excretion of metabolic products (urinary system); ensures organ mobility. Fig.1.5.1, view A
Glandulocytes contain secretory granules with biologically active substances. They can be located singly or form independent organs (glands). The intercellular substance of the gland tissue contains blood, lymphatic vessels, and nerve endings. Glands of internal (thyroid, adrenal glands) or external (salivary, sweat) secretion. Cells can be located singly in the integumentary epithelium (respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract). Output hormones (section, digestive enzymes (bile, gastric, intestinal, pancreatic juice, etc.), milk, saliva, sweat and tear fluid, bronchial secretions, etc. Rice. 1.5.10 “Skin structure” - sweat and sebaceous glands
Connective tissues
Loose connective The cellular composition is characterized by great diversity: fibroblasts , fibrocytes , macrophages , lymphocytes , single adipocytes etc. Large quantity; consists of an amorphous substance and fibers (elastin, collagen, etc.) Present in all organs, including muscles, surrounds blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves; main component dermis . Mechanical (sheath of vessel, nerve, organ); participation in metabolism ( trophism ), the production of immune bodies, processes regeneration . Fig.1.5.1, view B
Dense connecting Fibers predominate over amorphous matter. Framework of internal organs, dura mater, periosteum, tendons and ligaments. Mechanical, shaping, supporting, protective. Fig.1.5.1, view B
Fat Almost the entire cytoplasm adipocytes occupies a fat vacuole. There is more intercellular substance than cells. Subcutaneous fatty tissue, perinephric tissue, abdominal omentum, etc. Deposition of fats; energy supply due to the breakdown of fats; mechanical. Fig.1.5.1, view D
Cartilaginous Chondrocytes , chondroblasts (from lat. chondron- cartilage) It is distinguished by its elasticity, including due to its chemical composition. Cartilages of the nose, ears, larynx; articular surfaces of bones; anterior ribs; bronchi, trachea, etc. Supportive, protective, mechanical. Participates in mineral metabolism (“salt deposition”). Bones contain calcium and phosphorus (almost 98% of the total calcium!). Fig.1.5.1, view D
Bone Osteoblasts , osteocytes , osteoclasts (from lat. os- bone) Strength is due to mineral “impregnation”. Skeletal bones; auditory ossicles in the tympanic cavity (malleus, incus and stapes) Fig.1.5.1, view E
Blood Red blood cells (including juvenile forms), leukocytes , lymphocytes , platelets etc. Plasma 90-93% consists of water, 7-10% - proteins, salts, glucose, etc. Internal contents of the cavities of the heart and blood vessels. If their integrity is violated, bleeding and hemorrhage occur. Gas exchange, participation in humoral regulation, metabolism, thermoregulation, immune defense; coagulation as a defensive reaction. Fig.1.5.1, view G; Fig.1.5.2
Lymph Mostly lymphocytes Plasma (lymphoplasma) Internal contents of the lymphatic system Participation in immune defense, metabolism, etc. Rice. 1.3.4 "Cell Shapes"
Smooth muscle tissue Orderly arranged myocytes spindle-shaped There is little intercellular substance; contains blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve fibers and endings. In the walls of hollow organs (vessels, stomach, intestines, urinary and gall bladder, etc.) Peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, contraction of the bladder, maintenance of blood pressure due to vascular tone, etc. Fig.1.5.1, view 3
Cross-striped Muscle fibers can contain over 100 cores! Skeletal muscles; cardiac muscle tissue is automatic (chapter 2.6) Pumping function of the heart; voluntary muscle activity; participation in thermoregulation of the functions of organs and systems. Fig.1.5.1 (view I)
Nervous Neurons ; neuroglial cells perform auxiliary functions Neuroglia rich in lipids (fats) Brain and spinal cord, ganglia (nerve ganglia), nerves (nerve bundles, plexuses, etc.) Perception of irritation, generation and conduction of impulses, excitability; regulation of the functions of organs and systems. Fig.1.5.1, view K

The preservation of shape and the performance of specific functions by the tissue is genetically programmed: the ability to perform specific functions and to differentiate is transmitted to daughter cells via DNA. The regulation of gene expression as the basis of differentiation was discussed in section 1.3.4.

Differentiation is a biochemical process in which relatively homogeneous cells, arising from a common progenitor cell, are transformed into increasingly specialized, specific types of cells that form tissues or organs. Most differentiated cells usually retain their specific characteristics even in a new environment.

In 1952, scientists from the University of Chicago separated chicken embryo cells by growing (incubating) them in an enzyme solution with gentle stirring. However, the cells did not remain separated, but began to unite into new colonies. Moreover, when liver cells mixed with retinal cells, the formation of cellular aggregates occurred in such a way that the retinal cells always moved to the inner part of the cell mass.

Cell interactions . What allows fabrics not to crumble at the slightest external influence? And what ensures the coordinated work of cells and their performance of specific functions?

Many observations prove that cells have the ability to recognize each other and respond accordingly. Interaction is not only the ability to transmit signals from one cell to another, but also the ability to act together, that is, synchronously. On the surface of each cell there are receptors (see section 1.3.2), thanks to which each cell recognizes another similar to itself. And these “detector devices” function according to the “key-lock” rule - this mechanism is repeatedly mentioned in the book.

Let's talk a little about how cells communicate with each other. There are two main methods of intercellular interaction: diffusion And adhesive . Diffusion is an interaction based on intercellular channels, pores in the membranes of neighboring cells located strictly opposite each other. Adhesive (from Latin adhaesio- adhesion, adhesion) - mechanical connection of cells, long-term and stable holding them at a close distance from each other. The chapter on cell structure describes various types of intercellular connections (desmosomes, synapses, and others). This is the basis for the organization of cells into various multicellular structures (tissues, organs).

Each tissue cell not only connects with neighboring cells, but also interacts with the intercellular substance, receiving with its help nutrients, signaling molecules (hormones, mediators), and so on. Through chemicals delivered to all tissues and organs of the body, humoral type of regulation (from Latin humor- liquid).

Another way of regulation, as mentioned above, is carried out using the nervous system. Nerve impulses always reach their target hundreds or thousands of times faster than delivery of chemicals to organs or tissues. The nervous and humoral ways of regulating the functions of organs and systems are closely interrelated. However, the very formation of most chemicals and their release into the blood are under constant control of the nervous system.

Cell, fabric - these are the first levels of organization of living organisms , but even at these stages it is possible to identify general regulatory mechanisms that ensure the vital activity of organs, organ systems and the body as a whole.

A collection of cells and intercellular substance similar in origin, structure and functions is called cloth. In the human body they secrete 4 main groups of fabrics: epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous.

Epithelial tissue(epithelium) forms a layer of cells that make up the integument of the body and the mucous membranes of all internal organs and cavities of the body and some glands. The exchange of substances between the body and the environment occurs through epithelial tissue. In epithelial tissue, cells are very close to each other, there is little intercellular substance.

This creates an obstacle to the penetration of microbes and harmful substances and reliable protection of the tissues underlying the epithelium. Due to the fact that the epithelium is constantly exposed to various external influences, its cells die in large quantities and are replaced by new ones. Cell replacement occurs due to the ability of epithelial cells and rapid.

There are several types of epithelium - skin, intestinal, respiratory.

Derivatives of the skin epithelium include nails and hair. The intestinal epithelium is monosyllabic. It also forms glands. These are, for example, the pancreas, liver, salivary, sweat glands, etc. Enzymes secreted by the glands break down nutrients. The breakdown products of nutrients are absorbed by the intestinal epithelium and enter the blood vessels. The respiratory tract is lined with ciliated epithelium. Its cells have outward-facing motile cilia. With their help, particulate matter trapped in the air is removed from the body.

Connective tissue. A feature of connective tissue is the strong development of intercellular substance.

The main functions of connective tissue are nutritional and supporting. Connective tissue includes blood, lymph, cartilage, bone, and adipose tissue. Blood and lymph consist of a liquid intercellular substance and blood cells floating in it. These tissues provide communication between organisms, carrying various gases and substances. Fibrous and connective tissue consists of cells connected to each other by intercellular substance in the form of fibers. The fibers can lie tightly or loosely. Fibrous connective tissue is found in all organs. Adipose tissue also looks like loose tissue. It is rich in cells that are filled with fat.

IN cartilage tissue the cells are large, the intercellular substance is elastic, dense, contains elastic and other fibers. There is a lot of cartilage tissue in the joints, between the vertebral bodies.

Bone tissue consists of bone plates, inside of which lie cells. The cells are connected to each other by numerous thin processes. Bone tissue is hard.

Muscle tissue. This tissue is formed by muscles. Their cytoplasm contains thin filaments capable of contraction. Smooth and striated muscle tissue is distinguished.

The fabric is called cross-striped because its fibers have a transverse striation, which is an alternation of light and dark areas. Smooth muscle tissue is part of the walls of internal organs (stomach, intestines, bladder, blood vessels). Striated muscle tissue is divided into skeletal and cardiac. Skeletal muscle tissue consists of elongated fibers reaching a length of 10–12 cm. Cardiac muscle tissue, like skeletal muscle tissue, has transverse striations. However, unlike skeletal muscle, there are special areas where the muscle fibers close tightly together. Thanks to this structure, the contraction of one fiber is quickly transmitted to neighboring ones. This ensures simultaneous contraction of large areas of the heart muscle. Muscle contraction is of great importance. The contraction of skeletal muscles ensures the movement of the body in space and the movement of some parts in relation to others. Due to smooth muscles, internal organs contract and the diameter of blood vessels changes.

Nervous tissue. The structural unit of nervous tissue is a nerve cell - a neuron.

A neuron consists of a body and processes. The neuron body can be of various shapes - oval, stellate, polygonal. A neuron has one nucleus, usually located in the center of the cell. Most neurons have short, thick, strongly branching processes near the body and long (up to 1.5 m), thin, and branching processes only at the very end. Long processes of nerve cells form nerve fibers. The main properties of a neuron are the ability to be excited and the ability to conduct this excitation along nerve fibers. In nervous tissue these properties are especially well expressed, although they are also characteristic of muscles and glands. Excitation is transmitted along the neuron and can be transmitted to other neurons or muscles connected to it, causing it to contract. The importance of the nervous tissue that forms the nervous system is enormous. Nervous tissue not only forms part of the body as part of it, but also ensures the unification of the functions of all other parts of the body.