English speaking countries in Europe. English-speaking countries of the world. Why Canadian English is the easiest to learn

18.07.2020 Electrics

There are over 300 million people in the world speaking English. English is used as an official language (along with a few others) in many international organizations, such as the UN and IOC. This language is recognized as the state language in a lot of countries all over the world.

Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There are 64 million people in Great Britain whose first language is English (97% of population). London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the leading global cities. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the country. Great Britain has always been a Great Power and contributed a lot to the development of new territories.


The history of the USA started with 13 British colonies set along the Atlantic coast. On July, 4, 1776 they proclaimed their independence from Great Britain. Today the country consists of 50 states and the federal District of Columbia, where Washington, the capital of the USA, is located. It is one of the most developed countries in the world, with English being the first language for about 80% of its population.


The first European colonists came to this country from France. But after that for many years Canada was under British rule until the country gained its independence in the XX century. There are two official languages ​​in Canada. English is the first language for nearly 70% of Canadians. Canada is the second largest country in the world with rich oil, coal and natural gas fields.


Australia is the only country in the world which occupies the whole continent. The exploration of the continent began in the late XVIII century when the first British colonies were formed. Australia was a place where prisoners were serving their sentences in exile. Today the country is among the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking Australian English.

New Zealand

New Zealand occupies two large islands and many small ones in the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean. First Europeans started visiting New Zealand in the late XVIII century with the territory being announced as a British colony in 1788. The country gained its independence in the middle of the XX century. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with unique flora and fauna. English is spoken by more than 96% of the population.

English language prevalence

More than 300 million people around the world speak English. English is used as an official language (along with several others) in many international organizations such as the UN and the IOC. This language is recognized as the official language in many countries of the world.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In the UK, English is the first language of 64 million people (97% of the population). London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the world's leading cities. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the country. Great Britain has always been a Great Power and made a great contribution to the development of new territories.


US history begins with 13 British colonies along the coast Atlantic Ocean. On July 4, 1776, the United States declared independence. Today the country consists of 50 states and federal district Columbia, where Washington is located, is the capital of the United States. It is one of the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking English as their first language.


The first European conquerors arrived here from France. The country was then under British control for a long time until it became independent in the 20th century. The country has two official languages. English is the first language of 70% of Canadians. Canada is the world's second largest country by area and has rich deposits of oil, coal and natural gas.


Australia is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. Its development began at the end of the 18th century with the advent of the first British colonies. Australia was the place where prisoners were sent to serve their sentences. Today Australia is one of the most developed countries in the world, with 80% of the population speaking Australian English.

New Zealand

New Zealand occupies 2 large islands and many small ones in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The first Europeans appeared in New Zealand at the end of the 18th century, and in 1788 it was declared a British colony. The country gained independence in the middle of the 20th century. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries with unique flora and fauna. English is spoken by about 96% of the population.

We are often asked: which European country is better to live in if you speak English well? And many have studied and speak German and show interest in the relevant countries. Let's look at the language situation in Europe.

Malta is the main English-speaking country in the EU

Most wealthy people who want to live abroad permanently or temporarily are quite fluent in English. However, not everywhere in Europe you will be easily understood. According to statistics, this language is the most used in the EU, it is spoken by a third of all Europeans. German and French share second and third places (22% and 19%). The top 5 also includes Italian and Spanish (14% and 12%).

If recommended European countries, where English is very common and in which you will not have problems with understanding, then, first of all, pay attention to Malta. This country is very closely connected with the UK and is home to many English language schools. Not surprisingly, English is spoken by about 59% of the population.

It is important that in Malta you can obtain any status: residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship. Any of them will give you the right to reside in the country for an unlimited amount of time or not to reside at all (if desired). You will also be able to travel around European countries without visas, and with citizenship – all over the world. In addition, a Maltese passport allows you to live in any EU country without restrictions using a simplified registration procedure.

Scandinavians speak better than the English

If we talk about other European countries where English is actively used, then the Top 5 (except Malta) confidently include:

  • Sweden – 52% of the population
  • Denmark – 52%
  • Finland – 44%
  • Cyprus – 42%
  • Austria – 40%.

For comparison, in Russia about 15% of the population speaks and uses English.

Sweden is one of the most developed countries in the world. Foreigners joke that Swedes speak English better than the British. Many people want to move here, but Sweden is reluctant to issue residence permits to citizens of other countries. If you decide to settle here, having Maltese citizenship will be a big advantage.

Denmark and Finland are countries with a rather harsh climate, quite closed to foreigners, and therefore are not popular destinations among people wanting to move to Europe. But if you wish, the best way to get here is again to get a Maltese passport.

Cyprus, open to investors

IN recent years Cyprus is a strong competitor to the English-speaking countries of Europe. This is natural, because here, just like in Malta, there is a citizenship program. Moreover, you can get a passport within just six months. Investors from all over the world take advantage of this opportunity, which is why English is actively used in Cyprus. Here you will be understood without any problems. By the way, Cypriot citizenship can also be used as a “pass” to other top-level European countries.

Austria: comfortable bilingualism

As for Austria, there is a unique bilingualism here that is not found in other countries. Of course, the main language is German, but, as we have already said, 40% of the population can communicate in English, because one of the main sectors of the economy here is international tourism.

By the way, in Germany 30% of residents are ready to speak English. Moreover, this applies to such large cities as Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Munich. Almost everyone there speaks English. But in small towns there may be problems with understanding in stores and gas stations.

Austria is a country that is equally suitable for living for people who speak English or German. And to get the right to live here, you need to take part in the state program for financially independent persons. If you fall into the quotas and have a relatively small amount in your bank account, you will receive a residence permit in Austria.

Important! Please note that it is the Austrian program that requires passing an exam on knowledge of the German language at a basic level. So if you only speak English, you will need to learn "basic" German. Or choose another country to live.

Countries where English is not spoken well

The Top 5 countries where it is most difficult to communicate in English are Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain and the Czech Republic. National languages ​​are actively used here. This position of the population must be respected and taken into account when moving to Europe. If you want to move, you will have to learn the language.

For example, in Spain there is a state program for obtaining a residence permit for investment in real estate. It is very popular among foreigners and, in particular, Russians. Investors do not need to pass any language proficiency exam. However, keep in mind that it is still better to learn Spanish when moving here.

The same situation is in Portugal. Here you can get a residence permit for purchasing real estate, investing in securities or business, but 87% of the population does not speak English, and you will have to communicate in Portuguese.

It just so happens that in Europe, English is best spoken in Scandinavia, as well as in the small island states of Malta and Cyprus. But in Italy, France, countries Eastern Europe this language is not popular. Take this fact into account when planning your move.

Today, English is not just a requirement for obtaining a prestigious job or education abroad. In terms of its prevalence, this language occupies only 2nd place, giving way to the Mandarin dialect of Chinese. In total, about 430 million people around the globe speak English. But, in addition to Great Britain, this language is the official language for several other countries.

Why do they speak English in Australia?

But in the eastern hemisphere in English, they include not only European states. To understand why this happened, you need to know something about the history of Oz. Australia was discovered by the navigator Willem Janszoon in 1606. The land where his ship moored was called “New Holland” by a native of the Netherlands.

They were immediately declared the possession of the Netherlands. By the beginning of the second half of the 17th century. As a result of the discoveries of many navigators, the contours of the new continent were already quite clearly drawn. However, Australia was never settled either by the Dutch or by representatives of other nations. This was the case until the moment when James Cook's ship first moored to its shores. It bore the proud name “Endeavor”, which translated means “attempt, diligence.” The first British colony in Australia was founded on January 26, 1788.

How many languages ​​did Australia have before?

The first settlers of the Australian coast were convicts exiled here. The language they spoke was a dialect of English. It was filled with various jargons that had their origins in England, Scotland and Ireland. However, many of these words never became part of the official English language.

Those who are interested in which countries speak English are unlikely to suspect how much competition it had in Australia from other dialects. It is believed that at the time of the landing of the first convicts in Australia, there were about 250 languages ​​and 600 dialects. In the first century, about 80 new words entered the English language from here. Some of them belonged to the Aboriginal language, for example, boomerang (boomerang), Dingo (wild dingo dog), Koala (koala).

But Australia never acquired the status of a country with an official English language. Australia has no official language, but the most common dialect is called "strine". The written rules of the English language in Australia correspond to those adopted in its British version.

English in Canada

In which countries besides Australia is English spoken? Another country that has always attracted foreigners as a place to learn English is Canada. Not long ago the expression “Canadian English” appeared. Initially, North America was inhabited by aborigines - Eskimos and Indians. In 1622, when the English colony was first founded here, English speech was heard here for the first time.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the English language became increasingly widespread here. More and more colonies and trading companies are appearing in Canada. The oldest of them, Hudson's Bay Company, still exists today. Her main office is located in the city of Toronto, and it was founded back in 1670.

Why is Canadian English the easiest to learn?

Canadian English combines features of both British and American varieties. Many people are interested in which countries speak English in order to attend specialized linguistic courses. In Canada, English is considered to be least influenced by other languages. Many linguistic experts believe that Canada is the easiest place to learn English. After all, the local version of English is most easily understood by foreigners by ear. Canadian pronunciation is very different from American, and especially South American. Indeed, in American pronunciation, the endings of words are, as it were, “swallowed”; speech is filled with exaggerated sounds “r” and “a”, which makes it very difficult to understand the interlocutor.

Languages ​​of India

For those wondering which countries speak English, the list continues with India. It is the second most populous country and has 845 languages ​​and dialects. Hindi and English are recognized as the official languages. The English language came to India as a result of the colonization of the lands by the British conquerors. India was a British colony for almost 200 years - until 1947.

Why did English become the official language in India?

After independence, it was decided to include English in the school curriculum. This was necessary to avoid communication problems between individual regions and states. In commercial educational institutions English is not just one of the disciplines - many other subjects are taught in it.

Many people are interested in which countries speak English for the purpose of moving or just traveling. Therefore, for those who would like to visit India, knowledge of Hindi will not be necessary. But at the same time, this will be an advantage - after all, not everyone here knows English perfectly. Indians do not expect visitors to their country to communicate with them in any particular language - be it Hindi, English, or one of the dialects. In this they differ, for example, from the French, who expect their interlocutors to communicate only in French.

Other countries where English is the official language

Apart from the above, which countries speak English? The list includes many other countries besides Australia, India and Canada. These are the Bahamas, Botswana, Gambia, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Cameroon, Philippines, South Africa and many others. Despite the prevalence of English, researchers do not believe that it can displace native languages ​​in these countries. An example of which countries speak English without losing their position is the Philippines. For a hundred years, English has not been able to displace the native Filipino language here, despite widespread teaching and emigration of local residents.

English is recognized as the official language in 67 states, as well as in 27 non-sovereign entities. In large political communities on a global scale, such as NATO, the UN, the European Union, negotiations are conducted exclusively in English. In this regard, every famous politician speaks perfect English. Ordinary citizens also speak it.

A little history. English comes from Great Britain. In the 18th – 19th centuries, this state expanded its territorial borders and spaces. In this regard, in all former British colonies today they speak English: the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and many others.

Given a list of English-speaking states, all of them can be divided into three large groups:

  • those in which it is recognized as the only official language;
  • those in which, in addition to English, other official languages ​​are also established;
  • those in which English is spoken everywhere, but is not considered an official language.

The leading place undoubtedly belongs to the UK and the USA. Here they squeal in English almost from the cradle. In the UK, the number of English-speaking residents is 60 million, and in the USA - as much as 230 million.

Canada deservesly ranks third. There are 20 million English-speaking Aboriginal people here. The fourth place is given to Australia, there are 17 million citizens. Speaking about Australia, one cannot help but say that English is the only language there, but for some reason it is never recognized as an official language for unknown reasons.

Well-known English-speaking countries include: South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland. Total number The population in these states exceeds 13 million. Here is a list of other countries where people coo in English:

  • Malta;
  • India;
  • Pakistan;
  • Papua New Guinea;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Puerto Rico;
  • Philippines;
  • Singapore;
  • Malaysia;
  • Bermuda;
  • and many, many others.

As you can see, they are all scattered on different sides of the planet and there are a huge number of them. In general, one conclusion suggests itself - friends, learn English.