Pain in the right side that can hurt. Drawing, aching, sharp pain in the right side. Pain under the ribs on the right side

30.04.2022 Repair
Pain in the right hypochondrium can occur for a number of reasons. To begin with, it is worth knowing that it occurs in the event of damage to one of the organs located in this area, namely the liver with the gallbladder, duodenum and colon, loops of the small intestine and the diaphragm.
To determine the exact cause, it is necessary to understand the nature of the pain and its exact location, as well as the time of occurrence and duration of the pain.

The liver is the most common cause of pain in the right side

The most common cause of pain is the liver. Most often in this case, inflammation is observed. Its development is associated with infections, most often viruses, especially the well-known Botkin disease, caused by group A hepatitis viruses. In this case, the symptoms of intoxication will be pronounced: an increase in temperature, deterioration in well-being, indigestion is also observed, and over time, yellowness of the sclera and skin. In addition, hepatitis can be caused by chemical agents and medications, plant poisons (poisoning with mushrooms and some types of plants), while the toxins damage liver cells, causing toxic hepatitis. This group also includes alcohol, caused by its abuse. In this case, the development of inflammation in the liver can be associated with taking one of the toxic agents.

Symptoms of this type will manifest themselves as an enlarged liver, pain in the right hypochondrium, and progressive yellowing of the skin.

As a rule, the course of the disease is severe, so if such symptoms appear, you should contact a medical facility.

Pain in the right side during exercise

Very often, pain in the right hypochondrium occurs when physical activity (running, fast walking), which may be tingling or aching in nature. Typically the reason occurs if this load began abruptly and at a high rate. Accordingly, with such a load, blood flow increases, and a large flow of blood is directed to the liver, causing stretching of its capsule, and reflexively manifests itself as pain. Most often, this does not result in any liver pathology, but It is recommended not to eat large amounts of food before exercise and warm up thoroughly.

Pain in the side due to helminths

Liver damage is much less common due to helminthic infestations (helminthiases); infection occurs in several ways depending on the type of helminth (with water, consumption of poorly heat-treated fish and meat, unwashed vegetables, as well as through close contact with dogs or cats). Wherein the disease manifests itself primarily as digestive disorders(frequent nausea, vomiting), pain in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, decreased performance, disturbed sleep, and nervousness. An allergic reaction in the form of skin rash and itching is also a common manifestation. Fever and weight loss may occur. In this case, it is worth conducting a diagnostic test to determine the type of helminth in order to begin treatment.

Gallbladder dysfunction

Another cause of pain in the right hypochondrium is disruption of the gallbladder. As a rule, this manifests itself as aching pain in this area, nausea, poor health, bitter taste in the mouth, and a yellowish coating is noticeable. Most often, such symptoms manifest themselves when the diet is disrupted and large amounts of fatty foods are consumed. In case of acute, burning and unbearable pain in the right hypochondrium, the cause may be blockage of the bile ducts by a stone. This condition is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and the patient feels chills. This condition () can be caused by eating fatty foods several hours before an attack. As a rule, pain appears suddenly and reaches such intensity that the patient cannot lie still and is forced to constantly change body position. In such an acute situation, you should immediately consult a doctor, and in this case it will be effective to reduce pain No-shpa and.

Pain in the right side - pancreatic disease

Sometimes the cause of pain can be a disease of the pancreas. In this case, there is a pulsating pain, which will not only be in the right hypochondrium, but also often has a surrounding character. Wherein additional symptoms include vomiting, bloating, and possible fever. If the disease manifests itself acutely, then you should immediately seek help. medical care.

It may also be the cause radiating pain to this area from the right kidney, which can be observed during its inflammation or urolithiasis. In this case, the pain is stabbing in nature, accompanied by a rise in temperature and difficulty urinating.

In this case, antispasmodics are effective in relieving pain, but this is rather a symptomatic treatment, and it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Pathology of the duodenum

With pathology of the duodenum, there will also be pain in the right hypochondrium, but in this case there will be a series characteristic symptoms. Most often they are caused by a duodenal ulcer; in this case, you will experience night pain, which sometimes prevents you from falling asleep. In addition, pain also occurs immediately after eating or during a long delay between meals. Accompanied by pain, nausea and bloating. In this case, antacids are used, which are used symptomatically when heartburn occurs and have an enveloping effect, and it is also possible to use prokinetics that improve duodenal motility and eliminate nausea and vomiting.

Less commonly, pain can be caused by pinched intercostal nerves. with prolonged incorrect body position and hypothermia. And it manifests itself most strongly when taking a sharp breath or changing body position. In this case, it is recommended to limit physical activity until the pain goes away. And to relieve this pain syndrome, sedatives and painkillers are used.

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And if the right side hurts below the ribs, then this may indicate a dangerous disease. Pain that is concentrated in the back right side may also indicate problems related to the digestive system. List possible diseases, in which there is pain in the right side, localized in the back, is quite long. Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen often accompanies certain diseases of the genitourinary system.

We’ll talk about this in more detail today. If the upper right side hurts a lot, then most likely this is due to the pathology of organs such as the liver, gallbladder, part of the intestines or diaphragm. But the severity of the pain will depend on what exactly happened to one of these organs. If the pain is severe, then it is very similar to hepatitis.

Right side hurts a lot

At the same time, iron begins to decompose in the human body. And this can lead to the death of the patient. The right side also hurts severely due to inflammation of the kidneys. This symptom occurs especially often with nephritis, glomerulonephritis and other inflammatory processes. If a person does not receive medical assistance in a timely manner, the appendix may simply burst and then another disease will occur - peritonitis.

Any pain serves as a warning signal about a malfunction of the body. Therefore, the first thing to do if there is pain in the right side is to examine all internal organs.

Diseases such as appendicitis, gastric perforation, pancreatic necrosis, peritonitis, rupture of a cyst, passage of kidney stones require urgent treatment, most often surgical intervention. Chronic diseases of internal organs, poor nutrition, viral infections, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract can lead to pain in the side of the abdomen. In such cases, pain is associated with meals, medications, physical activity and stress.

Less common causes of lower right abdominal pain:

Pain in the right side at the back, in the upper part, may be the result of a pinched nerve or problems with the lungs. Aching pain in the right side of the upper abdomen gives rise to examination of the gallbladder and pancreas, especially if accompanied by attacks of nausea and loss of appetite.

If the right side under the ribs hurts for a long time, then it is necessary to examine the liver first - disturbances in the functioning of this organ can cause cirrhosis. The right side contains vital organs responsible for the condition of our body. Any deviation in their activities can lead to serious illnesses, so it is best to combine the help of professionals and your own observations.

For example, pancreatic diseases can be caused by problems with the gallbladder. In this case, treatment of the pancreas alone will not bring any results; attacks of pain will continue until the functioning of the gallbladder improves. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to identify the real cause, and only then select a treatment method. Determine for yourself why the pain most often occurs in the right side. If the right side of your abdomen hurts after eating certain foods (fatty, fried, smoked), try to change your diet.

It is possible to prevent the development of serious chronic diseases only if you take the necessary measures at the first symptoms. Lower right abdominal pain is one of the most common reasons for patient visits to the emergency department. There are many structures in the right lower abdominal region where it can occur. These internal structures include part of the large intestine (called the cecum), the appendix and ascending colon, parts of the small intestine, the right ovary and fallopian tube, and the right ureter.

Severe back pain: when to call an ambulance?

The most common cause of pain on the right side, in the lower abdomen, is appendicitis, or inflammation of the appendix. It occurs in about 10% of people and most often occurs between 10 and 30 years of age, although it can occur at any age.

Pain in the right side and lower abdomen

Ovulation pain occurs approximately 2 weeks before your next period, when the egg is released from the ovary. They are relieved by painkillers and rest, but if the pain comes with fever and nausea, infection, then this should be considered as appendicitis.

Stones from the kidney to the bladder can pass through any part urinary tract. This is a very painful process, although it does not cause permanent damage. If a kidney infection is left untreated, it can cause it to spread widely or cause organ damage. Although they are usually harmless and may go away on their own, they can grow larger and cause pain in the lower abdomen.

Lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and pressure on the bladder or rectum may also be associated with its severity or fullness. Tension, bloating, and pressure in the rectum are accompanied by pain. It usually disappears with bowel movements and is not accompanied by additional symptoms. Somehow my back started to hurt and the pain was radiating to my right side. Honestly, I was scared, I thought it was appendicitis.

As a result, now, when I have such pain in the lower back, I apply capsicam, since besides this ointment, no other helps get rid of the pain so quickly. Painful sensations in the right side, appearing from the back, are among the characteristic signs of pathologies of the respiratory system. Inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy) can be exudative and dry, in both cases it can manifest itself with sharp pain when breathing.

Pneumonia (right-sided pneumonia) is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, wheezing in the lungs, and cough. The intensity of pain varies. Spontaneous pneumothorax causes acute, sudden pain radiating to the scapula. Intestinal colic can also cause pain in this area. You can eliminate it with the help of No-Shpa; it often disappears on its own.

Glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, kidney abscess and other pathologies are marked by aching, drawing, dull and sharp pain. Renal colic causes acute pain, the same symptom may indicate renal artery thrombosis.

With such a disease, pain usually occurs suddenly, it is sharp and severe. It is traditionally believed that if there is pain in the upper right side, then the liver is to blame, and if it hurts below, then appendicitis. On the right side, under the ribs, there are such important organs as the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

What can hurt in the right side above (under the ribs) and below (behind the pelvic bones)?

Pain in the right side is formed due to pathological processes that occur in the internal organs. Let's turn to anatomy. There are two cavities in the human body (abdominal, thoracic). They are separated by a diaphragm.

The right side is part of the abdominal cavity, in which the organs of digestion, excretion, reproductive (genital) and endocrine systems are located.

Let us conditionally highlight the lower and upper (subcostal and pelvic) zones in the right side of the body. At the top right is the hypochondrium area. Here are the liver and gallbladder, the diaphragm and the right kidney with the adrenal gland, as well as the final segment of the small intestine (ileum). The lungs begin above the right hypochondrium, so sometimes pain can be associated with inflammation of the lower lobe of the right lung.

Bottom right is the pelvic area. Part of the intestine is located here (cecum with appendix and ascending segment of the colon), as well as in women - the right ovary.

On a note: The human stomach is shifted to the left side of the body (behind the left lobe of the liver), so it does not cause pain in the right hypochondrium. The pancreas also rarely radiates to the right side. It is located in the center of the body and most often hurts around the navel and to the left of it.

Localization of pain and pathology of internal organs

If a person has pain on the right side, in most cases it is associated with pathology of the organs of the right hypochondrium or pelvis. Therefore, let us consider in more detail what type of discomfort sensations correspond to each of the listed organs.

Liver - heaviness and discomfort in the right hypochondrium

Heaviness and discomfort in the right hypochondrium are often associated with stagnation of bile and inflammation. They form pain in the right side under the ribs in front.

Liver pain is accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth. Yellowness of the skin and various rashes are also possible. Their reason is insufficiently effective blood purification as it passes through the liver, during which existing toxic components are removed from the blood through the skin.

Also, a distinctive sign of liver pain is that it intensifies during sudden movements and weakens at rest (especially lying on the right side).

Inflammation of the liver can be painless (only a feeling of heaviness) or accompanied by mild pulling sensations. As the condition worsens and stones form in the bladder and bile ducts, severe pain occurs. Strong, sharp, stabbing sensations accompany the movement of stones along the ducts. If the duct is completely blocked and the outflow of bile is blocked, severe bursting pain occurs.

The movement of stones creates attacks of contractions. The peak of pain comes when the duct is blocked by a stone. As soon as the stone moves and partially frees the duct, the attack decreases. Thus, cramping pain indicates gallstone disease.

Pancreas - sometimes pain in the right side at the waist level

The pancreas is one of the most important human organs, performing both digestive and endocrine functions. It is located in the center and on the left, but with pathology it can create heavy sensations throughout the abdominal cavity. Pain may occur in the right side at waist level. However, more often the pancreas produces unpleasant sensations localized on the left side (to the left of the navel) or girdle pain in the upper abdomen.

On a note: The distinctive signs of inflammation of the pancreas are severe nausea and an empty urge to vomit (when there is nothing left to vomit, and attacks of vomiting appear again and again).

Ovaries - pain in the right side of the lower abdomen

The ovary is the female reproductive organ where female reproductive cells (eggs) mature. The two ovaries are located to the right and left of the uterus and are connected to it by the fallopian tubes. When infected, inflammation of one or two ovaries (appendages) is possible.

When the ovary becomes inflamed, edema forms and fluid accumulates. This creates pain in the right side of the lower abdomen (near the iliac bones) and above the pubic bone. Also, the inflamed ovary “gives” to the lower back on the right (from the back below the waist).

In addition to inflammatory processes caused by infection, discomfort can occur due to internal pathology. For example, if there is pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, a cyst may have formed. During its formation, discomfort is felt constantly and intensifies during menstruation.

Also, increased pain during menstruation occurs with endometriosis. With this disease, the mucous epithelium grows outside the uterus. It compresses other tissues and creates aching pain with irrigation (return of unpleasant sensations) into the perineum.

Another reason why a woman’s right side in the lower abdomen aches and hurts is an ectopic pregnancy. If this is the case, immediate medical attention is needed to prevent a ruptured fallopian tube. As pregnancy progresses outside the uterus, the pain will intensify and spread to adjacent areas (rectum, under the scapula).

On a note: As a rule, pain in the right side in men is not associated with the genitals. When a testicle becomes inflamed, men experience pain in the scrotum and perineum, and sometimes in the lower back.

Pain in the lower abdomen is not always associated with the genitals. It may be a consequence of intestinal disorders (dysbacteriosis, constipation). Pain in the right side in the lower right can form in the cecum or colon (parts of the large intestine) or in acute appendicitis.

Appendicitis - acute pain in the right lower abdomen

The appendix is ​​a small extension of the intestine that is lined with lymphoid tissue. When toxins accumulate, it can become inflamed and painful. It is located on the lower right side of the abdomen, so it creates pain on the lower right side and around the navel. The exact location of the appendix can be determined as follows: in the middle between the right ilium and the navel. This is where the maximum pain is localized during acute appendicitis. As a rule, inflammation is acute and requires surgical treatment (removal).

In 17% of people, the cecum of the appendix is ​​located differently. It can be turned upward (then the pain occurs in the liver area), lowered to the lower pelvic area (then the pain resembles inflammation of the ovaries, appendages or Bladder) or wrapped towards the kidney (such pain radiates to the lower back, groin).

Appendicitis can be recognized by localization and increase in pain, as well as by deterioration of the condition. With each passing hour, the pain intensifies, the nausea becomes stronger, and the general condition worsens.

In addition, the diagnosis of appendicitis uses light pressure at the sites of pain. If, with light pressure on the abdomen, strong piercing or cutting sensations occur, consult a doctor immediately. A ruptured appendix is ​​life-threatening.

Another option for differential diagnosis is also used (to distinguish appendicitis from intestinal colic). Lightly tap the protrusion of the right ilium with your finger. If it is appendicitis, the pain will increase noticeably. If you tap on the left bone, there will be no increase in discomfort.

On a note: In pregnant women in the late stages of pregnancy, internal organs are displaced. Therefore, appendicitis can hurt not only on the lower right, but also in other areas of the abdominal cavity. Also, the classic symptoms of appendicitis are absent in children and obese people. Therefore, if your right side hurts severely under the ribs or in the pelvic area, call a doctor and go to the outpatient clinic.

Intestines - cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the right

The human intestine is a factory for the breakdown and absorption of food. It is more than 10 m in length and consists of successive tubular cavities within which food moves. The inner surface of the various parts of the intestine is lined with mucous epithelium. When it is irritated, lesions appear - erosions and ulcers. They cause pain.

Also, the cause of pain in the intestinal area is spasm of the intestinal walls, dysbacteriosis and flatulence. They are the result of unhealthy diet and stress. The pain migrates. At first, the lower right side hurts, then the discomfort migrates to the pubic bone or to the left side.

On the right side of the lower abdomen is the ileum. If its mucous surface becomes inflamed, then the right side of the abdomen hurts. The cause of inflammation is poor nutrition.

If colitis is in the right side, a spasm of the intestinal walls may occur or an obstruction may form. Often, with obstruction, the pain is localized around the navel and lower abdomen on the right. It is characterized by cramping attacks - a sharp pain in the right side is replaced by weaker painful sensations.

Kidneys - pain on the right side in the back, radiating to the lower back

Excretory organs (kidneys) – if impaired, they form pain in the lower back or back. Kidney pain almost always occurs only on one side - right or left. For example, the right side hurts from the back, or there is aching in the right side at the level of the lower back.

Kidney pain extends below the ribs. It often spreads to neighboring areas - the groin, inner thighs. Dull pain in the lower back in the right side accompanies chronic inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis) and gromerulonephritis. Constant pain is a sign of kidney failure. Acute, stabbing pain occurs when the urinary ducts are blocked (by mucus clots, stones, sand).

A distinctive sign of kidney pain is that it is accompanied by urination disorders (a decrease or increase in the volume of urine, the appearance of blood clots in the urine, bags under the eyes).

Pain during pregnancy

Pain in the right side during pregnancy is not always a sign of pathology. In mid-pregnancy, it is associated with stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus. On later- with compression of internal organs. So, the right side feels heaviness and hurts during pregnancy if a woman has problems with the gallbladder. And below - it hurts in the center and on the right with insufficient bowel movements.

What happens and what determines the nature of the pain

The nature of the painful sensations (discomfort, tingling, burning, aching or sharp pain, wavy or smooth) depends on the processes occurring inside. Pain is a signal of disturbance; it is formed when there is a lack of oxygen, the accumulation of toxins and the development of edema and inflammation.

Want something interesting?

Often pain is the result of stagnant processes that form in the internal organs.

Therefore, to eliminate pain, it is often enough to speed up blood circulation, improve blood flow, remove toxins, and provide cells with nutrition and oxygen.

Feeling of heaviness

Feelings of heaviness are the first signal of toxin accumulation. Often, heaviness in the right side is associated with the liver and is a sign of a chronic disruption of its functioning. If bile stagnation or inflammation has formed, the feeling of heaviness intensifies after heavy fried and fatty foods.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen can be a signal of stagnation of feces inside the intestines. This severity is accompanied by chronic constipation.

Nagging pain

With the development of pathology, the severity turns into nagging pain. When does it pull in the right side?

  • A nagging pain in the right side is formed due to inflammatory processes inside the liver.
  • The right side also pulls during viral infections - hepatitis.
  • May pull in the lower right during an ectopic pregnancy (egg implantation in fallopian tube to the right ovary).
  • Pulling sensations during pregnancy are formed by contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus. At the same time, the muscles become hard (to the touch). Prolonged nagging pain disrupts the blood supply to the fetus and can cause pathologies in its brain.

Aching pain

Aching pain is a long lasting painful sensation. Aching pain often accompanies a sluggish chronic process (inflammation). They also occur when cells are intoxicated (poisoned by their own waste products).

When do aching ones form? discomfort:

  • Aching pain in the right side occurs with cholecystitis (inflammation of the bile bladder).
  • The lower right side also aches due to inflammation of the walls of the large intestine (colitis).
  • Dull aching pain in the right side of the abdomen in women occurs due to chronic ovarian diseases (inflammations). In this case, painful sensations often spread to neighboring areas - in the bend between the leg and torso, in the lower back or sacrum.
  • Aching pain in the right side behind is formed due to inflammation of the kidneys.

Severe cutting and stabbing pains

Pain accompanies inflammation and pathology. They often occur when the channels or bloodstream become thrombosed. The stabbing, cramping sensation is called colic.

There are intestinal, hepatic and renal colic:

  • If the right side hurts under the ribs, then it is hepatic colic. It can spread to the right shoulder blade and shoulder. A bitter taste is sure to form in the mouth.
  • If it stings in the lower abdomen, then it is intestinal colic. It is accompanied by flatulence, bloating and is often observed in infants in the first three months of life.
  • In addition, there is so-called rectal colic (cramping, stabbing sensations inside the rectum).
  • Renal colic has extensive areas of manifestation - the lower back, groin, and genitals. Accompanied by a violation of urine excretion (a decrease in its quantity, a change in color, the appearance of a strong odor).
  • Appendiceal colic is formed during acute manifestations of appendicitis.

The question of why the right side hurts does not have a clear answer. There are many reasons for this phenomenon - from disorders of the gallbladder, intestines and liver, to inflammation of the genital organs. A complete examination and diagnosis will help you make an accurate diagnosis.

Pain in the right side is accompanied by a large number of pathologies, many of which require urgent surgical intervention. Immediate seeking of medical help is necessary if the pain occurs suddenly or progresses very quickly, if it is very intense, stabbing, unbearable, if against its background the person’s general condition sharply worsens. The most common causes of acute pain in the right side are appendicitis, renal and hepatic colic, ovarian apoplexy, and ectopic pregnancy.

But what to do when the pain is not expressed, aching?

As a rule, aching pain indicates the inflammatory nature of the disease; it occurs as a result of pressure or stretching of the walls of the internal organs. The pathological process is usually sluggish and protracted.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made after a full examination, but after assessing the location and nature of the discomfort, a certain disease can already be suspected.

Pain under the ribs on the right side

Pain in the upper right abdomen is mostly associated with pathology of the digestive organs, more precisely the liver, gall bladder, and intestines.


There are many causes of hepatitis - viruses, alcohol, various toxins, and obesity. Regardless of what causes liver inflammation, the clinical picture is practically the same. The pain with hepatitis is dull, aching, sometimes it feels just like heaviness, and is localized under the ribs on the right.

If the liver is significantly enlarged, then pain may occur below the ribs. Worrying symptoms occur after eating, mainly fatty and fried foods. Hypothermia and physical activity can also trigger the development of pain.

Chronic acalculous cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gallbladder occurs with long-term (from several hours or days to several weeks) excruciating aching pain, usually under the ribs on the right, radiating to the right collarbone and shoulder joint, to the neck, under the shoulder blade, less often to the left half of the abdomen, the heart. There is a clear connection between the appearance of this symptom and a violation of the diet, especially with the use of:

  • alcohol;
  • seasonings;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • too cold food.

After eating, the deterioration does not occur immediately, but after 3-4 hours. Psycho-emotional stress and physical activity can also increase discomfort. Chronic cholecystitis is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth and bitter belching, nausea, and vomiting.

Hypomotor type of biliary dyskinesia

In other words, this is a condition when the ability of the gallbladder to contract is reduced for some reason, which leads to stagnation of bile in it and stretching of its walls.

The clinical picture is very similar to the course of chronic cholecystitis, the only difference is that with dyskinesia there are no signs of inflammation in the gallbladder. The pain with this pathology is dull, aching, bursting. It usually spreads to the right hypochondrium, but can radiate to the left half of the abdomen and heart.

Taking food or choleretic drugs leads to a decrease or complete disappearance of disturbing symptoms. Most often, obese people face the problem of dyskinesia of this type.

Duodenal ulcer

If there is an ulcerative defect in the duodenal bulb, pain is felt 2-3 cm below the ribs, slightly to the right of the midline of the abdomen. So-called “hunger pains” are typical for ulcers. They occur in the morning, at night or 3 hours after eating. Liquid food (milk) eliminates or reduces its manifestation, so patients often note an increase in appetite.

Liver angle syndrome

One of the variants of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) with a characteristic localization of pain, always combined with bowel dysfunction in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or their alternation. The pain is aching, bursting, sometimes cramping, and intensifies immediately after eating and before defecation. The passing of gas and bowel movements bring relief. No complaints during sleep - important feature IBS.

Pain in the sides of the abdomen


Pain in the right side at the level of the navel is most often associated with the intestines. These may be inflammatory diseases of the ascending colon - chronic colitis, Crohn's disease. The appearance of unpleasant sensations is noted immediately after eating. These diseases are accompanied by diarrhea mixed with mucus, pus, and blood.


With IBS, the pain is diffuse, its character is constantly changing, and there is no clear localization. Symptoms often worsen due to stress.

Colon cancer

A tumor of the large intestine can manifest itself as heaviness, a feeling of fullness, aching pain in the side on the right, often accompanied by loud rumbling in the intestines, and flatulence. Alertness in terms of intestinal cancer should always be present, especially if the person’s age exceeds 40 years, if there is rapid weight loss, anemia, nausea, and fever.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right side

Unilateral pain in the lower lateral abdomen in women may indicate problems with the uterus and appendages.

Adnexitis (salpingoophoritis)

If aching pain in the lower right side bothers a young woman, you should always think about possible inflammation of the appendages. If acute adnexitis has a fairly clear clinical picture with severe pain, fever, purulent discharge from the genital tract, then chronic adnexitis is characterized by scanty symptoms.

Often, pain is the main and only manifestation of the pathology. The pain is usually intermittent, aching, radiates to the back or sacrum, intensifies before menstruation or during sexual intercourse. Women often have a history of miscarriages, STIs, ectopic pregnancies, and menstrual irregularities.

Ovarian cancer

Malignant tumors of the ovary are most often accompanied by constant aching pain, a feeling of pressure or heaviness in the side closer to the lower abdomen or in the lower back. Sexual intercourse may also contribute to worsening.


Inflammatory processes and any surgical operations, including those in the pelvis, are accompanied by the formation of adhesions. Adhesive disease can be characterized by pain of varying intensity, both periodic and constant. Sometimes this disease presents significant difficulties for diagnosis.

Ovarian cysts

Cystic formations of the ovaries can be asymptomatic, but they often cause pain in the lateral abdomen or back, both on the right and on the left, especially during menstruation and during sexual intercourse.

Large cysts can put pressure on neighboring organs, disrupting their function. In this case, the pain syndrome becomes permanent.


Sometimes the right side hurts during physiological processes, one of which is the maturation and release of the egg. The pain is not pronounced, is short-lived and does not require treatment. Ovulatory pain has a characteristic periodicity (on average, it is 14-16 days of the cycle). Depending on which ovary the egg matures in, the pain appears either on the right or on the left.

Other reasons

  • Cecal syndrome is another variant of IBS with a characteristic localization of pain, the clinical picture of which is otherwise no different from that previously described,
  • Inflammatory diseases and neoplasms of the colon.

Lower back pain on the right side

Chronic pyelonephritis

Inflammatory kidney diseases are mainly manifested by pain in the lumbar region on one or both sides. This pain is intermittent, aching, does not radiate, is not associated with physical activity and occurs at rest. During an exacerbation, discomfort increases.

Spondyloarthrosis (osteochondrosis) and osteoporosis

Aching lumbar pain on the right side may be a consequence of degenerative diseases of the spine. Its intensification during physical activity, prolonged standing or sitting, spread to the buttock, right leg, rectum, groin are the main signs indicating spinal pathology

Pain in the right side in pregnant women

In the later stages of pregnancy, the uterus is large and puts pressure on surrounding organs, which is an additional reason for the occurrence of this symptom. Most often, women are bothered by pain in the liver due to a violation of the outflow of bile, less often - in the lower abdomen on the side due to impaired intestinal motility and compression of the ureters.

Pain in the right side in the elderly

Many diseases in older people have a blurred clinical picture, so even aching pain in their right side can be a manifestation of an acute surgical disease that requires immediate surgery. This is why it is important to seek help as early as possible.

In any case, if you notice the symptoms listed in the article, it is recommended not to postpone your visit to the doctor and not to self-medicate, as this may cause the pathology to worsen.