Relief of back pain at home. How to relieve pain in the lumbar spine. Why do you need exercise in the subacute period

01.10.2021 Electrician

General information about the lumbar spine

The spine consists of three sections: cervical, thoracic and lumbar.

The lumbar spine undergoes much greater stress in the course of our life than the other two sections. Therefore, people have problems with it more often.

Agree that a lot of people complain about "sore lower back", but few people say, for example, about "sore breasts" :)

The fact is that in order to support the lumbar spine in its physiological, natural position, not only the back muscles are involved in the work, but also the press, lateral abdominal muscles, gluteal muscles and thigh muscles.

Therefore, in order to restore the lumbar region and make it stronger and healthier, you will need to include more muscles in the work than for the chest and. There are many different physical exercises for this.

But before proceeding to recovery with the help of exercises, you first need to understand what acute is, and what needs to be done to eliminate this pain.

In the people, and in official medicine, there are several synonyms, which are called acute back pain:

A pinched nerve or
"Backache" in the lower back

What causes back pain

Imagine that the spine is multi-storey building where the floors are the vertebrae, the floor with the underlying ceiling are the intervertebral discs, the outer walls are the muscles surrounding the spine, and the windows are the openings between the vertebrae where nerve fibers exit.

When everything works well in this structure, then there are no breakdowns and violations. This means there is no back pain either.

But imagine the following. If the back muscles are weak, then a colossal and constant load is placed on the spine. What happens then? From such high blood pressure the intervertebral discs are the first to suffer!

They begin to "settle", crack and lose their main function and task - to amortize and protect the vertebrae from collisions. Because of this, the load on the spine increases even more.

Since the intervertebral discs are "crushed", they begin to extend beyond the vertebral column, forming protrusions - protrusions of the discs.

Let me draw a clear analogy. Intervertebral discs are like balls of thick liquid located between two books. When they are constantly pressed, they flatten out and go beyond the boundaries of these books - this is the protrusion of the discs.

Further, if the load continues to act on the disks, then they flatten so much that they begin to break through in the very weak points- in protrusions. Because of this, their contents come out. This is how spinal hernias are formed.

How to relate this to pain and at what stage does it appear

Remember, above I said that there are holes between the vertebrae, from where the nerve roots come out? So - when the discs "settle", then these holes also narrow. In addition, protrusions or hernias can fall into these holes.

Pain occurs when there is pinching or irritation of a nerve root or nerve. The reason may be narrowing of the intervertebral foramen, getting into this hole of a protrusion or hernia. This is the first cause of pain.

In addition, muscles are located around the spine. They also experience certain changes. They strain to somehow maintain a normal position, but they do not always succeed.

The result is chronic muscle strain. And tight, inelastic muscles can also squeeze nerves and prevent nerve impulses from passing through them.

So, the second cause of pain is spasm, overstrain of the muscles surrounding the spine and their imbalance. Overstrained muscles negatively affect the nerves that travel through the muscle fibers to the lower extremities.

How does the exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis manifest?

A typical picture of exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis (aka sciatica or lumbago) looks like this:

  • Sharp, severe pain in the lumbar spine. It can be local, or it can radiate along the pinched nerve to the pelvic region, groin, thigh, buttock Pain can increase with any movement and when standing or sitting
  • Limitation of movement in the back, up to complete absence due to severe pain
  • Spasm of the muscles surrounding the spine, which reflexively block any movement in this region

There are a lot of variations in the manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis, since it is the lumbar spine that ensures the work of the legs from the pelvis to the tips of the toes.

If the pain is not sharp and shooting, but more moderate, dull and appears / intensifies ONLY when turning or tilting to the side, then there is no infringement. Such characteristic pains speak more about muscle imbalance, their chronic overstrain, sprains.

So how to get rid of lower back pain

Over the course of further lessons that I will be sending you over the next few days, we will deal with this issue, develop a pain relief plan, and gradually restore the lumbar spine to normal.

But within the framework of this lesson, we must figure out what to do with a typical exacerbation and how to quickly relieve acute pain in order to continue to deal with the restoration of the lumbar spine.

How to relieve acute lower back pain

With exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, in contrast to, for example, cervical, the exercises MUST NOT be performed for anatomical reasons.

If, for example, for the cervical spine we can use isometric exercises to relieve pain, then such exercises will not work for the lumbar spine.

Therefore, in an aggravation, the following plan must be observed:

1) Gentle mode

The first thing to do is be sure to stay in bed for at least one - two days. When you are standing or sitting, the load on the lumbar region increases dramatically. From this, the infringement will make itself felt even more.

In the supine position, the lumbar spine is completely unloaded. The vertebrae do not press on each other, the intervertebral foramen regain their size, the pinching of the nerve decreases, the muscles relax as much as possible.

At acute pain there is swelling of the nerve and surrounding tissues, muscle spasm, inflammation. These signs further provoke a worsening of the condition. In the supine position, the infringement subsides, which means that inflammation, edema, and muscle spasm decrease.

2) Correct styling

Another important condition is proper bedding. To maximize relaxation of all muscles and surrounding tissues, you need to maintain all the curves of the spine in a physiological position.

To do this, lie on your back, put a roller under your neck, and a flat pillow or a folded towel under the lumbar region. Do not overdo it with height, otherwise there will be an inflection in the lumbar spine. The height of the pillow or towel under the lower back should be approximately 4-5 cm.

By the way, the bed should be hard so that there are no unnecessary kinks in the spine and the muscles can be relaxed as much as possible.

3) Pain relief

For acute pain, some people take drugs from the NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) group, which are actively advertised by pharmacies, TV, and newspapers. This makes sense, but there are some important points to keep in mind.

These drugs must be taken according to strict indications and no more than two days.

Such drugs have a huge list. side effects from leather to nervous system... They adversely affect all systems of our organs, overload the liver, affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and so on. You yourself can read about this in the instructions for a particular drug.

Yes, if the pain is severe, then pain relief is still needed. But I advise you not to take pills, but rather to put an anesthetic in the injections intramuscularly. So the drug will reach its destination faster.

In addition, the tablets may simply not be absorbed in the intestine due to many reasons (dysbiosis, impaired absorption, damage to the intestinal wall, etc.).

The basic rule for such injections is no more than twice a day and preferably only one day.

If there is an opportunity to visit a neurologist, be sure to do it. He can put you a novocaine blockade, which is much more effective than NSAIDs.

The blockade is more localized and targeted. She has no such side effects. This will be much better, safer, and faster than other drugs.

4) Local anesthesia if pain is chronic

If your pain is not too severe, but rather dull, moderate and tolerant, then it is quite possible to do with local anesthesia - any warming or anesthetic ointment for the lumbar region + Kuznetsov's applicator.

Lie on your back and lie down for at least 20 - 30 minutes to relieve spasm and relieve pain.

5) Nervous System Support

Since nerve fibers suffer in acute back pains, they definitely need vitamin support. During this period, I recommend taking B vitamins (for example, neuromultivitis).

But it is best to put B vitamins intramuscularly (thiamine, milgamma). The reason is the same as with pills. Vitamins may partially fail to pass through the intestines. In addition, any drug passes not only through the intestinal barrier, but also through processing in the liver.

Only if you have a perfectly functioning intestine and a normal liver, the medicine or vitamin will get into the right tissues and organs. To bypass all these stages and get vitamin support accurately, it is better to put vitamins intramuscularly.

6) Exercise and gentle self-traction

Let's say you have already implemented all of the above tips. Now lie on your back, put on painkillers and vitamins.

Now, in order not to lie down just like that, let's do some exercises with you. But, as I have repeatedly said before, exercises for the lumbar spine and for the back muscles cannot be performed at this stage yet.

But you can and should do general light exercises for the muscles of the feet, hands, arms, and breathing exercises. These types of exercises can help relax muscles and improve capillary blood flow to all tissues.

In addition, it will be a good prevention of hypodynamia. You lie down, do not move, all processes slow down. From this and further recovery will take longer.

You can also do gentle self-traction of the spine.

I provide examples of exercises in the video:

The main condition for performing exercises is smoothness, softness and maximum concentration of attention on the exercise and on your own feelings.

Here is a step-by-step plan you need to implement if you have acute back pain, backache, exacerbation. This plan applies only to the first days, when there are severe and sharp pains.

What to do next

As soon as the pain subsides, that is, the process will go into the subacute period (this usually occurs on the third or fourth day after the exacerbation), be sure to add:

  • Therapeutic exercises for the lumbar spine WHILE ONLY lying on your back with a warm-up and a hitch (according to all the rules of physiotherapy exercises)
  • Wearing a brace when you need to get up and go somewhere (for example, walk to the nearest store)

That is, when the subacute period begins, you are actively performing therapeutic exercises while lying down, and when you walk or sit, you wear an orthopedic corset.

Why do you need exercise in the subacute period

How most people are treated. The back ached, they lay down, everything seemed to have passed, and they continue to lead the way of life that they led before the exacerbation.

But think about this. If your lifestyle has led you to an aggravation - then it is somehow wrong? If it had been correct, would no aggravation have happened? Right? :)

It is very easy to avoid this! It is necessary to begin to engage in therapeutic exercises already in the subacute period. And when it passes, connect more complex exercises and continue to practice further.

And it is in the subacute period that it is very important for you to start active restoration of the spine, namely:

  1. Restoring balance between all muscle groups
  2. Relaxation of muscles and restoration of their normal tone
  3. Removal of edema and restoration of all tissues of the spine
  4. Formation of your own muscle corset and strong muscular support of the spine

From the subacute period, it becomes the main and main work to restore the health of the lumbar spine. It should be built systematically - from simple exercises to complex ones, from the starting position lying on your back to the starting position standing in an incline.

By choosing the right loads and correctly combining the exercises with each other, you will achieve stable remission (no pain and other symptoms) and keep your back strong and healthy forever.

From the next lesson, we will begin to analyze which muscles need to be included in the work in the first place, in what sequence, which exercises should be used, why they are, how to perform them correctly, where to start, and much more ...

Lumbar back pain is a very common symptom. It can arise for a variety of reasons. For some patients who experience low back pain, home treatment becomes a priority.

There is a group of patients who hesitate to see a doctor and do not trust traditional methods of treatment. They are sure that folk remedies may well relieve lower back pain. Thinking about how to cure a problem area of ​​your back without leaving your home can be quite justified. However, without preliminary examination, it is better not to experiment.


Lumbar pain syndrome is more common in middle-aged and older people, but young people are also familiar with this symptom. Against the background of excessive physical exertion, awkward movement or after hypothermia, a person may begin to experience lumbago and acutely feel pain syndrome, which in the language of doctors is commonly called "lumbodynia".

If there is an acute pain in the lower back, and you will not be able to get to the doctor soon, then it would be good to know what to do with this condition at home. Of course, if the lower back is grabbed, then before starting treatment at home, it would be correct to find out what probably provoked it.

Lumbar pain syndromes are divided into acute, chronic and radiating. In addition, they can be permanent or periodic, primary or secondary, so they can be treated in different ways.

Home treatment

Home treatment for low back pain should have 3 main goals: relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and calm. Such therapy at home does not mean that the patient will only use folk remedies.... As a rule, patients combine medication, exercise therapy, massage and traditional medicine. All this helps to quickly and effectively treat the lower back at home.

Pharmacological agents

If the patient knows for sure about his pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, then he can try the following therapeutic scheme:

  1. the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory injections, tablets, ointments, patches, rectal suppositories (Diklak, Almiral, Revmoxicam, Voltaren, Movalis).
  2. In parallel with NSAIDs, injectable and tableted muscle relaxants (Midocal, Tolperil, Midostad Combi) are prescribed. For back pain caused by muscle spasm, they are irreplaceable.
  3. In order to restore the damaged tissues of the diseased area of ​​the back, a course of B vitamins (Neovitam, Milgamma, Neurorubin) is recommended.

Most often, the described treatment tactics can effectively eliminate lumbar pain at home. But if, when using the described scheme at home, no positive dynamics is observed, then sometimes regional anesthesia is used.


As practice shows, patients who have lower back pain do not really like injections or pills, but more often try to help themselves with various ointments. However, it should be understood that some ointments, pain relieving, do not solve the main problem. Although complex therapy usually includes them.

All ointments in this direction can be divided into several groups:

The patient will be able to choose an effective ointment for treatment at home only when he is given an accurate diagnosis.


After the relief of acute pain has occurred, it would be good to do special exercises to treat various parts of the back. But an experienced physiotherapist should select therapeutic exercises for back pain.

Home conditions allow you to practice remedial gymnastics, but the patient must perform it very delicately. There should be no significant discomfort or soreness during exercise. If some exercise provokes the appearance of pain, then you need to revise the elements of its implementation or completely abandon it.


For back pain, massage is indicated only during remission. In addition, it is important to choose the right duration, intensity and frequency of massage effects. In case of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, doctors recommend giving preference to vacuum massage with cups, relaxing or finger shiatsu massage.

And if the patient is interested in how to relieve acute lower back pain on his own at home, then masseurs can teach him how to perform acupressure. In addition, Lyapko and Kuznetsov applicators, various rollers or belts are very appropriate for back pathologies.


Video - treatment of back pain at home


Traditional methods Low back pain treatments are very popular with patients because they are simple and the ingredients for their recipes are readily available. Even if it is not possible to completely cure the back with folk remedies alone, they can significantly improve the patient's condition. The attending physician, as a rule, willingly goes to meet the patient, combining traditional therapy with non-traditional.


The first thing that comes to mind to a patient when he thinks about how to treat his back at home is rubbing. Due to this manipulation, the healing process is accelerated, since rubbing well increases tissue blood circulation.

Popular recipes:

  1. rubbing on vodka with honey and radish juice (1: 2: 3). The finished product is stored in the refrigerator. Use well-sealed china or glassware.
  2. Rubbing from Adam's root with vodka. To 500 ml of vodka add 200 grams of grated Adam's root, mix well, and then insist up to 5 days. A dark container is suitable for this.
  3. Multi-component rubbing on "Triple" cologne. For its preparation you will need: 2 bottles of valerian tincture, 5 peas of red pepper, 2 bottles of iodine 3%, as well as a bottle of cologne. All components are mixed, shaken well, and then insisted for a day.

Such a procedure effectively relieves pain in the spine, if, after applying rubbing to the problem area, wrap this place with a woolen scarf for the whole night.


Many patients were able to quickly heal their backs at home with the help of compresses.

Some patients have approved the following:

  1. a compress of grated horseradish or radish. Vegetable raw materials will not cause a burning sensation if mixed with sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied in a thick layer to the problem area and covered with a napkin.
  2. Mustard powder compress. Dry mustard is bred warm water so that the consistency of low-fat sour cream is obtained. The sore spot is generously smeared with mustard and insulated. But the procedure lasts no more than 5 minutes, in order to avoid burns.
  3. Test compress. Sour dough is applied to the sore back over a thick layer of gauze and leave such a compress overnight. The procedure is repeated for 10 consecutive days.

Compress like folk remedy from back and lower back pain, should not cause severe discomfort to the patient. Only mild fever or slight tingling is acceptable.

Tinctures, infusions and decoctions

With acute back pain, patients practice taking infusions, tinctures and decoctions orally.

Typically, all oral medications homemade best taken 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after.


In order not to have to think about how to quickly relieve acute back pain at home, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. perform a preventive set of stretching exercises.
  2. Protect the spine while sitting and standing (guideline - ears, shoulders, hips and knees should be in line).
  3. Place a pillow between your knees when sleeping on your side and under your knees when sleeping on your back.
  4. You should not wear shoes with high heels or flat soles, it is better to choose the "golden" mean.
  5. Monitor your weight. To do this, you need to eat right and lead an active lifestyle.
  6. Quit bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse). Tobacco smoking contributes to the development of osteoporosis and increases sensitivity to pain.
  7. Nutrition should be balanced. Adequate amounts of Ca, P, vitamin D should be consumed.
  8. Try to maintain a stable emotional condition avoid stressful situations.

Pain syndrome can greatly affect the quality of life and reduce the patient's ability to work. But it is quite possible to cope with this problem without leaving your home if you use A complex approach and do not forget to consult with experts.

An unexpected "lumbago" in the lower back or a sharp pain when bending over? This is not yet a sign of senile sciatica - such manifestations can occur even in young people. The reasons here are different, but they should be identified at the first symptomatology and immediately eliminated.

Causes affecting lower back pain

Even in older people, pain in the lower back is not a sign of approaching old age. Simply, the older the person, the more neglected his health problems.

Factors affecting low back pain are not always age specific. Some of the reasons given below can manifest itself even in children.

  1. Spine injuries can be called frequent "provocateurs" of back pain. And these unpleasant sensations will appear for a long time even after rehabilitation treatment.
  2. Poor posture leads to curvature of the spine. Since it "takes" on itself the bulk of the body, and in case of scoliosis, a shift in the center of gravity is observed, all this entails an uneven distribution of the forces of gravity on the vertebrae. In this case, it is the lower back that "gets" most of all (how not to "groan" here).
  3. Inflammatory processes in the bone tissues of the vertebrae or intervertebral hernias are another deviation from the norm, which are accompanied by pain in the lumbar zone.
  4. But diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver, reproductive system) are accompanied by pain in the lumbosacral back. Here, the pain is not localized in the spine - the back muscles, "interacting" with problem areas of the body, ache.

All these were factors of "local significance", but there are also external reasons that can provoke pain (often short-term, and sometimes prolonged).

  • An incorrectly distributed load when carrying weights overloads the spine excessively, which is manifested by pain in its lower region.
  • Prolonged uncomfortable position of the body strains the muscles of the back, and this is then manifested by pain in the lower back.
  • You should not "discount" and drafts - a chilled nerve can show its "anxiety" for a long time.

Another reason why the lower back can hurt is typical only for women - this is pregnancy. During it, there is a significant displacement of the vertebrae, which pull the muscles along with them.

Don't run the pain

Any pain is a signal that something is wrong in the body. The reason should be sought immediately. But it is not always possible to diagnose yourself with accuracy. Because sometimes the cause may be located in the wrong place where the pain is felt.

The first step is to decide to visit a doctor - a neurologist or orthopedist. Having studied all the symptoms of manifestation pain, they will be able to identify the source of the problem. And then the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. After all, it will not be necessary to remove pain - it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused it.

On your own, you can prescribe yourself a pain reliever at first, until the doctors begin treatment. Commonly available over-the-counter drugs that relieve pain of various kinds are analgin, aspirin, ibuprofen.

In addition to non-steroidal painkillers, you can help yourself at home using other methods, but they will only bring short-term relief if they are not accompanied by treatment of the underlying disease.

For some reason, there is no way to immediately consult a doctor, and there were no anti-inflammatory ones at hand. medications, but the lower back hurts unbearably. Several recommendations can alleviate the condition.

Sometimes cold applied to the lower back helps. There are several ways to "freeze" pain:

  • You can use regular ice cubes from the freezer, packed in a plastic bag;
  • a wet towel in a bag must first be kept in the freezer for at least half an hour;
  • any frozen food (chicken, vegetables, etc.) will do.

Having tied such a compress to the lower back, you need to hold it until the pain subsides.

Sometimes, on the contrary, heat is required instead of cold. Such a heating pad on the lower back is kept for about 30-40 minutes.

  1. The pharmacy sells "Thermal wrap", which is good for radiculitis.
  2. Old rubber heating pads (which our grandmothers used) will do. They need to be filled with boiling water. But the heating pad will be more convenient - it will make you comfortable in bed. But try not to fall asleep at the same time - you should not overheat the lower back.
  3. Baths - not saunas, but with wet steam help well against "lumbago" in the lower back. Alternating heat and cold (every half hour) can also have an effect. This stimulates normal blood circulation and therefore relieves pain.

Exercise on the lower back is a great help. But try not to overdo it here, and choose gentle exercises - perhaps unstable vertebrae are the "culprits" of pain.

Physical therapy for low back pain

It would seem that with any pain it is difficult to move once again (and suddenly the sensations will intensify). But in fact, it is the "frozen" position that will "hold" the pain. It is necessary to knead it, as it were, forcing the muscles to move.

It is movement that promotes good blood circulation. It, in turn, makes muscles elastic and less susceptible to negative factors. In addition, by focusing on the exercise, a person is simply distracted from the pain that annoys him.

Walking is the easiest and most unobtrusive exercise. You can just go for a walk, moving slowly along the local streets. Or you can walk on the simulator. The main thing is that the "journey" lasts at least 1 hour.

Sometimes the pain is so severe that it is best to lie down. But not on a bed or sofa - you need a hard, flat surface. So the best option there will be a floor. After lying for a few minutes in a position comfortable to relieve pain, you can roll over onto your back and raise your legs up, leaning them against the wall.

This will take the strain off your spine. But the muscles should be strained in this way:

  • squeezing and relaxing the buttocks;
  • pulling up the toes of the legs.
  • do not swing your legs - only stretch marks;
  • do not pump the press;
  • give up squats;

Various manual procedures help well with back pain. But only a person who is knowledgeable in this matter should perform them. Without knowing the anatomical features, you can harm instead of relief.

  1. If the cause of back pain is spinal problems, then a chiropractor will help here. Spinal manipulation is part of physiotherapy and is part of a comprehensive treatment.
  2. Thanks to the skillful hands of the masseur, you can relieve pain caused by any reason. But if the manipulations affect the spine, then the massage affects the muscles more.
  3. Acupuncture is a targeted action on nerve endings that need to be calmed.

Low back pain during pregnancy

Not all of the recommendations above are suitable for pregnant women. And it is not always possible to remove this pain, in view of this "interesting situation." Because the main cause of lingering back pain is precisely pregnancy, or rather, the changes that it provoked.

Causes of back pain during pregnancy

  • The growing tummy "pulls" part of the muscles towards itself, thereby creating tension in the back.
  • The spine is bent into a position that is not entirely convenient for it, taking on an even greater load.
  • The enlarging fetus begins to press on the bladder, prostate and other organs. Failure in their work also causes painful symptoms.

In order to somehow alleviate her condition, a pregnant woman will have to adopt several recommendations.

  • First of all, you should give up uncomfortable shoes - it is better if they are without heels.
  • Sleep only on a hard mattress.
  • Massage painful areas should be gentle.
  • You should not get carried away with compresses (especially hot ones).
  • Be sure to do exercises for pregnant women. They are designed in such a way that they should relieve any pain.

To protect yourself from various problems with the lower back, you need to monitor your health and physical condition of the body. Comfortable shoes, correct posture not only when walking, but also when sitting at a work table, an optimal uniform load on the spine - these are all preventive measures that will prevent pain from developing.

Video: how to eliminate acute lower back pain in just 5 minutes

The spinal column is the support of the human body. Back pain is provoked by various factors, but it always brings a lot of discomfort to a person. The mobility of the body decreases, the state of the body worsens, the patient develops stress and depression. This situation requires immediate treatment, since back problems are a direct path to disability.

The loin is one of the most vulnerable parts of the spine. Pain in this place begins to disturb from the age of 30-35. The intervertebral discs of the lower back begin to wear out earlier due to heavy loads, because the lower back is the main center of gravity of the body. Although the pain syndrome in this department is not always indicative of problems with the spine. It is often the result of problems with internal organs such as the kidneys or the gastrointestinal tract. The intervertebral discs in the lower back lose their elasticity due to osteochondrosis or other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Pathologies that can cause pain:

  • spondylosis;
  • sciatica;
  • lumbago;
  • injury or sprain of ligaments and muscles;
  • intervertebral hernia ;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • tumors in the vertebrae or spinal cord;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pre-stroke condition;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs.

External factors that provoke pain in the spine:

  • hypothermia;
  • lifting of loads;
  • sedentary image life;
  • pregnancy;
  • overweight;
  • scoliosis;
  • avitaminosis.
  • Depending on the cause and factors that provoke uncomfortable sensations, pain syndromes differ from each other.

    The pain is acute

    Sudden acute back pain is a rather unpleasant symptom that disrupts a person's usual lifestyle. It can appear suddenly when moving or at rest, and indicates a malfunction in the body. In medical practice, there are several groups of people in whom acute pain occurs most often:

    • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
    • drivers;
    • people who do hard work;
    • professional athletes.

    In rare cases, the patient can independently determine the cause of acute pain. But, in general, you need to visit several doctors to make a diagnosis.

    The causes of low back pain can be divided into two types:

    1. Spine pathologies: osteochondrosis; intervertebral hernia, radiculitis, displacement of the vertebrae, pinched nerves, diseases of the ligaments and muscles.
    2. Inflammatory processes in the internal organs: kidney pathology, urolithiasis disease, ectopic pregnancy, cancer.

    Many doctors believe that lower back pain is caused by the anatomical features of a person, since the main load falls on this department. This is a kind of payment for bipedal locomotion. Therefore, pain syndrome is most often caused by problems with the spine.

    Chronic pain

    Low back pain that lasts more than three months is considered chronic. Many patients do not pay attention to discomfort and simply live with them. It is believed that chronic pain is associated with disorders in the nervous and psycho-emotional spheres. Injury to the spine or problems with internal organs rarely cause it. Possible reasons:

    • complex operations;
    • mechanical injury;
    • stress;
    • suffered a heart attack or stroke.

    According to statistics, the majority of patients with depression suffer from lower back pain. What clinical signs accompany this syndrome:

    • loss of sleep;
    • constant weakness;
    • feeling of hopelessness;
    • low self-esteem.

    To identify the cause, the patient should be examined by specialists of various qualifications. How to relieve low back pain ? In addition to taking medications and physiotherapy procedures, the patient should take antidepressants and see a psychologist.

    Intermittent pain

    Sometimes there are situations when lower back pain is not permanent and does not have a clear localization. It can be sharp, dull, or shooting. Most often, this syndrome indicates a disease of the internal organs.

    Among women:

    • gynecological problems;
    • menstruation;
    • consequences after an abortion;
    • pregnancy;
    • menopause.

    In men:

    • prostatitis
    • epididymitis.

    Common reasons:

    • tumors;
    • spine or vertebral injuries;
    • appendicitis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • cholecystitis;
    • lumbar tuberculosis;
    • myositis.

    Intermittent pain is common in weightlifters or bodybuilders who do not properly distribute the load on the spine.

    Treatment methods

    How to relieve lower back pain ? Depending on the cause and localization of the pain syndrome, treatment methods are also distinguished. The best solution is to see a doctor and have a full check-up. If this is not possible, you need to know how to provide first aid for acute lower back pain.

    How to relieve low back pain:

    1. Lie on a hard surface - the spine must be in the correct position.
    2. Relax your muscles.
    3. Apply ice to the sore spot;
    4. In case of very severe pain - take a drug for pain relief (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) and call an ambulance.

    What not to do:

    • use warming ointments;
    • exercise;
    • do massages or go to a chiropractor during an exacerbation;
    • take a hot bath;
    • drinking alcohol;
    • take any medication without the consent of a doctor.

    After examination and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment. If the problem is in the internal organs, therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause. For pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the following methods are used:

    • taking medications;
    • diet food;
    • a course of therapeutic massages;
    • visiting a chiropractor;
    • physiotherapy;
    • acupuncture;
    • magnetotherapy, UHF.

    How to relieve back pain patients with chronic pain and depression? These patients need emotional support and psychological and motor rehabilitation. It is recommended to attend recovery courses after suffering psychological and physical trauma.


    How to relieve back pain ? Medicines with an analgesic effect will help here. The dosage and duration of admission is prescribed only by a doctor. There are two main groups:

    What drugs have the maximum effect of pain relief for lower back pain:

    • Naproxen;
    • Diclofenac;
    • Ketorolac.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs give the maximum effect when combined with muscle relaxants (reduce muscle tone):

    • Midocalm;
    • Miolax;
    • Tolperil;
    • Myoxan.

    Reduce the chance of the transition of the disease to chronic stage- corticosteroids:

    • Dexamethasone;
    • Methylprednisolone;
    • Diprospan;
    • Budesonide.

    How to relieve low back pain if it is caused by stress:

    • taking antidepressants;
    • vitamin B injections;
    • injections of milgamma;
    • antiepileptic drugs.

    To prevent future pain syndromes, chondroprotectors are used:

    • Alflutop;
    • Glucosamine;
    • Chondroxide;
    • Chondrolone.

    These drugs only eliminate symptoms and do not eliminate true reason diseases. Their effect is temporary; in addition, they have a number of side effects and contraindications.

    Taking medications should be combined with physiotherapy procedures.


    One of the safest remedies for lower back pain are joint ointments for external use. When they are used, only 10% of the active substances enter the bloodstream. It is not the pharmacist in the pharmacy who has to select the ointment, but the doctor who will take into account all the features of the disease. The course of treatment continues for up to 10 days. Terms of use:

    • Apply the product to a clean, undamaged area of ​​the skin.
    • Rub in the ointment with light massage movements. The number of procedures is 2-3 per day.
    • To improve the warming effect, wrap the place where the ointment is applied with a warm scarf.
    • In inflammatory infectious processes, it is forbidden to use a warming ointment.

    How to relieve back pain with the help of an ointment? What is used:

    Group of drugs Properties Name
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Pros: Fast action for low back pain, high effectiveness

    Cons: Lots of side effects

    Diclofenac, Nise, Fastum gel, Voltaren, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen
    Warming ointments Activate blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, have an analgesic effect Finalgon, Kapsikam, Viprosal, Efkamon
    Chondroprotectors Repair damaged ligaments and cartilage tissue Chondroitin, Teraflex M
    Homeopathic remedies Improve metabolism, restore damaged cartilage Traumeel, Objective T

    Combined drugs are also used, which, in addition to the analgesic effect, relieve the inflammatory process, improve tissue regeneration, and have a thrombolytic effect. Among them:

    • Dolobene;
    • Arthrocin.

    For back pain caused by sports injuries, hypothermia or pinching, use irritating ointments

    • Finalgon;
    • Nikoflex,
    • Viprosal;
    • Capsicam.

    Before using any drug, you need to do an allergic test - apply a small amount of ointment on the forearm.

    Intolerance to the components can provoke urticaria, edema and bronchial spasm.


    One of the means of rehabilitation for diseases of the musculoskeletal system is massage. It is also useful to take a course of massages as a preventive measure. The procedure will be useful for both athletes and people with a sedentary lifestyle. Also, massage will help you recover after heavy physical exertion. Benefits of massages:

    • relieving pain in the lower back;
    • stimulation of blood circulation and lymph flow;
    • improving the conduction of nerve fibers;
    • elimination of joint swelling;
    • stopping inflammatory processes.

    The massage should be performed only by a qualified specialist, as one wrong movement can harm the patient.

    The following types of massage are distinguished:

    • Swedish massage;
    • Acupressure;
    • Deeply penetrating;
    • Japanese (shiatsu);
    • Thai;
    • Sports;
    • Special massage for hernia;
    • Massage for pregnant women.

    To relieve pain, rubbing and kneading using special techniques is used.

    It is widely believed that massage does not hurt anyone. But this is fundamentally wrong. There are several contraindications that should be considered before visiting a massage therapist.

    When massage is contraindicated:

    • with hypertension;
    • the presence of an intervertebral hernia;
    • oncological diseases;
    • allergic and purulent skin rash;
    • tuberculosis;
    • heart disease;
    • with kidney pathologies;
    • increased body temperature;
    • blood diseases;
    • benign tumors;
    • strong displacements of the intervertebral discs;
    • with thrombosis.

    A massage session should not exceed 60 minutes. If the procedure did not help and the lower back continues to hurt, perhaps the wrong massage technique or the masseur is a non-professional.

    Comfortable posture

    One of the possible causes of back pain is incorrect sleeping position. The best sleeping position is the supine position. But many people are not able to fall asleep like that or this position is uncomfortable for them. But there are alternative options:

    1. Sleep on your back with a bolster under your knees. This position distributes the weight evenly, plus maintains the natural curvature of the spine.
    2. On the side with a pillow between the knees. To prevent deformation of the lower back, a hard roller or pillow should be placed between the knees. The knees should be bent.
    3. Embryo pose. Oddly enough, it is this position that will bring relief to people who have been diagnosed with a herniated disc.
    4. Sleep on the stomach. This position is considered the worst for sleeping, but if you place a thin pillow under the abdomen and thighs, it can even bring relief to patients with degenerative disc pathologies. To avoid distorting the neck, you can try lying face down by placing a small pillow under your forehead so you can breathe.

    People with a pain in the spine should choose orthopedic mattresses and pillows.

    How to relieve back pain ? A few simple recommendations will help:

    • it is better to give up upholstered furniture;
    • when sedentary work, you should take breaks every quarter of an hour, get up and warm up;
    • the back should touch the chair;
    • with a long standing position, you need to take turns transferring weight to the right and left legs;
    • picking up a thing from the floor, you should sit down or bend over with bent knees;
    • drivers are advised to place a small roller under the lower back;
    • when lifting loads, it is strictly forbidden to make sudden movements;
    • during an exacerbation of pain, you need to abandon the sauna.

    Exercise regularly can help strengthen your back muscles. You need to do it systematically, only then there will be a positive effect.


    Eliminate the root cause of spinal pain ethnoscience not capable, but at the expense folk recipes it is possible to get rid of the pain itself. For this, a regular heating pad is often used. Dry heat properties:

    • improves blood circulation;
    • edema decreases;
    • helps with pinched nerves and minor sprains.

    In addition to the heating pad, other heating methods are used:

    • hot baths with the addition of essential oils;
    • cloth bags with sand
    • mustard plasters.

    Dry heat cannot be used if there is no certainty about the cause of the disease. With inflammatory processes in the internal organs, such procedures can only harm.

    Medicinal compresses and decoctions help well. Several effective folk methods:

    1. Dilute the mustard powder with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply to the lower back for no more than 5 minutes. The heat should be comfortable for the body; in case of severe burning, the compress should be removed;
    2. Dissolve 100 grams of salt in a liter of hot water. Soak gauze or natural fabric in a solution and apply to the sore spot. Fasten and leave overnight.
    3. Wash the beets thoroughly and grate on a fine grater together with the peel. Squeeze the mass and mix with a tablespoon of kerosene. Protect the skin with a piece of gauze. Wrap the mixture in natural fabric and apply to the sore spot. Fix the top with a warm scarf and leave overnight.
    4. Squeeze juice from agave leaves and rub the sore lower back with it. A burning sensation is possible. If skin irritation occurs, treatment should be discontinued.
    5. Collect fresh nettles in a large bunch. The patient needs to be beaten on the lower back with this broom. The oven will be very powerful, but the recipe is effective.

    In fact, traditional medicine offers many recipes. But before using them, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to harm the spine even more.


    Nearly 90% of people experience low back pain. Therefore, it is better to prevent them than to treat them later. Several rules for a healthy spine:

    1. Motion. Regular exercise, an active lifestyle, and weight control will all strengthen your back muscles and significantly reduce your risk of injury.
    2. Refusal from bad habits... Cigarettes have a detrimental effect on the intervertebral discs, reducing their strength and flexibility.
    3. Correct sitting and sleeping postures. These factors should be controlled, since an incorrect position is an extra load on the spine.
    4. Regular breaks from sedentary work. It is advisable to get up from the workplace every half hour and walk for 5-10 minutes and do some simple exercises.
    5. Reducing the time of using laptops, smartphones and tablets. Frequent use of gadgets puts additional stress on the spine and neck.

    One of the most common problems in the twenty-first century is acute back pain. Up to 80% of the world's inhabitants, as a rule, have encountered it at least once in their life.

    Low back pain has one dangerous characteristic, which is that it can become chronic in a short amount of time.

    How to relieve acute lower back pain

    In this article, we will talk about the causes and diagnosis, and most importantly, how to relieve acute lower back pain.

    Low back pain is a symptom common in older people. But today more and more young people suffer from the emergence of discomfort in this area.

    This pain is called differently, but most often - "lumbago" and "lumbago".

    So what is lumbago? This is pain that is most often caused by a sudden or incorrect movement. It also appears due to the repetition of certain harsh actions that can either injure the lower back by overexerting the muscles, or accelerate the natural wear and tear of the muscles in the lower back and lumbar vertebrae.

    When talking about lumbago, it is worth understanding the difference between acute pain that does not last long - from a few minutes to several days - and a chronic form of pain that does not stop after many months and occurs in waves.

    Types of lumbago

    The intensity of lumbago varies. Three types are distinguished depending on the duration.

    A typeDescriptionDuration
    Acute lumbagoThe most common form of back pain that goes away as suddenly as it appears.From several hours to several days.
    Subacute lower back painRequires prompt and comprehensive treatment to prevent the development of chronic back pain.From several days to several weeks or a month.
    Chronic back painIt is sometimes difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. According to statistics, up to 8% of cases of complaints of lower back pain were later identified as a chronic form of lumbago.More than a month.

    Lumbago / lumbago causes

    Low back pain is one of the main reasons people disrupt the natural course of life. Often people of certain professions suffer from such discomfort: for example, movers, construction workers, as well as office workers, who spend most of their time in a sitting position, which also negatively affects the health of the spine. In addition, lumbago can appear during physical exercise that requires significant effort, such as lifting weights.

    Let's consider each reason in more detail.

    If you want to know in more detail how to treat, as well as consider the causes and alternative methods of treatment, you can read an article about this on our portal.

    Lifting weights

    Lumbago can appear after regularly wearing a heavy backpack or shoulder bag. This is usually a problem for pupils and students. Even if a person puts a backpack on his shoulders, the lumbar region is still in a tense state. Over time, the vertebrae in the lower back become deformed and pain occurs. As a rule, people engaged in serious work or study do not find time for treatment, and this later leads to sad consequences.

    Severity is the main cause of lumbago

    This is why more and more people are choosing to use wheeled suitcases when transporting luggage on the subway or commuting to work. The manufacturers understood the seriousness of the problem and offered people a solution that suits busy people.


    Athletic belt

    Certain sports can cause severe lower back pain. The fact is that pressure on the spine and lower back, sudden movements and turns of the body lead to displacement of the vertebrae and, accordingly, to the appearance of lumbago.

    It should be noted that this occurs only in those who incorrectly perform the movements that are characteristic of a particular sport.

    Golf, tennis, swimming, skiing are just a few examples of sports that endanger lower back health.

    Poor posture or posture

    Incorrect posture or posture is another possible reason lumbago. Spending a long time in a sitting position causes pain, the state of health gradually worsens, and a person has to look for a position in which it will not be so strong. With an incorrect posture, a person will experience discomfort even while standing.

    Stress, fatigue, pain - all this leads to problems with. Ultimately, slouching leads to back problems that are difficult to get rid of - it may happen that the person is not able to stand up, stand up straight, walk or sit.

    Orthopedic chairs

    Injuries and falls

    Trauma can also cause lumbago. If, after a fall or careless movement, acute pain is felt in the lower back, then there is a high probability that the spine is injured. This is often accompanied by problems with bladder, weakness in the leg, fever, and even pain when breathing.

    As a rule, lumbago in a fall occurs due to displacement of the vertebrae or a crack within the vertebra. This leads to compression of the nerve and pain.

    Other factors

    If we talk about diseases, then, as a rule, lumbago occurs due to a herniated disc. It also manifests itself when overweight or during pregnancy. These factors lead to disc deformation and clamping of nerve endings, which is the reason for the occurrence of acute low back pain.


    With age, intervertebral discs in humans become less elastic and lose the ability to absorb falls and other movements that require serious physical effort. This puts more pressure on the spine, which contributes to discomfort.

    Most often elderly people over sixty years old suffer from this.

    How long does acute lumbago last?

    Acute lumbago disappears on average in 1-2 weeks with timely treatment. If the pain in the lower back after this period persists or disappears, but then returns, and the person is still painful to accept various positions, it is likely that the lumbago has become chronic.

    Is it better to lie down or move?

    To relieve lower back pain, it is worth staying in bed in a supine position for at least 3 days. Doctors at this time recommend moving as little as possible - excessive movement can interfere with the recovery of the spine, and the pain will become stronger.

    If, due to circumstances during the manifestations of lumbago, it is required to move from one place to another, then it is necessary to use an orthopedic medical belt. Wearing it helps to keep the lower back in the correct position.


    If signs are found that may indicate the presence of lumbago, the patient should consult a doctor. He will examine the patient, but he needs additional examinations to clarify the root cause of the disease. He will appoint the following examinations:

    • spine x-ray;
    • magnetic resonance or CT scan spine.

    If you want to know in more detail, as well as consider when magnetic resonance imaging is shown, you can read an article about it on our portal.

    The main problem in the diagnosis of lumbago is the need for simultaneous examination and treatment. To obtain reliable results, the patient must enter an anesthetic, eliminate muscle spasm, and only then perform the necessary diagnostic procedures.


    Back pain treatment is considered a difficult process. The fact is that each patient needs a different approach.

    To get rid of lumbago, you must first determine its root cause and immediately stop activities that are harmful to the body.

    Since the acute pain does not last long, the following will help temporarily relieve it:

    • relaxation;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • medicinal decoctions;
    • cessation of harmful physical activity.

    Drug treatment

    Medication is a method that involves taking medications to relieve inflammation, strengthen muscles, bones, joints and improve the performance of internal organs.

    For example, for those who have pain after injury or overstrain, it is enough to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - either containing ketorolac ("Ketanov"), or with ibuprofen ("Advil").

    To get rid of severe sudden pain, you can take "Dafalgan" and rest for a while. Opioid medications such as OxyContin relieve pain, but doctors are reluctant to prescribe them because people quickly develop addiction (in medical terminology, this is called tolerance).


    Physiotherapy apparatus

    People with severe low back pain need more active treatment, such as physical therapy.

    The recommended physical exercises for the treatment of lumbago are long, slow walking and some yoga poses (it is advisable to do them under the supervision of a doctor in order to correctly take this or that posture). In the course of numerous studies, it was found that for lower back pain, yoga classes together with physical exercises were more effective than performing a set of physical exercises without yoga.

    Acupuncture and massage also relieve chronic back pain.

    Spinal manipulation therapy (SMT), based on compression and pressure on the spinal joints, can also be considered as a method of physiotherapy. As a rule, CMT is performed by manualists and physical therapists. This technique is considered controversial as some experts claim it works when others disprove it.


    Traditional medicine is a method of treatment that is based on the intake of tinctures and herbal decoctions. This method time-tested and recommended due to the small number of contraindications.

    To get rid of the strong and, you can use decoctions and ointments based on comfrey.

    Comfrey is a herb that grows on riverbanks and meadows. Its root resembles a beet with large leaves. For centuries, comfrey has been considered a miracle solution in the fight against diseases of the spine and for getting rid of pain.

    Comfrey is anti-inflammatory, astringent, emollient and healing properties... It relieves pain, accelerates the healing of wounds and sprains, treats arthritis, hernia of the spine and gout, and relieves psoriasis and dry skin.

    Due to the high concentration of the active substance allantoin, the body stimulates the regeneration of cells and bone mass. It also reduces inflammation.

    It is advisable to use it in the form of a gel or ointment and apply locally 3 times a day. This will make it easier to fight inflammation and help reduce muscle and joint pain.

    It is worth noting that it should not be consumed with other medications, since a high dosage of comfrey has a toxic effect on the liver.

    other methods

    One of the good and working options for relieving lumbago and, as a result of acute relief, is taking a hot bath or shower. This leads to muscle relaxation, which means a decrease in spasms and pain.

    You can also do exercises to relieve lumbago at home. One useful exercise is a variation of stretching. It helps to relax the hips and pelvis, and to develop the places where the sciatic nerve passes.

    Initially, this exercise is done with the hands and the lower back remains on the ground. With lower back pain, this is almost impossible to do, therefore it is used gymnastic ball(if not, then you can use a chair).

    The person sits on his knees and stretches his arms to the ball or chair. The object must be constantly moved as far from the body as possible by leaning forward and pushing it away with the hands.

    As soon as you feel tension in your back muscles, you should stop and lower your chest to the floor as much as possible. You need to stay in this position for a short time (on average - up to a minute) and return to the original position. You need to repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times a day for 10-15 minutes. This stretch can help you feel relief in your lower back, improve your posture, and stretch your large back muscles.

    Video - Exercises to relieve acute lower back pain


    To prevent recurrence of lumbago, the following rules should be observed.

    1. With active work (on the street, dacha), you need to change position more often. As soon as the slightest discomfort arises, work should be stopped immediately and, if desired, perform simple exercises: for example, you can hang on a horizontal bar - this is especially often recommended by doctors.
    2. An alternative to work and physical exercise swimming favors. This is a great way to relax your muscles and maintain correct posture.
    3. Before lifting a heavy object, you must first sit down and only then lift the load. In no case should you bend over. The main load should be distributed to the arms and legs.
    4. It is best to sleep on a flat bed with a hard mattress or something on top of a soft mattress. In order to arrange such a bed, you can place thick plywood under a thin mattress.

    Summing up

    Acute lower back pain is a dangerous problem. Too heavy loads, sitting for too long, improper sleeping posture, or a mattress that does not support the pelvis well enough are just a few examples of what ultimately leads to lumbago.

    These factors will one day take their toll, and the person will suffer from lower back pain. Therefore, if you take care of the health of the spine in advance, you can prevent the possible appearance of such an unpleasant symptom.

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