Magic conspiracy from lack of money. How to get rid of poverty and lack of money with the help of conspiracies. Conspiracy with bills

27.12.2021 Tools

    Yes, when you really need money - you go to whatever you want, and to fortune-telling, and to women's forums and 5 jobs! I used to think first - then act! I stumbled upon your site, and even read and used not only this article. And I was lucky enough to read it exactly on the departing moon! So I made a conspiracy. The miracle did not happen, I don’t have a million dollars in korman, but a couple of free thousand flew to me. Thanks for the free help!

    Good rituals, from lack of money, I think, will be useful to many, especially now, when the crisis reigns everywhere. And in general, stability has not hindered anyone yet. Therefore, why risk your position, it is better to conduct a ritual and protect yourself. Personally, I do just that, I regularly conduct fortune-telling on my savings, I believe in them. The article is very informative.

    I have heard for a long time that the moon is generally quite a mystical object in the sky. And she is also considered a female symbol, in contrast to the sun. So I decided to try a conspiracy from lack of money. Somehow it turns out that there is always not enough money, all I do is borrow money. So I decided on a conspiracy. Everything worked out! The next day I got a new position!

    A very good collection of conspiracies, you can directly find it for every taste. I took advantage of the conspiracy from lack of money, although I will not say that we are in poverty, but I do not mind increasing my financial savings. You don't need to think that the conspiracy decided everything for you. It's just that sometimes we have our own thoughts that scare away luck from us. And the conspiracy gives some kind of inner self-confidence, which helps!

    I liked the plot, and it is written easily and nothing complicated is needed. I won't do it myself, it doesn't interest me much. But I know many people, especially businessmen, who do not hesitate and often resort to magic. I don’t presume to condemn, everyone makes his own destiny, you want to do it, you don’t want to do it, you just don’t need to condemn others.

    Awesome database of information! Despite the fact that there are fortune-telling and conspiracies for every taste! Please continue in the same spirit, thanks to you I conclude successful deals, travel the world without fear of disaster and have free time to communicate with my family!

    A very interesting topic and relevant, I think, for many. I liked the conspiracy with millet - simple in execution, I will perform this ceremony in the near future. I also liked it with an aspen, but here you have to go into the forest, look for a suitable tree)). I hope I can find it)). In general, it is necessary to have a simpler attitude to life, I think, and to the financial issue too. From what we are experiencing because of money, they no longer become - this is a fact)).

    Sitting without money is a terrible situation, especially when you are a single mother and you need to somehow feed your children. Everything would be fine, but the ex-husband does not pay alimony .. I'm already completely desperate, but your conspiracies for money are something that really works! Thank you very much for the wonderful site! I will use it in any situation. The kids will grow up and I hope to find a job using this method:

Get rich, get rid of poverty (rituals)

Tips about money and more

You should not count or borrow money on the street, in an underpass, or pick it up from the ground. Do not carry your keys in your left pocket - your husband or wife will go on a spree. If several things are hung on one hanger, make sure that the oldest one is at the very bottom. Give alms with your right hand, and in order not to drag the misfortune from the beggar onto yourself, you should not transfer money into his hands, but put it in a jar or hat, which the beggars usually have in their hands. And remember that money is not given in hand at all. Whispering in a whisper when giving alms: "I give only a tribute, but I keep mine for myself!" If you give it in the evening, put money on the ground, the beggar will pick it up himself. If there is no way to put it on the ground, then refrain from giving alms. If you are sure that the person asking will drink the money, then do not give it. By giving money to drink, you can tie yourself to a "drinking place." To remove the "black stripe" from yourself, take any coin at home and go outside. Cross two intersections, and at the third, throw a coin in front of you and say "Paid!" If any product falls to the ground, it will be sold first. In no case should you change money at the beginning of the day when nothing has been sold yet. The first buyer should definitely give change for happiness and good luck to himself. After the first buyer, they take money and guide them through the product, imagining how the product is being bought up. In no case do not sell anything after the sun sets, such a trade will be at a loss. Try not to buy anything with your last money. In no case do not leave the wallet empty - otherwise there will be no money in it, and the thing bought with the last money will bring only financial losses. Do not buy from a greedy person, be sure to bargain, the seller must yield, otherwise the thing will only bring problems. To reduce the price, you should take off your hat, as if accidentally wipe your forehead and put it on your head again, you will see the price will surely yield. Do not buy an apartment where people used to be sick, died, refuse to buy. When buying land, pay in small bills; if you pay in large ones, the land becomes barren. You cannot take animals from anyone for free - you must definitely give something in return. They borrow money for a young month, and give it away for a lossy one. They repay the debt in smaller denominations than they took. We take the money with our left hand, and give it with our right. If the left palm itches, then the money will have to be given, and if the right, then it will be received. Do not borrow and do not return money in the evening - they will not be found. If the situation is hopeless, then do not hand it over, put it on the table (but not on the dining room), a curbstone. Don't lend money on Sunday - they won't return it. On Monday, no calculations are made and they do not lend money, so that they do not melt like wax, throughout the week. Do not lend on Tuesday and the waning moon. Avoid borrowing money on Tuesday - you will be in debt all your life. They do not borrow money on New Year's Eve, otherwise you will be without money all year. You cannot lend to a person to whom you have some kind of obligations, he will not return it for a long time, considering that he has the right to do so. When returning a monetary debt, say passing money from hand to hand: "What would you always have and I multiply." Occupying say: "So that I would always have and you will multiply." After sunset, the house cannot be cleaned. When the Sun has set, do not take anything out of the house, even garbage, and even more money is ruin. When it gets dark, you cannot transfer money from hand to hand, money is thrown on the floor. You cannot count money after sunset. Nothing can be thrown out the window after sunset. It is advisable to throw a trifle in the corners of the house, the more a heap of coins, the better, saying "Let him come to my house!" Coins cannot be left on the table. Any money should always be tidied up in a certain place, and not lying around anywhere. Always put the broom with the broom up. Do not leave an empty bottle on the table. Don't sit on the table. Keys and hat must not be placed on the table. You cannot whistle in the house. The taps should not drip in the house - welfare will flow out. Cut nails on Tuesday and Friday to wealth. Sprinkle silver coins on the floor as you move into your new apartment. Keep some money under the tablecloth on the table. Do not sweep anything from the table without a rag. When laying a new house, money and wool are put at an angle. Do not leave knives at night, especially on the table. You cannot cut your hair yourself. When the sun has set a new loaf of bread is not started. Put a white coin under the threshold, and crossing the threshold say: "I am home and the money is behind me." Every time you leave the house, leave any bill on the mirror. Whatever the money is transferred when giving to the begging for alms, say to yourself: “Let the hand of the giver fail!”, But in no case look into the eyes of the giver. For the first time in a month, when you see a young moon, show her a wallet with money or a large bill. If you find money, do not rush to raise it, damage can be reduced to it, at the same time, if you do not raise the money, you will show disrespect for the egregor of money, so look at your feelings it is worth picking up money or walking by. Whoever peels seeds does not have money for him. You can not crush, tear, trample bills. Do not take money from hand to hand; damage is good for them. Tip generously for a job well done - you will get three times the return. Money should be invested in turnover, not piled up. Receive money with pleasure, and part without regret. Never set yourself the goal of accumulating money, because money cannot be an end, but only a means to achieve goals. If you have a bundle of bills, they must be folded one to the other, namely numbers to numbers, letters to letters. Money should not be torn, dirty, rumpled, if you give that kind of money, do not take it, ask to exchange it. When giving money to charity, don’t spare the donation, the money will be returned to you in double the amount. Avoid showing your money to strangers or steal or jinx it. A cheap wallet attracts poverty, a wallet should be made of good, real leather or suede. The wallet should be attractive and solid, it should have compartments for coins and bills. In no case should you leave your wallet empty - otherwise the money will not appear there soon, and the thing bought with the last money will bring continuous losses. Don't be careless with your money. Do not stuff casually crumpled money into your wallet when buying. The sensitive energy of money does not like being disrespected. Money must be kept in perfect order, let all the bills of one denomination lie together, and behind them are the bills of a different denomination. In order for the money to be found, they need to be folded in the wallet with the front side out, and the back side in, otherwise they will run away. Rubles and currency are not put together, but only in different pockets. Money must be added carefully, because if you drop money or it falls out of your wallet, then this is not good. You can not put photos of your children, loved ones in transparent inserts of wallets. There may be a feedback between money and images of people dear to you - money will have an impact on those shown in the photo and the latter have a chance to become too calculating and materialistic. If you really want to always have images of your loved ones with you, then only wallets are suitable for this. There should be no junk in the wallet. Empty your wallet of unnecessary travel tickets, notes, receipts. In your wallet, carry a small red piece of paper to keep the money. You can also carry mint or clover leaves in your wallet for this. You can put a bag of mint tea instead of a leaf, it's good if mint is also drawn on the bag. Also, to attract money, put a small horseradish spine in a secluded pocket or wallet compartment. The American dollar can also serve as a magical talisman, as it depicts a very powerful symbol - the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid.

If you bought a wallet as a gift, then you must certainly give it with a coin, so that the new owner's wallet would crack at the seams from bills. You need to put white coins in a new wallet and put it on the windowsill at a time when a young moon is visible in the sky, while you need to say three times:

“I am talking about this purse for a slave (my name) for prosperity and monetary growth, so that money would grow and multiply in it, as the moon grows in the sky and the stars multiply from evening to night. And if someone takes my wallet in hand, fall on that person a deaf lack of money and thirty-three misfortunes, which I will not see forever. May it be so!".

After three days, leave any paper bill in your wallet and start using it.
If on the way you hear a voice that tells you to stop or look around - don't do it - you will be lost. Sit down before the road and mentally say:

“It’s good there, but it’s better back.”

Never give pots of flowers from your home, at the same time they can take away good luck, even without performing special rituals. You can return luck in this way, when you find a dead bird or animal, bury it next to the place where you found it and at the same time say:

“And I bury you and my failure. May it be so!".

Shake hands as little as possible. Try not to give alms to cripples, freaks sitting in underground passages, at intersections, at pharmacies, hospitals, cemeteries, post offices, under oak, aspen, apple trees, beggars with children and signs, children under 15 years old, drunkards, at the entrance to the church (only at the exit it is possible and in the lintel of the "hallway" it is impossible), standing with a hat (only sitting), are given alms in odd coins. If they ask for money from the registry office, give them by all means, if they ask to buy flowers at the station, buy them by all means. You cannot serve to the one sitting on the box - you will die. In the church itself, charity cannot be given, only to the temple. When leaving, serve only an odd number of beggars. There is also charity and payoffs in a hidden form - not taking change in a store, for example.

If you have a fly in the middle of winter, then by signs it is for the deceased. To remove the sign, you need to lightly tap on the window glass and say: “Every time has its own hour, and this trouble is not about us. May it be so! ”, The next day the fly will disappear, and therefore the trouble will not come to your house.
If someone is staring at you on the beach or in the bath, say to yourself: “Look at me, but see me not. May it be so!".

If the mirror is broken, say: “The mirror is broken, the trouble of the slave (s) (name) does not concern. So be it! ”, Throw out the fragments quickly.

When entering the bath, cross the threshold with your right foot, so as not to take on the damage that may have been removed in this bath.

If someone slaps you on the shoulder or back and perhaps says “Oh, I'm sorry, I missed you,” then laugh right in his face, slap too, and leave.

Do not look for slippers with one already shod foot, this leads to the death of relatives.

You cannot sit in the patient's place.

After the death of a person, you need to warm your hands by the fire, so that there are no more deaths in the house.

If a dog howls or digs a hole, they say to him: "On his own head!"

If three dead people are remembered in front of you, say: "There are three of them and I am not the fourth!"

If you have someone who died, be sure to give back a plate, glass, spoon of the deceased on the tenth day.

If a spider fell on your face while walking in the forest, you need to immediately say so that trouble does not happen to you: "Don't mind me, but the neighbor's horse!"

If you find rubbish at your doorstep, burn it with a slander, sweeping it off on the newspaper without touching it: “Not rubbish and not quarrels not to my house, but from my house, from my doorstep. Let it be so! ”, Before bringing it into the house, throw it up three times.

If you find curled ears or curled ears, then they are removed with gloves with the words: “You screwed it on your head, you screwed it up for yourself, not for me. May it be so!".

If possible, do not lie to yourself and others. Do not break trees unnecessarily and do not kill animals without good reason. Don't fly high, you will fall low. Do not take part in the affairs of the "licking and sucking" of the genitals of the "powerful". Never humiliate yourself or kneel before any living person. If you are afraid to speak, do not speak, but if you did, do not be afraid. Don't steal or gossip. Don't trust people. Do not stick your nose in other people's affairs, and the body in someone else's bed.

Be patient and polite anytime, anywhere. Be quiet, calm, humble, and simple. The "big" person speaks softly. Be free, independent and uninhibited. Respect your parents.

Love and accept love only from the people you have chosen. Help only those who are worthy of your help. Do not speak badly about a person in his absence, but only directly in the eyes, but not always and not to everyone. Do not forgive insults, punish the offender. Never borrow or lend money. If you want to do good to someone, do it secretly, because if the pigs find out about your kindness, they will tear you on the spot. Do not forget the kindness shown by someone in relation to you, but forget about the good you have done for someone else. All people are equal, but not on earth, but in earth. It is not who is right who is right, but who has more rights. If you want people to respect you, do not meddle in their eyes. If you want to come faster, do not rush. If you want to live long, do not think about it and do not shorten your life. Do not forget about those who taught you. Never try to take your own life. Never ask for anything, especially from those who are stronger than you, they themselves will offer and they themselves will give everything. Never stop learning. Always keep your word. Learn to say no when everyone expects yes from you. Never be rude. Protect and accumulate strength. Whenever possible, always try to avoid a fight. If you are a sorcerer or a witch, never desecrate or destroy churches, for they were originally conceived by Satan to help the black ones. Always exercise. Before you learn something new, learn in detail what you have already found. Be cheerful and joyful. Better to be alone than in bad company. Do not trust anyone. Do not reckon with anyone's authority, become an authority yourself.

You don't need to be very kind, too kind is always weak by captivity. The one who steps gently goes far. Do not rush when and where. Don't make hasty decisions. Never disturb the Kingdom of the dead out of idle curiosity, for it really exists. Find places of strength and rest for yourself and visit these places. Know that friends and friendship do not exist. If you want something good to be said about you, do not say good about yourself. A person cannot be judged solely by their appearance. Never be afraid of anything. If ever you are destined to become a teacher, then first of all teach yourself to think and make decisions. Knowledge is power, but this power can be dangerous, multiplying your knowledge, you multiply your sorrow.


Get Rid of Poverty

Speak a handful of little things at midnight:

“My poor peasant, come off my ridge. Get off me, go for a trifle. Whoever picks up a penny will take the poor from my ridge. Damn, come take a penny. May it be so!",
Throw a trifle at the intersection and go home without looking back.

Appease fate

Give the poor people new things, food, money, but secretly, so that no one knows about it. For example, hang on the door handle or put it at the door.

Get rid of failures

Take the old cup from home to the intersection at midnight. Break it in the middle of the roads and say:

“As the cup broke, so my failure fell apart, and just as these fragments do not come into my house on their own, so failure will not enter my home. May it be so!".

To make money flow

Bury anything edible (for example, a loaf of bread or a piece of pie) into the ground at the front door of your house and say a hex:

“May peace and prosperity be in this house, may earthly and heavenly grace descend on it, so it will be forever and ever. May it be so!".

Take a new five hundred ruble bill and bend a corner on the right side. Then, in the same way, bend the corner on the other side - you should get an isosceles triangle. After that, fold it along the axis of the short side of the bill. With your left hand, take any corner, bring it to your lips and say in a whisper three times:

“As a strong river attracts streams, and the sea is strong rivers, as a woman attracts a man, and a man attracts a woman, as night attracts day, and day is night, so you would attract the like. May it be so!"

Then put the bill in your wallet and do not get it out of there under any pretext (at least for three months). If you have similar bills of the same denomination in your hands, put them next to the charmed bill without folding. In addition, you should always know exactly how much money you have in your wallet.

In the evening, alone, close all windows and doors, curtain the mirrors. Light two thick red candles. Take a large new wallet (or purse), two small mirrors and three ten-ruble coins. Place the mirrors opposite each other to create a mirrored corridor. Place the coins so that they are reflected in both mirrors, which are reflected in each other. You will get a money mirror corridor.

Read the hex:

“From mirror to mirror along the path. I walk as a slave (be) (my name), go to collect money, tens, and hundreds, five hundred, and thousands. Collect money, put it in your wallet and don't know the needs. May it be so!".

After that, put both mirrors in the prepared wallet, and the coins between them. Always carry your wallet with you.

On Tuesday, during the first quarter of the Moon at noon, carefully fold into a previously purchased new wallet (purse) bills of 10, 50, 100 rubles and 13 coins of 10 kopecks, 1 ruble, 5 rubles and without closing the wallet say:

“I don’t know with whom I’ll share the money. But I know that I can manage without them for now. I give it up sincerely, I take it into action and forgive all my enemies. May it be so!"

Close the wallet and stash it in your left pocket. Leave the house and move where your intuition tells you, drop this wallet at one of the intersections. Step over it with your right foot, mentally or in a whisper saying:

“Here lie, lie, wait for the owner on the left! May it be so!".

Now you need to spend three hours somewhere without going home and visiting. Exactly three hours later, come to the intersection. After making sure that the wallet is no longer there, pause for a second in that place and, as you exhale, say:

“People are not animals, loss will return! May it be so!".

Go home, and when you cross the threshold of your home, say in a whisper:

“What is won will be received a hundredfold, not nonsense. You have a wallet in the load, and I have enough in the bite. May it be so!".

The entire rite must be completed before 17:00.

Light a green candle and, holding a five-ruble coin over the flame of this candle, say three times:

“You will always bring money, I will call you a breadwinner. May it be so!"

Always carry the coin with you.

For wealth

At sunset, in a field or garden, pick an ear of corn, saying:

“For prosperity, for wealth, for harmony and peace in the house. May it be so!".

Then dry the kernels from the cob in the eastern part of the dwelling on the windowsill for three days, slandering them in the morning and evening:

“As many grains grow from one grain, so the slave (would) (his name), all good that would be enough. It would not decrease, but increase and increase. May it be so!". Then the grains are sewn into a pillow or feather bed, this is not told to anyone, or when.

Make yourself rich and not vulnerable

Kill the crow. Cut off his head. Bury the body. Dry your head. Follow all the rules to the cemetery gate. Three times knock the raven's head on the cemetery gate with a slander:

“The black raven is the devil's brother, and his wife’s half-brother. As this crow no one can ever condemn. So no one can ever harm me. Step brother head make me rich. Key, lock, tongue. May it be so!".

At this point, throw a few coins, turn around and leave. Safely hide your head.

It helped me more than once! I advise everyone from a pure heart!

Only on those days that are under the influence of the Universe are they really effective! I checked it on my own experience, and never regretted it! I am very grateful to you!

Like many others, I want prosperity in my home and financial profit, happiness and health to all my relatives! Don't miss it too! I am grateful to you for the knowledge that you pass on to us. I wish you health and prosperity for your channel!

There is an opinion that rituals are effective if they are done on the growing moon or at full moon. However, there is a certain type of conspiracy that is gaining its power due to the waning lunar phase.

The rituals performed during the waxing moon are indeed very effective, and you can see this from your own experience. But do not write off the waning phase of the moon.

When the moon is waning, weight loss rituals are very effective. And besides them, conspiracies to get rid of debt and poverty become very effective.

Ritual for poverty and lack of money

This ritual should be done on the waning moon on Sunday. This day is the last of the week and symbolizes the completion and departure of everything old from our lives. For it you will need a church candle and any old thing. It is very important that you associate this subject with poverty and misery.

This can be cracked dishes, old clothes, a shabby wallet, a worn bag with a leaky pocket, and the like.

Make sure no one is disturbing you and you can begin the ritual. Light a candle and place the chosen item next to it. If it is quite large, it can be placed on the floor, not far from where the candle is burning. Then read any prayer of your choice and after it say the following phrase:

“All my poverty and misery, all my actions and thoughts leading to lack of money, go completely and completely into this subject. I cleanse myself of everything bad, get rid of what prevents me from becoming rich, and put an end to the old life without abundance. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language". During this phrase, baptize the chosen object.

After that, look at the flame of a candle for a while and imagine how money and prosperity come to the vacant place. Put out the candle with your fingers or water, but do not blow out. And take the old thing out into the street and put it next to the garbage. Leave without looking back. It is very important to throw this item away on the day of the ritual, otherwise the ritual may not work.

If you need to urgently pay off your debts, the waning moon will help with this. Prepare a piece of paper or a few pieces of paper, the amount will depend on how many people you owe. On each piece of paper, write the name of the person to whom you need to return the money and the exact amount of the debt. Below, write the deadline for which you need to pay.

Do this with all the pieces of paper, if necessary. Next, take one piece of paper in your hands and say the following phrase:

“Dear ... (whose name should be).

I thank you for your help in difficult times and pay my debt in full.

Now I am calm, for now I am in abundance, and my income is enough to live in wealth and fully repay you for your kindness.

My word is strong.

Then burn the piece of paper.

This simple ritual helps you to accept the flow of money into your life, break the burden of obligations and quickly pay back debts. Money will come from the most unexpected sources.

However, if you have a lot of debts, this ritual is recommended to be done gradually, because when you decide to burn all the leaves at one time, the ritual may not work.

This conspiracy requires a rather large expenditure of energy, and if your biofield is weakened, then, having done everything at once, you may not withstand such a load and get sick. In such cases, it is better to play it safe and do a few exercises first to strengthen your energy.

The waning moon, as well as its other phases, helps to get rid of many problems and unwanted meetings. But even if it is unpleasant for you to communicate with certain people, this is not a reason to wish them ill. Remember about the boomerang law, because all our thoughts and actions come back multiplied.

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There is not enough money all the time. It is especially hard for families raising children. Sometimes things go so badly that there is no money even for basic necessities. How to get rid of poverty and overcome a streak of bad luck? There is no definite answer to this question. It all depends on the situation. Sometimes the person himself is to blame for failures, he needs to reconsider his views on life, to change.

A conspiracy will help raise finance

The reason for the lack of money may be damage to the family. It needs to be removed, and then the problems will be solved by themselves. For those who have not suffered from black magic and are doing everything right, a conspiracy from lack of money will help.

Correct outlook on life

Magic can solve many problems, but it is important to use it correctly. If the family does not have money due to the fact that people do not work or are lazy, addicted to alcohol, no rituals will help.

Work on yourself is also important. Reading the relevant literature is helpful. Here are the basic rules of conduct to help you change and start making money:

  1. Do not envy, do not blame others for your failures. You can't constantly complain about life, get angry with more successful and wealthy people. Forget about the role of “victim”, you yourself build your life and are responsible for it, and not other people or the state.
  2. Be active, work, achieve your goals. Money will not fall from the sky. One trick helps: not just save money, but set a specific goal for yourself (apartment, car, vacation, etc.).
  3. Fight low self-esteem. It gets in the way of finding a good job, showing all your positive sides at an interview. Choose the job that you like. Then it will be easier to succeed.
  4. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. You are an ordinary person, if you make the wrong choice, you can fix everything. It's better than doing nothing. If you have had failures in your life, do not think about it, move on, get your way.
  5. Distribute the money you earn correctly. Don't waste your money and spend it on things you don't need. Weigh everything, calculate, distribute the salary, and you can understand whether or not you are ready to give this or that amount to a new phone or tablet. Do not take loans if there is no urgent need for it.

You need to learn how to manage money correctly

If you have followed all these rules, you can do magic that will help you get rid of poverty. But before reading the conspiracies, make sure that there is no damage to money on you.

Damage to money

If you previously did not have problems with money, debts, and then suddenly you fell into poverty, someone could envy your happiness and put damage on you. You should not read conspiracies for money until you have managed to remove this damage.

How to identify spoilage

Before removing the damage, you need to make sure that there was a witchcraft effect. Sometimes a person has a streak of bad luck, but it occurs without the intervention of another person. Damage can be suspected by the following signs:

  1. Suddenly, you either lost your main source of income, or your profit became minimal (you were fired, the company has no income, bankruptcy).
  2. For a long time you cannot get a job and even find a part-time job. All projects end in failure, you lose the desire to work.
  3. You have a lot of debts that you cannot pay off.
  4. You regularly lose money: you forget your wallet, they give you the wrong change, they rob you, etc. You have unexpected expenses: household appliances break down, loved ones need money for medicines, etc. You are wasting money, spending it on things you don't need.

Ritual to identify corruption

If you have all these signs of spoilage, it must be removed.

But to finally make sure that there is damage, this ritual, which is carried out after church holidays or before them, will help.

For him you need a wax candle, which you need to buy in the temple. During the ceremony, you must be alone. It takes place at midnight.

The wax candle must be placed on the table.

Put a candle on the table, light it. Between you and the candle, put an object related to your work, money: work uniform, documents, a bag that you constantly took to work, etc. Then you will need a prayer. Read the "Our Father" 3 times, then move the candle over an object related to the work. By the flame of a candle, you can easily determine if there is damage.

  1. An even and calm flame indicates that there is no damage.
  2. If the candle has gone out, then there is damage, it must be removed.
  3. If the flame fluctuates, the candle cracks, smokes, damage has been put on you, but it has not yet manifested itself. A lot of smoke and soot - the negative program has already gained strength.
  4. Flames that burst into flames are severe corruption that acts slowly, but can deal severe damage.

Conspiracy with bills

If you are convinced that someone has damaged your money, you need to remove it. Other ways to get out of poverty and debt will not work. To remove damage, you can go to famous sorcerers, or you can hold a ceremony at home.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon

On the growing moon, take any bill, you will no longer be able to use it for its intended purpose. You will need a black marker or pen. Cross out all the numbers on it that indicate its denomination. Fold it 4 times. Take out some white thread and sew it to the lining of your coat or whatever outerwear you wear most often. Repeat at the same time:

“Happiness to happiness, money to money, will bypass me, the servant of God (name), any misfortune. Amen".

Or another version of this conspiracy, it is carried out on the waning moon. You will need a bill on which you cross out the numbers showing its denomination with a black pen, and fold it 4 times. Take a needle with black thread and sew the edges of the bill with it, saying:

“I sew up failure, I sew up lack of money, I sew up debts and problems. Good luck, will come back to me. May it be so".

Then take the stitched bill away from home, throw it into the river, or bury it under a tree.

To remove the spoilage of poverty, sew or buy a bag made of thick, rough cloth. The ritual itself is carried out between 16 and 19 lunar days. Take a coin with your right hand and put it in the bag, repeat until a few coins have accumulated there.

In the evening, take out this bag, sit by the open window, sprinkle holy water on it 3 times, repeating the conspiracy from poverty:

"Holy water, cleanse the Servant of God (name) from every black eye, from evil words, from adversity and from poverty."

Get up, take the bag and go outside with it. Find a place where several paths intersect, and dig a hole there, put a bag in it and say:

“As the water goes away, the damage will come down, as the damage goes away, so the money will come. Amen!".

Leave for yourself a barely noticeable sign on the ground, so that the next day, in the evening, you will come to this place again, pour a glass of holy water on it and say a conspiracy. So you have to walk for 6 days. When a week has passed since the day you started the ceremony, i.e. on day 8, return to this location early in the morning, at dawn. Take the bag out of the ground, pour the coins from it into your wallet, and burn the bag itself, choosing any wasteland for this.

Strong ritual

This is a powerful ritual that will help remove even severe damage. It is carried out all alone.

To carry out a conspiracy, you need to take a green ribbon

To do this, prepare a crust of black bread, rub it with garlic and salt. Take a green ribbon and fold it on the floor so that you get an infinity symbol. Exactly in the middle of this sign, where the stripes intersect, put a green candle too. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon on the tape that lies on the floor, sparing the spice. Take a crust of bread in your hands and pronounce the words of the conspiracy until the candle burns out. Hide the stub and ribbon after the ceremony, give the bread to the beggar.

In the morning, go to the temple and light candles for the health of relatives, friends, enemies.

“The Lord is my intercessor, my God. I put my trust in you. Let there be the evil eye and wicked corruption with salt and garlic, let it be beaten, let it be killed. From me, the servant of God (name), everything will come down from the bush, it will go into the manure, and it will remain there. May it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayers and conspiracies from lack of money

If you start a streak of failures, and the damage is to blame, it must be removed so that things go uphill. But, if it is not other people and your lifestyle that are to blame for your lack of money, prayer or a conspiracy will help return good luck. Prayer is better because then you turn to God, to His help.

Prayer is white magic

But prayer may not be heard if He decides that it is good for you to endure lack of money for the well-being of your soul. A conspiracy is an appeal to dark forces, which are always ready to help a person if it suits them. Prayer is a safer way, but not suitable for those who do not believe in God, i.e. non-Orthodox people.


  1. Prayer that protects against poverty.

    “You, O Lord, are our acquisitions, and therefore we have no shortage of anything. With You, we do not desire anything, either in heaven or on earth. In You we enjoy an inexpressibly great bliss, which the whole world cannot give us. Do it, so that we will ceaselessly find ourselves in You, and then for Your sake we will willingly renounce everything that is disagreeable to You, and we will be content, no matter how You, our Heavenly Father, arrange our earthly fate. Amen".

  2. Prayer to the Guardian Angel.

    “I appeal to you, the angel of Christ. If he protected me and protected and kept me, for I have not sinned before, and I will not sin against faith in the future. So answer me now, come down on me and help me. I have worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I have worked. So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that it will be rewarded according to labor. Render me according to my labors, saint, so that the hand weary with labor may fill, and I could live comfortably, serve God. Fulfill the will of the Most High and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen".

  3. Prayer for failure

    “Covering myself with the holy sign of the cross, I turn in earnest prayer to you, the angel of Christ, the guardian of my soul and body. You are in charge of my affairs, you guide me, you send me a lucky chance, and you don’t leave that even in the moment of my failures. Forgive my sins, because they sinned against faith. Protect, saint, from bad luck. May failures bypass the servant of God (name), may the will of the Lord be done in all my deeds, Human-loving man, and I will never suffer from bad luck and poverty. For this I pray you, benefactor. Amen".

Rules for reading money conspiracies

To get rid of the lack of money, you can read the conspiracy, choosing the one that you like the most.

Pregnant women should not perform rituals and read conspiracies.

  1. Take your time reading the conspiracy if you are not sure what you need. Weigh all the pros and cons, remember the consequences that any magical action can have. Do not perform the ceremony out of curiosity. Anyone who asks for money must be in a desperate situation and in dire need of money. It is important to believe that the ritual will work.
  2. Do not change the words of the conspiracy, do not confuse, repeat them as written. Read it that day, which is recommended.
  3. You can not read conspiracies for money to pregnant women, tk. they will attract misfortune to their unborn child.
  4. If you ask for help from another person (not a sorcerer), then give him something as a token of gratitude. You cannot give money or alcohol.
  5. Do not tell anyone that you are going to perform the ceremony.
  6. Before performing the ritual, fast for at least 3 days. These days, you cannot steal or kill animals, quarrel with loved ones.

Conspiracy in the cemetery

This ritual is performed on the full moon. On the full moon night, go to the cemetery. Do not forget to make a cash purchase to the Cemetery Master. Take a wallet with money. In the cemetery, pick up the stick and go to the old tree. Hit the tree three times with a stick (the wallet must be in your hand) and say:

“The dead will not rise from the coffin, and money will never leave me forever, and as the churchyard fills up with the dead, so my wallet is replenished with money. Yes, so everything will come true, if on the day of judgment everything will not be forgotten. Amen".

Throw away the stick and leave the cemetery without looking back.

Bread conspiracy

It is read on black bread.

The conspiracy is read only for black bread

You will also need water taken before dawn. Read the conspiracy over bread and water, then eat bread, and drink water.

“How true is it

What the Lord gave five loaves

And that Jesus Christ is God's Son,

It is so true that the Lord is merciful.

Turn, Lord, luck

From west to east

From North to South,

Give her not three ways

And one road

To my doorstep.

And you, misfortune,

Find your way

Into the snake's womb.

There you belong

There you live

Yours is there.

And I will dress up in a talisman,

Do not know grief-misfortune.

I close the lock with the key.

I throw the key into the sea.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

With old shoes

Read on the waning moon. Do not throw out your old shoes, but use them for the ritual. You also need a church candle. Take white paper, put your shoes on it, light a candle. While it is burning, you need to pray:

  1. Prayer "Our Father".
  2. Prayer "May God rise again."
  3. Prayer "90 psalm".

With the edge of a knife, cross the shoes, starting from the left, from the toe and moving to the heel, and say the conspiracy three times:

"Our Father! Poverty was looking for, a damn girlfriend, a shoe, and all the demonic idleness followed her. So the slave (s) (your name) was hit by the liquid one to the threshold, it came. Do not make a noise, do not cry, all the demons are idle. Let Poverty try on his shoes, take it and go away forever. To his Master for the service. " Then add: “Lord! Our Father! Do not judge me, Your slave (s) (your name), severely. Show Poverty, all the demonic idleness, the way-the way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May it be so".

Place 3 drops of wax into your boots and use a kitchen knife to cut them into pieces. Collect these pieces and, along with the crumpled white paper and the stub, extinguished with a candle knife, place in a black bag.

Late in the evening, at midnight, go to the crossroads and drop the package there. As you walk back and forth, don't talk. If someone calls you, show a fig in your pocket and move on. If you talk to a person, poverty will increase.

Take a shower or wash with soap and water.

For three days, or better a week after the ritual, nothing can be given or borrowed, you cannot even give a glass of water, or take on an old debt, otherwise you will forever remain a beggar.

The person who will ask you for something at this time is your secret enemy.

The problem of lack of money is always relevant. But in a year of exacerbation of the economic crisis, the issue of lack of funds is more urgent than ever. The reasons for this lie not only in the global problems of international trade, the sudden rise in prices for natural resources, gasoline, products and services. More often than not, the causes of poverty are the inability to use one hundred percent of one's own potential, making rash expensive purchases, inability to invest money correctly, frequent spending or financial assistance to third parties at the wrong time.

The problem of lack of money is always relevant

Money basis

Did you know that the Moon is in charge of life situations, physiological and psychological health, financial well-being, emotional state and even desires. And the point is not mysticism, many properties of the earth's satellite are explained by physics: the lunar gravitational and magnetoelectric influence on the planet and people.

The lunar circle consists of several phases:

  • new moon;
  • growing;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing.

Each position of the heavenly body affects our life, the state of the body and soul, actions and their consequences. However, it is also important which sign of the zodiac the moon passes through.

The strength and effectiveness of using magic depends on the above factors. Knowledgeable people coordinate their plans with the lunar calendar. And experienced magicians know how internal energy flows depend on the position of the moon in the sky, and are able to correctly distribute them.

Lunar phases: their positive and negative effects

In my practice, there have been cases when a magician practitioner, without having studied the subject reliably, began to read conspiracies for money, love and good luck in an inappropriate lunar phase. As a result, clients, personal happiness, finances and success not only did not come to life, but even what was disappeared.

It is important that the magical effect, shall we say, on the ether was provided not only correctly, but also on time. It is known for certain that:

The new moon is characterized by minimal energetic influence. During this period, it is not customary to conduct magic rituals or read conspiracies. It is better to use this time for making plans;

  1. The growing moon promotes multiplication, attraction, increase, growth. This time is the best suited for the manufacture of ritual and magical tools, amulets, amulets. On a young moon, you need to read conspiracies to attract customers, to successful trade, an influx of money, better health, and love. If during this period it is not planned to carry out a magical effect, then it is recommended to accumulate energy for the future.
  2. The full moon is a good time for rituals.... Energy flows from the satellite are the most powerful, and magical actions are the most effective. A positive or negative impact (depending on the purpose of the magic being performed) will be the most powerful and complete.
  3. On the waning moon, they read conspiracies to cut off, destroy, get rid of the unnecessary, negative, evil. At this time, it is the best possible way to get rid of diseases, enemies, unhappy love, poverty and failure. It is important to remember that on the waning moon, you cannot lend or borrow money, take out loans, invest in business projects or start new businesses.

The growing moon promotes multiplication, attraction, increase, growth

As you understand, the program for attracting clients, laid down in the conspiracy, if the ritual is performed on the waning moon, will not work. Or it will work, but vice versa - it will discourage the source of income and business development.

Money conspiracy

To attract money into life, you need not only to work hard, but also to competently carry out a magical effect on the world around you. The universe does not know how to say no, for each and every one it has an answer to desire. If you carry out the magic ritual correctly and correct your own thinking, additional financial assistance will come to you from where you did not expect: a promotion, a bonus, winning the lottery, a solid inheritance, an idea for writing a bestseller, and so on.

As you already understood, rituals are being prepared for the waning moon not to attract everything positive, but to cut off the unnecessary. Thus, conspiracies will be on the courage of unreliable clients and partners, on getting rid of poverty, debt and financial failure.

As a rule, a waning moon conspiracy does not require the use of special ritual devices. As a last resort, use water, a candle or copper.

A conspiracy for money is done for little change from a wallet. Take out all the coins that are in your wallet, purse or just in your pockets. Hold in your right hand. Look at the waning moon and speak (memorize the conspiracy ahead of time):

“A trifle and a copper go to the beggar, take my poverty with you. The beggar will drink and walk, wither in poverty. I give a trifle from the master's purse, I bring the wealth back to my house. From now on, I do not know poverty, I live in wealth. My word is strong, but sticky to me. Key. Language. Lock. Amen".

In the morning, be sure to go to the church and distribute copper coins to those begging for alms. You need to give coins only with your right hand. You will see the result already on the growing moon.

Bad luck conspiracy - attracts money

The magic ritual is best done during the warmer months, and you will understand why. For a conspiracy, you need spring water. In an open vessel, it must be left overnight by an open window. During this time, it is saturated with lunar energy and acquires magical properties. You can't drink water, but in the morning you need to wash yourself with it. Do not wipe moisture from your face and chest - let it dry naturally. Then read the conspiracy:

“Mother, you, water, are pure and cold, as gold you are valuable, as silver you are dear. As water washes mountains, spills over wide open spaces, so it will wash away all bad luck from me as a servant of God (name), all failures and evil slander. It will wash away impurity from a clean body, from a white body, from all a hundred joints, from anger of the opposite, from a black sorcerer, from a dark witch, from a white old man, and from an old woman, from evil eyes, and from vain speeches. Big beluga, you are a friend of clean water, you sharpened your iron teeth on stones, took care of your tin eyes, you swam in all the waters of the seas-oceans, help me, drive away all evil, bring into life the servant of God (name) good. May it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the morning you need to wash yourself with spring water

Important! The ritual will help you achieve your goals, ward off failures from business and work, add confidence and strength for new achievements. But, but you can read the conspiracy no more than once a year.

Ritual for lack of money

Poverty is not a vice; a vice is unwillingness to change the situation. If you feel that the lack of money in your family is like bad luck, there is no way to get rid of it, no matter how much you work, then try to read the conspiracy from lack of money.

Here you will need a church candle and any old thing that you personally associate with poverty. It can be a tattered t-shirt with holes, patch pants, a tattered bag, or boots repaired over and over again. Armed with the instrument necessary for the ritual, wait for any Sunday on the waning moon (symbolizes the end, completion) and begin to conjure.

Perform the ritual all alone - no one and nothing should interfere, not even a domestic cat or dog. Light a candle, place or place an old object that you have chosen next to it. First, read the discretion prayer that you like, and only then proceed to the ritual of getting rid of lack of money. Pronounce the words:

“All my poverty and misery, all my actions and thoughts, leading to lack of money, go entirely into this subject. I cleanse myself of everything bad, get rid of what prevents me from becoming rich, and put an end to the old life without abundance. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

When reading the plot, baptize the rags. After that, for a while, hold your gaze at the flame of a candle and imagine how new, expensive items, clothes come to the place of an old thing from "poverty", how bills, tickets to resort places and other items from a prosperous life fall. You need to extinguish the candle with water or fingers, but do not blow out.

Throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual. Take it to the trash can and place it next to it. Leave without turning around.

Throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual

Debt relief

Debts and loans always leave the wallet empty, morally exhausting, sucking out all the energy. To get rid of this misfortune, the main thing is to open energy flows in yourself and allow money to float to you in a full-flowing river. After all, it is because of the fear of money that many remain poor. It’s a paradox, but it’s true.

There are several effective rituals known for getting rid of debt. For the first, you need to arm yourself with leaves and a pen. On each piece of paper, write the name of the person or bank you owe. Also indicate the exact amount to a penny. You need to read the plot separately above each piece of paper:

“Dear ... (whose name should be). I thank you for your help in difficult times and pay my debt in full. Now I am calm, for now I am in abundance, and my income is enough to live in wealth and fully repay you for your kindness. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

After all the notes with debts need to be burned. Thus, you morally and psychologically set yourself up in a positive mood and relieve the burden of obligation from your shoulders. Money will flow from sources you never knew existed.

Another way using coins. Prepare 32 small denomination coins for the ritual. On the killing moon you will go out at night at the intersection of two roads. Nobody should see you. Standing in the center, throw a pair of coins in each of the four sides and say:

“I don’t throw away a trifle, but I drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea, away from me, from my family and my home. Go away, lack of money, into a distant place, where you will never return. Amen".

You need to make four circles of prayer for each. When the little thing is over, turn around and go home. Don't look back and don't talk to anyone. The result of the conspiracy will manifest itself already with the growing moon.

And remember, you cannot treat money as the highest value. This is just a tool for fulfilling our plans. Letting go of them lightly (but deliberately) will make the bills flow even easier towards you.