What does a dream mean if you are in it. What does it mean if you have a dream within a dream? A living person is like a dead person: Loff's dream book

28.05.2023 Design

General interpretation

Experts consider people who dream within a dream to be able to comprehend the secrets of the unconscious, endowed with an enlightened consciousness and able to control their lives. The ability to see such dreams is not given to everyone; this is the lot of select people.

Often, incomprehensible plots appear in dreams that require explanation. How to solve them? The interpretation will depend on the details of what you saw: where, with whom and how long you slept.

Sleeping in nature- to pleasant.

Modern dream book believes that such a dream means leading a double life. You are hypocritical towards a worthy person, and you worry about it. A happy dream seen in a dream - to.

Family dream book talks about a friend and advises to prepare for unpleasant events.

Dream Interpretation of Veles I am sure that such a dream prophesies good life prospects if the person experienced positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z sees in the plot of this dream a warning about the secret betrayal of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn considers this dream to be the body’s need for additional rest. The dream also indicates change.

Opinion of esotericists and psychologists

They believe that this dream is a replay of a life situation in a dream. If you see, it means in real life the danger will not affect you: you have already experienced it in your dream, in another life reality, reports the Secret World website.

Managing your sleep while you sleep is a unique opportunity to program life events. This skill is specially taught in lucid dreaming courses.

How to bring a good dream plot you see to life? To do this, after waking up, you need to “play out” the events of the dream several times in your mind, consolidating them. If you saw a dream in a dream with a sad ending, just create a finale of events with an end. Gradually you will gain the ability to control your life through dreams.

Remember how in Alice in Wonderland the main character was advised to imagine that in a dream she sees that she has fallen asleep? It turns out that people see such dreams not only in fairy tales.

We see a dream within a dream when we are either too tired in reality, or we need time to think about some very important issue. Seeing yourself sleeping during a night's rest is a very multifaceted image, and in order to understand what it means in your particular case, try to remember under what circumstances in your vision you saw yourself sleeping. The place in which you fell asleep in your own dream can also give a hint to the correct interpretation of a dream.

  • For example, you saw yourself sleeping from the outside.
  • Or you woke up, but then it turned out that you also only dreamed about waking up.
  • Maybe you were getting ready to go to bed or falling asleep in your night dreams?
  • If you had a dream within a dream, you can give a hint about its meaning unusual place actions - at work, on the street, on the ground and even in the cemetery.

“Wake yourself up” or let yourself sleep?

Seeing yourself sleeping in your own dream from the outside is interpreted by dream books in two ways. For example, as the Autumn Dream Book says, sleeping in a dream and feeling “I can’t wake up” means that in lately you have worked too hard, and your body urgently needs proper rest.

Shuvalova's dream book interprets that if you dream that you enter the bedroom and see yourself fast asleep in your own room, this means that in front of you is now standing complex problem, which cannot be solved “on the run,” but first you should think carefully and find out all the missing details.

The American dream book is confident that seeing oneself sleeping from the outside in one’s own dreams means that the dreamer is a very sensitive person who in dreams can travel through “subtle worlds.” Therefore, if you have been visited by such a vision, you need to carefully look and listen to what you saw and heard in your dreams. They may contain many tips on how to act correctly in real life.

The psychoanalytic dream book says that a dream within a dream can occur when you need to “wake up” some things in yourself in reality. important qualities. If you had a dream in which you saw yourself sleeping, think about what you lack to make your affairs turn out more successfully? Some may lack courage, while others, on the contrary, may lack modesty.

Seeing yourself asleep in a dream, and at the same time seeing your own dream in a dream, is a very favorable vision, according to the Chinese Imperial Dream Book.

  • If the dream “hidden” in this way in your dreams was beautiful and bright, you need to interpret its images - they will give a hint on how to proceed further in reality.
  • If, during a night's rest, it seemed to you that you had a chaotic and incomprehensible dream, you should more clearly organize your “daytime” plans to make it easier for you to implement them.

If you had a dream, “inside” of which you manage to wake up, the Idiomatic Dream Book is inclined to consider this an “awakening” of your consciousness, the dreamer’s readiness to begin a new stage of life.

But another option is also quite likely: it seems to you that you woke up, got busy with some things, and are aware of them very realistically, but then the alarm clock rings and you actually wake up, it’s worth thinking: are you really getting enough rest? If you have such a dream, it makes sense to think about taking a vacation and getting a good rest.

Preparing for a night's rest

In our dreams we can see ourselves not only sleeping, but also, for example, getting ready to sleep, getting into bed. If you dreamed that you were going to bed, dream books interpret this image as the completion of a previously started task. Some dream books say that if you saw yourself in a dream going to bed, this is a sign of divorce.

But that's not true. If in your family life everything is fine, you are not in danger of divorce. Something in your life must end that has already become a burden to you (or yourself). If you are not satisfied with your current job, then, most likely, soon after such a vision, you will change your place of work, and if you, for example, are tired of dancing, then in the near future you will replace this hobby with a more relevant one for yourself.

A dream in a dream is of particular importance when you dreamed that you were falling asleep or already sleeping in a place not intended for this. If you dreamed that you fell asleep on the floor and felt “I can’t wake up,” this suggests that in reality you lack a sense of your own security. This does not mean that you cannot stand up for yourself, but sleeping on the floor means a discrepancy between your “I want” and “I can” - in fact, you can do much more than you want to admit to yourself.

If you dreamed that you fell asleep on the floor, remember what that floor was like. If it was clean, perhaps this is a hint that you need to spend more time communicating with friends and household members. If in your dream you slept on dirty floor, is a call to put your affairs in order.

To see in your night dreams that you fell asleep on a dream means that fate will soon give you a good chance, you just need to be able to take advantage of it. To see yourself falling asleep in a hammock in the garden or in another pleasant place in the open air - you are in for a journey rich in impressions. If you dreamed that you were falling asleep while walking and feeling “I can’t wake up,” this means that you need to be more attentive in your affairs in order to prevent an annoying mistake.

If you dream that you fall asleep at the wheel while in motion, you feel “I can’t wake up,” and are afraid of getting into an accident, it means that in reality, on the contrary, you should not rush before making an important decision, you need to weigh everything carefully. But sleeping in a parked car in your own dreams, on the contrary, is very good. Such visions promise the acquisition of new, very useful business connections.

Holidays in strange places

When you have a dream within a dream, the scene may even turn out to be strange and not very pleasant - for example, if you dreamed that you were sleeping on. If in your dreams you fall asleep in a cemetery, do not be afraid. In your night dreams you saw yourself sleeping in a cemetery - thank fate for the timely warning.

Sleeping in a cemetery can be a dream if you need to be more attentive to your words and actions. If you saw yourself in a dream falling asleep in a cemetery, it is possible that you have already made a mistake, but it is not too late to correct everything. If you find yourself sleeping in a cemetery, then perhaps you need to be more careful about your health.

In your dreams, did you fall asleep in a cemetery, wanted to wake up, but felt “I can’t”? Pay attention to the inscriptions on the tombstone - perhaps the name on the gravestone will give a hint as to the name of the person who will come to your aid in difficult situation.

You may also dream that you are sleeping on. The medical dream book says: if in a dream you slept on the ground, it’s time for you to put your spine in order. People who suffer from chondrosis often dream of sleeping on the ground, and the solution to the problem can be a regular course of physiotherapy or massage.

But if you don’t have any health problems, then sleeping on the ground can mean finding solid ground under your feet. Sleeping on the ground in this case means earning the respect of colleagues and superiors and improving your financial condition.

Another interpretation of dreams in which you slept on the ground is that you don’t always need to act according to a template. If you dreamed of falling asleep on the ground, try to act unconventionally in a difficult situation - a positive result will not be long in coming.

If you dreamed that you fell asleep on the street and felt “I can’t get up,” - in reality you need to spend more time with your family, who really need you. Also, sleeping on the street may mean that you need to keep strict records of your spending. family budget- this will help strengthen the financial well-being of your family.

Did you have a new mysterious dream last night and want to understand its meaning? Convenient service: dream book - interpretation of dreams, which contains 100 of the best author's dream books and more than 250,000 interpretations. Using our dream books every day, you can analyze your present and future, understand your internal psychological state, and find the answer to your question.

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Dream calendar for today: March 15, 2020

Sagittarius is a sign of philosophy and religion, so today we are characterized by reflections on the existence of life. Dreams with the Moon in Sagittarius reflect your dreams and thoughts about your existence. They may also have a more general meaning, revealing the problems of the creation of the world. Dreams about travel are significant. They reflect your desire to see the world and your favorite places. Most often, you swim or fly, observing gorgeous natural panoramas or crowded places. If you are planning a real trip, you should pay attention to the signs. They will make your trip easier and avoid real dangers. Dreams with the Moon in Sagittarius can show the path of people who have left the Earth, including acquaintances and relatives. They are filled with spirituality and hidden meaning.

The period of the most unusual dreams. On full moon days, many dreams are prophetic. At the same time, they appear as tips for further actions, and predictions. If you encounter behavior that is unusual for yourself in a dream, then you need to change something in your life. In the 3rd lunar phase, dreams are often an indication of what needs to be changed in your life. Images tell us what evokes the strongest emotions. This is a hint to show restraint in certain situations and to restrain negative emotions.

Dream books in the online database

This section contains dozens of different:

  • Author's dream books Interpretation of dreams according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Freud, Yuri Longo, Phoebe, Azar, Kopalinsky, Loff, Catherine the Great, Simon Canaanite, Jung, Miss Hasse, Tsvetkov, Smirnov.
  • Dream Interpretations of the Peoples of the World(Russian, French, Jewish, English, Islamic, Italian, Muslim).
  • Ancient dream books(Assyrian, numerical Pythagoras, Egyptian, Chinese Zhou Gong, Persian Taflisi, Greek fabulist Aesop, the sorceress Medea, Vedic Sivananda).
  • Folk dream books - interpreters(Veles’s dream book, Russian folk dream book, dream book of healer Akulina, healer Maria Fedorovskaya, grandmother’s dream book of 1918, Ukrainian folk dream book).
  • Thematic dream books(star, astrological dream book, home, magical, children's, women's, idiomatic dream book, psychoanalytic, culinary, lunar, love, mythological, psychological, symbolic, modern, dream book of the 21st century, for the whole family, birthday people, yogis, health, subconscious, dream book Tarot, Black magic, esoteric, erotic, etc.).

Our dream book is intended for those who believe that every dreamed symbol means something, and for those who want to know their future. Don't brush off your dreams! They are your inner psychoanalyst; follow the plots and moods of your dreams. Read between the lines and everything will become clear. In this section of the site dedicated to dreams, a convenient system for searching for the meaning of a dreamed action, object or symbol has been implemented, making it quite easy to interpret dreams using a dream book. You can solve the dream in three ways: 1) in the alphabetical dictionary, 2) through the search form, 3) on the topic of the dream.

The interpretation of dreams is not unambiguous: the same circumstance can be interpreted in different ways. Therefore, in order for the meaning of the dream to be plausible, remember not only the general meaning of the dream, but the smallest nuances you saw. This will help you understand the secret of your night dreams. In addition, based on consideration different dream books– interpreters, you can add touches to the resulting picture. Online dream book from different authors on AstroMeridian.ru includes a very large collection of interpretations - more than 75 dream books, many of which are published only with us. Our dream book interpreter is offered to all inquisitive readers for free.

Pleasant dream

More often the question is: “If you dream about a person you like, what is this for?” - the girls ask. Young men dream less often about someone they have feelings for. So, such a dream does not bode well. If you dreamed that a young man you liked gave you flowers, then you should soon expect a close meeting, perhaps a date. If he takes a girl by the hand, then most likely she will become his lover. However, there is no need to rush time - let everything take its course.

Love dream book

If you dream of a person you like and he smiles, then it’s worth pushing him to take his first steps. If you dreamed of a quarrel with this person, you should avoid conflict situations, because you can quarrel in life. It is worth considering whether your feelings are strong with this young man if he hesitates between two sentences in a dream. A declaration of love from him means that in reality he is exhausted from the desire to hear about sympathy from the girl to whom this vision appeared in a dream. What does it mean if you dream of a person for whom you have strong feelings, and the action takes place in the registry office? This means that, most likely, this relationship will end with the registry office. However, we must not forget that dreams are often a reflection of thoughts.

Modern dream book

If you dream of a person you like, then this vision can be interpreted in different ways. When in real life a young man does not reciprocate, but in a dream the relationship is quite close, this dream is interpreted as a warning. You shouldn't try to win his heart. The relationship will simply turn into trouble. But if a guy is indifferent in a dream (as in real life), this, on the contrary, means that one should act, and actively. If you manage to win his heart, then for a long time. Also, if you dream of a person you like, this may simply mean longing for him: lack of communication or simply a desire to be together. After all, dreams are a reflection of our desires.

If a guy dreams of a girl...

Question: “If you dream about a person you like, what is this for?” - young people ask themselves too. Most likely, this dream means that feelings are really strong, and you want to find answers to questions that have long been bothering you about this. If a girl takes a guy by the hand in a dream and leads him somewhere, this most likely means that they will soon become a couple. However, the relationship should not be rushed. Luck will run out if you rush too much. Seeing a girl smiling and looking with a gentle gaze means that perhaps she will soon say something serious. Passion is very shy, and therefore it is worth helping her to speak out, but you should watch your actions and words. It happens that you dreamed of a girl to whom the sleeper is not indifferent, but she did not recognize him. This means she already has a boyfriend, and it’s useless to count on anything. If you dreamed about her calling you to go for a walk, this means that it’s time to sort out the relationship, since there are a lot of ambiguities and understatements in them.

A very unpleasant dream. It can be interpreted in different ways. However, often this dream simply symbolizes the fear of losing loved ones and loved ones.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from various dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little familiar, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one website, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of a dream on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed of and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at this time.

For even more clarity in the interpretation of your sleep, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles about how to find out the meaning of a dream, on what days prophetic dreams occur, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the full moon; at this time many dreams occur. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What you dreamed about on the waxing Moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days you have empty dreams, and which ones you have prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days, come true, but in 29, 1, 2, etc. - about practically nothing). Important dreams dream on dates of the month such as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Book of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings devoted to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


Searching for words in the online Dream Book of Juno service can be done either alphabetically or by specifying a search word. In the case of an alphabetical search, select the desired letter and from the list that appears the word that interests you.

When searching for the entered word, follow these rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
  • The search word must contain at least 2 letters.
  • You can only enter one search word.
  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word “tea”, the program will return an interpretation of the words “TEA” and “CASE”.
  • The case of the letters entered does not matter. For example, the entered words "hand", "ARM", "Hand" and "hand" will return the same search result.

The collection of our service includes more than 75 dream books, many of which are available only to us, including such well-known and popular sources as Miller’s dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first dream interpretation in the world), Vanga’s dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretations of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author’s dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zedkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of the site - the best), Russian noble Grishina's dream book, Tsvetkova, Loffa, Ivanova, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy-tale-mythological , esoteric, catchphrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book, self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of the dream that they were looking for.

The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

2008-2020 Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.