Gas power plants cost 1 kilowatt. Assessing the feasibility of investing in own generation. Differences of small energy

14.07.2020 Construction

At thermal power plants with combined cycle gas turbine units, emissions of nitrogen oxides and other greenhouse gases occur, for which we already have to pay. Nuclear power plants emit almost no greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The radiation background near nuclear power plants, determined mainly by krypton and xenon radionuclides, is significantly lower than natural.

The main disadvantages of existing nuclear power plant projects are high specific capital investments and long construction times. However, to increase the efficiency of nuclear power plants, there are significant reserves, which include reducing the material and labor intensity of design solutions for main buildings and structures, reducing the duration of design, construction, installation and commissioning work, optimizing the assembly block structure of structures and equipment.

The cost of thermal power plants with combined cycle gas turbine units is lower, and construction can be completed faster. However, in our opinion, this type of power generation has almost reached the limit of improving technical solutions and significant growth in economic efficiency. An important negative factor is the lack of unloaded main gas pipelines.

To obtain gas at the cost given in the article, you must first develop the field, build a gas pipeline and gas distribution stations with all the infrastructure. According to Gazprom JSC, investments in the construction of the Ukhta - Torzhok-2 gas pipeline (970 km, 45 billion m³/year) are estimated at 217 billion rubles. in 2010 prices. Taking into account annual inflation of 8% at prices at the end of 2015, this will amount to about 320 billion rubles. Then, according to our estimates, about 900 billion rubles will be required for the construction of the main gas pipeline from Bovanenkovo ​​to the gas distribution station in the Yaroslavl region and further to each thermal power plant site. At the same time, total investments in the construction of thermal generation and gas pipeline systems will exceed 1,800 billion rubles.

The issue of choosing a replacement option for power generation to replace nuclear power plants that are decommissioned remains controversial, requiring comprehensive feasibility studies.

In conclusion, we present excerpts from the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period until 2030.
The main problems of the fuel and energy complex include the high dependence of enterprises in the complex on imported technologies and equipment;
reducing the share of gas from 70% to 60–62% by the end of the third stage of implementation of the energy strategy;
nuclear energy has the ability to reproduce its own fuel base;
Energy security is one of the most important components of the country's national security.

List of sources used:

LCOE assessment: NPPs are still in the game // Atomic Expert, 2015 (based on materials from foreign press). Wholesale prices for gas produced by OJSC Gazprom and its affiliates sold to consumers Russian Federation based on the order of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia dated 06/08/2015 No. 218-e/3// www.–06– 30-ceny-krome-naselenia.pdf. Tariffing of carbon pollution has been launched, 11/30/2015// www.worldbank. org/ru/news/feature/2015/11/30/carbon-pricing-its-on-the-move O. Mordyushenko. “Gazprom assessed the alternative to South Stream,” 11.23.2015 // Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2030. Approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 13. 2009 1715-r.

This article is an example correct definition cost of electricity and calculation of the facility's payback.
Our company’s specialists will promptly carry out the necessary calculations for your individual facility and issue an opinion on the payback period, taking into account the specific features of the facility.

In the process of calculating the payback of a mini-CHP, it is extremely important to take into account all the costs that the owner will bear during the operation of a gas piston power plant. Unfortunately, not all companies offering the construction of mini-CHPs provide future owners with complete and up-to-date information about the cost of further maintenance, sometimes simply not having this information. When calculating the final cost of electricity produced, it is necessary to take into account not theoretical prices at the manufacturer, but the real cost of spare parts, taking into account their transportation and customs clearance.

This calculation is based on the example of a Siemens SGE-56SM power plant, since the cost of servicing Siemens gas piston power plants is one of the lowest in Russia. Due to this, this calculation provides an opportunity to evaluate the “starting data” at cost maintenance. Other power plants of comparable capacity will most likely be more expensive in their maintenance, but may benefit in the price of equipment.

The following initial data were used in the calculation:

To determine the final cost of generated electricity, a methodology is used that includes the main cost groups. It is very important not to forget to include all the main cost categories to determine the most complete final cost and further calculate the payback of mini-CHP:


The gas consumption for the Siemens SGE-56SL/40 power plant with a power of 1001 kW is 276.7 nm 3 per hour at 100% load. Thus, costs are determined by the formula:

Fuel consumption of a given calorific value * gas cost per 1000 nm 3 with VAT / 1000 nm 3 / power = 276.7 * 6000 / 1000 / 1001 = 1.66 rubles. per 1 kW*h.


In the Siemens SGE-56SL/40 gas piston power plant with a power of 1001 kW, oil changes must be carried out every 2500 operating hours, or less often, depending on operating conditions. The replacement oil volume is 232 liters. For calculations, we use the most common replacement period - 2500 hours. If during operation the interval is increased, this will only reduce the cost of electricity. The cost of changing the oil is determined by the formula:

Volume of oil changed * cost per liter / frequency of replacement / power = 232*230 /2500/1001=0.021 rub. per 1 kW*h.


Each gas piston power plant during its operation is faced with the need to replenish the oil lost due to its waste in the combustion chamber of the gas engine. The estimated amount of oil for waste is 0.2 grams for each kWh generated. The cost of oil waste is calculated using the formula:

Volume of oil per burn * cost of one liter / 1000 grams in one liter = 0.2* 230 / 1000 = 0.046 rub. per 1 kW*h.


To determine the total cost of spare parts, it is very important to consider all spare parts required for the entire life cycle of a gas piston power plant, including major overhauls. This approach is due to the fact that the estimated costs should ensure the uninterrupted operation of the power plant, both before and after major repairs. Otherwise, it would be necessary to buy a new power plant after each major overhaul. The calculation takes into account the sum of all spare parts replaced throughout the entire life cycle taking into account major repairs. For a Siemens power plant with a capacity of 1001 kW, the cost of all spare parts is 389,583 Euros with 20% VAT and customs clearance. It should be noted that spare parts, like oil, can be changed less frequently under favorable operating conditions, which again will only reduce the cost of the electricity produced.

The total cost of spare parts attributable to the cost of kWh is determined by the formula:

Cost of spare parts in euros* euro exchange rate / resource before major overhaul, hours / power = 389,583 Euro * 72 rub. / 60,000 / 1001 = 0.467 rub. per 1 kW*h. including the cost of major repairs (updating the power plant) every 60 thousand engine hours.


When calculating the costs of service work, you must remember that for the calculation you need to use the prices only of the organization that has official permission from the manufacturer to carry out these works. This will ensure not only the preservation of the warranty on the equipment, but also confirm that the organization will cope with complex work in the future, and will not limit itself to selling equipment and changing oil.

Separately, it is worth noting that you should not rely on the statements of some manufacturers who promise to teach customer service to the customer’s personnel. As a rule, after the sale of equipment, personnel are trained only to change oil, filters and spark plugs. All qualified work continues to be performed by personnel from a third party organization. This happens not only due to the fact that the work requires high qualifications, but also due to the fact that this work requires expensive professional tools, the total cost of which can be several million rubles. Therefore, the purchase of such a tool can only be afforded by a company that carries out maintenance of gas piston power plants on a massive scale, on an ongoing basis. At the same time, the implementation of simple service work by the customer’s personnel actually somewhat reduces the cost. However, the initial calculation should be carried out under the most severe baseline conditions.

For the Siemens SGE-56SL/40 power plant in question, the total cost of service, including major repairs, amounts to 73,557 Euros including VAT. The service component in the cost of electricity will be determined by the formula:

Amount of costs including major repairs * exchange rate / time until major repairs / capacity = 73,557 Euro * 72 rub. / 60,000 / 1001 = 0.088 rub. per 1 kW*h.


Let us determine the tax costs based on the average cost of construction of a mini-CHP in the amount of 50 million rubles. for 1 MW turnkey. Costs are determined by the formula:

Construction cost * tax percentage / 100 percent / capacity / 8000 operating hours per year = 50,000,000 * 2.2 / 100 / 1025 / 8000 = 0.13 rub. per 1 kW*h.


The inclusion of depreciation costs implies that during the operation of power plants, funds are depreciated that can be spent on a complete renewal of the power unit after its resource has been exhausted (3-4 major repairs, 240,000 - 300,000 operating hours). Costs are determined by the formula:

Construction cost / total resource / power = 50,000,000 / 240,000 / 1001 = 0.21 rub. per 1 kW*h.


In parallel with the generation of electrical energy, each power plant with a capacity of 1001 kW produces thermal energy in amounts of up to 1183 kW per hour. To produce the same amount of heat in a boiler room, it would be necessary to burn 130 nm 3 of gas with a calorific value of 33.5 MJ/nm 3, as mentioned earlier, gas is taken into account at a cost of 6,000 rubles. with VAT per 1000 m3. Thus, by recycling heat from a running engine, each power plant saves up to

130 * 6000 /1000 /1001 = 0.779 rub. per 1 kW*h.


The final cost is the sum of all costs for electricity production (gas, oil, service, work, taxes, depreciation) and cost savings due to heat recovery

  • Excluding recovered heat: RUB 1.66. + 0.021 + 0.046 + 0.467 + 0.088 + 0.13 +0.21 = 2.622 rub. per 1 kW*h. with VAT 20%
  • Taking into account the recovered heat: RUB 1.66. + 0.021 + 0.046 + 0.467 + 0.088 + 0.13 +0.21 - 0.779 = 1.834 rub. per 1 kW*h. with VAT 20%

Payback period calculation

A) Mini-CHP as an alternative to an external network

If the site does not have a full centralized power supply, it is necessary to calculate the payback period not of the entire mini-CHP, but of the difference between the cost of construction and the cost of organizing external power supply (connection, route, limits, etc.). At some sites, the cost of connecting an external network may be even higher than the cost of building a mini-CHP. Due to this, the payback of the project occurs immediately, upon the fact that the mini-CHP is put into operation. And with each kWh generated, the owner receives additional profit.

B) Mini-CHP as an addition to the external network

If the facility has already organized a full external power supply and a mini-CHP is considered only as an measure to reduce electricity costs, it is necessary to compare the costs of producing and purchasing electricity.

With the average cost of purchasing electricity from networks in the amount of 3.5 rubles. with VAT per 1 kWh, savings when generating 1 kWh of electricity, taking into account complete heat recovery, will be:

  • Cost of electricity from networks - cost of produced electricity = 6.0 - 1.834 = 4.166 rub. per 1 kW*h.
  • With uniform full capacity utilization per year, savings are made in the amount of:
  • Savings per kWh * 8000 working hours per year * power = 4.166 * 8000 * 1001 = 33.36 million rubles. per year


At the moment, as noted above, the average cost of constructing a turnkey project is from 50 million rubles. for 1 MW on a turnkey basis, depending on the power and composition of the equipment used.

Thus, with full utilization of electrical capacity and heat recovery, the payback period of one mini-CHP can be calculated as Construction amount / annual savings = 50 / 33.36 = 1.5 years.

As can be seen from the above calculations, the greatest impact on the final payback period is exerted by the costs of maintenance, oil and service work. Unfortunately, some manufacturers do not indicate in their catalogs real maintenance data (which is carried out every 1200 - 2000 engine hours), but rather certain theoretical maximums that are achievable only under ideal operating conditions. In a situation where the owner, having launched a power plant, is faced with reduced maintenance intervals, the expected payback sharply worsens. It is therefore critical to clarify whether the proposed maintenance program specifies minimum intervals that may be extended or theoretical limits that will be reduced. Our company has collected an extensive database of such offers, which we can provide to clients who carefully select equipment.

The prices indicated are current as of the end of 2019 and may vary slightly at the moment.

It’s worth saying right away that generator electricity is more expensive than electricity supply from an external network. But electrical appliances have become so deeply integrated into our everyday life that we cannot give up comfort and convenience.

The owner of a cottage who is unlikely to be puzzled by the cost of electricity. The situation is the same with generators for a picnic – there are simply no other options.

It's another matter if you plan to use the generator set on an ongoing basis. Business owners simply need to consider energy costs so as not to go broke. Sometimes it is cheaper to connect to central networks.

Let's say you have a generator with a rated power of 5.5 kW and a cost of 35 thousand rubles. Average term service life is 5000 hours. Let's take the cost of a liter of fuel as 40 rubles. When calculating 1 kW/hour, it is important to take into account the load level of the generator, as it will affect the final value.

First of all, let's take into account the costs of purchasing the generator itself - divide its cost by engine hours. 35000/5000 = 7 rubles/hour.

Then Let's calculate the cost of 1 kW at:

100% load: 2.5 l/hour * 40 rub./ 5.5 kW = 18.18 rub. Taking into account the cost of the generator, the total the cost of kW/hour will be 18.18 + 7 = 25.18 rubles.

50% load: 1.8 l/hour *40 rub./ 2.75 kW = 26.18 rub. Taking into account the cost of the generator, the total the cost of kW/hour will be 33.18 rubles.

With constant use, maintenance costs should also be included in the expense line. Changing oil, filters, spark plugs, etc. Therefore, estimate the annual maintenance costs of the generator and include them in the cost of kW.

Let's sum it up

The cost of 1 kW of electricity from a generating set is higher than from central networks. If you plan to use the generator as an additional or backup source, you don’t have to think about it.

Prices on the website are not final and cannot be considered an offer, and are indicated for informational purposes only. Final prices are indicated in rubles in the official proposal or contract.

Calculate prices for gas piston units, taking into account imported engines, order through the application form on the website!

(Accelerated depreciation on gas generators for electricity generation - until the first repair)

Constant power supply from mini power station

Engine model
Number of installations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 total installed electrical power of the installation kW
Heat cogenerationno yes
Containerno yes
Fuel and main gas, gas tariff rub. per 1 m 3 *separator is a dot, not a comma! for example=> 4.34 not 4.34
Cost of electricity tariffs (tariff for electricity from the network, for comparison) rub. for 1 kWh *separator is a dot, not a comma! for example=> 5.85 not 5.85
Gas piston power plants, pricesrub.
Commissioning of a gas piston power plant, costrub.
Total cost of gas piston plantsrub.
expense item (electricity costs) parameter dimension time hour. price, rub./quantity cost, rub. notes
fuel consumption per day m 3 /hour 24 utilization factor 70% (capacity capacity)
Amount of fuel - electricity costs over the depreciation period m 3 /hour 20 000 utilization factor 70% (capacity factor)
oil consumption over the depreciation period0,3 g/kWh20 000 80 rub per liter (wholesale) utilization factor (electricity consumption) 70% (capacity capacity)
power plant - cost of equipment over the depreciation period rub20 000
total cost of gas piston units over the depreciation period rub20 000 materials only
Maintenance for gas piston power plants, prices rub7 times no travel allowances
maintenance materials for gas piston units, prices rub7 times approximately
current repairs, preventive maintenance power plant, cost rub1 time
power generation kW20 000 kWh for 2.5 years at a load of 70% for electricity consumption
Total total cost of electricity over the depreciation period (2.5 years) rub20 000 with materials and maintenance
total electricity costs (tariff rub./kWh) kW*hour20 000
full cost of electricity kW*hour (accelerated depreciation) rub 20 000 utilization factor for electricity consumption 70% (capacity capacity)
cost price of kWh after 2.5 years of operation (after depreciation) rub 20 000 utilization factor for electricity consumption 70% (capacity capacity)
net savings on the cost of electricity at a tariff of rubles/kWh per month rub
recoupment of the cost of the power plant (approximately) month when used with coefficient. 0.7

* the cost of electricity does not take into account the heat produced by gas generators for generating electricity
or otherwise: the cost of heat in this calculation is zero (everything is included in the cost of electricity)

**all calculations are approximate for an approximate assessment of the economics of the project when gas generators are used to generate electricity

for more accurate calculation- place a request! Order a consultation or make an application. TCH within 1-2 days

Preliminary calculation of leasing payments

*at a tariff of RUB per kWh

**all calculations are approximate for an approximate assessment of the project’s economics

You can choose the installation for your needs yourself, just fill out the electronic form. When choosing the right option, pay attention to the notes - they will help you make the most accurate calculation. Also, on any question you can consult with us: call the specified toll-free number and get advice from our specialist.

Accurate calculation - affordable prices

When choosing a gas power plant, you will be convinced that prices for gas piston units are quite affordable, and quick payback and energy savings will quickly solve your problems with high tariffs from the networks. To verify this, enter the cost of a cubic meter of gas and a kilowatt-hour of electricity into the appropriate columns of the calculator: you will find out how much you will be able to save by purchasing the equipment, and how many months it will take to fully pay for it.

In most cases, the costs of purchasing equipment can be covered within 1.5 years. Fast and profitable, especially considering that gas piston units are not overpriced:

  • the production process and installation on the gas generators we produce to generate electricity takes 2-3 months;
  • To increase the efficiency factor of the power plant, an expensive fuel system is installed.

An individual calculation is the only way to find out the cost of gas piston installations, since the amount depends on whether you need heat cogeneration and whether you want to purchase a container for installation.

Heat cogeneration allows you to obtain two types of energy when processing fuel: thermal and electrical.

The container is needed to protect gas generators for generating electricity, as well as to ensure the possibility of rapid transportation to a new facility. It is equipped with an alarm and fire extinguishing system in case of an emergency.

Purchasing a generator is an easy way to solve energy problems. One of best options– gas piston power plants: their cost is lower than the price of turbine units.

Please remember that the calculator is designed to give you an estimate. An exact calculation will be made by our specialist based on your application. Contact us!

Please note that this website is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes a public offer as defined by the provisions of Article 437 (2) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For detailed information on the availability and cost of these goods and/or services, please contact by phone and email


Changes in the management of the Russian economy have caused an increase in interest in small-scale energy projects. It became clear to the consumer that during the period while RAO UES of Russia is busy with its restructuring, and for a long time after that, one should not hope to receive reliable and cheap energy supply from the big power industry, especially for new facilities. The cost of building your own power plant in Moscow and the Moscow region turns out to be the same as the cost of connecting to the Mosenergo system.

Large energy consumers have enough funds to hire qualified experts to estimate the cost of constructing their own energy facilities or to select options for cooperation with energy systems on joint participation in the reconstruction of generating and network facilities.

But specialists and managers of small businesses and municipalities need to navigate the choice of energy-efficient projects themselves.

Technical literature and popular publications are littered with various recommendations for the use of small and alternative energy, incl. on the use of wind, solar installations, micro-hydroelectric power stations, small thermal power plants using biofuels and all sorts of rubbish. Undoubtedly, all suitable power plant options must be considered out of a million...

However, recommendations based on the proven experience of Western countries are often economically unjustified in Russia, and the payback period for conventional CHP projects in Russia is sometimes two times or shorter than in the United States. This article makes another attempt to determine the “areas” of application different options small thermal power plants in Russia.

The main difference between small energy

Energy supply from large power plants requires the presence of electrical and thermal networks through which energy is transmitted a large number consumers divided by categories of consumption reliability, consumption volumes, social status and, accordingly, tariffs. The need to build and operate networks doubles or triples the cost of energy received by end consumers both here and abroad.

A small thermal power plant is built for one or a group of consumers united in local network. Since an individual small consumer has a minimal network length, in further analysis we will consider only the cost of generation and modes of energy use by the consumer himself.

Big energy as a guide

When considering projects for the construction of small thermal power plants, power engineers and enterprise specialists are guided by the indicators achieved in the large energy sector. In the big power industry, increasingly complex electricity generation schemes are being used. The efficiency of power plants is also increasing, mainly due to the use and complexity of power plants with combined cycle units.

If the efficiency of steam turbine power plants stood at 42% for about 40 years, then the efficiency of power plants with a complex cycle, including electric generators with gas turbine and steam turbine drives, in 1993 had a “ceremonial” efficiency = 51.5%, and three years ago, i.e. e. in 2003, the efficiency of such installations (in the West) increased to 56.5%, i.e. grew by 0.5% per year. And the prospects for increasing the efficiency of conventional “thermal” energy are still great.

Differences of small energy

For obvious reasons, we exclude nuclear power plants and solar power plants (SPP) from consideration. Of course, only a lazy summer resident in Russia did not install solar water heater for the shower. As for solar power plants, we and the North Caucasus have less sun than in California, and in California the cost of “green energy” from solar power plants is twice as high as from traditional power plants.

It is expensive to build a good coal-fired thermal power plant with a capacity of less than 10 MW. But the Danes are building boiler houses and thermal power plants that burn wood waste and even straw. But in Russia the wheat yield is lower and straw is more difficult to collect (A.M. Mastepanov). It is more difficult to collect and burn city garbage. Such projects must be quite large. Let’s not delve into hydrogen energy either.

Newfangled hydrogen energy will not be able to keep up with conventional energy in terms of efficiency. Yes, small thermal power plants using hydrogen with direct conversion of hydrogen energy in electrochemical generators must be reliable (no high-temperature surfaces and a lot of rotating units - turbines, generators, pumps), environmentally friendly in fact, because catalytic oxidation of hydrogen produces only H2O emissions.

However, in terms of cost and overall efficiency, hydrogen energy is not yet “compared” to conventional energy. The Americans themselves finally wrote about this openly two years ago. And besides, in a conventional gas turbine unit (GTU), in which natural gas is burned (natural gas and air are supplied to the burner through compressors under pressure), and high-temperature gases spin up a power turbine, compressor and electric generator.

Air is supplied to the gas turbine in excess: it acts as a “working fluid” in the turbine, and part of it is simply used to cool the burner walls and turbine blades. In the last two decades, gas turbine units have been built in which air is partially replaced by water or steam. At the same time, the efficiency of the gas turbine unit increased by one and a half times, and the specific power of the unit increased by one and a half to two times (at the same volumes).

At modern technologies in such cycles, an electrical efficiency of 64% is achievable (such an efficiency is not planned in hydrogen energy...) In fact, a complex steam-gas cycle is implemented in one turbine unit! In addition, harmful emissions of nitrogen oxides (NO X) are significantly reduced. What if oxygen, rather than air, is supplied to the turbine? Then nitrogen will not enter the combustion chamber and there will be no nitrogen oxides.

Oxygen is becoming cheaper and cheaper to obtain due to the development of membrane technologies. According to information leaked to the Internet, development of such a project is underway in the United States, and perhaps by the end of 2006 or early 2007 there will be test results. Well, just a “balm for the soul” for environmentalists! These achievements are again not for us! Neither RAO UES of Russia nor the state finances such “breakthrough” projects. In small-scale power generation, it is inappropriate to consider the possibility of using complex combined cycle schemes of combined cycle gas turbine units for electricity production. Let's limit ourselves to simple solutions.

Small thermal power plants for Russia

It is more profitable to generate both electricity and heat at a thermal power plant than to separately generate heat at a boiler house and separately generate electricity at a power plant. The gain in fuel use is 30%! Everyone needs thermal power plants! Thermal power plants, which supply heat and electricity, generate about 60% of all electricity in Russia. Russia is the coldest of all the great powers.

But here’s the difference: we basically need more heat than other countries! And with such a requirement, super-high electrical efficiency is not needed, i.e. it is possible to use simpler and cheaper power plants. In many industries, year-round heat costs are higher than electricity costs. The population only needs heat in summer for hot water supply, and this is only 15-20% of winter consumption.

Shopping centers and large office buildings also require cooling (air conditioning) in Russia in the summer. And in these cases, more electricity is needed, i.e. The electrical efficiency of the CHP plant should be higher. What is the choice of power generating units for a small thermal power plant (or thermal power plant)?

Steam turbine units - PTU (any fuel for the boiler)

  • Russian steam turbine plants. The smallest with good efficiency, but with a power of at least 500 kW at a cost of just over $300/kW. (there are others, but with low efficiency and unknown reliability);
  • American steam turbine units: 50 and 150 kW at a cost of 450-500 $/kW. Don’t forget to build a steam boiler at a cost of approximately $50/kW with all the accessories (if you don’t have a steam boiler).

Conventional gas turbine units - gas turbine units (fuel: gas or diesel fuel)

To obtain heat, flue gas recovery boilers are needed (the unit cost is comparable to steam boilers).

  • Russian gas turbine units with a capacity of 2500 kW and above, the cost is approximately $600/kW. Efficiency = 24% and higher with increasing power;
  • Ukrainian gas turbine units with the same indicators (there are also ones with water injection into the turbine to increase power and efficiency);
  • others, but more expensive.

It is possible to use a gas turbine unit with a lower power, but this reduces reliability (gearboxes are used) and sharply increases the specific cost of 1 kW of installed power.

Unusual gas turbines

Sold in Russia high-speed gas turbine units(made in the USA and Europe). Their powers: 30; 70; 100 and 200 kW. With low efficiency = 17-22%. Expensive, more than $1000/kW (!), but very good for remote “points” because they are lightweight... High-frequency noise is easily suppressed! Electricity generating units with piston drive(on gasoline, diesel fuel and natural gas). Power ranges from several kW to 6000 kW in one unit or more. In terms of efficiency (up to 43%) they exceed gas turbines and steam turbines in all power ranges. In terms of maneuverability and independence from weather conditions, they are better than turbines. And the service life of piston units is two to three times longer than that of turbines. The unit cost depends on the power of the units. Gas piston electric generating units (powered by gas) cost significantly more than diesel engines.

Alternative energy

From alternative energy sources, our only choice is hydroelectric power plants (HPP) and wind power plants (WPP).

Small hydroelectric power stations

There are excellent Russian hydroelectric generators. With capacities of 1-5 MW, the cost of equipment is about $300/kW. But don't forget about the cost of constructing a dam, building, etc. There are hose and floating power plants. The cost of this equipment is more expensive. Most rivers are flat and building a dam of considerable height is a problem... And in winter the rivers in Russia freeze. And there is a way out. An underwater hydroelectric power station can be built on a large river. To do this, you need to install hydroelectric generators on the barge, similar to wind turbines. Bring the barge along the river to the village, connect it with a cable to the shore and... flood it so that the upper edge of the hydrogenerator blades does not reach the bottom in winter. This expensive solution may be acceptable for some northern village, where the cost of fuel is five times higher than in Moscow.

Wind power units have always been classified as small-scale energy. But over the past 10 years, the power of individual wind turbines has increased from 350-500 to 3500 kW. At the same time, their cost decreased from 1500 to 900 $/kW. Onshore and offshore “based” wind farms with dozens of units with a combined capacity of more than 40 MW have already been built. This is in Denmark and Germany.

Back in 1992, we installed a 1000 kW unit in Kalmykia. But it didn’t work, either because the bearings burned out, or because the USSR was gone. The Danes were ready to sell us a used wind farm with a capacity of 350 kW for pennies (three to four times cheaper with a six-year guarantee, but bad luck - wind speeds in Denmark (practically an island) on all sides are about 8 m/s, and on the Russian plains it is only 3-5 m/s. At such speeds, the developed power will be ( 8 / 5 )3 = 4.7 times less!

And when will this cheapness pay off! Of course, in our North there are wind speeds of more than 8 m/s, but will Danish plastic blades (designed for year-round above-zero temperatures) withstand our frosts of -50°C? What about the oil in the gearbox? What about electronics? Sometimes there is no wind. Then you need to combine a wind farm with a diesel power plant. One of the options proposed by Russian engineers is to use most of the energy from wind farms for heating.

Indeed, the stronger the wind in winter, the more heat is “blown out” from the house, but the more energy (to the cubic degree!) the windmill provides. Moreover, it is possible not to stabilize the frequency and voltage, but to supply such completely “non-GOST” electricity directly to a water boiler or simply to electric heaters. The design of the electric generator will be much cheaper. No gearbox needed.

You can install airplane-type blades “without rotation speed limitation” even in a storm. But this is a special task. For those places where fuel is delivered by the Northern Sea Route. Low-speed wind farms are currently being invented in Russia different types. But the cost of small-scale wind farms is and will be higher than in Denmark, where a national wind farm industry and their mass production have been created. This is a Danish “trick” and Danish pride.

However, the Danish government stopped subsidizing the construction of wind farms in 2002, because in reality the cost of electricity from wind farms was significantly higher than electricity obtained from conventional thermal energy. Look at the picture of how expensive electricity is in Denmark.

Comparison of costs of various power plants

Comparisons of the costs of various power plants, normalized to 1 kW, have been published infrequently in the technical literature. Such an article was published about 20 years ago by E.M. Perminov and a few years ago a similar comparison was made by P.P. Armless. These are well-known specialists in non-traditional energy in Russia. Over the past decades, the cost of conventional thermal power plants and nuclear power plants has increased, while the cost of solar and wind power plants has decreased significantly. Below is a cost comparison for thermal power plants.


In Moscow, in addition to Mosenergo, new combined cycle thermal power plants (Moscow City and others, 160-200 MW), gas turbine power units (domestic power units of 6-10 MW or more) are being installed at district thermal stations and boiler houses, t .e. boiler houses are being converted into thermal power plants. New shopping complexes around Moscow and in Moscow are acquiring their own “trigeneration” power plants (electricity + heat + cold) with a capacity of 4-6 MW using foreign-made gas piston power units.

Questions are periodically raised about the construction of new waste processing plants and thermal power plants with waste incineration in Moscow, Ryazan and other cities. In previous years, several foreign-made wind power plants were supplied with foreign grants to the coast near St. Petersburg and near Kaliningrad. But there are no joyful reports yet regarding solar power plants within Russia.

In the foreseeable future, conventional electric power generation based on gas-fired thermal power plants in Russia will remain a very profitable business, given that the cost of electricity and heat in a number of regions of Russia has approached world prices, and the cost of natural gas is still five times lower than in Europe and in for the foreseeable future it will always be half the price (due to the difference in shipping costs).

You need to build your own thermal power plant now, if there is gas. In other cases, consider your options. Graphs and tables are taken from the literature listed below. The remaining figures in the estimates are given from the author’s memory from his own estimates and publications of Russian and foreign experts.

  1. Don’t ignore network costs. Michael Brown. Director ofWADE and Editor of COSPP. Cogeneration & On-Site Power Production. July-August 2005.
  2. Reforming district heating in European countries with a transition economy. “Restructuring district heating in Europe’s transition economies”, COSPP, July-August 2005, Sabine Froning and Norela Constantinescu.