Cheated with my husband's friend. Cheating on a wife with her husband's friend: reasons and further actions. Introduction and thoughts out loud

28.04.2021 Electrics

Cheated on my husband with a friend

I had to be convinced of this when my husband and I’s feelings began to fade, our relationship deteriorated, and to top it all off, I also committed adultery. And she did it with someone with whom you should never cheat on your husband: with his good friend.

Introduction and thoughts out loud

I didn't think this would happen to me. It’s not that I’m categorically against cheating - it seems to me that after 10 years of marriage, thoughts about going outside arise more often than I would like. Moreover, our relationship with my husband resembled the relationship of neighbors: we ate separately, each spent the evenings at his own computer, and even the child did not bring us closer, but drove us even further apart, because we both fought for his attention and love and at the same time did not want to do it together. Any of us probably thought about divorce in those days, and this word was often heard in scandals. However, no one was in a hurry to put words into action, because sometimes when we attended some events, we were called perfect couple, and my friends claimed that our couple was simply in crisis family life, which happens every few years. They were jealous of me and did not understand why I stopped appreciating my husband. At some point, I myself stopped understanding whether my love had passed or had never existed.

How did it happen

The betrayal happened in an incredibly banal way. Once again we tried to get together as families with my husband’s friend and his wife. Usually the four of us went to our dacha for a barbecue, after which either our couple or theirs would quarrel and ruin the evening. The same thing was supposed to happen this time, only a friend went with us alone, because he and his wife managed to quarrel before leaving. We left the child with his parents and the three of us went to the dacha, I don’t know why. My husband started drinking immediately upon arrival. Probably, due to the absence of his friend’s wife, he decided that he could treat me like an empty place, so a quarrel was inevitable. However, my husband’s friend behaved like a gentleman and protected his friend from unnecessary attacks in my direction. However, once the alcohol exceeded permissible norm, my husband finally lost his temper and even wanted to raise his hand against me. His friend, of course, calmed him down and my husband decided that since we were together, he would leave us alone. Having gotten behind the wheel drunk, my husband drove off, and my friend and I were left alone, not knowing what to do - either follow him, or wait until he cools down and returns. I burst into tears, my husband’s friend calmed me down and advised me not to pay attention to the words and actions of a drunk man. The kiss was on mutual initiative, and then... Then I don’t really remember exactly how it all happened. We had sex, and managed to do it before I thought I was doing something wrong. Anger at my husband overpowered the rules of decency, the sex was fast and very hot. Afterwards we smoked for a long time and were silent. The husband returned about a couple of hours later - angry, sober, with a dull look. The three of us got ready and drove home, almost silently. After sex, we never even talked to my husband’s friend, as for their relationship with her husband - they continued to communicate with each other, although not as often as before.

Tell the truth or remain silent

The thought of cheating with my husband’s friend was constantly following me on my heels. It overtook me everywhere: when I served my husband dinner, when we went with the child to the playground, and it was especially difficult to restrain myself when my husband was talking on the phone with that same friend. It’s good that sex with my husband’s friend did not affect my feelings, I was not in love with my friend, and the betrayal happened more out of revenge for my husband’s behavior and for the fact that my marriage was not as happy as I wanted. I had a choice: remain silent or tell my husband the truth. In principle, there was nothing to lose except my marriage, which was already lost. So I made up my mind and at the first opportunity, when we were alone, I told him everything. At first, my husband’s reaction was inadequate - he said that I had made it all up in order to humiliate him. Then, when he realized that I was not lying, the aggression began. He cursed me, my friend, and demanded a divorce. Then we sat down and talked for a long time. We began to figure out all the aspects of the relationship that did not suit us. All the grievances accumulated over several years of marriage were subjected to careful analysis. The showdown was stormy, but we started talking, some emotions awoke, and I realized that our marriage could be saved if we managed to fan the smoldering embers of feelings and try to understand each other.

What will happen to the relationship?

In our case, the fact that I cheated on my husband with a friend benefited our relationship, although to the detriment of male friendship. My husband again saw me as a woman - desirable, demanding attention. I, in turn, realized that my husband really loves me, because he was able to forgive the betrayal with his friend. Sometimes even the worst situations have a positive impact on relationships. But if you start solving problems that exist in your couple earlier, then you won’t have to hurt anyone. It is possible to solve problems in relationships in a timely manner, the main thing is to start discussing them, and not wait for a situation that could harm them.

Cheating on your wife with your husband's friend is not an uncommon situation. Not only is it a favorite scenario of TV series directors, but it is also a completely unsightly reality, since, according to statistics, women quite often choose their husband’s friend as a lover (permanent or one-time). The leaders among the lovers of married women, of course, are work colleagues (up to 35% of all female infidelities), but adultery with the spouse’s friends also accounts for a significant share - up to 22%. In this case, three people find themselves in a difficult situation at once - a husband, a wife and a friend. Everyone loses more than they gain, but the most difficult thing, of course, is for the deceived husband, because for him this is a double betrayal. In this article we will look at the features and reasons for such betrayal and tell you whether it is worth forgiving and how to do it if this does happen.


It is difficult to say what will be more difficult for a man - to forgive his wife who cheated, or to forgive his friend. It so happens that male friendship is always more monolithic than female friendship, and the betrayal of a friend for a man can be a much more painful fact than the adultery of his wife. The world literally collapses for the husband, because he has the illusion that he can no longer trust anyone in him - neither friends, nor women.

For the wife, the situation can turn out differently- it all depends on the degree of her feelings for her legal spouse and his comrade. For best friend revealed betrayal most likely means the end of friendship, no matter how many years it has been - biologically polygamous males do not get along in the same territory, and therefore further communication will be almost impossible.

The deceived spouse, as soon as the first sharp and sudden pain subsides a little, will definitely undertake an internal analysis of the reasons why his wife decided to do such an act. At the same time, he will almost internally justify his friend’s action - he understands that there are situations when it is beyond man’s strength to refuse an opportunity and not use it. But he is unlikely to be able to understand why his friend did not remember his duty to him.

A wife who cheats on her husband with his friend, or a girl who cheats on her boyfriend with his friend, and even a pensioner who unexpectedly leaves her elderly husband for his friend from school - this is a cruel reality. And a woman always has a reason for adultery.

Sociologist and President of the Association of Sociologists of the Russian Federation Andrei Zaitsev, who, unfortunately, died in 2015, studied the psychology of adultery in Russia. He tried to find the underlying reasons that push men and women to infidelity. Numerous sociological studies that he conducted showed that in their imagination, up to 59% of the fair sex are cheating on their husbands. In practice, about 25% of women do this. Moreover, most often, betrayal is one-time in nature (80%), much less often women maintain a long-term intimate relationship with their lover.

Why husband's friend? Because he is more likely than other men to be in the same company with their spouses, because with long and close friendships, people usually become “family” friends, because he is well known to the woman and they have quite a lot in common. Sometimes wives even consult with their husband’s best friend - first about what to buy their husband as a gift, and then about family problems, asking for advice. More often, such betrayal occurs involuntarily, under the influence of the situation, it is not planned - they drank too much, found themselves alone in some difficult or tragic circumstances, etc.

A fairly common reason is boredom.– the woman has a lot of free time, and the relationship with her husband began to fade away, an inevitable adaptation to each other occurred, the feelings are no longer the same, sex has lost its novelty, grievances have accumulated over the years. If at the same time the husband’s friend is nearby more often than the husband himself, then trouble is not far away, especially since the husband has no time all the time, and a friend is always ready to listen to the woman, especially if he likes her.

Another question is why do your friends' wives always seem more attractive than your own? It is difficult to explain, most often the reason is the desire to feel adrenaline, to please someone other than his own legal wife, as well as the natural rivalry inherent in men for the possession of a large number of females. No matter how much we talk about the consciousness and dominance of man over the natural world, the actions and actions of people are very often latently governed by the ancient laws of the animal world. And you can't get away from this.

According to sociologists and psychologists, a woman has other reasons for cheating:

  • dissatisfaction with the quality or quantity of sex in marriage;
  • betrayal for betrayal - mirror revenge on the husband for similar behavior;
  • self-affirmation, increasing one’s own self-esteem;
  • lack of common interests, a common goal with the spouse;
  • real new feelings.

It should be noted that it is not so often that people truly fall in love with their husband’s friend. But if this happens, then it is usually impossible to stop a woman from breaking up her family. In other cases, women who are more attached to the home feel guilty and are not ready for divorce.

The risk factors that a man should pay attention to are varied. More often than others, women who have received more high level education than their spouse, those who earn more, financially independent women, women who very rarely see their husband due to his employment, as well as those who face a chronic lack of understanding on the part of their legal spouse.

The danger of such betrayal is obvious: in it, crime is just a stone's throw away. In a state of strong passion, a man can deal with both his friend and his wife, which often happens.

What to do?

A lot for the man and the other participants in the adultery depends on how and under what circumstances the betrayal was discovered. The most dangerous situation is that the husband returned ahead of time and found his wife and his friend in an unambiguous situation. It is in such situations that spontaneous murders most often occur.

If at the same time the man managed to cope with the desire to grab knives and axes, then he should leave the apartment or the place where he found the lovers as soon as possible. There is no point in making a scandal or trying to figure out what is happening. At least not now.

If the husband did not witness the betrayal, but the information reached him and it was justified and confirmed, then the forecasts for lovers are much more favorable. The deceived husband, again, is not recommended to immediately arrange a trial.

Important decisions are never made on " hot head" It’s better to go into the shadows for a while and calmly deal with yourself and answer all your questions. You can sit out at the dacha, with another friend, in your parents’ house, or, as a last resort, in a hotel. A couple of weeks is the minimum that is necessary so as not to do anything stupid.

At first there will be denial, an unwillingness to accept reality as it is. Then the stage of protest will begin - it is important not to cope with this stage alone. Let there be someone nearby who can stop you from making erroneous actions - a brother, a comrade, a neighbor, a work colleague.

Only when the understanding comes that everything is real, that it exists and will not go anywhere, you need to decide what to do next.

It is unlikely that friends will advise you to forgive your offending wife. This, in the understanding of most men, is unacceptable. But there will be a lot of advice on how to deal with people already in a sophisticated and cruel way. ex-friend. Is this what you want to hear? Most likely not. If going to a psychologist or psychotherapist is beyond your strength, you will have to make a decision on your own.

Try to isolate yourself, look at the situation from the outside, on behalf of each of the participants. Make an appointment with your wife - you definitely need to talk, even if you no longer intend to save the family. Should I make an appointment with a friend? It’s up to you to decide, but he’s unlikely to say anything original; most of his comrades who are caught committing adultery begin to shift the blame for what happened to their wife, and sometimes even blame the deceived husband for not listening to advice when he chose this woman as his companion life. If you need to talk to a former friend, talk, but under no circumstances try to provoke a fight or violence. Only calm tone, no charges.

It is important for your wife and you to try together to figure out why everything happened. If the husband himself has indirectly created conditions favorable to adultery, he must honestly and openly admit this. Insulting or beating a woman is beneath the dignity of a real man, and therefore it’s definitely not worth stooping to the level of the marginalized.

After the first conversation, it will become clear whether it is worth forgiving the spouse and saving the family, or whether it will be better for everyone if the couple separates.

Is it worth forgiving and how to do it?

Is it possible to forgive your wife in this situation? Can. Is it possible to save a family? That's possible too. But you should clearly understand whether this is necessary. The fact is that forgiveness in itself is not an instantaneous thing, it comes gradually, consciously, you still need to “live” for it. If a woman refuses dialogue and wants a divorce, there is no need to humiliate herself. There is no point in making her humiliate herself if she is begging for forgiveness. Reveling in the sight of a crying woman crawling on her knees is psychological sadism.

If a woman is determined to save the family, take a time out to think about it, don’t rush. In addition to the unpleasant and difficult act, your wife is also important to you in some way: she good man, excellent mother, caring wife. This can sometimes outweigh the grievances. Take into account the fact that she herself may terribly repent of what she did. Does she have room for error? What about you? If you are a reasonable person and understand that all people have the right to make mistakes, it is time to answer the question of whether you will forgive her.

No one in the world is obligated to meet anyone's expectations. What happened has already happened. And whether to accept it or not is only your decision.

Men often depend on public opinion, and much more of the fairer sex. They are worried about what friends and comrades, relatives and neighbors will say if the fact of their spouse’s infidelity with a friend has already become public knowledge. And they, most likely, will say he is a henpecked and weak-willed person, since he was able to stay and live on with this woman. You need to honestly answer the question - what is more valuable: the opinion of society or the relationship with a specific woman. If the latter, then there is no need to look around at those around you.

If everything inside is against the idea of ​​going to bed with this woman again, sitting at the same table, then you should not return to the relationship. If you want to save your family, act boldly. Forgiveness in such a situation requires great courage and generosity from a man, great love for his family, for his wife.

Remember that once you forgive, you should never return to this topic. With a friend, you may have to sever not only friendly, but also business relations, if there were any. But the relationship with my wife, on the contrary, will have to be built anew. And exclusively together, the two of us, having “worked on our mistakes.”

The method proposed by Abraham Harold Maslow, an American psychologist and founder of the school of humanistic psychology, will be very useful at this stage. He proposed replacing one negative thought form with two useful and creative actions. The method is called effective action, it is widely used in the psychotherapy of loss, disappointment and other painful problems that can be difficult to overcome.

How it works: in the morning, at breakfast, the husband remembered his wife’s unpleasant act and threw an offensive word at her. After this, he must do two real constructive things, for example, help his neighbor in the garage change the starter on his car completely free of charge, and also go to his mother-in-law and, of his own free will, offer her help in painting the walls in the storage room. For every negative action there must be a positive reaction. Gradually, unpleasant memories are forced out of memory. Naturally, you won’t be able to forget completely, but it helps a lot to take your mind off your suffering.

There is no need to humiliate your wife, set your own conditions for her, completely control her and suspect her of infidelity until old age. Remaining silent is also a sure way to divorce. Try to understand and respect her as a person, as your companion, as the mother of your children.

It will be difficult to establish sexual contacts; technical difficulties may arise with the actual fulfillment of marital duties. If, six months after the betrayal, you cannot establish an intimate life with your wife on your own, you should consult a psychotherapist - such conditions can be corrected by hypnotherapy and other techniques.

Preventing Infidelity

If you are a lucky person who is lucky enough to have both a beautiful wife and a best friend in your life, take care of them and try to keep the relationship between all of them at the proper level. It is important from the very beginning to define the boundaries of what is permissible for a friend and for a spouse - their meetings without your presence, in fact, are not needed by anyone. If, of course, you ended up in the hospital and they both came to visit the patient, then this is understandable.

Try to be closer to your wife, always support her point of view in disputes with your best friend, “play along” with her. If a woman feels support from her husband, she is unlikely to covet his friend. And the comrade himself will quickly understand that this territory is “taboo” for him.

Solve your personal problems with your wife, not with a friend, do not discuss them behind her back with a friend. In quarrels, it is better to deal with her, listen to her and do not leave the dialogue, otherwise she will find “free ears” in the person of your close friend.

Be vigilant at joint holidays, especially if they take place at a set table or outdoors with alcoholic accompaniment. Do not quarrel with your wife after a glass of alcohol, do not leave her alone for a long time, do not offend her, especially in front of friends, so as not to create the ground for a friend to stand up for her or begin to express his sympathy for her. In such favorable soil, the seeds of adultery quickly grow.

Try to trust both, and show them this - it is important that both the friend in your family and your spouse feel personal responsibility for the trust placed in them.

For more information on the reasons why your wife cheated on you with her husband's friend, watch the following video.

Dear women! If you are reading this article and your family is dear to you, learn one rule: never, under any circumstances, try to cheat on your husband with his friend! You will read the consequences in this article. They are sometimes terrible.

Dear men! Take seriously your choice in life: your best friend and your spouse, because if they mutually cheat sexually, your psyche will not be envied. And you wouldn’t do such stupid things in life for which you would have to pay heavily.

Your best friend is the main instigator of your wife's infidelity

Why would such betrayal be so difficult for a man? As you know, male friendship is stronger than female friendship. Men often trust a friend not only with secrets, but also share a lot with them: common leisure, business, and much more. Not coming to the rescue of your comrade in difficult times is considered the same betrayal as treason.

In a situation where a husband finds his wife in bed, for the man the main instigator of the incident will be his friend. Okay with her walking, but how could HE? For a man, the world will collapse only because there will be no trust in such a person in anything else.

The worst thing is that this situation smells very strongly of crime. In a state of passion, anything can happen, even murder. Women, in such cases, are often driven by deceit: they take revenge by destroying the business of their unfaithful spouse, rob them dry and prohibit them from seeing their children.

What can you advise a husband who saw this terrible picture and was able to pull himself together and not the knife?! Immediately leave this place without any showdowns or scandal. As you close the door behind you, know that you have disowned your main enemy, your “friend,” forever. You and your wife will find out everything later.

Never believe the words of a “friend” that your wife seduced him. One can “fall for this” if he is seducing a single woman or a married lady whose husband is unknown to him. Or even if he is familiar, he is not a friend. You really can't resist here. But in this case, when the wife is a really close friend, then this can never happen. This is taboo.

As soon as possible, break off all relations with him - business and friendly. If you forgive him, thinking that “the woman is to blame,” then be sure to expect some other unpleasant surprise from such a friend. But then don’t blame him, but only yourself. After all, he has already made you horned, he will easily make you poor and unhappy.

How to forgive your wife if she cheated with your best friend

Everyone, they forgot, the friend no longer exists. If you haven’t punched him in the face yet, then he definitely won’t want to appear in your life anymore. Yes, and you will avoid courts, prison and monetary compensation. But you learned a lesson that showed you what kind of werewolf friends there are. You will be more careful in future.

Now the wife remains. Why did she do this? Here are the reasons:

  • Passion surged. Simple and carnal. She herself is horrified by this story and knows very well that now there is no excuse for her, and she has no idea how to behave in the future.
  • Love. This is more difficult. Indeed, more often than not, women need this feeling to go to bed with a man. Purely physiological sex comes in second place. And it is not clear whether she will want to return back to the family.
  • Accident. This is when the lady is under the weather. How dangerous is he? In further betrayals, and not only with a friend. And the constant excuse: “Sorry, I don’t remember anything.”

So should one forgive an unfaithful woman if she crawled on her knees and begged for mercy? On the one hand, she made you a cuckold. If you forgive her, then how to live with her, how to sleep? And in general, what will the remaining friends and acquaintances say? A mattress and a henpecked man who managed to forgive such a thing. If others in a similar situation make a woman a victim and feel sorry for her, then the man will most likely be laughed at.

Give yourself time to think, don’t rush into everything. Ask your spouse not to interfere with your sobs for a while. Take a time out in your relationship for a while, and be “cold” and indifferent during this time. Women are very afraid of such waiting times. It is better for her to find out everything at once, make a scandal, and then return everything back.

Now put aside all the negatives of what happened, and think about everything that you will lose by breaking off all relationships. So:

  • She is a good housewife and mother of children. The family will split into two parts, the children will suffer, and there will no longer be a cozy hearth;
  • Perhaps she made a terrible mistake in her life, and now strongly regrets what she did;
  • What do you actually care about this gossip between friends? If the news is not yet known to them, and everything remains hidden, then no one will laugh. And if they are already wagging their tongues, then it is not a fact that the chatterboxes will not find themselves in the same position;

Are you guilty of cheating on your wife with your best friend?

Now let's figure it out with ourselves. What prompted your wife to cheat on you personally? How long have you spoiled her, given her gifts, surprises, or at least compliments? But it is very difficult for a woman without this. Her self-esteem decreases, she feels unwanted and unloved.

Moreover, if there were sins on your part with infidelity, and she knew about it, she could simply take revenge on you. And not just like that, but with someone who is close to her and treats her well. Since your friend was a member of your family and respected your wife, perhaps he simply took pity on her and caressed her. He acted meanly, and his wife gave in.

Of course, you shouldn’t immediately forgive your spouse and buy her a bunch of gifts. She needs to be punished a little for treason - the fact remains a fact. But it’s also not worth destroying the family. You just need to start life with clean slate. Little by little, restoring the relationship, he will learn to see a woman in his wife. Your attention to her will quickly bear fruit, and a truly faithful wife will never want to look the other way again. On the contrary, having been scared once, she will not repeat her mistake again.

It's another matter if your wife really fell in love with your friend and wants to live with him. But even here I would like to remember one good truth: “If your wife left for someone else, then who knows who was lucky”!

Published: 03/12/2016

I love my husband and he loves me too. And recently I cheated on him with his friend. He attacked me unexpectedly. At first I resisted, and then for some reason I stopped. I liked this man as a good friend and interlocutor. He admitted to me that he fell in love with me as soon as he saw me 2 years ago, but he always held on. Nobody knows what happened. And he won't know. But I don't know what to do or how to live. I'm scared to look my husband in the eyes. His friend wants to continue the relationship, but I avoid him too. It's hard to live by lying. I can't admit it. After all, it will be very painful for my husband. I became irritable and inattentive. I don’t want to see anyone, my soul is empty. The daughter is now on vacation with her grandmother. My husband believes and trusts me. Previously, we shared everything, discussed it, solved problems together. Now I cannot explain to him the reason for my despondency. What to do, how to come to your senses and how to behave. I love my husband, I want to be with him. But there probably won’t be the same relationship again, even if he doesn’t find out anything.

Spider, Internet, 30 years / 07/25/06

Our experts' opinions

  • Alena

    You know, at first I felt sorry for you, because it is really very difficult to live with such a secret burden on your shoulders and not be able to tell the one you love about it, because it will hurt him. And then I asked myself a question: what are the chances of a married woman being alone with her husband’s friend in such a place and at such a time that no one and nothing can stop them from having sex? Really, what are they? What did you need to do and where to be so that your husband’s friend would fearlessly “pounce” on you and fuck you? And why, after this sex, does he insist on continuing the “banquet”? Sorry, but the conclusion is that you are not a victim of circumstances at all. You probably knew and felt that your husband’s friend liked you, and you yourself gave him a reason to “pounce” on you without fear of getting it from you and subsequently from your husband when you tell him how his friend molested you dirty. Well, you tried, and now, after the fact, you began to rethink what had happened and realized that the game was not worth the candle. Perhaps the friend was not better than my husband in bed, otherwise there would be less remorse, and she would want to continue. Sorry for being harsh, but you need to be able to call such things by their proper names, and if you already realized that you cheated, then you don’t need to shift all the responsibility for it onto the man if you found yourself with him in a convenient place and at a convenient time. I sincerely feel sorry for your husband, because his wife turned out to be morally unstable, and his friend is not a friend, but so... He probably shouldn’t know about your betrayal at all, because this knowledge will hit him from both sides. But I would save my husband from such a friend. Do him such a favor, because yesterday he slept with a friend’s wife, and tomorrow he will betray your husband in another important matter. In terms of mental torment, alas, I can’t help you with anything. Conscience is a thing with an enviable appetite: it eats us slowly but surely. Learn to live with the fact that now you have something to hide from your family. Forgetting is not something you will forget, but the feeling of shame will dull over time. Unless, of course, you start cultivating it like roses in a greenhouse. I don’t recommend self-flagellation. Better draw conclusions and try to be nice to your family. They are not at all to blame for what happened to you.

  • Sergey

    So, let's start with the fact that even soulless, ultra-precise mechanisms make mistakes. People, as emotional beings, even more so. But unlike hardware, people have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. You feel bad, ashamed, scared, well, remember what it’s like and don’t change it again. In any situation there is both good and bad. It’s bad that I sinned, but it’s good that I gained experience and made the right decision. To be a saint, living in paradise and not knowing sin, is very simple. But knowing its attractiveness, consciously refusing - this is the path of the true righteous. So stop snotting. Everything that happened has already happened. It has already become the past. Why spoil the future? I strongly advise you to shove your sufferings deeper. And under no circumstances, under any circumstances, should the husband find out about what happened. Tell his friend directly that you were wrong, that you love your husband, and that you didn’t like it at all, so there won’t be any repetitions. I hope that everything is in order with his head, and he will not be frank with your husband out of drunkenness. And as for the fact that it is difficult to live by deception, this is true. But consider that this is your retribution for what you did. You can still take a week off and go visit your daughter in the village. In nature, brains fall into place faster.

It is believed that male friendship is stronger than female friendship. In a situation where a wife cheated on her husband with a friend, his friend is always guilty. It is the betrayal of this person that will be especially painful. As for his wife, the man may forgive her, wanting to save the family. But a comrade who stepped over their friendship will never be able to understand. The common male world will collapse when the truth about his betrayal is revealed.

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Why did this happen?

The reasons why a married and happily married woman cheats with her family's best friend can be different. The most common:

  1. 1. A woman does not feel the same love for her husband and does not receive pleasure from his caresses. A wife who loves her husband will never cheat.
  2. 2. She looked at his friend with different eyes and at some point realized that she had fallen in love like a girl.
  3. 3. The lady decided to take revenge on her husband. If she suspects him of cheating, she will want to answer in the most insidious way - with his friend.
  4. 4. This is not her first betrayal. This means that the woman is not distinguished by deep moral qualities, and this is her next intrigue.
  5. 5. After a large and obviously excessive dose of alcohol, the wife could not refuse an insistent man who often visits the house and with whom she has close friendly relations.

Regardless of the reason, it will not be possible to ignore the fact of betrayal. You can’t pretend that nothing happened, after all, this is a betrayal on the part of loved ones, and silently swallowing betrayal means not respecting yourself.

Married women cheat on their husbands

How to forgive your wife?

Having a hard time experiencing the betrayal of his wife and friend, a man is still able to think rationally and do the right thing. For the right decision you need:

  1. 1. Cope with your emotions. Do not wave your fists and do not create unnecessary complications by attracting nosy neighbors and demanding court decisions. We need to calm down and then act.
  2. 2. Understand your feelings for your spouse. If the husband still loves his wife, try to forgive and forget about her mistake. If he understands that he will never come to terms with betrayal, then he should not torture himself and his wife, he should break up with her.
  3. 3. Calmly discuss the situation. Find out how important your spouse is to their family and relationships. If her feelings cannot be returned, then the best solution is to let her go.

A man should not forget that he himself is to blame for treason. Women's betrayals rarely happen out of nowhere. They could be triggered by the following factors:

  1. 1. The man did not marry for love, and the lady is looking for passion on the side.
  2. 2. The husband was cold to his wife and offended her. Don’t be shy about showing love for her and being more attentive.

The spouse should weigh the pros and cons and understand what he will lose if they divorce. Perhaps she:

  • makes him happy;
  • is a thrifty, caring woman and loving mother;
  • is perceived by the spouse not only as a wife, but also as a friend;
  • repents for his behavior and promises not to do it again.

Of course, betrayal on her part no longer makes the spouse a good friend, just like the meanness of a comrade who dared to take advantage of his wife. But we need to remember all the good things that happened before, and life can get better. Perhaps for the sake of the children, she should save the marriage and move on, especially if she sincerely repents of her actions and this has never happened to her before.

What to do with a friend?

In the eyes of the offended husband, the initiator of the betrayal will be his comrade, not his wife. This situation can even become criminal if you don’t control your anger. To avoid problems with the law and financial compensation for serious battery, you should restrain yourself from rash actions.

If you think about it, your friend’s guilt is really stronger. It will not be possible to justify that she seduced him herself. This excuse is good for single ladies, but not for a friend's wife. When he took such an action, he was aware of how it would end, and understood that he risked losing both of them. Having destroyed male friendships, family and relationships, he forgot about moral principles: his best friend’s wife is a taboo. The man who violates it rarely finds comrades afterwards.