What does harmony mean in relationships. Harmony in relations with people and with the world. Always watch any disagreements to be solved calm tone

28.04.2021 Repairs

Love is the basis of happiness. Psychics and esoteric specialists consider this feeling the most important thing, because love teaches us creation.

It is absolutely no matter what the essence of the relationship is love, friendship, a relative connection. The main thing in any relationship is the absence of egoism. You can and even have to think about yourself, but we must not forget that all parties need benefits. You always need to strive for harmony in a relationship, because the game in the dragging of the rope will definitely end in a breakdown of friendship or love.

What is harmonious relationship

From the point of view of bioenergy, harmonious relationships are the perfect combination of two AUR. Just as colors in the palette, not all the auras of people can go normally. Absolutely no matter, contrast your marriage or friendship, or you are very similar. It is only important how much you complement each other.

Psychics argue that real friendship and love are possible in most cases. Quite a little chance that you will not get down with a person. Everything is simple, because, as they say, who is looking for, he will always find.

Psychics and specialists in bioenergy say that normally flowing relationships are possible only at a high level of mutual trust. You can argue with each other, you can swear on each other, but your confidence in the other or in your loved one should be unshakable. This is the foundation, the basis of everything.

Everything begins, of course, with your confidence, with an internal mood. If you doubt something, then this is the first step towards failure. Psychics call it magic of thought, because thoughts are really material.

How to achieve harmony in love and friendship

Step one: mark your personal territory. It is very important to do from the very beginning, because then the person will be painful to rebuild from some conditions to others. Of course, you can not give any restrictions to a person. Many couples, in which there are no restraining moments. Everyone has access to the social networks of each other. Everyone can invade other problems without any problems. This is a very good and wise course for those who are jealous. People who have different views on it will not fully meet together quickly and successfully.

Step 2: Do not compare the soul mate with anyone. Your man may not be as rich as someone else. Your woman may not have something that has other ladies. It does not matter because you chose this person. The essence of a person is that we are always looking for something new. Men are more characteristic of male, however, the ladies can also be tired of the same. It is necessary to give some time to find new joint emotions. You need to say to yourself that anyone can bother you over time, it is inevitable. What now, constantly change the soul mate? No, you need to be wise. In friendship, this is not so obvious, but also takes place.

Step Three: Understand and accept the fact that friendship without love is normal, but love without friendship is nonsense. It is impossible to love a person with whom you can't do anything. Psychics argue that the basis of love is a partnership. You must remember market relations, about barter. Exchangeing positive, you strengthen relationships. Negative should also be divided. You are a single whole, you no longer exist separately. Never forget about it.

Step fourth: Find common talismans. You must have things that give positive energy to you both. This applies to love, not friendship. Living side by side, a need for urgent help appears. There are such talismans that help to be saturated with positive energy to both sides. It is possible that you already have such a talisman, you just don't notice it yet. For some, these are children for someone - a common cause, and for someone - physical items like rings, chains, precious stones.

Pitch fifth. In friendly or love relationship, never let anyone.You must make decisions together. If you want to ask the Council, ask for this person. You just need to keep insulation. Otherwise, hypocrisy may appear, rumors, deception. All this destroys the relationship, and in most directly.

These five tips will help you maintain harmony in relationships. Do not try to create a wheel first - everything has already been created before you. Use these advice so that love lives as long as possible, and the friendship gave you only positive.

The laws of the universe work. They help you go on the right track, understand the essence of all that is happening. Live as if there are no other rules for you. Love needs diplomacy, like friendship. Successes to you, and do not forget to press buttons and

01.11.2017 04:54

There are many ways to get rid of problems and gain harmony. Many people turn to conspiracies, rituals, meditations ...

Harmony is a concept used in many industries and meaning consistency, coherence and combination, applicable relative to heterogeneous or opposite concepts or phenomena (weather and landscape, personal interaction models, etc.), the whole design of something holistic consisting of parts (applicable as For the characteristics of a person and music, non-living items).

Initially, the word harmony arose in the philosophical sciences, and was used to display the patterns of natural processes, the development and extinction of the elements of reality, reflected internal and external authenticity, integrity and consistency (for example, the content of the form, the behavior of appearance, event events). Further, the harmony began to be used for aesthetic characteristics, becoming a synonymous concept of an excellent, including a combination and diversity, with consistency and equilibrium of various components in the whole so that the feeling of tension was not created, and the energy was evenly distributed inside the work.

What is harmony

In addition to understanding the harmonious combinations of sounds in the melody, paints in the picture and the course of natural processes it becomes interesting what harmony is in human life. It is believed that harmony is present initially, since we exist in a world where everything is synchronized and for something necessary, each creature performs its necessary function, as well as each cell of the body and each organ initially have a natural harmonious development mechanism. It is possible only to violate this condition, when the natural course of processes is disturbed or the uneven redistribution of energy that causes the voltage in one of the regions. The natural course of processes can be disrupted by diseases or injuries (regarding the state of the human body), as well as natural disasters and emergencies of another kind (a harmonious social climate or interaction conditions is violated).

Harmony is considered to be a desire for equilibrium, and, accordingly, it may violate when a person is paying more attention, forgetting about the development of the rest. Thus, the head with a decent account in a bank conducted all the time at work and on a business trip can be called successful in his professional activities, but it is impossible to call a harmonious personality, since there is no adequate care for his health, there are no close intimate connections and a family, a person can little Decide to their emotional experiences.

The harmonious personality is of interest to his multi-faceted, because its knowledge and activity are not limited to children or only work, there is no skew to some of the parties, which makes it possible to maintain all parties and aspects in active condition and develop them. If all the energy flows into one sphere, then growth is going up and there is no resources for the rest of the manifestations, with harmonious development, the energy is distributed horizontally, dating all directions.

The ability to take care of their physical condition and peace of mind, material of well-being and good relations with the surrounding people, the ability to develop as a specialist and the ability to build deep emotional relations - this is what the harmonious development teaches. When one sphere helps to develop another, and not when for the sake of promotion in some of the destinations you have to sacrifice others.

Internal and external harmony

Harmony testifies to personal integrity when external and internal manifestations correspond to each other when all areas are self-sufficient and developed. What is harmony in human life depends on the person himself - someone considers that this is the lack of problems, and someone have friends and families, but any descriptions will be reduced to mental satisfaction and peace. The very diversity of responses is generated by the presence of distortions and disadvantages or inconsistencies between the fact that a person creates in its external life, internal.

External harmony (regarding the concept of human existence) is reflected in the presence of complementary and powerful social relations (family, friends, working team), work that makes a worthy level of material and moral satisfaction and opportunities for development, the ability to afford to acquire the desired things to be in the desired places And spending time with the desired people. It turns on not only the resource part, which allows it to do it purely in the material level, but also a way to organize the surrounding space in such a way that there is no barrier to implementation (for example, the work is cool and monetary, but communication with unpleasant personalities is escaping hard).

The inner harmony includes an emotional and mental sphere, sincere experiences. It lies in a stable and positive emotional state, which is the predominant or background, is reflected in the correspondence of external reactions (that is, the person cries when sad, and does not pull a smile).

Inner harmony is about peaceful peace and confidence when there is a trust in loved ones, there is no need to translate, and life flows in such a way that anxiety is only a situational (from fallen furniture from neighbors), and not from the internal experiences, becoming a permanent companion.

A harmonious personality can balance in the development of internal and external qualities, while disharmony is expressed in the lack of development of something. Examples may be people who dedicated themselves to science and being ingenious in their intellectual and original successes, but at the same time they can be as agreed and completely forget about the care of the appearance, which remain lonely. There are often the situation and the back painting, when the main rate is done on the appearance, most of the time is held in care of the beauty of your body, but the soul and intellect is completely forgotten and then it turns out that with such a person I want to meet, but absolutely nothing to communicate. Considering yourself in something outstanding, a person may seem that only one of this characteristic can build great relationships and careers, and to buy health, but life is more difficult and following social standards is as needed as follows the moral, maintenance of its mental development Does not cancel care of appearance.

Fine when the internal ideas of man reflects his appearance and lifestyle, but it is not necessary for harmonious life, it is necessary for each of the areas to receive enough attention and energy nutrition for development.

Harmony in relations between a man and a woman

The harmony of interpole relations is made up of a large list of different points: psychological comfort, community of goals, household and sexual compatibility, similar views on the device of life and the style of interaction. The main thing that should happen in relationships is an addition and balancing each other, so the idea that two identical people will perfectly fulfill, are not always successful (for example, two, fighting for their personal space can collapse up to the use of the manual image in fairly short time When people opposite will be perfectly complemening each other). The choice of a joint path and interests, views and opinions is more important than the response methods - this will give a pair to move in one direction, and just the differences in other manifestations (the characteristic, predominant type of thinking, etc.) will help you easily and more comfortable to get to the desired a place.

To build such relationships, it is necessary to always withstand the balance between your own and general, by representing the value for your personality and for the development of relationships.

Harmony arises where two are able to adapt to the needs and features of the partner, and maintain at the same time actively care for the satisfaction of their own emotional, remote or physical needs. This makes it possible not to lose your own dignity and respect for the partner, as well as maintaining relations where there are not only your needs. It is also necessary to build a competent maneru of the expression of own, since harmony is not the reason, where they do not quarrel and grind the insult, but where they know about it, not traumating the other. Honesty in the manifestation of his own emotions can hurt the other, to go in it the feeling of unnecessaryness, but concealing discontent, for the sake of a good mood of the partner in his habit makes a lie permanent companion, the resentment is wing, unprituted finds ways to implement in psychosomatics.

Harmonious relationships imply constant development, both the relationship itself and the personality of their participants. Those. If you have been going to the park for three years and does not happen anything new, then the relationship does not develop, since the harmony of speakers is broken (maybe in the field of trust, may in the field of expectations) and will have to either seek the cause and deal with its elimination, or to start building relationships Another person (after all, is possible due to the lack of readiness of someone). If you notice that you are starting to lose yourself or your partner literally enlipped into you, then something went wrong.

Harmonious relationships give a person more forces for development, are a source of inspiration for new accomplishments, open the world of new classes. You can exchange thoughts and ideas, share interests and spend joint evenings, studying alternately the hobby one, then the other, you can combine your friends. In general, if everything is fine, then you feel a new and fresh wind, enriched spiritually and good physically.

Harmonious relationships are always labor, they do not originate, and if your relationships do not correspond to the description of harmonious, they do not need to be thrown out, it means that it is time to start doing more to harmonize the interaction.

What is harmony in relationships? This is unconditional respect, warmth and mutual understanding. This is when two people feel one whole, share interests and feelings of each other. Unfortunately, harmony is not the "default option" of loving couples. You can achieve it only working on relationships. So how to achieve harmony?

Down with egoism

When entering into relations, a man and a woman take a responsible decision, which in the root changes their lives. From now on, it is no longer able to live only for yourself. Harmony in relations is possible only when the partners are sincerely care about each other, they are concessions, they are looking for compromises. The purpose of mutual concessions is the achievement of moral and physical comfort. Two behaviors are possible here:

  1. "I do what the partner wants." For example, a man refuses to view an important sports match to visit the theatrical premiere with his wife.
  2. "I do not do what I want, not what the partner wants, but something else." A man and a woman refuse their plans to watch the match and campaign to theater and go together to a restaurant or, for example, to visit common friends.

Do not be silent

The erroneous opinion is common that the relationship begins when people expose each other in front of the other body. In fact, harmony in relationships comes when people expose each other in front of the soul. The habit of silent makes the Union of Men and Women fragile. She pushes the relationship no worse than regular scandals. If you strive for harmony, do not silent. Remember these rules:

  1. Speak about your desires. So the chances of achieving the desired at times rises.
  2. Speak about your problems. Your partner is not extrasens. He cannot understand exactly what you are upset only in your meaningful look and languid sigh.
  3. Speak about your claims. If you do not like something in the behavior of the partner, honestly tell about it. Otherwise, you will only annoyance and angry.

Do not suspect

Trust is the foundation of harmony in relations. Total control, constant interrogations, oblique views do not make an union stronger. On the contrary - all this humiliates and offends the partner. Think if there is a sense to connect fate with a person who you do not trust at all? Does it make sense to turn life into constant surveillance?

Understand that if a person wants to betray you, he will do it. Your vigilance can only postpone, but do not prevent betrayal. So, if the partner does not give explicit reasons for jealousy, does not make scinting mistakes, just enjoy each other without unnecessary conventions.

Learn to forgive

To preserve love and harmony in a relationship, you need to understand that no person is ideal. You must understand that your partner at any time can make a mistake. If you value the union, learn to forgive other strangers. To learn this art to help you understand the understanding that:

  1. There is no mistakes. You also make them or you can make them any minute.
  2. Love and warm relationships are much more important than the offense and pride.
  3. It is not enough to forgive enough in words. It is necessary to strike out an unpleasant event from your thoughts and memory.
  4. No one will endure a permanent burden of resentment. Therefore, even at a critical moment, you can not remind a partner about past errors.

Warn the common goal

Harmony in the relationship of people does not imply a mandatory availability of common interests. Your hobbies can be diametrically opposed, but you simply must ask a common goal to which you will go hand in hand. It may be a journey, building a house, buying a car. In the end, the birth and raising of children is an excellent goal for a couple in love.

It happens that when the planned plan is completed, the devastation comes, the relationship weakens. To this not happen, one goal should be replaced by another.

Do not immerse yourself

If you dream about harmony in family relationships, move away to the background. This does not mean that you need to throw cooking, cleaning, repair and so on. But these moments should go the background, and not to dominate the lives of two people in love. Do not make a cult from domestic issues. This is what creates conditions for a comfortable life and development of relationships. That's it at the last moment it is worth focusing. This will help you recommendations:

  1. Set priorities. Between general cleaning and walking with the second half, give preference to the second scenario. Dust from the shelves will not go anywhere, and there are not so many romantic moments (for example, due to employment at work). Positive emotions will definitely be charged with energy, and home affairs will be given easier.
  2. Do not make a clear distribution of duties. Creating comfortable living conditions is the task of both partners. For the implementation of urgent tasks should be taken by the one who currently has time.
  3. Try to do everything together. Joint cleaning, cooking or repair - all this strengthens relations. These processes can even give the form of a romantic game.

Increase the quality of intimate life

Harmony of relations men and women are built not only on spiritual communications, but also on intimate life. It's wrong to treat this aspect just like a "marital debt". Observe the following rules:

  1. Pay attention to preparation. Both partners must tune in both morally and physically. Special attention needs to be given hygiene and aesthetics.
  2. Learn new. Monthly intimate life sooner or later comes. Read specialized literature, feel free to watch movies for adults to draw something new.
  3. Think not only about yourself. Each of the partners should think primarily about to enjoy another.

Observe the balance between self-affirmation and adaptation

Entering the relationship, a person cannot fully maintain the familiar behavior model. You have to get to the partner, to go to some concessions, change the usual foundations and even some beliefs. Nevertheless, it is impossible to dive into this process with your head. Think about, and do not you lose yourself, adapting to your loved one? Does he make a response concessions? So that the relationship is harmonious, it is important that each partner remains a full-fledged person.

Do not replace honestily politeness

How to achieve harmony in relationships? You need to learn to be honest with each other. Admit that at the dating stage you have slightly embellished and shine each other to keep the decency. But in a serious relationship politeness is not always relevant. Try to always tell the truth, even if it is unpleasant. Feel free to criticize partner errors. But do it in the most delicate form, let's valuable advice, do not forget to speak words of support.

Do not fall dependent on each other

Whatever strong feelings are at first, over time, the feeling of "fatigue" comes in relationships. It is caused, as a rule, the fact that 90% of the time partners are carried out together. But harmonious relationships are built differently. A reasonable and strong union is the Union of two independent personalities who have completely different things and interests, and spend their free time together. Thus, beloved get the opportunity to miss, accumulate common themes for conversation. Such a model of behavior avoids the feeling of "suggestion" relationships.

- Models of family relationships
- Unity of Spouses
- 6 rules how to achieve agreement in relationships
- man and woman: the secrets of harmony
- Conclusion

1) Unhealthy-matriarchal.
Matriarchy. Very scary word. Immediately arises the image of a bass with a rolling pin, and nearby - quiet, scored hubby. The location of the forces, just say, is not the most favorable, and for both sides! This is what goes - a woman leads everything and everything decides? It sounds tempting, but in fact she gets a bunch of problems, a lot of responsibility, a husband with a complex of inferiority, plus - as a result - the absence of at least some support and support.

Development of events. Actually, the outcome can be two: or a family, consisting of a non-purple-wife and a half, badly, poorly exist, or a man remembers that he is a man, and runs away far away, leaving the harsh head of the family alone with his leaderships.

2) Unhealthy-patriarchal.
The fact that the head of the family is still a man, we, women, learned from the small years: Dad - the authority is indisputable, but it's a cute business ... Now imagine for a second that in the family too much dad and very little mom - What is it? Father's word - law, and mom and mouth open afraid?! Even from the children's point of view, the situation looks farmly, and in the adult world the consequences and that feeling.

When a man clearly indicates a woman in her place and duties (cook-wash-clean), as a remuneration for care, distributing only all new instructions and inventing additional requirements, he gets in his wife not a girlfriend and the Soviet, but a bad gray shadow walking on Apartment on tiptoe.

Development of events. If a man needs a pet, and a woman is the owner, then why not? In the end, many couples live like that. But if only a woman has at least some kind of opinion, she will gather things and run away where the eyes look!

3) healthy-matriarchal.
Psychologists have long been established that many men at the subconscious level are looking for a mother in a woman. Well, with complete confidence I can say that many women are looking for a "son" in the same way. Nothing reprehensible, clean psychology. If, besides, the wife earns a lot more husband, or is at all the only minider in the family, it is quite clear that the main problems she takes over, while listening to her husband.

Development of events. It would seem, everything is in order: mutual understanding and harmony, just slightly leading a woman. That's just how to be with children? In such a family, the girl will surely grow up the power, if not Tyrant, and the boy is a branched repeater. In addition, what is your wife you feel that her man obeys a woman in everything? Let even this woman - she herself?

4) healthy-patriarchal.
Fortunately, most families prefer this particular option, albeit a few trivial, but proven. The man is head, and the woman is the neck, and write down! Is it possible to challenge what husband is a minider who takes vital decisions by surely consulting with the second half, and the wife - Fairy, creating a comfort and a friendly atmosphere in the house?

Development of events. The ideal placement of forces, guaranteeing, as a rule, a happy marriage and mentally healthy children!

- Unity of Spouses

First you need to say about what should underlie the perfect relationship of a man and a woman. Of course, it is harmony. Harmony of spouses implies psychological comfort, domestic disrunt, sexual satisfaction and many other components of living together.

Two people who live together with the opposite sex should complement each other, coincide in many parameters (physical, mental, sexual), balancing each other. Only with all these components can talk about the compatibility of a man and a woman.

Compatibility should manifest itself in everything, it is important here and significantly all: and the choice of clothing, interests, and hobbies, and opinions, views on one problem. And most importantly, in order to be reciprocal - the interior of the partners to each other, their interdependence.

There is no doubt that the desire of harmonious relationships should be unilateral, but mutual. Just moving together to harmonious relationships, partners will live in peace and harmony.

This process is complex, long-term, requiring efforts and a kind of education.

Harmonious relationships are necessary to study systematically and persistently.

It is important that character, temperament, the individual properties of each spouse coincide. But we should not forget that the complete, one hundred percent coincidence cannot be in principle! After all, the psychological characteristics of men and women are different ...

Universal recipe for the achievement of harmony men and women simply do not exist.

To achieve harmony in relationships, a man and a woman should coincide right in several signs, and not for some one.

But the desire, desire and work on themselves can make your relationship with happy, harmonious and practically perfect.

- 6 rules how to achieve agreement in relationships

1) Do not think only about yourself.
Of course, some time of the Egoist will endure his close man, but sooner or later he will find someone who appreciates him more. Yes, and about comfort with an egoist to speak ridiculous.

2) Disagreeable your problems.
Not often, the beloved immediately suggest that they are offended, they prefer the policy "But let him guess", or make small insults.

Inadequate accumulates, irritation appears, and even anger, and all this is poured into a large quarrel, the cause of which are small mistakes, which in their time you did not want to say. Therefore, it is very important to discerning all the exciting questions and questions and decide right away.

3) learn to trust.
Control over each step of its half, humiliating interrogations, oblique incredulous views, the manifestation of jealousy - express explicit disrespect for the partner. It inevitably leads to a protest, to a quarrel.

4) Skill forgive.
If you value your loved ones and plan to live with him a long lucky life, you need to learn to forgive.
Forgive, it means to forget the offense, cross it out of his life. No reminders, reproaches, vascular comments should no longer be.
Understand, to live forever guilty to you no one!

5) Total purpose.
You may have different hobbies, different interests, but must be one common goal, the common cause!

Your interests somewhere should intersect, otherwise it often happens so - the children grew up, and the family broke up.

6) life.
Life very often destroys family alliances, and not just their harmonious relationships.
It is important to initially distribute the duties among themselves, and most importantly - do not allow household flags to take up!

- man and woman: the secrets of harmony

1) Maybe we do not choose, but choose for us.
There is a possibility that our choice is the choice of our ancestors who originates to us to appeal to this person to solve the tasks that they actually had to be solved by our parents, grandparents.

2) and a man and a woman want to find attention in relationships.
A man to give attention to a woman, constantly offers her any ways to jointly spend time and get a new life experience. And a woman accepts these suggestions.

3) Relationship is an energy exchange.
Any relationship is a kind of energy exchange process. Accordingly, in which direction this energy flows, our emotions depend on and even well-being.

4) To marry a woman, you need to devote my mother first.
The first woman in a man is always his mother. With the end of childhood, the connection with the mother gradually weakens, but is it always that? Strong, self-sufficient woman will never keep his son "with his skirt," and will give it to his father so that he can give him his masculinity. Unfortunately, in our time it happens not always.

5) For a woman, a way to trigger a man to himself one to deprive him of masculinity.
The meaning of the life of a man is to explore everything new, winning the trophies in the world under study and put them on the legs of your woman. The more significant mining - the more the masses of the man.

6) The success of a man largely depends on the woman.
Through its attention, a woman can give his chief of strength and faith to feel that he is strong, omnipotent and worthy of the best in this life. If a man stopped in his personal and social growth - it means that the woman lost his faith in him and no longer gives it the necessary energy.

7) Love is, above all, the desire to develop their partner.
If a note arises in the relationships of two: "You don't need all these careers, trainings, do the house and children!" - This is definitely signals that the partner requires attention. But if he gets attention, but continues to put out such requirements, it means that he opposes that the beloved person has grown and developing.

8) Even negative, destructive impacts, a man has its own service. He thus shows her that she may not want to know about himself.
Tirands Allows you to extract from the depths of the subconscious of the most wounded children who are stored in your genetic memory. Alas, but, most likely, you imagine a pair with your tyrant because there are similar circumstances in its history.

9) The victory of a man over a woman - to win in her eyes, and the victory of a woman over a man is to lose him
Male and female energy are equal in their inner strength. If you change this order, the world will collapse. Lifting over a man, a woman wins him, but the foundations of the world themselves are rushing, losing their support.

10) A woman need a ready-made king, while a man craves step by step to sculpt from his woman Queen
If a woman is able to give her man a realization that he is her only king, she will definitely feel the response desire to make her queen.

11) A real man is the one who is able to understand the feelings of a woman.

A man should be understood that it is important not only what he speaks his beloved, but also how he says it. Anyone, even the smallest intonations play a crucial role in how his words will be perceived.
If the intonation of the Men's speech is such that they frighten a woman, she will refuse to the lord of his attention, and therefore in love.

- Conclusion

Many families disintegrate and without reaching mutual understanding among themselves. Therefore, the question "How to achieve harmony in relationships?" It remains relevant to this day.

All people are different and it is sometimes very difficult to understand each other. Especially between those who have a huge difference in age. However, you can always reach harmony in relationships and strengthen your marriage union for many years ahead. The main thing is to remember that the process is painstaking and requires considerable effort on both sides. But if the couple loves each other and wants to live a long joint life, then no difficulties will stop them.

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Date: 2017-09-03 at 23:50 Moscow time

Hi friends. Today I want to talk about relationships. And I have something to write about, because with my girlfriend I already meet more than 4 and a half years. And I noticed that during the last year our relationship became noticeably harmonious than the remaining years combined. Yes, we still need to learn very many things, but now I know it all 100%, that we will come to this.

For someone, 4 years is not a term, but for someone it is a great achievement. In fact, it does not matter. My parents divorced 13 years of joint marriage later. And the fact that I learned for myself from their experience is remaining in a relationship at the same level without working on them and it will not work for anything.

1. Always make sure that any disagreements are solved by a calm tone.

We are with Vika - people are very different. I, sometimes, I am very hard and tough, and she is a soft man. And it is very distinguished by our worldview. Because of this, our views often do not coincide with it. Previously, it was always discussed on elevated colors and moved to quarrel. But gradually we began to learn to talk calmly. Each of us tracks the moments when someone begins to raise the voice, and we inform each other about it. Yes, we are not always able to stop and restrave, but due to the fact that we have become calmer to discuss themes, our number of quarrels has noticeably reduced.

2. Listen to each other.

Very often in the relationship we do not work on the side of another person, understand it. I am not a psychologist, I do not know how to explain what it is connected with, but it is. And because of this, we listening to what the beloved person tells us, we do not hear what he wants to say. If you learn how to perceive the information that you want to convey, then understand each other will become much easier.

3. Integet to like your half.

To manifest interest in what your person like is an important skill. After all, he feels your sincere interest in his personality and classes. Simple questions about hobbies can be used to understand that you are ready to participate in the life of your loved one.

4. Speak each other more warm words.

Thank you often and mark merit each other. The more people get used to each other, the more they perceive the good attitude for due. But how much time did not pass, it is important to realize how many people do with love, even if he just prepares for you breakfast. And such trifles need to be able to celebrate and respond to them with the same warmth. Also, it is necessary to be able to do, because the bustle of days is very strongly eaten, you begin to find fault in the trifles, and you stop noticing positive moments. Because people have habit more focus on the bad. And when you yourself notice these good little things, you become happier and make it happy or his. Good attitude always gives joy and happiness in any respect.

5. Together develop.

Each in a pair always needs to grow both as a person and as a professional. If only one develops in a pair, and the other remains at the same level, then their paths are likely to be dispersed, since the horizontal of the first will constantly expand, it will be self-realized, and the second will remain with the same picture of the world. As a result, values \u200b\u200band interests will begin to vary. If both people are not developed, then in the final result you will have stagnation in a relationship, and you will feel the routine to all the gutter, which will extinguish the flame of your relationship.

Thank you for your attention!

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