How to warn spring avitaminosis in children. Consultation on the topic. How to warn avitaminosis in spring symptoms of spring avitaminosis

28.04.2021 Design and interior

Consultation for parents

How to warn

spring Avitaminosis

The sun rays warm the air is completely spring. It would seem - live and rejoice! However, the head from the pillow to tear it is becoming harder and harder, and there is almost no strength for the strength. Familiar picture? Meet His MajestyAvitaminosis . And, to enormous regret, avitaminosis in the spring period in children is no less common than adults.

And this case in no case is unacceptable to let in a samone, without giving the problem of much importance. After all, the children's body is intensively growing, which means that it needs vitamins constantly. And the lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is very negatively affecting the development of the child and at the work of all organs and systems of its body. And it is difficult to predict what complications for a child can turn on avitaminosis.

Doctors advise parents immediately beat the alarm if they find problems such as:

  1. Increased fatigue child. Attentive parents will not necessarily notice that the child began to fully tire, all the time strives to lie down. For older children, there may be problems with academic performance in school, scattered attention, memory deterioration.
  2. Sleep disorders. Avitaminosis can give itself to know sleep violations. Some children may have increased drowsiness, others have insomnia.
  3. Problems with gums. Another highly reliable sign of avitaminosis becomes often bleeding gums. Moreover, in severe cases, blood remains not only on a toothbrush, but even on soft food. In this case, parents should seek medical help as quickly as possible.
  4. Colds. In the event that the child often begins to hurt with colds, parents should also think about the possibility of avitaminosis. Unfortunately, very often child's soreness parents are written off on a weakened immunity. And no one binds these two concepts - avitaminosis and weakened immunity - among themselves. And very in vain. By the way, it is the lack of vitamin C and leads to a decrease in the work of the immune system.

And remember that in the spring time the problem of avitaminosis is especially acute. Therefore, manifestations can develop extremely quickly. Take care of avitaminosis prevention in a timely manner. Moreover, and about the rest of the family is also not worth forget.

Vitamin Mineral Complexes

Of course, there is a solution to this problem, and it is very close. Modern Pharmacology offers a variety of various vitamin complexes. In principle, vitamin-mineral complexes have become accessible to people relatively recently - about 50 years ago. This is exactly what the opponents of pharmacological vitamin preparations operate: "After all, people without vitamins lived, and nothing! And such a word as vitaminosis was not in the arsenal of the doctors of those times a priori. "

And indeed - the concepts of "avitaminosis" was not. But there was such a terrible disease as a qing. Compulsory satellites of such a disease were the strongest decay of forces, lethargy, loss of teeth, various mass bleeding, and as a sad outcome - the death of a person. But the qing is nothing but the last stage of avitaminosis.

Therefore, it is not necessary to reject the achievements of modern pharmacology. However, it is also not worth the other extremes - the vitamins are not candy, and there are no circumstances in any way. Overdose of vitamins is no less dangerous for the children's body than its lack. All vitamin and mineral complexes of the child must appoint his attending physician - a pediatrician who is aware of the state of the health of the child and its individual characteristics of the body.

Proper diet

However, vitamin and mineral complexes are not the only panacea. It is very important to properly balance the diet.power child . In the spring, it should be enriched with products that contain vitamins and trace elements in large quantities.

Dairy products must be at least 40% of the total diet. And all dairy products are relevant - milk, kefir, ryazhenka, sour cream, yogurt. Of course, you should give preference to products that do not contain artificial dyes. The milk contains a large amount of calcium, which contributes to the assimilation of all other vitamins.

It is also necessary to ensure that in the diet of the child there was a sufficient amount of animal protein. It is simply necessary for the full development of the child and the functioning of its body. But do not forget that all meat dishes for the child should take care of thorough thermal processing.

Storage room

Many parents, fearing the development of avitaminosis, try to buy it as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Of course, it is quite commendable. But to solve the problem of how to warn the spring avitaminosis, in this way it is hardly possible. After all, there are almost no vitamins to the spring period in imported fruits and vegetables. Therefore, nothing useful, except for fiber, the child will not receive.

And here is the very time to remember that we can offer nature. Often, people's ways to warn the spring avitaminosis in children, much more efficiently than imported fruits and the most expensive multivitamin complexes.

  • All sorts of dried fruits

All dried fruits are very rich in such vitamins as A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. Yes, and mineral elements are also quite a lot - it is sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium, and calcium, and iron. Dried fruits are sweet enough, so almost all children love them without exception. It is unlikely that you will have a problem with how to make a child there are dried fruits.

A child can eat dried fruits just like that, but much wiser to prepare him a vitamin mixture. It is prepared as follows:take the equal parts of the prunes, raisins, figs and kuragi. Skip them through the meat grinder, add the same equal shares of honey and lemon. Mix mix thoroughly and place in the glass container that you want to store in the refrigerator.

In the event that the child is inclined to frequent colds, it is possible to add either one part of aloe leaves, or one ampule of aloe extract to the resulting vitamin mixture. The mixture can be given to a child just with spoons, and you can smear on bread or cookies - the effect will be the same. On the day, the child must eat the vitamin mixture at the rate of one teaspoon for every ten kilogram weight.

  • Raw beets and sea cabbage

Practically invaluable sources of iodine for a child can be sea cabbage and raw beets. Of course, these products have quite

a peculiar taste, and make the child eat a similar salad can be a challenge. However, you can still try. Yes, and for adults, this option may be optimal.

  • Celery root

Celery - generally an indispensable assistant to parents in combating avitaminosis. It contains a huge amount of potassium and iron. In addition, he has another pleasant feature - a pleasant taste. Despite the fact that most often children do not like any seasonings, celery root dishes always enjoy in high demand.

And in the course you can put absolutely everything - the celery root passed through a meat grinder, celery juice. You can add celery in the first and second children's menu dishes in unlimited quantities. In this situation, there is no fear of the following vitamins - all surplus will leave the child's body without any negative consequences.

  • Shipovnik

Rosehips in the people call the "storehouse" of vitamins for no accident - it contains such vitamins as P, K, E, B2, and C. In addition, in the rosehip in large quantitiesessential oils , lemon and apple acid and carotene. And, of course, there is a huge number of irreplaceable vitamin C - 30 times more than in Lemon.

Of course, in the springtime, fresh rose robes are not found, but practically in any pharmacy you can buy dry fruits. You can brew a rose rose as tea, and you can boil from it the decoctions - and your child will certainly receive all the vitamins you need. If you brew a rose hips like simple tea, then simply grind it and place it in a custard teapot, like an ordinary welding.

If you decide to cook a decoction, it will not take much time. Place 5 tablespoons of dry rose hips in enameled dishes, fill them with one liter of water and bring to a boil. After this fire, reduce, coverpan lid. And boil for 30 minutes. Given that the decoction is preparing for a child, be sure to add 5 tablespoons of sugar there.

However, remember that it is not necessary to take multivitamin complexes and vitamin decoctions at the same time, without the consent and approval of the doctor. Otherwise, an overaction of certain vitamins is possible.

Be healthy and rejoice in the spring!

How to warn avitaminosis in the spring of children?

The sun rays warm the air is completely spring. It would seem - live and rejoice! However, the head from the pillow to tear it is becoming harder and harder, and there is almost no strength for the strength. Familiar picture? Meet His Majesty Avitaminosis. And, to enormous regret, avitaminosis in the spring period in children is no less common than adults.

And this case in no case is unacceptable to let in a samone, without giving the problem of much importance. After all, the children's body is intensively growing, which means that it needs vitamins constantly. And the lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is very negatively affecting the development of the child and at the work of all organs and systems of its body. And it is difficult to predict what complications for your crumbs can turn on avitaminosis.

Doctors advise parents immediately beat the alarm if they find problems such as:

Increased fatigue child. Attentive parents will not necessarily notice that the child began to fully tire, all the time strives to lie down. For older children, there may be problems with academic performance in school, scattered attention, memory deterioration.

Sleep disorders. Avitaminosis can give itself to know sleep violations. Some children may have increased drowsiness, others have insomnia.

Problems with gums. Another highly reliable sign of avitaminosis becomes often bleeding gums. Moreover, in severe cases, blood remains not only on a toothbrush, but even on soft food. In this case, parents should seek medical help as quickly as possible.

Colds. In the event that the child often begins to hurt with colds, parents should also think about the possibility of avitaminosis. Unfortunately, very often child's soreness parents are written off on a weakened immunity. And no one binds these two concepts - avitaminosis and weakened immunity - among themselves. And very in vain. By the way, it is the lack of vitamin C and leads to a decrease in the work of the immune system.

Some other diseases. In the event that the child's body lacks the vitamins of the group B, the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, pancreas, nervous system, conjunctivitis is possible. And accurately establish the cause that provoked the development of these diseases is almost impossible. Therefore, it is much wiser to try to prevent avitaminosis than to treat his consequences.

Small weight and child growth. Of course, natural and hereditary factors play a huge role. But in the event that your child is overly slowly gaining weight or grows, be sure to think about - and is there no avitaminosis?

And remember that in the spring time the problem of avitaminosis is especially acute. Therefore, manifestations can develop extremely quickly. Take care of avitaminosis prevention in a timely manner. Moreover, and about the rest of the family is also not worth forget.

Vitamin Mineral Complexes

Of course, there is a solution to this problem, and it is very close. Modern Pharmacology offers a variety of various vitamin complexes. In principle, vitamin-mineral complexes have become accessible to people relatively recently - about 50 years ago. This is exactly what the opponents of pharmacological vitamin preparations operate: "After all, people without vitamins lived, and nothing! And such a word as vitaminosis was not in the arsenal of the doctors of those times a priori. "

And indeed - the concepts of "avitaminosis" was not. But there was such a terrible disease as a qing. Compulsory satellites of such a disease were the strongest decay of forces, lethargy, loss of teeth, various mass bleeding, and as a sad outcome - the death of a person. But the qing is nothing but the last stage of avitaminosis.

Therefore, it is not necessary to reject the achievements of modern pharmacology. However, it is also not worth the other extremes - the vitamins are not candy, and there are no circumstances in any way. Overdose of vitamins is no less dangerous for the children's body than its lack. All vitamin and mineral complexes of the child must appoint his attending physician - a pediatrician who is aware of the state of the health of the child and its individual characteristics of the body.

Proper diet

However, vitamin and mineral complexes are not the only panacea. It is very important to properly balance the diet of the child. In the spring, it should be enriched with products that contain vitamins and trace elements in large quantities, so necessary to the baby. Children's nutritionist doctors advise to pay particularly close attention to the kid menu.

Dairy products must be at least 40% of the entire diet of the crumbs. And all dairy products are relevant - milk, kefir, ryazhenka, sour cream, yogurt. Of course, you should give preference to products that do not contain artificial dyes. The milk contains a large amount of calcium, which contributes to the assimilation of all other vitamins.

It is also necessary to ensure that the kid's diet is a sufficient amount of animal protein. It is simply necessary for the full development of the child and the functioning of its body. But do not forget that all meat dishes for the child should take care of thorough thermal processing.

Storage room

Many parents, fearing the development of avitaminosis, try to buy it as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Of course, it is quite commendable. But to solve the problem of how to warn the spring avitaminosis, in this way it is hardly possible. After all, there are almost no vitamins to the spring period in imported fruits and vegetables. Therefore, nothing useful, except for fiber, the child will not receive.

And here is the very time to remember that we can offer nature. Often, people's ways to warn the spring avitaminosis in children, much more efficiently than imported fruits and the most expensive multivitamin complexes.

All sorts of dried fruits

All dried fruits are very rich in such vitamins as A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. Yes, and mineral elements are also quite a lot - it is sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium, and calcium, and iron. Dried fruits are sweet enough, so almost all children love them without exception. It is unlikely that you will have a problem with how to make a child there are dried fruits.

By the way, pay special attention to the dried fruits. You can find two types of dried fruits - dried by industrial method and at home. Of course, the second stand is much more expensive, but also the vitamins in them are much more. Therefore, try to buy them, if, of course, your budget allows. After all, the child's health is clearly not that item on which it is worth saving a family budget.

A child can eat dried fruits just like that, but much wiser to prepare him a vitamin mixture. It is prepared as follows: take equal parts of the prunes, raisins, figs and kuragi. Skip them through the meat grinder, add the same equal shares of honey and lemon. Mix mix thoroughly and place in the glass container that you want to store in the refrigerator.

In the event that the child is inclined to frequent colds, it is possible to add either one part of aloe leaves, or one ampule of aloe extract to the resulting vitamin mixture. The mixture can be given to a child just with spoons, and you can smear on bread or cookies - the effect will be the same. On the day, the child must eat the vitamin mixture at the rate of one teaspoon for every ten kilogram weight.

Raw beets and sea cabbage

Practically invaluable sources of iodine for a child can be sea cabbage and raw beets. Of course, these products have a very peculiar taste, and to make the eating a small child, such a salad be a challenge. However, you can still try. Yes, and for adult children, this option may be optimal.

Celery root

Celery - generally an indispensable assistant to parents in combating avitaminosis. It contains a huge amount of potassium and iron. In addition, he has another pleasant feature - a pleasant taste. Despite the fact that most often children do not like any seasonings, celery root dishes always enjoy in high demand.

And in the course you can put absolutely everything - the celery root passed through a meat grinder, celery juice. You can add celery in the first and second children's menu dishes in unlimited quantities. In this situation, the oversupply of vitamins is not worthwhile - all excess will leave the kid's body without any negative consequences.


Rosehips in the people are called the "folding" of vitamins for no accident - it contains such vitamins as P, K, E, B2, and C. In addition, in the rosehip in large quantities there are essential oils, lemon and malic acids and carotene. And, of course, there is a huge number of irreplaceable vitamin C - 30 times more than in Lemon.

Of course, in the springtime, fresh rose robes are not found, but practically in any pharmacy you can buy dry fruits. You can brew a rose rose as tea, and you can boil from it the decoctions - and your child will certainly receive all the vitamins you need. If you brew a rose hips like simple tea, then simply grind it and place it in a custard teapot, like an ordinary welding.

If you decide to cook a decoction, it will not take much time. Place 5 tablespoons of dry rose hips in enameled dishes, fill them with one liter of water and bring to a boil. After that, the fire is reduced, cover the saucepan with a lid and boil for 30 minutes. Given that the decoction is preparing for a child, be sure to add 5 tablespoons of sugar there.

In the event that the broth of rosehip is designed for older children, sugar can be replaced with honey. Of course, in the event that the child has no allergic reactions to honey. Finished broth wrap a terry towel and leave for a few hours. After that, strain the decoction with the help of marlevic tissue.


Also, in no case should you forget about such a useful berry as Rowan. In principle, dried rowan fruits can be found in pharmacies, but it is not so easy. Therefore, the billet rowan is worth thinking in winter. It will dry very simply - it is enough to decompose the fruits of rowan on a flat surface in a dry and dark place. About a week, rowan berries are dry.

The rowan berries contain a huge number of carotene - more than in carrots. And the vitamins of the group in there are very and very much. Rowan is also prepared as teas and decoctions. The recipe for cooking is exactly the same as the ragger of rosehip. But pay attention - the decoction of Ryabina can be prepared only for children over seven years old. Also, you should not give Ryabina's decoction to children suffering from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, remember that it is not necessary to take multivitamin complexes and vitamin decoctions at the same time, without the consent and approval of the doctor. Otherwise, an overaction of certain vitamins is possible.

Be healthy and rejoice in the spring!

Nadezhda Morozova
Consultation for parents "How to warn Spring Avitaminosis"

Consultation for parents

Subject: "How ".

Prepared Morozova's teacher N. S.

Now more often than ever striking as children on the street go without mood, capricious. Early spring children's body is experiencing a sharp shortage of vitamins.

Yes, and not only lacks in our body of vitamins, the body in early spring suffers from the lack of sunlight. Several advice on overcoming avitaminosis.

Solar rays warmed the air already quite springnaya. It would seem - live and rejoice! However, the head from the pillow to tear it is becoming harder and harder, and there is almost no strength for the strength. Familiar picture? Meet His Majesty Avitaminosis. And, to great unfortunately, avitaminosis in Spring The period in children is no less common than adults.

And this case in no case is unacceptable to let in a samone, without giving the problem of much importance. After all, the children's body is intensively growing, which means that it needs vitamins constantly. And the lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is very negatively affecting the development of the child and at the work of all organs and systems of its body. And difficult predictWhat complications for your crumbs can turn avitaminosis.

Doctors advise parents immediately beat the alarm if they detect such problems in a child, as:

1. Increased fatigue of the child. Attentive parents will noticethat the child began to be quickly tired, pulls all the time to lie down. For older children, there may be problems with academic performance in school, scattered attention, memory deterioration.

2. Sleep disorders. Avitaminosis Maybe you know about yourself to know sleep disorders. Some children may have increased drowsiness, others have insomnia.

3. Problems with gums. Another very reliable sign avitaminosis Often the bleeding gums are becoming. Moreover, in severe cases, blood remains not only on a toothbrush, but even on soft food. In this case parents should seek medical help as soon as possible.

4. Walled diseases. In the event that the child begins to painfully sow witnesses, parents should also think about the possibility avitaminosis. Unfortunately, very often child soreness parents They write off on a weakened immunity. And no one binds these two concepts - avitaminosis And weakened immunity - among themselves. And very in vain. By the way, it is the lack of vitamin C and leads to a decrease in the work of the immune system.

5. Small weight and child growth. Of course, natural and hereditary factors play a huge role. But in the event that your child is overly slowly gaining weight or grows, be sure to think about - and whether the crumbs do not have avitaminosis?

And remember that in spring time Avitaminosis problem It is especially acute. Therefore, manifestations can develop extremely quickly. Take care of prevention avitaminosis timely. Moreover, and about the rest of the family is also not worth forget.

Try to happen more with children outdoors in the sunny day of the day. If the baby is still small, send to sleep an hour earlier than usual. The body at this time needs an additional number of sleep.

Children are necessarily 2-3 times a day suggest To drink on a glass of beverage prepared on the basis of fruit and berry juices, herbal decoctions and info. Infusions and decoctions are made from everything that is at hand.

Mix a quarter cup of juice sauerkraut from a half-cup of tomato juice, add a slightly chopped parsley and sprinkle. Let the baby drink.

Mix in equal amounts of fresh juice cabbage and carrots, add honey or sugar to taste. When you feed such a dessert to the baby, put a little bit of whipped cream on top.

Mix half a cup of carrot and half-cook of orange juice, dilute with a glass of cold boiled water, make a cocktail with a dessert spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon. Let drinking this drink in the intervals between the food or after a walk, or physical education, swimming.

Vitamin and mineral complexes.

Of course, there is a solution to this problem, and it is very close. Modern pharmacology offer The variety of various vitamin complexes.

Therefore, it is not necessary to reject the achievements of modern pharmacology. However, it is also not worth the other extremes - the vitamins are not candy, and there are no circumstances in any way. Overdose of vitamins is no less dangerous for the children's body than its lack. All vitamin and mineral complexes of the child must appoint his attending physician - a pediatrician who is aware of the state of the health of the child and its individual characteristics of the body.

Now, I think you create with the task: How warn Spring Avitaminov. More walks in fresh air, proper balanced nutrition, drinking mode, full sleep, and your baby will be healthy and merry in any weather, and at any time of the year.

Be healthy.

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A bright sun shines on the street, a green grass appeared, warm on the street, just for some reason sadly, we are unhappy with themselves, tired, everything falls out of the hands. Everything is clear with you by avitaminosis.

How to warn avitaminosis?

To cope with the vitaminosis, you can of course drink packs of vitamins, but better still physical exertion and healthy food.

Manifestation of Avitaminosis:

  • strong fatigue;
  • aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • depression;
  • drowsiness.

These are the main manifestations of avitaminosis.

Recreation Exercises - Avitaminosis Prevention

If you are not accustomed to play sports, I want to offer an interesting and very useful exercise. You just need to stand a post, preferably every day.

1) No one should disturb you. Go to the balcony, stand up at the open window. Digure your hands a little, neck, make tilts to the sides, pull up. Put the legs on the width of the shoulders, the foot must be turned inside, the knees are slightly bent.

2) back, spine straight, but it is not necessary to strain it. The head is like being suspended for the top to the sky and is slightly tilted forward. Shoot eyes slightly. The shoulders must be lowered and rounded, imagine as if under the mouses lie small balls.

3) elbows should look down, palms at the chest level and are directed to each other forming a smooth circle. This is very important for circulation of vital energy. Try to relax, think about things that you are happy and calm: Favorite cottage, the sea to which you will soon go, Forest Polyanka, where amazing berries and mushrooms grow.

4) Present on the breath warm, the golden air comes to the bottom of the abdomen, when the dirt is exhaled and the exhaust air is outward. Exercise "Proper standing" you need for minutes forty-day, stand in the morning posttoy 20 minutes, two hours before sleep - 15 minutes, right before you go to bed for 5 minutes.

This exercise will give you a portion of joy and health.

How to treat avitaminosis?

1) overcome the shortage of vitamins will help you seeds nuts. Thanks to the shell, all useful vitamins and substances are preserved in them. Also all the minerals of vitamins retain dried fruits.

I propose to prepare a very useful breakfast: you need to take 500 grams of various dried fruits, it can being a raisin of the dates, prunes, kuraga, figs, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal and 100 grams of milk, a glass of crushed nuts, lemon can be cranberry juice and a slightly cinnamon.Oatmeal is needed to fill with milk and leave overnight. In the morning add dried fruits, the nuts are pre-crushed, pouring lemon juice and mix everything. Wonderful and very useful breakfast ready!

2) In the spring when there has not grown anything in the gardens, all imported vegetables or frozen, you need to remember the sprouted cereals. You can germinate, wheat, rye.

The grains need to flush, put into a plastic container, you can also in a regular cellophane package, pour warm, but not boiled water, so that it completely closed the grains. The container must be littered with a towel and put into a warm place, you can on the battery or in a container with hot water.

After a day, the grains will begin to slander. It is necessary to rinse them and add to various dishes. If your family relates suspiciously to such seedlings, let's prepare useful sandwiches.

You need to take a glass of sprouted grains, skip through a meat grinder, add 100 grams of cheese, several pieces of garlic,
tattered on a shallow grater and mix well. If the paste is shown dry, you can add sour cream there. Naming this packer sandwich and it will definitely like your family.

3) To escape from the ARVI, the exacerbations of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive system, let's make a balsam saving from seven ailments. The juice of ten garlic heads plus juice 10 and lemon, plus a kilogram of honey all mix, put the refrigerator and such a mixture should be taken across the tablespoon overnight.

Also in the fight against various bacteria will help sharp peppers, mustard and horseradish. Moreover, they still contribute to the best operation of the gallbladder and liver.

Conclusion: Let's smile more often, look at everything optimistically, to carry a healthy lifestyle, to do gymnastics, we will be confident and then avitaminosis is not terrible to you.

The sun rays warm the air is completely spring. It would seem - live and rejoice! However, the head from the pillow to tear it is becoming harder and harder, and there is almost no strength for the strength. Familiar picture? Meet His MajestyAvitaminosis. And, to enormous regret, avitaminosis in the spring period in children is no less common than adults.

And this case in no case is unacceptable to let in a samone, without giving the problem of much importance. After all, the children's body is intensively growing, which means that it needs vitamins constantly. And the lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is very negatively affecting the development of the child and at the work of all organs and systems of its body. And it is difficult to predict what complications for a child can turn on avitaminosis.

Doctors advise parents immediately beat the alarm if they find problems such as:

    Increased fatigue child. Attentive parents will not necessarily notice that the child began to fully tire, all the time strives to lie down. For older children, there may be problems with academic performance in school, scattered attention, memory deterioration.

    Sleep disorders. Avitaminosis can give itself to know sleep violations. Some children may have increased drowsiness, others have insomnia.

    Problems with gums. Another highly reliable sign of avitaminosis becomes often bleeding gums. Moreover, in severe cases, blood remains not only on a toothbrush, but even on soft food. In this case, parents should seek medical help as quickly as possible.

    Colds. In the event that the child often begins to hurt with colds, parents should also think about the possibility of avitaminosis. Unfortunately, very often child's soreness parents are written off on a weakened immunity. And no one binds these two concepts - avitaminosis and weakened immunity - among themselves. And very in vain. By the way, it is the lack of vitamin C and leads to a decrease in the work of the immune system.

And remember that in the spring time the problem of avitaminosis is especially acute. Therefore, manifestations can develop extremely quickly. Take care of avitaminosis prevention in a timely manner. Moreover, and about the rest of the family is also not worth forget.

Vitamin Mineral Complexes

Of course, there is a solution to this problem, and it is very close. Modern Pharmacology offers a variety of various vitamin complexes. In principle, vitamin-mineral complexes have become accessible to people relatively recently - about 50 years ago. This is exactly what the opponents of pharmacological vitamin preparations operate: "After all, people without vitamins lived, and nothing! And such a word as vitaminosis was not in the arsenal of the doctors of those times a priori. "

And indeed - the concepts of "avitaminosis" was not. But there was such a terrible disease as a qing. Compulsory satellites of such a disease were the strongest decay of forces, lethargy, loss of teeth, various mass bleeding, and as a sad outcome - the death of a person. But the qing is nothing but the last stage of avitaminosis.

Therefore, it is not necessary to reject the achievements of modern pharmacology. However, it is also not worth the other extremes - the vitamins are not candy, and there are no circumstances in any way. Overdose of vitamins is no less dangerous for the children's body than its lack. All vitamin and mineral complexes of the child must appoint his attending physician - a pediatrician who is aware of the state of the health of the child and its individual characteristics of the body.

Proper diet

However, vitamin and mineral complexes are not the only panacea. It is very important to properly balance the diet.power child . In the spring, it should be enriched with products that contain vitamins and trace elements in large quantities.

Dairy products must be at least 40% of the total diet. And all dairy products are relevant - milk, kefir, ryazhenka, sour cream, yogurt. Of course, you should give preference to products that do not contain artificial dyes. The milk contains a large amount of calcium, which contributes to the assimilation of all other vitamins.

It is also necessary to ensure that in the diet of the child there was a sufficient amount of animal protein. It is simply necessary for the full development of the child and the functioning of its body. But do not forget that all meat dishes for the child should take care of thorough thermal processing.

Storage room

Many parents, fearing the development of avitaminosis, try to buy it as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Of course, it is quite commendable. But to solve the problem of how to warn the spring avitaminosis, in this way it is hardly possible. After all, there are almost no vitamins to the spring period in imported fruits and vegetables. Therefore, nothing useful, except for fiber, the child will not receive.

And here is the very time to remember that we can offer nature. Often, people's ways to warn the spring avitaminosis in children, much more efficiently than imported fruits and the most expensive multivitamin complexes.

    All sorts of dried fruits

All dried fruits are very rich in such vitamins as A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. Yes, and mineral elements are also quite a lot - it is sodium, phosphorus, and magnesium, and calcium, and iron. Dried fruits are sweet enough, so almost all children love them without exception. It is unlikely that you will have a problem with how to make a child there are dried fruits.

A child can eat dried fruits just like that, but much wiser to prepare him a vitamin mixture. It is prepared as follows:take the equal parts of the prunes, raisins, figs and kuragi. Skip them through the meat grinder, add the same equal shares of honey and lemon. Mix mix thoroughly and place in the glass container that you want to store in the refrigerator.

In the event that the child is inclined to frequent colds, it is possible to add either one part of aloe leaves, or one ampule of aloe extract to the resulting vitamin mixture. The mixture can be given to a child just with spoons, and you can smear on bread or cookies - the effect will be the same. On the day, the child must eat the vitamin mixture at the rate of one teaspoon for every ten kilogram weight.

    Raw beets and sea cabbage

Practically invaluable sources of iodine for a child can be sea cabbage and raw beets. Of course, these products have quite

a peculiar taste, and make the child eat a similar salad can be a challenge. However, you can still try. Yes, and for adults, this option may be optimal.

    Celery root

Celery - generally an indispensable assistant to parents in combating avitaminosis. It contains a huge amount of potassium and iron. In addition, he has another pleasant feature - a pleasant taste. Despite the fact that most often children do not like any seasonings, celery root dishes always enjoy in high demand.

And in the course you can put absolutely everything - the celery root passed through a meat grinder, celery juice. You can add celery in the first and second children's menu dishes in unlimited quantities. In this situation, there is no fear of the following vitamins - all surplus will leave the child's body without any negative consequences.


Rosehips in the people call the "storehouse" of vitamins for no accident - it contains such vitamins as P, K, E, B2, and C. In addition, in the rosehip in large quantitiesessential oils , lemon and apple acid and carotene. And, of course, there is a huge number of irreplaceable vitamin C - 30 times more than in Lemon.

Of course, in the springtime, fresh rose robes are not found, but practically in any pharmacy you can buy dry fruits. You can brew a rose rose as tea, and you can boil from it the decoctions - and your child will certainly receive all the vitamins you need. If you brew a rose hips like simple tea, then simply grind it and place it in a custard teapot, like an ordinary welding.

If you decide to cook a decoction, it will not take much time. Place 5 tablespoons of dry rose hips in enameled dishes, fill them with one liter of water and bring to a boil. After this fire, reduce, coverpan lid. And boil for 30 minutes. Given that the decoction is preparing for a child, be sure to add 5 tablespoons of sugar there.

However, remember that it is not necessary to take multivitamin complexes and vitamin decoctions at the same time, without the consent and approval of the doctor. Otherwise, an overaction of certain vitamins is possible.

Be healthy and rejoice in the spring!