Sobesevich portrait of a quote. Quotes. Manor and home Sobesevich

28.04.2021 Homemade and crafts

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "Dead Souls", which became the immortal, presented Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogolo Poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Creating a work is the main mission that Gogol was supposed to perform. So the writer himself considered himself. The plans of Gogol there was an essay of three volumes of the poem (according to Hell, purgatory, paradise). It was written and published only the first thing. Only he reached the reader. The sad fate of the second volume and the reasons that have given rise to it, until now remain a mystery. Modern philologists in their writings are trying to solve secrets associated with writing the work. To this end, the images created in the poem are thoroughly studied and analyzed, the characteristics of the companion, Manilov, boxes and other major characters are given.

Gallery of the Poem Images

In the poem "Chichikov's adherents, or dead souls", namely, under such title, the work was published for the first time, presented a whole gallery of images - different types of people and even inanimate objects. Using such a reception, Gogol masterfully depicts the way of life of Russia of the XIX century.

It shows common features - ignorance of officials, arbitrariness of the authorities, a serious fate of the people. At the same time, the characters of individual characters are brightly represented in the poem, their individual features.

For example, the image of a companion, Plushin, boxes, Nozdrev, Manilova, Chichikova gives the reader to understand that the heroes are typical representatives of a certain era, although each carrying something, an individual, different from others. The appearance of the characters of the poem in Gogol is not random moments. Their view reader is subordinated to a certain order, which is very important for the disclosure of the overall plan of the work.

Ownership of sobesevich

Mikhail Semenovich Sobesevich in the poem "Dead Souls" in the Gallery of images appears in front of the readers fourth characters. Acquaintance with him begins long before the appearance of the hero itself.

Chichikov's gaze opens a large village with strong and solid buildings. The house of the landowner himself seemed to be defined "for eternal standing." The buildings belonging to the peasants were also surprised by Chikchikov with her reliability and good quality.

It is immediately clear that the external side of the buildings, their aesthetics absolutely do not worry the owner. Only functionality is important, the practical benefits of what surrounds it.

In the description of the landscape, you need to pay attention to the forests that surround the village. On the one hand there was a birch forest, and on the other - pine. This also indicates the economic owner of the estate. Gogol compares the forest with the wings of the same bird, but one of them is bright, and another dark. Perhaps this is an indication of the character of the character. So Gogol is preparing the reader to the perception of a difficult linear of the owner of the Sobevich.

External appearance of the hero

Description of the Sobelaevich, its external characteristics Gogol gives in comparison with animals and inanimate objects.

This is the average magnitude of the clumsy bear. He moves, coming on someone's legs. His fracture of bearish color. Even the name, Mikhail Semenovich, causes the reader the Association with animals.

Made this Gogol is not at all by chance. Characteristic of the Schemevich, a description of its inner world begins precisely from the perception of the appearance of the character. After all, we first draw attention to such features.

The complexion of a companion, which was Kalen, hot, like a copper patch, also indicates some strength, inviolability of character.

Interior description and image of the poem's hero

The interior of the rooms where Sobesevich lived, an unusually similar to the manner. Here the chairs, the table, chairs were the same clumsy, bulky, heavy, like he himself.

The reader, having familiarized himself from the hero, his environments, can assume the limitedness of spiritual interests, about excessive approaching it to the world of material life.

What distinguishes the Sobevich from other landowners

Attentive reader necessarily notices this difference. The design of a subsidiary of a companion, having many common features with other characters of the poem, at the same time very different from them. This makes a kind of diversity.

The owner of Sobesevich not only loves reliability and fortress in everything, but also his fortress peasants makes it possible to live thoroughly and firmly stand on the legs. This manifests the practical grip and the businesslikeness of this character.

When a deal with chikchikov was held for the sale of the Dead Souls, Sobekevich himself wrote a list of his departed peasants. At the same time, he remembered not only their names, but also crafts owned by his subordinates. He could describe each of them - to call the attractive and negative sides of the character of a person.

This indicates that the landowner is not indifferent to who lives in his village who he owns. At the right moment, he will take advantage of the qualities of his people, of course, with benefit for himself.

He absolutely not accepting excessive miserness and condemns for it his neighbors. So the companion speaks about Plushkin, who, having eight hundred shower eating worse than the shepherd. Mikhailo Semenovich himself pleases his stomach very happy. Czechodie, perhaps, is his main thing in life.

Make a deal

This is an interesting point in the poem. The moment of the conclusion of the transaction related to the purchase of the dead souls, much tells about the Sobevich. The reader notes that the landowner is smart - he is with a half-word understands what chikhik wants. Again, such features are published as practicality and the desire to do everything with the benefits of themselves.

In addition, in this situation, the straightness of the Sobelaevich is manifested. Sometimes it goes into rudeness, ignorance, cynicism, which is a real essence of the character.

What is alarming in the description of the image of the hero

Characteristic of the Schemevich, some of his actions, the statements make the reader tolerate. Although much of what the landowner does, at first glance, it seems worthy of respect. For example, the desire to ensure that the peasants are firmly on their feet, does not at all indicate the High spirituality of the Sobevich. This is done only with the benefits for yourself - with a strong commodity economy there is always something to take.

About urban officials Sobesevich says they are fraudsters, "Christ soldiers." And this is most likely the truth. But all said does not prevent him from having some favorable cases and relationships with these fraudsters.

The reader is alarming and the fact that any person who is a sign of Sobekevich, with whom it is friendly, if this can be called, he said not a single kind word.

His attitude to science, the formation sharply negatively. And people who are engaged in this, Mikhail Semenovich would notice - so they hated him. This is due, probably, with the fact that Sobesevich understands: Education is able to shake the established foundations, and this is unprofitable landlord. From here and flows his weight and sustainability of views.

The dead of the soul of Sobevich

Characteristics of the Sobevich with all its positive and negative points makes it possible to make the main conclusion: the landowner Mikhailo Semenovich is dead as well as his neighbors, officials from the city, the adventurist of chikchik. The reader clearly understands it.

Having a well-minded, lifestyle, Sobehevich and its neighbors will not allow any changes around themselves. Why do they need it? To change, a person needs a soul, and these people have it. Gogol never managed to look into the eyes of the companion and other characters of the poem (except Plushin). This technique once again indicates the absence of a soul.

The death of the characters is also evidenced by the fact that very little author talks about the related links of heroes. It seems that they all took nowhere, they have no roots, it means there is no life.

Particular to the Speech of the Schemevich. Of course, both of his companion, with all the rudeness of his nature, there are some kind of elementary ideas about the decency and the debt of hospitality, and therefore he rarely seduced by someone and rarely responded about someone "from the good side", full of respect for Chikchiku , Determines it in a conversation with his wife: "A prefigured person," and invites him to his estate. Elementary politeness shows the Schemevich and in the fact that, knowing his habit to step on his feet, he asked the same hour: "Didn't I disturbed you?" Or, already coming, immediately apologizes: "I apologize." But in his nature, she prevailed, and he takes Chichikov more officially and dry than Manilaov: "I recommend you," "I had the honor to meet."

Dry, ripples and laconic his words at Wire Chichikov: "Farewell. Thank you for visited; Please do not forget, "etc.

The shade of the official language is felt in other places of conversation of the companion with Chikchikov. From here it is frequent "Issue": "If you do not claim me"; "EXCHOME ... And I will tell you, too, my last word", etc. Especially officially the stationery becomes the language of the Schichikov, when he wants to somewhat drinking Chichikov in connection with his strange deal: "Tell me, or who will not be anyone - such a person will not be any power of attorney regarding contracts or entry into any profitable obligations. "

Its receipt is also a sample of the stationery: "The deposit of twenty-five rubles by state assignments for sold souls received in full." The rudeness and the axis straightness of the Sobelaevich are perfectly expressed in its assessment of the same officials of the city, oh (whom Manilov said so courtesy.

Chairman from Sobesevich - "Such a fool, which light did not produce"; Governor - "The first robber in the world ... and the face of the robbery"; "Give him only a knife yes let him down on a big way - will dance"; "He is still the vice-governor - Goga and Magoga." Polumaster - "Fraudster, sell, deceive, also lunch with you."

Summarizing its judgment about officials, he says: "These are all fraudsters; The whole city is there such: a fraudster on a fraudster sits and the fraudster will chase. All Christ crafts. " One decent person highlights the Sober - the prosecutor, but he also awards the epithet "Piggy". Sobesevich gives a criticism of criticism and plush: "The fraudster, such a miser, which is difficult to imagine."

Bear The rudeness of the companion affects and in the fact that he is not completely shy in his expressions to nor under Guest, nor during lunch. For example: "That channel-cook will buy, which was learned from the Frenchman, the cat, abandon him, and it comes to the table instead of dinner," he characterizes the governor dinner, for which his wife overthrews him.

In irritation to French cuisine, Sobesevich so dreamed, which was enough for a little, not through the edge: "Enlighten education, enlightenment, and this enlightenment ... Fuk. I would say another word, but just that the table is indecent. " The rudeness of the companion goes over the borders and elsewhere. When they signed up with Chichikov about Plushin, the companion called him a "dog" and added to his characteristic: "apologious to go to some (obscene place than to him."

Rough, Kulack Natura Sobesevich is perfectly revealed in a transaction with chikchikov. In essence, IV of all derived landowners, he behaves the most real deal, deftly focusing in it, quickly repelled that the Yoon can get from her aware of the well-known benefits, holding the main thread of this transaction in his hands.

Mikhail Semenovich Sobekevich is a small linear 40-ka years old. The buyer of the dead souls of chikchikov is visited by the fourth in the account. It seems to reader in the form of a strong and large person. Gogol had a special talent to give surname to his characters according to their characteristics of their character. So and the Sobashievich, initially represented as kind and strong, later turns out to be dissatisfied and swears.

Sobashievich lives in a deaf outback, which imposed on him a unique imprint. He is actively engaged in its estate, leading to his wife Fedulia Ivanovna measured and has long been increasing life. The wife is present in the appearance of high and at the same time thin special. Yes, pretty harmonious couple turns out.

(Manor of Sobesevich in his village)

The village of Sobesevich is equipped with strong peasant outstands that have a rather awkward look, but are sound and reliable. His estate Sobesevich will take a reliable fence. In the house, his whole setting is strong and reliable, it seems that every chair shouts: "I am also a companion." Everything is similar to Berloga Bear. Large and cumbersome chairs and beds, and the paintings were rave everywhere in the same bulky framework.

Characteristic of the hero

("Sobekevich", artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

Sobesevich is the easiest landowner who firmly stands on his land, can soberly and quickly evaluate people without feeling the slightest sympathies. By the conviction of Mikhail Semenovich himself, his life was a success, which he managed to furnish fundamentally and thoroughly. He does not have a feeling of fear for someone, although he is a magnificent interlocutor with a certain rudeness, straightness and donkey durability.

Mikhail Semenovich is deprived of any emotional gusts and spiritual experiences, he is quite relieved of dreaminess and philosity. Soberevich with full disgust perceives all new things that does not fit in his mind, considering that all these delights of the enlightenment are harmful fictions for the people. His life credo - "The fraudster on a fraudster is sitting and the fraudster will chase."

He scolds everyone and believes that only the prosecutor remains the most decent person for him, but he considers the politzmester to be a fraudster, and the governor of the robber. For him, every person is a liar and an unclean on hand. Although he himself calmly defends the Chairman of the Chamber, which decided to sell Karetnik Mikheev, despite the fact that the chairman himself had already known about his death.

("Sobekevich represents his wife's chichikov", artist Alexander Agin, 1846-47)

Opinion about chikchikhe. Unlike the landowners, a box, torn off from the realities of the life and a sebarita-dreamer Manilov, Sobekevich quickly understood the essence of Chichikov's patrols and did not give the opportunity to spend herself.

After listening to Chichikov's request for the sale of the dead souls, Sobakhevich, despite the clumsiness and eccentricity, quickly realized what the speech was speaking about, therefore, it was appointed such a high price - 100 rubles for each sold dead soul. During the conversation with Chikchikov, the psychology of the Sobelaevich is fully revealed - a strong fist landlord, who managed to establish the work of his peasants, which has retrieved the maximum benefit for himself. Never misses his benefit, so he firmly decided not to retreat from the appointed price.

The image of the hero in the work

("Dinner with Sobesevich", Illustration of P.P. Sokolova, early 1890s)

Sobehevich is one of the main characters of the poem of Gogol "Dead Souls", in which he created a collective image that was also in a deaf province and in the capital's salons. The poem shows the reality that was in Russia at the end of the 19th century, when the peasants were serfs, and their lives completely depended on the landowner.

Gogol, describing the appearance of a companion, compared him with a hazard bear, who suddenly pierced his interlocutor with his close eyes, from which it became uncomfortable. With all the monumentality, Mikhail is not deprived of some weaknesses, the main one was gluttony. After praising in front of Chichikov, he said: "I have when pork - let's come on the table!".

To describe the image of Sobevich, Gogol used all the techniques of composite narrative construction: landscapes, portraits and speech of their hero.

Among the strings of the characters depicted by the workshop of Hogol's hand, the image of a companion in the poem "Dead Souls" is characterized by a special texture.

He is financially tangible in all his rough, bulky, but strong and reliable realhood.

Sobesevich is a bright detail in the general grand canvas of the foreshort of the first half of the XIX century, created by the great Russian writer.

Portrait of a companion

The first impression of the Sobevich - the middle size of the Bear. The face seems to be cut with several awkward blows by an ax.

He is bad, will definitely come to the interlocutor on the leg. His name is Mikhail Semenovich, which also emphasizes his bearishness.

Character has a solid, in conclusions straight and rude. His wife is a high lady with a face look like a cucumber.

Age of Sobevich Gogol did not specifically indicate. Apparently, he is from 40 to 50 years. At the time when Gogol worked on the poem, he was a little over 30. At that age and the forty-male, it seems almost old men.

Consequently, Gogol assumed the age of a companion in no more than forty years. This character deals with the entire fifth chapter of the poem.

Life goals

The purpose of the Schemevich is to just live. The soul is somewhere far away as the Koshcheevo Egg. And it is clear that the companion loves to rule it. He wants everything to be in his will, even if it is wrong.

Progress and Sobesevich - two incompatible things. Gogol notes in a lyrical retreat that such people like Sobesevich, better let the landowners. Since if they come to power, then the grief will be the country and especially officials who fall under their power, because the officials can "click" without harm for themselves, and the peasants can not, for you lose your earnings.

Favorite classes

The landowner Sobesevich loves to eat. Does it also thoroughly, like everything he does: To serve on the table, so a whole pig. After eating loves to sleep.

Obviously, judging by the description of his estate, where, as Hogol noted, the plan of the architect fought with the will of the customer, - Sobesevich likes to build.

Of course, how it all then (and not only then), loves money very much. The accumulation of money is his favorite occupation, as well as.

That's just according to Chichikov, the money gives social status, even some greatness, and from the point of view of a companion - money is allowed again stability, the fortress to which he is so strive.

Manor Sobevich and his attitude to the Economy

Interior of the manor Mikhail Semenovich under the owner to such an extent that every piece of furniture seems to say: "I also sobekhevich."

All the household it is designed hard, the main emphasis is not done on fine decoration, but for direct benefits, durability, thoroughness.

He does not need the windows - he broke them, it took the window - cut out where it is necessary, a completely different size. The appearance of the Schemevich is not important - only the benefits.

He cares about his peasants. After all, so that the peasants bring income, they should live in strong buildings and eat well. Their houses are made without frills, but even sheds are made of full-fledged logs.

Manner of behavior and sentence

The bear, a perfect bear, was convinced by Chichikov, continuing to communicate with the Sobevich. Still, he stepped on his leg.

It is difficult for him to move the neck, so it looks somewhat down and lobby, nevertheless, he quickly understands the essence of what is happening.

The speech of his brief, in her and the trace there are no beautiful manilov, speaks only essentially a question. Soberevich applies with contempt for everything in modern: "Here, before there were people!".

He even talks about himself with neglect, believing that his father was healthier, and stronger than he himself. About his deceased peasants, Sobashevich utters a whole ODU.

Ratio of Sobelaevich to the proposal of Chichikov

The proposal to sell the Dead Souls Sobesevich perceived as if it was about the usual thing. I interrupt the careful approaches of Chichikov, which began about the "good of the state", he immediately moved to the price discussion. In the poem it produces a comic effect.

Attitude towards the surrounding Sobesevich

On the relationship of the companion to the familiar, there is an exhaustive one if this phrase: "One prosecutor in the province is a good man, and that pig." Even the governor he has a fraudster, and all around Christ crafts.

However, with her men, he is in Lada, they do not offend them and will always support in strengthening their farm.

Soberevich is peculiar to faith that everything used to be better: and people are healthier and even animals were larger. There is a trace of the myth about the golden age, peculiar to people of all times and peoples.

Browsing it with the people and dislike for all foreign, contempt for liberal ideas, progress.


If Plushina Gogol definitely condemns, he does not have a clearly negative relationship with his companion. Somewhere, for tons of humor, irony, looks at the author's sympathy. Perhaps, a pure humor is present in the form of a companion, without the piercing tragedy, which reader feels in such characters as Plushkin or Manilan.

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All the landowners described by Gogol in the "Dead Souls" poem possess their unique character within the framework of the work, but in general, one of the types of landowners are a modern author of Russia.


The appearance of the companion is far from typical, sophisticated and delicate. According to Gogol, the creator did not bother much, creating it - he did not apply "no small tools, somehow: Files, Brasters, and other things, but just cut off his shoulder: I had enough of an ax once - I got his nose, I was enough to another - lips came out , a big drill was made by eyes and, not uncommenting, let the light, saying: "Lives!".

His face was round, wide and very not attractive, similar to Moldovan pumpkins. The color was also not the most gentle and pleasant - typically, the person's face was red, which resembled Chikchiku "Copper Pile".

Dear readers! We bring to your attention in the story N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".

Sobesevich was distinguished by a strong complex - he was a tall man, with a wide "horse" back. His legs were like paving colons - big and incompass. The feet of it, respectively, were also "gigantic size". Chichikov notes with surprise that now rarely meet such a person - heroes almost all degenerated. It is not surprising that with such a collection, Sobesevich did not differ in gracefulness and was more like an elephant in the dishwasher - a landowner, that and the matter scarked his feet and occurred to his feet.

At the time when Nature triggered the companion of the companion, she generously awarded his health - "Rather Iron could be cold and cough than this on a Divo-molded landowner."

Classes of Sobesevich

All the landowners described by Gogol in the "Dead Souls" poem possess their unique character in the framework of the work, but in general, one of the types of landowners with a modern author of Russia will be denied .. For him, a common thing is to work on an expense with his peasants. Makes Mikhail Semenovich this is not because it does not trust with his peasants, like, for example, Plushkin, or thinks that without him they will work badly, but because it does not see anything crazy in physical work. For the companion, this is a natural occupation.

Among other attachments of the landowner should be noted a special love for food. Sobesevich loves to eat deliciously. However, in understanding this landowner, delicious food and unusual, delicate - different concepts. Soberevich with disgust talks about eating frogs and oysters, eating offal. For him, the best eating option is the original Russian cuisine. The usual consumption of food turns into a sober in a feast, pouring a "food cult": "When I have a pork - let's come on the table, lamb - all the ram, goose - all goose! It is better for me to eat two dishes, yes, eat it, as the soul requires. "Sobekevich confirmed this to business: he overturned half of the Baoca Boca to his plate, ate everything, rod, salmon to the last bone."

Sobesevich far from self-education and art - all the attributes of the "cultural" development in his house, like, for example, paintings look comical, it is noticeable that they are posted, because "so fashionable" and so "accepted", and not because The owners are interested in a certain type of art.

The mind of Mikhail Semenovich is actively engaged in ways to earn. It works hard in order to get a decent income. Offer Chichikov for the sale of the Dead Souls Soberevich perceives calmly, as if it was the most common thing, such a sale of wheat.

Manor and Village Sobesevich

The estate and the village of Sobesevich looks like his owner - a strong, reliable and completely deprived of aesthetics. All the construction of a companion (even wells and fences) are made of a very strong tree, they are massive and deprived of any decorations. "The village of the men of the men also fledged on Ways: there were no brick walls, carved patterns and other clauses, but everything was curved tightly and as it should be." Sobesevich believes that buildings must perform their main function - to protect against wind, cold and rain, they must be strong enough and convenient to operate, while they are absolutely not necessary to be beautiful and sophisticated.

The landowner's house looks also unusual and comical. Chichikov he resembles a house for military settlements: massive and coarse.

Looking at the Lord's House, Chichikov notes that the process of its construction - it was a product of active stocking of the Pedant-architect and Sobesevich: some windows in the house were laid and redone in small, instead of the traditional four columns were only three - "architect wanted symmetry, owner - amenities "And so after the construction of the house, Sobesevich did everything in his own way.

Paradoxes of the image

In the poem, Gogol repeatedly draws the attention of readers on the fact that Sobesevich is a "poured bear".

Dear readers! We bring to your attention in the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

Externally, the landowner is very similar to this beast, his gait is the same closer, he also awkward and from time to time shows the unprecedented dexterity like trained bears. In addition to this, it was also brown, like a bear skiing - "To complete the similarity of the fracture, it was completely bearish color, the sleeves are long, the pantalones are long."

In the house, all interior items also relate to the landowner with the image of this beast, even Drozd and that Chichikov resembles a bear.

Pavel Ivanovich at the same time repeatedly makes comments towards the companion of this kind: "Bear! Bear! It is also necessary such a strange rapprochement: it was even called Mikhail Semenovich. "

However, the similarity of this landowner is overlooked with another animal - a dog. As you know, in the poem, Gogol has widely used a system of symbolic names and surnames. Based on these data, Mikhail Semenovich's surname must push the reader to the perception of this landowner not only as a symbolic "bear", but also as a symbolic "PSA". The landowner himself also indicates this fact in his speech: "Has such a dog: I can't not deliver the pleasure of your neighbor."

In other words, the Paradox of Soberevich is that two symbols are getting around in his image - a big, strong and clumsy and dog - barking at all.

Attitude towards others

Sobesevich, with all his "dog" return communication with people. He rarely responds well about people, especially about other landowners and nobles. Unceremoniously Mikhail Semenovich notes that everything around the Zhoda and Fools. In his opinion, even the most educated and clever people of County, if you understand well, the most fools. They are not much understood in the management of the economy, they are ready to embroider their strengths and finances on trivial classes.
Sobesevich will never ceremony in characteristics. So, for example, he openly calls a scammeter and a dog with a scam and dog, criticizes the French cuisine and the gastronomic tastes of the governor, claims that his cook prepares cats and gives them for rabbits.

Mikhail Semenovich tender, as far as possible, at nature, a companion, relations with the wife of Foduodulia Ivanovna - the landowner calls his wife "dullness" and does not forget to praise her for a delicious lunch.

A good relationship with Sobesevich has developed with his fortress. The landowner knows all his peasants by name, responds as a skillful workers.

Thus, the companion seems a kind of landlord - while most people seek to improve their interior, he deprives him completely of any beauty and harmony. At the same time, he is a difficult person in terms of communication - it is difficult for him to converge with other people, since he first sees the shortcomings in others (if, of course, this is not a representative of his family). At the same time, the companion is a good landowner, he takes care that his fortiness is full and are provided with a minimum necessary for life.

The image of a companion in the poem "Dead Souls": a description of appearance and character in quotes

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