The concept, types and importance of the use of educational games in a kindergarten. Developing Games in Preschool Education Types of Educational Games

28.04.2021 Tools and devices

There are currently a lot of educational games and exercises on the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, games for speech development, for learning early reading, developing mathematical games, plot-role-playing, computer, mobile, theatrical, musical, games for the whole family, etc. . So that all this has brought tangible benefits, you must remember the main components of success. The baby, among other conditions, is essential: love, heat, protection, tenderness; adult knowledge; feeling of success; awareness of its own uniqueness; Freedom for cognitive activity and necessary for the harmonious development of the personality and objects.



Balbecina Natalia Alexandrovna

Tutor MDOU.

kindergarten № 62 "Golden Beehive",

g. Stary Oskol

The meaning of educational games for the comprehensive development of the preschooler

"Little children ... play how the bird sings. In the life of preschoolers, the game occupies the biggest place, "N. K. Krupskaya noted. The game is the need of a growing children's body. The game develops the physical strength of the child, the flexible body, or rather, the eye is developing, the initiative. The game for them is study, the game for them is a work, a game for them is a serious form of education. "

Preschool age is a unique and decisive period of the child's development, when the basis of the personality is arising, the will and arbitrary behavior develop, the imagination, creativity, general initiative, is actively developing. However, all these crucial qualities are formed not in training sessions, but in the leading and main activity of the preschooler - in the game.

From the first years of my life, the child should be able to play. Today, many parents are forgotten about this, which use modern techniques for the early development of the baby. They try to go early to teach him to read and consider, thinking that their child will grow smart and intelligent. However, it is proved that speech, memory, the ability to concentrate, attention, observation and thinking are developing in games, and not in the learning process.

Another two or three decades ago, when there was no such number of developing toys, and the main role in the school's training was played by the school, it was here that they were taught to read, write, consider, and the main factor in the development of the child were games. Since then, everything has changed dramatically and now that the child is taken to a good and prestigious school, he sometimes must pass the difficult exams. This gave rise to fashion for developing toys and training programs for preschool children. In addition, in preschool institutions, the main emphasis is on the preparation of the child to the school program, and the games that are the basis of child development, are reducing a secondary role.

The teaching of the child can not pass outside the game at all, and any children's game, a calm or active, group or individual, plotting or verbal, eventually becomes developing. For this, it is only necessary for parents and educators to determine what abilities, and the skills of the child can develop games and which didactic material can fix these skills.

Many people think that the developing game should be planned in advance and undergo under the guidance and with the direct involvement of an adult. However, the greatest benefit brings the child just a spontaneous game of alone with him or in the company of peers, when the kid himself, on his own initiative, proceeds to this, or in a different type of activity, conducts observation itself, draws conclusions, trying to apply his skills and skills in practice. Spontaneous game stimulates fantasy, develops creative abilities; Independently communicating with peers, the baby acquires and so necessary social skills.

It is believed that educational games are puzzles; Logic games with cubes; Sometimes there are classes that develop small motility of hands; Games, laying the foundations of reading and writing; Manuals expanding the horizons of the baby and enhancing his erudition. In fact, the circle of developing games is much worse: they include almost the world in which the child knows what the child learns. Park, courtyard, shop, bus, room, kitchen, for him everything around is one huge developing environment. It is only important to be able to use it for the development of a child.

For a small little man, the world in which he recently entered, it seems immense, full of mysteries and mysterious phenomena. He wants to know everything, to touch everything, feel, listen to new sounds. No matter how good and colorful pictures in the book, which shows Mother to the baby, they give only a limited idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around. Much more interesting the world of alive, filled with movement, many shades of colors and smells. The store is a useful place for crumb development. For young buyers it will be useful to just hear the names of all those objects that they see around themselves. Walking with a cart along the shelves of the supermarket, it's time to talk about how certain goods fall on these most shelves where vegetables grow, and where fruits are, why some products are called dairy, and oil - vegetable, from which chocolate do and how wheat Severe turns into a sweet bun. A public transport trip can be for the baby not only by the journey, but also a developing game. In the course of the movement, you can ask the baby a lot of questions that will help him learn to reflect and draw conclusions. Baby preschoolers have excellent visual memory, and any comments will help them learn a lot about their city. The reason for informative conversations can be absolutely everything that falls in sight. And you do not need to decide for the child, what information is needed now, and for what it is still small.

There are currently a lot of educational games and exercises on the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, games for speech development, for learning early reading, developing mathematical games, plot-role-playing, computer, mobile, theatrical, musical, games for the whole family, etc. . So that all this has brought tangible benefits, you must remember the main components of success. They once formulated a wonderful psychologist Maria Montessori. It contains the main provisions and principles that it is important to observe when upbringing a child. The baby, as the famous teacher believed,, among other conditions, it is extremely necessary: \u200b\u200blove, heat, protection, tenderness; adult knowledge; feeling of success; awareness of its own uniqueness; Freedom for cognitive activity and necessary for the harmonious development of the personality and objects.

In any game with a child, it is important to remember about these provisions that should be a memo for both parents, educators and those who surround the baby from the first days of his conscious life.

Preschool years fly very quickly. Most recently, the baby studied to walk and utter the first sounds - and now tomorrow he goes to the first class. We must try not to miss these short, but such happy years of early childhood. Fill out every day the child interesting events, new discoveries, cognitive games. While there is time, you should not hurry the baby, replacing the funny games with boring lessons, because everything is good that will be laid in childhood, will certainly give graceful shoots.


  1. Mukhina V.S. Child psychology. - M., 1999.
  2. Perov V. Best educational games for kids. - Simferopol: Publishing House Tavrid, 2010.
  3. Modern pre-school education: innovative educational technologies. / Ed. N.S. Serdyuk. - Belgorod: Publishing House Belripkpps, 2010.

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The possibility of using educational games for preschoolers


1. The concept and importance of the development of independence in preschool children

2. Features of the development of independence in preschool age

3. The concept, types and importance of the use of educational games in a kindergarten

4. The use of educational games for the development of independence in children of senior preschool age



The problem of the full development of the child, the development of developing pedagogical technologies is relevant and significantly significant in modern pedagogy. This problem was engaged in V.P. Bespalko, V.I. Bogolyubov, V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, M.V. Clarin, B.P. Nikitin, P.N. V.Yu. Pitus.

The meaning of the creation of educational technologies is to ensure educational classes with preschoolers and providing advice to parents in the selection of games and classes, adequate to age and individual characteristics of the child.

The essence of developing activities is to promote the mental development of the child, improving his perception, attention, memory, thinking, speech, motor sphere, arbitrary behavior, that is, the mental functions and personal qualities that underlie the successful development of the child actually by the curriculum . One of the most important qualities that ensures the success in teaching children is independence. Modern society requires a person of the ability to independently make decisions, take an active position.

In preschool age, there are conditions for mastering the child with independence in activities, the child appears their own desires. It becomes a prerequisite for development in preschool age creative activities in which the child comes from his own intention to its implementation. At certain limits, the child is already capable of independent action and is experiencing an acute need for this new ability. Accordingly, the child becomes interesting and games requiring him a well-known share of independence.

Educational games are fascinated and entertained by children, develop the mind, expand, deepen mathematical views, enshrine the knowledge and skills gained.

Children are very active in the process of working with educational games, they persistently seek the decision of the solution, which leads to the result. Educators often underestimate the role of developing games in the formation of independence in children and use them not as often as we would like, and it is precisely the use of these games will help the child better understand such complex science as mathematics, will help break the child and strengthen the knowledge gained in the classroom. It is also necessary that the child himself wanted to be interested in such a didactic means as developing mathematical games.

Object research Is independence as the quality of the identity of preschoolers.

Subject of study - Educational games, as a means of independence.

Purpose of the study - Development of techniques for leading educational games for the development of independence.


1. Based on the study of psychological and pedagogical literature, reveal the concept of independence as a person's quality.

2. Remove the features of the manifestation of independence in children of senior preschool age

3. To summarize the experience of using educational games to develop the thinking of preschoolers, as well as their possibilities in the formation of independence in children of senior preschool age.

preschool Pedagogical Educational Game

1 . The concept and importance of the development of independenceti in children of preschool age

The problem of independence is specifically set by the great Slavic teacher Ya.A. Komensky, which indicates that you can learn only what is understood by reason. At the development of the child of independence, Didactika Zh.zh. Rousseau.

In the works of our compatriots L.Yu. Gordin, N.V. Koshechen, N.A. Menchinskaya and others, the opinions are described that it is necessary to wake the thought of children, develop their mental abilities, instill self-work skills - here are their main pedagogical views. It sounds especially convincing today.

The most complete theoretical lighting problem of the independence of students receives in the writings of K.D. Ushinsky, who cared for the fact that the children "be worked independently as possible, and the adult led this independent work and gave it material for him."

The relevance of the problem of the formation of mental independence is to master and managing the laws of socio-economic life, conscious participation in the formation of society, orientation in the flow of information - all this falls on personality today, so it must master the apparatus of ingenuity and creativity.

Independence - the most important personality quality .

For independence, as a component of personality ability, researchers are understood: the ability to separate its position, the ability to communicate with himself (L.V. Zharova); the ability to independently implement structural blocks of activity (E.A. Arkin); The ability to plan, systematize, regulate and actively carry out its activities without permanent external guidance and assistance (A.K. Kolchenko); The ability to relate aspires and opportunities to adequately assess the process and the result of its activities (K.P. Kuzovkov). From the standpoint of relationship, independence is considered as a generalized component of the personality relationship to fulfilling its duties, to the process of activity, its result, the focus on independence, the autonomy of its social practice and relationships with people.

Independence as a personality property involves: firstly, independence, the ability to do without tiping from the outside, to adopt and implement important decisions; secondly, responsibility, willingness to respond for the consequences of their actions; Thirdly, the conviction is that such behavior is correct, really and socially possible.

In studies devoted to the problem of education and personality development, there is a different approach of the authors to determine the content and signs of independence. According to the Soviet psychologist A.N. Leontiev, independence is a mental state of personality. Explaining this thought, he says that in different areas of life and activity under certain conditions there is a stable image of independent actions, the repetition of which produces the stability of a certain state characterizing the person as an independent one.

In the works of K.P. Body independence is defined as the quality of the personality, expressing in the ability to master the knowledge and practical skills used in various conditions of their own activities available to children 2-4 years.

In modern psychological literature, a number of properties constituting the essence of independence and related mental phenomena are allocated: the ability to self-affirmation, maintaining the stability "I", self-control, the ability to regulate your own behavior and emotional reactions, the ability to maintain your opinion contrary to external pressure, the tendency to take on responsibility for the most important events of your life, and not to blame other people in them, objective circumstances or fate, etc.

Independence is a socially important and meaningful personality quality, the moral value of which is determined by the human activity in joint activities and the relationship with other people. The development of independence always implies its historical certainty and conditionality of social system. Therefore, the nature of the diverse manifestations of this personality quality in one or another society is changing and explained by the dependence on its content of morally acceptable ideal. In the Soviet ethical literature, the moral ideal is defined as a set of socially recognized qualities and the properties of the personality of a new person. This is told about the work of L.N. Bogovich, A.K. Kolchenko, I.S. Yakiman. The value of independence is that it helps a person to carry out the desired in accordance with the general conditions of social activities and the environment.

Independence is formed by the whole style of life that encourages the personality from early childhood to make actions and take responsibility for them. It is especially valuable in those extreme situations when it is necessary to make an independent decision without waiting for the command from the outside. Soviet researchers argue that independence does not arise suddenly. They write about it L.I. Bozovic, A.A. Lublin and others. It develops from childhood on the basis of the strengthening simplest skills and habits. First, the child seizes the skills of self-service. In the future, in the very process of independent activities, a number of internal conditions of its development are created. This means that the results of the development of independence themselves become prerequisites for its further improvement.

Independence - constantly developing personal quality, whose primary sources are laid in preschool age. Become an independent - objective necessity and the natural need of a child. This property is found in children at an early age and directly associated with the volitional processes (D.V. Mengeritskaya).

By its psychological structure, independence includes the following components: cognitive, volitional, emotional. They characterize the knowledge of the task and methods of its implementation (mental and practical) and the level of mastering these methods. The presence of such components shows that the content of independent activities can identify and form such qualities of individuals as purposefulness, volitional perseverance, organizational skills, kindness and sympathy. The unity of these components creates the prerequisites for the formation of independence as a moral and volitional quality, the prospect of the development of optimistic, cheerful personality, the ability to concentrate the effort and overcoming difficulties.

The indicators of the independence of the senior preschooler are: the desire to solve the tasks of activity without help from other people, the ability to put the goal of activities, to carry out elementary planning, to realize the intended and obtain the result, an adequate goal, as well as the ability to manifest initiative and creativity in solving emerging tasks on The basis of a number of studies (Z.A. Mikhailova). The study of the independence of senior preschoolers from the position of their readiness to school revealed the presence of a close relationship between these indicators: the higher the level of independence of senior preschoolers, the higher its level of readiness for school. Therefore, one of the main programming tasks of the education is to influence the skills of independence.

Educational task - the influence of self-skills of independence is carried out according to age possibilities.

The initiative and planning are the first elements in the formation of independence, which are reflected in the behavior of targetedness, oriented to the final result of the action. The success of this stage largely depends on the adult, because the child's initiative is much ahead of its possibilities to implement it on its own. Consequently, the task of an adult at this stage is the maximum respect and support of the intentions of the child, and mandatory practical assistance. If the correct support is carried out without an emphasis on helplessness, without humiliation, the first element of true independence is fixed in the personality structure - the need for appropriateness, the normativeness of actions that have a practical result, which has a public significance, cultural meaning.

The second typical sign of true independence is a purposefulness, perseverance in actions subordinate to the achievement of the goal. The child becomes a perfected and persistent, enthusiastic one for a long time with an insistent desire to receive not any, namely the desired result. The task of an adult at this stage is also correct support. After all, the meaning of this period is the formation of purposefulness, perfection and desire to achieve conceived, as the second sign of the developing true independence.

The third sign in the development of independence is the ability to self-control and self-assessment of the result of its activities and itself, as a leader. Self-adjusting and self-esteem not only complete the formation of independence as a holistic personal education, but also change the child's self-awareness, his knowledge about himself and attitude towards himself.

Independence - constantly developing personal quality, whose primary sources are laid in preschool age. Existing scientific evidence suggests that by the end of senior preschool age in the context of optimal education and training, children can achieve expressed indicators of independence in different activities: in the game (N. Mikhailenko), in labor (M. Krulecht, R. Burre), In Knowledge (A. Matyushkin, Z. Mikhailova, N. Podyakov), in communication (E. Kravtsova, L. Artemova).

Indicators of independence of the senior preschooler are: the desire to solve the tasks of activity without the help from other people, the ability to put the goal of activities, to carry out elementary planning, to realize the intended and obtain the result, an adequate goal, as well as the ability to manifest initiative and creativity in solving emerging tasks.

In modern psychological and pedagogical studies (G. Schukina, T.I. Shamova, N.A. Polovnikova) independence is considered as a complex personal education, source and basis of self-regulation of teachings. "Independence characterizes activities without participation and assistance from the part, as the desire and ability to set themselves the task, purposefully, to concentrate productive activities, to show the initiative in the new situation situations" (G.I. Schukina).

In such an understanding of the independence, the following signs are peculiar: the manifestation of internal motives and awareness of the human goal and the meaning of work; the ability to lead it creatively; manifestation of activity in activities; implementing it without the help of other people; Manifestation of initiative and ability to respond for their actions.

Independence is manifested in equal activities, including cognitive. Cognitive independence is considered as the ability to know in the process of training activities (Danilov MA, Lerner I.Ya. et al.)

MA Danilov allocates the following signs of cognitive independence: the desire and ability to think independently; the ability to navigate in a new situation, find your approach to a new task; The desire not only to understand the digestible, but also methods of gaining knowledge; critical approach to the judgment of others; Independence of own judgments.

Independence is formed in the process of education and is represented by three main components: motivational, meaningful operating and volitional. In the process of personality development, three levels of cognitive independence are distinguished: reproductive, partially search, research, which are fundamental in the selection of content, methods and techniques of training and education.

So, independence is manifested through the initiative, the nature of finding the solution of educational and educational problems in the absence of assistance from the adult. The activity of the child depends on the formation of independence. The manifestations of activity and independence are difficult to separate, they are expressed in the focus of cognitive actions, the feasibility of them; in the nature of knowledge, skills, ways of activity; Desire to expand, deepen cognitive activities.

The activity and independence of children is expressed in the psychological setting of their activities: concentration, attention, mental processes, in the interest of the activities performed, personal initiative.

The measure of independence manifested by children in solving tasks makes it possible to allocate two types of thinking. With the first - the goal of the action is given by adults, and it shows how to achieve it. At the second, the child acts independently and reveals the properties of objects during the transformation of them. This type of thinking psychologists are called child experimentation. It is possible only in the course of a specially organized activity, which is not specified in the form of a scheme, but is constructed by the preschooler as all new information about the object has been obtained. This activity that the child himself is rebuilt depending on the results obtained. Such activities are inherent in errors and samples, it is deployed as a search, aimed at checking the child of new ways to transform the object put forward by it. This activity contributes to the development of independence.

So, the measure of independence in the activity determines the nature of the activity, is responsible for the question: it is performed on imitation or on the basis of its own initiative. In practical activities on the transformation of objects (the study of qualities, properties, the compilation of a whole of parts, the determination of the amount, measurement, modeling), the solution of problem situations, the formulation of experiments, conditions are created for the manifestation of the independence of thinking in achieving a positive result.

The formation and development of independence in the child is carried out only in cooperation with adults (A.N. Leontiev, L.S. Vygotsky). Through a rational organization of assistance to the child by adults, the activation of his mental, emotional, volitional forces are considered the optimal conditions for the development of independence.

The developing effect of educational material digestible in preschool age is the development of cognitive activity, mental abilities, figurative and logical thinking, personal manifestations. With the right guidelines, teacher practical and mental activity, they successfully develop ideas about relations, links between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Children master the main methods of practical actions: correlation, equalization, comparisons, accounts, measurements, etc.

To lesser extent, organized classes develop independence of thinking, initiative, elements of creative manifestations, mixtalk, intelligence, resourcefulness, i.e. The qualities and properties of the individual, which provide in the future a high level of children's learner, a positive attitude towards educational activities, success in it.

For the development of these personality properties of the preschooler, it is necessary to create special conditions, one of which is the presence in group rooms in the free use of children of games, gaming materials that stimulate children's activity causing their interest requiring to solve the search engines of action.

The content of independent activities, the structurally presented target, the motive, actions and the result is a variety of entertaining didactic material. These are games for replacing places, movement of figures, spatial transformation, logical tasks for plane and volumetric modeling, jokes, puzzles, maze, etc. The goal of activity is specifically: make a silhouette, come up with a new puzzle task, to find a way of movement of figures, guess, etc. d. It is laid in the game, exercise, accessible to the child and, as a rule, is accepted by them, which depends on the skills formed by the child, the masses of the game. The goal can be nominated and explained to the child an adult who explains what needs to be done and how to come to the result (general direction of action). In this case, the independence is manifested in the choice of that method of action, which leads to a positive result. An independent formulation of the goal playing in front of them is that the most clearly manifested in the performance of creative tasks.

Initially entertaining didactic material attracts children with its unusual, novelty, colorfulness. It causes interest, the desire and desire to play these games, i.e. He is a motive, incentive of active activity. As the game develops, developing independence becomes the motive of gaming activities. The awareness of the success of success, experienced positive emotions cause the activity of children's creativity.

The experience of pre-school institutions has shown that the independence of children is higher where the training techniques have been used, stimulating children's creativity (refusal to show the methods of execution, the use of samples, etc.). Children's independent activity is also peculiar and cognitive motive. As the games are mastered, children begin to be interested in the efforts of the extraction of new in independent searches, testing them. Practical actions, as a result of which the playing comes to the result, are diverse and depend on the purpose of the goal, the familiarity of the game is a child.

In the places replacement games - the movement of the figures, the choice of the poorest way; In the preparation of silhouettes - actions on the distribution of elements in space, taking into account their size, proportional combinations. In terms of independent activities, the child is free in choosing adequate or erroneous, not leading to solving methods for performing actions. Actions are broken, search. The result is manifested in the form of a composed silhouette, detected patterns, implemented transformation, response to an entertaining question. The child does not always come to the result in the form of a product of activity. The result is determined, based on the task, it can be expressed in the form of active search operations, is actually thoughtful.

The overall characteristics of independent activities in childhood comes down to the following: this is active independent activity, which is deployed on an interesting ideal material for children; the choice of the game, the nature of action, setting the goal is based on its own player initiative; Independence is manifested in the ability to take a goal, choose a way to implement, implement the outlined, to obtain a result, to set new tasks in the course of activity, find ways to solve; There is any conditions for the manifestation of creativity in search activities; The main reception of the leadership is to prompt children to activities, involve them in active creative activity; The activity takes place without apparently leadership by adults, which does not deny the use of a variety of guidance techniques (N.A. Vetlugin).

The genetic basis of independence as a personal manifestation is the process of imitation, which is considered in psychology as an important link in the child's stand to independent activities (A.G. Kovalev, V.A. Prottsky, T. Gorbatenko, N.P. Sakulina, etc. ). Independence grows directly from imitation, and these two manifestations constantly interact in the development of personality. Recognition of the process of imitation of the genetic basis of independence gives grounds for approving the role of the child's interaction with adults in the establishment of independence.

The structure of independent activity can be represented as follows.

1. The emergence of designs (goals) as a manifestation of the interests of the child, which is expressed in the choice of the type of activity, the formation of the organization, attracting peers to participate, establish positive relationships with them, prepare material conditions.

2. The implementation of the plan consists of applying adequate techniques of actions previously learned as reproducing and creative, modified children.

3. Independent actions, improving them in order to implement (approximation) of the goal.

In pedagogical studies (G.N. Godina), the levels of independence are considered, the comparative characteristics of this personality property in the younger and senior preschool age is given. According to the psychological structure, independence is considered by the author as consisting of cognitive, volitional, emotional components. Therefore, based on the content of independent activities, it is possible to identify and form personal qualities in children as purposefulness, perseverance, kindness, sympathy; To form independence as moral and volitional quality.

The formation of independence is based on organizational and cognitive factors for the development of the individual (knowledge, skills) and on emotional-volitional, expressed in stock of a volitional effort, feelings.

These pedagogical provisions indicate a line of formation of personal independence (as the property properties).

2 . Features of the development of independence in Dosharow aged

The development of independence in the field of subject-practical activity is completed early age.

During the preschool childhood, independence continues to develop, but on the other basis. In the process of gradual mastering the logic of the relationship of phenomena, the construction of an elementary practical worldview, the formation of available independent reasoning, conclusion, generalizations of facts is due to school readiness.

Thus, in the formation of an independence, a significant role is played, on the one hand, the organizational and educational factors of the development of the personality, the presence of knowledge and skills, and on the other hand, the emotional-volitional, characterizing the internal attitude, the position of the child and the widespread efforts, feelings.

The independence of the older preschooler manifests itself in his ability and desire to act without the help of an adult, ready to look for answers to emerging issues. Independence is always associated with the manifestation of high activity, initiative, creativity (its elements). So A.A. Lublinskaya in his works argues that independence is a special form of children's activity inherent in the child already at the beginning of preschool childhood.

The need to form independence in preschool children is justified by the principal position of pedagogy about the upbringing and comprehensive development of the personality of each child in the conditions of the team of children. Independence in its heterogeneity can be both collectively and individually directed depending on the conditions, the kind of activity, the individual characteristics of the child, from the partner of the activity and manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent, partially or completely.

An independent child is, above all, a child, which as a result of the experience of successful activities, supported by the approval of others, feels confident. Successful personal experience of independent cases generates a child's desire to prove himself, try their hand in new affairs. From here, the big educational value is precisely successful independent activity, which, as it were, inside itself contains a source of self-satisfaction, pushing it on solving new tasks. Therefore, the characteristic "independent child" always contains an assessment of independence, as the prevailing feature of the behavior, manifested in different areas of its activities (work, game, etc.).

The normally developing child is given not only the opportunity, but also the desire for independence, so well pronounced at the preschooler.

It is naively to expect that the child will be up to some age obedient to do everything that adults say he, and then, one day, will suddenly become independent, will learn how to set goals and make meaningful decisions. If we want our children to grow independent, we need to teach them not only household autonomy, i.e. The ability to dress independently, there is, lay a bed and perform a simple homework, and not only the ability to communicate independently, but also the ability to independently make decisions and be responsible for the consequences of their actions.

For the formation of independence, the following conditions are necessary:

Activation of mental, emotional, volitional forces of students;

Support on the motive (special techniques for stimulating activity and independence);

Organization of optimal assistance to the child by adult (cooperation, creation in activity).

The problem of the readiness of the child to school is one of the problems, the interest in which from the researchers of different countries does not dry. The study of the independence of senior preschoolers from the position of their readiness for school education revealed the presence of a close relationship between these indicators: the higher the level of independence of the senior preschooler, the higher the level of its readiness for school. It can be said that the independence of the preschooler, understood as the desire and ability of the child persistently solve the tasks of activity relatively independently of the adult, mobilizing existing experience, knowledge, using search engines, is a significant factor in socio-personal ripening and readiness for school education.

To understand the laws of the formation of independent activities, it is necessary to determine the optimal conditions that contribute to the formation of independence. The main one should recognize the developing nature of training. It is in the context of developing learning that an activity and independence is being formed, a person's desire for continuous development is manifested.

Developing training should be considered one of the basic conditions for the formation of independent cognitive activity, because It provides mastering the main techniques of theoretical knowledge and rational thinking in the field of mathematics, intensive development of productive, creative thinking in the process of solving a variety of tasks. N.V. Mettelsky defines one of the principles of learning mathematics as "intellectually developing training."

3 . The concept, types and importance of the use of educational games in a kindergarten

Educational games have a peculiar structure in which most researchers identifies such structural elements as:

1) learning task;

2) gaming action or game element;

3) rules;

4) Conclusion or end of the game.

The learning task determines the content, rules of the game and directs game actions. The volume and content of the training tasks comply with the program of learning children of this age in kindergarten or at school.

The implementation of training tasks occurs through gaming actions. The more interesting game actions, the more simpler and more efficiently the child performs a gaming task. The presence of a gaming action or a game element is the main difference between the developing game of the developing exercise. Introduction of the game element in the exercise can make an exercise game, and vice versa, if you eliminate the game element from the game, the game will turn into an exercise.

Gaming actions or game elements are carried out in the form of game manipulations to toys, objects or pictures (selection, folding, decay, etc.), in the form of finding the subject and its location; riddling and guessing; Role performs; competitions; Special play movements (cotton in your hands, etc.); As a gaming element, a word or phrase-zinch can be used. In one game sometimes there are several game elements.

Children seek any game to make an element of competition. This taught them to a higher tempo of mental activity, but the games should be used for educational purposes, directing the interests of playing to achieve a collective result in order to prevent rivalry between playing.

Regulate the developing game rules, the execution of which contributes to the deployment of the content of the game, the implementation of developing tasks. The rules indicate the way to solve the problem, determine the techniques of the upcoming mental activity, regulate the relationships of players.

A difficult question in the theory of educational games is the question of their classification. To date, a single classification is not accepted. So the games are classified: according to the content, by the presence or absence of a game material, according to the degree of activity of children, etc.

On the use of gaming material, playing games with toys and pictures, wall-printed, verbal.

According to the degree of activity of children and educators, educational games are divided into three groups: playing games, exercise games, auto-educational games.

For successful learning mathematics through game exercises, it is necessary to apply both subjects surrounding the child and developing games. It is known that the assimilation of the child's knowledge begins with material action with objects or their drawings, models, schemes. Practical actions go to verbal description. As a result, communication between material and speech forms of action is carried out. Gradually, the support on the actions with objects or their models is reduced. Property of gaming actions is transferred to the inner plan (actions in the mind).

The basis for organizing work on learning mathematics children of preschool age using educational games is the following system of didactic principles:

· The principle of psychological comfort (the educational medium is created, which ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors);

· The principle of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe world (with the introduction of a new knowledge, its relationship with the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed);

· The principle of activity (new knowledge is not introduced in the finished form, but through the independent "discovery" of his children);

· The principle of creativity (the learning process is oriented to the acquisition by children of their own experience of creative activity).

Gaming classes must be integrated in which mathematical tasks would be combined with other types of children's activities: educational, research, constructive, productive, and others. Child learning should include both direct and mediocre methods that contribute not only to mastering mathematical knowledge, but and the general intellectual development of preschoolers. It is desirable enough to use conditional symbols that allow children to move from learning with elements of visibility to solve problems in a mental plan. And also include physical attacks, logical tasks that are gaming exercises aimed at the development of motility, visually motor coordination, the development of logical forms of thinking. Riddles, proverbs, sayings, folk signs, verses that will help link gaming mathematical classes with lexical topics. Use "verbal visibility - a shaped description of the object, the phenomena of the surrounding world, artwork, oral folk creativity" EI recommends in mathematics classes. Shcherbakov in the book "Metammatics Methodology in kindergarten" (M., 2000. p.81)

In the process of such gaming activities, mathematical leisure, quizzes, KVN, construction and constructive and plot games with mathematical content, children do not see what they are taught something, and they think that they only play. But unnoticed for yourself, in the process of the game, preschoolers believe, fold, deduct, solve various kinds of logical tasks. It is interesting for children because they love to play. The role of an adult in this process is to maintain the interest of children.

Educational games are divided into, so-called traditional and author.

Traditional educational games.

There are many different options in shape, color, size, etc.

Need to form submissions about the size (large, small, medium, more or less, is not like that), form, color (good if there are paired parts of the same color). Sort by these features. Wearing rings on the rod - a magnificent training for coordination of the eye and hands, the development of shallow motility.

1. Boards Segene

Flat boards with frames - slots of various shapes. It is necessary to pick up the figure exactly the same shape and insert into the slot. Traves a small motorcy, the eye meter, teaches correlate the shape and size, develops coordination of hand movements.

2. Inserts

Volumetric toys, in the walls of which are made slots. The kid should pick up the figure to the slot and insert it into the hole.

Inserts one to another. This is a matryoshka and many other similar toys.

All inserts, as well as the semed boards, improve the visual and tactile perception of the form and size of objects, and also train the shallow motility and coordination of movements.

3. Looking

Prepare hand to writing from an early age. They contribute to improving the coordination of the movements of both hands, develop the mobility of the hand, train the hand-eye system, tear the fingers of the child to make accurate movements - the grip "shupty" (three fingers), "Pincelty" capture (two fingers).

4. Building blocks and designers.

Child learning to design various structures and buildings. For older age - buildings on the planned plan or the embodiment of their own ideas. Development of spatial imagination.

5. Board games.

Lotto with split cards.


Teach classify items on various features - form, color, size.

Games puzzles from 2_x, and then more parts. The first skills of plane constructs. Selection of part from the whole and vice versa.

Domino. The ability to find among several items two are identical in distinctive features.

Games "Klodalki" with a cube and chips. Learn the game according to the rules and in turn.

Consider some of the most common and widely used copyright games.

Logical blocks came up with a Hungarian mathematician and psychologist Z. Dienes, they are a set of 48 geometric shapes:

Four forms (circles, rectangles, circles, triangles);

Three colors (red, blue, yellow);

Two sizes (large and small);

Two types of thickness (thick and thin).

There is no same shape in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four signs: shape, color, size, thick. Games with blocks are available on a visual basis, children with form, color, size and thickness of objects, with mathematical ideas and initial knowledge of computer science. Children have mental operations (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), logical thinking, creative abilities and cognitive processes (perception, memory, attention and imagination). Playing with Dielesh blocks, the child performs a variety of subject actions (splitting, posting according to certain rules, rebuilding and others).

Kuizher's sticks developed Belgian Mathematics H. Kyizenter.

Set of colored sticks - numbers consists of plastic prisms of 10 different colors and sizes. Each wand is a rectangular prism with a cross sectional, equal to 1 kV. centimeter. Each wand is a number expressed by color and magnitude, that is, in length in centimeters. Color selection is not arbitrary, colors are distributed according to conditional classes.

For example: the class of red numbers - multiple numbers two (2, 4, 6, 8); The class of blue numbers - the numbers are equal to three (3, 6, 9); The class of yellow numbers is the numbers of five (5, 10).

Kuizher's sticks will help the child not only to understand the world of numbers, but also to navigate in it, having mastered such concepts as "more - less", "how much more is less," "is shorter". With the help of chopsticks, it is possible to build stairs, simulate geometric shapes, to make various patterns, "weave multicolored mats" getting acquainted with the composition of the number of two smaller numbers.

The mathematical tablet is a square field with 25 pins for drawing with rubberbers. These are tasks for acquaintance with geometric shapes, to orientation in space, on symmetry, to lay out numbers. With the help of a tablet, you can introduce a child with a coordinate system. Didactic devices Dieenshal blocks, Kuizher's sticks, a mathematical tablet can also be used to edema developing fairy tales, as well as in independent activities of children. Thus, this technique of learning mathematics is based on the game - the leading activity of the preschooler. Children under 7 years are not capable of conscious and purposeful activities. The technique feature is that the child himself willingly enters the game and with interest on the basis of unfolded practical actions with objects, visual material and conditional symbols assimilates the necessary knowledge and skills.

Nikitin cubes "Legging pattern". The game consists of 16 cubes, each of the six faces of which is painted into one of 4 colors, there are two-color faces, painted diagonally. This allows you to make a variety of variety of patterns: both monochrome, and two-color, and tricolor, and even four-color. These patterns can resemble contours of various items or reproduce geometric ornaments. At first, you can add patterns on finished schemes that are attached to the game "Pattern", and when the baby is mastered, offer it to come up with a pattern for folding on their own paintings and ornaments.

Most Popular Skobovich Games

"Geocont" - it is also called "table with cloves" or "multicolored shells" - is a plywood plate with a coordinate film applied to it. Plastic cloves are fixed on the playing field, which are tightened with multi-colored "dynamic" gum. As a result of such design, substantive silhouettes are obtained, geometric shapes, patterns, numbers, letters.

The game set accompanies the Methodical Tale "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Glory" (in the title of fairy tale, the word "geometry" is encrypted).

"Vaverkovich" or "game square" is 2_x color (for children 2-5 years old) and 4-harsh (for 3-7 year old children)

The game is a 32 rigid triangle pasted on both sides at a distance of 3-5 ml from each other on a flexible tissue base. On the one hand, the "square" is green and yellow, on the other - blue and red. "Square" is easily transformed: it can be folded along the lines of bend in different directions on the principle of "origami" to obtain volumetric and plane figures. That's why this game is called "Eternal origami" or "Square - Transformer".

The game accompanies the methodological fairy tale "The Mystery of the Crow Meter, or a fairy tale of the surprising transformations of the Square Adventures". In it, "Square" comes to life and turns into various images: a house, a mouse, a hedgehog, a kitten, a boat, a shill, an airplane, a candy, etc. The child collects shapes according to the pictures in the book, where it is shown how to fold the square, and the artistic image of the same subject is given.

This square puzzle allows not only to play, develop spatial imagination and thin motoric, but also is a material that is acquainted with the basics of geometry, stereometry, countable material, the basis for modeling, creativity, which has no restrictions on age.

"Miracle Crossings" are a game with liners. Inserts are made of circles and crosses. Crossings are cut into parts in the form of geometric shapes. At the initial stage, children learn to collect cutting figures into a single whole. Next, the task is complicated: according to the schemes in the "album of figures" (attached) the child collects first tracks, towers, and then dragons, men, soldiers, insects and much more.

The game develops attention, memory, imagination, creative abilities, "Sensorika" (distinguishing of the colors of the rainbow, geometric shapes, their size), the ability to "read" the schemes, compare and compose as a whole of parts.

"The boat" spray - splash "is a playing field from carpet in the form of a ship with a glued plywood case and applied with numbers from 1 to 7. To the mast on the body you need to attach the colors of the rainbow and on the required number of flags on velcro - sails.

The game develops small motility, attention, memory, thinking, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bmathematical stones, about color, height, spatial location of objects, conditional measurement, the number of objects, their ordinal number and digital number.

"Mathematical baskets" - this manual will help the child literally "to the touch" consolidate the score, understand the composition of the numbers, as well as understand the meaning of addition and subtraction. The baby needs to be inserted into the basket with a different number of recesses a certain number of mushroom liners.

According to the fabulous plot, the child along with the "tricks-numbers": a hedgehog-unit, a twin bunny, a top three and others collects mushrooms in the basket, considers them, gives you an equal number of fungi and checks the baskets full, and who does not. Mushrooms collect animals, and the baby finds out who collected more, and who is less.

The creative developing games of Nikitin for children proceed from the general idea and have characteristic features:

1. Each Nikitina game is a set of tasks that the child decides with the help of cubes, bricks, squares from a tree or plastic, details of the mechanic designer, etc.

2. Tasks are given a child in a different form: in the form of a model, flat pattern, drawing in isometric, drawing, writing or oral instruction, etc., and thus get acquainted with different ways to transfer information.

3. Tasks are located approximately in order of increasing complexity, i.e. They use the principle of people's games: from simple to complex.

4. Objectives have a very wide range of difficulties: from affordable sometimes 2-3_-toddler to unbearable middle adult. Therefore, Nikitina games can excite interest for many years (to adulthood).

5. The gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks in Nikitina games allows the child to go ahead and improve themselves, i.e. Develop your creative abilities, in contrast to learning, where everything is explained and where only performing features in the child are formed.

6. Therefore, it is impossible to explain the child the way and the procedure for solving problems and can not be prompted by a word or a gesture or a look. Building a model by solving practically, the child learns to take everything from real reality.

7. It is impossible to demand and seek to solve the task from the first attempt of the child. He may not have yet Doros, did not ripen, and it is necessary to wait a day, a week, a month or even more.

8. The solution of the problem appears before the child not in the abstract form of a response of a mathematical problem, but in the form of a pattern, pattern or structures from cubes, bricks, design details, i.e. in the form of visible and tangible things. This allows you to compare a clear "task" with the "solution" and to check the accuracy of the task.

9. Most of Nikitin's creative educational games are not exhausted by the proposed tasks, but allows children and parents to draw up new options for tasks and even invent new educational games, i.e. Higher order creative activities

10. Nikitina games allow everyone to rise to the "ceiling" of their capabilities where development goes most successfully.

Of great importance for the implementation of the program of mathematical development of children is played by independent activities. In games, especially collective, the qualities of the identity of children are formed. They learn to take into account the interests of their comrades, restrain their desires, they develop a sense of responsibility, will be brought up will and character.

4 . The use of educational games for the development of independenceth of senior preschool age

Of great importance for the implementation of the program of mathematical development of children is played by independent activities.

In the developing games, the ability to independently find answers to many questions: what is the harmony of the combination of figures, how to ensure the transformation of colors and forms at the same time, change the form of the game device, etc., which is typical of such games, like "Pattern", "Unicub "," Lotus flower "and others. Each of the educational games is usually the model of reality. Personal qualities (independence and initiative, creativity, etc.) and skills (combine, assume, modify, etc.), acquired in games are applicable in any educational and life situation.

A great contribution to the development of entertaining mathematical material was made by Z.A. Mikhailova. Developed by it, the system of working with preschoolers has a developing orientation. PER. Mikhailova believes that the main ways of implementing the program of mathematical development of children are cognitive and educational games (game activities), as well as independent children's activities, mathematical competitions, entertainment, leisure evening, etc., organized with children.

The solution of various kinds of non-standard tasks in preschool age contributes to the formation and improvement of general mental abilities: the logic of thought, reasoning and actions, the flexibility of the thought process, mixtalks and intelligence, spatial representations.

In an integrated approach to the upbringing and training of preschoolers in modern didactics, an important role belongs to entertaining educational games. They are interesting for children, emotionally capture them. And the process of solving, finding a response based on interest in the task is impossible without the active work of thought. This provision explains the value of entertaining tasks in the mental and comprehensive development of children. In the course of games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material, children master the ability to search for solutions on their own. The educator arms children only by the scheme and the direction of analysis of the entertaining task, leading to the final decision to solve. Systematic exercise in solving problems in this way develops mental activity, independence of thought, creative attitude to the educational task, initiative.

To this end, it is necessary to organize a mathematical corner in the group so that children can freely take the game that they are interested in "magnetic mosaic", "Geometric lotto", "Domino", "Squares", etc. At the beginning of the game will play active children, but low-effective, shye children will begin to play and have been playing. Then there are groups of interest. The material must constantly update the children who have mastered these games, could play new games. That is, children who have been lighted easier, went ahead in their development. Teacher, in turn, should try to encourage children, making more complex, making various changes.

In games, especially collective, the qualities of the identity of children are formed. They learn to take into account the interests of their comrades, restrain their desires, they develop a sense of responsibility, will be brought up will and character.

For example, Kuizher's sticks are first used as a gaming material. Children play with them, as with ordinary chopsticks, created various designs. Games with Dienesh blocks attract the attention of children primarily by their high-quality signs: color, shape, size, thick. Children immediately distinguish them independently: group on these signs, build a variety of structures, but more often art compositions: patterns, houses, buildings, animals, etc. To the set of geometric shapes go cards with samples. At the first stage, children perform the sample tasks and gradually switch to independent creative modeling and design. In work, with the selection of material, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children.

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All types of educational games help the child successfully learn and learn the world around. Picking out the "workouts for mind", parents should be remembered that their rules must correspond to the age of Chad. It is necessary to alternate all the games, complementing their mobile, desktop, plot-role, sports elements. Thus, an escape child to a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

Development of children through the knowledge of the world

The goal of all kinds of educational games is one - the most accessible explaining to the child the device of the surrounding world, give him skills capable of helping in life. From what is busy at leisure a child, it depends largely, as far as he is able to adapt to the surrounding reality, what place he will find in it. Therefore, all educational games for preschoolers should be diverse and correspond to a certain age.

Games for memory development

Training a visual and auditory perception, the ability to memorize. For example, in the game "What / who did not become?" Adult sets a certain number of toys. The child remembers toys, then turns away. At this time, the adult cleans one of them and asks to call, what kind of toys are missing. It is used for both kids and for children older, complicating the game with the number and variety of objects. You can add books, pencils, cars, balls to toys.

Games for attention

We teach observation, attentiveness, intelligence, perfection, the ability to focus and think. Board game "What has changed?" Designed for both small and older children. 2 cards are offered for younger: a tree image without leaves (winter) and with leaves (summer). Next follows complication by age: cards are added with the image on the colors tree, then the fruit. For the guys older on the tree, birds and animals appear.

Logic games

Develop thinking, increase mental activity, the ability to argue and analyze. For example, in the game "Animal World" learn the child to build a logical chain. You can use both cards, toys and a computer game. An animals alternate in the game: two cats, two bear, two hare, one fox. The child is invited to continue the chain of the sequence by adding a pair of fox. For older children, you can complicate, increasing the number of toys and adding geometric shapes. You can also use a set of dolls, offering the child to put them in size. Collect the pyramid, fold puzzles.

Cognitive games

Expand the horizons, curiosity, develop intelligence, help the child to get the first necessary knowledge and skills.

  • The game "What is growing?". Children are offered to take a card with a picture of a basket and collect a crop from the garden, choosing pictures with vegetables. And to another basket to collect harvest from the garden - fruit. You can diversify the game with a song: "We are the guys-Well done, collect cucumbers and beans and peas. Harvest we are not bad. "
  • In the game "4 seasons", the child is invited to wear a doll or toy at the time of year. Summer - Summer Clothing: Dress, Skirt, Sandals. In the fall add an umbrella, raincoat, rubber boots. In winter - hat, fur coat, boots, mittens.

In the arsenal of the child, all types of educational games must be present, from simple to complex. Having entertained, the child rejoices, having fun, gets positive emotions, and most importantly - comprehensively develops.

So, today we have to explore and their classification will also be covered. The thing is that the moment plays an important role for a modern child and its development. It is important to understand what games and what are there. Then and only then it will be possible to fully develop the baby. And it is not only about very little children, are also important. Unfortunately, about the real gameplay it comes more and less often. But it does not matter. After all, if you know what kind of games are (and their classification for schoolchildren and kids you know), you can always come up with and how to develop it. So what options take place? What games can be encountered in the modern world?


To begin with, what are we doing at all? What is a game? Not everything is completely understood by this term. And therefore you have to study it. In fact, despite the fact that people most of the time should learn and work, especially in childhood, you will have to pay a lot of time.

The game is actions in conditional, fictional circumstances. It serves to assimize this or that material in both practical and conditional form. MANY MANAGE THE SITUATION. Games for children are extremely important. They are the main learning tool. And the study of the surrounding world including. Types of games and their classification for preschoolers according to GEF implies a breaking into several large classes of all possible options. Which ones?


They are not so much. It is accepted to distinguish 3 class games for children. Memorable easily. The first type, which can only be found - these are games arising from the initiative of the child himself. That is, independent. This species is common in kids, schoolchildren rarely face a similar phenomenon. It can be said that an independent game is characterized by a gameplay, in which only one child participates, and even on its own initiative.

Also types of games and their classification (for teenagers, kids and schoolchildren) include options arising from an adult initiative. That is, he seems to introduce one or another situation in the life of a child. The main purpose of this kind of phenomenon is training. The most common version of the development of events.

The last class, which can be allocated here - these are games arising from traditions, customs. Appear both on the initiative of an adult and the child. Not the most common phenomenon in the modern world, but it takes place.


What could be the game? If you think, you can answer infinitely to answer this question. After all, much depends on what kind of class before us. Special attention should be paid to game processes arising from an adult initiative. After all, it is they who serve to teach children to familiarize them with the outside world.

Types of games and their classification (in the camp, school, kindergarten is not so important) include a separate category - training. It is not difficult to guess, this kind of options serve as already mentioned, for child learning. Can be movable, didactic or plotically didactic. Each subtype will be discussed below. But note - it is the training games that are extremely important for kids and young children. They will have to pay due attention.


The game is a kind of entertainment. Therefore, among the options arising from the initiative of adults, you can meet leisure game processes. They have a huge set. The main difference from the training is the actual absence of the emphasis on obtaining new knowledge and skills. It can be said, just entertainment that helps to relax, distract from the daily routine.

Types of games and their classification is what helps to understand the essence of one or another lesson. Leisure "options" also include many subtypes. Moreover, with the development of the modern world, they are becoming more and more.

So what can face? A leisure game can be simply entertaining, carnival, theatrical, intellectual. Most often, such options are found in more adult children. But kids are often engaged in educational games.


Do not forget that the gameplay does not necessarily require extraneous intervention. As already mentioned, there are games arising from the initiative of the child. They play an important role in its development. Just as in the previous cases, independent games are divided into subtypes.

For example, there is a play experiment. It can pass both with the participation of an adult (or under his supervision) and in full solitude. In the course of this process, the child will conduct some experimental actions, and then observe the result. It can be said, this is a "visual allowance" for one or another phenomena, usually physical and chemical.

The experiment game best helps the child to memorize complex processes. Now even sell special experimental kits for kids. For example, "Make Soap", "Create your perfume", "fun crystals" and so on.


Types of games and their classification are already known to us. But here are the details of those or other types of game activity - not at all. It is important to understand what exactly is happening in a matter of or another to develop the child. Self-role options can be attributed to independent games. Just like any other.

What it is? During such a game, there is some kind of plot, an event. Participants have their roles that they must perform. Theatrical presentation, entertainment children's festive program or simply invented story in which the child "lives" is all the plot role-playing games. They contribute to the development of fantasy, as well as sometimes teach compliance with certain rules. For children, plot games are very interesting. True, they will rather see them entertaining.

But in more adult life, it is often reduced to the desktop. For example, "Mafia". In general, any gameplay, in which there is a story, the plot is called a storyline.


Types of games and their classification (in kindergarten or school - no matter) often include didactic "varieties". Very common variant of the learning class. Here, the acquisition of knowledge is not in the open form. Rather, there is only the secondary meaning of this item.

Children during the didactic games are having fun, but at the same time comply with certain rules. In the foreground, there is one or another game task, which everyone seeks to implement. In the course of this, new knowledge is obtained, as well as fixing it. The rules of the game are forced to think about children over their execution, remember, learn to apply first in the fictional, and then in real life. Didactic features games: with spreading, competitions, phantas, instructions, riddles, plot roles.


Types of games and their classification (for preschoolers and not only) are already known to us. Only that is not fully understood, which is one or another variety of the gameplay. There are, as we have already found out, moving games. What it is?

This type of gaming process is accompanied by physical activity. Often it is aimed at the physical development of a child, his healing. Most often, mobile games are somehow indirectly (or directly) are associated with sports. A variety of lodges, catch-up - all of this refer to this category. For mental development, there is almost no benefit, but for physical - quite.


On this classification, you can finish. Only here in the modern world, another new concept appeared in relation to games. Now there are computer (or virtual) types. It is not difficult to guess, the entire gameplay occurs with the help of an electronic machine in the virtual world.

For children there are their educational games. But adults are granted much more extensive selection of various options. Here you can find both quests, strategy, and simulators, and "shooters", and racing ... and still a lot of things.

Computer games are not the best option for preschoolers. Rather, they are more suitable for more adult children. Virtual games can be attributed to leisure. They do not actually have a training character and often serve exclusively for leisure activities, for relaxation.

Briefly focus on the classification of educational game tasks

  1. Developing games for sensory abilities of preschoolers. These include games for the development of the color, visual and tactile perception, recognition of geometric shapes and sizes, with this rather complex configurations.
  2. Games developing small motility. For example, sketching and circuit of figures and different patterns. This can be done using various stencils. It also appropriate to note the developing graphic games.
  3. Tasks and exercises for the development of basic mental processes that include memory, attention. It can be modifications of the game "What has changed?".
  4. Games, developing the child's thinking. In such a series of games, the preschooler develops ability to analyze, synthesis, spatial imagination, logical thinking. In such a game, as a rule, mathematical representations are laid at the initial stage, such mental operations are developing as classification and generalization. In total in the process of games that are aimed at inventing a variety of characters, abstract thinking is formed.
  5. You can also note the educational games that form fantasy, speech, etc.

Educational games for the development of shallow motility at preschoolers of the senior group

Game "Handing".
Purpose: Develop a shallow motorcycle.

Gaming material and visual manuals: Pictures with animals, gaming clock.

Description: Children sit in a circle, getting around the picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe his animal without calling it, by this plan:

  1. Appearance.
  2. What is powered by.

For the game used "Game Watches". First, turn the arrow. To whom she will indicate, he starts the story. Then the rotation of the arrow determine who should guess the described animal.

The game "Compare Items".

Objectives: develop observation; Expand the dictionary due to the names of parts and parts of items, their qualities.

Game material and visual manuals: Things (toys) are the same by name, but differ in some signs or details, for example: two buckets, two apron, two shirts, two spoons, etc.

Description: The teacher reports that the package brought to the kindergarten: "What is it?" It takes things: "Now we carefully consider them. I will tell about one thing, and someone from you is about another. We will tell us in turn. "

For example:

  1. I have an elegant apron.
  2. I have a worker apron.
  3. It is white in red polka dots.
  4. And my - dark blue.
  5. My decorated with lace ruffles.
  6. And my - red ribbon.
  7. This apron on the sides of two pockets.
  8. And this is one big on the chest.
  9. On these pockets - pattern of flowers.
  10. And this is drawn tools.
  11. This apron is covered on the table.
  12. And this one is put on to work in the workshop.

The game "Who Who was or what was what".

Objectives: intensify the dictionary; Expand the knowledge of the environment.

Description: Who or the earlier chicken was? (Egg.) And horse (foal), frog (thawastic), butterfly (caterpillar), shoes (skin), shirt (cloth), fish (eggs), cabinet (board), bread (flour), bike (iron), Sweater (wool), etc.?

The game "Name as more objects as possible."

Objectives: intensify the dictionary; Develop attention.

Description: Children become in a row, they are invited to call the items that surround them.

Calling the word makes a step forward. Wins the one who correctly and clearly pronounced the words and called a larger number of items without repeating.

Game "pick up rhyme."

Purpose: develop a phonmematic hearing.

Description: The teacher explains that all words sound differently, but there are sounding among them. Offers help pick a word.

On the way there was a bug,

Song sang in the grass ... (cricket).

You can use any poems or individual rhymes.

The game "Name part of the subject."

Objectives: enrich the dictionary; Develop the ability to relate the subject and its part.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with the image of the house, truck, wood, birds.

Description: The tutor shows pictures:

1st Option: Children in turn call parts of items.

2nd option: Each child gets a drawing and calls all parts itself.

Educational games for learning a letter of preschoolers of the senior group

Game "Find out who do what sounds?"

Gaming material and visual aids: a set of substantive pictures (beetle, snake, saw, pump, wind, mosquito, dog, steam locomotive).

Description: The tutor shows a picture, children call the item depicted on it. To the question "How Saws Slap, buzzes a beetle and so on." The child is responsible, and all children reproduce this sound.

Objective: Develop an auditory perception.

Description: Driving becomes back to children, and all of them choir read a poem, the last line of which is pronounced one of the children to indicate the educator.

If the leading guessing it, the specified child becomes leading.

Approximate material:

  1. We will play a little bit like you listen, find out.
    Try, guess who called you, find out. (Name of the leading.)
  2. To us cuckoo in the garden flew and sings.
    And you, (the name of the leading), do not yawny, who is dug, guess!
  3. I sat down on the fence, shouted on the whole courtyard.
    Listen, (the name of the leading), do not yawn, who is a rooster with us, find out!

Game "Guess the sound."

Purpose: to work out the clarity of articulation.

Description: The lead pronounces the sound of himself, clearly articulating. Children on the movement of the leading leads are guessing the sound and pronounce it out loud. Guessing first becomes the lead.

The game "Who has a good rumor?".

Purpose: Develop a phonmematic hearing, the ability to hear the sound in the word.

Gaming material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures.

Description: The tutor shows the picture calls it. Children clap your hands if they hear the sound studied.

At the later stages, the teacher may silently show a picture, and the child speaks the name of the picture to himself and reacts the same way.

The tutor notes correctly determined the sound and those who could not find it and perform the task.

The game "Who lives in the house?".

Purpose: Develop the ability to determine the availability of sound in the word.

Game material and visual aids: a house with windows and a pocket for lad out pictures, a set of object pictures.

Description: The educator explains that only beasts (birds, pets) live in the house, in the names of which there are, for example, the sound [l].

We must put these animals in the house. Children call all animals depicted in the pictures and choose those among them, in the names of which there is a sound [l] or [l '].

Each correctly selected picture is rated by the game chip.

Approximate material: hedgehog, wolf, bear, fox, hare, elk, elephant, rhino, zebra, camel, lynx.

The game "Who is more?".

Purpose: develop the ability to hear the sound in the word and relate it to the letter.

Gaming material and visual manuals: a set of known letters of letters, subject pictures.

Description: Each child is heard a card with one of the letters known to children. The tutor shows the picture, children call the displayed item. The chips gets one who will hear the sound corresponding to his letter. Wins the larger chips.

The game "Vertolin".

Purpose: Develop the ability to select words starting with the specified sound.

Gaming material and visual manuals: two plywood discs superimposed on each other (the lower disk is fixed, the letters are written on it; the upper disk rotates, it is cut narrow, wide with the letter, sector); chips.

Description: Children in turn rotate the disk. The child must name the word on the letter on which the Skit sector stops.

Committed task properly gets a chip. At the end of the game, the number of chips is calculated, the winner is determined.

The game "Logo".

Purpose: develop the skills to highlight the first sound in the syllable, relate it to the letter.

Game material and visual manuals: a large lotto card, divided into four squares (in three of them images of objects, one square empty) and card-tires with studied letters for each child; For the leading set of individual small cards with images of the same items.

Description: The presenter takes from a set of the top picture and asks who has this subject.

A child having a lotto card this picture calls the subject and the first sound in the word, after which it closes the picture with the card with the corresponding letter. Wins the one who is first closed all the pictures on the lotto card.

Approximate material: stork, duck, duck, tail, som. Rose, lamp, etc.

The game "Chain".

Purpose: develop the ability to allocate the first and last sound in the word.

Description: One of the children calls the Word, next to the sitting picks up a new word where the initial sound is the last sound of the previous word. Continues the next child of a number, etc.

The task of the series: Do not break the chain. The game can pass as a competition. The winner will be the series that the longer "pulled" the chain.

The game "Where the sound hid?"

Purpose: Develop the ability to install a sound place in the word.

Game material and visual manuals: the educator has a set of subject pictures; Each child has a card separated by three squares, and a colorful chip (red with a vowel sound, blue with consonants).

Description: The teacher shows the picture, calls the item depicted on it. Children repeat the word and indicate the place of the sound under study in the word, closing one of the three squares on the card, depending on where the sound is: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Win those who correctly placed the chip on the card.

The game "Where is our home?"

Purpose: Develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in the word.

Gaming material and visual manuals: a set of substantive pictures, three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4, or 5).

Description: Children are divided into two teams. The child takes the picture, calls the item depicted on it, considers the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts a picture into pockets with a digit corresponding to the number of sounds in the word.

Representatives of each team come out in turn. If they are wrong, they are corrected by children of another team. For each correct response, the point is counted, the winners are considered to be the row, whose players will raise more points. This game can be carried out individually.

Approximate material: com, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag.

The game "Wonderful Pouch".

Gaming material and visual manuals: a bag of motley fabric with various objects, in the names of which two or three syllables.

Description: Children in order are suitable for the table, remove the subject from the bag, call it.

The word is repeated in syllables. The child calls the number of syllables in the word.

Telegraph game.

Objective: Develop the ability to divide words to syllables.

Description: Pedagog says: "Guys, now we will play Telegraph. I will call words, and you will be transferred them in turn on the telegraph to another city. "

The first word of the teacher says in syllables and accompanies each syllable with cotton. Then he calls the word, and the caused child independently pronounces it in syllables, accompanying cotton.

If the child has incorrectly fulfilled the task, the telegraph breaks: all children begin to shit in his hands, spoiled telegraph can be fixed, that is, pronounce the word correctly in the syllables and swell.

Educational games in mathematics for children of the senior group

The game "Be attentive".

Purpose: Fasten the ability to distinguish between objects in color.

Game material and visual aids: flat images of objects of different colors: red tomato, orange carrot, green tree, blue bowl, purple dress.

Description: Children stand in a semicircle in front of the board, on which flat items are placed.

Pedagogue, calling the subject and its color, raises hands up. Children do the same. If the color is called the teacher incorrectly, children should not raise hands up.

He who raised his hands loses phanta. When playing the phantom children, you can offer tasks: to name several red items, to say what color items on the top shelf of the cabinet, and so on.

The game "Compare and Fill".

Objectives: Develop the ability to carry out visual-thought analysis; Fasten ideas about geometric shapes.

Game material and visual manuals: a set of geometric shapes.

Description: Play two. Each of the players should carefully consider its nameplate with images of geometric shapes, find a pattern in their location, and then fill empty cells with a question mark, putting the necessary figure in them.

Wins one who correctly and quickly cope with the task. The game can be repeated, placing a different shape and signs of the question.

The game "Fill empty cells".

Objectives: Fix the idea of \u200b\u200bgeometric figures; Develop the ability to compare and compare two groups of figures, find distinctive features.

Game material and visual manuals: geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles) of three colors.

Description: Play two. Each player should examine the location of the figures in the table, paying attention not only to their shape, but also on the color, to find a pattern in their location and fill empty cells with the signs of the question.

Wins one who correctly and quickly cope with the task. Then players can swap signs. You can repeat the game, in a different position in the table shapes and signs of the question.

Game "Wonderful Glass".

Purpose: to learn to determine the place of the specified subject in the numerical row.

Game material and visual aids: 10 cups from under yogurts, a small toy placed in a cup.

Description: Each cup paste the figure, choose a leading, it must turn away. During this time, hide under one of the cups toy. Driving turns and guess, under what cup toy is hidden. He asks: "Under the first cup? Under the sixth? " Etc., until he forth.

You can answer the prompts: "No, more", "no, less."

The game "Holiday in the zoo".

Purpose: learning to compare the number and number of items.

Gaming material and visual manuals: Soft toys, countable sticks (buttons).

Description: Put an animal toys in front of a child. Suggest to "feed them".

The educator calls the number, and the child lay out before each toy the desired number of sticks (buttons).

The game "Long Renomer".

Purpose: Fasten the concepts "Length", "Width", "Height".

Game material and visual manuals: paper strips.

Description: The teacher makes any item (for example, a cabinet) and makes a narrow paper strip equal to its width.

To find a gueau, a child will need to compare the width of different items located in the room, with a strip length. Then you can make another object, measuring its height, and the next, measuring its length.

Game "pass to the gate."

Game material and visual manuals: cards, "gates" with the image of numbers.

Description: Cards with different numbers of circles are distributed.

To go into the "Gate", everyone needs to find a pair, that is, the child, the number of circles of which in the amount with circles on its own card will give a number shown on the "gate".

The game "Talk numbers".

Purpose: fix direct and countdown.

Game material and visual manuals: cards with numbers.

Description: Children "Numbers" receive cards and become each other in order. "Number 4" says "Number 5": "I am less than one". " What did the "number 5" responded "Number 4"? And what did "Number 6" said?

The game "Do not yaw!".

Objectives: Consider account knowledge from 1 to 10, the ability to read and record numbers.