Where to get Serotonin. Serotonin: the function of the hormone, how to increase its level in the body. Functions and mechanism of action of serotonin

28.04.2021 Plumbing work

How to increase the level of serotonin in the body with drugs, food, and the effect of serotonin on metabolism, advice and prevention.

"The hormone of happiness" - that's what they call this wonderful Chemical substance, which is produced in the human body and affects its mood and not only. In moments of joy, at the moment of ecstasy, the level of serotonin in the body rises significantly. Conversely, during a depressive state, its amount in the body decreases. What is this mysterious hormone and what does it have its miraculous effect on?

Symptoms of low levels of serotonin in the body

A lack of serotonin in the human body leads to various symptoms:

  1. Depression. People suffering from a lack of the hormone of joy have a decline in mood and vitality. This is the most common and striking manifestation of serotonin deficiency;
  2. Since sweets are responsible for the production of this mediator, with its lack, a person constantly needs sweets, chocolate, pastries and other sweets;
  3. Insomnia. Constant sleep deprivation due to sudden nocturnal awakenings;
  4. Decreased self-esteem and self-confidence;
  5. Sudden attacks of anxiety, constant feeling of fear.

But besides these symptoms, there are also others that are most noticeable to people around them:

  • Obesity, rapid weight gain;
  • Migraines - attacks of sharp headaches, aggravated by exposure to bright light or loud sound;
  • Disruption of the digestive system: constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Jaw cramps.

The effect of serotonin on metabolism

Serotonin affects many types of metabolism in the body. It has the greatest influence on bioenergetic processes in the body. Under the influence of serotonin, carbohydrate metabolism changes. Increases the activity of liver enzymes, skeletal muscle and the myocardium, reduces the content of glycogen in them, stimulates the process of glucose oxidation. Serotonin increases tissue oxygen consumption. With an increase in its concentration in tissues, a decrease in the strength of oxidative processes occurs.

What drugs increase serotonin levels

In any pharmacy, you can buy a drug that will increase the hormone of joy in your body.

Sertraline. Medicinal product, which has an antidepressant effect. It has the property of capturing serotonin, increasing its level in human blood. The dose is prescribed by the doctor and varies from 40 to 250 mg, depending on the patient's condition.

Fluoxetine... Pills that increase the level of the hormone. One tablet is taken in the morning. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the depression.

Citalopram... An antidepressant, which is one of the most popular remedies in combating the lack of the hormone of joy. It is taken 1-2 grams per day for a month. A gradual withdrawal of the drug is recommended.

Paroxetine... The drug belongs to the group of antidepressants. The action is aimed at increasing the amount of serotonin in the body. It is used for depressive, panic, anxiety disorders, without providing negative impact on the human psyche. Like any drug, it has contraindications and is not accepted without a doctor's prescription. The dose and frequency of administration is selected individually, depending on the type of disorder.

Fevarin... A drug that paralyzes the reuptake of serotonin by cells. The dosage is selected individually. They start taking the drug with low dosages, gradually increasing the daily dose. The maximum dose of the drug depends on the severity of the depressive disorder. It is taken for a long time.

It should be remembered that taking medications is a last resort. In the initial stages of the manifestation of a lack of serotonin in the body, you can resort to treatment with folk remedies.

Folk remedies for increasing serotonin

Compliance with the biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness is another important condition for maintaining high levels of the hormone in the body. A person should get enough sleep, and this means a night's sleep. A sufficient amount of the hormone will be produced only at night.

The ancient ways of relieving physical and mental stress - yoga and meditation have a positive effect on the hormonal balance in the body. Such activities balance the body, have a beneficial effect on mood and prevent depression.
Learn to enjoy life by doing what you love, whether it be your favorite hobby, playing sports, meeting friends or just walking in the woods and you will have an excess of the hormone of happiness.

Source of Serotonin in Foods

Foods to help raise serotonin levels

By itself, this substance has not been found in products. It is produced in the body by the amino acids found in many foods. Tryptophan is one of them.

  • milk-containing food (cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurts, milk);
  • eggs;
  • banana and dark chocolate are champions in increasing serotonin levels;
  • buckwheat, oat and millet groats;
  • bell pepper and tomatoes, cabbage and root vegetables;
  • beans, lentils and other legumes;
  • fruits such as plums, peaches, melons, citrus fruits;
  • dried fruits, in particular dates, figs, prunes;
  • seafood so rich in magnesium;
  • real loose leaf tea or ground natural coffee.

Unwanted foods
Not all foods contribute to the increase in the level of the hormone of joy in the blood of a person. There are also those that lower it, so if you have a deficiency of this hormone, then try to avoid the following foods:

  • Fructose... This type of sugar is found in honey, potatoes, watermelons, cherries and blueberries, so we advise you to limit the use of these products;
  • Alcohol... It has a suppressive effect on nervous activity. With continued use, the production of serotonin in the brain decreases, which leads to depression and other disorders;
  • Diet drinks... They contain a huge amount of phenylalanine, which greatly reduces the production of the hormone of joy, which often leads to paranoia or panic attacks;
  • Caffeine... With moderate consumption of caffeinated drinks, the level of serotonin increases, but if these products are abused, then the level of the hormone, on the contrary, will decrease;
  • Fast food... Everybody's favorite chips, hamburgers and fries contain substances that lead to a deficiency of the hormone of happiness in the human body.

In order to be healthy and happy, you need to adhere to several simple rules:

Observe the daily routine. Try to plan clearly every day, go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. Remember that a good long sleep will keep you healthy and youthful for many years;

Don't overdo it. If during any work you start to get tired, take a rest. Take a break and do a little warm-up. This will allow you to save energy for further work;

Eat right. Eliminate fast food, salty and sweet, carbonated drinks from your diet. Eating enough vegetables and fruits will keep you in good shape;

Always be aware of the dangers of alcohol and smoking. Do not succumb to the influence of society. Have your opinion on this matter. And let it be right.

Skip diets. Don't starve yourself by following fashion. Remember that everyone is beautiful in their own way and there is no point in striving for a non-existent ideal. And the lack of essential amino acids will only lead to a breakdown and depression;

Go in for sports. Not only will you be able to get in shape, but you will also increase your serotonin levels. Regular exercise will keep you healthy and fit;

Don't give in to stress. Do your best to avoid stressful situations, always keep Olympic calm, smile and enjoy life!

That he is our main assistant in being and feeling happy and beautiful. Accordingly, we need to consciously ensure that the natural level of serotonin does not fall! After all:

High serotonin levels

Calm, content, open, clear mind, detached, socially dominant. With high serotonin levels, life seems beautiful.

Serotonin deficiency

Anxiety, depression, pessimism, aggressiveness. With low serotonin levels, life seems bleak.

Fortunately, there are natural ways you can increase your serotonin levels.

1. Increase your serotonin levels through meditation.

Serotonin is one of the reasons why we feel peaceful and calm after letting go of our thoughts. Several studies have shown that meditation increases serotonin levels.

Meditators get good sleep, which helps release the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is made from serotonin in the pineal gland.

During meditation, you can also fall into a state of deep bliss and euphoria. This is likely the result of a combination of elevated serotonin and dopamine levels.

2. Increase your serotonin levels through exercise.

Exercise reduces anxiety, depression, and sensitivity to stress. Over millions of years we have adapted to movement. Movement and exercise are the single best ways to balance our neurotransmitters. One of the effects is an increase in serotonin levels.

Exercise also increases tryptophan, the main building block of serotonin. This effect persists after exercise.

The blood levels of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) decrease as you exercise and tryptophan enters the brain more easily.

During exercise, fat molecules begin to break down and blood tryptophan levels increase.

When you move, the building block of serotonin increases and tryptophan immediately releases serotonin.

Exercise also increases the production of brain neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which acts as a growth hormone for neurons and the brain and stimulates the production of serotonin.

3. Increase serotonin levels with light.

Light therapy is gaining popularity as a treatment for seasonal depression. Serotonin levels are lower in winter than in summer and are part of the cause of seasonal depression. Bright light stimulates the production of serotonin. Light therapy can also work at other times of the year. Some studies suggest that she is effective remedy for the treatment of non-seasonal depression.

Bright light gives best effect while dim light is not effective. Light therapy usually gives top scores in the morning.

Morning light therapy can also help you fall asleep in the evening. Even just 15 minutes of light in the morning will help you get enough sleep at night.

When treating with light, it is best to use the entire spectrum of light. White light is better than blue and red, and no UV light is required.

Light treatments are most effective with intensities ranging from 2500 to 10000 lux (full spectrum light).

Light therapy is especially effective in winter for people with seasonal mood disorders. Patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) respond particularly well to light therapy. Other symptoms of a good effect of light therapy are sugary eating and excessive daytime sleepiness.

4. Increase your serotonin levels with sunlight.

Sunlight stimulates the release of serotonin. Human skin has a built-in serotonergic system that is capable of generating serotonin. Tryptophan hydroxylase, the primary enzyme in the synthesis of serotonin, is present in human skin.

Many people are afraid of skin cancer because we hear so much about it. But we are more sick from a lack of sun than from an overabundance of it. Bones don't form properly and we get depressed and sick. This is in part because we are getting too little vitamin D.

Adequate vitamin D early in life is correlated with a lower risk of developing diabetes mellitus 1 type. An 80% lower risk of developing type 1 diabetes later in life in children who received 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily. Vitamin D may even help prevent multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D production depends on the amount of UVB photons that penetrate the skin. Time in the sun, sun exposure, clothing, excess body fat, sunscreen and melanin are important factors.

Vitamin D also increases dopamine levels.

5. Increase your serotonin levels with social dominance.

Studies in monkeys show that more serotonin is produced when we are socially dominant.

Research into altering tryptophan levels also shows that serotonin makes us more dominant. Participants who received high doses of tryptophan became more socially dominant, less aggressive, and made less critical remarks to others.

You get more serotonin when you are socially dominant, and serotonin itself makes you more socially dominant.

6. Increase your serotonin levels through thought.

Some researchers have found that thoughts affect serotonin levels. They used positron emission tomography to measure serotonin levels in people who had gone through positive, negative, and neutral mood inductions.

With higher moods, serotonin production was higher in the anterior cingulate gyrus. When the mood was low, the production of serotonin was lower. Serotonin affects mood, and mood affects serotonin levels.

7. Increase serotonin levels with niacin (B3).

Niacin increases serotonin levels.

8. Increase serotonin levels with pyridoxine (B6).

Found that pyridoxine increases serotonin levels in monkeys. Pyridoxine is a cheap and widely available B vitamin.

9. Increase your serotonin levels with theanine.

Theanine, an amino acid found in tea, can affect neurotransmitter levels. It raises dopamine and serotonin levels. However, there is some controversy regarding its effect on serotonin. One study found that serotonin levels dropped after theanine was injected into a rat's brain.

10. Increase serotonin levels with low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates.

Avoid high amounts of sugar, refined wheat, and other fast-acting carbohydrates. Insulin removes BCAAs from your blood, so keeping your insulin levels stable is essential. Fast-acting carbs tend to give a quick burst of insulin, after which blood sugar levels drop. Low GI carbohydrates are slowly released into the bloodstream, thereby keeping insulin levels stable.

11. Increase your serotonin levels with Omega-3s.

The most important omega-3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA. EPA presumably increases the release of serotonin and DHA, and affects serotonin receptors by increasing the fluidity of the cell membrane. Long-term consumption of omega-3s can increase serotonin levels.

12. Increase serotonin levels with gut bacteria.

Our gut is filled with good and bad bacteria. And an imbalanced gut flora can have negative consequences for your health, affecting your brain health and mood as well.

Research has shown that probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis significantly increases blood tryptophan levels. Probiotic treatment for 8 weeks has been found to help reduce depression.

13. Increase your serotonin levels with curcumin.

Curcumin is a compound found in the spice turmeric. Curcumin has antidepressant effects due to its effects on serotonin and dopamine. Curcumin inhibits the activity of monoamine oxidase, an enzyme involved in the breakdown of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine.

This means that curcumin leads to an increase in the concentration and long-term activity of serotonin at the synapse. The effects of curcumin are increased when taken with piperine or black pepper.

14. Increase your serotonin levels by limiting alcohol.

Alcohol was found to significantly reduce serotonin levels 45 minutes later.

Low serotonin levels lead to depression after drinking.

There is a clear link between alcohol consumption and violence or other violent behavior. Aggression is also largely associated with low serotonin levels. Aggressive behavior after drinking may be associated with the disruptive effects of alcohol on serotonin metabolism.

The high tryptophan myth

We know that tryptophan increases serotonin levels. It is believed that products with high content tryptophan, such as turkey, have the same effect. It is a myth. High protein foods are always high in other amino acids.

There is also a myth that bananas improve mood because they contain serotonin. Yes, bananas contain serotonin, but it does not cross the blood-brain barrier.

People all over the world have long been looking for ways to become happier and more successful. And at the same time they do not even realize that happiness is near. This is indeed the case. Back in the middle of the last century, a group of scientists managed to find a substance in human blood that affects emotional condition... It is called serotonin or "".

It is on this element that our mood and state of health, appetite and sexual activity, the ability to learn and the desire to learn about the world depend. In a word, the more of this substance, the happier the person. Let's figure out how to increase serotonin levels and what role it plays in the body.

The hormone of happiness - what is it?

We have all heard more than once that the hormone of "happiness" is serotonin. The media and the Internet write about him, and Wikipedia did not stand aside. On its pages you can find detailed information about the history of the discovery and the chemical structure of matter. But this information is more for specialists. We will find out where the hormone "happiness" comes from from the point of view of laymen.

Just like endorphins and, it is produced by the human body and is responsible for physical activity and excellent mood, endows with self-confidence, courage and optimism. With its deficiency, "chaos" appears in thoughts, lethargy and absent-mindedness, unpredictability in actions and irritability.

Serotonin, being a neurotransmitter, carries out the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons and cells of the human body. Simply put, without the hormone, the full-fledged physical, mental and psycho-emotional activity of an individual is impossible.

Serotonin production mechanism

It is known that the hormone "joy" is produced in the brain and gastrointestinal tract. Serotonin molecules are formed from the amino acid tryptophan. Most of the neurotransmitter (90–95%) is synthesized in the intestine and only 5–10% in the pineal gland. A small proportion of the hormone is present in platelets and the central nervous system. Bright sunshine is essential for the production of serotonin. That is why on summer days the mood and well-being are always much better than in winter.

For a full life, the body must constantly contain at least 10 mg of a neurotransmitter. Studies have shown that serotonin, which is produced in the brain, is used by it. The body's need for the hormone "happiness" is covered by a substance synthesized by the intestines.

The role of the hormone "happiness" in the body

It is almost impossible to tell in a nutshell what serotonin is, since the hormone is not only responsible for the performance of all body systems, but also forms the psychoemotional state of a person.

One of the main functions of the mediator is to provide a full-fledged interaction between brain cells and the body as a whole. Due to this, the hormone acts as a link in the activity of all receptors in the central nervous system. In addition, serotonin "directs" other functions in the body:

  • reduces discomfort and pain during movement, relieves the feeling of heaviness throughout the body;
  • improves performance of cardio-vascular system, strengthens and deepens the contraction of the myocardium;
  • activates the blood supply to the genitals, maintains the necessary microflora in the uterus, promotes conception and bearing of the fetus. A lack of serotonin can cause early miscarriage;
  • the hormone stabilizes blood clotting, reduces bleeding;
  • stimulates the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, while improving intestinal motility;
  • reduces the pain threshold.

Since serotonin is a hormone of "happiness", it is vital for every person. The optimal content of the neurotransmitter in the blood is 50-200 ng / ml.

Why is excess or deficiency of serotonin dangerous?

Any deviation in the level of the hormone "happiness" from the norm inevitably leads to health problems. A lack of serotonin or an excess of it can be a symptom of serious medical conditions. The reason for going to the doctor should be complaints of a lack of energy, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, nervous irritability or depressed mood, sleep disturbances, memory impairment. Such symptoms require urgent medical examination.

Serotonin testing is done infrequently and not in every clinic. The procedure is carried out only as directed by a doctor.

Signs and causes of low blood hormone levels

Unfortunately, the body does not always produce enough serotonin. As a result, a person's physical activity decreases, memory and learning ability deteriorate. Some body functions fade away, while others, on the contrary, acquire excessive sensitivity.

Serotonin deficiency is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Prolonged and deep depression for no apparent reason.
  • Sleep disturbance: insomnia, severe awakening.
  • Excessive excitability and emotionality, irritability, tendency to hysteria.
  • Increased pain threshold.
  • Concentration disorder, absent-mindedness, withdrawal, inappropriate social behavior.
  • Constant craving for sweets and starchy foods. This is because treats raise serotonin levels by 1-1.5 hours.
  • Increased fatigue, violation of the regime of work and rest.

Especially strong from low level the hormone "happiness" affects women. They are characterized by chronic depression, suicidal thoughts, unwillingness to build family relationships and give birth to children. Lack of serotonin has an extremely negative effect on hormonal background the weaker sex, making women whiny, irritable, insecure. Suffers and appearance- dull hair, pale skin, wrinkles do not add beauty to anyone.

What causes serotonin to decrease

Causes reduced level hormones can be very different. In the overwhelming majority of people, its production is noticeably reduced in the autumn-winter period. In addition, unbalanced nutrition, constant lack of sleep, lack of fresh air and movement, stress and illness negatively affect the amount of the hormone.

Ways to increase serotonin

You can increase the level of serotonin in the body different methods... With a serious deficiency of this substance, drugs may be prescribed to maintain the necessary concentration of the hormone in the blood.

Having set out to increase the level of serotonin on your own, it should be remembered that treatment medications is an extreme measure. This method of therapy is used only in psychiatric practice to combat psychosis, chronic depression and suicidal tendencies and only as prescribed by a doctor.

In less serious situations, increasing the level of the hormone can be more simple and natural ways: adherence to a diet, the organization of sleep and rest, physical activity and a positive attitude.

Medications that increase serotonin levels

Serotonin tablets are not produced as such. Speaking of preparations containing the hormone "happiness", it is understood that they increase its level in the blood or maintain the necessary concentration, only weakening the psycho-emotional stress. These antidepressants may contain small amounts of artificial serotonin.

They are assigned only when a person, due to circumstances, is not able to independently cope with psychoemotional disorders.

Among the many drugs that support the level of the hormone "joy", the following can be distinguished:

  • Sertraline;
  • Fluoxetine;
  • Fevarin;
  • Oprah.

For the treatment of chronic depressive and suicidal conditions, drugs of a new generation are used: Efectin and Mirtazapine.

All psychotropic drugs are dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions, without chewing and drinking plenty of water. When serotonin rises to the required level, the medication cannot be abruptly canceled. The dose should be reduced daily until the drug is completely withdrawn.

The main source of the natural hormone "joy" is because it is on its basis that the biosynthesis of serotonin occurs. It is not for nothing that it is believed that it cheers up and sets a diet in a positive way, which includes:

  • milk and dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • hard cheeses;
  • bitter chocolate and cocoa;
  • dates and figs;
  • plums;
  • tomatoes and other nightshades (potatoes, zucchini);
  • soybeans and legumes.

By using these products, you can quickly and effectively increase the level of serotonin in your body. However, they should not be abused. Diet can turn around negative consequences... High serotonin levels can trigger migraines, nausea, sleep disturbances, and gastrointestinal disruptions.

The simplest and quick way raise the level of the hormone "joy" - more often to be in the sun. The production of a pick is directly dependent on the amount of bright light. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period and on cloudy days, the mood and well-being are always worse.

A good night's rest is no less important for the biosynthesis of serotonin. Recreational activities until late, working on a daily basis, sitting at the computer - all this reduces the level of the hormone. With this mode, the mediator is produced unevenly, so you should adhere to the schedule: during the day - vigorous activity, at night - sleep.

It has a positive effect on the production of serotonin by playing sports, especially in the fresh air: running, skiing, skating, cycling. In this case, the load should be moderate. According to the latest data, the hormone is produced only in those people who exercise with pleasure, and do not torture themselves to the point of exhaustion.

How to increase serotonin if it is winter outside, dark and gloomy, and sports are not attractive? It couldn't be easier. An active social life, a favorite hobby, good music, an interesting film, meeting with friends, going to the theater - all this improves mood, gives emotional relaxation, and therefore increases the level of the hormone.

And the last, most important advice - love and be loved. No wonder they say that serotonin is the hormone of "happiness". Sincere feeling, as the main source of good mood, will help to cope with depression and gain confidence in yourself.

Serotonin - what is this hormone? What is its role in the body? Serotonin, or, as the people call it, the pleasure hormone, is a brain chemical that prevents depression and improves mood. The process of producing this hormone has an important effect on the regulation of nerve cells, the functioning of the brain and the state of the human nervous system as a whole. After all, serotonin is the key to the effective and fruitful work of neurons. In addition, it stimulates the process of regulating body temperature and blood pressure, improves respiratory and renal functions, and constricts blood vessels. Serotonin - what is it? What does its deficiency in the body lead to? Depression, depression, and stress that result from a lack of the hormone serotonin have a number of negative consequences:

  1. Violation of the body's metabolic processes.
  2. General deterioration in health.
  3. Allergic reactions.
  4. Decreased immunity.
  5. Diathesis.
  6. Chronic insomnia, sleep disturbances.
  7. Enuresis.
  8. Exacerbation of toxicosis during pregnancy.
  9. Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses (in especially acute and advanced cases).

How to increase serotonin?

If you have knowledge of artificially increasing the level of serotonin in the body, you can learn to avoid the gray days, always feel energetic, joyful and efficient. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in this science. So, there are a number of chemical and natural pathways that can increase serotonin levels. Serotonin - what is it? How to increase its level in the body? Let's consider the most popular, effective and available methods.

Sports and physical activity

Serotonin is a hormone that can be increased through sports and exercise. During sports training, the body begins to produce the substance tryptophan, which in turn triggers the production of serotonin. However, at the same time, give yourself a moderate, feasible load. According to research data, serotonin is produced only in athletes who feel cheerful and comfortable, and do not torture themselves with exercise to the point of exhaustion. Sports training if desired, it can be replaced with hour-long walks in the fresh air.

Massage procedures

Serotonin - what is it? What other ways are there to increase its level? A quality massage increases the level of serotonin in the body while decreasing the production of the stress hormone cortisone. Therefore, massage procedures are a great way to relieve emotional and physical stress, raise general tone... If you do not have the time or financial resources to visit a professional master, try to learn the basics of acupuncture acupressure, which you can do on your own and under any conditions.

Light exposure

According to scientists, light activates the synthesis and production of serotonin. Therefore, provide yourself with adequate lighting. Especially favorable in in this case, daylight and direct sunlight. So curtain your windows and often go outside during daylight hours. In the cold season, periodic visits to the solarium are recommended.

Relaxation and meditation practices

Stressful situations, overload, mental and emotional stress lead to a decrease in serotonin levels. How to increase serotonin? In order to increase the content of this hormone, it is necessary to first eliminate the stress factor. To maintain harmony and inner balance, the following practices are recommended:

  • Yoga.
  • Auto-training.
  • Meditation.
  • Art therapy.
  • Breathing exercises.

Happy memories (psychological method)

Serotonin - what is it? Hormone. What will help raise its level? You can get a boost of serotonin by consciously evoking pleasant memories in yourself that fill you with a sense of happiness. If you find it difficult to do it yourself, try going through old photos, meeting childhood friends, etc.

Psychological consultations (professional help)

For the production of serotonin by the body and the normal functioning of the nervous system, the correct positive attitude, a positive type of thinking, and reasonable optimism are very important. If a person is unable to cope with their problem, feelings and sad thoughts on their own, it may make sense to seek help from a professional psychologist.

Essential nutrients

For sufficient production and synthesis of this hormone, a substance such as tryptophan must regularly enter the body. The daily dose of this amino acid is one to two grams.

A large dose of magnesium, glucose and B vitamins will also help maintain a high level of serotonin. All these substances are found both in special medicines and in many foods.

What foods contain serotonin?

Serotonin - what is it? What foods does it contain? To begin with, this formulation of the question is somewhat incorrect. After all, this is not a substance, serotonin is a hormone that is produced by the body. Therefore, it would be more correct to say: "What foods increase the level of serotonin in the body?"

Foods that increase serotonin levels fall into several categories. These include:

  1. Tryptophan-rich foods (hard cheeses, legumes and soybeans, cottage cheese, oyster mushrooms, and buckwheat)
  2. Foods high in simple carbohydrates (sweets, chocolate, baked goods, baked goods, etc.) - these foods help to quickly raise serotonin levels in a stressful situation. However, you should not overuse simple carbohydrates, as they can lead to addiction to sweets, and in addition, they will negatively affect your figure.
  3. Foods saturated with magnesium (prunes, raisins, dried apricots, nuts, algae, seafood, bran, pharmaceutical fiber, sprouted wheat).
  4. Products containing B vitamins (brewer's yeast, bananas, pumpkin, melon, pumpkin, citrus fruits, oatmeal, liver, offal, dates).

In order to feel completely satisfied and in high spirits, try to include these foods in your diet. For production daily allowance the hormone of pleasure is enough to eat at least one of those presented in this list per day.

What is Serotonin Reuptake?

Serotonin reuptake - what is it? Depressive states are always associated with a decrease in serotonin levels. Therefore, one of the chemical ways to raise this hormone, as well as a drug for the treatment of depression, are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Reuptake drugs increase the concentration of free serotonin. Their principle of action is as follows: this medication blocks the reuptake of the hormone serotonin in the area of ​​contacts of nerve cells. This leads to the fact that the transmission of information by serotonin to the cells is not restored, as a result of which the cells depressed by depression are activated. As a result, the nervous, psychological and emotional state of a person is significantly improved.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are among the safest antidepressants, but they also have their own side effects... In particular:

  • Insomnia.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Increased emotional excitability.

But in most cases, these symptoms are mild and go away on their own. The course of treatment with drugs in this group is usually about a month.

Thus, serotonin in the body is one of the extremely important substances necessary for both psychological and physical health. The good news is that there is more than one way to increase serotonin levels in the body. Put them into practice and you are guaranteed a good, sunny mood!

Many people ask themselves: what is the secret of a good mood? The answer lies on the surface. It's all about the hormone of happiness - serotonin, which is produced by the human body. How to accelerate its formation and maintain the quantity at the required level?

What is serotonin and what is its role in the human body

Serotonin is a chemical element that is formed in the pineal gland of the brain from tryptophan, and most of it is synthesized in the intestines after the breakdown of protein supplied with food into amino acids. Once in the bloodstream, the hormone is transported to the brain, internal organs, endocrine glands, skin.

In the brain, serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter, and when it enters the bloodstream, it behaves like a hormone.

Serotonin promotes the transmission of impulses between nerve cells, normalizes their activity, gives commands to certain actions. It is not capable of disrupting the work of the hormonal system and refers to substances that help the production of natural human hormones. A high level of serotonin creates a positive emotional mood: vigor and high spirits are felt.

If serotonin is produced in sufficient quantities, a person feels joy and a sense of satisfaction.

Serotonin does not act as a stimulant, does not depress nervous system and does not destroy internal organs.

In addition, melatonin is formed from this chemical element at night, which regulates the endocrine system, restores blood pressure and normalizes sleep. Also, serotonin helps the synthesis of prolactin, thyroid-stimulating and somatotropic hormones. When it enters the bloodstream, the neurotransmitter affects inflammatory processes, allergic reactions, and activates platelets.

A lack of serotonin leads to unpleasant consequences: weakness, apathy and feelings of depression. The following symptoms indicate a lack of this hormone:

  • cravings for cigarettes and alcoholic beverages;
  • an overwhelming feeling of hunger that comes on suddenly;
  • fatigue and stress;
  • sleep disturbance.

How to increase serotonin levels through food

The hormone itself is not present in food, they can only contain components from which serotonin is produced. Substances necessary for the formation of the hormone:

  • tryptophan (refers to essential amino acids);
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • complex and simple carbohydrates;
  • B vitamins and magnesium.

Tryptophan is a precursor to the hormone of happiness

Tryptophan is a natural antioxidant and is the main source of serotonin production. It helps to relieve stress and relax. It is believed that the substance even helps to cope with depression and overcome alcoholism, as well as reduce cravings for high-carb foods.

Hard cheese - an irreplaceable source of tryptophan

The leader in the content of essential amino acids is hard cheese (its concentration is lower in processed cheese).

According to scientists, in order to cheer up, a person needs to provide the body with 1-2 grams of tryptophan per day.

Tryptophan is also found in the following foods:

  • chicken eggs;
  • lean meats;
  • oyster mushrooms;
  • cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat and millet.

A small amount of the amino acid is present in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are involved in the formation of serotonin, are a structural component of human cell membranes. They ensure the normal functioning of the heart, brain, retina, transmit signals between nerve cells, and have antioxidant properties. Omega-3 acids are almost not produced by the human body, therefore they must the right amount deal with food.

The component is contained in:

  • fish (including fish oil);
  • vegetable oils;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • nuts.

Simple and complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates act as the main supplier of energy to the human body. Their lack leads to metabolic disorders. As a result, the body compensates for the lack of energy using fats and proteins, which causes an increase in the load on the kidneys, impaired salt metabolism, and poisoning of brain cells.

Chocolate is one of the leaders in the content of components necessary for the production of serotonin

Simple carbohydrates are included in the following foods:

  • sweets (cakes, chocolate, marshmallows and others);
  • white bread and other types of pastries.

Those who are on a diet should not get carried away with the use of foods containing simple carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are found in:

  • legumes (peas, beans, lentils and others);
  • whole grain pasta and breads;
  • brown rice;
  • starchy vegetables (parsnips and sweet potatoes).

Magnesium and B vitamins

Magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, regulates the balance in the nervous and muscle tissues. Also given element provides an alkaline environment in tissues and organs.

A high content of magnesium is observed in bran and pharmaceutical fiber, black rice, dried apricots and prunes, seaweed.

B vitamins play an important role in the normalization of metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

To avoid the lack of this component, important for the production of serotonin, it is recommended to consume the following foods:

  • bananas, oranges, melons;
  • yeast (including brewer's);
  • oatmeal;
  • liver, as well as other meat offal;
  • salads and leafy vegetables;
  • pumpkin;
  • dates.

If you include at least one product from each group in your own diet every day, you can provide not only good mood but also an excellent support for the whole body.

Which reduces the production of a substance

Coffee can quickly increase productivity and improve mood, but its effects are short-lived and fraught with consequences.

Alcohol leads to a decrease in the amount of the hormone, and caffeine has a similar effect. These products are able to lift the mood for some time, but in the end they have a depressing effect on the nervous system, leading to its exhaustion. Therefore, it is undesirable to get carried away with energy drinks and coffee, and if it is difficult to do without them, then it is recommended to have a hearty meal in advance.

Bad mood is often the result of dysbiosis. Foods that are high in sugar and yeast can lead to fermentation in the intestines. As a result of their excessive use, the balance of microorganisms that synthesize derivatives for serotonin is disturbed.

What other ways to increase the level of the hormone

In addition to eating certain foods, which include substances necessary for the formation of serotonin, there are other ways to increase the level of the hormone:

  • regular exercise (the amount of tryptophan increases and remains after training);
  • getting enough light;
  • massage (reduces the level of nervous tension);
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • revitalization of pleasant memories.

You should exercise at a suitable intensity. Serotonin production rises in those who feel comfortable, so you don't need to strain yourself.

When sadness prevails for a long time, you should not fall into despair and resort to the help of medicines. Proper nutrition, physical exercises and an optimistic attitude work wonders by raising serotonin levels, which helps a person to get rid of a bad mood and feel happy again.