How to cook chicken cabbage soup. Fresh cabbage soup with chicken - step-by-step recipe with photos

20.04.2022 Electrics

We all know that any type of cabbage that is used in cooking has medicinal properties. Of particular note is white cabbage, which contains the largest amount minerals and vitamins.

White cabbage in medicinal purposes successfully used by our ancestors of Ancient Egypt and Greece. True, mainly as a remedy for intoxication. The learned philosopher Pythagoras believed that White cabbage is able to maintain vigor of spirit and body, while a famous figure Ancient Rome was sure that thanks to cabbage, the Romans did not need medicines and doctors.

The addiction to this food product continues to this day. It is included in the ingredients of many modern dishes, but also, of course, in the favorite dish of the Russian people - rich cabbage soup.

Recipe 1: Shchi with chicken

Today we will prepare cabbage soup with fresh cabbage and chicken. To do this we need to prepare: chicken fillet – 400 g; carrots – 1 pc. salt and pepper - to taste, onion - 1 pc. and water - 2 liters. We will prepare broth from these ingredients. For cabbage soup we will need: white cabbage – 500 g; carrot – 1 pc.; peppercorns – 4-5 pcs. ground pepper and salt; bay leaf – 2 pcs.; ground red pepper - to taste;

onion – 1 pc.; potatoes – 4 pcs.; tomatoes – 3 pcs. And sunflower oil– 4 tbsp.

First we need to prepare chicken broth. Place the chicken fillet into the pan and fill it with two liters of water. Bring to a boil and drain the water. Fill it with fresh water and put it on the stove again. While the water has not yet boiled, peel the carrots and onions and place them in the pan without cutting them. Add salt to the broth and cook over low heat for about 1 hour. Then we pass the broth through a sieve into another pan and put it on the stove again.

Shred the cabbage into strips. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into cubes. Peel the carrots, potatoes and onions and cut all the vegetables into strips.

Fry the onion in a frying pan, add sugar and carrots to it and mix. Continue cooking for another 2 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes to them, mix and remove from heat after 2 minutes.

Add potatoes to the saucepan with broth. After the broth boils, add shredded cabbage and fried onions with carrots and tomatoes. Season the cabbage soup with salt, black and red pepper. Add more peppercorns and bay leaves. Cook the cabbage soup over medium heat until the potatoes are done. Place the chopped chicken into the pan. Cover with a lid and turn off the heat. Let it sit under the lid for 20 minutes, after which we can pour it into plates. Add grated garlic and chopped herbs. You can serve sour cream in a gravy boat, and everyone can pour it onto their own plate if they wish.

Recipe 2: Shchi with chicken (with bell pepper)

For this recipe you need to prepare the following ingredients: chicken meat – 300-400 g; carrot – 1 pc.; bell pepper- 1 PC.; tomatoes – 1 pc.; potatoes – 4 pcs.; onions – 1-2 pcs.; white cabbage – 300 g; a bunch of dill and parsley, pepper and salt, as well as sour cream.

Wash the chicken meat and place it in a three-liter saucepan. We will also send the peeled onion here and fill it with water. Place the pan on the stove and cook over medium heat until the meat is completely cooked. It is recommended to remove the foam that will periodically appear on the surface of the broth.

Peel the carrots and grate them. Shred the bell pepper and cabbage into strips. Cut the cardboard with carrots into cubes. Remove the cooked meat from the pan and place it on a plate to cool. We throw away the cooked onions; we won’t need them anymore.

Now we put the potatoes and cabbage into the broth and continue cooking. Pour oil into the frying pan. First, fry the onion on it, then add grated carrots to it and simmer all together for 3 minutes. Add bell peppers and tomatoes and continue to simmer for another 5 minutes. Place the prepared vegetables in a saucepan and cook all together for 10-15 minutes.

Cut the cooked chicken meat into cubes and put it back into the pan. Check potatoes and cabbage for doneness. If everything is in order, turn off the stove, cover the cabbage soup with a lid and leave it in this position for another 5-10 minutes. Then pour the cabbage soup into plates, add chopped herbs and a spoonful of sour cream to the cabbage soup.

Bon appetit everyone!!!

Recipe 3: Shchi with chicken (classic)

Classic dish Russian feast, you can cook cabbage soup with chicken in a slow cooker. Please, a wonderful recipe for making cabbage soup especially for you. Prepare the following ingredients: chicken drumsticks – 2 pcs.; cabbage – 0.58 medium heads; onion – 0.5 pcs.; carrot – 1 pc.; potatoes – 2 pcs.; water – 1.5 l; olive oil and salt.

Let's prepare all the ingredients for the process. Peel the potatoes, carrots and onions. Grate the carrots, chop the onion into small cubes with a sharp knife, and cut the potatoes into cubes. Wash the chicken drumsticks and dry them with a towel.

First, pour olive oil into a bowl and add chopped onions and grated carrots. Stir, turn on the “baking” mode and close the multicooker lid. Fry for 20 minutes. During the process, you need to periodically lift the lid and stir the contents of the bowl. We cut the cabbage into thin strips and after the appropriate signal sounds, we put the cabbage into the bowl, followed by the potatoes and chicken drumsticks. Salt and add water. Gently mix the contents with a silicone spatula and close the lid. Select the “soup” program. Cooking time is 1 hour and press the “start” button. Our cabbage soup is being prepared, and during this time we can get on with our work - the multicooker will do everything for us. When the cabbage soup is cooked, you will hear a beep. Open the lid of the multicooker, taste the cooked cabbage soup - add spices, if necessary. You got 4 servings of aromatic and fresh cabbage soup.

Pour into portioned plates, sprinkle with chopped fresh dill and serve sour cream in a saucepan - if anyone wishes, they can put it on their plate themselves.

— To prepare chicken cabbage soup, you can use any parts of the chicken, but... before serving, separate the meat from the bones.

— Cabbage soup made from sauerkraut is no less tasty.

Shchi is the first dish of traditional Russian cuisine. This traditionally national first course was prepared on the basis of meat broth with the addition of nutritious greens - cabbage, sorrel and other herbs. No one repeats the constant ritual of cooking in clay pots and in a Russian oven in reality. We are used to calling the first cabbage dish cabbage soup….


  • Pre-cooked chicken broth__NEWL__
  • Small head of cabbage__NEWL__
  • One medium carrot__NEWL__
  • One small onion__NEWL__
  • Small tomato or one teaspoon of tomato paste__NEWL__
  • 5-6 potatoes__NEWL__

We offer you the recipe instant cooking cabbage soup in chicken broth. It is not only incredibly tasty and healthy, but also fast and convenient.

Remove the meat to a plate, wait until it has cooled, and remove the bones.

Cut fresh cabbage into thin strips and add to boiling broth. Cabbage must be cooked for at least 20 minutes. You need to salt the cabbage soup.

At this time, you need to peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater, cut them into small cubes onion.

Heat a small frying pan with a small amount of sunflower or vegetable oil on the burner. Sauté carrots with finely chopped tomato and onion on it. If you don’t have a tomato at the moment, you can replace it with a spoon of tomato paste. Add some water to the pan.

You need to peel 5-6 medium-sized potatoes and cut them into cubes.

After cooking the cabbage for 20 minutes, add the contents of the pan and potato cubes. Place the boneless meat into the cabbage soup and continue cooking for 20 minutes.

Hi all. In my family, everyone without exception loves delicious cabbage soup, or rather fresh cabbage soup with chicken, especially with sour cream. This soup, or rather a group of soups called shchi, has been considered Russian for many centuries. national first dish.

I think I won’t be revealing a secret if I say that the most delicious cabbage soup is made with pork, or rather with pork ribs(with them it’s just delicious). They are prepared with chicken, beef and with the addition of smoked meats and various fresh roots. Then it turns out to be rich cabbage soup.

To give the soup a beautiful color and a more expressive taste, we will fry onions, carrots, and tomatoes. Tomatoes can be replaced with a spoon tomato sauce, pasta or a glass of tomato juice.

The ingredients in the recipe are for 2 liters of water. Although no one knows the exact proportions, there is one old rule - the spoon needs to be standing; if the spoon is standing, then the cabbage soup is correct.

And to prepare you need to prepare:

  • Half a kg of chicken meat;
  • cabbage 300 g;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • Onion and carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • Bell pepper (preferably red);
  • Spices, herbs, salt;
  • Garlic – several cloves;
  • Vegetable oil.

How to cook delicious cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

Place the chicken in cold water and cook over low heat after boiling for about 20 minutes. Skim off the foam. You can add salt.

While the meat is cooking, peel and wash the potatoes. Leave a couple of potatoes whole or cut them in half, and cut one into cubes. Put it in the broth. Cook for half an hour.

Let's move on to the rest of the vegetables. On vegetable oil fry chopped carrots and onions.

Place diced peppers and tomatoes in a frying pan, simmer for 10 minutes, stir.

Shred fresh cabbage.

After I set the chicken to cook, an hour passed and it was cooked. ready. We take out the meat and large potatoes.

Place shredded fresh cabbage into the broth.

We cut the whole chicken or just half into pieces and return it back to the soup, and from the rest you can cook an excellent one for the second or your favorite one.

Boiled potatoes need to be mashed. This can be done in a separate plate or like I did, in a frying pan with vegetables.

Place the vegetables from the frying pan into the pan. After five minutes, add seasonings and fresh herbs. Check for salt. After the same amount of time, turn off the fire. Let's brew.

Chopped garlic should be placed directly on the plate before serving.

ready, add a spoonful of sour cream, herbs, and serve.

Another delicious recipe.

Bon appetit everyone. P.S.

What can you say about the cabbage soup recipe? How do you cook, the same or differently? Do you want to know how to cook pizza very quickly at any time? Just subscribe and receive it by email. Hearty hot cabbage soup, denoted by the short word “cabbage soup,” has been prepared and eaten in Rus' for a thousand years. During this time, the original national dish

A great variety of recipes have been formed based on a wide variety of broths. Chicken version with fresh cabbage is an easy, nutritious and quick-to-prepare variation of this first dish, which originally originated in the Western Slavic lands. Let's take a closer look step by step recipe

with a photo of cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage with chicken and the required minimum of products, we will evaluate its dietary effects and list possible additional ingredients.

Recipe for chicken cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

  • The minimum set of ingredients for making cabbage soup based on chicken broth with fresh cabbage is as follows:
  • actually ;

salt and spices.

For the dietary table, it is best to choose high-quality white chicken meat - for example, chilled breast - and boil it, first removing the skin and removing all fatty layers. To make the broth clear, the washed chicken is placed in cold water, brought to a boil and this primary broth is completely drained. Then the chicken is washed, poured boiling water and cooked for about an hour.

Further preparation of cabbage soup takes into account the fact that cabbage and potatoes in boiling broth reach readiness almost simultaneously. It is customary to add spices and salt towards the end of cooking, and the finished soup, removed from the heat, is usually tightly covered with a lid and kept for 15 minutes.

  • Armed with this information, you can begin making chicken cabbage soup according to the following basic recipe:
  • three liters of water;
  • approximately 700 g chicken;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • one large onion;
  • half a not too large head of cabbage;
  • three tablespoons;
  • whole dried;
  • a few black peppercorns;
  • two slices;
  • salt.

Cooking step by step:

  • Boil clear chicken broth. Remove the finished chicken, remove the bones, and divide into small pieces. You will need to return it to the pan later, shortly before the cabbage soup is completely ready.
  • Peel, wash and prepare the vegetables - grate the carrots on a large-mesh grater, cut the potatoes into small cubes, cut the onion into small squares, finely chop the cabbage.
  • Add chopped potatoes to the boiling broth, followed by shredded cabbage. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat.
  • While the cabbage-potato duet reaches readiness in the broth, the onions need to be brought to transparency in oil heated in a frying pan, add grated carrots and simmer, stirring frequently, for 4 minutes.
  • Add the cooked onions, carrots, salt, bay leaf and pepper to the pan, cover and cook over reduced heat for another 10 minutes.
  • Grind the peeled garlic, add it to the almost finished dish, add chopped chicken meat there and let the cabbage soup stand for 15 minutes under the lid.
  • Serve hot cabbage soup with sour cream and chopped herbs.

The energy equivalent of one hundred grams of this dish is approximately 50 kilocalories. If you exclude potatoes from the recipe, the calorie content can be significantly reduced.

Use in diets

Cabbage soup in chicken broth, cooked with fresh cabbage, combines easily digestible and biologically valuable micro- and macroelements, healing the body, as well as with vegetables that cleanse the digestive tract.

Moderate calorie content allows you to include this dish in balanced slimming diets. At the same time, nutritious proteins provide muscle strengthening. Therefore, cabbage soup with chicken and fresh cabbage fits well into the diet of exercisers.

Expanded cabbage soup - additions to the composition

The basic approximate recipe can be enriched with the following additional components, which slightly change the color, taste and aroma of the finished dish:

  • Vegetables and red green peas, root or parsley, all colors, green beans, as well as white and red, boiled and canned.
  • Greenery. It is added to the general boiling mass of cabbage soup, like young cabbage soup, or sprinkled on an already prepared dish. green onions, .
  • Mushrooms - especially selected white ones, fresh and dried, traditional ingredients of Slavic cabbage soup.
  • Some additives noticeably acidify cabbage soup. In such cases, it must be borne in mind that potatoes are difficult and take a long time to boil in an acidic environment. For this reason, add sorrel, sour apples, prunes, tomatoes and tomato preparations only after the potatoes are completely cooked.

    How to cook cabbage soup from fresh cabbage and chicken - video

    From the video below you will learn how to cook chicken cabbage soup according to a minimal and accessible basic recipe: fresh cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes, garlic, salt, spices, chicken broth. A close-up visually shows the transparency of the onion during frying. Onions, carrots, potatoes and cabbage are placed in boiling broth at short intervals and cooked together until cooked.

    Shchi, made with fresh cabbage based on chicken broth, combines speed and ease of preparation with moderate calorie content. Their protein and vegetable composition, on the one hand, is useful in slimming diets, and on the other hand, it provides nutrition to the muscles during training.

    What set of ingredients do you use to cook cabbage soup in chicken broth with fresh cabbage? What spices do you prefer to use? Do you use this dish in dietary practice? Share your culinary impressions and observations with us in the comments!

Cabbage soup recipes

Do you like Russian cuisine? Prepare cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with chicken. Detailed step-by-step classic recipe with photos, videos and cooking options.

35 min

117 kcal

5/5 (2)

Cabbage soup are traditional dish since the times of Rus', which poets sang in their poems at all hours. Every housewife simply must be able to cook them, especially since there is absolutely nothing complicated about it.

Cabbage soup is being prepared on meat broth and, as a rule, with sauerkraut. Any meat is suitable for cabbage soup: chicken, duck, pork or beef. It is best to take the meat on the bones, then the cabbage soup will be richer.

I want to tell you how to cook delicious cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with chicken, which also turns out rich and satisfying.

Kitchenware: pan, grater, cutting board.

Fresh cabbage soup


Step by step recipe

  1. Let's start cooking by making chicken broth. It is very convenient to take this chicken stew. Legs or other parts will also work.
  2. Place the meat in a pan and pour 2.5 liters cold water. If you want to get a tasty and rich broth, then pour cold water over the meat before cooking. And if you just need to boil the meat, then put it in hot water, which will quickly close the pores and make it more juicy.
  3. When the broth boils, you need remove foam, add bay leaf and reduce heat to low. The time for cooking the broth depends on the type of meat. For our chicken, 35-40 minutes is enough.
  4. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes or quarters.
  5. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.
  6. Place the vegetables in a saucepan with broth. They will make the broth itself, and therefore the cabbage soup, more tasty.
  7. While the broth is cooking, peel the potatoes and cut them into medium pieces. We put it in a deep bowl and fill it with cold water so that it does not darken, but at the same time it will come out of it. excess starch.
  8. Cut the cabbage into thin strips and set aside for now. You can do this using a food processor.
  9. Finely chop fresh herbs. I take dill, parsley and green onions. And in winter you can use frozen greens; I put them in cabbage soup without defrosting them.
  10. Peel the garlic and finely chop it with a knife or crush it with a press.
  11. We grate fresh tomatoes on a coarse grater until they have the skin that we don’t need. You can use tomatoes instead tomato paste , canned tomatoes in own juice or 300-350 ml of tomato juice.
  12. When the broth is ready, remove the meat. When it cools down a little, separate the pulp from the bones and return it back to the pan.
  13. Add cabbage to the broth. We drain the water from the potatoes and also send them after the cabbage.
  14. After 15-20 minutes, add the tomatoes to the pan and add salt to taste, and after another 10 minutes add the herbs, pepper and garlic. If desired, you can add about 40-60 g butter.

  15. Stir and turn off after five to seven minutes.
  16. Pour the prepared cabbage soup with meat into plates, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve with sour cream.